Whatever the current version of Furthur is up to, discuss it here!
Red Rocks!
Sounds like you folks had some amazing shows at a magnificent venue! Glad you all enjoyed yourselves!Now we're counting down for Worcester on 11/19 :)
New Years
Anyone heard any rumors or anything about New Years shows?
Trying to plan ahead ... Widespread Panic is playing New Years in Denver and tickets go on sale tomorrow ... but if Furthur is playing like in San Francisco, plans would change quickly =)
"The dire wolf collects his due while the boys sing round the fire"
9/25 Red Rocks
I wasn't there so I all I have to go by are the tunes as they seemed to roll one into the other all night long. Obviously, as many stated, Red Rocks is at least 1/3 of the experience. That being said, I've listened to all the Furhtur shows posted on Archive and this one had something special about it. I don't want to go through all the obvious cliches so I'll just say there is something that morphed into something worth listening to.
As always, the dilemma is where and when they feel like playing the way they did this night.
I hope I catch the right one soon, these bones sure need a good work-out, and this head could use a little interplanetary exploration as well.
Too all you lucky/smart ones...
~Bound to cover just a little more ground! ~
Furthur Announces New Years!
On the Road Again ... Maybe
127 shows from August 67 to August 95. Only one RatDog since. What is up for vending in the parking lots these days? I have self designed posters, t-shirts, and prayer flags ready to rock the brethren and sistren. Who knows anything about Ames, St. Louis, Cinci, Reading & B'more? My site will be up soon, please give advice to a deadicated man.
The Vending scene~
Ok so last year there was great vending @ alot of the shows. However, none in Chicago. This might change seeing as it's a different venue that has a parking lot. I would suggest that Iowa will be lax, and really a great show. Don't know about St. Louis....but I suggest looking to see what kind of parking they have and when you can park etc.
For instance, the Mann Center (Philly) had some great vending this year. Places like Hammerstein (NY City) were nothing at all.
I would also factor in the cold, meaning in the midwest in November, you just never know....could be really warm, could be snowing/cold. Four seasons in one day even.
Hope that helps.

Vending St. Louis
A Friend on Philzone wrote this:I'd say yes to the St. Louis vending.
The Saint Louis University campus is a wet campus. One of my co-workers attends SLU, and told me you can drink anywhere on campus except in the classroom.
The parking situation is spread out around the campus.
Here's a link to a map for parking @ SLU:

~Big Bad Blues Lyrics~
We've been trying to come up with the new song lyrics ~ We all believe written by Hunter and music by Bobby...Help me out if I'm wrong here, but this is what we've come up with.
Big Bad Blues Lyrics~Furthur (Music Bobby...lyrics Hunter)
Found this card by the side of the road
Jack of Diamonds battered and old
Run down rained on, filthy and torn
My own face sure as your born.
This ain't no story, you never know why
Sat down and looked @ jack square in the eyes
The rest of the deck no where to be seen
Nary an ace, king or queen
~Chorus 1~Big bad blues, keep Rolling along
Never found a place where I belong
Never been right, but it turned out wrong
So hold on tight, when i sing my song
Say what you want, brother, say what you will
Jack of Diamonds is there for the kill
On to the head, sister, one to the heart
The one who knows about her, without mercy or art (Really hard)
Jack of Diamonds he got only one eye
Lost the other in a bedroom fight
Full of smoke, Never said goodbye
Just stole off in the dark of the night
~Chorus 1~
~Chorus 2~Ratshack talk about one-eyed Jacks so come on
Singing ratshack talk about one-eyed Jacks so come on
Singing ratshack talk about one-eyed Jacks so come on
Singing ratshack talk about one-eyed Jacks so come on
Ratshack talk about one-eyed Jacks and come on
~Chorus 1~
There was a time, brother ought to be glad
To find his fate, turned out so bad
Theres a time sister I've been paid
So dance on his memory, spit on his grave
Jack of Diamonds I knew you well
Long time ago, too late to tell
Reckin' we share that same old fire and hell
Just like that, sitting cold, burning cell. ~~Hard One~
~Chorus 1~

