• 882 replies
    In one of the other topics, one of the folks seemed not to be so sure of the reception he'd get for saying he was a youth minister at his church. In my experience, Deadheads span the full spectrum from Agnostic to Zoroastrian. I've met atheist Deadheads, Muslim Deadheads, Buddhist Deadheads, Catholic Deadheads, Jewish Deadheads, and Wiccan Deadheads. My Deadhead friends are all over the map on this stuff, and as far as I'm concerned one of the real richnesses of the scene is the ability to see how things look to other folks and, sometimes, experience it from their world. Believe it if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on. But talk about it here, and please maintain a safe respectful place to do so.


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  • marye
    the part about Hunter being on tour was a dead giveaway... alas. People have been saying all kinds of loony stuff about the Dead since forever, and it's pretty much the case that you can find someone in the scene connected to pretty much anything over the span of 40-some years, and what it all means is probably pretty much in the eye of the beholder. Especially from the perspective of hindsight. I mean, it would be darn tough to reduce Owsley Stanley to a quickie formula like "Satanist CIA plot." Though I'm sure some have tried. And he's one guy in a real complex scene of notoriously freethinking types. So pay attention, and don't lose your critical thinking skills, but don't make yourself nuts, either. That would be my opinion anyway.
  • TigerLilly
    Sherbear <3
    TOTALLY interesting and informational post on masons! :) But yeah Gonzo was being ironic about masons being satanists :)
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    I don't think my post was the offending one. I was making the point that Masonry has nothing to do with Satanism and the temple near me is in decline though they do many good things for the poor and elderly in their community. I think the posts that should have been deleted are the ones that linked Masonry and Satanism. In fact, I was commenting on the illegitimacy of linking the two.
  • sherbear
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    XO-----------------------------(-----@ ((((((((((((((((((((((B)))))))))))))))))))))))))) ----------------------------------(------@
  • sherbear
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    I love the FreeMasons and for one to insult by false association to some evil thing is not only misguided but hurtful. Mason's are some of the greatest men to ever walk this earth. I have been raised by one and he is, always has been and will never cease to be one the greatest men in the world. The kindest, most generous, loving, faithful, dedicated, trustworthy, hard-working, truth-seeking, friend of all, beloved, unblemished individuals I have ever met. And I am proud to emulate him at every given chance. Our local Masons have contributed to every field of study, make break-though scientific research and surgeries to heal and nuture the sick and prevent death as Doctors do. For any post to reflect a Freemason associated with any malpractice on children or organ donations should be removed. (Might be time to clean up the house.) I will post true and accurate information about the Masons in a moment and it should all be read. AND WHEN YOU GET TO THE PART THAT READS.... When is a Man a Mason? Then decide if that's the kind of man you speak of? And how could you judge if you don't even know? To be a child of a Mason is the greatest honor known to many, I included. Straight sober tonight and not thowing punches just making a point.. WHAT IS A FREE & ACCEPTED MASON What’s a Mason? That’s not a surprising question. Even though Masons (Freemasons) are members of the largest and oldest fraternity in the world, and even though almost everyone has a father or grandfather or uncle who was a Mason, many people aren’t quite certain just who Masons are. The answer is simple. A Mason (or Freemason) is a member of a fraternity known as Masonry (or Freemasonry). A fraternity is a group of men (just as a sorority is a group of women) who join together because: •There are things they want to do in the world. •There are things they want to do “inside their own minds.” •They enjoy being together with men they like and respect. (We’ll look at some of these things later.) What’s Masonry? Masonry (or Freemasonry) is the oldest fraternity in the world. No one knows just how old it is because the actual origins have been lost in time. Probably, it arose from the guilds of stonemasons who built the castles and cathedrals of the Middle Ages. Possibly, they were influenced by the Knights Templar, a group of Christian warrior monks formed in 1118 to help protect pilgrims making trips to the Holy Land. In 1717, Masonry created a formal organization in England when the first Grand Lodge was formed. A Grand Lodge is the administrative body in charge of Masonry in some geographical area. In the United States, there is a Grand Lodge in each state. In Canada, there is a Grand Lodge in each province. Local organizations of Masons are called lodges. There are lodges in most towns, and large cities usually have several. There are about 13,200 lodges in the United States. If Masonry started in Great Britain, how did it get to America? In a time when travel was by horseback and sailing ship, Masonry spread with amazing speed. By 1731, when Benjamin Franklin joined the fraternity, there were already several lodges in the Colonies, and Masonry spread rapidly as America expanded west. In addition to Franklin, many of the Founding Fathers — men such as George Washington, Paul Revere, Joseph Warren, and John Hancock — were Masons. Masons and Masonry played an important part in the Revolutionary War and an even more important part in the Constitutional Convention and the debates surrounding the ratification of the Bill of Rights. Many of those debates were held in Masonic lodges. What’s a lodge? The word “lodge” means both a group of Masons meeting in some place and the room or building in which they meet. Masonic buildings are also sometimes called “temples” because much of the symbolism Masonry uses to teach its lessons comes from the building of King Solomon’s Temple in the Holy Land. The term “lodge” itself comes from the structures which the stonemasons built against the sides of the cathedrals during construction. In winter, when building had to stop, they lived in these lodges and worked at carving stone. While there is some variation in detail from state to state and country to country, lodge rooms today are set up similar to the diagram on the following page. If you’ve ever watched C-SPAN’s coverage of the House of Commons in London, you’ll notice that the layout is about the same. Since Masonry came to America from England, we still use the English floor plan and English titles for the officers. The Worshipful Master of the Lodge sits in the East (“Worshipful” is an English term of respect which means the same thing as “Honorable.”) He is called the Master of the lodge for the same reason that the leader of an orchestra is called the “Concert Master.” It’s simply an older term for “Leader.” In other organizations, he would be called “President.” The Senior and Junior Wardens are the First and Second Vice-Presidents. The Deacons are messengers and the Stewards have charge of refreshments. Every lodge has an altar holding a “Volume of the Sacred Law.” In the United States and Canada, that is almost always a Bible. What goes on in a lodge? This is a good place to repeat what we said earlier about why men become Masons: •There are things they want to do in the world. •There are things they want to do “inside their own minds.” •They enjoy being together with men they like and respect. The Lodge is the center of those activities. Masonry Does Things in the World. Masonry teaches that each person has a responsibility to make things better in the world. Most individuals won’t be the ones to find a cure for cancer, or eliminate poverty, or help create world peace, but every man and woman and child can do something to