• https://www.dead.net/features/news/phil-lesh-and-bob-weir-make-rare-store-appearance
    Phil Lesh and Bob Weir to Make Rare In-Store Appearance

    Lesh And Weir To Sign Copies Of Historic New Grateful Dead Release
    Rocking The Cradle: Egypt 1978
    At Midtown Manhattan Best Buy On October 14

    LOS ANGELES – Grateful Dead founding members Phil Lesh and Bob Weir will make a rare in-store appearance and signing to celebrate the historic release of Rocking The Cradle: Egypt 1978. The 2-CD/1-DVD Egypt collection features previously unreleased audio and video highlights from the band’s legendary performances at the foot of The Great Pyramid in Gizah. The set will be released on September 30 from Grateful Dead Productions and Rhino.  Lesh and Weir will be signing copies of the release at the Best Buy in midtown Manhattan at 5th Avenue and East 44th Street on October 14 starting at 7:00 PM. The first 400 people to purchase Rocking The Cradle at this Best Buy location on Tuesday, September 30th will receive a wristband entitling them access to meet Lesh and Weir on October 14. Please contact the store for more details at (212) 808-0309.

The Band

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16 years 6 months

Lesh And Weir To Sign Copies Of Historic New Grateful Dead Release
Rocking The Cradle: Egypt 1978
At Midtown Manhattan Best Buy On October 14

LOS ANGELES – Grateful Dead founding members Phil Lesh and Bob Weir will make a rare in-store appearance and signing to celebrate the historic release of Rocking The Cradle: Egypt 1978. The 2-CD/1-DVD Egypt collection features previously unreleased audio and video highlights from the band’s legendary performances at the foot of The Great Pyramid in Gizah. The set will be released on September 30 from Grateful Dead Productions and Rhino.  Lesh and Weir will be signing copies of the release at the Best Buy in midtown Manhattan at 5th Avenue and East 44th Street on October 14 starting at 7:00 PM. The first 400 people to purchase Rocking The Cradle at this Best Buy location on Tuesday, September 30th will receive a wristband entitling them access to meet Lesh and Weir on October 14. Please contact the store for more details at (212) 808-0309.
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16 years 5 months

wow. wish i could be there on the 30th to purchase that set. will be in PA anyways for the show on the 13th! would be cool to get a pic with the boys. to bad im all the way in ARIZONA!
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17 years 6 months

according to "Google" Best Buys' have 1300 stores ........Gypsy Cowgirl xoxo geez....I love Google.....
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17 years 2 months

more and more i'm thinkin' the boys forgot where it all started
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17 years 6 months

Jerry wouldn't be selling himself. Where are the Free Concerts??
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Given that I work a block away, I am going to do my best to get over there. However, I want to buy the CD/DVD through Dead.net so I can get the bonus disc. I really don't want to give my money to Best Buy. I will figure something out to get over there.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

If this and the Obama bullspit doesn't make you sick, then you never were a true Deadhead. Thank the heavens we still have the music and the memories of what it was like, because that is all that is left of a once-great institution.
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17 years 7 months

If this is the only opportunity I will likely ever have to meet members of my favorite band then so be it. I think between this website where dead heads congregate and the sharing of music in the new technology that the once great institution (as you say) has evolved well and has even prospered. Just my two cents. Rock on.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

to judge others and say if they are true Deadheads or not? By what authority do you judge? You are defining Deadheads to meet your agenda. I guess no one ever let most of us see your Deadhead rulebook, maybe you should lend all the rest of us your copy. I don't like that there is just a two party system and don't like big chains and I try to avoid them but that doesn't mean that I'm going to paint everyone that disagrees with my viewpoint "not a true Deadhead." I just can't believe how close minded things get around here. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

some of the spirit of the Dead definitely resides here and this website is a great place to share views and music, but it just seems to me that the remaining members have become common peddlers and straw men. I guess it is just the passing of time, and the boys are certainly free to do whatever they feel is right, but I don't have to embrace it.
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17 years 8 months

Maybe I was too harsh in my comment, but it seems to me that the remaining members have become nothing more than common peddlers. As far as my agenda, my only agenda is to have no agenda, and that was what the scene was all about. Everyone was welcome and it was an all-inclusive community. I believe that politics, especially today, is incredibly devisive and I am saddened to see it creep it into the Dead's world. I was really focusing on the crass commercialism of being given a wristband to meet Bobby and Phil so long as you were one of the first 400 to purchase the release. If that doesn't bother you so be it, but then you truly lack the understanding of what it meant to be a Deadhead and the history of the band.
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17 years 7 months

