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    Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

    When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

    DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

    *Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.


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  • Dark-Star
    For the love of God man!

    What is it?!? I may go crazy if I don't find out this week

  • hendrixfreak
    Not really pissed, Angry Jack

    As someone pointed out, I had not planned on attending 6-10-73, just a palm-to-forehead moment after we heard how big the second night was. And who could know ahead of time when the big performances would happen? Not even the band knew. But it makes a brief anecdote in the annals of the-one-that-got-away...

    Another such tale: after my first show, 9-19-72, in the Thunderdome-esque Roosevelt Stadium in lovely Jersey City, NJ, the band moved on to the intimate Stanley Theater there for Sept 26-28 '72; you know 9-27-72 was released as Dick's 11th pick. I knew it was relatively small (,4,300 seats) and my older brother's friends had cars. (I didn't know that the theater, built in 1928, had hosted my all-time heroes, the Three Stooges, as well as Janis Joplin.) But I was already in trouble for skipping school on 9-19-72 at the very beginning of high school, I had just turned 15, and it was just too much to ask of my parents and society generally for me to be allowed to accompany them. So I knew enough not to try. Result: three legendary shows, without moi.

    So it goes! I did catch multiple major shows, as high as a Mayan priest (sans sacrificial virgins, dang it) so if I'd caught any more I'd be waaaay too crispy at this stage. Actually, after 47 years of consistent psychedelic use, I'm feelin' pretty good. I mean, sure, this odd white garment that ties my arms behind my back is a little tight, but between the injections, the attendants are generally pretty nice, except that one nurse named Rachett........

  • hendrixfreak
    two brief hitchhiking stories

    So I hitched alone, age 15 -- man, you look at a 15-yr-old these days and they do not look like the worldly person I thought I was at the time (1973) -- throughout New England and backpacked solo for a week through the Adirondack Mtns, famous for the density of black bears. Every night in the woods when darkness fell, I was scared shitless! Eventually I'd fall asleep, exhausted by fear. Would wake up in the middle of the night and see glowing eyes everywhere. I've gotten pretty comfy though doing this over the past 45 yrs... but back then, I guess I had a propensity for doing things that scared me. But I digress. Right here at the beginning...

    So I'm hitchhiking from St. Johnsbury in northern Vermont back home to northern New Jersey. A pickup stops for me. It's a backwoods family: eldest son is driving, ma in the middle, pa at shotgun. In the camper in the back, I joined the youngest son, who unfortunately was developmentally disabled. This is the Clampetts to the nth degree. I get in. They're going as far as Bridgeport, Conn., probably 275 miles. The driver proceeds to drive, seriously, about 95+ mph. I could look through the little window and see the speedometer. Plus, the damn vehicle is shaking like it's on Star Trek and Scotty's yelling "She's breaking up, Captain!!" A five-hour drive looks like it's going to take about 45 minutes or so.... Then they stop at a liquor store: a quart of Jack for those in the cab, a case of Bud and chips for me and the kid. We resume at 95+ mph. I decided, probably unwisely, to stay with them. I convinced myself the driver could keep it on the road and, as a veteran hitchhiker, it looked like a quick ride, if we didn't all die.

    They pull over at a rest stop and four of us walk to the trees to relieve ourselves. I think, where's "ma"? I look back, and she's got one foot on the truck's running board and one foot on the arm rest of the open passenger door, skirt hiked, taking care of business from about 3-4 feet off the ground. You can't un-see that!! Short story long, we got to Bridgeport in maybe 3 hrs and I thanked them and continued on my way...

