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    The unexpected return of the masters of the Grateful Dead's triumphant show at the Albuquerque Civic Auditorium, November 17, 1971, yields great rewards. The Dead came in HOT for their first New Mexico show. Aided by clarity and precision and abetted by confidence and focus, they finessed old standards with definitive takes. With Keith now blending in seamlessly on keys, the first set offered up a triple shot of electric Blues, an exceptional "You Win Again," and a stellar "One More Saturday Night" to wrap things up. And the second set, well, it might just be unlike any you've ever heard. Archivist David Lemieux urges you to turn it up and do it loudly. We won't dare spoil all the surprises, but pay special attention to the rippin' "Sugar Magnolia," the aggressively monstrous "The Other One," and the highly-danceable "Not Fade>GDTRFB>Not Fade." Rounding out the 3CDs, you'll find selections from Pigpen's return tour at Ann Arbor, MI, 12/14/71. Subscribers will get nearly all of the complete show as this year's bonus disc.

    As always, Dave's Picks Volume 26 has been mastered to HDCD specs from the original analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman and is limited to 18,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Terrapin Moon
    recreational weed is not
    recreational weed is not legal here. even if states say it is. states cant over ride federal law.
  • Charlie3
    An Honest Question
    Do any of you folks who feel marijuana should not be legal and yet admit to prior recreational mj use honestly feel like you would have been better off if you had been arrested, prosecuted and convicted of mj possession? Did you ever consider turning yourself in so you could get the benefits of arrest, prosecution and conviction for a marijuana offense? Would you turn in a family member for a marijuana offense to help them get the benefits of arrest, prosecution and conviction for a marijuana offense? Do you have the moral fortitude to subject yourself to the remedy you prescribe for others? I can tell you that entanglement in the criminal justice system sucks more than you might realize even if you don't end up going to prison. It follows you forever either way and there are those who will hold it against you.
  • LedDed
    drugs, inc.
    If only our elected representatives (note I won't use the word, "leaders," because no one is leading) would converse in such an honest and reflective, civil manner about societal issues that are important. America's drug habit has destroyed Mexico, for one example. There is too much money to be made in black market commodities. In the end, while I don't want a 21 year-old kid to be able to go buy herion, blow or meth over the counter, much of the trouble comes from prohibition. Everyone here loves Jerry Garcia to death. His personal experiences notwithstanding, ol' Jer succumbed to drug addiction, it became dark, and he was ultimately lost to us. Tragic. The Grateful Dead is a great sounding board for this. Because, can anyone name a druggier band? Seriously, the symbol of the counterculture and youthful experimentation. The positive psychedelic experience is without parallel. There is a large interest today in ayahuasca, microdosing, etc. In the name of consciousness expansion. Most of us know there is a "there" there, and drugs - I've had mystical, mind-blowing experiences with the coca plant as well as the poppy - can be a portal to this kind of true knowledge, and consciousness expansion. But you can't get too far gone - you've got to find your way home. Love the Blind Faith song. It's a fine line, yes, but how many if not for drug addiction would have killed themselves through some other excessiveness... It's something, really, to put yourself out there and then come back. I wouldn't trade my experiences for anything, but the idea of my kids going there freaks me the fuck out. Because it is dangerous. I don't know. I only know how it went for me. I had periods of, not addiction, but willful excessive abuse, because, hey - I loved it. But it wasn't what defined me, in the end, and now I get up at 5am 7 days a week and exercise. We can't put people in prison for drug use or possession. I live in Colorado. Nothing has changed here, except all the good the tax money is doing now that dealers aren't pocketing it. Your local drug dealer never paid taxes - dispensaries do. They sell only the cleanest organic product for the most part. Weed, for sure, should be legal like it is here. It's no worse than booze or cigarettes, or a triple bacon cheeseburger. Or pharmaceutical drugs your Dr. will prescribe you. Harder drugs should not be legalized. I draw the line there. But, obviously, anyone can go get anything they want, any time. Decriminalization and emphasis on rehabilitation. Jail for large dealers, repeat offenders, etc. We all know of those whose lives have been ruined by drugs and alcohol, but ultimately, just like Jerry Garcia, those folks went swimming in dangerous waters and failed to maintain. And, falling prey to basic human frailty in such a manner, they may have fallen to pieces anyway through some other medium. All the best to everyone.
  • Born Cross Eye…
    Legalize for recreational use?
    Legalize for recreational use?No. I agree with the comments that are not in favor of legalization for recreational usage. Medical legalization? Yes. CBD, in my opinion: it's really just a pain medication that is useful for several problems. It's not for all problems or people. My recreational use: from my late teens into my mid-thirties in 1991. I was a "casual" user, I got into it slowly and every so often, I could go into daily binges for two, three weeks or two months at a time and then stop cold for for anytime from two weeks to about six months without having the "I-need-to-get-high-again-very-soon" urges. But yet, I knew it was just around the corner and sure enough I'd feel the need to get high, sooner or later. During the Operation Desert Storm period, 1/17/91 - 2/28/91, more like 1/17/19, with the breaking news story, I lit up a joint for the last time without realizing it, and I had no urges after that. It wasn't even on the radar, or just around the corner that I even wanted some. On July 4th 1992, someone asked me if I wanted some, and I said no. I haven't had any urges after that. The desire is just not there anymore. "Clean-N-Sober since 7/4/92" Tongue-in-cheek.
  • Charlie3