Pomo1, I don't think it is fair to say one lacks the understanding og what it meant to be a dead head and the history of the bad. I think everyone on this website understands that and appreciate that. However, it is 2008 and not 1968. The world has changed dramatically over those 40 years. Some for the better and some for the worse. But it is what it is and we adapt and try to stay true to the roots as much as possible but without regressing at the same time. That's two more cents.
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17 years 7 months

Would I have to wear this wrist band for two weeks? Is that how I should interpret that?
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17 years 8 months

Yeah, I agree with you on the wristband thing and Best Buy. I mean even those of us that have purchased the whole package through this website such as myself won't have a chance to meet Phil and Bob, unless they buy another set. If I look at it through what may be those guys eyes I see that it may be a way to meet some of the folks and the purchase provides a limiting factor to that so not everyone is there and it isn't overcrowded. But isn't there some independent music store where this could have been done at? That is more in tune with what I envision what the scene is all about. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

when you get confused ....^%&^%$#@@!$#^*)(*&)( Jerry's rollin as we speakP E A C E
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Member for

17 years 9 months

theres a brand spankin new bestbuy right at my exit, when will they be there? that would make ripping up the desert worthwhile i guess....yeah right! hey bambam, got yer catcher mitt on again huh! ya know, yer turning into a pretty lucky duck yerself, tix4shows, cd signings! now is the wristband made of hemp, or some petroleum product? kinda wondering tho, what the boys did at the crossroads! ~:o
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I must say, I always thought that part where the Dead doesn't do political things, is the part I cannot understand!! If more American people with healthy views on the political issues back in the late 1960's, would have got into the political sphere, neither USA or the world at a whole would be so far off as we are today. Seeing that the remaining members of the Dead take that responsbility today, I wish they could have taken it many, many moons ago. There is much more to life than taking drugs and party ... and not caring about the world, politically speaking. Really ... Myself, I'm an active member of the biggest socialistic party in Sweden, Vänsterpartiet (Leftparty). Active mean I have taken part in the local/regional Vänsterpartiet, being a secretary on the board of the local party from 1996 to this Spring, in 2008. I have also been employed at the regional office, from May 2000 to Decemeber 31st, 2002, as an administrator. To me it is important to at least give my best in trying to make a good difference to the world. I'm still an member of the Party but these days I put more effort into the local Emmaus group (Emmaus being a movement which started in France in the late 1940's by a just recently deceased catholic munk, named Abbé Pierre). For those who wonder ... the Party I belong to, isn't the Party which had Olof Palme as the leader. They are called Socialdemokraterna (The Socialdemocrats). The Socialdemocrats are the biggest political party in Sweden. They have 35 to 45 percent of the voters. We in the Vänsterpartiet made our best campaign in 1998, when we recived 14 percent of the votes. In the latest election we were down to just below 10 percent. Together with the Socialdemocrats and the Swedish green party (Miljöpartiet - Enviromentalparty), my party forms the "red" block in the Swedish political world. The "blue" block or the right wing block to those who prefer that are at present in control of Sweden. They had a few percent more of the Swedish voters the last time, two years ago, than the left wing block. They concist of Moderaterna, which is the biggest "blue" party (about 25 percent of the Swedish voters last time) and one of the closest politically speaking to the Republicans in US. Then there is Kristdemokraterna (the Christdemocrats - about 5 percent of the Swedish voters) and also very close to the Republicans. Then there is Folkpartiet (the Peopleparty, which is our biggest liberal party, about 10 percent of the voters) and they are close to the Liberal party in the US. Finally there is Centerpartiet (traditionally the Party which draws a lot of country folks and farmers - they have just over 5 percent of the voters). Apart from the above mentioned Partys, who all are part of the Swedish "congress", there are some Parties who are coming. The biggest of them is SverigeDemokraterna (the SwedishDemocrats) which are on the extreme right with lots of former nynazists (new nazis). If they get over 4 percent in the next election in 2010, they will get into our "congress". They of course, represent racist views and extreme patriotism. To me it is important to fight political parties like the above mentioned SverigeDemokraterna and if neither me or other people are caring, what kind of world will we leave to our childrens' children?? And their children's children?? Micke Östlund, Växjö, Sweden ------------------------------ My record collection: jazzmicke
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16 years 10 months

