- Post reply Log in to post comments688 repliesmaryeJoined:Hats, t-shirts, photos, and other objects whose absence is causing a void in your life. Note: if you're looking for tapes, go to the Tape Trading topic. If you're looking for tickets, try Tickets Wanted. This topic is for stuff that is not tunes or tix.
- O'GJoined:Acoustic Dead
I am new to this site and have asked this question but cannot find if it was ever answered - let’s not rule out that it was and I cannot find where I asked
let alone if anyone answered, I’m gettin old. Anyway, I want more recordings of acoustic performances in addition To the the wonderful Reckoning. Where can I find more? Thank you. - mral4rksJoined:Help!Have Many great Shows on CDs.On FLAC format Need help to Co
Was given Many CDs of GD Shows on FLAC format.NEED Help to Copy/burn dont have the software.Many Many shows!This can help all Dead heads.I am willing to give up 200 CDs for a few Tapes made for me in Exchange.Im in So Calif.I need guidence Please Help thanks AL.
Hats, t-shirts, photos, and other objects whose absence is causing a void in your life. Note: if you're looking for tapes, go to the Tape Trading topic. If you're looking for tickets, try Tickets Wanted. This topic is for stuff that is not tunes or tix.
i'm searching for a bobby fans are people too tshirt, sticker, badge, patch whatever ya got!
does anyone have an extra 2XL Giants/GD shirt for sale as shown here:
I am looking for a new complete set of Dick's Picks. Any out there?
My husband's older GD tie dyes have completely worn out. I'm hoping to replace his favorite, which is "High Gate" from 1995. Cow on tractor, and a bear with a pitchfork. I need a size XL; if anyone has any info, I would much appreciate it. I've looked all through the Internet to no avail.Thanks in advance!
My brother in-law got me a t-shirt for the Holidays a year or two ago. It had Jerry's face, and on top: "there are things you can replace" with "and others you can not" underneath (very parking lot-esque). It was too small, so they said they'd try to exchange it. However, they could not find it again. In hindsight I wish I would have kept it anyway just to frame it. Anyway...
I have searched and searched all over, and every now and then I try again. Needless to say, I am dying to find this shirt! If anyone might be able to at least give me a starting point that may be hidden in the depths of the internet, if not a direct link to the shirt itself, I would be ever so grateful!!!
Thanks in adavnce.
Searching for Steal Your Face with VW in the skull. Seen one on a forum, haven't found one for real. Anyone? (Yes, tried e bay.)
Can't vouch for this, but they offer it for sale
I bought some photos of hers on EBAY and lost them.I am trying to get in touch with her if anyone has a contact.
And the road goes on forever....
I'm looking for the round sticker with Jerry riding a fish. Saw one recently for 15.00. Used to be like 3-4 dollars. If anyone knows where I can buy a few, I'd really appreciate it!Thanks
Does anyone remember the JGB at Duke's Page Auditorium? Seems like it was in the mid 1970s. A nice show, and I've been trying to find a SB of it. Any thoughts?
Hello Family :) Wondering if anyone knows where I can find a huge SYF patch. Or someone who could embroider it on my leather for a decent price.
Size: 18 in X 18 in. I would also be open to other GD patches for it as well!
socalbeekeeper@yahoo.com (~);}
Kindly yours,
don't quite understand what's going on & why i can't post my own thread so i apologize for wedging myself in the middle of this one but i need help in finding something!!!
i'm looking for a shirt for a special man (mine) for a special day. can't seem to find it anywhere and figured this might be the best place for help
it looks like this:
anyone seen it or know anything about it??? thank you!!
2 shows on 4 April 1976
The jerry site says an aud exists for both shows, but I can't find any recordings in the usual places
I used to have a tie-dyed shirt featuring the Peanuts gang, in various states of ecstasy (Lucy with kaleidoscope eyes!) I would pay top dollar for this shirt in a size XL or so. I've been hunting the web, ebay, etc. for a long time with no success. Anyone with a lead would instantly be my best friend.
Gosh.. I am also looking for the same stuffs...
I am also looking for the same stuffs...lol
At the following website, you'll see a 5-inch round stealie magnet (in the 3rd row on the left)
Problem is, they've been sold out for months! Any idea where I can find one of those elsewhere?
