• 275 replies
    started by Ltapilot Can you pass the acid test? Presented for historical purposes only, 42 years after the fist acid test. A word of warning these shows are a little weird and some sound quality is a little raw, but fun to listen to. Presented on both DVD in shn format and on CD in wav format Grateful Dead & Merry Pranksters The Acid Test Reels 1965-1967 A chronological compilation of the Acid Test recordings listed in The Grateful Dead Tapers Compendium Volume One. DISC ONE: Fillmore Acid Test/Sound City Acid Test The Fillmore Acid Test Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA January 8, 1966 1. Stage Chaos/More Power Rap 2. King Bee 3. I'm A Hog For You Baby 4. Caution: Do Not Step On Tracks > 5. Death Don't Have No Mercy 6. Star Spangled Banner / closing remarks The Sound City Acid Test 363 6th Street, San Francisco, CA January 29, 1966 7. Ken Kesey interviewed by Frank Fey 8. Ken Babbs and harmonica 9. Take Two: Ken Kesey 10. Bull 11. Peggy The Pistol 12. One-way Ti


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  • Hal R
    I sent the shows, don't know what has happened. Hope they arrive soon. The weather here was awful for most of early February, could that have caused a delay? 10 days is too long. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    That is right Patrick you best send a PM to Reedchris who is before so you can give him your postal details Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
  • GratefulGooner
    DEAR LORD...this is cosmic MANNA from Heaven!!!!
    Bob told me about this...I hope im doing it right...i believe i send my address to the person above me and when i get an address, i just copy the goods and send it on??? Sign me up! 1. iknowurider 2. Hal R. 3. Ltapilot 4. brewster boy 5. Richard 6. andré 7. jeremy@bukowski.com 8. chichi1514 9. darkstar23 10. Socrateazer 11. reedchris 13. Grateful Gooner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Rich man step on my poor head, When you get up you better butter my bread."
  • Ltapilot
    On February 6th, 2008 Hal R said:
    On February 6th, 2008 Hal R said: "Sent to Ltapilot today." On February 16th, 2008 Ltapilot replied,: "as of February 16, this vine has not arrived at my mail box." So HalR lets give the post office a few more days then I can burn a new set and send it along. i was the original viner of these, the shows were posted at the same time as "Pig Pen Bring Me My Shot Gun" with the same first five participants. Peace Rick
  • Socrateazer
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    Acid Test Vine
    I know it will be a while, and I have the time to wait, but I am getting laid off from my job for medical reasons and I do not know if I will be able to handle being responsible for the vine, so I need to bow out of this one. I will sign-up again if I am able to pass it along.Thanks!
  • reedchris
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    Sign me up!1.
    Sign me up! 1. iknowurider 2. Hal R. 3. Ltapilot 4. brewster boy 5. Richard 6. andré 7. jeremy@bukowski.com 8. chichi1514 9. darkstar23 10. Socrateazer 11. reedchris 13.
  • Hal R
    Acid test vine.
    Sent to Lta pilot today.Thank you for this vine. Sign me up! 1. iknowurider 2. Hal R. 3. Ltapilot 4. brewster boy 5. Richard 6. andré 7. jeremy@bukowski.com 8. chichi1514 9. darkstar23 10. Socrateazer
  • Socrateazer
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    This Looks Interesting!
    Sign me up! 1. iknowurider 2. Hal R. 3. Ltapilot 4. brewster boy 5. Richard 6. andré 7. jeremy@bukowski.com 8. chichi1514 9. darkstar23 10. Socrateazer
  • Hal R
    Acid Test Vine
    Got this one, am out of town for several days, will send off in the middle of this week when I get back. 1. iknowurider 2. Hal R. 3. Ltapilot 4. brewster boy 5. Richard 6. andré 7. jeremy@bukowski.com 8. chichi1514 9. darkstar23 If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • iknowurider
    Hal R ~ Dutch Butterscotch
    I"m finally sending this off today. This is beyond trippy. I'm lovin it!! My family's glad to see these cd's gone, I've gotten a new pair of earphones out of this deal. he he PEACE
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17 years 9 months
started by Ltapilot Can you pass the acid test? Presented for historical purposes only, 42 years after the fist acid test. A word of warning these shows are a little weird and some sound quality is a little raw, but fun to listen to. Presented on both DVD in shn format and on CD in wav format Grateful Dead & Merry Pranksters The Acid Test Reels 1965-1967 A chronological compilation of the Acid Test recordings listed in The Grateful Dead Tapers Compendium Volume One. DISC ONE: Fillmore Acid Test/Sound City Acid Test The Fillmore Acid Test Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA January 8, 1966 1. Stage Chaos/More Power Rap 2. King Bee 3. I'm A Hog For You Baby 4. Caution: Do Not Step On Tracks > 5. Death Don't Have No Mercy 6. Star Spangled Banner / closing remarks The Sound City Acid Test 363 6th Street, San Francisco, CA January 29, 1966 7. Ken Kesey interviewed by Frank Fey 8. Ken Babbs and harmonica 9. Take Two: Ken Kesey 10. Bull 11. Peggy The Pistol 12. One-way Ti
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15 years 11 months

