started by dstache
Here is the last of the promised vines of other bands. 5 shows, 1 DVD of SHN/FLAC files, 10 CDs of WAV files. The shows: 11/16/74, 11/17/74, 6/18/75, 5/9/77, 8/6/80.
The SBD recording (A sound quality) of 11/16/74 captures the Dark Side and Echoes portion of the show, and is considered to be perhaps the definitive live version of the Dark Side album. 11/17/74 is a very good AUD (A- sound quality) of the entire show, Raving & Drooling, Shine On, etc, along with Dark Side and Echoes. The source for 6/18/75 is the awesome AUD (A+ sound quality) of Dan Lampinski. Same setlist as 11/17/74. If 11/16/74 is the definitive live Dark Side, then 5/9/77 is the definitive Animals and Wish You Were Here. This is considered to be a great show and the best sound quality of any 77 show in circulation. Oh, and it is from Oakland, so maybe marye or others were at the show????? The AUD of 8/6/80 is just exactly perfect, and the show is considered one of the best performances of the Wall. The band had per
would love some more floyd, thanks dstache!
1.stephen in pa
Leave it if you dare...
1.stephen in pa2. JackstrawfromColorado
"Lazy lightning you say you never strike the same place. I want a double dose in any case" ... "You got to hear my supplication. Got to hear me now. A little bolt of inspiration"
WAVE? Count me in
Pink Floyd Part 21.stephen in pa
3. Ponchobill
The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
Pink Floyd Part 2 Vine
1.stephen in pa2.JackstrawfromColorado
3. Ponchobill
5. Deadicated
Floyd & Summer - takes me back ...
" Where does the time go? "
And don't think that I don't appreciate it, dstache!
Prime Floyd.......... just what the summer ordered!
The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
floyd vine
1.stephen in pa2.JackstrawfromColorado
3. Ponchobill
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
awesome thanks!
arrived 6/28
will post when on the way to jsfc!
Awesome dstache, simply awesome...thank you!
Leave it if you dare...
out to jsfc...
Sorry for the delay, strange circus was in town :)
Leave it if you dare...
In today
All I can say is wow!!! I'll turn it around soon.
1.stephen in pa
2.JackstrawfromColorado in 7/20
3. Ponchobill
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
"Lazy lightning you say you never strike the same place. I want a double dose in any case" ... "You got to hear my supplication. Got to hear me now. A little bolt of inspiration"
Me too please
1.stephen in pa2.JackstrawfromColorado in 7/20
3. Ponchobill
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
Thanks !
Sorry for the delay
Should be able to get this out today. Many thanks to dstache!
1.stephen in pa
2.JackstrawfromColorado in 7/20 out 7/28
3. Ponchobill
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
"Lazy lightning you say you never strike the same place. I want a double dose in any case" ... "You got to hear my supplication. Got to hear me now. A little bolt of inspiration"
I was happy... recieve these yesterday.Thanks to all involved.
Sorry guys...
Life grabbed me by the balls and twisted really hard. I'm fuckin sore. Anyways these are going to the post office today.All apologies for the delay. Off to Oroboros
Shine on you crazy diamonds
4.Oroboros5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
"And I love the life I live
And I'm gonna live the life I love"
I'm so on this one
I really, really like the first one you vined.
This one will make my year with Animals on it and of course the others. Thanks Dstache!
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter

Any interest in a PF Part 3 vine? Nice to see a bunch of people jumping on this one. I would do another Wall show (probably either 2/19/81 or 6/17/81), another Animals/WYWH show (probably either 7/6/77 or 7/2/77, but I still need to listen to the latter, and I do have a couple more in my queue) and then some pre-DSOTM shows, 7/16/70, 11/21/70, 2/25/71, 10/17/71 and 11/20/71. The early stuff is all pretty incredible. I also have a couple more excellent '75 AUDs. Post here if there is interest and if there is, and this vine keeps growing, I will start a part 3 in a month or so.
Thanks Dstache
Haven't got this yet,
maybe tomorrow?
The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
YES!!! Thank you Ponchobill, I didn't realize how north you are.
Goes to show.. just posted I was wonderin' where we were and there is the vine in my mailbox this afternoon ;o}.
Pink Floyd Part 2 Vine
4.Oroboros in 8-28-10
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
Out to Deadicated
Pink Floyd Part 2 Vine
4.Oroboros in 8-28-10 out 8-30
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
Thanks again for the Floyd in Wav, dstache.
The Truth is realized in an instant, the act is practiced step by step.
how i wish it was here....
but gotta get in line...4.Oroboros in 8-28-10 out 8-30
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
Pink Floyd Part 2 Vine
It has landed - thanks be to 'stache and the others whom sent it along it's way.
Will return to the road shortly way back to 1958.
" Where does the time go? "
floyd vine
4.Oroboros in 8-28-10 out 8-30
5. Deadicated
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
Tally Ho!!!
Pink Floyd # 2 is 1958 bound.
" Where does the time go? "
looks good
7. ripple19748. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
15. Jake R
keeping the list accurate
5. Deadicated6.1958
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
15. Jake R
And bound it was to my door step today!
Keep a song in your heart.Thank you dstache.
On its way to ripple1974
Keep a song in your heart. I though in
J.Geils Band
Beach Boys
FM-Fillmore East 6-27-71
I've got this one
a nice fat vine to fill my free time this week. thanks for the extras greg. I will get this out shortly!
Out the door
Off to unclejon.
Going to see the Roger Waters The Wall tour this November, and this has got me fired up!
Thanks for this excellent vine!
updated list
7. ripple19748. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
15. Jake R
In from Ripple 9/27
Will turn this around ASAP - !
"when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
In from Uncle Jon
but my DVD dirive won't open! Bought a new drive but won't be able to put it in today or tomorrow- I'll turn this around right away once it's installed.-Tommo
Off to NJ Ripple
Got my new burner in, so it's on it's way from California in today's mail.Thanks dstache, and all upstream !
This looks like a good one to add to the olde collection.....
count me in...
7. ripple1974
8. unclejon
9. Tommo
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
15. Jake R
16. Playdead
"Emancipate yourself from mental slavery...none but ourselves can free our minds"
updated list
10. NJRipple11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
15. Jake R
16. Playdead
Pink Floyd 2
These are ready to go - have not heard from Birdsong1969NJ - I pm'd a week ago
10. NJRipple11.
10. NJRipple
11. Birdsong1969NJ
12. Canyon Critter
13. maustin
15. Jake R
16. Playdead
17. CloudChante