• 1,022 replies
    When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.


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  • gratefaldean
    2nd Amendment
    "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed". I'm still one of those who get hung up on this wording. I've always read the "right" statement as referring to the "well regulated Militia," -- otherwise, why is the militia part there at all? My perhaps muddled understanding of this was that the individual colonies/states didn't have standing armies to protect themselves, so folks needed weapons in their possession in order to heed the call when a threat of force was brought to bear against the well-being of the "free State We aren't dealing with that today, and our current activist Supreme Court (how I love, as a liberal, to use that phrase in relation to a Conservative-dominated court) has ruled that I'm just plain wrong in my thinking. So throwing my interpretation out the window, the right to keep and bear Arms "shall not be infringed", given a lack of definition of the term "Arms", given a literal reading would mean to me that yes, I indeed do have the right to (getting back to the extreme) possess my own personal nuclear weapon. So this was the intent of the framers of the Constitution? But Johnman, I do like your checks and balances argument, for what it's worth. It's just apparent to me that the "intent" of the framers is unknown in this case, and given the advance in weaponry since its writing, probably irrelevant. Which leaves us where we are today: a country where the overwhelming majority of gun deaths are not related to defense of home and life, but to murder and accidents. Again, condolences to all who have suffered violence in their lives, whatever the source. And pass the cookies and beer -- I can use some right now.
  • johnman
    and yet......
    this doesn't bring back those innocent lives........nor heal the wounds......
  • johnman
    Ok, I'll agree..
    except that I firmly believe that the 2nd amendment is one of the checks and balances that the people have against a complete totalitarian government...so, another extreme....if the government has access, the people should have access. I still believe this is the main reason that the amendment was included in the bill of rights, without the 2nd, you may not have the 1st, or the 4th....and while I'm on the bill of rights...what's up with it now being illegal to film or tape police in the....ahem..."performance" of their duties?...........if the rapture DOES occur on May 21, I'm pretty sure the mean, greedy people will be left out since they are mostly likely the type that have warped and distorted Christ's teachings of loving one another, into hating those that are different.............can I have a cookie?
  • JackstrawfromC…
    I agree
    I totally agree about the ridiculously easy access the general public has to military/police-style guns can play a large roll in all this madness and helps make the situation much much worse. "It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
  • gratefaldean
    Maybe the mean, greedy, selfish people will be the ones who disappear from the earth on May 21. We can only hope. IMHO, strict gun laws only work if they are universal in nature. As long as every state does its own thing, and that own thing varies as extremely as it does in the US, then anyone who wants a gun will be able to get one. That's painfully obvious. And...let's see. I look at it this way. And I'll carry the analogy to the extreme. 90,000-160,000 people died as a result of the US dropping an atomic bomb on Hiroshima during WWII. Is this just people killing people, or does maybe the potency of the weapon play some role in the results? If the nutcase in Tuscon had "just" a .38 revolver with a 5-round capacity in his hand as opposed to a Glock with a 30 round magazine, a lot less carnage would have ensued. So to get back to the extreme, if the potency of the weapon is irrelevant, then why are we all so hyped up over the prospects of Iran obtaining a nuke? That's what I'm referring to when I ask the question: where do we draw the line?
  • johnman
    I think that at birth
    children should be given two cookies, and taught to share one, then, maybe, everyone would have a cookie and not have to steal someone else's cookie.....
  • johnman
    That's why I specified "states that require ". I am aware of AZ not having a requirement, Alaska, too...and i think maybe Vermont. But still, in order to make a purchase, a background check is required. In DC no one is allowed a permit (at least not regular folks like you and I) and until the supreme court decision, if you had a weapon in the house (in DC), it had to be disassembled, effectively making it useless, however, in the states where permits are allowed or where a permit is not required, crime percentage is perceptively lower than it is where criminals know that there is less chance of people fighting back. Unfortunately, this doesn't stop the random nutcase like the shooter in AZ, who, again, ruined the lives of innocents and himself. I wish this all wasn't necessary....wish we could all just listen to music and enjoy life...wish all the mean, greedy selfish people would just go the hell away.....I wish........
  • marye
    I live in Oakland
    which has shooting deaths a go go every year (and while historically much of this has been no-goodnik-on-no-goodnik violence, more and more innocents are getting caught in the crossfire these days, from babies to grannies). It also has a county sheriff whose policy is to make it essentially impossible for any resident of Alameda County who's a regular civilian to get a concealed carry permit. Stringent laws on the books don't necessarily have the intended result.
  • JackstrawfromC…
    There's always been guns and knives
    But the difference now-a-days is the general lack of respect between people. At its worst is the lack of respect for our gift of life. When I was growing up and going to elementary and hgh school, if you had a problem with someone you confronted them and at the worst you duked it out "after school under the flag pole on the black top" and that was usually the end of it. You would go home with a black eye and that was it. Even during a playground fist-fight, there was respect for life (i.e. no one pulling out a weapon). Now kids have decided to skip the confrontation part and go straight to the solution - bring a gun to school and shoot the place up (lack of repsect for other's life) and then turn the gun on themselves (lack of respect for own life). I don't know about you all but we had just as easy access to weapons back then as kids do now, maybe even more so, but no one ever pulled out a weapon back then. I just wonder and ask myself - when, how and why did we shift over to a state of such hopelessness that murder and suicide are the only solutions?? "It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
  • TigerLilly
    Fire- arms murders as % of all murders US-67.07%... from the chart in CB's link Think that's fricking scary ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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17 years 9 months
When our previous topic hit the 1,000-response mark, sleazy behavior by politicians was eliciting a certain amount of non-astonishment.
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17 years 8 months

