- Post reply Log in to post comments238 repliesmaryeJoined:The bus came by. We got on. That's how it all began. Almost as soon as the Fare Thee Well shows were announced, folks started planning to meet in Chicago. They met. They connected. Things were never the same. And now, further! Or maybe Furthur.
- JeffSmithJoined:Earth to Boulder! . . . On to the Gorge
Hey "Crickets". . . Holy shitoly what an amazing 3 days at Folsom. As usual, D&Co took it up a few notches up from under Boulder's Flatirons at Folsom. And there were a full moons, double rainbows, cooling rain sprinkles (well, one intermission replacing "weather delay"). Dave Matthews sat in to end set 2 on the final night. And after Boulder banned 4th of July fireworks, D&Co et al trumped with hundreds of lighted, color-changing drones forming the Earth which morphed into several Stealie variations and more during drums/space, and then returned after the show as bears reminding us to "Please Be Kind" as we left the show and returned to Earth.
The baton now passes to Lisa and Chuck at the upcoming Gorge shows. Hang on.
- mkavJoined:Dallas
Hey Jeff, enjoy the show.
Sound in Dallas was fine, the musicianship was excellent, the crowd was cool, Shakedown St was all good...so all ingredients were in place...the energy was just not there consistently. I've caught 3 or 4 D&C and/or Bob Weir shows, and this one was just ...ehhhh. Videos from other stops seem more energized. - JeffSmithJoined:Boulder Anyone?
I'm meeting SSDDer Steve P. for the Boulder shows. Anybody else heading to Folsom?
Bummer MKAV, Sorry Dallas was disappointing this year. Couldn't make it this year, but thought the sound at last year's Dallas show was lacking – maybe sound-level restrictions from Fair Park? I talked to others who were in "lawn" and they thought the same thing about the sound. Could that have been part of the problem this year? Still sorry we missed connecting then last year. Onward.
- mkavJoined:I went to Dallas show and…
I went to Dallas show and was disappointed. sigh. The high points were excellent but there was just too much low energy, pointless noodling....very well played but no "zing". It was sort of boring IMO. I left early for the first and only time in seeing GD and related spin-offs since 1975.