- Post reply Log in to post comments486 repliesmaryeJoined:Having trouble posting? Getting strange results when you load a page? Report these and other strange occurrences in the desert here! (Feel free to mention what OS and browser you're using also, as it helps nail the problem.) Thanks!
- BillDendyJoined:I Miss Jerry
I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry I Miss Jerry a lot
Having trouble posting? Getting strange results when you load a page? Report these and other strange occurrences in the desert here! (Feel free to mention what OS and browser you're using also, as it helps nail the problem.) Thanks!
Tried downloading Europe 72. Clicked all Download buttons, but Firefox only got about 8-10 of the songs. If this has happened to you, try the following: Contact Customer Service and explain the situation. Brings new meaning to the concept of immediate gratification! DeadNet Customer Service ROCKS!!!
Jeff White
Why don't any of the individual show threads get picked up by All Recent Posts?
Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
I just found the jam for this week at about 7 p.m. Tuesday, and I started playing it. Then I did a little browsing, and when i tried to find it again I couldn't find my way back to it, so you can bet I am not turning it off until I have listened to the whole thing, which isn't such a bad thing to do in a motel in Wichita. And I am grateful for it, despite the difficulties. I'm not telling anyone what to do, but I wish folks would calm down a little before they go off on their rants. Maybe someone is doing all this for very little and we should just do our best to keep looking for things with patience. Box of Rain just started after China Cat/Rider. Nice, nice. I should add to the above, "Maybe you'll find direction around some corner where it's been waiting to meet you." That sure seems to be how it was for this jam with me this week. Thanks.
Winterland from 12/11/72 is a great listen. Unfortunately, you won't find it if you're logged-in.Log out and then select JOTW from Features.
Again with the masterful research, sir! Ted, my hat's off to you again.
With some luck, that information you provided there may prove valuable to the the people (person? hamster?) behind the wheel here as they (she? it?) try to resolve the problem and prevent as many future ones.
(Maybe it looks fine from their end because they don't have accounts at the site they're responsible for maintaining???)
the link, meanwhile, is here, while we're figuring out where the disconnect is. I've reported this.
the not-being-logged-in requirement prevents the jam page from being cluttered with comments on the jam.
No beef, no praise, no spam, just jam!!
First one to put a comment on the page wins!
When I log off and access the Features > JOTW for May 6 - 12, a user name of ccasal appears in the work tab.... good luck!
Time warp...I just opened the site and the home page greeted me with the Warlocks Box announcement, its bundle with RT 3.4, and the WB vinyl box set. Checked the forums, went back to the home page and was transported back to today. I'm pretty sure it isn't April 1 today, but now I'm starting to wonder.
If I can just figure out how to control this time-travel thing, I'll be having some kind of fun. Otherwise, this is the strangest thing that's happened to me so far today....
Hi - I was wondering if you could tell me which would be the best forum to try to identify a item from the Grateful Dead. My friend has this hookah that he was told was given to a man who helped the Dead set up their stages back in the 1960's-70's. The story is that someone from the band gave this to him. It is a bear head hookah and I can post pictures. It has two symbols on it, that my friend says identifies it to the Dead.
I was wondering how do I post photos and which forum would be one I would have the best responses on.
would be to post the photos on your own site and post a link here.
As for where to post, the best place would probably be the Your Own Storefront topic in the forums.
Thanks - but I didn't make this - I want help to identify it - isn't there a better forum that fans from the 60's or 70's might recognize this on ?
As before, clicking on "Shows & Lyrics" then offers the nav-link to "Shows by Year":
But now, no by-year folders appear on the page and instead only this text appears:
"No shows for this date."
Um, where'd them year-folders go?
[Running Mac OSX 10.6.8, most-recent Firefox and Safari.]
Around the site when you don't know page-to-page if you'll still be logged in. Working on this one? I never appear to be logged in on the home page, sometimes yes and sometimes no in the forums. And even when yes in the "recent posts" listing, it can turn into "no" if I actually open up a topic. Help!