I think that all these leaders want their own war on their resumes. Not a scabby second hand war they inherited from their predecessors, but their very own war. No, you ain’t a real leader unless you have sent your people to die and kill other people. The trick is finding a nice neat war that can have spectacular fireworks at the beginning and a quick resolution (images of Bush celebrating ‘Victory’ on some ship). I guess a shoot - ‘em - up of the Libyans looked like just the ticket.
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17 years 8 months

llama, your otherwise interesting post is diminished, unfortunately, by what I consider to be a less than sensitive invective reference to a group of people: "and take out the camel turds." love&peace.
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17 years 8 months

The earthquake the world forgot? http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-pacific- Not surprising really. I don't recall any nations rushing with their armies to protect civilians when the army rulers were shooting monks in the streets in Burma a while back or preventing aid reaching tens of thousands dying in the floods there.
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I should have shown drawn more of a line between those trapped by circumstance in Tripoli (most of them), and those ardently supporting the dictator's cult of Green and enjoying great economic advantage (whom I referred to as camel turds). I'm sorry if that term offended you. I never forget they are all human beings and and all want the same thing. As I take a strong stance in my own life because of social ills I tend to add a moniker here and there. I leave it to others to judge if it is appropriate. Ahh, the holy, virgin ears of the deadheads... I won't even quote some of the things I heard hanging outside a Furthur concert last week And when somebody deletes my posts and not others who call me names I have learned not to be offended. It would be a wonderful world if we were never felt the need to use epithets when referring to people with less than extremely arrogant or malicious behavior.
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There was a tremendous push for $10 donations (at least) to the Jappanese disaster victims, especially through the Red Cross. There was indeed a stark contrast between that onslaught of begging and the effort mounted to help the Pakistani people, where 1/3 of their country was flooded. The technology is there to increase donations but so is the racism to decide who they are given to. Somehow I think Japan is going to be just fine in a couple of months while Pakistanis are going to have less to live for and don the suicide vests by the thousands. For the record, I feel sorry for all people exposed to disaster, especially the ones who lose all hope of a nominal existence and feel nothing to live for among people who preach hate.
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....is likely cracked. The evacuation zone has been pushed out to sixteen miles. The Japanese PM says the situation is dire with no way to fix the crack. Time to bury the thing in concrete like Chernobyl.
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Plutonium is in the mixture of the leak at #3. Units 1 & 2 are still leaking. The evacuation zone is now advised up to 18 miles. Spokespersons (Not Japanese) are saying that it is UNLIKELY that in the worst case scenario more radiation will escape than in the Chernobyl accident. As winds push across the Pacific the radiation will saturate the West Coastof North America with a diluted mixture of radiation. Maybe it is time for those thyroid pills, This incident is now out-of-control, officially. Healing vibes to that place folks. Say a prayer for your mother Earth.
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All rioting after their "prayers" today. This is biblical. Don't count on Europeans and NATO to quell this situation. It is out of control. Quick! Break out the SRI hydro cocktails. Looks like 2013 might be the year cuz... ~You can't close the door when the walls cave in ~
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15 years 4 months