help others and to make things a little better. Masonry is deeply involved with helping people — it spends more than $1.4 million dollars every day in the United States, just to make life a little easier. And the great majority of that help goes to people who are not Masons. Some of these charities are vast projects, like the Crippled Children’s Hospitals and Burns Institutes built by the Shriners. Also, Scottish Rite Masons maintain a nationwide network of over 100 Childhood Language Disorders Clinics, Centers, and Programs. Each helps children afflicted by such conditions as aphasia, dyslexia, stuttering, and related learning or speech disorders. Some services are less noticeable, like helping a widow pay her electric bill or buying coats and shoes for disadvantaged children. And there’s just about anything you can think of in-between. But with projects large or small, the Masons of a lodge try to help make the world a better place. The lodge gives them a way to combine with others to do even more good. Masonry does things “inside” the individual Mason. “Grow or die” is a great law of all nature. Most people feel a need for continued growth and development as individuals. They feel they are not as honest or as charitable or as compassionate or as loving or as trusting as they ought to be. Masonry reminds its members over and over again of the importance of these qualities. It lets men associate with other men of honor and integrity who believe that things like honesty and compassion and love and trust are important. In some ways, Masonry is a support group for men who are trying to make the right decisions. It’s easier to practice these virtues when you know that those around you think they are important, too, and won’t laugh at you. That’s a major reason that Masons enjoy being together. Masons enjoy each other’s company. It’s good to spend time with people you can trust completely, and most Masons find that in their lodge. While much of lodge activity is spent in works of charity or in lessons in self-development, much is also spent in fellowship. Lodges have picnics, camping trips, and many events for the whole family. Simply put, a lodge is a place to spend time with friends. For members only, two basic kinds of meetings take place in a lodge. The most common is a simple business meeting. To open and close the meeting, there is a ceremony whose purpose is to remind us of the virtues by which we are supposed to live. Then there is a reading of the minutes; voting on petitions (applications of men who want to join the fraternity); planning for charitable functions, family events, and other lodge activities; and sharing information about members (called “Brothers,” as in most fraternities) who are ill or have some sort of need. The other kind of meeting is one in which people join the fraternity — one at which the “degrees” are performed. But every lodge serves more than its own members. Frequently, there are meetings open to the public. Examples are Ladies’ Nights, “Brother Bring a Friend Nights,” public installations of officers, Cornerstone Laying ceremonies, and other special meetings supporting community events and dealing with topics of local interest. Masons also sponsor Ladies groups such as The Order of Eastern Star and Amaranth, and Youth Groups such as Triangle, Rainbow, Constellation, Job’s Daughters; for girls, and Order of DeMolay for Boys. What’s a degree? A degree is a stage or level of membership. It’s also the ceremony by which a man attains that level of membership. There are three, called Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason. As you can see, the names are taken from the craft guilds. In the Middle Ages, when a person wanted to join a craft, such as the gold smiths or the carpenters or the stonemasons, he was first apprenticed. As an apprentice, he learned the tools and skills of the trade. When he had proved his skills, he became a “Fellow of the Craft” (today we would say “Journeyman”), and when he had exceptional ability, he was known as a Master of the Craft. The degrees are plays in which the candidate participates. Each degree uses symbols to teach, just as plays did in the Middle Ages and as many theatrical productions do today. (We’ll talk about symbols a little later.) The Masonic degrees teach the great lessons of life — the importance of honor and integrity, of being a person on whom others can rely, of being both trusting and trustworthy, of realizing that you have a spiritual nature as well as a physical or animal nature, of the importance of self-control, of knowing how to love and be loved, of knowing how to keep confidential what others tell you so that they can “open up” without fear. Why is Masonry so “secretive”? It really isn’t “secretive,” although it sometimes has that reputation. Masons certainly don’t make a secret of the fact that they are members of the fraternity. We wear rings, lapel pins and tie tacks with Masonic emblems like the Square and Compasses, the best known of Masonic signs which, logically, recalls the fraternity’s roots in stonemasonry. Masonic buildings are clearly marked, and are usually listed in the phone book. Lodge activities are not secret picnics and other events are even listed in the newspapers, especially in smaller towns. Many lodges have answering machines which give the upcoming lodge activities. But there are some Masonic secrets, and they fall into two categories. The first are the ways in which a man can identify himself as a Mason — grips and passwords. We keep those private for obvious reasons. It is not at all unknown for unscrupulous people to try to pass themselves off as Masons in order to get assistance under false pretenses. The second group is harder to describe, but they are the ones Masons usually mean if we talk about “Masonic secrets.” They are secrets because they literally can’t be talked about, can’t be put into words. They are the changes that happen to a man when he really accepts responsibility for his own life and, at the same time, truly decides that his real happiness is in helping others. It’s a wonderful feeling, but it’s something you simply can’t explain to another person. That’s why we sometimes say that Masonic secrets cannot ( rather than “may not”) be told. Try telling someone exactly what you feel when you see a beautiful sunset, or when you hear music, like the national anthem, which suddenly stirs old memories, and you’ll understand what we mean. “Secret societies” became very popular in America in the late 1800s and early 1900s. There were literally hundreds of them, and most people belonged to two or three. Many of them were modeled on Masonry, and made a great point of having many “secrets.” And Masonry got ranked with them. But if Masonry is a secret society, it’s the worst-kept secret in town. For an example see the WABC-TV, Channel 7, New York City news report (streaming video RealPlayer required) that aired in May 1994 Is Masonry a religion? The answer to that question is simple. No. We do use ritual in the meetings, and because there is always an altar or table with the Volume of the Sacred Law open if a lodge is meeting, some people have confused Masonry with a religion, but it is not. That does not mean that religion plays no part in Masonry — it plays a very important part. A person who wants to become a Mason must have a belief in God. No atheist can ever become a Mason. Meetings open with prayer, and a Mason is taught, as one of the first lessons of Masonry, that one should pray for divine counsel and guidance before starting an important undertaking. But that does not make Masonry a “religion.” Sometimes people confuse Masonry with a religion because we call some Masonic buildings “temples.” But we use the word in the same sense that Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes called the Supreme Court a “Temple of Justice” and because a Masonic lodge is a symbol of the Temple of Solomon. Neither Masonry nor the Supreme Court is a religion just because its members meet in a “temple.” In some ways, the relationship between Masonry and religion is like the relationship between the Parent-Teacher Association (the P.T.A.) and education. Members of the P.T.A. believe in the importance of education. They support it. They assert that no man or woman can be a complete and whole individual or live up to his or her full potential without education. They encourage students to stay in school and parents to be involved with the education of their children. They may give scholarships. They encourage their members to get involved with and support their individual schools. But there are some things P.T.A.s do not do. They don’t teach. They don’t tell people which school to attend. They don’t try to tell people what they should study or what their major should be. In much the same way, Masons believe in the importance of religion. Masonry encourages every Mason to be active in the religion and church of his own choice. Masonry teaches that, without religion, a man is alone and lost, and that without religion, he can never reach his full potential. But Freemasonry does not tell a person which religion he should practice or how he should practice it. That is between the individual and God. That is the function of his house of worship, not his fraternity. And Masonry is a fraternity, not a religion. What is a Masonic Bible? Bibles are popular gifts among Masons, frequently given to a man when he joins the lodge or at other special events. A Masonic Bible is the same book anyone thinks of as a Bible (it’s usually the King James translation) with a special page in the front on which to write the name of the person who is receiving it and the occasion on which it is given. Sometimes there is a special index or information section which shows the person where in the Bible to find the passages which are quoted in the Masonic ritual. If Masonry isn’t a religion, why does it use ritual? Many of us may think of religion when we think of ritual, but ritual is used in every aspect of life. It’s so much a part of us that we just don’t notice it. Ritual simply means that some things are done more or less the same way each time. Almost all school assemblies, for example, start with the principal or some other official calling for the attention of the group. Then the group is led in the Pledge of Allegiance. A school choir or the entire group may sing the school song. That’s a ritual. Almost all business meetings of every sort call the group to order, have a reading of the minutes of the last meeting, deal with old business, then with new business. That’s a ritual. Most groups use Robert’s Rules of Order to conduct a meeting. That’s probably the best-known book of ritual in the world. There are social rituals which tell us how to meet people (we shake hands), how to join a conversation (we wait for a pause, and then speak), how to buy tickets to a concert (we wait in line and don’t push in ahead of those who were there first). There are literally hundreds of examples, and they are all rituals. Masonry uses a ritual because it’s an effective way to teach important ideas — the values we’ve talked about earlier. And it reminds us where we are, just as the ritual of a business meeting reminds people where they are and what they are supposed to be doing. Masonry’s ritual is very rich because it is so old. It has developed over centuries to contain some beautiful language and ideas expressed in symbols. But there’s nothing unusual in using ritual. All of us do it every day. Why does Masonry use symbols? Everyone uses symbols every day, just as we do ritual. We use them because they communicate quickly. When you see a stop sign , you know what it means, even if you can’t read the word “stop.” The circle and line mean “don’t” or “not allowed.” In fact, using symbols is probably the oldest way of communication and the oldest way of teaching. Masonry uses symbols for the same reason. Some form of the “Square and Compasses” is the most widely used and known symbol of Masonry. In one way, this symbol is a kind of trademark for the fraternity, as the “golden arches” are for McDonald’s. When you see the Square and Compasses on a building, you know that Masons meet there. And like all symbols, they have a meaning. The Square symbolizes things of the earth, and it also symbolizes honor, integrity, truthfulness, and the other ways we should relate to this world and the people in it. The Compasses symbolize things of the spirit, and the importance of a well-developed spiritual life, and also the importance of self-control — of keeping ourselves within bounds. The G stands for Geometry, the science which the ancients believed most revealed the glory of God and His works in the heavens, and it also stands for God, Who must be at the center of all our thoughts and of all our efforts. The meanings of most of the other Masonic symbols are obvious. The gavel teaches the importance of self-control and self-discipline. The hourglass teaches us that time is always passing, and we should not put off important decisions. So, is Masonry education? Yes. In a very real sense, education is at the center of Masonry. We have stressed its importance for a very long time. Back in the Middle Ages, schools were held in the lodges of stonemasons. You have to know a lot to build a cathedral — geometry, and structural engineering, and mathematics, just for a start. And that education was not very widely available. All the formal schools and colleges trained people for careers in the church, or in law or medicine. And you had to be a member of the social upper classes to go to those schools. Stonemasons did not come from the aristocracy. And so the lodges had to teach the necessary skills and information. Freemasonry’s dedication to education started there. It has continued. Masons started some of the first public schools in both Europe and America. We supported legislation to make education universal. In the 1800s Masons as a group lobbied for the establishment of state supported education and federal land grant colleges. Today we give millions of dollars in scholarships each year. We encourage our members to give volunteer time to their local schools, buy classroom supplies for teachers, help with literacy programs, and do everything they can to help assure that each person, adult or child, has the best educational opportunities possible. And Masonry supports continuing education and intellectual growth for its members, insisting that learning more about many things is important for anyone who wants to keep mentally alert and young. What does Masonry teach? Masonry teaches some important principles. There’s nothing very surprising in the list. Masonry teaches that: Since God is the Creator, all men and women are the children of God. Because of that, all men and women are brothers and sisters, entitled to dignity, respect for their opinions, and consideration of their feelings. Each person must take responsibility for his/her own life and actions. Neither wealth nor poverty, education nor ignorance, health nor sickness excuses any person from doing the best he or she can do or being the best person possible under the circumstances. No one has the right to tell another person what he or she must think or believe. Each man and woman has an absolute right to intellectual, spiritual, economic, and political freedom. This is a right given by God, not by man. All tyranny, in every form, is illegitimate. Each person must learn and practice self-control. Each person must make sure his spiritual nature triumphs over his animal nature. Another way to say the same thing is that even when we are tempted to anger, we must not be violent. Even when we are tempted to selfishness, we must be charitable. Even when we want to “write someone off,” we must remember that he or she is a human and entitled to our respect. Even when we want to give up, we must go on. Even when we are hated, we must return love, or, at a minimum, we must not hate back. It isn’t easy! Faith must be in the center of our lives. We find that faith in our houses of worship, not in Freemasonry, but Masonry constantly teaches that a person’s faith, whatever it may be, is central to a good life. Each person has a responsibly to be a good citizen, obeying the law. That doesn’t mean