- Post reply Log in to post comments3,435 repliesmaryeJoined:New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
- 1stshow70878Joined:1974-05-12
You can tell by the date order that I'm on the archive. Just wanted to see what the windy wall show was about. Decent SBD and some good stuff in there despite the complaints, especially as we get past those 1st few songs. Not a blow you away (pun intended) but not bad either.
Oro, in the mid-to-late 70s I got to see Chick Corea and Gary Burton together in Boulder, CO (great sound and acoustics in their indoor concert hall, forget the name right now) for a life altering show likely the highest I've ever been on fungi. Or was that the one with the peyote milkshakes? Either way the musical notes were visible in the air at times but the moving walls seemed controllable, lol.
Keith Jarret's Koln is a favorite in my collection as well. I have most of his catalog that is on the ECM label which were all superb quality recordings and pressings BITD. As Dennis likely knows these bring good money on the resale market, but they will have to pry them out of my cold dead hands, etc.
Cheers - bluecrowJoined:Traffic
Low Spark album - along with title track, love Hidden Treasure, Many a Mile to Freedom, and Rainmaker.
DaP 51 left Fontana early AM today and scheduled for Tuesday delivery as of now. Mail Innovations usually works well in our neck of the woods so here's hoping.
Have a grate weekend folks!
- OroborousJoined:7/12&15&17/89
First is kinda meh, second show, Deer Creek is muy bien!
Except for the fun but big Ooops in Crazy Fingers (fun because you can tell their laughing, you can “hear” them smiling etc) but unfortunately it’s big enough that it might keep it from being chosen?
Otherwise, what a great show. Maybe not guile as good as the 17, but certainly better than the RFKs…Oh, does it count as a DHB if one show is on video?
Lol, ended up hitting Downhill from Here to finish things off yesterday…
Man that show ROCKS,! Hadn’t checked it in awhile!
Maybe hit the other Alpines next…