• 1,003 replies
    When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.


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  • TigerLilly
    for those of you on FB
    This page has been really great for communicating with Egyptians on the streets directly. Not to mention 860,000 more peace-loving citizens of the world: http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/event.php?eid=126197157451259 ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Mubarak leaves cairo with family
    8;05am, EST -- Unofficial Report Mubarak and family did the slinky and left Cairo in the early hours of the morning. Good Riddance Hosni. Now, the Palestinians and Israelis. Jordanians and Yememnese. Let us hope the Yememnese go secular and knock the New Mexican off his perch El-Awalocki. This is unconformed and unofficial.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Grant ptoposals
    There is currently no money out there for grants to save the tiger from poachers who sell to the illicit "medicine" to the Chinese and other markets. The fear of tigers in Nepal is a long-standing tradition. There is even an old board game where you move tigers and goats around. The last animal left wins. So villagers protecting their goats will always kill the tigers. "Baghchall" is the name of the game. Even with the money, as you know, it would be long, uphill fight to dsop the profit motive and primal fear of the tiger. Big cats do abound in the Himalaya though.. Snow leopards and such are plentiful in Bhutan and along the mountain barrier between the Himalayan countries. One understands the primal fear of the villagers as opposed to the profit motive of poaching for pseudo medicinal parts. I will concede that even with grant money it would be a long, long uphill battle to stop the deliberate hunting of tigers. Scientists and NGO are not well respected in Nepal. They tend to take the majprity of the grant money and run around the the Kathmandu Valley in SUVs,
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Progress report please Mr.Lamagonzo?
    On October 1st, 2010 lamagonzo said: re: Tigers in the Himalaya "What I meant was I need to talk to some experts, academic and otherwise, for a couple of months and write a coupe of grant proposals that have a 75% or better shot of working before I can even BEGIN the project." How did that go, did your idea ever come to fruition? Were you able to stop the illicit trade of endangered tiger species yet? How far have you gotten in "choking off the trade in illicit tiger parts"? Inquiring minds want to know! TIA
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Mubarak defiantly stays
    Here comes the blood-bath. The mood in the Square has turned ugly. The escalation into violence by the army is unquestionable. He could have done the noble thing and took a flight into exile but at 82 years old, with billions of dollars of US aid in foreign bank accounts, he chose to debase himself. The rest of the foreign nations of the Middle East in turmoil want time to turn this thing around and may have emboldened Mubarak. That is almost certainly the case. The US trained the middle and upper echelons of the Egyptian army and now we are standing with egg on out face. Freedom and liberty? Think again Obama! The angry mob is ready to riot and it doesn't matter where the money came from or who trained the army/ ~ You can't depend on your family You can't depend on your friends You can't depend on a beginning You can't depend on an end You can't depend on intelligence You can't depend on a god You can only depend on one thing You need a Busload of Faith to get by You can depend on the worst always happening You can depend on a murderer's drive ~
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Egyptian Army to rule behind VP Sulman
    The Army is pushing in on Tahrir Square and has just made it known that they will be in control behind the VP Sulman. If the Square doesn't clear after Mubarak's speech stepping down, expected within the hour, the army may use force to clear the square. Could be a blood=bath as the protesters don't trust Sulman. How will 200,000 ordinary Egyptians speak with one voice? May peace prevail in the coming hours in Egypt.!
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Mubarak to make announcement
    Tairare Square has been cordoned off with tanks and razor wire with about 200,000 people locked in with no escape. Mubarak may allow the military to take over and let it crack down in the name of "violating the military curfew". The hand of the Saudi and Israel is in this now. As Egypt goes, so goes the Middle East.. El Baradai, former Nobel Peace Prize winner in 2005 should take over and appoint a cabinet with the military firmly under his hand. ~ The shit has his the fan ~
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    The Revolution Will Not Be Televised
    As was said on the news tonight from the square (Tairare?) in Egypt, "The Revolution Is Now". It is do or die for those souls as they know the secret police routinely tortures people, so routinely that the US set up a rendition operation there. The US & Obama are pushing from one side for Mubarak to get the fuck of Dodge while the House of Saud and Bebe are "Whoa, Slow the fuck down here!" Meanwhile the Somali's pirated another tanker. Anarchy is such a merry adventure! (When it doesn't effect you, that is) Is Superman around? Can we ring-up the bat cave on the cell?
    "All The Dude Ever Wanted...
    ... was his rug back. It really tied the room together."
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Unfolding situation in the Middle East
    With popular demonstrations and announcements from Egypt continuing (the newest news being the VP may be the ruler of an interim cabinet) the fuse has been lit as Badger outlined more eloquently than I. The King of Jordan had dissolved his parliament. The president of Yemen has decided not to "run" again. Lebanon is a mess having more to do with other things but still in turmoil. Demonstrations have been planned in Syria where an entire city had been leveled some 20-odd years ago. Sudan and Algeria are showing signs of unrest. Iran is seething and looking for a way to vent it's frustration at the Mullahs. As Lilly pointed out, this will not end in all extremist Islamic governments. Rather, a vacuum is about to filled by people other than those whom have helped to power. This is a seriously scary situation. Just speculation of oil not going through the Suez canal has raised prices 5-10 cents per gallon (more profit for the oil companies.) What of Saudi Arabia and Israel in this mess? Both huge power brokers. And the US continues to mass resources, more private mercenaries than trained coalition armies in the region, to deal with matters other than this. This will be a process unfolding over a long period of time with flare-ups sure to happen. More than ever talks between a coalition and the Iranian government on the peaceful use of nukes are important and must move forward. I suppose WE don't need to worry, living as we are thousands of miles away, but again, as Badger said, it was the Western nations (and the Kingdom of Saud) who put this god-awful mess together from 1947-1980. We bear responsibility for this and if some madman from Lebanon lobs a nuke bought in Minsk at Tel Aviv we better pray it doesn't start a conflagration we can't contain. This is more dangerous than people realize. The Bible Prophecy freaks must be going ape-shit right now. Wish I could just turn off the news but I feel like a deer unable to turn away from the headlights.
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17 years 4 months
When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.
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14 years 11 months

