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    Nuclear power! Carcinogenic cell phones! The Stanley Cup! and the usual parade of kids dancing and shaking their bones, politicians throwing stones, etc. Discuss.


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  • riggsjr
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    I accept graciously
    jonapiI accept your invite to be "Chief Jobbie Weecha" of the Clan Dead. Although I do not feel worthy of the honour after my recent misdemeanours I will attempt to carry out my duties with the utmost humility and grace. Now where did I put those 'doggie bags'? p.s. Sorry the Haggis escaped at the weekend and we are presently searching the local moors looking for a replacement.
  • TigerLilly
    that "n" word is another of my personal faves :-P********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Absolutely. Point taken.Knew you'd bring the serenity! (could that symbol be a nazi salute? just asking...............). tee heeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
  • TigerLilly
    Some suggestions
    IF I may be so bold. As we have all seen, sarcasm and irony in writing can occasionally fly over other readers' heads. Maybe we should have a signal for when we are intending to be sarcastic. Like the dreaded emoticon wink or something ;-). It might save some missunderstandings in the future. Let's put our brains to use by practising how to express our opinions without using words that might offend the more delicate or younger readers. Let's try to read each post that might upset us 2 or 3 times before we blast back, or even ask outright whether what we understand to have read is what the poster intended-BEFORE we open verbal fire. Otherwise it is heartwarming how this recent "testosterone-driven blast" has calmed itself down!! I think we can all handle rage against current events, but rage against each other is much harder to cope with, so maybe if we put our heads together, we can figure out logical ways to minimalize that. Now where's my peace-pipe??? Packing the brats and jammies right now! ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    you're a cu-, a cu-, cun-, continuing source of inspiration.
    Only joking!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Before i say anything else, another massive apology to TigerLilly for that pesky c-word; i've apologised to you via private message before as you know, so it's not done on purpose. I do regularly forget that the word is not widely used so much in the US; it's spoken much more freely here so it just slips out. I only use it for punctuation here but that is besides the point. Once again, my sincere apologies. I would be mortified if i felt that others were turning away from something that they used to enjoy because of an idiot who needs to reign in his language. It's a fine line sometimes between having the right to say what you feel and thinking that it's all about you and being blind to the community. Sorry. I'll keep certain words in check!! The other thing that would really irritate me would be for female users to feel that too much tiresome male testosterone was being sprayed over the Forum. I LOATHE that aggressive posturing and chest-beating behaviour. Have done all my life; it's repulsive. I guess these posts have made me realise that it's really difficult sometimes to convey in writing (well it obviously is for me by the looks of it!!), humour, especially sarcastic humour without it getting lost or simply being taken for hatred and seething aggression. Which i must make clear, speaking for myself, i do NOT intend. As i've posted elsewhere, in England we've had a steady diet of this type of, well, i wouldn't say snarling, but sneering, dark comedy, performed by both men and women so you take it for granted that others will laugh too. The US does too of course; Bill Hicks, the mighty George Carlin, South Park etc. Anyway, i'll try and make it clearer for people in future. Regarding any of the other content in the posts, i really don't see any problem with it. Marye, i do agree that if it's turning people away then a bit respect needs to be given for the benefit of the whole, absolutely. But i really don't think we'll be "trotting down the well-worn path to toxic cesspit that's happened on many another site by giving free rein to abusive jerks". I feel that's a bit strong. Everyone here involved in these recent posts have ALL posted comments on a huge variety of topics, with absolutely sincerity, grace, compassion, respect and understanding. It's not as though someone has suddenly joined with the express purpose of hating people or laying into other users for the slightest disagreement a la Youtube. I really believe that, certainly the 5 or six people above respect each other's views and kinda knows what attitude someone is going to bring. If we've all laughed, or shared memories of departed ones or got excited about music in other topics then none of us here should be offended or insulted by what others have to say. People must be allowed to say what they feel (reigning in some of the curse words for the sake of others i do understand though, and i personally will cut down on that a bit); i don't think anyone here with half a brain would see the above posts as being in ANY way racist. Riggsjr, quite openly and rather wonderfully, expressed his feelings of why he suddenly is getting more angry; hand on heart, i think the VAST majority of people in the world think the same. You do start to see people in a different light when injustice is going on around you. Happened to me when reading the Dalai Lama's autobiography and reeling at the appalling behaviour of the Chinese; the way they are "investing" in Africa with absolutely no benefit for the people who actually live there; the continued grief they give Japan for past errors, including demanding money; the continued idiotic booing of Japan in football games, even during the National Anthem. And when it's one thing after another, it's easy to fall into that terrible trap of treating everyone the same way. You start casting the general population in the same light as Government which of course is absurd. And it's something that can easily be applied to other countries and peoples. I think a large part of the UK certainly equates all Americans with your Governments policy and actions. That's the beauty of spun news i guess. It's easy to lose sight of the bigger picture. But that's why it's so