Do they regret supporting the chicken-hawk in the White House?
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15 years 4 months

I can still recall DNCers smugly going to great lengths trying to convince me that George W. Bush going after SADDAM meant that he doesn't like "brown skin people", and now no one here feels the same way about this President as he bombs his people in Africa...
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15 years 4 months

One of which is shutting down Gitmo during his first year in office...There are naive Americans who voted for him on that basis alone...Hahaha...
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15 years 4 months

Does anyone really believe that is NOT the reason the neo-libs are silent about Obumma sending tens of thousands of troops into Afghanistan?? Where are the huge demonstrations we saw while "W" was in office??? Now let's see how fast these posts get deleted like my posts on the other MB...Very open-minded moderators...Hahaha, no censorship here...Don't bother responding, i won't be here...As some of you may know i rarely return ever since i read a DNC post that said the worst terrorists in the world are in the U.S. military...Can Obamao please make up his mind? Does Qaddafi "have to go", or not??!!! Back before the Islamofascist maniac at Fort Hood began his Jihad, one of the DNCers asked in a hopelessly naive manner; "Hey dewlover, what makes you think there is a terrorist threat?" Can you imagine? Exactly how may missles is Nobama going to drop in Libya?? My stomach turns when i am subject to too many of the blame America first crowders, so c-ya!!!
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Yep, DL, just like Fox -- spew your venom then run away for 6 months before you come back to rant on the same (or similar subjects) some more. In fact, why don't you do a profile and put your application for employment in to FOX news? You could be the next Glen Beck! Think of the millions to be made waggling your toungue! Or maybe being a Grand Dragon in the Klan is more to your taste. You could get the younguns' all hated up for the Hispanic-Hawaiian-Asian-Ragheads!
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17 years 8 months

I think we have moved beyond the discussion of current events to the heaping of invective. Please stop. Thank you.
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My last comment was not an observation on current events. Rather, a reaction to a familiar editorial that appears here.
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17 years 8 months

and I would find it very tiresome and counterproductive to have to censor you guys once one of those abuse-fests gets going, so hey, please just cut it out, refrain from troll-feeding, etc. Thank you.
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17 years 8 months