Furthur lots
The lot in Ames, Iowa should be good for Furthur on November 9......lots of parking. Venue is next door to the basketball and football stadiums for Iowa State University. The venue (CY Stephens) is "off the hook!" Anywhere you sit you will get your face ripped off. Once your inside though....the staff can be quite strict, they are not used to heads, so plan accordingly. I can't even imagine what they are going to sound like in there, Phils bombs accompanied by Russo could quite possible crack your skull. It is one of those places that they could play acoustic with no amps and the guy in back would be grinning ear to ear. I hope UIC is half the venue.
No love for Bobby? :(
I searched and searched for a Bob Weir topic to no avail.
Happy Birthday Bobby!!! We love you man! Looking forward to seeing you still in '10 as well as '11 .. and beyond. Have a grate day!
"It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
Anyone who's going to Chicago, St. Louis or Iowa
Midwest tour is starting soon. If you are going to any of these shows and would like to get together with other Dead.netters please PM me. We have a facebook group set up already on the subject and all updates on where, what, and when things are happening are there. Last years was spiritual and really was the catalyst to one of the best summer tours had in years. friends are so much fun.♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥~♥

waiting on some european dates!!!!!!!!!
Fingers Crossed for NYE
European dates would be nice... Not sure it would happen, but nice. Starting with Radio City, I've seen 12 shows including all NY, Furthur Fest, Red Rocks etc... The band keeps getting better. To me, hands down the best post Jerry band yet... Have tickets for NYE just waiting for airfares to drop... Anybody going to MSG???
National Anthem
Speaking of Furthur, the boys are doing the national anthem at the Giants game tonight (on Fox). GO GIANTS!!
Midwest Shows
Midwest shows are coming up wohoooooooooo.
I'm planning on going to Iowa, St. Louis and then........
Can't friggin wait. Hope to see all of you dead.netters there. If you need furthur info on where we are meeting up, just PM me.