important to talk about. This Topic IS for current events, politics, sport, whatever's happenin' out there. And some of it isn't pleasant. And as lamagonzo agreed, Sharia Law is odious; that Choudary creature is a cretin. I wouldn't stop him from spouting whatever hateful nonsense pours from his head, he has every right to do so. I, with words, not violence or physical harm EVER, will oppose him. If i think he and his deluded puppies are going too far, or intimidating and tainting other Muslims (because that's the real sad fact here), i will speak out and make fun of him. It is very important for people to understand and to read things properly before making rash judgements; the above posts by myself and riggsjr made it quite clear that we were talking about those select few, the extreme idiots who are imposing nonsense on others, NOT making sweeping statements about Islam or any other faith for that matter. Just those particular people. Many beautiful, tolerant, respectable, kind Muslims are saying the same thing, wishing that their beliefs are not overtaken by hatred, corruption and debasement. They just don't use the c-word when doing it, that's all. Everyone is cool here; i have a massive amount of respect for lamagonzo, riggsjr, TigerLilly, johnman, cosmicbadger, marye and many others (apologies if i've forgotten obvious ones!! the ol' grey cells should be up on charges for desertion). I'd definitely pass over any supposed lamagonzo insults riggsjr; that's not his style. He's a real thoughtful person who, like a lot of us, has things he really wants to say. He speaks his mind and i bless him for it. Everyone must remember what others have posted in the past to get the bigger picture; just gloss over a lil' paragraph if you know that someone's just sayin' stuff. Well, that was another long one! My pleasure! For the record, i most sincerely apologise if people feel they no longer want to post because of a certain atmosphere or they can't get a word in edgeways. That is not right, not right at all. Turning people ON should be our creed not off. To music, to art, to literature, to causes, to enlightenment, and to everything in between. Lastly, i've posted this before but i would definitely recommend watching this short talk by John Perry Barlow, in case anyone missed it - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LYpB1NzCO6g Okay, pyjama party at mine everyone!!!!!! johnman, you bring the beers, the cookies, the security and the common sense (we'll need a good smack upside the head of cool bearded logic when we get too full of ourselves!); lamagonzo, you bring the spiritual calm and the insight; TigerLilly, you bring the brätwurst, the serenity and your posters of Ranaldo (we need a dartboard); cosmicbadger, you bring some omlettes and truffles dammit!; marye, you bring your dogs, your camera so we can photograph them after we've dressed them in Edwardian costume and any Betty Boards that are missing from our collection and riggsjr, you bring the haggis, the heroin, the tatties and neeps and the paper for cleaning the jobbies!!!! Me? Oh, i'll try and pop in; i'm washing my hair that night..... Awwwww, i'll be there!!!!!!!! With a cheeky grin, a joint for all and a monster sound system that will propel you into the stars. Seriously, let's stick together folks. Much more fun going through life holding hands than holding yourself.
  • cosmicbadger
    ..looks like things got a bit ugly while I was away I have lots to say on racism, immigration and name calling but I think in this week I'll just leave it to Jerry to keep it simple
  • mona
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Thanks for the clarification Riggs
    Yes, after the deep breath. To all, I am taking two weeks off from posting in this thread. The Dog Days of August have hit hard on this site for many reasons (The Days Between) etc.. I'll be back, just need to clear my head and create space for new voices on this thread.
  • riggsjr
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    Deep breath
    lamagonzo,Having taken a deep breath and read your post I feel I need to review my comments. It was not my intention to hurt anyone's feelings or indeed in the case of Tigerlily to stop people entering their own forum for fear of the tone of the debate. My original comments re racism were perhaps not put in print in the manner intended. I was trying to explain the FEELING of APPEARING racist when confronted with some of the "injustices' we see in our society were people who have never contributed to the 'common fund' come and take from it then decide they do not like our society and want to change it to something more like what they left behind. It just appears to me that if you voice these thoughts in any discussion these days you are looked at by certain people as being racist. I actually feel the same about this as those people who decide they are are not going to give to society but simply take any benefits from the community purse that they can. The whole idea of the Socialist state was to have funds for the common good in order that we did not see the very scenes we witness year after year in those unfortunate states like Ethiopia happening in this country. However certain people now see these benefits as a 'RIGHT' rather than a privilege including immigrants. This country would not have been so successful had it not been for the immigrant influx of the 60's bringing many talented people to ensure that our health service and many other industries were the envy of the world. However I feel,as do many others that we are seen as a 'soft touch' when it comes to providing free care for all comers. Finally I am appalled that I have been part of a thread that has caused that moderator to have to step in with comments showing how this particular post has gone down a very dangerous route. Can I just offer an apology to anyone I may have offended with the tone/language used in previous posts as it was certainly not my intention to cause anyone any discomfort or stress. This site and community is too important to me to jeopardize any relationships I have built up over my time on here, I wish everyone peace and hope that the conversations we have in the future may take place after the deep breath and not before.
  • johnman
    I think I'm a bit blind here
    riggsjr....I don't think Gonz meant anything near what ya thought he did....c'mon back maaan
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17 years 4 months