So the empty suit in the WH is afraid to expose himself, and express his honest opinion about the hugely insensitive plan by Rauf, the Ground Zero Islamofascist, yet in the Gates case, he couldn't wait to tell us the white cops "acted stupidly..." I guess they belong under the bus along with his "typical white" grandmother...and now Nutsy Pelosi wants to "investigate" me, and the other 70% of Americans who know what our enemy is up to...hmmm, I wonder if she's including Harry Reid...???
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17 years 3 months

as non-judgemental and informed as ever, I see.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 3 months

Yesterday I commented on how much I'd have hated being on Blago's jury, boldly proclaiming that I'd prefer an armed robbery or murder trial anyday. In a "reap what you sow" moment, I arrived home last night to find a summons to jury duty in our stack of mail. I'm 55 yrs old, and this is my FIRST-EVER jury summons. This cannot just be a coincidence. Can it? I at first thought this was a case of cause-and-effect: I wrote this thing down, then out of the blue (postal uniforms are still blue, aren't they?) something quite related happened . Thinking about it some more, I realized that the summons was already in the mail when I was spouting off, so it looks less like cause-effect and a little more like clairvoyance to me. One shot deal, or the start of something new? How can I use my new-found power to do good, or at least to win scads of money?
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Congrats. Mr. Dean. You are about to find out what one of your sacred duties as a US citizen is. America needs more people on juries like yourself. I hope you serve honorably. I think you lose money an a jury, unless your vote is for sale. As it is said: "In America, we get the best justice money can buy." (More directed at the lawyers, I believe)
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17 years 2 months

Just cuz you're summoned doesn't necessarily mean you'll end up serving jury duty-I THINK anyhow! But congrats on being given the opportunity to do your civic duty!! Always wanted to play 12 Angry Men, but the summons never came :(********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 3 months

I'm 54 and have never been summoned myself. Like you I've been somewhat disappointed by that. You may find that the attorneys really don't want discerning folks on the jury and you may not get to serve anyway! Best of luck. Let us know how it goes!
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17 years 3 months

My preferring a murder trial statement (as it relates to clairvoyance, that is), but I might get disqualified if I get questioned about the death penalty. As I'm anti- , I'd have a hard time voting conviction for someone who might end up on death row. I liked it much better when I lived in a no-death-penalty state...
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17 years 2 months

indeed a dilemma, and I would have the same problem!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 3 months

I figure how would be asked my opinion on the death penalty and automatically disqualified by the prosecutor. If I actually got on the jury I think I could determine guilt or innocence independent of that but if I the jury determined sentence I could never vote to put someone to death.
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15 years 8 months

