• 950 replies
    By suggestion, a place for the poets among us to post their words.


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  • roscoemaplesbaby73
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    This goes out to JerseySchwartz- I hear ya!!
    I thank all of you who have posted on this forum. It's great to see all the flowers of creativity. Interstate Samhain Blues The rolling view from the car window mimicks the clicking of an antiquated sixteen millimeter motion picture movie projector. It's playing a bizarre B-rated horror flick dreamed up by a weaning neophyte from the jack-o-lantern's teat. An all saints chorus of cirrus and sun sprays Segrada Familia magentas of flame that melts the crystalline vapor of an Itascan morning flowing into the Mother American river. [yes, I know. It's a road song like BTW :)] The barren cornmeal soil forgotten by the harvest, yet familiar to summer's ghosts expose tricks and treats to the hard pressed rock candy, salt water taffy of the earth. They're wearing yesterday's masks, hiding in homes all saccharin bloated on waxy candy corn dreams, and trying to atone for the sins loaded with artificial colors of red, white and blue. Yellow dye no. 5 stains the road east with it's jaundice justice. The second half of electricity's sigh is the pentagram spokesman, a skilled vetriloquist of warfare might. America has become a puppeteer who's lost control of the marionette, a Potomac Pinocchio of Bush, Cheney, Powell, Rumsfeld and Rice. (poem c. 2005) Yellow dye no. 5 stains the road east with it's callous cowardice. An alternating current of citizen thought should mold marzipan martyrs from America's backwaters. If not, the blistered sun will be eclipsed in crude blackness, bloodened with a viscosity similar to the caramel upon the golden apple that hides the razor blade we all must swallow. The eye of the hawk performs helixes on the heartland horizon. It zeros-in on the military snake bleeding from the apple's blade and soaking in Eden's perpetual rain. Lazarus is walking, adorned with bandages to cover Hades' transgressions and the lacerations of Cerberus' rage. Lazarus is talking of a reversal in fortune. In three days we'll be dead, sans ascension. The desert storm troopers are painting their own Hieronymus Bosch imitation. "War on!", is an erroneous Bush insinuation. Soldier sacrifice bloats the U.S. economy with artificial colors of truth, might and heady delusions of prosperity that even Mark Twain coudn't fathom. Hannibal waits with elephant bombs to whitewash our faces and brainwash our Huckleberry dreams of lollipop rivers and Pollyanna prairies. The American dream is an illusion of exclusion from the rest of the world. Globilization is the world's affliction of the American predatory zombie engulfing anything with a pulse. The sarcophogus is empty, so the indigenous shamans are concocting potions of protection from the top-of-the-food chain mummy who believes wisdom is in the brain. Bottlenecked in Coca-Cola corporations our cheetah capitalism is on a sorghum grass safari, soon to climb a tree and die a slow, molasses death. The technological spider has spun it's web and forgotten about the agrarian barn that's shelters it's lattice haunt. The road reels on, and as I exit the heartland passed the Arch and the river Styx, I see Charon's ferry churning south. The sign reads 'no vacancy'. All is ready to engorge the Mardi Gras meat of debauchery and sin. I shiver my last polar chill and feel the chemotherapy fever of the ever closer latitude of cancer. The tropics warm with leucocytic power. A hurricane is no longer just a drink you order in the French Quarter. Mother Nature's archery rivals that of the new rising Orion. I cover my eyes. The veil is too thin. The dependence upon Earth's black death, and the subsequent wars to establish pallbearer status, has made the corpse bride of the widwower soldier all to familiar with her own death. When her man comes home as a letter shroud in the army lieutenants' words of solace, describing her as a newborn daughter of America, she touches her belly knowing more than he says. The Liberty Bell's crack is the cause of it's own ineffectiveness. Our Graceland is no longer a new frontier of mountains and valleys carved of glacial melt and thrusting magma. We have exhausted the wilderness paradise. It rivals the ruin of ancient Memphis, choked with barbed wire fences and bled dry with concrete needles that replace Earth's plasma with embalming fluid of unknown consequences. Until our streams of consciousness can set new courses toward oceanic thoughts with tsunami magnitudes, we'll be stuck on the Land Between the Lakes surrounding doldrum marshes of methane, peat and rotting carcasses. Our media heroes and technological warriors are dressed in camouflage and performing marches for the lofty feats that democracy promises. The tug of war of the two-headed snake, in lands of asbestos dust, suffocates tolerance like a creeping radon death. America's AC/DC, worldwide, iridescent glow sits in a spinning limbo, like the dark side of the moon, when viewed from Olympus Mons. Shadowed in the harvest moon, pumpkin-hued light, a feared new Tartarus, just a part of our collective consciousness and a synaptic firing of the new world brain reaches Mars upon Mercury's wings. On the war planet of the celestial pantheon, A false idolotry of a mysterious god suffices alien criterion and a new, foreign religion is born, adding to the hodge-podge of public opinion. Alas, my metaphoric muse just makes me another minion of our current controversy, another Mary Shelly fantasy reiterating the spiral energy of life immemorial. The saints and souls wearing masks of science and ritual or mystery and chaos are singing the same chant from behind the veil of Cronus and Christ. They're dethroning the old with knowing grace, celebrating the monarch of chrysalis faith and dancing a jig of universal taste. As the clock strikes midnight on a new day, month, year and century our ancestors are urging us to plant a golden apple tree worthy of Atalanta's ruse by Aphrodite. *I know it's a bit long, but I hope you all enjoyed it. ......And there were days I know when all we ever wanted was to learn and love and grow.