Nuclear power! Carcinogenic cell phones! The Stanley Cup! and the usual parade of kids dancing and shaking their bones, politicians throwing stones, etc. Discuss.

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Rupert Murdock, worldwide media mogul and owner of FOX in the dock in Parliament almost gets pied in the face except for the vicious right hook from his 40 year year junior wife. This decrepit piece of shit had the temerity to allow wiretapping of cell phones and turns out to be Australia's answer to J Edgar Hoover (except for the gay part). He had everybody in his pocket and everybody was afraid of him. What a bunch of tools: Fox, Wall St. Journal and others in America all owned by the great and might OZ. The only interesting debate is if there is any such thing as a fair and biased media. My vote is, and always has been, NO! The editor has an opinion which is why I do not opine the decline of the powers of great newspapers of this country..
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16 years 9 months

I agree....Editors are allowed their own opinions, as are we all, but it's their job to ensure unbiased reporting of the news, not to twist facts to suit what they want people to believe, and certainly they shouldn't be using tactics that rival the world's best intelligence agencies.
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17 years 2 months

and "editorials" are theoretically the only part of newspapers where expressing opinions should be taking place********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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13 years 8 months

I liked how his wife tried to spike pie guy's head like it was a volleyball. give 'er a cookie
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13 years 8 months

I liked how his wife tried to spike pie guy's head like it was a volleyball. give 'er a cookie
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17 years 4 months

displays unexpected versatility...
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13 years 8 months

I did hear she used to be a good volleyball player.
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17 years 2 months

And hopes that no one was hurt, and that cleaning up the bomb chaos goes well. Also that they figure out very fast who did it.********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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13 years 3 months

The pastry violence must stop... I'd hate to see a day where pastries are banned in any country...
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17 years 4 months

yeah TL, really bad. In NORWAY. Sheesh!!
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15 years 6 months

