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  • cosmicbadger
    David Gans
    This message was posted today on the Eurotraders list 'David was taken ill yesterday and wound up in hospital in Carson City with suspected Pericarditis'. Sending David all good wishes for a rapid recovery.
  • noonie
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    healing vibes
    going out to all who need them
  • marye
    healing beams all around!
    to all them what need 'em...
  • johnman
    it'll be ok
    they're doin' amazing things these days. i just had a hip replaced and they tell me knees are a cinch. recovery time of about 6 weeks......positive healing vibes out to yer honey!!
  • gratefaldean
    Replacement parts
    "We have the technology"....don't know why this flashes me back to the Bionic Man/Woman tv daze (well of course I know why), but my wife is about to have knee replacement surgery. I think that I'm freaking more about it than she is -- can't shake the idea that they are going to CUT THE "OLD" KNEE (which is to say, her real one) OUT...and if something doesn't go quite right, it's not like they can put the old one back in, can they? Her recovery will be tougher than it could be -- she's had to stop taking the meds that have been keeping her arthritis at bay, won't be able to re-start for a month after the surgery. This will make the re-habbing on the knee all that more difficult, but she's stubborn and tougher than she looks, so I'm confident all will go well. Extra healing vibes request to help through this...thanks all!
  • Linder
    Sending positive Sunday vibes around
    to us all...Always good to stop by this forum and feel and beam back the love and hope. Extra blanket hugs and beams to anyone who's really sad!
  • mrhead
    Hey thanx everybody glad to
    Hey thanx everybody glad to hear about your sis grtud. Sorry to hear about your friends father muy. Positive vibes go out to all. Thanx for the warm welcome. Things looking a little better and I needed the positive outlook. Thanx again
  • free idea
    Strong supporting prayers
    Strong prayers to you, Lily, I know you willbe a great help and support to Jose and his family. Love will cut through the personal stuff, and show you what is really important, often at the most difficult times. We shall go on, perhaps with broken hearts, but we shall endure. Andy
  • johnman
    you got it tiger
    and i'll be sayin' an extra prayer or 3
  • TigerLilly
    Muy triste
    My dear friend and ex boss in Spain just called me this morning with the devastating news that his father died last Wednesday. I had the pleasure of knowing Senor Rey, and am truly saddened by this news. He was such a cheerful, peaceful man, with kind smiling eyes. I used to run into him in the street in Sevilla, from time to time, and he always had a kind word, or would insist on carrying my groceries home with me. Jose, his mother, and younger brother are devastated; and Jose told me that his father died in his arms. He said that the loss has not fully sunk in yet-for example he almost phoned to check on his father this morning. Jose and I spoke for a very long time today, and his deep sadness was striking me very hard. I have a very clear visual image of Senor Rey, and am feeling very fortunate that I had the opportunity to know such a fine person. Jose's younger brother has MS, his mother is devastated, and Jose is assuming the role of head of the family now. He needs our love and support vibes, in order to be able to handle processing his father's death, managing the details of the estate, running his business, and getting through his loss. He told me that his family has been somewhat comforted by the outpouring of support from friends, aquaintances, and former co-workers, and that there were nearly 500 people at the funeral, from all over Spain. Friends, please help me with sending strength and peace and recovery vibes to my beloved friend and his family. It is very strange, as working for him down in Spain was sometimes very very tough, but the fact that Jose had been trying to reach me here in the States, (he tried to call my cell phone several times) so soon after his father's death has reminded me of what is really important-our personal bond is deeper than any professional stress. And to have heard the loss in his voice is breaking my heart. Adios y paz Senor Rey, una persona muy especial. Te vayas nos falta. ********************************** Education: that which reveals to the wise, and conceals from the stupid, the vast limits of their knowledge. Mark Twain
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17 years 4 months
Need 'em? Got 'em to share? Post here.
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17 years 4 months

and hope Imena is feeling a good deal more herself this morning!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Healing vibes to Imena, may that big smile of hers return quickly. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