    Summer '78, after the first GD Rocks shows, a buddy gets a drive-away service vehicle (they used to transport cars interstate by getting someone to drive them one-way) and it's a brand-new power-blue Fleetwood Cadillac. No passengers allowed. So he invites me to catch a ride, Denver to Flagstaff to see another friend, while he would drive on to LA and deliver the vehicle. We stock up on ice, Foster's Lager, quaaludes, mescaline and few other goodies. No toothbrush, no spare clothes, just ... materials. By now I'm a fully ripe 20 yrs old. (A real adult, right?) Anyway, by the time we stop in at the Colo-NM border station (commercial vehicle, you know) the uniformed folks inside had swirling blobs for faces and I couldn't stop laughing. (Y'all know when, the next day, your smile muscles hurt like hell! That's going electric for ya.) When we got to Flag, my buddy the driver takes us and a couple young women four-wheeling in Sedona Canyon, across the creek and all -- in the Fleetwood. He splits. I spend a week pumping my buddy's older brother's girlfriend with ludes and foolin' around. Then my driver friend shows up, with a ride back to Denver. We get in. My friend immediately begins talking in an exaggerated street dialect, signaling me that our new "friend," the driver, is a) probably not too bright and, b) probably dangerous. That's when I looked down and saw the butt end of a sawed-off shotgun tucked under the driver's seat. After we had a few beers -- absolutely crucial on such a long hot drive -- the guy reveals that he and his dad just busted out of prison in Nevada and had split up, stealing cars to cross the country. Naturally, at this news, I pounded a couple more beers and joined in the lament about ... whatever he was lamenting at that moment. When we got to Denver, he insisted on driving us to our house. So we had him drop us off at a nearby friend's house, so he wouldn't know where we lived. And we (and they) thankfully never saw the gentleman again.

    Great form of transportation, if you're ready for a little "adventure."

  • Angry Jack Straw

    Well I am on record as still being pissed off 30 years later. Not sure about HF. All I know is the common source of angst for both of us was formal education. I'll tell you what though. I learned a hell of a lot more about life following that god damn band all around than I ever did in school.

    Actually the biggest regret about Hampton was in 88 and not staying in touch with Amy from SUNY Stonybrook. If you are still as cool as you were and look anything remotely like you did, I'll divorce my wife.

    Not really.

    Well, maybe.

    More about hitching later.

  • Dennis
    ok last one

    I couldn't find it, but I'm sure some here know it. A Lampoon(?) skit about a dead head who was asleep for 10 years.

  • Dennis
    11 to 15 years old,,, nothin'

    My mom would tell me about Jersey City in 1956 (year I was born). Everyday she would walk down the "boulevard", usually with her mother or sisters. We lived in a 6 family house. My mother's brother lived across the hall, her parents lived two floors above us. I remember being little, moved from the city in 60, but I remember walking down the boulevard, the long walk took us to JJ Newberrys (5 & 10 cent store), big toy section. Anyway, Mom would tell about how in her day, women left their sleeping babies in their carriages while they ran into the store and there be a dozen carriages out there! "Nobody would ever think about someone taking their kid!"

    Also when I was 7 to 8, during the summer mom would push us out the door, lock it and say don't come back till dinner I got work to do. We would go miles from the house, places where "parents" couldn't find you. Play on the railroad tracks, swim in the marine creek under the bridge, play at the brick works at night when they were close. So yeah, hitching to the mall 15 miles away, a large group of kids,,,, you know to me that seemed about right!

  • Oroborous
    AJS/Hampton, 89 box, and Hitchin

    Angry Jack: cheese and rice dude, what a bummer! Missing 3/27/88 was bad enough, but 10/89......words can not convey.....3/27 was definitely in my top tier of shows, don’t think the download recording does it justice. And I won’t even mention how great the experience was in 89......reminds me of a local joke.....How does a snowboarder introduce himself.....”sorry dude!”
    Not sure which story is worse, AJS or Hendrixfreak. HF never intended to go to 6/10, where as AJS intended to go?
    I almost think missing 89 Hampton was worse just because of the historic nature. 73 they played DS still fairly often, of course that one had the Allman/Merl jams etc.....yeesh, either way sucks!

    89 BOX: I’m up for any of it, but feel the same as others about the likelihood of a summer release this close on the heels of the last one. Now fall 89 might be more appropriate. Personally I’d prefer that, especially the Philly shows. COME ON DAVE PHILLY 89! 😉 Alpine would be cool, but I already have that.....not familiar with the giants shows?