to Oslo and anyone who is suffering from losing a loved one or two.
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One man kills over 80 people. Oslo streets are shredded worst since WWII by one native Norwegian who then takes a machine gun to kids on an island camp-out? I agree with Linder, prayers, healing vibes to that nation.
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eight and a half minutes... last shuttle landing: stomach pit and the congregation cheers. silver dust high; liquid heat and billowing disperse. four-bolt intensity and last call for the platform guys. rapid drop a thousand times and counting; ten feet exclusion for a quarantine Mind. external cocoon against eleventh-hour stall; walrus check and a ribbon on the key. last check for four Always! weight dropped from the throttle passed. Smiles. hands+provisions passed; eight days until the curtain falls. Learn your Maths! Learn your Science! Revolutionise the tragedy. Titus-reduced, thirty-three years; waxed and ready to seek. adrenaline for others but business for me. four around a table; three years old - indifference; five years old - laugh; relationship - relief. I Fly On Gliding Splinters. It's come to a Final Stop. Welcome Deep Space.....................................................................................
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The News never ceases to amaze me. Another excuse, thanks to that terrible tragedy in Norway, to blow hot air about "multiculturalism" and it's apparent failings. David Cameron and Angela Merkel say it's failed; it just doesn't work. Lazy journalistic reports of the rise of the right-wing in Netherlands, Denmark, Finland; Close The Borders! Immigrants Out! Did that Norwegian fool have links to the English Defense League in the UK? Does anyone care? Does it really matter? Funny that, Mr. Cameron; i look outside my window and then creep fearfully around the corner and.....oh, we're getting along just fine, thank you very much. What a relief! London, especially, has a great history of different cultures getting along like the proverbial house on fire (not due to petrol bomb thrown by the way). Polish, Jewish, Afro-Carribean, Indian, Turkish, Chinese, Tamil, English all enjoying each other's company and sharing ideas, food, art; exchanging laughs and handshakes, better someone who is black, yellow, brown or any other colour moving in next door than a fellow Englishman. Far less trouble. True, plenty of difficulties have arisen; the odd riot here and there, some racism, certain individuals and families made to feel very unwelcome. Some may have never gotten over it and that breaks my heart. But on the whole, we get along. Until that is the newspapers, new stations and other idiots decide to stir shit up, rubbing their grubby little hands with glee. Yes, Mr. Cameron, multiculturalism DOES work. It works just fine until people like you bring up minor differences and apply them with broader and broader brushstrokes to the country at large. Keeps you from working for your pay, doesn't it? Heaven forbid you actually have to DO something. Get on the pulpit, toss out casual remarks then stand back and retire to the comfort of sycophants and watch it burn. You do not speak for me or the country as a whole. You speak for yourself. In fact, you'll speak for anyone, anytime, anywhere; tell 'em what they want to hear and by the way, who has the largest cheque book? Fantastic, let's talk... There is a minority of people taking things to the extremes and there always will be. Will the recent killings in Norway trigger copycat behaviour? No, i doubt it. It may do if you keep fucking going on about it though. Is anyone else surprised at the distinct lack of reportage about the guy being a Freemason? A full scale investigation into the various Masonic Lodges, not just in Norway, but across Europe and the U.S. would seem to be in order. Huh, huh, yeah, right, ha ha HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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16 years 9 months

Bigots come in all shapes, sizes, temperatures, colors, boxes, cans, shoes, buses, fishsticks, and candles....might as well look into Freemasonry....I'm kinda curious about the Oddfellows, and the Pythian Knights...oh.....and a box of cookies..
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...must have got lost. In the rest of the world there is heinous crime, but it usually happens with some sane (insane) reason, like Milosevic and and his whacky Serbs. Or tribal violence like the the Hutus and Tutsis. Random, senseless violence is the specialty of the US.culture and itt's citizens. Who needs to enumerate these incidents? I just hope we are not exporting our violent psychological trash to other peaceful countries or our insane campaign against a whole culture, except for the ones we like as of present. I wanted to mention the French and their banning the burka, but alas, in time they'll understand respect or shall be taught the meaning of it by people like the Norwegian guy. Will he claim the Anti Peace Prize?
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17 years 4 months

that the guy sees himself as a Crusader ridding Europe of the Muslim Menace. Having specialized in that particular period in grad school and found a different aspect of it most relevant to what was even then going on in the Haight and such, I didn't expect this particular thing to be front and center again, as it were. Amplified by Twitter.
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17 years 3 months