Unless you are unemployed and have nothing better to do. As far as the death penalty goes that is about as controversial as it gets. If someone harmed my daughter or any family member for that matter I'd have a hard time feeling sorry for them being put on death row. But yes I know in the grand scheme it is a very touchy subject. Don't worry - you may not even be picked for one thing and the chances are if you are picked it will be a snoozer trial for shoplifting or something. "The dire wolf collects his due while the boys sing round the fire"
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Watching the news on Friday is always interesting. They put stuff on that would otherwise get buried. They know that a lot of people aren't paying attention. Last Friday the news about the flood was frightening. They took a plane over the flood and there was nothing but water (with small islands) for 25 minutes. The worst thing was the sound bites. I've never heard people who are starving begging for food before. OMG! I'm making a small donation today. My wife dug up a picture on the internet some time ago of buzzards following a starving child in Eritrea (N. Africa). The photographer committed suicide shortly after taking the picture, some time after the child just fell over and died. These images can haunt you. I guess some things should be censored from the news (and I thought I'd never say that). Not the fact that people are starving, but the live images.
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17 years 2 months

German news was talking last night about how aid reaction is so small and so late. They showed some heart-rending scenes as well. Now cholera is breaking out. The Pakistanis are soo desperate they accepted aid from their arch-enemy India. One tiny ray of hope in that awful situation, I suppose; if neighbor India is reaching out in Pakistan's hour of need.********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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16 years 9 months

that 1/3 of Pakistan is underwater.....I just can't imagine that. why are we not seeing more in the news? I've always had a problem with the media, but this is ridiculous.
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15 years 9 months

The Pakistan government turned their heads on their own people before, during and now after the floods. It's sad but I can also understand why the people there are ready to start a revolution. "The dire wolf collects his due while the boys sing round the fire"
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They are supporting all kinds of dark things, including the Taliban. They see India behind every tree, trying to take over their country. The governments of the world have thus far contributed $800,000,000, including Nepal, the thirteenth poorest country in the world. Still, it is nothing compared to the cost of rebuilding most of the country's infrastructure. No wonder Gandhi was so pained by the partition of India in 1947.
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The 110 (not the Harbor Freeway in LA) has been backed up for more than 10 days. It is taking drivers three days to get through. The traffic is backed up all the way to Inner Mongolia. The jam is expected to last another 30 DAYS!! Jeez, how do you explain that one to your significant other? "Uhhh, honey? Yeah, the trip to Mongolia went well but I've got a small problem now... I just cleared the Great Wall and won't be home for three days because of traffic." The Chinese are blaming everything but the real reason, there are simply too many cars and lorries for the road to handle. They are getting strangled by their own prosperity. This is not just a problem in China. It is all over the developing world. China is a more than interesting example of an economy run amok on unbuckled capitalism. Where will it all lead? I think the winter weather patterns this year may give us part of the answer.
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14 years 1 month

I have searched for good news can find nothing we got floods bp afghanistan and the rest of the shit.Old lady in sheffield uk got a hip replacement free on the nhs thats all igot. I will take this opportunity too say hell send you good blessings and wish you peace. Smiles.
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17 years 3 months

Found alive in Chilean cave-in. That's the great news!! The I-can't-imagine-it news is that it could be 4 months before they can be rescued. FOUR MONTHS!! That mining company must be a BP subsidiary.... Sorry, Gonzo, the best I could do this morning.
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17 years 3 months

2This August marks the 50th anniversary of the Fab Four’s debut 48-night stint at Indra, a strip club on Große Freiheit, a notorious side street that runs off the Reeperbahn, Hamburg's infamous red-light boulevard." The Local (Germany's news in English) ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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15 years 11 months

And the Midwest baby....also Red ROX!!!!!♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ Twirly Banner
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Will continue looking for good news to bring here. Happy for miners, Beatles & Furthur coming to Chicagoland.
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16 years 9 months