  • starsleeper
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    We love you too!
  • dominicmeh
    I hate you more than I hate
    I hate you more than I hate my enemiesI hate you more than I hate my opponents I hate you more than I hate my adversary I hate you more than I hate my rivals I HATE YOU BUT..... WHY I STILL LOVE YOU? ________ :- )
  • starsleeper
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    on the trail
    I looked at life as I was walking down the trailSearching for the Secret that would finally lift the veil Through the pines, to a ridge out in the sun The river down below me said "Be forever young" And as the wind blows through the trees It whispers there's a world that is still free The eagle cries, and suddenly you see Ain't that the way it's supposed to be
  • JerseySchwartz
    Elysian Hide & Seek (two sparrows)
    Watercolor glint, intricate as the Vespers templateLiberates its aspect of daylight. Cerulean particle, solitude Orb at stationary form. Mind to mind, the simplest of light enveloped the purest of silence. The mystic anomaly dissolves its ethereal obstacle. Stubborn illumine interacts alongside the paradigm of our illuminant characteristics. Ah actualization, perpetual focal point, neutral projection. Suffused disappearance in the distance, guided through a charged ion of transformation. Incessant after-fade, what's left to be rearranged ? For this transparent hint, invisible clue, redeemed in a great sense of nothingness. Drift, harmonious nuance, epoch of the light, recoiling cerulean fury. Innate presence, hidden in a delicate rain, resolved to be as a tears' Individualized sense of oneness, as if time itself, returns unto it's original form. Elysian ever present, plays hide and seek amongst two sparrows. Integrated similarities, cultivated common ground. Here forth acknowledging the inner spirit's beginnings, the outer soul's continuation.
  • skenisahen
    blintzes sparkle inside twined marshalled cabinetssprinkles and frosting coupled with barbed sugar disasters municipalities fail in the clutch of the drip one for the agents and the scribes portals into frozen shark-muscled wings no trails to dessert nothing to follow | Wait until the veil is shredded, then reveal it |
  • grdaed73
    i like!
    wow, peakin that strikes deep chords with-in,very nice and thx! and jerseyswartz, i like the way you think and write, pleeze more spewing forth of taloned word thrusted towards au THO r I zed op PRESS i ON of the mindnumb instant gratification masses swaying in front of the i got mine now i want yours ticks feeding on the underbelly of the beast we call home... well said, well spoken peace
  • JerseySchwartz
    One Third Of The Rebellious Seraph Followed the Presidential Pre
    Obedience holds a twisted cross of self righteous interpretation.Think small it fits your personality. Those who have nothing to offer the public dialog, confuse the revisionist. Forsaken advisors, seduced by the beauty of the beast Are being taking advantage of by those who oversee their own worst enemy. Remaining afraid of what can’t be manipulated. Guaranteed minimal transparency, the mediators randomness lacks warmth. Regrets are individual, not political. Shaking hands with their evil twin, aggressively reasoning their sense of priority. Denied the access to prove a professional responsibility Rationalize a changing world, they openly offer servitude That's despised for the wrong indication, while honored for the wrong warning. Desperate technology, a broken map, tributes of oil Impersonal percent of citizen influence hangs on a popsicle stick crucifix. Martyr's master a difficult opportunity to pacify innate abstracts of being By living the way of those who must. Prove themselves- By rebelling against the terms of this nations court appointed theocracy.
  • TigerLilly
    Very Good!
    JerseySchwartz!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • JerseySchwartz
    From the Mind of a Decomposing Polar Near (vision 1)
    Endangering the worlds supplyLavish carpetbaggers exploit loopholes, their actions are backed by real bullets. Shoot the messenger, god died for you so you can now again die for it. The trailer park monarch of skin head shampoo Feels commercially betrayed by the failed expectations of rebellious imports. Organizing the common protest for a free lunch, picking over the bones of a lower degree of public response. Lets get complicated, politicalizing the policy. A freewill condition is naturally pious with enough authority to satirize the tragic. Capitol turmoil, Dixie privilege, harmful as the wrong law. Negative news, lets do noise, that's a violation of patriot commitment? The basic world condition, the neighborhood pipeline, eminent domain. In the year of martial law it's all about maintaining the infrastructure. Without warning or indication the nation changed. The madmen's dress rehearsal is a matinee at the empire museum. Titan crusade plays off of contemporary fears The physiognomy of weaponry Fills the country with voter apprehension. Puppets pull their own strings, their secrets are used against them. Primeval warriors are again the cruelest, forever praying with attitude. Global unemployment, underground economy, a subcultures industrial ghetto. They turn their the children over to the institution, then turn their family over to the reconditioning. Who controls the images, the illegal expressions, the state of the art is the art of the state. The updated monopoly game has a hotel on ground zero. Offering the oppressed only more oppression Presidential wealth diminishes the ordinary, while denigrating the common.
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17 years 9 months
By suggestion, a place for the poets among us to post their words.
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16 years 7 months