Gave my girl a set of the mother of pearl lightening bolt, sterling silver earrings for Xmas. The ones that were for sale thru the gd store. By the end of the Furthur NYE show one had wandered off. Would love to replace them for her. Anyone know the maker, or maybe have a pair they'd consider selling?
Anyone know where I can find recordings of The Dead with Joan Osborne on vocals?
If anyone is interested in a harp that belonged to pig pen let me know! I am in a bad way and am willing to sell it at this time. If interested just private message me. Thanks,
I missed out on the Good 'Ol Grateful Dead hats they had available awhile ago. Anyone have one available?
Looking for a Jerry Garcia autograph for my personal enjoyment. I want to keep this for my own and I will not be re-selling it at any cost. Anyone who wants to sell one, drop me a line... googld@gmail.com
Oh, what I want to know is are you kind?
i do not see my account in the right hand corner of the store on this site. is there anyone out there who know's how to check an order??
nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
A close friend that was traveling with us went into hypoclycemic shock and had to be medevaced to Morgantown early Sunday morning during AllGood. She was wearing a cadet hat with a purple and green yin yang dancing bears pin she bought from some random person at the fest. Somewhere during the calamity the hat and pin was lost.
I'm just trying to replace the pin. I've searched everywhere online and Ebay, but haven't been able to find one. If anyone has one they're willing to part with, I'd be more than happy to meet any reasonable price. Thanks.
looking for hard copies of 32 33 35 36 28 hopefully uised and inexpensive!
I cannot access the Jack O'Roses Mp3s from Robert Hunter's website (or anywhere else for that matter). Are they still available? I would try archive.org, but it is blocked in China (no VPN client).
Hi All-
My live dead collection is missing a few items Dick's Picks 30, 32, 34 and 35. Also missing Fillmore West Complete Recording (Surprise Surprise). Please message me if you have any of the above for sale new or used and are willing to part with them.....help me complete my collection.....
Anyone have any ideas about where to obtain a copy of this at a reasonable price? I can get ahold of Vol 1 reasonably, and already own Vol 2, but I just don't understand why the hell Vol 3 is as pricey as it is. Must not have been in print for very long...
Anyway, any help would be appreciated.
- Adam
does anyone know where i can get the europe 72 complete recordings box set? or know if they will release more? i saw that there sold out of the 7,000 or so released. e-mail me at josh_masters@yahoo.com with any info... thanx!
Also, my whole GD collection was stolen a while back. Anyone wanting to part with any vol. of dicks picks that are in good condition leme know... 9 days till E-72 vol. 2 :^)
I MUST have this ! PLEASE !! I've owned several copies of thi & well you know...shit happens.Was always one of my favorites. If anybody knows where I could obtain a copy of this it would be Gratefully appreciated ! You may contact me @ guitarfiendiii@yahoo.com Please-in the subject line of your email..."Kingfish".Also-I don't want vinyl.And,yes,I do have disc burning capabilites.Thanks very much for any/all help !
Anyone have a concert history of Bobby & the Midnites? In particular, I'm sure they played in Kansas City in the early 80's. Pretty sure it wasn't Kingfish.
I wonder if any of you know of any premade jewel case covers for the bonus compact discs? The Cow Palace, New Year's at Winterland and the Dead Ahead bonus disc covers are the ones I'm looking to make. Have you seen or heard of any designs at all? Thanks in advance.
Hey guys, I am looking to get a t shirt for my dad this Christmas. I know he saw the dead live during the years above, specifically at the St. Paul civic center in 76 and 79; the Met center in 75 and at the Metrodome with Bob Dylan in 82 (or at least those are the years i got from someone in the family who should know, they may be off slightly). I found a website that has retro t shirts, but i am trying to find one that he would have seen when he was at the concert. Any help, either to exact t shirts or to pictures of the art that was on the shirts during these concerts would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Guys
I know these were not listed in your request but thought you might be interested in these hand-signed, numbered Grateful Dead Lithographs. They come in a leather portfolio too.
They are available for purchase online here:
I'm looking for video of Red Rocks July '78. Anyone have it?
If you find a video, please pass it on. I don't recall any video screens at that show in those daze.