we can’t try to change things, but change must take place in legal ways. It is important to work to make this world better for all who live in it. Masonry teaches the importance of doing good, not because it assures a person’s entrance into heaven — that’s a question for a religion, not a fraternity — but because we have a duty to all other men and women to make their lives as fulfilling as they can be. Honor and integrity are essential to life. Life, without honor and integrity, is without meaning. What are the requirements for membership? The person who wants to join Masonry must be a man (it’s a fraternity), sound in body and mind, who believes in God, is at least the minimum age required by Masonry in his state, and has a good reputation. (Incidentally, the “sound in body” requirement — which comes from the stonemasons of the Middle Ages — doesn’t mean that a physically challenged man cannot be a Mason; many are). Those are the only “formal” requirements. But there are others, not so formal. He should believe in helping others. He should believe there is more to life than pleasure and money. He should be willing to respect the opinions of others. And he should want to grow and develop as a human being. How does a man become a Mason? Some men are surprised that no one has ever asked them to become a Mason. They may even feel that the Masons in their town don’t think they are “good enough” to join. But it doesn’t work that way. For hundreds of years, Masons have been forbidden to ask others to join the fraternity. We can talk to friends about Masonry, we can tell them about what Masonry does. We can tell them why we enjoy it. But we can’t ask, much less pressure anyone to join. There’s a good reason for that. It isn’t that we’re trying to be exclusive. But becoming a Mason is a very serious thing. Joining Masonry is making a permanent life commitment to live in certain ways. We’ve listed most of them above — to live with honor and integrity, to be willing to share and care about others, to trust each other, and to place ultimate trust in God. No one should be “talked into” making such a decision. So, when a man decides he wants to be a Mason, he asks a Mason for a petition or application. He fills it out and gives it to the Mason, and that Mason takes it to the local lodge. The Master of the lodge will appoint a committee to visit with the man and his family, find out a little about him and why he wants to be a Mason, tell him and his family about Masonry, and answer their questions. The committee reports to the lodge, and the lodge votes on the petition. If the vote is affirmative — and it usually is — the lodge will contact the man to set the date for the Entered Apprentice Degree. When the person has completed all three degrees, he is a Master Mason and a full member of the fraternity. So, what’s a Mason? A Mason is a man who has decided that he likes to feel good about himself and others. He cares about the future as well as the past, and does what he can, both alone and with others, to make the future good for everyone. Many men over many generations have answered the question, “What is a Mason?” One of the most eloquent was written by the Reverend Joseph Fort Newton, an internationally honored minister of the first half of the 20th Century. When is a man a Mason? When he can look out over the rivers, the hills, and the far horizon with a profound sense of his own littleness in the vast scheme of things, and yet have faith, hope, and courage which is the root of every virtue. When he knows that down in his heart every man is as noble, as vile, as divine, as diabolic, and as lonely as himself, and seeks to know, to forgive, and to love his fellow man. When he knows how to sympathize with men in their sorrows, yea, even in their sins knowing that each man fights a hard fight against many odds. When he has learned how to make friends and to keep them, and above all how to keep friends with himself When he loves flowers, can hunt birds without a gun, and feels the thrill of an old forgotten joy when he hears the laugh of a little child. When he can be happy and high-minded amid the meaner drudgeries of life. When star-crowned trees and the glint of sunlight on flowing waters, subdue him like the thought of one much loved and long dead. When no voice of distress reaches his ears in vain, and no hand seeks his aid without response. When he finds good in every faith that helps any man to lay hold of divine things and sees majestic meanings in life, whatever the name of that faith may be. When he can look into a wayside puddle and see something beyond mud, and into the face of the most forlorn fellow mortal and see something beyond sin. When he knows how to pray, how to love, how to hope. When he has kept faith with himself with his fellow man, and with his God; in his hand a sword for evil, in his heart a bit of a song — glad to live, but not afraid to die! Such a man has found the only real secret of Masonry, and the one which it is trying to give to all the world. There is a booklet by the same name produced by The Masonic Information Center, a division of the Masonic Service association. Its numerous illustrations have not been included as it would considerably delay file loading. To obtain illustrated copies @ $0.25 each (PPD); 40% discount in lots of 50 or more copies, plus shipping/handling, contact: Masonic Service Center 8120 Fenton Street Silver Spring, MD 20910-4785 Tel (301) 588-4010 ; Fax (301) 608-3457 Masonic Resources in New York •Brotherhood Fund •Camp Turk •DeMolay •DeWint House •Empire State Mason •Genealogy Requests •Livingston Library •Masonic Care Community •Masonic Medical Research Laboratory •MORI •MUNY(MOODLE) •New York Masonic Safety Identification Program (ChildID) •Surviving Spouses Committee •Youth Committee •ChildID Event Calendar •Atholl1781 Yahoo Group Mail List •Lodge Locator ..I Love You, All, xo! --------------------(-------@
  • TigerLilly
    RAW was at DragonCon (fantasy game con) w/ Timothy Leary, in musta been 92. They were great, and was at a small group panel discussion with them. Same con where I bounced off Shatner's belly in 09 :D Back to discussing religion.
  • marye
    I just saw the part about Hunter being on tour... too bad. It was nice to believe it for a minute.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Yes, would somebody stand up from the inner circle...
    ...say perhaps Blair Jackson, and give Ray-Ray a definitive assertion from the inner circle regarding these matters? My comments hardly represent 'the truth" in this matter.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Hey Lilly
    I've heard Robert Anton Wilson speak and it's cool for me to say "The Grateful Dead pulled my cosmic trigger!
  • TigerLilly
    also ran into your very long post in a forum -exact same text, while I was googling around, and yeah, whoever wrote it is a moron. starting with that while masons have pagan-based rituals involved, and also symbols, they are not satanists. And let's talk about satanism itself for a second. Originally Lucifer was a fallen angel, ach nevermind. Would have to get very long and deep to explain what is on my mind, and think am not up for it. but I will say put a bit of research into Satanism Ray Ray, cuz not all "satanists" are evil.
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17 years 4 months
In one of the other topics, one of the folks seemed not to be so sure of the reception he'd get for saying he was a youth minister at his church. In my experience, Deadheads span the full spectrum from Agnostic to Zoroastrian. I've met atheist Deadheads, Muslim Deadheads, Buddhist Deadheads, Catholic Deadheads, Jewish Deadheads, and Wiccan Deadheads. My Deadhead friends are all over the map on this stuff, and as far as I'm concerned one of the real richnesses of the scene is the ability to see how things look to other folks and, sometimes, experience it from their world. Believe it if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on. But talk about it here, and please maintain a safe respectful place to do so.
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14 years 6 months