You dear folks know I'm EXTREMELY non-partisan (hate' em all, greedy bastards), but I'm wondering why Pelosi wants an investigation into who's funding the anti-mosque ads in New York, but doesn't seem concerned with who is funding the cultural center itself? Is dissent now illegal? Doesn't that put the shoe on the other foot? And why is the cost of chocolate going up? Dang...i need a cookie
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...you might seem to be in league with Rauf, the Ground Zero Islamofascist, along with Nutsy (Pelosi) & Harry -- characters to which Dewlover has introduced us. (Sorry, couldn't resist that :) :) :)) Actually, we got your cookies, J'man. The good ones. We give'em out in the parking lots of churches after AA meetings. The first one is always free!
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16 years 9 months

but i think what's good for the goose is good for the gander, so to speak.......er.................uh....but really, shall we silence dissent that we disagree with? are we only going to allow opinions that agree with our own?................AA meetings?......hmmmm...Deadheads anonymous, mebbe!!....heeheeeee!! Hi....my name is johnman...and I have Dead tapes at home.....
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( & ) ; ~ }
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14 years 1 month

London uk weds this week woman filmed picking up a cat a locking it in a dustbin.I am naming and shaming this bitch Mary bale 45 from london.Poor pussy was in the bin for 15 hours but is well now. Mary said and i quote i really dont understand what people are getting excited about its only a cat.
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What are those wild and crazy guys in Iran up to these days? I mean besides celebrating the making of fissionable material to make nukes with? They are copying the US military's drones. Instead of coming up with a cool name like "reaper" or "predator" they came up with: Ambassador of Death! You know, I'm beginning to believe these sand flea bitten Persian camel jockeys are obsessed with death. Not that I wouldn't be if I was going toe-to-toe with the US & Israel. Yikes!! I think Obama needs to draft the Dalai Lama and launch him as an Ambassador of Peace...
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15 years 11 months

Maybe they just need some acoustic Dead? 10-10-80 Warfield Theater, San Francisco, Ca. (Fri) Acoustic: On The Road Again, Roses, Monkey & Engineer, Jack A Roe, Dark Hollow, To Lay Me Down, Heaven Help The Fool, Bird Song> Ripple Electric-1: Half Step> Franklin's, Me & My Uncle> Big River, Candyman, BIODTL, Row Jimmy, Minglewood, Althea> Jack Straw Electric-2: Scarlet> Fire, Samson, Big RxR Blues, Estimated> Eyes> Drumz> Truckin> Nobody's Jam> Black Peter> Around> Promised E: U. S. Blues "Jack A Roe" appears on "Dead Set" - last "Nobody's Jam": 08-13-79 [98] ♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ Twirly Banner
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~ let there be songs to fill the air ~ somehow I don't think ahdmadhinejad is listening though - but we can hope!!
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15 years 11 months

When he sayed "Imadinnerjacket" ahmendinasomething lol♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥ Twirly Banner
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14 years 1 month

A copy of reckoning and the dalai lama may help maybe we should introduce some white widow too this party.Seriously they are beyond help.I wish them all peace.
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DL: So, Ahhdie, whats up with the ambassadors of death?AHD: It's kind of a status symbol in our part of the world Really? Yeah, reigning down death and destruction on your enemy when he least expects it is all the rage these days. Well, uhh, do you think you might tone down the names a bit? What do you suggest? How about "Messenger of Gentle Persuasion" with a non-exploding warhead? No, no, no. In Iran we're all death to this and that and mother of all them and those. Ahhdie, whats this macho posturing all about? Death to infidels, Dolly! Maybe you guys just need to unleash your inner lambs Nahh, we kill them too - delicious!
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My wife asked me this morning "Is marriage the end of hope?" -- I turned to her and said, without missing a beat, "No, Glen Beck is the end of hope!" We both got a good laugh on that one! Seriously, this former morning commute DJ doesn't deserve demagogue status, he deserves a freakin' Oscar for playing the role to the 9s. I do not believe this guy actually believes a word that is coming out of his mouth. He is rich beyond anyone's wildest imagination because he was in the right place at the right time. I don't blame him a bit. However, this vitriolic hyperbole about Obama is just plain dangerous. The lunatic right-wing fringe has descended on Washington DC en masse along with a lot of well-meaning people concerned about the defecit who are along as normal window-dressing for the crazies. They will rally at the Lincoln Memorial in DC tomorrow. If any rally ever deserved to be stink-bombed it is this one. The danger is that some freak will try to end Obama's life. And, Glen Beck is like the dog that told Berkowitz to do the killing. Chilling, isn't it?
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Picture two skeletons walking down a beach into a glorious sunset. We sure had a great time this summer. Hoping you are too! Enjoy!!
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17 years 3 months