I vined the audience tapes of Red Rocks in the Vineyard,
if you are so inclined.
I could have consulted my taping compendium to see that the video from '78 is quite limited and does not include the July Red Rocks shows. The April Duke show piques my interest a little, but that's a show that doesn't imprint on my brain as much as the Red Rocks shows do.
I have to say that is one of my very favorite video offerings from 1978.Of course, the video quality is not up to par but it is such a great show. The boys (and Donna) having a wonderful time.
The Taping Compendium notes on this show 'Highlights: The entire show'.
Haza el-Din is a special guest and when I listened to this on the radio 'back in the day', I loved it. That second set Estimated>Shakedown>jam>drums>Ollin Arageed>Fire>Sugar Magnolia is totally unique.
Deadbase XI's account of 11/24/78 by David Greenbrug relates (in part) "Fire segues so seamlessly into Sugar Magnolia that it is easy to miss the transition entirely. It was practically choreographed! In one of the video's finest moments, Jerry, who seems to have instigated the segue, looks over at Weir with a proud stance, as if to say "Hey, wasn't that neat?" while Bob looks back with an utterly shocked espression. I think it took a few seconds for it to register with Bob that they weren't playing Fire anymore!"
Anyway I found this video to be a delight even through the sketchy video.
11/24/1978 would be one for Rhino to put out on a DVD. Or give me video of the 1978 Winterland 'From Egypt with Love' shows (pick any of them). Or on second thought give me all of them in sharp DVD resolution.
Is the Duke show, when Jerry actually plays drums? Is that the one?
Vault Minders-Aren't there any of the later Red Rocks video 'proshots' in the vault that we could have in DVD ?
Pretty please?
We will not complain or crab, I promise.
Just to see an era of the GD at that site would be transportive.
I've seen some (the bit that's included with the GD Scrapbook). I have to admit, I've always steered away from this one 'cause of Jerry's bad vocal night. I'll give it another shot though on your recommendation. More pro video of this would be nice I guess. Wasn't this show a TV broadcast, or am I mistaken? Pretty sure it was a radio show at least.
and Tapers Compendium said 11/24/78 was the 'For Deadheads Only' show.Jerry did have some voice issues and I think that during that era this show got discounted during those days when his voice was soooo on. Considering what his voice sounded like in some of those shows in the 90s (or even some 80s) was like, I would encourage you to give this another listen.
On further (pun intended) thought, maybe I should give it another spin as well.
hey everyone-
just wanted to let y'all know that I have tabbed out this rarely-played tune.
you can hear my arrangement on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cwbLZHIAbKk
drop me a line if you're interested in getting the tab. My email address is sharkdeville@yahoo.com
thanks a bunch!
I bought a Shakedown St sign at the Furthur show at the Mann Center in Philly back in 2010 from a couple who made street signs. They also had a red Terrapin Station sign that I would've bought if I'd had the money. Any chance you know where I can get one?
Although there is a plethora of everything imaginable (and some things that shouldn't be imagined), I am noticing the lack, Jack, of high quality tie-dyes except for the Dead 09 official tour shirt.
Can't the store do a contest or something for some super spectacular designs of super good quality that we wouldn't mind shelling out the bucks for? Mine have worn out and I would easily buy 4 more so I could proudly fly colors again. I'm definitely talking the five-star, 2 screened screechers with all our favorite motifs. As they're being sold by the store nothing should be off-limits, right?
Or maybe I'm the only one who wants the super-great stuff. It could be that time has passed me by, old codger that I am.
I am desperately seeking the poster from this concert. I was there & caught a rose tossed down by Bill Graham. I pressed the rose in the middle of my copy of "Grateful Dead-The Official Book of the Deadheads", where it's remained for the last 28+ years. The rose is still remarkably intact. Anyway, If you know where I might be able to get the poster from this concert, please give me a shout. I want to put something together with the rose, poster & ticket stub.
You are in luck Ted!
DP 28 is a beauty. and it's just about to be re released by Real Gone Music on Aug 28
Real gone are releasing 2 DPs every few months, working from 36 backwards.
It ain't cheap however, But the earlier Real Gone releases have been sold for much less in the nornal online CD stores.