'Eyes of the World' Backdrop
Hey ya all! Check out the new 'eyes of the world' backdrop for this Fall Furthur Tour - Hope to see some photos online soon starting next week. Enjoy!
An Honoring Mandela
Touched my heart! XOXOXOXOXOXOXOX
A new beloved treasure of
Honor and Art. Excellent!
I am looking forward to
spending hours and hours
with it. Thank you so much!
Now Truely I Say...
Ladies and Gentlemen...
The Grateful Dead.
>>>>>>>> FURTHUR>>>>>>>>>>>>
TILL WE ARE ALL...Well, you know. xo
A song to celebrate Today 11/4/2010
Love is Real. Everyday. It was then and it is now.
Love is ALL you Need.
Eyes Of The World
Lyrics By: Robert Hunter
Music By: Jerry Garcia
Right outside this lazy summer home
You ain't got time to call your soul a critic, no
Right outside the lazy gate
Of winter's summer home
Wondering where the nuthatch winter's
Wings a mile long
Just carried the bird away
Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world
But the heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own
Wake now discover that you are the song that the morning brings
But the heart has its seasons, its evenings and songs of its own
There comes a redeemer and he slowly, too, fades away
And there follows his wagon behind him that's loaded with clay
And the seeds that were silent all burst into bloom and decay
And night comes so quiet, its close on the heels of the day
Sometimes we live no particular way but our own
And sometimes we visit your country and live in your home
Sometimes we ride on your horses, sometimes we walk alone
Sometimes the songs that we hear are just songs of our own
Birdwatcher note
During Jerry's vocals you'll notice he says ..."nut thatch", rather than "nut hatch". Aside from that piece of useless information, Eyes of the World is, perhaps, my favorite song.
Chicago One Week Away
This morning's mediation...
I used the Tie-Dye Mandella as Inspiration. (This is not well written as I quickly wrote it out after it happened... trying not to forget anything and I tried to rewrite it but it kept coming out differently and I just wanted to share it with you---as it happened---this is not designed or edited by choice. K, Just wanted ya to know that...I was so glad to see the pictures posted on-line of it at the show (thank you picture posters). It was amazing to see it with the Band and Audience. AMAZING, is what I said as I then began mediating on it. (I won't get to be with it for a few more days). As the mediation began and inspiration began I saw Phil...(Hi Phil) Then the red heart on my Drivers License appeared in my mind (and I just love that red heart---incase you don't know>>it shows that you are a registered Organ Donor). And then I faintly heard Donor Rap (and I just love a spirited Donor Rap). Then the numbers 11/11/10 came to mind...Vetern's Day---this Thursday. Then I began to cry (usually during mediation I do not cry). I then saw my dear friend, Peter. We were kids together and he went off to Desert Storm and Died there. He was an Organ Donor and saved the lives of seven others all over the world with his passing---Double Hero Status! And, I cried some more...I felt great love as I cried and knew everyone he was with I loved them too, I love the flesh AND spirit of people. It was all so profound, really. I was open to it all and was making beautiful connections>>>Then I thought of his Mother who lives to this day and still mourns for her beautiful son, she is in the Gold Star Mothers Club and thinks of him everyday. A Real Mother's Love is Awesome and it does not fade away, this I know, personally. ALL of it was related to love and that was where the mandella was leading me in these passing moments. Love, love, love but what is love I then thought and I shivered awaken from the mediation and it ended there. I knew it was profound and I ran to the dictionary....flipping the pages searching for the defination of love. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary---love is defined as: Love: n. 1 an intense feeling of deep affection. Then it went on and on after that (go and see) until in the same defination itself ended on this note>>>-DERIVATIVES-loveless adj. lovelessly adv. lovelessness n.; loveworthy adj. And then I realized, my mediation just paid off because it seemed---to me...the defination of love has gotten a little tainted along the way by man. To me--- how can loveless even exist anywhere in the defination of love as it is where love is not. And from what I knew a derivative was a mathematics term of somesort. There were alot of other terms defined relating to love there too, again run, run and see. I found the defination of love affair n. 1 an intense enthusiam or liking for something (hmmm almost sounds better than love AND it has enthusiam, tisk tisk, to me.) So, "What is Love?", I asked myself and I decided that it could not be found in a dictionary, at least literally but then shouldn't it literally be in there. I kept reading all about the kinds of love listed there and I found this good stuff...>>> Love-in: n. a gathering or party at which people are encouraged to express feelings of friendship and physical attraction associated with the hippies of the 1960's- ORIGIN 1960's orginally with reference to Californian hippie gatherings. AND I smiled really BIG relieved Love was Real and IT was Defined by the 60's, phew. I sat back into couch relieved that --- that--- was in the dictionary, nice. I closed my eyes and the mandella reappeared in my mind, I took some deep breaths and felt the smiles of the people the madella was made for, so many of them I knew and so many I didn't know... then I felt LOVE & JOY (Ahhhhh) it was mine and I knew that I had it and it would never be destroyed within me, for the rest of my life! I knew it, Love was and is Real, we had, we have it and we always will>>>time could never, would never and has never destroyed it and it is everlasting! (And the mandella lead me there...AMAZING ART and THE GRATEFUL DEAD! The love inside the mandella and the meaning you have put into it...lead me to this moment, thank you so much.
Then as I was still on the couch with My Eyes closed, Peter's smiling face appeared in my mind---it was Veterns Day on Thursday and it was on 11/11. And I saw a red heart again...and I gently wept in an intense feeling of deep affection.
Signed with love
Giants bring home the Championship!
I'm putting this post here 'cause I'm not sure where else to post it: In honor of the San Francisco Giants World Series Championship we came up with these gems:
and of course:
previous post removed.
Dude, it is not cool to solicit illegal substances here. The whole world, including law enforcement, can read this.
Please feel free to re-post sans drug solicitation. Thanks.
Going Furthur...
The Psychedelic Rocket Powered Bus heading straight into a Super Black Hole.
Cowboy Neal was at the wheel...looking back, mumbling nonsense into the microphone.
The Band is set up in the back of the Bus, tuning up - for what seems an Eternity.
They are out of their heads. They decide to take the Black Hole head on...heading into it - having the band peak thru at the moment they pass thru.
The LSD Overload.
The Panels start shaking on the side of the Bus. The Black Hole is trying to tear the Bus apart.
- just some crazy thoughts i've had on my crazy story i keep having visions about...
I love you guys..
Time to break out some old Pigpen tunes again - new updated arrangement.
Pain in MY heart.
Big Boy Pete.
anything from 66 ...
Anyone Wanted to Know where to go in Chicago
Email or pm me