Well that was quick.....jesus said I can go see the captain,the strangest I can find.Although he could not caution all,he did warn me about being a smart ass hippycrite.I told him I was aware of the problem and would try to find a fix.
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14 years 6 months

I was talking about me and my problem,not anyone else here.It may have been my "lifestyle"that made me this way. Sometimes I get sick of myself,I dont know.Religion is new to me and the old habits die hard.If I had any fun at anyone elses expense in the chatroom the shame is on me.The chatroom.......a scary,dangerous,wild,improbable ride that sucked out my skull.It was fun.I poured out my soul[and love] in that private little hell [just kidding] you guys call a chatroom and might not get it back.Wait,I wont leave you drifting down,Theres a little bit left........All the love in the world and all the best things in life to deadnet and that girl....Both of you have got the way's and mean's to open up your windows and let that long hair hang down.......I guess Im "710".....Im outta the door and DOWN to the street all alone....to look for a girl with rings on her fingers and bells on her..................
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Member for

16 years 9 months

I would STILL rather here Melvin play gospel than watch televangelists....I do miss the chat though.....the only other place I've been accepted for being myself was at Dead shows, and my church......well, OK, there were a few bars in the Philippines, but that's cuz they KNEW I was out there crazy.....
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16 years 8 months

Many Christians look at Buddhism as anything from the devil'sreligion to just false. There are many though who consider Buddhism to be valid, although lacking something. Some Buddhists believe in a God, while others see an impersonal, eternal, yet living reality. Buddhists who do see the need for the Creator, and some do believe in a Nirvana and a hell. For Buddhism to be fulfilled, these folks need to see the need for a setter up of what is good or evil. Who defines good or evil? You could even kind of get it from the Bible that there is no good or evil because God said he created both. Fact of the matter there are many many old acidheads who have become Christians. Mysticism is not bad, unless a person sees himself as being completed in being aware. We are really not as innocent or "good people" as we would like to think.. Trouble is that even realizing we are lost in a dream, we are still lost in the dream. We need to admit to God that he indeed did come into this world, suffer unimaginably and rose again. Beleive it or not. We just cannot find our own way home. "Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift." "What a long strange trip it's been" Just listening to the Furthur concert I surely got the impression that Phil already is a Christian. Best Wishes and God Bless Randy J.
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13 years 10 months

Just as you know her as sister shes just grandma to me. and just going about her journey if just one cares to know. so let us all just say on just voices of high that over the static from just this heart still is felt just love in her voice so no matter what, your religion of choice may I make just one request take a minute to just acknowledger her journey. just she can do the rest. peace and love family!, D4 11-17-2010
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16 years 9 months