    I suspect that there is a fair amount of overlap with our general view on the prohibition debate with some differences with regard to specific substances like marijuana or psychedelics. I feel pretty strongly about the issue, which probably comes through, but I hope I am being sufficiently respectful that I don't appear to be an ass. Based on experience and feedback, I don't always realize when I act like an ass. I do enjoy a respectful discussion like this, I think it helps everyone to reach a better understanding, even if universal agreement is not reached. I just have a view that my consciousness is my most personal and private space, and that it is up to me to decide how to use it or alter it. Personally, I think that responsible use of psychedelics can be an intensely rewarding experience with what I have perceived to be permanent beneficial results in my ability to interact with the world and the people in it. If used responsibly it seems more like a sacrament than a harmful drug. Opiates and stimulants hold no appeal for me, and based on my observations on their impact on others and my limited '80's coke use, they are devastating and destructive substances that no person should use. But I would not want to incarcerate someone if they disagree and choose to use them. Marijuana seems to me a petty vice at worst, and there are lots of legal vices that are more harmful to the individual and society. For example, I believe as a nation we have among the highest rates of obesity, leading to increased risk of diabetes and other costly and chronic medical conditions - should we prohibit high sugar, high fat, high sodium and high calorie diets and prohibit sedentary lifestyle choices to save society money in medical costs? Should we lock up people who refuse to eat healthy and exercise, or perhaps just the giant junk food conglomerates pushing these unhealthy choices on the masses. Seems like the same or a similar situation - people making unhealthy choices that cost society as a whole money and resources - so shouldn't the solution be the same? In my mind, if a society is free, you can give the individual all of the information that he or she needs to make an informed decision about things and then let them choose. If you're not free to make choices other's feel are stupid, you're not really free, and if you're not really free you may as well be an outlaw. After all, living healthy is no guarantee you don't die a horrific death from a devastating illness. I've watched it happen to loved ones. At some point the ride ends, so enjoy it while it lasts or regret it as it ends.
  • JimInMD
    Re: Trainwrecked
    First, I encourage your coming forward.. it's honorable, and I think we all have a thing or two to learn here. Please don't view my disagreement as combative or dismissive. But I have to ask.. how much of your 35 years of smoking were done with joints vs. bongs, etc. The reason I ask.. I have you just barely beat... and I don't consider it a health risk to me in the slightest. Since beginning, if possible I have consumed through water. It has never raised my blood pressure and I am pudgy dude. Except for periods of either no school or no work, I would not call myself a daily user, I have always had too much going on.. but.... Still.. many around me dwarf my consumption, many much older.. and I am not seeing the damage on the scale of what describe in any of their lives. I have never in my life knew a non-cigarette but weed smoker getting emphysema. So my question is.. clearly your usage was high for years.. fatties, or less invasive techniques? Again, not trying to prosecute or question, you have my sympathy - trying to better understand. I want it legal and I want me and more than half the people I know to no longer be criminals.
  • Gary Farseer
    Vegas Knights Guy
    Like that name. Vegas Knight would have a cool name for Bobby's son. oh yeah, check your pm. G
  • Trainwrecked
    Charlie I agree with you
    But still stick to my point that it's a bad idea to legalize marijuana. The Portugal model is what I would condone, which is to de-criminalize it, but not make it legal. In Portual, it is still illegal to use drugs and still a penal offense to sell them, there is just no heavy jail time. Because prohibition has been a failure, the best solution is to keep it illegal, but change the penalties, so that only hardcore distributors are doing jail time, and only after multiple offenses. After all, laws are laws, and if you're part of distribution ring selling hundreds of pounds, then yes, you should do jail time if you don't learn your lesson after a heavy fine and probation before judgement. But nobody walking around with a quarter in baggie should be doing time ever. The problem with making it legal across the country (like Colorado) is that the use will go up over time, as the social stigma of using it erodes, and the suppliers get a foothold in every state. And to be frank, I'm not an exceptional person, I'm quite average. If it can happen to me, it can happen to a decent percentage of Americans, so why propagate a social habit that will have extremely negative consequences for a large number of people. And keep in mind, as those people run into issues, there will be burden on every tax payer, as they start exercising their health insurance for psychological counselling and replacement therapy drugs, etc. I really fear for the kids. Decision making capabilities do not develop fully until the early 20s. With legalized pot everywhere in the country, there will be a lot of kids who get into the habit and pitfalls of daily use, and it just bothers me to think that we may not be too far off from living in a society whose laws are indifferent to that outcome.
  • Terrapin Moon
    but anyways on to more
    but anyways on to more pressing matters. 12/10/93 and 8/3/82 needs to be released. also am I alone in thinking that in a world of smart phones and moble devices it seems really silly that they still ban soundboard downloading on archive just seems pointless now???
  • daverock
    reijo 29 King Crimson
    Thanks for the warning on the Larks box set. I am very tempted by the Sailors Tale box, though. There is one cd that I would really recommend, that is included in that box-but which was released separately a few years ago-Live at The Marquee 10th August 1971. Its a double cd set, and the opening track on the second disc is a 27 minute instrumental jam, the like of which I have never heard before. A fantastic release.
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8 years 4 months

