- Post reply Log in to post comments238 repliesmaryeJoined:The bus came by. We got on. That's how it all began. Almost as soon as the Fare Thee Well shows were announced, folks started planning to meet in Chicago. They met. They connected. Things were never the same. And now, further! Or maybe Furthur.
- JeffSmithJoined:Boulder next July anybody?
Meeting up with SSDDer Steve P. for all three at Folsom. Any other Daydreamers going? Can't touch the close-in seats anymore, but you can find $90 tix if you poke around.
Interesting Pigpen tribute from Strider, but I think we're now back to the Sunshine Daydreamers thread (plus lots of crickets).
- Strider 808808Joined:Last Go Round for Pigpen 50 years ago
We had a thunderstorm after midnight last night. Lightning, thunder. I then opened Deadbase 50 and remembered June 17, 1972 was the last time Pigpen performed with the Grateful Dead. Albeit without singing. A major turning point for the band. They were never the same band again. But as with the winds preceding a monsoon storm we also experience the winds of change. Storm over the land (Carl Sandburg) indeed.
Last go round. Thank you Pigpen. - JeffSmithJoined:Heading to Boulder
Hey now GOB (and the crickets that seem to have taken up residence here since FTW), Also hope lots of SSDDers get to a show or two this summer. I'll be at the two Folsom concerts. The only other SSDDer I know of going to Boulder is Spascarella. . . Lisa Deadgeek couldn't get away. Neither could James M. or Geomeister. Not sure who'll be driving the bus, but I know WE WILL GET BY! Onward, Oat Jeff
- JeffSmithJoined:Hey SSDDers (and Crickets)
RE: Dos Equis Pavillion, Dallas October 14: I’m driving over on Wednesday. Once back out in civilization, my cellphone will come back to life at 432 249 0032. My seat is Sec 205, Row B, Seat 1.
What finally made the decision for me was when, during a visit to my doctor a couple of weeks ago, I happened to ask what she thought about going to live music. (we had covid last October, and had both Modernas in March). She said as long as I maintained indoor protocols during the trip, I should be okay and responsible. As I was leaving she asked who I was going to see. "D&Co", I answered. "We are too she replied." That cinched it.
- JeffSmithJoined:D&Co in Dallas
Hey now GOB, Mkav and SSDDers,
Man Mkav, bummer about the hip replacement conflict – still, in the big picture its great you're getting that taken care of. All the best. And stream on!!!
GOB: I've got a ticket for Dallas, but starting to have second thoughts about using it. I won't be eligible for the booster until November, and my two Moderna's are apparently staring to wane. Got a few weeks to decide.
- mkavJoined:jeffsmith...HI!
Glad to hear you're both well. I check back in occasionally to see whazzup.
knock on wood...no Covid here.
I was dialing to get a Covid vaccine appointment the past few days and it reminded me of the spinning circle trying to get tix way back then. I was more successful getting FTW tix than Covid vax appointment...first things first!
Stay safe . - JeffSmithJoined:WHOA! We're STILL here!
Hello again everybody. Just happened to click this link, and lo and bee-hold, we're still here! How reassuring is that!?! Hope you've been managing to negotiate the pandemic gauntlet okay. All's well here. (Drop of Dew) Pam and I both had light bouts with covid last October, but are back up at full steam.
This time SIX YEARS AGO we were just beginning to reach out to shake each others hands. FTW was still over five months away and the Pic-A-Nic wasn't even a daydream! Tempus sure is fugitting big time! I'll try to stop by more often from now on.
Onward!, (Oat Willie) Jeff