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- OroborousJoined:Furthur 89/ OBEAH
OBEAH 82: I had/have what was a very nice tape BITD by our limited standards of KC first set, actually, I think I only had first sets of both shows but boy did they get played a ton! Years later on my quest I hit the whole shows and fully enjoyed them! Hopefully you will too!
Onto 9/29 and later 9/30/89 today.
Hopefully hit 10/1 mañana AM, then give 51 the full treatment in the afternoon!I think I’ve heard and/or seen these, but not in succession/order etc and don’t recall too much. So WTHN! We’ll just keep rollin on through. Hell, since I’m ahead of my “schedule” this year, maybe I’ll continue on with fall 89?
But, “really beeeg shoo” today, and so far the 29 is mas fine! - ObeahJoined:Summer '82 distractions
Fine thinking, Oro, I am indeed amenable to some distractions. And speaking of 8/3 Kansas City, I had the first set back in the day but I don't think I've ever heard set II. The setlist "interests me strangely" (in the immortal phrasing of Bertie Wooster) - it looks like one good ride from start to end. And 8/4 - oh, last GD show at Kiel, eh? I've never heard a note of it.
Funny thing about this little summer trip is that I've yet to play Dave's Vol 51! I got it out this morning and checked out the tour rider, read the liner notes again... but yet it still sits unripped and unplayed. What a nice problem to have, though. It's great to be a deadhead.
- OroborousJoined:8/17,18,19/89
Hmmm, sorta lost with all the fresh hoopla today!
Aaaa, let’s see, did the 17 yesterday. Definitely good but maybe they’ve peaked at Alpine and Cal X? Let’s find out, forward, never straight!
On 18 now. More good but maybe not RJ summer 89 dead?
Lots of distractions today so…? Definitely good, guess just how good? ; )EDIT: upon Futhur review…taint nothin wrong wif dis one!
Maybe slightly relaxed, in a good way, but mos def another fine 89!
Maybe a bit of a creeper? Steady as she goes capin, JG slowly builds things up with some fine renditions!
Ok, try and get 8/19/89 in before TOO arrives, hopefully with 51!
Onward!Summer 82, nice! while yer down there ; ), check out the hot second set from Kansas and St Louie show, and…?
Good sheet Mon!
If my memory is correct, that KC Women Are was my first tape introduction…Edit: 8/19/89: another good ? It’s another of the Cali laid back shows…meaning, the playing is really good, but there’s a looseness or, relaxed atmosphere?
I’ve always had a hard time describing..if you say laid back people think it’s too mellow etc. but these shows are not, their good, but, maybe don’t burn quite as bright as some of the previous outings of the summer? Ha, how’s that for an answer lol. Ok, onto Shoreline…mañana