The unexpected return of the masters of the Grateful Dead's triumphant show at the Albuquerque Civic Auditorium, November 17, 1971, yields great rewards. The Dead came in HOT for their first New Mexico show. Aided by clarity and precision and abetted by confidence and focus, they finessed old standards with definitive takes. With Keith now blending in seamlessly on keys, the first set offered up a triple shot of electric Blues, an exceptional "You Win Again," and a stellar "One More Saturday Night" to wrap things up. And the second set, well, it might just be unlike any you've ever heard. Archivist David Lemieux urges you to turn it up and do it loudly. We won't dare spoil all the surprises, but pay special attention to the rippin' "Sugar Magnolia," the aggressively monstrous "The Other One," and the highly-danceable "Not Fade>GDTRFB>Not Fade." Rounding out the 3CDs, you'll find selections from Pigpen's return tour at Ann Arbor, MI, 12/14/71. Subscribers will get nearly all of the complete show as this year's bonus disc.

As always, Dave's Picks Volume 26 has been mastered to HDCD specs from the original analog tapes by Jeffrey Norman and is limited to 18,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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Member for

12 years 5 months

Dicks Picks 12 Not even close. So fluid and unique. I can't think of any other version of a single song the band performed that surpasses all the other versions by such a wide margin.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

It was a trick question.. I was just looking for a new, good one I had not listened to before. ..as for the best Eyes.. Louisville.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

.... because you know it to be true. Holly Bowling is aces.
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Member for

6 years 10 months

I really don't know what is going on in Utah that you are referring about. Utah isn't above federal law either. I don't think people should go to prison either (prison and jail are two different things) but at the same time I really don't feel too bad if someone does cuz laws are not that hard to follow they really aren't. I mean people say its not addictive or habit forming but theres a law saying its illegal and people still do. so if it isn't, then its kinda boiled down to this: I'm having a REALLY hard time following this particular law and I'm getting in trouble cuz of it so it needs to be taken out lol.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