how many times have I been here before sleepy head knocks and I answer the door we powder the flower and try to get the little bird to land on our shoulder and sing for a while. you can't find your place in life without the sound of loud guitars the loud guitars will guide your way I'm the guy who picks up the garbage after the music never stops I find what you left behind Up on the empty stage sit a million dreams only a few of them come true the rest rise and fall and are gone sleepy head come in and sit awhile we will talk and dream and find our way by the sound of the loud guitars.
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17 years 8 months

My appreciation for a while. Thanks to all who contribute, and special thanks to Andy for making this his personal and inspiring little corner of our world here.
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17 years

She can't stop thinking about meI haunt her dreams at night Possessed with her obsession But I'm just not her type Her words come flowing freely From somewhere in her soul I used to let it slide But now it's getting old I hope she'll be ok soon We need a happy home She has plenty of lovers Who she can call her own
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17 years

I guess that's the dark side of the internet. But If I feel treaded on and don't know why I can get that way, esp. when I haven't smoked weed in 3 weeks. Oh well, apologies to all and if anyone wants to clear up any confusion I'll be here. Back to the light.
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17 years

Cosmic Connections 8/17/10 Well the cosmic connections Were caught in confusion Where there should have been light It was lost to illusion It may seem like night But the Sun don't stop fusion, at all Like living at light speed Looking for directions With nowhere to turn But the comic book sections Sometimes you get burned Sometimes it's infectious, for all Chorus: I'm looking for that Sun That never sleeps at all I'm living for someone That helps me through it all Til the tale is told and done Until we here the call and we go flying I'm not here for the gold Or to win an election Just livin' and learnin' And facing rejection A sliver of light Just one more reflection is all Jam Repeat 2nd verse Repeat chorus
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16 years 7 months

water water everywherebut you cant drink a drop dying babies with flies nobody can reach we're too busy doing nothing to bother when do you put your guns down and pick up some food when do you stop seeing enemies and start seeing friends? when? when? they will believe whose ever soup they eat katrina or pakistan the cries are the same where is this world I see on tv? where is this world when I need it to help me? there is no world like you see on tv unless you have oil or are a hollywood whore it's just a bunch of hollow zombies mindlessly gnawing on each other's limbs we're on our own always have been although the film at the heads up your ass cinema always says you're right, fella keep on keepin on help on the way there is no help on the way we will forget when timed war-ner puts a new picture up on our dream screen if it persuades us as to the truth we deserve what we get how pathetic how sad when when do we put the guns down and reach out a hand with some food? water water everywhere and you can't drink a drop
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17 years