I've never made a fortune, and it's probably too late now.But I don't worry about that much, I'm happy anyhow and as I go along life's way, I'm reaping better than I sowed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed. Haven't got a lot of riches, and sometimes the going's tough But I've got loving ones all around me, and that makes me rich enough. I thank GOD for his Blessings, and the Mercies HE's bestowed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed. I remember times when things went wrong, My faith wore somewhat thin. But all at once the dark clouds broke, and the sun peeped through again. So LORD, help me not to gripe, about the tough rows I have hoed. I'm drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed. If GOD gives me strength and courage, When the way grows steep and rough. I'll not ask for other blessings, I'm already Blessed enough. And may I never be too busy, to help others bear their loads.. Then I'll keep drinking from my saucer, 'Cause my cup has overflowed
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17 years 3 months

Couldn't have said it better myself, Johnman!
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16 years 9 months

sent this it to me recently, and while I think it's a bit stilted and corny, it fits where I'm at and reminds me that I have SO MUCH to be thankful for...
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15 years 8 months

I really want a copy of Further in Minneapolis,mn What a show!!The balconey was bouncin up and down a few FEET with the music and EVERYONE dancing was more than it was built to take. Did anyone else see that? Thank God it didnt collapse. I bhad the BEST time of my life that night. I need a copy....PLEASE
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17 years 4 months

maybe it was a religious experience!
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Member for

13 years 8 months

I haven't read all 62 pages of posts, I admit, but if anyone argued that the Dead experience itself is religious and that the relgious experience is one of the more open and welcoming of all religious experiences, I would agree!! I have many many thoughts on the Dead and religion, and strongly think that the Dead experience, at its purest, served the same function as a religion in many of our lives. Religious scholars have spent years breaking down religions into the necessary characteristics of what it means to be a 'religion', and it is not a stretch to make the Dead fit these molds. True, the religion would be comparable to Christianity and Buddhism in its earliest stages, but it would be comparable. Great thread. Hope its still alive! J.T. Gossard http://thehallucinogenicbible.blogspot.com/
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14 years 6 months

Is a wild scary dangerous improbable ride[like jerrys riffs]......sometimes I freak out,maybe,i dont know.Its highly improbable for someone like me to consider it[religion].Deadnet is a great place to freak out....I guess.I wish there was more sincerity in the world.
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16 years 7 months

I've often been asked by non-deadheads how I reconcile my belief in the Christian gospel and my love of all things Grateful Dead. I always respond that there is nothing to reconcile. My faith and my love of this music are not disparate at all. The question itself is founded in ignorance of what this music is all about in the first place. I am so glad to see my fellow heads are so understanding and open minded about this as witnessed by this thread. In the lot, when the subject comes up, I never feel the notion that I'm not accepted as one of us. We've all been so profoundly touched by "our" music and that is a common bond.
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17 years 2 months

(religion) you wear, just as long as you are there! Just popped in my head-dunno why :) ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Member for

14 years 6 months

As usual deadnet,Im impressed.You guys get the gist of it ...........thx
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...and lawyers guns and money won't get you of here. When the body is breaking down, as well as the mind, never give up faith. It is so tempting to go to a place you know that is always warm, set your altar and your easel and laptop and pray and paint and write poetry, listen to the best of my 60s and 70s music and try to get closer to reality before I die. Turn off the news for sure. So dog tired of just trying to get through another day because people depend on me. The whole thing is just so sad. They all are all still chasing after a dream that died a while ago. They want me to make the dream come true for them. Do all you can, do for others, come from the heart -- Jesus and Buddha and all the great ones said that. Believe and don't pick up that spike no more (Whatever your spike might be). Cuz yer only getting farther away and not closer and it never ends. It never ends ~ Killing me softly with his song ~
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16 years 9 months

everyday is a new day, and I think I've learned that we have to start each one with that thought, and while I, too have people that depend on me, I know that they love me....and that makes it worthwhile......I think....I guess we can't change everything, just make our little part work, and hope it spreads.....hope I don't sound like some kinda know-it-all....as I sure as fak ain't......
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17 years 3 months

you sound like the kindhearted loving brother you are! Hang in there Gonzo-calming vibes to you! ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Member for

14 years 6 months

Those were bitchen posts.Mine are like jerrys echo-effects on his guitar,they eventually come back around ..[limited internet access].Im primitive.......Im.......Low tech.[head hanging down]Hope your next coupla years go well for u...............god bless our veterans!
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Member for

15 years 1 month

This has been a sweet page so far...."It doesn't matter what you wear, just as long as you are there !!!! TigerLilly, I am going to use this unless you wish it not....
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Member for

13 years 8 months

and their church of hate. Their continuous hate-filled protests at the funerals of our fallen heroes leads me to believe that they are enemies of God, Jesus, and our country. If someone gunned them all down and I had to be on the jury I would not be able to convict the shooter. I would say "good riddance, they got what they deserved." If they want to protest in front of the Capitol, fine, but stay away from soldiers funerals.
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And it is in bad taste to do this out of bigotry at another's funeral who fought and would have died for your freedom, but it is free speech. It's a slippery ride down the slope to fascism as we saw with the building of the Community Center/Mosque near Ground Zero some months ago. You should know that up here in the boonies the Hell's Angels and the Staties and the local cops all collaborate to stop any of that crap. The Supreme Court can go to hell. America is as it is, where it is and God help those people if they tried to demonstrate at certain funerals. Choppers would plow them down and then bullets would take the rest. That is for people who PROTEST AGAINST THE WARS. So, equal rights for all, no matter how much in bad taste it might be. You can always turn your back. Tolerance and respect is aspired to in this world, not truly existent everywhere.
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13 years 8 months