shucks, I had to use the online dictionary thesaurus to come up with "invective" hey now MaryE! alls in the category of 'ain't no time to hate' llama. you didn't offend me personal, just like I said, the points you made in that other post were lessened by the 'name calling' apology accepted anyways. in your word, llama,: "It would be a wonderful world if we were never felt the need to use epithets when referring to people with less than extremely arrogant or malicious behavior." *** "Ahh, the holy, virgin ears of the deadheads... I for one am glad my 'ears' at least remain un-fucked by the IRS and other gov. agencies... for the sake of decorum, I'll refrain from pointng out which orafice the IRS un-virginized. ( -; love&peace.
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LBJ took the IRTDown to 4th Street USA When he got there What did he see? The youth of America on LSD LBJ IRT USA LSD LSD LBJ FBI CIA FBI CIA LSD LBJ (Gotta come up with something similar for what the Rumsfeld era represented)
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Just finished watching Obama speak on Libya and he seemed to leave more questions unanswered than he provided clarity. The one thing that came through very clearly was that the US would no longer go it alone. We would act with a coalition that shared the expense. The moral dilemma, as always, is where the US & allies will (or not) act. It shouldn't be overlooked that French warplanes were in the before America did anything. The French have a heavy connection with the Libyans. The US has followed up with 192 cruise missiles, the Brits, 7. The US continues to to follow-up the no-fly zone, leaving a trail of shattered Libyan military columns. Why? Oil! Libya has the chronic The rest of the Middle East is the question. Highly volatile. It is unlikely the US will keep a coalition together as struggles to protest it's naval post Bahrain and and it's primary allie in the area, Israel. Oil, all about oil. It is worthy to note that the commercials following the speech all had to do with natural gas, undersea oil drilling and clean coal. Watching who advertizes is almost as important as listening to the spin. The cost for the US in Libya so far? Half a billion, likely to go to a billion..
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Now that scientists are finding radioactivity in the snow of Mass. & NH and they have found at least 5 places around the units at Fukushima where plutonium elements specific to isotopes found in nuclear power production, it's pretty hard not to see that this thing is spiraling out of control. Every drop of water sprayed into Units 1-6 at Fukushima is radioactive. Everything that is escaping into the sea from underground tunnels from those plants is harmful if enough is concentrated in the food chain. Right now it is so hot that workers can't start containing the waste. Although the company's owners are admitting the situation is grave they don't say for whom and how long.... Always the bits of information are said to be not harmful but the whole picture is never projected. And it still may be too early to have a meaningful answer to that question. However, it is not to early to shut down San Onofre and Diablo Canyon, two plants that are susceptible to very likely scenarios - earthquakes of giant magnitude along with tsunami waves of cataclysmic proportion. The worst news hasn't begun to be released. While the rest of the world rethinks it's nuclear power options, Obama, because of large energy company donations that got him elected, still thinks we can learn valuable lessons from this crisis. Here is the lesson. Shut them down and bring alternative sourcesof power online asap. With a humble prayer for those suffering in the snow in Japan.
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With thousands of people demonstrating in different parts of Syria currently, it is clear from BBC reports that Bashar El-Assad is using mild nerve agents to immobilize demonstrators. There are some pretty ruthless dictators out there but the succession from Hafez to Bashar Al-Assad (father to son), only shows how ruthless and cruel one family could be. Besieged people all over the world clamor for freedom but, alas, there seems to be no chance in Syria, a country that is definitely a "player" in the Middle East.. Muslim, Jew, Christian.Buddhist -- religion doesn't matter, money and power blow the doors off. New things are invented every day and the first thing thought: "Is there a military application", not "Can we make poor people's lives better?" It looks like a hundred year struggle for freedom in the Middle East has been ignited and one can only hope things get better and not worse. ~ The boys sing round the fire... ~
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Unit #3 has sustained the worst damage with a 70% meltdown of the core to date. Radioactivity is now many times higher from the steam and water escaping from efforts to cool down the overheated rods. Gone are the mention of plutonium and played up is the half-life radioactive iodine isotopes with an 8 day half life. One wonders if climate change will force all nukes to shut within Tsunami range (whatever that would be). The 38 foot wave that swamped this nuclear complex may be nothing compared to, say, a 120 foot tsunami crashing into the California coast from baja to SF. 2 nukes totally underwater while a swamped population struggles for survival. ... As an alternative, clean-burning coal will fill those gaps as well as underwater oil exploration. Obama, who took huge campaign contribution from Chicago area energy companies says for the US to be oil independent we must use all sources of energy, even the ones that destroy the environment.
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And 16 people in Afghanistan have died to date due to Karzai trying to make political hay out of the incident. What a friend we have in Hamet and his heroin-addicted brother. I know! Lets all burn the Koran and incarcerate every Muslim who breaks the law. This is a sure psychological test of who is a fundamentalist and prone to violence. Besides, the private prison industry is hurting in our country and we need to fill those beds!
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Torrential rains in Australia have have bred a huge population of 30" rats that are about to over-run Alice Springs. Crocodile Dundee had no comment.
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17 years 7 months