16 years 11 months

To TL & her family :) When I think of Imena I envision a picture of her with roller blades~ kid knees ha ha & the one where's she's wearing an AWESOME Pirate Suit....... GET WELL MATEY !! & to everyone else ~ ((((( HUGGGSSSS)))))))) PEACE
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15 years 1 month

Okay,the ice cream and the pigmy pony didn't do the trick....So here is a huge dose of vibrational healing turtle medicine flying over land and sea to Imena and her mother.I hope it helps,get real well,real soon....
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Member for

15 years 7 months

Sending golden light and rose quartz light to Imena, TL and family
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Member for

17 years 3 months

Such warm kind wishes from "people who don't even know me", as Imena put it; mean a whole lot to us!!!!!! I dreamed this morning that I was bringing her home, and she texted me a message that said "I feel better and now I want to sleep. I will call you when I wake up". I am chosing to think that both of those are a good sign. ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 4 months

a happy homecoming and a complete recovery!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I saw recent photos of him on the news tonight, and he needs our vibes in his fight against prostate cancer. He's barely 100 lbs and looked soo feeble it made me tear up.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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Member for

14 years 6 months

My Dad is 64 years old. We just found out around Valentine's Day this year, that he has a tumor in his throat that contains cancer. He's on chemo & radiation right now. It saddens me to see him losing weight and feeling weak. He has his good & bad days. Doctors say he's only got 3 years to live with treatment, of course they can be wrong. Praying for a hope! Positive vibes needed, prayers too! Thanks
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Member for

16 years 9 months

healing vibes out to yer dad...............!!!!!!!!
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Permalink the Gulf. Imagine the vents closing one by one in an orderly sequence at a slow enough rate that the main shaft does not spring additional leaks. Imagine that for the first time in 80 odd days there is no longer a single drop of oil from this platform escaping into the Gulf. Imagine that the misery and worrying of all Gulf Residents is lessened by this event and that each day things get better and better in the Gulf. Wish that all the animals survive and repopulate the effected region. May all be healed, healed H E A L E D!!!
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Now send positive vibes to all the Gulf Coast residents. Imagine them all with their first six month check from BP. Imagine their worry and tension dissolving. May they all be healed and find a new way of being in the world.
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15 years 1 month

Thanks Lamagonzo and Johnman for bumpin' up the healing vibes. As long as one suffers we all suffer. Count me in....Vibrations on, full stream of head....
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Member for

16 years 9 months

to Tigerlilly's kitty.....and lotsa love to Tiger, too!! are in my thoughts and prayers.....
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17 years 3 months

and Gonzo from the other thread-thanks!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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Member for

14 years

ATTENTION ALL FAMILY: A great kid needs your help! I'm Mindy, my fiance Chris from Conneticut, one of the kindest realiest kids was popped on some old warrants on the way into Moe DOWN, Chris has had some very bad luck in his life. He has spent the past 2 years in the hospital, he has had 2 open heart surgerys, a heart attack and a stroke at 27, all caused by an abbcessed tooth. I thought because of his medical conditions they wouldn't keep him in jail, but they came down from a 9 month sentence or 5k fine to 90 days or 1k fine, but he isn't getting the medical attention he needs, I have to get him out. Fortunately for me some great family, Woodstock Ron from Utica took me in. but we haven't been able to come up with the bail money. I need to get him out as soon as possible and was hoping that if any of you kind dead folks here could help out with donations it would be gratefully appreciated. Any amount will help and would be payed forward. You can send donations to Mindy Riffle at 1610 Sunset ave. Utica Ny. 13502. I hope that we can get Chris out, get him to his many doctors,get him some rest and then see you all on November tour. Forever Grateful, Mindy
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17 years 4 months

A couple weeks ago I announced on another forum that my son had informed me he and his wife were expecting. Sadly, he called me today to tell me his wife had a miscarriage. They are obviously hurting and could use some positive vibes. My son's name is Paul and his wife is Jess. Thanks for your thoughts and prayers.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

as usual, when I start feeling sorry for myself, I'm reminded that there are others hurting even more...I'm so sorry tphokie1, my heart and thoughts and prayers go out to your son and his wife...
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Member for