or they will reap what they sow. They should not be worshipping words but walking in the light of the living Christ, but we all fall at times. Jesus said: "Be ye therefore merciful as your Father also is merciful. Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven. St. Luke,6:36-37 There must be an evil spirit in that church that has a hold of those poor folks. I would encourage all Christians in the area to go there and pray for healing until they walk in love. The guy in Florida who was going to burn the Koran saw the light, Hopefully the Westboro Baptists will too. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world: but that the world through him might be saved. St. John, 3:17 Let it be known, there is a fountain, that was not made by the hands of man
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Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright, oh yeahJesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright I don't care what they may say I don't care what they may do I don't care what they may say Jesus is just alright, oh yeah Jesus is just alright Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright, oh yeah Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright I don't care what they may know I don't care where they may go I don't care what they may know Jesus is just alright, oh yeah Jesus, he's my friend; Jesus, he's my friend He took me by the hand; Led me far from this land Jesus, he's my friend Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright, oh yeah Jesus is just alright with me, Jesus is just alright I don't care what they may say, I don't care what they may do I don't care what they may say, Jesus is just alright, oh yeah
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17 years 3 months

the shitty crassness of the Westboro Church's actions, I think it is wrong to transfer the individual's rights of freedom of speech to an organization. Just like it is wrong that it is now considered that corporations have the same rights and status, as an entity, as citizens do. If we continue to go down that road, we're all in big trouble. PLUS freedom of speech stops at inciting violence, and such acts as those rat turds do are certainly causing plenty of folks to feel violent.********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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You certainly have a valid insight there, one that is backed by the actions of individuals, The interview with the poor boy's father saying the Supremes didn't have the sense of a goat was poignant. The Westboro Baptists need healing badly. They are the collective voice of a demon and need to be group exorcised. Perhaps an army of Jesuits could step in and start the ceremonies. The Westboro Baptists should be shipped to the concentration camps of Poland and Germany and then brought to the front in Afghanistan. Let them feel it and see it . The Beavis and Butheads of the religious world soon see the shameful acts they are committing for what they are and halt in their tracks. BUT, they have the right to do what they want, respecting the restraint of local, county and state authorities, along with counter demonstrations. Think carefully before giving up rights some great number of people died for.
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13 years 6 months

The Spirit dwells in loving communities, and I am happy to have found this one.
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13 years 7 months

Hi everyone, I'm a college student and Grateful Dead lover working on an in depth research project on Deadheads. I want to know peoples' personal relationships to the music and the culture to understand why the Deadheads have existed and endured so prominently for so long. I would DEEPLY appreciate an interview with anyone who feels that they have something to say about the Dead and their personal history with them! It's easy, anonymous (when integrated into the paper) and a nice way to reflect upon and appreciate how the Dead and their community have affected your life. It'll also help me out a lot :) Please send me a message if you're interested! Thanks, Jackie
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Member for

16 years

It's really good to see that this thread is still growing.I check in here once and awhile and it always reafirms my faith in deadheads.You can just see the sweetness of spirit in many of the posts here. Hey Chinarider777...are you still following this thread?I read your post about your vision and it sounds to me that you experienced a"born again experience".I experienced something like that back in 1997.I didn't have the vision,but I had a complete change in my thoughts,beliefs and actions.I prayed for Jesus to come into my life and be lord of my life and everything changed in an instant.For days I had a feeling of lightness and being cleansed to my core,and a new appreciation for life and it's blessings. I often wonder if Robert Hunter also experienced this kind of spiritual awakening because he wrote the best description that I have ever heard... There comes a redeemer,but he slowly too fades away Followed behind him a wagon that's loaded with clay Seeds that were silent burst into bloom and decay Night comes so quiet,it comes on the heals of the day. I'm quoting the lyrics from memory,so please forgive me if they're not exact,and of course others may have a totally different interpretation or Hunter may have meant something different.But for me,every time I hear "eyes" I think of that incredible moment. May God bless and keep you always...
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Hope you find someone. Not me though. All I would say is you had to see a slew of shows back in the day and the meaning would be cler(er).
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Member for

16 years 6 months

=cry east =-=a coin a squeel=-=better to light a candle then to fire at a candle light vidgle a sizzling slug in ceilings to the open gentle=-=Hoo~ray seesturdzzz}<(`-=-==-=-=-=
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There comes a redeemer and he slowly, too, fades awayAnd there follows his wagon behind him that's loaded with clay And the seeds that were silent all burst into bloom and decay And night comes so quiet, its close on the heels of the day Pretty good memory there drc32-0, I always thought the wagon was loaded with hay!
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And the souls of sixteen (two of the Amrican) died and are now karmic seeds waiting to ripen in the future for them. The minister of that church reminds of a snake-oil salesman. And we all know what the snake stands for.
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The Dalai lama announced last week his intention to leaven behind the political, secular rule that has dogged him for the last 350 years, since Tibet became unified as a nation.He will, however, continue his spiritual mentor roll for those tantric Buddhists (not just Tibetans) who wish to practice this form of meditation/philosophy/evolution/enlightenment (take your pick). He has announced that due to the Chinese leadership showing slight cracks in it's anti-Tibet attitude he will live to at least the age of 85 and continue to provide quidence to to the democratically elected government-in-exile in Dharamsala, India for the rest of this life. His advocacy of nonviolence continues to be a beacon in this troubled world. His seventeenth incarnation on this planet will not be on the Tibetan plateau, but rather in a place of exile where he can continue his spiritual guidence without Chinese interference as shown by their handling of the Panchen Lama and the 17th Karmapa. I have heard all these words from the mouth of His Holiness the Dalai Lama himself in a BBC interview aired at 6:30am this morning. Rangzen! Freedom for the land of snows and all those suffering under Chinese repression there at this time.
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17 years 2 months

that Japan will be spared this new quake threat! Mother Nature PLEASE spare our brothers and sisters more suffering!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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17 years 2 months

that Japan will be spared this new quake threat! Mother Nature PLEASE spare our brothers and sisters more suffering!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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But of course, particularly for them right now. The whole "ring of fire" around the Pacific rim seems to be heating up. I've heard it said that 2011 is the year for S. California. That, unfortunately, would mean trading tsunamis with Japan if it's an off shore epicenter.
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Member for