I have just filed a report to this effect with the tech guys.
this is one reason I'm holding off starting all these new vine topics. I'd like to see things settle down a bit first...
try clearing your cache and deleting your cookies and see if that helps, and please let me know! Thanks!
aviary simians. I'm having the same problems...dunno when I'm logged in or not, so um....uh...ok!
Especially if you've been slipping them that fermented yak milk again.
I seem to be back to normal, or as normal as I ever am...
abounds around here. Last night when I logged in someone with the handle relating to greenchiles was logged in like a thousand times. At around 5:30 this morning the two main E72 threads and the announcement about preauthorizing were not on the first page. Now I see they are. Maybe I got into that yak milk accidentally....
let me know if you have further issues along these lines...
Mary, Over the past 3 days, I have been having terrible problems
with loading any page on Dead.net. The "style" of the page
is missing - only white background, no logo. Sometimes a
box containing snippets of code and error information. I got
this in different forms with both Firefox 6.0 and Mac Safari 5.1
on a Max OS 10.6.8.
Today, after clearing caches, browsing history, and all website
data and then resetting/restarting browsers, Firefox now works.
But, Safari still does not render Dead.net correctly. Safari shows
an error when attempting to download the page. This error is:
"too many HTTP redirects" from
Clearly, the style sheet has been modified and now has a coding
error - probably a self-referencing HTTP link.
Please pass this along to the website coders.
Your presence is requested somewhere other than here.
Thank You for your time,
Everyone else.
Although this week and next are showing (getting ready for Labor Day?) when you hit the link to the page it says "Page not found".
Will we have a Tapers Section feature this week, as well as a new Trivia question?
FYI, GD Radio, an internet radio station I listen to occasionally on Squeezebox, was wiped out over the weekend. It is based in Connecticut.
come on guys, for fuck's sake.there has been glitches on dead.net for a while now; especially the Shows section.
why suddenly split into 4 or 5 pages instead of one listing for each year? and when it does eventually load there's a weird bug in the system.
it's 2011; sort out the site that people want to use.
i have never experienced this on ANY other site, large or small. get your shit together.
for a band that used to invest in cutting-edge technology this is piss poor; archive and photo section continually stretches pictures or makes them disappear. what on EARTH is going on?
the archive should be immaculate; some of the planet's crappiest artists have smooth, elegant websites that are head and shoulder's above this one.
you have a magnificent library that is treated as some kinda college scrapbook.
gone are the days when you led the way.
apologies to all the sensitive souls out there for the language, but surely you don't begrudge me exasperation at the consistent niggles that drench dead.net.
i know people who are impeccable at web design; shall i pass the names on to you?
a bit late as the clock is approaching noon central time. The mercury is already at 90 F.I'm interested in leaving the '80's behind and enjoying a '73 to '77 clip.
Thanks to David in advance
changes on Friday, no?
Hence it is due to change tomorrow.
This week's is still here
the avatar i selected takes up 50% of the page. i tried to delete the picture, but the avatar covers the delete picture button. Mac OS X 10.6.8
strange happenings in the Show & Lyrics section too; instead of one page for the individual shows in a year like before, now separated into 3 or 4, each taking way too long to load.also, photos in the archive going way outside the site frames. the archive and photo section really is the worst designed i've seen on a site.
please take a tip from some of the photographer's of the Dead's site's and arrange in that way. it just makes all that rich history come alive.
Did the tech staff enjoy the holiday? Tapers Section for 2011 Sept 5 did not appear today.
Today the layout of the site (most notably the forums) has changed. Now there seems to be no way to access one's inbox or send PM's. Also when accessing a member's profile (e.g. admin, to point this problem out), the possibility to send that member a PM also seems to have gone.
The PM's should be fixed now. We recently upgraded the back-end architecture of Dead.net, so there may be some things that operate differently now... hopefully they will be minor and will not adversely affect user experience.