    HITCHIN’: first thing I think of is the poor bastard they pick up in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas! We actually did that to some poor bumpkin out in the country......not anywhere near like the book/movie, but it was us three “booze brothers” in a giant Ford Galaxy around 1980. We used to go work for and go hang with our buds in this awesome dead band (had all the same gear from that period etc)...it was about forty miles of 2 lane country road with like no cops back then...so the booze mobile was modified with dual overhead openers, holes drilled in the back floor and trunk, and a giant plug in cooler. The holes in the trunk were for long road trips or tailgating etc. You could fill the whole trunk up with beer and ice and it would just melt out the holes! The back floor would get filled with cans etc so after a trip you could just hose it and the trunk down and clean er right up!
    Anyway, we pick this guy up with the radio playing jazz and the boom box playing something else, with us being especially weird, mostly show, just to try and freak this guy out. Well it worked, didn’t take more than 10-15 minutes and this guy wanted out.LOL
    Personally didn’t do to much thumbing, but did hitch to my first JGB show at Brookport university in November 81.
    Unfortunately not so romantic actually doing it as compared to the dumb notions I had in my teenage head! Same route out to the same friends as above, but rides were few and far between, and the weather was horrible. Ended up walking probably half of it just cause I was desperate to meet up and not miss my ride to the show...long day but I made it and the show was awesome. So chill. It was in a tiny gym with no real stage, maybe only a foot or two off of the floor....so we sat on the floor right in front of Jerry. Could literally reach up a touch his mic stand, not that we would. The second set though some uptight dumbasses made us stand up cause they thought we were hoggin too much real estate. We tried to explain that with us on the floor they could see better, but they started being douches and sorta kicking us and saying “your too mellow, you need to dance etc”....so all six or seven of us stood up, many over six feet and shuggred and said, there, happy now....because of course now they couldn’t see!

    EDIT; another good hitching image....sissy raw shanks in Even Cowgirls Get the Blues! Hee-hee which of course makes mr think of Deloras and the peyote wagon 😁

  • kerehman

    Cheapest I have found so far for the upcoming vinyl. Thought I would share for all the vinyl people out there.


  • nappyrags
    Ahhh the Golden Thumb...

    I hitched up and down the West Coast quite extensively from 1969 to about 1978...lot'sa fun, lot'sa strange happenings...once in So Cal going out to Malibu from Hollyweird I got a ride from a rather creepy looking fellow who after a few blocks asked me if I had any "abstract manifestations"...hmmmm...I'll get out right here and thanks for the ride...but those days are long gone as they should be...also rides seemed to dry up around the time of the Manson Trial...

  • daverock
    And who picks up hitchikers, anyway?

    Some quite helpful people, to be sure...but a few decidedly off key ones too. The fastest ride I got was on the back of a Hells Angel wannabees bike-the slowest with a vicar. Who was actually quite a nice chap, as I remember. The worst was with a guy who propositioned me. I got out unscathed, but it was back to public transport for me after that one.

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Who's up for a revolutionary evolutionary ride? DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 1/2/70 captures the Grateful Dead as they make their first foray from the experimental 60s into their early 70s acoustic Americana period. Yes, this one is a little bit country and a little bit (psychedelic) rock and roll.

When the "Magnificent Seven" - Pigpen on percussion, T.C. on keys - first took the stage on 1/2/70, evidence was clear that the trip was about to take a turn. From their western wears to the twang in Jerry’s “broken-string blues,” it appeared they'd brought the Bakersfield sound to the Big Apple. They worked through much of what would become Workingman's Dead, stunning the crowd with laid-back numbers like "Uncle John's Band," "Casey Jones," and "Black Peter." Just the same, they satisfied 60s stalwarts with magical versions of "Dark Star," "St. Stephen," and "That's It For The Other One." Sonic alchemy, indeed!

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30: FILLMORE EAST, NEW YORK, ​New York 1/2/70 has been rounded out with a bit of 1/3/70 (the subscribers-only bonus disc features the bulk of 1/3/70). It was recorded by the great Owsley "Bear" Stanley and has been lovingly mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman.

DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 30 is limited to 20,000 individually-numbered copies*.

*Limited to 2 per order. Very limited quantity available.

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8 years 5 months

...set-List is primo! I’m in love! 🙏❤️😎

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Member for

10 years 8 months

Guess the mystery will hold until May 1. Can't wait for this release!