If you are not in favor of people going to jail, then you are arguing for decriminalization.. which basically means legalization. The alternatives involve jail time, one way or the other.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

So true.. but my favorite Eyes just so happens to be the one she plays on this video. Brings back memories. Now back to the best China Rider. Certainly more fun than discussing going to jail.
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Member for

11 years 6 months

No separation of church & state. The church is the state. one of us...one of us...one of us...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....my take on Utah is/was their beer laws. Used to be you couldn't serve beer in that state above 3.5 ABV or some nonsense like that. And you could only have one drink on your table at a time. Now they brew some pretty strong brews. Holly is always on my radar for a show here. Yet to happen. She does a really, really good Terrapin Suite too. Busted her Better Left Unsung CD just now. Yup. Still grate. She tickles some pretty sweet Phish ivory keys as well....ala Tahoe Tweezerhttps://youtu.be/zxBJBAFcmSY
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17 years 8 months

....if anyone can show me a better one than '74 Providence, I'm all ears. Go on. Impress me. 420 smoking session will commence soon. I think I'll listen to some more King Crimson while I'm at it. Why knot?
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Member for

11 years 8 months

- '76 is definitely awesome. Caught me by surprise when the Betty's came out. A much slower burn, but some great moments, especially if you don't look in the usual places....- weed - no shame in saying no. - edibles.... convenience and stealth factor is a plus, but the delayed onset and the slow arc of the buzz kinda drones on (especially compared to the usual initial head-rush and then slow taper). Edibles are a commitment. - YES the 6/26 DP12 China>Rider melts lead - insanely good. A personal fav of mine is 12/1/79. - GD Fillmore vinyl - great idea. These shows are among the most amazing recordings of the 20th century. 2/27 and 2/28 are two of the best shows ever recorded. And the other two are similarly brilliant and make for a solid4-how box.
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17 years 8 months

....that 420 is the smallest number easily divisible by 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 but not easily divisible by 8th's? I know right? That's what I said....
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Member for

6 years 10 months

no separation of church & state? that's bullshit. if they have no separation of church & State then their churches can start paying taxes. i'm sure it has everything to do with those polygamous cults.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

Methinks VGuy's IQ went up several points since Vegas went legal. Not that he wasn't very smart before, just an observation.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....I've been through southern Utah. Pretty weird vibe I had while I was there. Just kept driving. Faster.
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Member for

6 years 10 months

after watching some of that polygamy cult show on A & E, I would drive fast too vguy its creepy ass shit. I wouldn't feel safe there I would be pissing my pants if my car broke down in that area
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Member for

17 years 8 months

....I'm better at math whilst high. I know right? That's what I said!....outlawing porn? Good luck with that Utes.
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Member for

9 years 1 month

Avail as a 3CD set "Import" and it actually sounds pretty good.
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Member for

15 years 1 month

I am very glad I live in Washington state. if I can buy all the guns and ammunition I want (with constitutional blessing) and I can buy all the alcohol I want and I can buy all the tobacco I want then I am glad I can buy all the cannabis I want and smoke all the cannabis I want.
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Member for

6 years 10 months

I used quote marks for that cuz people say playboy is porn (it isn't....or at least not since I last checked)
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hi All, I am diverting from the topic at hand just to mention that Deadbase 50 is on sale at Amazon. There is a promo code to enter after you set up purchase- 50DEAD420. The code is for half off, so it comes out to $45, plus shipping. I think this is a great deal. This sale is is running from 4/19 through 4/21. I just came across it today and I put my order in. I thought I would pass it off to all of you since it was being discussed a few pages ago. I have been wanting to get this for a while, and I wanted share with all of you in case anybody else was in the market for it as well.
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Member for

