- Post reply Log in to post comments78 repliesmaryeJoined:It's a common tale: you're into the Dead. You're also into your relationship with your significant other, who is very much not into the Dead. How do you make it work?
- 1stshow70878Joined:It's easy enough
Have a separate stereo system in the bedroom.
Play the living room system when she's not home.
Then there's plenty to listen to from Tapers, Jam-o-week, GD Hour sections,
which I do with headphones if the computer speakers aren't good enough.
So all in all I have plenty of opportunities to listen and a huge collection now.
And she's worth it guys, I've got it good.
P.S. Get well Glowme. Tough row to hoe buddy. - glowmeJoined:Its not easy. I got fooled…
Its not easy. I got fooled into a relationship with someone who was not what she pretended to be and took me away from my tribe, alienated friends and pretty much screwed my life up. I still have not recovered and miss my tribe and friends My friend got me to come back to Alaska to take a year off. I have health issues and f my disease was progressing and symptoms were getting worse. This was supposed to be a year I've pretty much been held prisoner for 30 years after 13 years on the road. I kicked her out twice, the second time for good and she came and stole my service dog. She pretty much raped me to get a baby so she wouldn't be alone all the time. He was born with serious birth defects so what I did was the best for my kid but not really for my mental health. I didn't love this woman. My first tour wife died in 90 and all my friends hated my new lady who I brought to AK with me and told me I was just trying to replace what I lost but it wasn't possible. I should have listened but by that time I was getting sick and she really did take care of me. She was just super jealous and petty and has now turned my son against me saying I just want to keep him here to take care of me and he'll be stuck; which is bullshit. Due to my housing contract with AK housing since he flunked premed he could no longer be on my lease. A 24 year old man having his mommy make his lunches and dinners is not being a man. When I was 24 I was on the road seeing every dead show I could and running a mail order LSD business that kept me happy and fat.
- JMMcDermottJoined:I had a similar problem with respect to my fatherMy dad was a staunch disciplinarian as a father, so I could never quite wrap my head around his Dead fandom. So last summer I attended Fare Thee Well with him to better understand that side of him. I write about the experience here: https://features.wearemel.com/my-disciplinarian-father-the-deadhead-cc7…