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11 years 8 months

When I was a mere schmo of 19...dem were da daze...

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Member for

12 years 3 months

Should be fantastic. Love the artwork too......(But still hate this new site. Impossible to post or find comments on your phone. It's a nightmare. I miss this place. I just happen to be in front of a computer now)......Enjoy the holiday weekend

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Member for

17 years 3 months

I have the subscription. If it's not sold out, get it now.

Love the artwork and look forward to hearing this. A magic era.

Too soon to request an 80's show for Vol. 31 and 90's show for 32?

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9 years 10 months

30. (!).


This is good. This Dark Star is one for The Ages.


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14 years 8 months

In reply to by SPACEBROTHER


I say for #31: 6/18/83 and 6/20/83

for #32: 5/27/93

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16 years 5 months

In reply to by SPACEBROTHER


It's never to early to ask for an 80's show. But I'm a little greedy. 3 83 shows in a mini box would keep mr. Jones away from my door for a while

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17 years 3 months

In reply to by stoltzfus


....seems like just yesterday that the Dave's series was announced. Oh, oh what I want to know. where does the time go?

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17 years 3 months

Can’t wait to get my furry paws on it. You got it right pops ,those were some good old days.

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10 years 8 months

In reply to by Strider 808808


Seems the t-shirt for sale is the cover of the bonus disc. Interesting artwork, also gives an idea how small the Fillmore East was. That third disc is gonna get a lot of play at my house and in my car I imagine.

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Member for

11 years 3 months

This is the Dead at their first "Peak". Amazing stuff. And the recording is pristine.

Love the art for this one. Glad to see something different and original.

“Incredible variety of releases and format” Dave you evil bastard LOL! We haven’t even received this one yet and I’m already jonesin’ for more! Format variety? Like perhaps some video....

COVER ART: I’m with thin, I like this cover especially because it’s not the bearded skeletons again....not saying any of that was bad, just think there is so much more iconography to work with and the skeletons have been done to death, yuck yuck, imho that is....sounds like we might get some era variety also? Philly 89? Summer 85? More 79? 91?
Folks saying Warfield 80 might be right, he’s obviously been poking around there....but what about Gainesville!

Yee-gads, I guess in the mean time we’ll just have to settle for some 70 Fillmore 😉 were so spoiled, thanks Dave

EDIT: perhaps the most interesting tell is that their working with Bears people and what that might entail......”possibilities are frightening”

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9 years 5 months

The art work is growing on me on this one, but that disc three looks amazing.

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7 years 11 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Short Seaside chat for Dave. Of course this one should have come out a long time ago....

No real clues on the next box.☹️

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Member for

15 years 11 months

I concur, guessing what's on this bonus disc is going to be fun. That third disc with the dark star is going to get some big time play here. Some of the tunes from 1/3 are on disc 1 and 2 so I am going to figure the big jams from both early and late shows will be on the bonus disc, oh goody, ps put me down for a couple of those limited run t shirts.

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16 years 5 months

In reply to by Sixtus_


Sixy - That's what I thought when I turned 30. I'm 45 now. : ))

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11 years 8 months

either an 80's Ventura box or an 80's Greek Berkeley box....

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9 years 10 months

In reply to by wadeocu


This seems like it might be pretty interesting.:


Anyone remember back in the day, the Grateful Dead comix? I recall them coming in the printed newsletter that folded out, was on beautiful stock paper, and had lots of colors and all the new products of the day. Like Dick's Picks one haha.


P.S. Wedeocu....true dat. 30 seems like both yesterday and forever ago! Also makes me wonder if there is ever any endgame number in store for us with Dave. 30 is great. Imagine double triple quadruple that? Who will live that long haha.

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13 years 8 months

Just like others have noted, the skeleton art has become a bit stale and cliched so this is a welcomed change of art direction. The other covers are great but the skeleton motif becomes staid after a while. The Wizard of Oz cover was a nice touch on whichever release it was on.

Now onto that MSG NYC September 1979 box set. Dave that one will sell-out instantly.

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16 years 5 months

I dont know Sixy, I think I can make it to at least Dave's Picks 110 or maybe 120.