Not trying to dampen your enthusiasm beatle_head42, but I'm in Middle America and Longrifle is in Western Canada, so this leg of the journey might be a little longer than others. It takes 5-7 days for vines to get from here to the East Coast of the U.S., so I bet it's more like 7-10 days to get to Western Canada. Longrifle may have not even received it yet. Hang in there . . . ~~~~~~~ "They say Cain caught Abel rolling loaded dice"
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16 years 2 months

Very interesting but take in small doses, as the author says. It also takes a little concentration to figure out whats going on. Cool, thou. thx, peace, out tomorrow 08/25 to bealte_head42. I'm smiling from his happiness and yes, as ohyeah said, it'll take approx 10 days to get there, so hang in there, man. party on, Longrifle 46. Jess87 47. ohyeah 48. Longrifle 49. beatle_head42
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15 years 6 months

46. Jess87 47. ohyeah 48. Longrifle 49. beatle_head42 50. Flying_Monkey I can't wait ...
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15 years 7 months

Hey all, sorry I've been gone so long. College started up, and I was overwhelmed. I don't seem to have Flying_Monkey's address in my inbox. But as soon as that's remedied, it'll be out and circulating once more! You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
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15 years 5 months

Recently, a whole collection of previous unseen and extremely rare Acid Test posters and handbills has been discovered, including a couple pieces of original artwork by Jerry Garcia. Included in this collection was an original hand-colored handbill for the Palo Alto Big Beat Acid Test, as well as a Poster for Mother McCree's at the Tangent in 1964, a Poster for the Warlocks first paid gig at Magoo's on May 5, 1965, a poster for the Warlocks fourth performance at Frenchy's on June 18, 1965, Phil Lesh's first gig. A set of tickets for the In Room in Belmont on Sept. 1, 1965 and a poster for the first Acid Test at the Spread in Santa Cruz on Nov. 27, 1965 as well as a Fillmore Acid Test handbill and a handbill for Carthay studios in Los Angeles on March 19, 1966. It also appears that Jerry Garcia designed several of these items himself.The site that features all of this and more is here: http://www.postertrip.com/public/department37.cfm There are 33 pages altogether, which can be accessed from the main page. The whole collection can be viewed here : http://www.postertrip.com/public/5591.cfm Further details like the Jerry Garcia original artwork can be viewed here: http://www.postertrip.com/5584.cfm
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15 years 5 months

New to this all but I am in! 47. ohyeah 48. Longrifle 49. beatle_head42 50. Flying_Monkey 51. mediamst Sending my address to Flying_monkey!
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17 years 8 months

I'm not sure if your reseed means that 47-51 on the list are good to go so I will put myself on after them. PM me as necessary.47. ohyeah 48. Longrifle 49. beatle_head42 50. Flying_Monkey 51. mediamst 52. ctchclt
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17 years 3 months

49,50 and 51 are not with us anymore . I will pm ohyeah , I know longrifle is still here so ctchclt you would be after longrifle .
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17 years 3 months