15 years 3 months

What about Gainesville?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

.... Gainesville this, Gainesville that. Where's the Baked Alaska box? Hmmmm? Where's that? ;)....the 5.10.80 China -> Rider is pretty strong. Good call stolzfus. In fact, that entire second set looks tasty. No offense King Crimson. Squirrel!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I agree that the China > Rider for 6/26/74 (DP 12) is up there, especially because it starts off with a jam first then goes into the China Cat. I have also thought that the China > Rider from Veneta (8/27/72) was pretty incendiary (yay! Almost Famous reference!) and it served in many ways in my opinion as the launching point for that show. Another one I find to be pretty good is the version on The Grateful Dead Movie (10/17/74). It might be that the video aids to it for me, but that one comes off really well. Also the version from 5/6/80 which is Road Trips V.3 N.4. from my Alma Mater is another good one. First time I heard that was back in the tape trading days where I got an audience tape of that show. The audience tapes as well matrix mixes can add a different perspective on the show. I know many of you have commented on that before. On the tape I had, it was very easy to hear the interplay between the band and the crowd. I distinctly remember the crowd being very heightened and as Rider was peaking. After all the lyrics had been delivered, the band really rides the crowds excitement and pushed the crescendo both longer and louder. I don't own the Road Trips release of this show, which represents another one I should not have passed on, but given that I have not heard this in a long while. I will likely wait to until Real Gone reissues it as they are working their way backwards with the RTs, but I might need to visit the Archive to listen to the audience source soon.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

5.10.80 Hartford Civic Centersecond set . China Cat Sunflower -> I Know You Rider Feel Like A Stranger -> Comes A Time -> Estimated Prophet -> He's Gone -> Uncle John's Band -> Drumz -> Not Fade Away -> Sugar Magnolia . Alabama Getaway -> One More Saturday Knight . Look at all those beautiful ->'s. stolzfus. You are da man! The Jim Wise recording I'm listening to features several firework explosions. A good one occurs in the middle of Comes A Time. Hard to beat a sweet aud. That Times -> Estimated segue was nice.
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Member for

15 years 10 months

This is easily if not best china cat/I know you riders in existence. They picked the delicate intro to perfection and this version out of all others was used for the final selection of Europe 72. Jim
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Member for

14 years 4 months

DP12 is also my no-brainer favorite but I also love DP10 (12/29/77) - it’s a powerful version, maybe because they hadn’t played it in a long time. Check out the “cool Colorado rain” part... makes the hair stand up on the back of my neck every time.
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Member for

11 years 6 months

Catching up.5-10-80 China->Rider. I've only got the second set but boy-oh-boy is it a doozey. Got mine from the good ole CAFE'. It's there if you're inclined. Get some :o) ...Europe '72 China->Rider is still my favorite.
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13 years

Got the box here in my local record store in germany for around 55€, quite a fair price Cheers and happy weekend
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Member for

10 years 6 months

The ones I can remember off the top of my head as being particularly great are also 26th June 1974 and 27th August 1972. Especially the film of the 1972 one at Veneta, which is probably my favourite film clip of the band. That or the Johnny B. Goode encore at Winterland New Years 1978. Generally, I like the 1972-1974 versions. (I'm back on China-Rider). The show I am listening to at the moment, Frankfurt 26th April 1972 features a good version. In fact it features a good version of everything played. The show is renowned for great versions of The Other One and Lovelight-but the whole show sparkles. Every time I play a show from this tour, especially after a break of a week or two, it seems like the best show of the run.
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10 years 6 months

It seems a bit pricey to me. There is only one store that has a copy near me, as far as I know, and that is about 40 odd miles away. I phoned up the shop this morning, and the girl I spoke to told me they only had the one. She said people had been queuing up outside since 4.00am this morning, and by the time I go there it would probably be gone. So I stayed home! I' be looking on ebay and Amazon now.
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Member for

9 years 10 months

Favorites: 5/3/72 2/28/73 3/23/74 6/26/74 12/1/79 7/17/89 4/1/90
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13 years 2 months

