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What a show!!!
I wasn't there ( I was 14), but I used to listen to this show on a friend's cassette constantly. I think he taped the WNEW-FM broadcast. Now I listen to it on D.P.'s # 15 and I still love it. Just so happens now my wife & I live just 5 minutes from Raceway Park. I love blasting this show when driving past the original concert site. It doesn't get much better than this show. God, I love the Grateful Dead....
and a hundred and something or other thousand danced and jammed with Grateful Dead into the darkness of the New Jersey summer night. "But they keep on dancin"
"Walk into splintered sunlight
Inch your way through dead dreams to another land"
Robert Hunter
Englishtownn,Sept 3,1977
This was my 1st Dead concert,and ruefully my last,but I've followed them before that n have followed them since... I remember that day pretty well,considering how long ago that way. I only live half hour from Englishtown,but we left home around 9 that morning,but we knew better than to wait til later..there were 7 or 8 of us,so we stopped,got some food,and were on our way. Got about 5 miles from town,and that was where we stopped. Finally we found a lady that said we could park our van in her yard for $20,along with everyone else' we started walking to town,thru town and to the raceway park. It was a fantastic day..We all stayed together,so there were no problems,but as we walked out,we had to buy a dixie-cupped sized drink of water for 50 cents! But being tired,thirsty and with a 5 mile walk in front of us, we bought some of it...finally got back to our van n found it opened n ransacked! But my brother summed it up very well,the only things that we missing was a leather jacket (his),some 8 tracks(that long ago) and a few odds n ends...he said we were very lucky and lost only a few non-important things,had a great day and that was that....Now,my question. Since this was so long ago,I would like to know if anyone can tell me if Commander Cody and his Lost Raiders were the group that opened the whole day? I remember NRPS and MTB,and of course the Dead,but I've had 2 people that went tell me that Comm Cody was there too.....I don't remember that....I'd be happy for any help anyone can give me. Thanks...
I wasn't there
but when I heard the "Eyes of the World" from this show on my friends tape that's when I became a Deadhead!
Sept. 3rd.
It was my birthday. And what a present. I had a smile on my face the whole time.
An Aerial Photo made Rolling Stone's centerfold
...when Rolling Stone mag was still published on newspaper print. I went to the Englishtown show when I was 15. I lived in Philly area and figured "raceway" meant fans in the on the track lol. It was quite the experience for someone who was seven years old when woodstock happened...a true child of the sixties who was fortunate enough to see a lot of the music from that era before most of it faded back to the cosmos. At one point, the Dead stopped playing and Bob Weir instructed the crowd to clear a walkway for a woman in labor to be carried to an awaiting helicopter. I remember him saying, "she doesn't want to leave the concert..." and the crowd went wild. As I recall, Rolling Stone reported that two people died at that show, and two were born. I'll never forget that day.