How you been? Vid is great btw! :) ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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17 years 3 months

"Iranian newspapers have been banned from publishing the names or photos of the leaders of Iran's green movement, according to a confidential governmental ruling revealed by an opposition website. The move is part of a new round of censorship, which follows the recent closure of a newspaper and the suspension of two magazines." Guardian.co.uk ********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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The meeting of 12 government ministers was held in scorching heat Friday in Gashuunii Khooloi, a sandy valley in South Gobi province, about 670 kilometers south of Ulan-Bator. GASHUUNII KHOOLOI, Mongolia – Top Mongolian officials donned dark green baseball caps reading "Save our planet" and set up chairs and tables in the sands of the Gobi desert for a Cabinet meeting aimed at drawing attention to climate change. The meeting of 12 government ministers was held in scorching heat Friday in Gashuunii Khooloi, a sandy valley in South Gobi province, about 415 miles (670 kilometers) south of Ulan-Bator, the country's capital. The ministers, dressed in suits and ties, arrived in the desert in jeeps after a 15-hour journey. Officials planted a Mongolian flag in the ground, set up long tables and chairs in the fine, golden sand and discussed climate change against the backdrop of a vast expanse of desert and a bright blue sky. "Mongolia is feeling the impact of global climate change," Prime Minister Batbold Sukhbaatar said at the one-hour meeting. Batbold pointed to the recent winter as an example of problems Mongolia faces. The winter was the harshest in decades and a fifth of the country's livestock died. The government blames global warming for a decrease in rainfall and says that rising average temperatures have caused many rivers and springs to dry up and snow cover to melt. It also says the frequency of natural disasters and drought has jumped. The site for the meeting was chosen because parts of it used to be arable land, said Badarch, head of social policy for South Gobi province, who like some Mongolians uses only one name. "Five years ago, there used to grow many edible plants in this valley and there were fewer sand dunes. Now look here," he said. "The valley is completely covered with sand. The sand dunes are moving and taking more space each year." Minister of Natural Environment and Tourism Gansukh Luumed said Mongolian herders' traditional way of life is under threat. "Global climate change accelerates the desertification process in Mongolia. Currently, 70 percent of Mongolian land is affected by desertification." In December, Nepalese officials held a Cabinet meeting at Mount Everest to highlight the danger global warming poses to glaciers. It followed an underwater Cabinet meeting in the Maldives in October to underline the threat of rising sea levels. The government said it hoped that delegates attending global climate talks in Cancun, Mexico, in November would reach a decision that is "favorable for landlocked, developing countries ... very much affected by climate change and desertification." * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * What a spectacle! The poorest people in the world are holding meetings to point out the obvious to developed countries whose wealthy titans obfuscate and dither. The horror, the horror...
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The Glenn Beck Magic Revival Hour is over now. The concession stands have sold out of "Freedumb Pop," while Believers shout hosannas and praise the "Word" as revealed to Beck from the burning sagebrush of John Wayne's sacred spirit. The great Oz Media has analyzed, punditized, commercialized and celebritized the Archie and Veronica of moral mediocrity, proving once again that if it sparkles like shallow water in sunlight it must be worth ratings. There is nothing new here, nothing even original. Joe Pyne did it in the late 1950s, Billy Sunday and Aimee Semple McPherson did it in the 1920s, and my friend's dad, Cleon Skousen, warned all of us, America's children and parents, that creeping Communism and Sputnik and rock 'n' roll would bring about the downfall of America unless we joined the John Birch Society. The country is awash in Commies and Sinners. The End Times are upon us. Again. Sing a hymn. Say a prayer. And send a dollar for God's profit - Glenn. The great American stupid goes on and on. People died in Afghanistan today. Equipment at a construction site for a new mosque in Tennessee was set on fire. Americans continue to lose jobs and houses with little relief on the horizon. The GOP plans to hold probes into possible impeachable offenses by the Obama Administration if they win the midterms. Or at least shut down government. But hey, a bible-thumping millionaire bunko artist set up his Chautauqua tent on television and spoke in tongues and that is twice as cool as life and death. God bless America. In the name of the Holy Trinity: Larry, Curly and Moe - Amen.
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15 years 1 month

Thanks Lamagonzo, that has always been one of my favorite episodes of the 'Three Stooges'....I channel the spirit of Niagra Falls at least once a year and people look at me like I'm some kind of fool,heh heh....