To say that endorsing Obama is "Bullspit" takes alot of nerve. I am glad that the "Dead" are behind Obama. I never understood why they did not do that back in day when it was obvious that they supported liberal causes. I miss Jerry but I do not miss his apathetic approach to voting or endorsing a canidate. I hope all the heads will vote for Obama, unless you like four more years of Bush. I also never understood the whole " True Deadhead" thing. Give it a rest. What makes a "True Deadhead" anyway? Panhandling your way across the country, living in a commune, having long hair, not bathing, being a vegitarian, having a job, digging the music of the Dead, owning a VW bus, love Peace, wearing Berikenstocks, tyedyes, spending your vacation around the tour so you could see the boys? I think it is all of that and none of it. Just dig the music and never let it stop. Be kind to your neighbors. Teach peace and tolerance, love and understanding. That to me is the beauty of being a "Deadhead".
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16 years 6 months

Thanks Micke, I knew none of that before you wroteit all down. Very interesting stuff. And kudos for being involved. keep on keepin' on--- f .i.
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17 years 8 months

No, New York does not have all the luck, it has " all the ways and means..." Uncle John
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17 years 9 months

work and signs the product that is somehow wrong? Then artists/musicians from the beginning of time are wrong. Artists and musicians have been doing this FOREVER. That is a fact. And if it involves the Grateful Dead then they are not true to their roots? I didn't hear any of this outrage when Phil had his book signings or when Jerry or Billy met with people who were buying their artwork to sign stuff and shake their hands. Sometimes I just don't get what all this manufactured outrage is about? Except to further divide, alienate, put down, or villify the bandmembers and/or other deadheads. Just because those people happen to hold different opinions from those making their expansive and all inclusive judgements on who has the direct line on the truth. "the real Deadheads"? I guess I am out of it and don't get it. For me, I am just happy that some people could have a chance to meet and greet with Phil and Bob. That those guys get to see the faces up close of people (young and old) who are happy to get the new DVD/CD release. I am especially glad that Phil and Bob are doing stuff together so that there IS a chance that we can have some further opportunities to see the Dead (with the core 4). And I am very glad that other fans, newbies, and the curious will possibly have a chance to see the Dead play. Maybe they weren't all lucky enough to have been there when touring was so regular and had a chance to drink that all it in. I would like them to have that chance. They deserve it. Even if we don't all qualify as Deadheads according to those who are making that judgement. Weird, I always thought that each person individually made that call. *I could be wrong, my thoughts are not a facts, just my opinions. P.S. I see this whole tract of thought similar to these scathing judgements of when any person has convictions about a political view/candidate and shares it with others. And some contend that disqualifies the person from being a deadhead? Or even members of the band from being true to their beliefs? Isn't that what they are going by saying/doing something? I must repeat myself, I just don't get it. I must be out of it.
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16 years 6 months

There is nothing wrong with the release of this gig thorugh a record store (best buy) and getting a chance to meet a couple of guys from the Dead. I think it's just another cool thing to do in a day in the life. What's wrong with it, really? Just go with the flow and enjoy the show. They are not "sellouts". people are talking about "how it used to be".. Well, the dead always made money with their music, alot of it actually. This is how they sustain themselves and that is thier own way of living their lives. For the so-called "purists" out there, Most musicians sell records, t-shirts, posters and some even pedal a necktie or two, no biggy really. The music never would have lasted if they didn't feed themselves along the way. Also, if they want to to do a show endorsing Obama, then that's their freedom of speech and a way of showing the impotance of thier support of the objectives they believe in. It's no one else's business to judge that. They don't need to pass our sniff test to do what they want to do. They never did before. I am just glad they still want to come out and play for us once in while. I heard a rumour from a guy working on the engine of the "further" bus today and he said shows may be being planned for New Years from the DEAD. I bet you'll forget about this the minute those tickets go on sale. Hope it happens. Gatta love those double drums!
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17 years 5 months

Ain't no time to hate, "when it's free for me it will be free for you," Jerry Garcia to digruntled would be hippy/trustafarian on Eifel Tower, circa 1972 when said hater complains about Dead selling out because of lack of "free" concerts. Even the purest of romantics compromise. Bobby Ace SongsfROwn
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17 years 9 months

From the get-go, the Dead and members have always been "political" in their own way, low-key at times and others not. They did benefits for the Black Panthers, Hells Angels, Saving The Rainforest, Marijuana Defense Fund, American Indians, Dance for Disarmament, Viet Nam Vets, countless Rex shows to control all the donations they've made and make to this day (thank the powers!), SEVA, and many others. And my favorite of all...whenever a republican president is in office - you can ALWAYS count on Bobby mentioning his name in "One More Saturday Night"...ronnie, georgie & georgie jr!!! What matters is the music that we had and is still coming and THATS what we are here for! By anybody's measure, this country is FUCKED and we need a change SO BAD (cause Mama hated it, diesel, that is!!). Barack Obama represents that change (IMHO) just like JFK did way back when. And for you skeptics.....he can't do ANY worse. When you're this far down...only one way to go....UP. Like the previous post.. "Ain't not time to hate, barely time to wait" Bobby, Phil, Mickey, Billy, Ratdog, and Phil's Friends....DON'T EVER STOP. It's always been a symbiotic relationship and it always will be....don't worry..we'll be there with ya's!! ..even a blind man knows when the sun is shinin'...you can feel it!..
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17 years 9 months