No relation to Psychedlic Sam... KC has 38,000 feds and Denver 54,000 workers. A furlough and delayed, or no, paychecks will be tough on many, compounding the frustration of other folks who need federal assistance, like the poor and elderly. Hopefully, the cat and mouse House of Reps game will end without shutting the government down.
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The House passed a 61 million dollar cut that then went to the Senate who have so far acted like children who can't share or make compromises. One of the problems of living in a republic instead of a democracy. There is no doubt that the fledgling economic recovery launched by Obama will be hurt by ashutdown, not only that it will cost millions to shut down and power up again. The Teapanistas are holding Bohner's feet to the fire (Repub. head ramrod). They won't be satisfied until Washington DC is sacked. The Democrats and Obama have everything to gain by making the Repub. look like the inhuman monsters they are. Mod.. Dems & Teapanistas and Independents will vote against them for forcing the shut down in '12, thus assuring a Democratic majority in both houses and Obama's reelection. That would mean programs for the POOR will continue while the MILITARY will be cut and I'm all for that. For that and other reasons to numerous to mention I want the government to shutdown. To be fair, what Repubs. and Teapanista's are screaming about is all true (except Social Security which we all paid for). A 1.4 trillion deficit is not sustainable and will lead, ultimately, like Portugal and Spain to higher interest rates for government bonds. Higher than the .41 on $1 we already pay when we hold a T-Bill auction and the Chinese buy it up. Cut the throats of the mega-corps. and their stinking metrics, ratchet taxes on the rich and police them so they have no where to hide and no way to let their kids inherit more than a million without 80% tax rates and cut the military to the bone. Or let the rich rule and get ready for your standard of living to be slashed.
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17 years 7 months

The German economy is up 22% or so. More jobs and higher wages to follow. But now it is official that Portugal is in trouble, as you said Gonzo. I like and agree with your last post, btw. Am just in a very fine mood, so wanna report good news today! ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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14 years 3 months

The Lefetz Letter (http://lefsetz.com/wordpress/index.php/archives/2011/04/07/income-inequ…) linked to a Vanity Fair article about wealth inequality (http://www.vanityfair.com/society/features/2011/05/top-one-percent-2011…). Vanity Fair?. Maybe the revolution IS on the way? I need to get that "Building Barricades for Dummies" downloaded onto my Nook.
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Read it, agree with most of it. It is surprising for Cal. My view is so far to the left of that I can't even spit it out here. In a land where Donald Trump can be seriously taken for a presidential candidate, can anything be taken seriously anymore? I guess I'll just say "...the pursuit of money is a noble thing" is a horrible curse, a hammer, the root of evil and the death of our planet. Though there are a few corporate CEOs who have taken cuts for their workers (and just regular owners of companies for that matter), they are so few as to be unmentionable. GDean, one thing I've always wanted to ask you.... do you wear sports-coats with elbow patches and smoke a pipe? You always sound so moderately reasonable!
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Can we set up the gallows and hang Boehner, Cantor, Reid and Pelosi right now? While the cherry blossoms are in bloom? In front of the Lincoln Memorial?
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17 years 8 months

I appreciate your mental picture of me with patches and pipe. Slightly different life path, that could have been me, for sure. And I AM moderately reasonable, within reason...
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17 years 7 months