Longrifle and ohyea got this one the rest are gone i guise . so I`ll have this re-seed out to ctchclt sometime friday . 52. ctchclt
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17 years 8 months

In 02/17/10. Thanks. Who's next? 52. ctchclt
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17 years 8 months

It's in the post office lady's hand at 8:00 this morning. Coming your way, hope you pass.53. Psychedelicman
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Member for

14 years 11 months

i got the Acid Test CD today. Im not quite sure how to use it. it wont play on my computer. i was under the impression that i was getting several audio cds to rip and burn. how do i get audio cds of these shows? many thanks everyone, Psychedelicman What is here isn't really here. it's just there without a t.
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17 years 3 months

well it`s a DVD with shn/flac files on it . to play it on your computer you will need a program called Foobar2000 , that will play shn/flac files . If you want to made CD`s you will need a program called Traders Little Helper , that will convert the flac files to standard audio files that you will be able to burn to CD . Check out to New vines 09 thread you will find links to both programs or you can just Google them . If you need more help let me know and I`ll do my best to help you out . *** Clean***Sober***Proud***
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17 years 8 months

I don't have a DVD burner right now so I copied the whole thing as a big folder to my external hard drive. I found that Winamp plays FLAC files straight up and with a little add-in called shntool it plays .shn's. Its burner will convert and burn CDs from flac but not shn.
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14 years 8 months

Absolutely new here but would love to hear this stuff. Let's see if I can figure this out. 54. tester75
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17 years 8 months

you need to contact Psychedelicman via pmail address here and give him your address If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 8 months

you need to enable your pmail here to get it to work so that you can communicate with viners here If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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14 years 8 months

Hi there Hal, Pman, et al- I previously signed up as newbie under the handle tester75, but was never able to get back into the site after the first time. When I tried to login, it told me that that user name was either blocked or didn't exist, but if I tried to sign up again using the same email it told me that there was already an account with that email. So I was lost in some sort of terrible winternet dimension with no access to dead.net. Tech support was overseas somewhere and absolutely useless. Anyway, here goes, trying this again- 53. Psychedelicman 54. Trombone
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14 years 6 months

I've been a Dead fan for years. Unfortunately I don't have any trading material to add to the vine. All of my non-commercial recordings are 20+ yr old 3rd + generation boom box copies. I've been looking for this set for years. Ever since I read Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test and saw the set of tapes listed in a book on the Dead. 53. Psychedelicman 54. Trombone 55. Packratt
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16 years 4 months

i have been asked to reseed this one. it will be in flac since that will be easiest. i know the list needs some reworking but ill be sending to keith first per his request. i believe the Jerry interview was vined separate as well but ill include it here to keep this vine complete 53. kwitt 54. Psychedelicman (?) 55. Trombon (?) 56. Packratt (?)
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14 years 4 months

53. kwitt54. Psychedelicman (?) 55. Trombon (?) 56. Packratt (?) 57. zepthompson
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14 years 4 months

...thanks, guys! 53. kwitt 54. Psychedelicman (?) 55. Trombon (?) 56. Packratt (?) 57. zepthompson 58. TheNuthatch
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16 years 4 months

i cannot find these in flac as i thought i had. it looks like i also ripped them from the cds into itunes and they got converted to mp3 so this one will be 6 cds i believe. will post when sent
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16 years 4 months

to aquire these in flac from ltapilot. Much thanks to him for keepin this easy. I've tried to pm the three in question to no luck as of yet so i bumped them down. If you sign on plz do the same. This was sent to kwitt today 2/8 53. kwitt 54. zepthompson 55. TheNuthatch 56. Psychedelicman (?) 57. Trombon (?) 58. Packratt (?)
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Nice job JakeR!! Thanks to Ltapilot too. I've waited a loooong time for this one!I'd bet big bucks that numbers 57 - 59 are nowhere to be found. 53. kwitt 54. zepthompson 55. TheNuthatch 56. JackstrawfromColorado 57. Psychedelicman (?) 58. Trombon (?) 59. Packratt (?) "It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
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15 years 7 months