great poem andy
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17 years

Poor Boy called out asking, for the light to shineHe saw a little light but then the Devil took the line The Devil said "hey poor boy will you come and worship me?" Poor Boy said " no thanks, just wanted us to see." The Devil said "come on now, you know you won't be saved." Poor Boy said " I'd rather follow Jesus and be brave." The Devil asked " what will you do, when they all complain?" When they take you out and try to stone you in the rain? Poor Boy said " I just suppose I'll smile while I weep." And Heaven knows I'll bless them all before I fall asleep And when the two departed they almost seemed like friends He scratched his head then headed back to where the river bends Fires, floods, and earthquakes, with lots of misery God says "help 'em out now" but it seems there's no money "Shelter, feed, and clothe me" cries the Lord in tears That's all He's been asking from His children all these years They've built themselves a house of cards that's swaying in the breeze By selling everything God gave, not sharing equally They're slow to learn their lessons from the mistakes of the past But we keep on trying hoping we'll get there at last I will not condem you, nor yet will I deny The Way is never easy if you're putting up a fight I won't be so concerned now, we can laugh and dance as friends And if I don't get stoned you'll find me sleeping here again 8/19 & 8/20/10 God bless Deadnet
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16 years 7 months

your kind words are like fuel on my long strange high way
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16 years 7 months

could ya did yacould ya did ya could ya did ya did ya do could ya did ya could ya did ya ya ya ya ya what made you do like you do how could you why did you what made you do like you do there is no reason there is no rhyme you just have to make yourself come out right this time try to save a little face before you cut your hair which team are you on? anyway could ya did ya could ya did ya could ya did ya did ya do could ya did ya could ya did ya ya ya ya ya what made you do like you do
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16 years 7 months

Gimme five, still aliveAin't no luck, I learned to duck -Robt Hunter
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16 years 7 months

quack quack
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15 years 6 months

The verbosity of that last thing really mo-o-o-oved me....
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16 years 7 months

the tents are downthe people are gone the show moves on to the next town we didnt play our best show it wasnt the best crowd but maybe tonight will be the night that all the pieces fall together that the right idea shines above all and we move as one in it and the music plays us and lifts us it is grand forgotten then are the wasted moments the lonely nights the running the waiting all gone into the music wish it to never end and then the music is over the tents are gone the show moves on always another show in another town drop the kids off at school in between tours walk the dog in the park Burlington's a fun town on a fall Saturday did you hear the music play from the window out into the air? we always come back for the music is the sound track of love and life and truth no matter what the picture looks like the love always stays the same even in the rain of angry pain we slosh through the mud of time to a better day another show on the road
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16 years 7 months

apocalypse for salelove on parade these are dangerous things with which we should not play you want it so bad but you dont realize it's not something you get it's something you give so you sit grasping at invisible flies in the air always buzzing around your head but nobody else can see for you it's always apocalypse on sale you have to pay to learn the lie but the reality is free so nobody wants it cause it ain't worth anything your paper money good for making small fire you sold out for a swimming pool now you're just like the people that you mock why you try to be socially conscious you sold out for a house and a car now you them the ones you spend your day feeling better then now you're them yay oil soaked pelicans
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16 years 7 months

Oh my GodI have seen the light I have got to get back together with you somehow. Whatever I have to do, I will do Whatever price I have to pay, I will pay Whatever penalty there is, I will suffer it. I can't live outside your love I must get back inside with you Where we walk the path Where each day has air to breathe Thankyou God For showing me the light I have walked the wrong direction All this way Now I must turn around And walk the same route back To the path where I left it And hope you are waiting for me there like you did before And before And before. Oh my, the truth has awoken me I can't live this way I must go back To the last good point And restore. Tell me what to do, I will do it Now you have shown me the light I must walk with it.
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16 years 7 months

you have no other choice nowbut to stop going in the direction you are moving in You must turn around turn all the way around and start moving in the opposite direction until you return to the place where you left me and hope that I am there you have no other choice there is no other option this you must do stop all movement in the present direction turn completely around one hundred eighty degrees and begin moving in this new direction retracing your steps all the way when you wake up and realize you have stumbled off the path you must do this stop on the direction you are moving turn fully around start retracing your steps back to where you left me and hope that I am there and be more than happy to accept whatever burden you must bear if you know that this is true of you too stop now turn 180* retrace steps back to where you left me and hope that I am still there Be ready to accept Whatever burden you must bear No one is left Out of the truth If it is left out of the truth Then it is not true I deal with the true It is very dependable Like a good mechanic Only better Like a good doctor Only better Like the Dalai Lama Only better Although He likes me too
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16 years 7 months

It is the next dayThe day you were Gonna do it Stand up right Turn things around When you stand up Tall in the lie You only Knock yourself down In this trip You must bow down To stand upright Play around outside the gate To your dark heart's content But without love There is just stuff And stuff ain't real To the loving heart You know you've got it When it makes you shine That's LOVE sublime Watching you turn And walk the other way From your own happy life One must say Only you Could throw away A diamond in the rough To pick up a shiny fresh turd And brag about it Only you Beautiful to yourself You fell prey To the fox on the path As he laughing stole away Wait until he gets home And opens you to find I switched out the real gold For tin coins and Rats! Foiled again The gold is mind And can't be stole away. Watching the way things work Thy will is super wow
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16 years 7 months