After a marathon winter in North Dakota and Minnesota, the north-flowing Red River is cresting 38' or 39' above flood stage, inundating communities north of Fargo. Sandbags and levees may not be plentiful or strong enough to hold back the water. Feds are off to work this morning after a shutdown was averted with an 11th hour agreement Friday night. Let's see what tomorrow brings, eh? Did another tremblor hit Japan this morning???
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....every year Ted. I knew this was going to be a big year but are you sure that it's cresting 38-39 feet ABOVE flood stage above Fargo? (Checking) "FARGO – The Red River crested in Fargo-Moorhead at 38.75 feet at about 6:15 p.m. Saturday, according to the National Weather Service. Meanwhile, widespread breakout flooding Sunday was causing the highest flood levels ever seen in northeastern Cass County and northwestern Clay County, the Weather Service said. Saturday’s crest in the metro area ranks the 2011 flood as the fourth highest on record behind 1897 (39.10); 1997 (39.72) and 2009 (40.84). Since cresting Saturday, the river has been slowly falling in the Fargo area and Sunday’s rainfall, just under three-quarters of an inch by 10:30 p.m., was not expected to push the river back to crest level. However, the river will remain high for many days and it is not expected to fall below 36 feet before Sunday" It is great news that Fargo made it over the hump this year. The city had made a comeback and that ain't no small thing for a Dakota plains town. I really wish those people the very best as well as those downstream. It never ends in Fargo, just makes the biggest headlines there. It would seem that the figures sighted are official crest of the river, not the number of feet above flood stage. 38 feet above flood stage would be biblical. ~ Wake of the flood, laughing water, forty nine Get out the pans, don't just stand there dreaming, get out the way Get out the way ~
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14 years 11 months

Actually I've been confused since 1974......isnt Richard Nixon still president of the united states?[I wanted to ask him if he would trade me a tape]
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17 years 8 months

What does everyone think of the Dapper Don's Presidential motivations? My take is; same old song and dance... just a different hairdoo. Of all the political items I've seen lately on TV; the Jesse Ventura interview on CNN a few weeks back takes the cake for balls. Way to go Jesse! I'll vote for you if you run! "What's gonna happen to the arms industry when we realize that we're all one?" ~ Bill Hicks
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17 years 8 months

As much as I love dissen the RepubliCONs:We enter a kitchen in middle America. The family is gathered around the kitchen table. An old woman is crying over a pile of medical bills. Her Son and his wife try to comfort her. On the TV Sen. Bohner rails against Medicare and Social Security. Her 5yo grandson speaks, " Daddy why is the Mean Orange man trying to Kill Gramdma? " Any real news about some Northwest dates before the rain comes back in Sept? Like in August?? We are beginning to feel left out . I can't do the June 3.4 Shoreline shows as my Wife will be in the Hospital Actually it's still raining here and has made it to a blistering 44 deg today 423shows and counting. The Bus came by and I got on a Long strange time ago
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Your link doesn't work. I saw part of the Ventura interview. He does have balls but he is hard to take seriously. There is nobody out there willing to take on the lobbyists. Arguing about which Dem. Repub. for presient makes me want to vomit Fuck official Washington - they are Romans waiting for Rome to burn. Which it obviously will. S&P is thinking of lowering the US Government's bond rating from AAA+. Talk about all down hill from here!!
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16 years 6 months