53.kwitt54.zepthompson 55.TheNuthatch 56.JackstrawfromColorado 57.poncho 58.Psychadelicman (?) 59.Trombon (?) 60.Packratt (?) Thanks guys
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16 years 2 months

#'s 58-60. =) "It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
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14 years 4 months

54.zepthompson >>> In 2/1655.TheNuthatch 56.JackstrawfromColorado 57.poncho 58.Psychadelicman (?) 59.Trombon (?) 60.Packratt (?) out to Joe real soon
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14 years 4 months

the way I read it.. hehe great job Ltapilot and a big thanks to Jake 54.zepthompson >>> out tomorrow 55.TheNuthatch 56.JackstrawfromColorado 57.poncho 58.Trombon (?) no response 59.Packratt (?) no response
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14 years 4 months

54.zepthompson >>> out tomorrow55.TheNuthatch >>> in 2/22 56.JackstrawfromColorado 57.poncho 58.Trombon (?) no response 59.Packratt (?) no response
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14 years 4 months

...Vine to Mark! 55.TheNuthatch >>> in 2/22; out 2/23 56.JackstrawfromColorado 57.poncho 58.Trombon (?) no response 59.Packratt (?) no response
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16 years 2 months

Will turn around asap. 56.JackstrawfromColorado in 3/1 57.poncho 58. "It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
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14 years 4 months

On the Vine! 55. TheNuthatch >>> in 2/22; out 2/23 56. JackstrawfromColorado 57. poncho 58. ecb 59. Trombon (?) no response 60. Packratt (?) no response Thanks! Ed
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14 years 4 months

To poncho... I just tried to PM you about this vine - but your account will not accept private messages. Please change the setting and/or PM me! Thanks, Ed
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16 years 2 months

But it is headed to Poncho today. 56. JackstrawfromColorado in 3/1 out 3/3 57. poncho 58. ecb ecb - you are gonna have a lot of vines showing up in your mailbox all at once man.. hope you're ready!! "It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
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15 years 7 months

mabye something got screwed up. But I did recieve your addy. This came the other day,I will turn it around very soon.Thanks JsfC.
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Member for

14 years 4 months

Received - ready to go out soon... Who's next? 56. JackstrawfromColorado >> IN 3/1 >> OUT 3/3 57. poncho >> OUT 3/15 58. ecb >> IN 3/22 59.
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Member for

14 years 4 months

This material is really great! 56. JackstrawfromColorado >> IN 3/1 >> OUT 3/3 57. poncho >> OUT 3/15 58. ecb >> IN 3/22 >> OUT ???? 59. Thanks, Ed
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Member for

14 years 4 months

This material is really great! 56. JackstrawfromColorado >> IN 3/1 >> OUT 3/3 57. poncho >> OUT 3/15 58. ecb >> IN 3/22 >> OUT ???? 59. Thanks, Ed
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13 years 11 months

56. JackstrawfromColorado >> IN 3/1 >> OUT 3/357. poncho >> OUT 3/15 58. ecb >> IN 3/22 >> OUT ???? 59. Friend.Of.The.Devil
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14 years 4 months

Friend.Of.The.Devil, Please send me your address so that I can mail this out! Thanks, Ed 56. JackstrawfromColorado >> IN 3/1 >> OUT 3/3 57. poncho >> OUT 3/15 58. ecb >> IN 3/22 >> OUT ???? 59. Friend.Of.The.Devil 60.
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14 years 4 months

Packed and ready to go out! Be next! Thanks, Ed 57. poncho >> OUT 3/15 58. ecb >> IN 3/22 >> OUT ???? 59. 60. Friend.Of.The.Devil 61.
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16 years 4 months

for some of you newer members, this is good early stuff. If you don't have this in your collection you should. Besides, Ed has had this one 3 months so it should be ready to go.
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Member for

13 years 9 months

57. poncho >> OUT 3/1558. ecb >> IN 3/22 >> OUT 59. ADAWGWYO 60. Friend.Of.The.Devil ??? 61. 62. 63.