16 years 2 months

best thoughts to all, rise up "under the sheltering wings of the Almighty"
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Member for

14 years 1 month

way from across the seas much love and peace to hokie1, jess,paul other friends and family.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

healing vibes to you and your family tphokie! While we're at it, could we also vibe Geeky McSquare, who is suffering a very risky pregnancy. Take care o that lil gal in your belly Geeky, and yourself! ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 4 months

I know they've made a difference! Talked to Paul today and he and Jess are doing much better than yesterday. I'm sure your positive energy is part of that! We're sending out positive vibes to Geeky. God bless you all!
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14 years 2 months

you to hokie1peace.
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Member for

16 years 5 months

As someone who is disabled and has way to many physical issues. I need to ty all. Every little comment like that makes up for all the Negative. I let Society and MYSLF beat me up. Way to much and too often. It means so much to hear or read a kind word. To even have someone think of you is Way fuckin kool.( Even in a Generic way) I go way to long with out Hearing human voices, Besides recorded ones. Im not saying this for any reason but for people to say hi de ho to some that you may not know are hurting. Everyone does. dam qouted Micahel Stipes lol? B=my best friends hero who passed in 04. My problem i do not let people in i am afraid of people . Not Physcially. My Heart. Been Betrayed too many times. But as john says i say it all the time There are people who have it worst then me. So when it seem's like im being a complete,almost complete ass please. FOR GIVE ME PLEASE. I do not know how to be alone anymore. As i am typing i keep erasing but the tears say keep typing gotta let it out somehow. This sucks. Oh well blessings to all. My problems are small i can help others and carry on. Truly Embarrassed but going to post anyways. Just cause im told to Yes i hear voices and we disagree most of the Time :):):) Since they are usually wrong:):) May the creator and all Positive things move in to comfort all and may your moment be Brighter warmer and Hug some one if someone is around. Dont isolate and make your self afraid of human touch as i am now WTF too much info lmao. Guess i needed this. Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
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17 years 4 months

back to your regularly scheduled positive vibes.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

good vibes to you, Dave.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

It's all good man, we all have our ups and downs...there are so many good people here and they've all helped me through some severely depressing the one I'm gonna start here soon...arrrrg!! and good vibes to you dave. it's ok to be embarrassed it's a human thing..
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16 years 5 months

Truly appreciated im there you cant enter the dark zone its mine.:):)SD Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed
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Member for

17 years 3 months

how very deep and insightful for you to share that with us. Hang in there, the winter/X Mas season can be really awful for many people. But HEY-we're all in it together, as Johnman the Wise said.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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Member for

16 years 2 months

good thoughts to all hey smiley dave we will survive reaching out and sticking together, the time tested way to get by
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Member for

16 years 5 months

Never meant in any way to get a reply thanks al so much. Now really embarrassed.Oh has not kill me yet. :):):) to all. Have a Blessed one. Blessing's to you and your's. Do For Other's You Will Feel Better. Guaranteed!
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Member for

15 years 1 month

Embarassment is unwarranted fear , take not the bait...;.Reap instead the words of your own advice , for they are gold , brother....
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Member for

14 years 1 month

Peace and love to ya dave!
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Member for

13 years 11 months

I know I'm new here but my dad is going through surgery for liver cancer and you all seem like such a positive group. I'd greatly appreciate it if some positive vibes could be sent his way. Thanks a whole lot. Much respect
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17 years 3 months

Welcome to you, and big ole healing healthy vibes to your father.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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Member for

13 years 11 months

Sending positive vibes to you both!!!
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Member for

13 years 11 months

Thank you all very much for the well wishes. It means a lot to us both. I extend the same positive thoughts you all of you as well
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Member for

17 years 3 months

For Mykey's Dad...and the strength for the your family to get through this.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

for Mykey's Dad. We are all one..........
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14 years 1 month

well wishes to mykeys dad
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Member for

14 years 2 months

welcome Mykey
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Member for

16 years 2 months

sending out good thoughts to you and your dad, Mykey there is a wonderful sense to LOVE