Anything after that is all bonus material for sure!

Looks like Rhino has found the sweetspot. That point that people that want it can have it while keeping the cost down by not succumbing to those that think Rhino is in business for them by keeping everything made in stock

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8 years 11 months

In reply to by snafu


I tried to pre-order one (on an iPad) and got the message

“Selected required options are not available.”

Just seeing if it was sold out, I wasn’t going to actually buy it because I subscribed.

Not sold out, I was able to put one in the cart.

100 total hits in the book, pre-orders only.
You have to figure out where to lick, with no 2 hits adjacent to each other.
Basically a reCRAPTCHA exam for the tongue. The problem is that by the time you realize that you found a hit, you could have found 5 hits.

But seriously folks, the real question is what unreleased songs are going to be on the bonus vinyl for preorders.

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Member for

17 years 3 months

just please don't put out 8/3/69 at the Great Highway. that show sucked balls so hard I didn't get through it and I deleted that show first and only time I felt the need to delete a grateful dead show

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Member for

16 years 10 months

21K OR 22K for 2020??? PS jamming 4/17/1971 Dillon Gym from Princeton.... missed the anniversary by a day but in a mood for some Pig Pen!!!.... have a good night everyone... bob t

Only clue given was Alligator, and they very wisely used the key covers as filler on disc 2, and the rule about originals or phblic domain leads me to think the bonus disc will look thus:
Cumberland Blues, Alligator> Drums> Alligator> (Caution Jam tracked?) Feedback, Mason's Children, That's It For The Other One> Cosmic Charlie, Uncle John's Band> Black Peter, Dire Wolf

Think that's around 80 min; Senor Norman cuts a lot of the inevitable tuning that is left in on Archive, so who knows how much he can cut, one of the songs may not make it. Figure UJB> Black Peter over the early show encore version, and Mason's because Dave has put out most of them, and I could see another double Mason's, for those who hate and loathe and despise it, at least it isn't a triple shot of it. And not sure if he goes with another China Rider. Would not object at all to that.

And I wonder if Dave's mention of working with the Stanley family means this is more Bear's Sonic Journals type of release than Houseboat Tape continuation. Though, he also mentioned the Dave's that were part of that stash, 6 (2/2/70, 12/20-21/69 with bonus), 10 (12/10-11/69 with bonus), 19 (1/23-24/70). Either way, talk of talks with the Stanleys plus the returned Bettys make it a great time to be a Deadhead, and a boom time for any credit card company who gives cards to Deadheads.

Really excited for this release!

....the ONLY whiskey I can drink straight. Good call.
Also a good call, we might get TWO Cumberlands in this release! Blessed 🙏 indeed.

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Member for

17 years 3 months

In reply to by Vguy72


....the Mason's Children from 1.2 is the one released on Fallout From The Phil Zone. The Philster is doing a one off in Vegas in three weeks. Here's the lineup.
....looking tasty af. Can't complain.
Note the age limit of 6+. At The Joint. Wow.

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Member for

14 years 8 months

I snorked hard when i read that

If I remember correctly, the bonus disc can only be made up of GD composed songs. Reason being the bonus disc is a 'gift' so to speak and Rhino is financially responsible for producing it. They don't want to pay royalties for the cover songs on a giveaway disc. I can't say I blame them. The end of disc 2 has some of the cover songs from 1/3/70 and what cover songs they are.
Someone stated in an earlier post Dave had mentioned 'Alligator' so I'd say that's a safe bet for the bonus disc; Deadlists times it at approx. 25 minutes so there's 50-55 minutes left for other GD songs/jams. We could see some prime music from 1/3/70.

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10 years

Looking at the set list, this Daves 30 looks like a bridge linking the 60s to the 70s. It must have been one of T.C.s last gigs, and one of the last times the Dark Star-St. Stephen-Eleven suites featured. The disc also includes a generous helping of the more country rock style the band would focus on during the first couple of years of the new decade. More country, less psych-although epic journeys were still made, the focus was beginning to change-and this set demonstrates that quite nicely.

Also nice to see hippychick back, lubricious as ever.

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