Bluebird singing up on Two Cows HillThere's only me to hear it now I guess it's just as well When you checked out of heaven It went on without you I'll keep with it And hold your spot Once your hatred Cools and dies off You will reappear Climbing the hill Back to the cabin From the store Your anger hangs you back Bluebird sings and Flies through paradise While steps away In a dream world Steam comes from your ears Instead of watching the road You started watching the dvd Everybody driving crazy Still might agree When you check out of heaven It goes on without you It is always there When you are ready To join back in But don't you wonder What you missed When you went off To get pissed? Bluebird singing up on Two Cows Hill There's only me to hear it now I guess it's just as well
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16 years 7 months

When mortal beliefSay there is Nothing you can do Divine mind says Oh yes there is.
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16 years 7 months

When I went downTo the fair Do you know What I found there? When I went down To who knows where, Do you know What I found there? When I went down To the fair Do you know What I found there? -------------------------------- 1st song to emerge in over two years, and it only has two lines. Oh well, something to be said for efficiency in action, it is an awesome song to sing and play! Dm-F-Am-C
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14 years 6 months

pray tell what did you find there?
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16 years 7 months

I found infinity, actually, infinity found me,but it heard I was looking for it.
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16 years 7 months

there is somethingyou are missing and you don't know it you can't hear it you won't see it so you go on stumbling mumbling MUMBLER! (thanks Johnny Depp) it is one thing to refuse to admit to yourself that you might be wrong but when you turn it all on its head and call blue red you lost me and you don't know it you can't hear it you won't show it headed for the edge on a wrong way turn you don't see the train coming the other way you missed a variable in your math now all your calculations are off by just that much when it's time to sit you stand when it's time to lay your body down you're busy telling everybody how it is got to tell you that your blind spot has engulfed the scene and no one can tell you anything steering by the window crank again makes for a crazy commute
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16 years 7 months

On Your Way Down-- Alan Toussaint Sunrise Sunset Since the beginning it hasn't changed yet People fly high begin to lose sight You can't see very clearly when you're in flight It's high time that you found The same people you misuse on your way up You might meet up On your way down Vintage wines from the year '62 It's your thing, it's your thing It pleases you You got to frown when you cross town You think it's an honor just to have you around It's high time that you found The same dudes you misuse on your way up You might meet up On your way down You think the sun rises and sets for you But the same sun rises, sets and shines On the poor folks too I don't mind you turning round I myself would even like a little higher ground It's high time that you found The same people you walk on on your way up You might meet up On your way down On your way down
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16 years 7 months

The Candy Manby: Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley Who can take a sunrise, Sprinkle it with dew? Cover it in chocolate and a miracle or two The candyman, the candyman can, The candyman can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good Who can take a rainbow, Wrap it in a sigh? Soak it in the sun and make the stra'bry lemon pie The candyman? The candyman can The candyman can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good The Candyman makes everything he bakes Satisfying and delicious. Talk about your childhood wishes. You can even eat the dishes! Who can take tomorrow, Dip it in a dream? Separate the sorrow and collect up all the cream, The candyman? The Candyman can, the candyman can The candyman can 'cause he mixes it with love and makes the world taste good And the world tastes good 'cause the candyman thinks it should
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16 years 7 months

niki wokka winni mana ala ninameans I love you winni ana tiki moka wokka niki niki means You love me too You grab the sheets I'll grab the boards And we'll chill out all night Under the meteor showers Did you see that one move? Did the moon split apart into orange and red? Did we laugh until dawn Under the midnight Carpet of stars? Is this where We set up our tents? Is that where We parked our cars? If we ever get tired Of Vermont Well, there is always Maine Headed for the harvest moon Turned hard right At glitter street Look down the rows Wonder if there is Any thing I want Down in the valley But if you go down To crazytown You got to get a little crazy It's gonna splatter Up some a little bit on you You don't go down To crazytown For no reason That's just crazy Talk Up for air now But soon back down I go To crazytown There is nothing That I want there I go just to See if any one is bored And to Get a little crazy niki wokka winni mana ala nina means I love you winni ana tiki moka wokka niki niki means You love me too You grab the sheets I'll grab the boards And we'll chill out All night long Under the stars
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16 years 7 months