St Louis setlist
11/11/10: Chaifetz Arena - home of the UMSL Billikens - St. Louis, MO
Set 1: Uncle John's Band, Cassidy, Mangolia Mountain, Cumberland Blues, High On A Mountain, Here Comes Sunshine, So Many Roads, Next Time You See Me
Set 2: Any Road, The Wheel, Eyes Of The World, St. Stephen, Millenium Jam, The Eleven, Truckin', New Potato Caboose, Stella Blue, Let It Grow, E: Attics Of My Life
Incredible 2nd set: Wheel - Eyes - Saint Stephen . 11 !!! Bobby did a terrific job w Let it Grow, We were all STUNNED with an acapella Attics.... wow.... Thank you, for a real good time!
Have a grateful time in Chicago!
A few thoughts as I wait for the sun...
I love baseball and you and STANDING ON THE MOUND
Alrighty, hope you smiled, I did.
Congradulations SF Giants 2010 THE WINNERS!
The setlists have been awesome! Reading them is good for my soul!
I have loved this twitter thing...I dont twit or tweet but if I did I would leave
y'all a comment there saying woohoo and thanks too. I waved at the screen
and clapped too....And smile, smile, smiled lots and lots. I remember
a long time ago standing in a phone booth with dimes in hand...calling
each other to get the setlist and our crew finding the song had just played
and then listening to it and dancing to it with everyone that was there.
So that we felt the collective embrace of the music as each setlist progressed
and developed a larger emotional investment of the arrangement of the whole night
not just a song...but the EXPERIENCE that was happening. As with each night
it was a EXPERIENCE of MUSIC not just a concert....EVERYNIGHT WAS A
NEW SHOW>>>that had never been and would never be again...ONCE.
And I realized we never changed and it's 2010! So, I shuffled about trying to find
that Utica Show cause I knew one of them was on there. I have to go find a
few more so I can rock that awesome setlist from 11/12/10 out til... someone
posts that up in the square box that makes me smile. Ok the sun is up
and the sky is blue and I've gotta go dance in the sun to Hard to Handle!
Hope y' ALL are doing good and that you'll smile... :)
It's been so good seeing y'ALL under one roof, I just can't
wait to share a roof with y'ALL! 6 days 12 hours xo
Camera Policy in Chicago
Any one who went last night know the policy for Chitown? What to take some pics of the boys but not sure of the venue. thx and hav a Grateful Morning.
Majic Mirror
remember that one...
Great seeing you ALL!
Rock on Furthur Band!
My Eyes Adored You, ALL xo
And I see...
Spiritual Economics
When it comes to spending enterainment dollarsthe band has invested mine so well, ALL
the foundations, organizations and endless
Philantropy of you ~ALL~ is truely priceless.
I was reminded of it by a list I recently was reading...
Guiding a portion of the lot to some really wonderful
places. We are all so good! (I'm smiling)
Every ticket I buy, I know it is a part of
something that helps
so many, so many, so many, ahhhhhh.
I suppose that's one reason why tickets are so special.
It's a beautiful thought of how many beautiful things
are apart of this scene, you're ALL so kind. xo
We've been making these investments for
years and years, I'm grateful to look back. Because
I just know...
somethings you take with you when you're dead.
Go buy someone a miracle, you'll be glad you did.
I just couldn't help not saying the philantrophy
of these folks is INCREDIBLE and that I can humbly say...
I helped, it's so cool. And EVEN >>more SO
it IS ALL of US
that do and did it too! You, and You and You!
We are a really awesome bunch. That's right.
Each and everyone of @YOU@!
Furthur MSG Shows this weekend
Look forward to seeing so many of you, I love Furthur cant wait to see them at MSG ! This will be very special for us to see Bobby and Phil at the Garden again,with the great History of all of the Grateful Dead shows there ! A whole bunch of us were there for " The Dead " tour show, at MSG, but didnt " get in "we just sort of hung out- a lot n the streets- all over NY ! LOL - this should be a blast for everybody, See you at Furthur, Thank YOU for keeping it alive ! Hey Now ! OO play on- KEEP LISTENING Elizabeth
I can't wait till this weekend! I saw Furthur in Orlando, all three Red Rocks shows, and Minneapolis (with my 19 yr old son) but this will be my first show in the Garden since 1981. I'm flying in from Fla and meeting my brother there. That will be our first show together since GD at Nassau in Jan 1979. We are equally stoked. I effing L O V E this band!
Ahhhh in three minutes....
the midnight hour will B here.And I will...
Thank God It's Friday!
Also there is a new contest
For the 31st Day...guess the song/venue/date...and read the thread to get the prize.

Woooohoooo is right!!!!
Holy cow that is awesome! Wonder if the boys truely wanted to do some skiing? =)
"It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
Yeah It Is
I seriously doubt Phil would be doing any skiing....if he broke his wrists (or anything else) we'd all be in trouble (not to mention him=physically would be a big bummer) I don't know if either Phil or Bobby ever skiied.........their kids, most likely, but I'm just a guessing & using some common sense.......:)))
I sure wish
GCers...Those posters are definately from a master, Mike Dubois. Although, I think I'd be a damn good one...My artistic ability can only come out on Music (drums) and visual (computer) because I'm a terrible painter, drawer. You should see my handwriting, worse than a Doctor!
Here's his work.