How did this become a political thing/Dead Head hing?....I'd love to run into Bobby or Phil at a bookstore(Man, that would be an interesting conversation!) OK...who started it...count back posts... LOL! Peace People...it's the ONLY answer....the friendships and the tunes!!!!! ..even a blind man knows when the sun is shinin'...you can feel it!..
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17 years 7 months

I got there around 7:55 and the line was around the corner. Nonetheless, the line wasn't that long and I was in the top 100 for sure. I think that the jewish holiday might have kept the crowd smaller than it might have been. My name is on the list and I am all set to get the wristband at a later date. From what I have heard so far with the CD, so far so good. Rock on.
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17 years 8 months

oh man i felt sooo bad for this kid that was waiting on line...... they didnt mention that you had to bring ID.... he didnt bring one so he was denied.... the look of disappointment on his face was terrible.... *laugh, live longer.
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17 years 7 months

I saw that guy as well. He only had his credit card, but no picture ID. Personally, I don't see how anyone can leave the house without ID (particularly in NYC) and had a credit card but no wallet to hold it in. Hopefully, he went back and got ID to get the CD and bracelet as I am not sure they sold 400 of those CDs/DVD yesterday.
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17 years 9 months

that musta hurt!!! like hitchhiking cross country for a show to find out at the gate your ticket is a counterfeit!!!!
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16 years 5 months

Do you think, we will be able to have something else or in addtion to the CD signed. CD is small and I would love to get something a little larger that can be framed, and hung up in my new homebar, where I brew my own beer, I think I may call the beer "Dupree's Diamonds Brews." Anyhow, any opinions would be appreciated on whether to go out and purchase a mint condition vinyl copy of Workingman's or the Bear's Choice album would be a worthwhile venture or a waste of my money. See some of you on the 14th.
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17 years 9 months

I can't speak for this event, but I'd call the venue and ask. Similar events I've been to have been all over the map, from signing cocktail napkins to limiting signatures to one of the designated item.
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17 years 3 months

I was there and I didn't show any ID to anyone!! And I got through ok!!!!!!!!!! As usual, it depends on which store employee you go to. I instinctively went to a young hispanic store employee. He was soft spoken and didn't give me any hassle with anything. He toook my information without any trouble. There were a few older white guys who looked like bouncers or concert security. Those are the guys you have to avoid because they will hassle you to no end. They ALWAYS greet you with a "how are you doing?" and then proceed to tear you apart with demands and then deny you your request in the end. In conclusion: NEVER go to the old white guy. Go to the young hispanic kid...he'll hook you up!!
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17 years 7 months

I went over to the Best Buy after work to inquire about the bracelets. I was informed that given the time needed to send out emails there will not be any bracelets distributed. All you need to bring is ID and the receipt, which should be sufficient proof to get inside for the signing.
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17 years 7 months

Lets us hear about it pretty please :)Did you take any pictures?
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17 years 3 months

Just got back from the signing. What a fun night. The line moved quickly once Bob & Phil were inside. They got to Best Buy in a black limo/van. Somehow Phil decided to stop and sign a few autographs at the side door before going in. Didn't matter to me because once the line started moving, I got inside rather quickly. Both of them were sitting at a table in front and signed my poster. I brought an original poster of the GD April 1979 show at Spartan Stadium in San Jose. Phil admired it as he tried to recall the gig. He told me he remembered it vaguely, but did recall that Brent made his concert debut at that show.
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17 years 7 months

Thanks for telling us!!Did you take any pictures?
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16 years 4 months

I met Bob Weir outside his bus on a side street in Providence. I shook his hand and asked the usual "how you doing?" and he responded with "just well thank you". I then went to dinner before the Ratdog show at Lupo's, well I scored a piece of paper and a pen to try and score an autograph from one of my favorite's! Well here comes Bobby off the bus and nevermind it is only me and me only, I say "Bobby can I get an autograph?" and responds with a "No I don't have time right now!" so I respond with something like "um I followed you around for 15 years and now your playing bars and you don't have time for an autograph, whatever"
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17 years 9 months

bet that left a nice burn mark, max ; )