what's so funnyfunny face gone without a trace gone with all the nasty habits gone the things I done to waste the time gone gone gone my thought raises to the spot where I cannot be contained So that tall drink of water that you see That ain't me He's a dodohead Over here. look through that nerd There you go now you can see me You can't stop short You got to go all the way to love To see me If you pull up short That ain't me Squeezing ice cream through my hands I used to think I was somebody Now I know I am nobody mr nobody that's me The danger orange paint of my bike Is starting to give off quite a glow The tire tracks are slowing til the tread passes effortlessly from my view my feet seem to pick themselves up and pedal with no where to go there is no hurry we are already here Just caught my dinner before it burned Why did I come in here again? spin jumping on tree branches like i did when I was a kid I didnt know what I was missing til I wasnt missing it no more love is a steamroller coming from where you dont see What's so funny funny face well, that's news to me
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16 years 7 months

Knockin' on Heaven's DoorLyrics By: Bob Dylan Music By: Bob Dylan Come take this badge off of me I won't wear it any more Now the sun is setting over me And I feel like I'm knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Come put these guns in the ground I can't shoot them any more The sun is going down And I believe I'm knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Come wipe these tears from my eyes I can't shed them any more The sun is setting in the western sky People, I believe I must be knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Just like so many times before Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Knock, knock, knocking on heaven's door Just like so many times before
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16 years 7 months

every vine that bears not good fruit will I pluck Anyone that opens not their door to my son Them will I bar from my own house For I am King and the Law of the land The one who put the collar on you and pulls your leash Is under my command Turn your thought to the good To see my lands They are fine and full over flowing with all goodness As long as you go on Caring not one for the other There will be no peace in the world It is not a large thing for a man to lay down his wrong and pick up the right and go on If you understand the meaning of "food for thought", then you know All is well
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16 years 7 months

sleep little angel sleeprest your little haloed head tiny dakini dreams enfold you you made it all this way with no help rest now, I put a blanket on you dim the light and look back over my shoulder you give and the world takes the world you love hates you back if you werent lifting so manys' thought Id move you back to the barnwood shack things were so simple there a metal tank to put your water in a hole in the ground for what come out the other end windows that let in the day time sun get covered up to keep out the nighttime frost but no one needs your help in heaven So here we are you and me sleeping out here on the street listening to the streetsweeper sweep huddled up in blankets to keep warm we'll face another day when it's dawn the knees get cold the stomach gnaws here come the garbage behemoths banging down the way all the things that need to happen before the dream can start another day who's happy today just like withdrawing your arms from the glovebox I withdraw from the world and am awakened to our pre-existing perfection what to say? what to do? ah
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17 years 2 months

She lets out even less than she lets inWhat she's really thinking What she's really knowing There's no way of telling She isn't fond of showing She lets out even less than she lets in Her pretzel folded world Still baking in her mind Doesn't mean to be unkind Never lets herself unwind She lets out even less than she lets in On guard against invasion Can't master all her senses Be mindful of her fences Elaborate pretenses She lets out even less than she lets in She drapes over her canvas Before you see her painting She needs to keep you waiting Her demons unabating She lets out even less than she lets in She'll wander to the edge Won't let herself slip over Can't risk it for the clover A melancholy drover She lets out even less than she lets in Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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16 years 7 months

As they walked him down the row for the last timeI stood against the bars to nod and say farewell As he passed, he reached out his hands and paused He handed me a hand carved music box worn but not broken Johnny had this before me, he said, and Dave, then Fred Before him Ernie had it, and Jimmy before him, and Tommy was the one who carved it, and made it run Playing pretty music all day long And when it stopped, you wound it up And started it again. The music box was in my hands, what was I to do I looked him straight in the eye And said thankyou You know what this means to me, And I know what it means to you. And in that frozen moment, we knew. The music box upon my shelf Playing its tiny notes until the day that they come to walk me down the final row And I slow and stop And put it into your hands The music box plays And when it stops You wind it up And start again The music box plays
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15 years 6 months