14 years 6 months

Southern banjo's[out of tune]playing through the broken glass again?....bummer.I wouldve perhaps thought of deadnet and this topic as being a refuge.........of sorts.....rather than a vehicle,a doormat,a veritable beast of burden for people and their headtrips and political agendas.......Deadnet,hows the peoples republic of berk.......oops I meant tibet treatin ya?.....I was bummed because I thought I ran out of good things to say here but...oh wait..being on deadnet and in the old chatroom for me was like.....I really actually got to talk to people that actually shook the hands of people that shook the hands of the man that shook the hand of the man if not actually shaken the hand of the man himself that shook the hand of the man......
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Member for

14 years 6 months

That was a nice post,thank you.......feel free to humiliate yourself with sincerity and post something thats built to last......
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guess the acid was too much for ya'. Look around this site for places to post and throw up there if you like. I guess it's too much to leave our positive intentions alone, huh? Marye -- wasn't this thread supposed to be somewhat protected?
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17 years 4 months

if that post were an actual response to an actual post by anyone named graceful, it would be problematical. As it is, I'm taking it as a nonlinear utterance of someone whose spirituality is a bit rearranged. Wolfbat, please chill or take it elsewhere. Thanks.
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Member for

16 years

I've followed this thread from the beginning and I have really admired your even-handed moderating.As we all know,this is a topic that can really get out of hand,but you have been able to help keep it civil while still giving everyone a chance to speak their thoughts. Only a group of deadheads could have a 65 page thread on religious beliefs and only have a few posts that requires the moderator to step in.It makes me proud to be a deadhead. Thanks
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13 years 5 months

Friend of the Devil is a novel about a reefer-smoking 1930s jazz musician, on the run from the law. He is on his way to Del Rio, a Texas border town rolling in dough, thanks to a quack doctor whose ‘goat-gland cure’ brings in well-heeled suckers by the trainload. And just across the river, the Doc’s got a million-watt “border blaster” that he uses to advertise himself along with yodelers, pitchmen, preachers, mystics, and singing cowboys. There, Herbert figures, he can hide out in plain view. But then Herbert does a favor for a stranger in a jam who turns out to be the Devil himself. Now the Devil owes Herbert a favor, something Herbert, a fervent atheist, has absolutely no interest in collecting on. Next thing Herbert knows, he’s stuck in the middle of a convoluted wager between the Devil and God, both of whom seem to take his refusal to acknowledge their existence personally. Herbert vows revenge. Luckily he finds an ally in Rose Dawn, an underage, pregnant radio clairvoyant prone to sneezing fits.
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They'll publish anything and pay you if somebody buys it. Still, one wonders about :...Rose Dawn, an underage, pregnant radio clairvoyant prone to sneezing fits.
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17 years 4 months

this is a change how? Nonetheless, as the forum moderator, to say nothing of the editor of a friend's recently published novel having nothing to do with the Dead, I would note that this is, in the words of one of the band's cover tunes, drifting too far from the shore here, and let us stick to religion, spirituality and Deadheads here rather than promoting one's fiction or slagging the state of the current publishing marketplace. Thank you. I would encourage Brendan to promote said fiction in the Grateful Dead Library or Your Own Storefront topics...
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13 years 6 months

Marye, lamagonzo, thanks for watching for an even keel; but no harm.Built to last? Yes, going on 2,000 years this morning. How could one be grateful to be dead? If "dead" is not the end.
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Hope you enjoyed the meaning of the day with loved ones. Still, you pose an interesting question: "How could one be grateful to be dead? If "dead" is not the end.." It is my opinion the some of the tunes Hunter wrote, almost the entire genre, were about people who died sadly, violently (Jack Straw, Me & My Uncle etc.) and according to which part of religion you belong to (or not) you might believe some of them condemned to hell for eternity. That ain't my religion. Mine probably has more hells than yours, just not eternal. There was a guy who used to post here who freaked out at "Friend of the Devil" (star_sleeper?) regularly So, without going uber-philosophical here, You could ddefinitely be grateful to be Dead, especially if it's not the end. Maybe it seems dark to you, but there are things in this world you do not know exist, and don't wanna know. Still. wish you all the happiness this day is meant to bring.
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Forgive this old author if I'm wrong, but didn't the publishing business use to work a different way? Editors were paid to read manuscripts presented by agents (one pile) and by he authors themselves (the slush pile). If they liked it they signed you to a contract and gave you an advance and made the manuscript into a book and promoted it to a degree (to what degree was always the problem). Now, anybody can do desk-top publishing and it's all like a vanity press except you did all the work to make it into a bonafide book. If you distribute yourself, you keep a lot of the money. If they distribute and promote they make about 5/6ths of the cost of a book. How much space is their at Borders and Waldens and other book chains, not to mention Wal-Mart? Only so much room for a few best-sellers. Am I missing the boat or isn't that a difference in the way authors at least get paid and promoted? And what difference has desk-top publishing made? I guess I wouldn't know if something I picked up is desk-topped or not., and desk-top authors make more money, I guess, minus their promotion and reproduction expenses. Feel free to move this to another thread.
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17 years 4 months

all of the above and it's complicated. Entire conferences are held on this subject regularly.