- Post reply Log in to post comments3,437 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- uncle_tripelJoined:"So This...
...Must Be The Dead in Wonderland"
june 21st 1984
@ Kingswood Music Theatre
in Ontario, Canadaalways an enjoyable listen
especially good laughs
with the FM broadcast Kesey's comments
and the band's promo's between tuneseveryone enjoy your holidays
will catch-up with y'all
in the new year of 2025!PEACE for ALL!
uncle_tripelPS: so it's the 1965 - 1995
porch crusher box
60 shows
and ALL from cali :)
DREAM-ON!! - strat-wolf-beanJoined:Keeping with the French Theme ...
5.13.1972 - Lille
It warmed up a bit, and the skies cleared - offering a bit of inspiration, visually. So France was the place to stay.
The sound, especially once they get it all sorted (w/funny banter at the beginning) is great - Jerry rings out all over the place, Keith is very well represented/recorded here, and Billy's drums are super clear. I Really like the BTW and Loser + China-Rider, the Playing and the lovely Other One excursion into He's Gone - as opposed to the reverse order that frequently goes down ...
It's fairly well a stunner of a show, as Phil identified fondly in his book. His playing throughout indicates he was 'feelin' it'. So, even if it might be a bit shorter and therefore deemed one of the 'lesser' E'72 shows, it's still way up there for me.Sidenote: Aarhus, Denmark is similar - not in tone though, as it has a much warmer (indoor, all wood) ambience - in the manner of being both exploratory and chock full of excellent versions/songs - it's another great listen.
Cheers! - OroborousJoined:12/26/79 aka DP 5
Nuff said…
Fingers crossed firstshow…ya can take the cat outta the alley, but ya cant always take the alley outta the cat! Maybe he’ll be a Christmas miracle!
Happy/Safe travels BC!
Uncle T needs to fire up some feat: Cold, cold, co o old…
JF: need to check em out as he sounds like he’d fit in our eclectic holidaze jukebox.
- 1stshow70878Joined:John Fahey
We've had his Xmas Vol.2 on vinyl since BITD. Our favorite "non-traditional" Xmas album. I've stopped collecting the old hardware store, tire store, and the every big star on on their label type of Xmas records now that I've got about 20 or so. Some real gems in there and always available in the used pile for peanuts. Most have very little wear as they were only played one week a year. All the best to everyone here for happy holidays.
Edit: Checkers came to eat but is hesitant to come in yet so we are developing trust again. Must have gone back to his feral roots. We'll get him back though I'm sure. Thanks again for the support. - bluecrowJoined:2/2/70 Fox Theatre St. Louis
DaP 6 - Disc 1- This was one of those early returned reels miracles. That Dark Star was a favorite long before DaP series was a twinkle in Dave's eye. Blew me away when they announced this one. And as an added bonus this release has yet another Dark Star (DS > Stephen > Eleven) 12/20/69 Fillmore Auditorium, San Fran. Oh and it's got 2 Mason's Children. And wait there was even more for subscribers - a bonus disc featuring a big chunk of 12/21/69 Fillmore Auditorium (if you're keeping score that makes 3 Mason's Children. And 2 New Speedways. A couple of Cumberlands. And an Other One. Lots o' Pig.
Getting ready for a long drive to the snowy north to spend Christmas with some of the family. Might even get in a ski run or three. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!
- strat-wolf-beanJoined:9.18.74 - Dijon, France
1st set goodness with a sweet To Lay Me Down and that whacky-doodle '74 style Playing - which I SWEAR has the genesis of Shakedown Street in the middle when Jerry gins up that funky groove/phrase and they all play with it for a bit ... Some technical issues skew the start to the 2nd set (moisture everywhere, Phil says) but I think Seastones 'unbalanced' the speaker/sound setup
Once they get it figured out though, the Eyes is d*mn strong - and the China Doll that follows is as delicate/pretty as it gets (outside of a missed vocal note or three). All that, and there's still the big Jam with Caution! to go ...
Have a good afternoon everyone! - OroborousJoined:12/10&11/79
with some fut bul chaser…
Y33…complete Boxilla by New Years…yaaasss, it isss good to have goals lol
A freak after my own heart! I only have a mere bakers dozen to finish off my quota: The seven final 79s, the last 3 84s, and first three 85s.
Then maybe a little free range freakin, perhaps start poking around 1970,
But…then onto all/most of 85, few remaining summer 90, dip my toe into 95, perhaps a pinch of Fall 80, with more 1970 sprinkled about?
But first things first, nice Dancin happening here/now on 12/10.DaP 1: just got a copy thanks to one of our favorite folks here ; ) and so have only heard it once, but it did get my attention lol
2/17/73…first 5 or 6 shows of 73 = best 73 box eevveerr, and depending which way your pleasure tends one might argue GOAT? Ok, maybe that’s pushing it but ! Good Sheet Mon
10/24/71 is mos def a rrrripper!
Mr BC, tearing it up lately! You go Son!
And “if you get confused, just listen to the music play” 12/10/79 woo who!Poor PF…Xmass hell?…perhaps the outa state in-laws lol
Hang in there son, and thank the baby Heh Zeus for the archive!
Hey, think of all the joy your bringing and karma your building! ; )Dbl Edit: easy firstshow, HF is a trained professional. Warning: this should not be tried at home without professional oversite chilrens.