This one is good and heavy....Thanks for sharing....
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16 years 7 months

thanks, Turtle, that image just flashed in my mind, and I wrote it before thinking about it.
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16 years 7 months

people people can you hear melisten up and I'll speak clearly the lines are drawn the teams are picked we look around and nod to our teammates first we see the light how it shines then we check our own shit cause when you walk down into the pit on purpose whatever shit you haven't checked that's what folks will nail you on beat you about the head with your own shit and who's to blame for that the non-shit checker, that's who shit checked we move down like diving weights we artificially descend into the garden of eden movie called hell it's all in your mind if the the truth to this story you mean to find if the light shines and you run into it that is good, see you on the final day if the light shines and you run away come over here you are mine yeah well maybe I don't like it anymore than you But what you lack is discipline and that's what I do take it and like it is what I recommend the other option is hard on your rear end or you can light yourself on fire until your hair burns it's all been done until the lesson's learned it's a bad day get over it turn all the those arrows pointed down around it's a frickin' everyday party in reality where you been what got stuck up your bum? well, no matter well come in how you look? look this way, all is well look that way, all is hell why look that way, if you already been having a bad day? at least it got to make sense what we see information needs interpretation did you hire mr love or mr fear as your interpreter mr love, go on I'll see you on that golden shore mr fear, come on over here, you are mine I know I am liking it less than you but it is the mountain that I know so put on your boots here we go
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Member for

16 years 7 months

spam spam spam spamWONDERFUL SPAM!!!
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Member for

16 years 7 months

very much sooh oh oh oh oh oh oh very much so oh oh couldn't tell you when oh no no no no no no couldn't tell you how oh no stuck it with a hat pin ow ow ow ow ow ow ow sure won't do that again no no no no no put you in your place where you must choose between two evils yeah yeah yeah yeah it's like watching two trains collide not enough for two but more than enough for one if we share. we always come up short with two always more than enough with One very much so oh oh oh oh oh oh oh very much so oh oh couldn't tell you when oh no no no no no no couldn't tell you how oh no
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Member for

16 years 7 months

How doHow do you follow How do you follow In the footsteps of Love. One foot One foot at a One foot at a time All the way Home. Don't need Don't need a Don't need a reason For there is no reason to Love. It's in every It's in every season It's in every season When you're looking for Love. Led by Led by the light Fed by the light Following our best sense of right. That's how That's how we follow That's how we follow in the footsteps of Love.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

hey sunshinewhat happened to your smile? did a cloud arise and get in your eye? come one now little child walk with me we'll walk on the heather in the breezes from the sea and the wind will blow all your clouds away Yesterday your smile Lit up the sky Wherever you went It was contagious You brought light Everybody liked to be around you Now today Your face is dark Your eyes dead of feeling Did someone pull the rug out from under you? Did you drink from someone else's cup? Were you playing In someone else's field And got caught When the lights went on? When the music stopped There wasn't a chair To be found Now you're down Brown frown mouse Walk with me A little ways I've been down and can relate It's just a cloud Got stuck in your eye Here let me blow Your clouds away hey sunshine don't you hide that smile and keep it inside a cage it is wild and will die smile smile inside smile at somebody it don't matter when the lights go on you'll be wishing you'd smiled so smile
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Member for

16 years 7 months

I dont like it when peoplethink about me I dont like it when people think about me I dont like it when people think about me I dont like it when people think about me please stop thinking about me please stop thinking about me please stop thinking about me there is no one home there is no one here If you come near I will throw stones It's not good for you To be thinking about me please stop thinking about me please stop thinking about me please stop thinking about me I dont like it when people think about me I dont like it when people think about me I dont like it when people think about me I dont like it when people think about me
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Member for

16 years 7 months

(Andy Partridge) Hey hey, The clouds are whey, There's straw for the donkeys, And the innocents can all sleep safely, All sleep safely. My, my, Sun is pie, There's fodder for the cannons, And the guilty ones can all sleep safely, All sleep safely. And all the world is football shaped, It's just for me to kick in space, And I can see, hear, smell, touch, taste, And I've got one, two, three, four, five Senses working overtime, Trying to take this all in, I've got one, two, three, four, five Senses working overtime, Trying to taste the difference, 'Tween the lemons and limes, The pain and the pleasure, And the church bells softly chime. Hey hey, Night fights day, There's food for the thinkers, And the innocents can all live slowly, All live slowly, My, my, The sky will cry, Jewels for the thirsty, And the guilty one's can all die slowly All die slowly. And all the world is biscuit shaped, It's just for me to feed my face, And I can see, hear, smell, touch, taste, And I've got one, two, three, four, five, Senses working overtime, Trying to take this all in, I've got one, two, three, four, five, Senses working overtime, Trying to taste the difference, 'Tween the lemons and limes, The pain and the pleasure, And the church bells softly chime, And birds might fall from black skies, And bullies might give you black eyes, And busses might skid on black ice, But to me it's very very beautiful, (England's glory!) Beautiful (a striking beauty!) And all the world is football shaped, It's just for me to kick in space, And I can see, hear, smell, touch, taste, And I've got one, two, three, four, five, Senses working overtime, Trying to take this all in, I've got one,two,three, four, five Senses working overtime, Trying to tell the difference, 'Tween the goods and crimes, Dirt or treasure, And there's one, two, three, four,five Senses working overtime, Trying to take this all in, I've got one, two, three, four, five, Senses working overtime, Trying to taste the difference, 'Tween the lemons and limes, The pain and the pleasure, And the church bells softly chime.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hey, my favorite XTC song! Andy, is this a diversion so that we'll stop thinking about you?
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Member for