..do tell us more Marye!!! By the way the crusades were not only against Muslims. My area of SW France still bears the scars of the Albigensian Crusades in which up to a million 'heretic' Cathars were murdered in 20 years of terror by so called Crusaders seeking a short cut to heaven at the behest of Pope Innocent (yup innocent!) III. "The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history". Friedrich Hegel
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17 years 4 months

well, the part I was studying was less about the Crusades though obviously the resulting cross-cultural influences had a lot to do with it, than the period known as the 12th Century Renaissance, which, not to be too literal about the timeline, encompassed various things including a lot of Arthurian stuff in French and German, the Carmina Burana, Chartres Cathedral, and paradigm shifts on a number of fronts. During my PhD orals (I am one of millions of people who never wrote their dissertation and never regretted it for a second because God knows I am not an academic...), the biology professor who had been put on my committee to keep everybody honest (this being the comp lit department) asked whether I thought Eleanor of Aquitaine was like fluorocarbons in the ozone layer. This being 1972, my immediate answer was along the general lines of "Buh?", but he explained that, this being 1972, they were noticing that as people in the Southern Hemisphere took to using aerosols, for the first time the ozone layer in the Southern Hemisphere were showing traces of the stuff, which had previously only appeared in the north. Was similar cultural transmission going on here? Well, duh, yeah, it was a funny way to look at it, but I love questions like that, and we had a fine old time. And yeah, between being at the court of her Albigensian, poetry-writing daddy and her history of romantic involvement with powerful dudes and her distinct mind of her own and her largeish sphere of influence, one could have fun with this notion. Innocent III was a bad man. Although there were not exactly any countries being ruled by angels in that era either. But one of those periods where a lot of cultural stuff changed really fast after not changing much for centuries.
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17 years 3 months

Great story Marye. So did those 12th century renaiisance folks make good use of ergot to inspire themselves? Chartres Cathedral is one of the most uplifting inspiring spaces I have ever been in. Albi Cathedral is one of the most oppressive places, a temple to power and subjugation.
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17 years 4 months

wasn't part of my branch of study, though as a migraine sufferer I would have taken a lively interest. Yup, I do love that Chartres Cathedral. For the colors alone.
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17 years 4 months

and the Manicheans, and dualists in general, hoo boy, that is a whole other thing. The need to go around stamping out people who disagree with you (or rather, people who are disadvantageous to you for some reason, trumping up some disagreement as a pretext, more likely) has been around for quite a while though. Let's go get those nasty dualists (and their very nice land) was kind of the flavor of the month.
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17 years 3 months

if you were a medieval knight interested in the spiritual rewards promised to you for going on a crusade (not to mention the possible material rewards) would you if given the choice a) go to palestine and likely die of disease, in a shipwreck or in battle with a formidable enemy b) go to the south of France, drink wine and kill bewildered peasants Not really current affairs, but it is telling that the language of the crusade (and its counterpart the jihad) is still so very much with us today. The justification of senseless violence by claiming a higher calling is .a recurring tragedy.
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17 years 4 months

and the willingness of people to fall for it is really depressing.
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17 years 2 months

I'd love to visit France and the rest of Europe, someday, but tonight the Allman Bros Band is live on XM Sirius, Deep Tracks, to raise awareness for Hepatitis C. Phil Lesh will be a guest. Greg Allman had a liver transplant 13 months ago.
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16 years 9 months

random, senseless violence here in the U.S., I wouldn't call it OUR specialty...not while there are sports fanatics killing each other over soccer games in other parts of the world. Of course, we have idiot gangbangers killing each other on the streets, too....but maybe I should just be quiet....sorry,,
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17 years 2 months