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Member for

13 years 8 months

Infant10/31/69 San Jose 12/31/69 Boston Tea Party 2/14/70 FE, NY 5/14/70 Merrimack, MO Adolescence 5/24/72 London 5/3/72 Paris 8/27/72 Veneta Teenager - really any from 73 through 74 6/26/74 Providence 6/22/73 PNE 2/9/73 Palo Alto 5/17/74 PNE 11/11/73 Winterland 10/20/74 Winterland Prom 12/29/77 Workingmans, paying the bills. 8/7/82 Alpine 10/10/82 Frost 6/15/85 Greek 10/18/89 Spectrum 6/17/89 Alpine (checking out 5/10/80 now, thanks all) Touch of Grey, Senior Years 6/16/90 Mountain View 9/20/90 MSG 4/1/90 Omni I think I left off a few 'musts'. Oh well.. it's nice out, I'm heading outside.. music in hand.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

ah... oft overlooked. VGuy reminded me last year to put this in rotation, and I did. It's on my favorite waterproof shuffle, which means it gets steady rotation during watersport activities. The whole show is simply classic.. a bright, quality China Rider, one of the best Lovelights of the tour (Lovelight > GDTRFB is stupendous), the only DS>TOO of the tour. What a show.. a 99.9 of 100 and a desert island must have. In fact.. I am grabbing the device that has this show on it, so it's getting hit in about an hour. A tip of the hat to SimonRob.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Love the May 1980's, they are loose and slinky, and on fire! The growth of Stranger is intense. Weird, as I get older, and where I live, I do truly Feel Like a Stranger. Sojourn on my friends!
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Member for

9 years 4 months

But glue is still legal. Weed should be legal just as alcohol, nicotine, and caffeine are. Some people are more prone to addictive personalities (and some choose gambling, skydiving, extreme sports, sex, etc to get their rush rather than substances) which is why it is necessary to have programs in place to help them overcome their addiction. But there are also many people who can use weed without moving on to crack, heroin, meth, etc. Those people shouldn’t be penalized because there are other people who couldn’t control themselves. (Just getting caught up on the posts, been a little busy lately) Got to run, found a record store that is holding a FW vinyl for me......
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Member for

17 years 8 months

As north-west Europe currently basks in record-breaking temperatures (up to 29 C / 84 F) it is hard to believe just how cold it was at Bickershaw 46 years ago. Global warming? Jus' kiddin'. At least by the last day the weather had relented, even if it remained horribly cold. A fine selection performed that day: Brinsley Schwartz, Country Joe McDonald, The New Riders and our heroes. Check out Brinsley Schwartz if you have never heard their music. Mr. Schwartz himself and Bob Andrews subsequently became members of Graham Parker's excellent Rumour while Nick Lowe went on to solo success. As always at large gatherings, Country Joe's Fish Cheer got the crowd going. The sunny California sounds of the New Riders would have been better in Californian temperatures, but nothing could stop the Dead producing a top-notch performance for many hours, but it seemed to be over far too soon. A memorable day indeed.
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Member for

9 years 7 months

Took me a while and I did not check all numbers...but divisible by 8ths, too funny! We be connected, so the days of crazy 8ths is long gone. Speaking of which I got to try shatter a few weeks back. One toke over the line indeed. I told my buddy a few days later, I thought I was going to have to call the ambOlence. He had something called a nectar collector. First time I had seen that contraption, just wow. Smoking Crater indeed. https://www.ebay.com/i/273127230622?chn=ps https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tj96Tau44OA
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12 years 5 months

I don't own a turntable, but I went down and picked up a copy anyway. The guy recommended Jeff Buckley. Anybody ever heard his stuff?
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Member for

11 years 7 months

Jeff was Tim Buckley’s son. I’d recommend Tim over Jeff, as he had a much broader, more diverse and interesting catalogue:Studio albums Tim Buckley (1966) Goodbye and Hello (1967) Happy Sad (1969) Blue Afternoon (1969) Lorca (1970) Starsailor (1970) Greetings from L.A. (1972) Sefronia (1973) Look at the Fool (1974) Live albums Dream Letter: Live in London 1968 (1990) Peel Sessions (1991) Live at the Troubadour 1969 (1994) Honeyman: Live 1973 (1995) Once I Was (1999) Copenhagen Tapes (2000) Live at the Folklore Center 1967 (Tompkins Square, 2009)
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Member for

14 years 3 months

All the E72 DarkStars are unique of course. Bickershaw just SOUNDS outdoors and muddy and extra loosey goosey. Maybe that Star-Other One has the most free "space" of any E72 show?! Sweet stuff.
product sku