16 years 7 months

I meant me in the more larger metaphysical sense, of course,if somebody didn't think of little old me once in a while, well, then, nobody ever would. I swear, this stuff just hits me and I post it, if I thought once about it, the whole thing would crumble and fall into a pile of cocoa powder and marshmallows. Lots of love to the far reaches of poet's corner!
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Member for

16 years 7 months

splashing in puddleslooking at leaves running my fingers through your hair in the midnight breeze If the old man Ain't coming round No more, then I guess It's do as I please My head feels like clouds My hands are Feeling the freeze We gettin down To twenty eight degrees We gettin down To twenty eight degrees And now she is asleeping Warmly in her bed The only place Inside of her I am Is deep inside her head Some soon enough time I will let you in to see That is a mighty mighty Fine place to be She set me free To be all of me And I do the same for she. You can see Infinity Any where you want to Every drop of water Has a rainbow in it Every wave upon the sea Every twinkle in any eye In a book Up on a stage In between the letters On a page Infinity is every where you see If you know how to look You can't Get it from a book Or in a chair Or on a lake It will make you Fuzzy headed if you even try To take a look Around every circle Inside every smile Infinity flies When you see it Don't you look surprised It is the natural condition Only truth holds away lies No need to Hazard a guess No reason to Sneak a peek I'll just reconstruct it later From the scrapheap. Oh, I am just saying the same old thing Over and over again Same as Whitman and Siddharta And that other guy, Dylan I may as well put my Head in the sand And throw up my hands For all the good it will do But I gotta do what I gotta do Spitting out notes Like a madcap jukebox Run all night long with no change Let someone else Arrange it into a symphony This groove is Good enough for me I am in love with love And she is a much Younger woman than me So I got my own problems you see Anytime she calls me Infinity on the move I put my fingers in her hair Now I don't know where or when or if my feet are ever Gonna touch the ground Again
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Sunrise Lyrics By: Donna Godchaux Gazing at the fire Burning by the water Before he speaks, the world around us quiets With eyes as sharp as arrows And turning to the fire He clears the air and cuts it with a feather Many in a circle Slowly round the fire When he is gone, I want to know him better No one is forsaken No one is a liar He plants the tree of life on our foreheads with water He hums There are drums Four winds Rising suns We are singing and playing I hear what he's saying I remember breezes From winds inside your body Keep me high Like I told you I'll sing to them this story And know why
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Losing something that I never hadNot quite a reason to go mad Still to see you slide away makes me sad Not for something that could have been But for the way people f*ck But never touch Sliding by like two ships in the night Silent on the matters Of the heart Too fast to stop Too late to start I grabbed your hand To try and slow you down But your speed would have Ripped your arm off If I didn't let go So your cries of joy before Of finding what you were all about As your life carried you away Over the falls from which I cannot save You You Pouty face you You had this bubbling Up inside you All this time Come to daddy When you need A guiding hand Daddy loves you The way noone can In the morning you drop your towel Put on your clothes and go Off to the deck of your yacht To make another million, and Work on your tan; While I return to my spot on the sidewalk "Anything helps" "Thanks for your kindness" "Just need it to buy some food" You come to me for the diamond in my heart It makes you feel small That you have nothing that I want.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

I amthe craziest man Slinking into the public library at dawn To send my word food out around the land Then back out to return some bottles Rattling my shopping cart Down the alleys of this carboard town I know them all, crazy drunk Homeless all, my brothers When I walk through the park Do you know what they say? "Hey, crazy man!" They don't mean it as a cut They say it with all love In their gravelly voices "Hey, crazy man!" Cause everybody in this Concrete town They all knows I am the craziest man The happiest crazy man That ever was Always smiling Always crazy Crazy eyed fool Walking around free I am the craziest man No bars can lock me up No drugs can knock me down Your physics is a joke to me I walk through your walls They are nothing to me When I fall down I raise me back up You can't touch me For there is Nothing to see Hear I am the craziest man Lovely Stoned Immaculate Food for thought For you For me I'm back out on the street Annoying the man hatching a plan I don't even know What I am going to do next I am the craziest man