you should most certainly NOT be quiet!!!! You always have interesting, kind, and or humorous things to say!!!!!!! That was a fascinating discussion marye & badger, especially after having seen that part of the world for myself. Have photos of the cathedral in Albi somewhere, and it is something else alright. ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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...the moment George W. Bush used the words "crusade" against terrorism. Followed by.... ...God Bless America. awesome. Talking of Chartres Cathedral; i don't think you'll be able to watch BBC iPlayer in the US, but i think you can in Europe. Maybe on BBC America soon? Anyway, great programme last night called "The Code"; an investigation by mathematician Marcus du Sautoy, revealing how significant numbers appear throughout the natural world. It's in three parts.
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And no, the US most certainly does not have a monopoly on senseless violence; America is somewhat of an easy target unfortunately, because of the sometimes, staggering stupidity of a minority of it's citizens.But indeed, johnman, it's alive and kicking all over the globe. The UK has more than it's fair share of hateful behaviour. Unfathomable idiocy. Africa, Asia and Europe too. It's just ingrained in the culture sometimes. Old grudges passed down through the generations. Understandable in a certain light. Recently watched Bruce Parry's Tribe series where he stayed with four different tribal, neighbouring groups in Southern Ethiopia's Omo Valley; the Suri, the Nyangatom, the Hamar and the Dassanech. All individually open and friendly; all trying their best to survive, all protecting their families, all displaying incredible community. But they HATE each other; killings of adults and children alike. Appalling barbarity; boasting of slaughter. When told of where he was going next, they all worried that he would be killed instantly. All described each other as barbaric; monsters and demons. And yet each tribe was wonderful in their own way; the West and it's much-trumpeted "civilised" societies could learn a huge amount from them on many levels. The beauty of fear and paranoia i suppose; each frightened that if the next Tribe sees them they'll kill and mutilate on sight. All in case they do it to them first which is highly likely. They have so much in common and benefit each other in the most wondrous ways but the roots go too deep. Same with Israel and Palestine. Same with the IRA. Same with the Catholics and Protestants. Same with the Christians and the Muslims. Same with the Crips and the Bloods. Same with the Jets and the Sharks. Same with the US Government and the rest of world it seems. Abuse leads to getting burned in sometimes spectacular fashion. Keep the head down and proceed quietly or speak up and go around in the circle? I don't know. Let's hope this Norwegian mess isn't exploited. It will be of course but the fingers are itching to cross. The worrying thing is that a white guy plotting just about ANYTHING has a better chance of staying under the radar. Especially when there's Freemason fools behind it. Obama is a Freemason too isn't he? The word "coconut" springs to mind here. Let's hope not, eh? Butch Trucks' new blog has some great posts about politics and a recent ramble on ol' Barack if anyone is interested. I like his style. Reminds of the funny FB musing; he has a name somewhere between Iraq and a bomber. They might as well have called him Muslim O'GunBomb in the Republican's eyes. "He has to get in with the majority of Americans. When he did his first public speech, they put all that bulletproof glass in front of him. I think that shows you how racist America still is; just because he's black doesn't mean he's going to kill anybody...". And why should you be quiet when mentioning gangbangers, johman?!!! Just what IS your real name, you ol' Witness Protection Poster Boy! ha ha!! Can just picture you chilling in the crib with the homies, pants around the balls, dusting off some rhymes! johnizzy-to-the-manizzy, G! You're fooling no one with the beard the tattoos the beer and the Dead fixation. Straight up Gangster ha ha ha!!!!!
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16 years 9 months