It's amazing to me that no one is up in arms protesting the choices of governments recently politicians are suposed to be civil servents, not CEOs, but today I see little difference. Both award themseleves bonuses and raises while the average citizen watches their standard of living go backwards. I know things are bad all over and much worse in the non developed world. I just hear so much frustration, I am so frustrated, yet not enough of us are willing to rise up and shout and hold our elected civil servents accountable. Okay enough of my ranting, there are those out there that can do it much better...and here I give you lyrics by Crass. Some of the references are dated, but the message still applies: (Note: I do not endorse all sentiments expressed in this song, but the overall message of personal responsibility always makes me think...and most often feel guilty I'm not doing more) Big A, little A, bouncing B The system might have got you but it won't get me 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 External control are you gonna let them get you? Do you wanna be a prisoner in the boundaries they set you? You say you want to be yourself, by christ do you think they'll let you? They're out to get you get you get you get you get you get you get you Hello, hello, hello, this is the Lord God, can you hear? Hellfire and damnation's what I've got for you down there On earth I have ambassadors, archbishop, vicar, pope We'll blind you with morality, you'd best abandon any hope, We're telling you you'd better pray cos you were born in sin Right from the start we'll build a cell and then we'll lock you in We sit in holy judgement condemning those that stray We offer our forgiveness, but first we'll make you pay External control are you gonna let them get you? Do you wanna be a prisoner in the boundaries they set you? You say you want to be yourself, by christ do you think they'll let you? They're out to get you get you get you get you get you get you get you Hello, hello, hello, now here's a massage from your queen As figurehead of the status quo I set the social scene I'm most concerned about my people, I want to give them peace So I'm making sure they stay in line with my army and police My prisons and my mental homes have ever open doors For those amongst my subjects who dare to ask for more Unruliness and disrespect are things I can't allow So I'll see the peasants grovel if they refuse to bow External control are you gonna let them get you? Do you wanna be a prisoner in the boundaries they set you? You say you want to be yourself, by christ do you think they'll let you? They're out to get you get you get you get you get you get you get you Introducing the Prime Sinister, she's a mother to us all Like the dutch boy's finger in the dyke her arse is in the wall Holding back the future waiting for the seas to part If Moses did it with is faith, she'll do it with an army Who at times of threatened crisis are certain to be there Guarding national heritage no matter what or where Palaces for kings and queens, mansions for the rich Protection for the wealthy, defence of privilege They've learnt the ropes In Ireland, engaged in civil war Fighting for the ruling classes in their battle against the poor So Ireland's just an island? It's an island of the mind Great Britain? Future? Bollocks, you'd better look behind Round every other corner stands P.C. 1984 Guardian of the future, he'll implement the law He's there as a grim reminder that no matter what you do Big brothers system's always there with his beady eyes on you From God to local bobby, in home and street and school They've got your name and number while you've just got their rule We've got to look for methods to undermine those powers It's time to change the tables. The future must be ours Big A, little A, bouncing B The system might have got you but it won't get me Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do I am he and she is she but you're the only you No one else has got your eyes, can see the things you see It's up to you to change your life and my life's up to me The problems that you suffer from are problems that you make The shit we have to climb through is the shit we choose to take If you don't like the life you live, change it now it's yours Nothing has effects if you don't recognise the cause If the programme's not the one you want, get up, turn off the set It's only you that can decide what life you're gonna get If you don't like religion you can be the antichrist If your tired of politics you can be an anarchist But no one ever changed the church by pulling down a steeple And you'll never change the system by bombing number ten Systems just aren't made of bricks they're mostly made of people You may send them into hiding, but they'll be back again If you don't like the rules they make, refuse to play their game If you don't want to be a number, don't give them your name If you don't want to be caught out, refuse to hear their question Silence is a virtue, use it for your own protection They'll try to make you play their game, refuse to show your face If you don't want to be beaten down, refuse to join their race Be exactly who you want to be, do what you want to do I am he and she is she but you're they only you
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It's not up to to you or me or anybody anymore. The planet's screwed because of global warming. No one here gets out alive unless you're plugged into reality. Good luck o that one, brother.
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Experts back startling heroin claims

Alan Travis, home affairs editor

The prime minister's startling claim yesterday that 90% of the heroin sold on British streets comes from Afghanistan was backed up last night by experts in the drug trade and radical law reformers. link to 2001 Guardian UK article ********************************************************************************************* Thousands more Americans plow through a ruinous country trying to build something from nothing. An American general said he wouldn't be blame a soldier for sending a few kilos home. How much longer do we have to watch and pay in blood & treasure for this obscenity? Meanwhile Dr.s provide opioid pain-killers to anybody and then they're surprised when pretty Betty-Jo, the former prom queen and now married pharmacy technician, gets blown away by a 16 year-old with a shot-gun at the local Rite Aid??.

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17 years 9 months

to replace pasted-in unsourced copyrighted Guardian article with link thereto. Thanks. Article, while ten years old, is worth reading nonetheless, as would be a current update.
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...to where credit is due. You and I figured it out. And really, whay has changed in 9 years? The Guardian article is as cogent to day is it was then -- but really should have been dated and sourced in all fairness.
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17 years 8 months

posting entire copyrighted articles rather than linking to them not good. Hey, Guardian needs the ad revenue.
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17 years 7 months

whole articles can cost a person being minister of defense! :)********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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A very fine newspaper rather left of centre In the UK 'Guardian reader' is short hand for middle class liberal type Still widely known as 'the Grauniad' owing to its (former) notoriety for typographical errors