sometimes I can't articulate the point I'm trying to make so I come off as a dyed in the wool, shoot 'em up nutcase, and it's easier to jus' back-off and try to collect my thoughts. Usually I'm unsuccessful, however. There are many intelligent, thoughtful people that post here and sometimes I'm just plain humbled by the input, most of which I can't even come CLOSE to, but I try. ....We are all just human, I guess...small communities, big communities, it's all the same. Sometimes it's family units, or tribes, or just like-minded people. And we're all violent by nature, unfortunately. Often there is no choice, often there is nothing BUT choice. I try to believe that the ideals the US was founded on really mean something, at least in thought, if not in practice, but I have yet to see an administration that lives up to those ideals. As far as I can see you can't trust ANY of the bastiges, so I have to live as I see fit, and hope I do the right thing. If I'm lucky..I can drag a few folks with me.
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You're absolutely right, and don't you DARE apologise for any of your posts or thoughts!!! Have you seen some of mine?!!!!! The ramblings of an idiot mostly ha ha!!! You say what you mean and you say it WELL johnman and don't you forget it!! We all feel exactly the same way; i look at others or i watch speeches and the like and feel hopelessly inadequate. No such thing as grammar or vocabulary. It's the INTENT and what's in the heart that matters. I'd say you heart is bigger than most's. And i bless you for it. And i strongly believe that your approach is the right one; you have to do as you see fit, listen to others and take things on board if you get the chance, but ultimately it's up to you. Ya do the best ya can. I reckon a few more could follow your path, man. And yes, the original ideals the US were founded on are pretty honourable; well, apart from the wholesale ransacking and destruction of it's original inhabitants of course (I do have to say though, that many left-wing, oleaginous liberals LOVE to lambast the US for the pillaging, rape and oppression of the Native Americans/Red Indians/call them what you will; In England we're particularly greasy. Oh, we pat ourselves on the back and revel in our smugness pointing out what you did, but it's what WE did!!! English, Danish, Irish, all sorts CAME to America!! WE shoved it to the Native Americans OURSELVES. Whites in America=OUR forefathers!!!). Digression over. And i agree, we have yet to see an administration that upholds those ideals. There's plenty evidence that Abraham Lincoln wasn't the civil rights activist and champion he's made out to be; John F. Kennedy and his family were not particularly pleasant. JFK made out to be the young, snappy, hip President while suffering from multiple health problems and popping pills-a-go-go; Reagan, the narcoleptic pinhead? The Bush's? we'll skip over those retards. Clinton? no, thank you, you or your bitter wife. Obama? Mmm, jury is still out. Not sure how much weight he (or ANY President or Politician for that matter) holds in the US or around the world. They say he got around 200,000 people in Berlin when he made a speech. But let's not forget that the last time 200,000 people gathered in Berlin, it was to listen to the most evil man in the world. David Hasselhoff.
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17 years 3 months

I just started reading a biography of Genghis Khan. The author..... ......John Man!
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I have sat through so many news stories about senseless single person inspired massacres in the US. I know our history through our beginning, oppression of Indians, "Wild West" atmosphere, prejudice against immigrants and blacks in the civil war//industrial era and what people faced who organized unions in this country through the McCarthy witchcraft trials. There was lots and lots and lots of senseless rogue (a word that hardly applies anymore) violence. Never doubt your right to disagree.
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17 years 3 months

Between Ghengis Khan and cookies (and beer, and the Dead)? Johnman never ceases to amaze...
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A fight worth fightingBut nobody cares enough, yet.... Who wants to engage these DC world-class jagg-offs anyway? Not me.
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I think johnman IS agreeing with you lamagonzo, no? Forgive me, but i don't see what you're sayin'. It's the "liberals" ya gotta watch too, don't forget. We're all complicit in one way or another. And this budget/debt nonsense is a farce. There is a way around everything. Always seek the alternative and pass it on.
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13 years 8 months

I guess like 200 and something members of congress have signed some stupid pledge never to raise taxes, what a bunch of losers. I hope that when they're kicked out on their asses in the next election and go into private business they will all sign pledges never to raise the prices of their products on their customers, the corporations are laughing all the way to therir banks.
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I think everyone has to rise above.It's all out of our control really; anyone honest will be spun out of all meaning. We need to remove ourselves from all the hot air and endless guff. Best way to combat all this is to live more simply. Concentrate on what really matters. None of us need spend money on pointless accoutrements. We can all live the lives we want to live if we're sensible about it. Recent anger from some parts regarding US companies shipping their manufacture and investment to overseas workforces are well founded. When such a large portion of US citizens are unemployed, i agree; it would be nice to think that the government would look after it's "own" first. However, if we turn our backs on the shit they make and aim "higher", a large part of the problem is solved. Like pressuring China over it's Human Rights issues (let's forget the US's own abuses for a moment); their economy growing rapidly (well, so we're told) at our expense. If we didn't buy the cheap shit they produce, their export growth wouldn't look so mighty. It's all our responsibilities, lest we forget. A reduction in our outgoings means more money for truly better quality of life. Unfortunately, a lot of people (usually the most sincere, honest and filled with genuine inner beauty), don't always have this knowledge at their disposal. And this is where we come in if possible. Strip back the fallacy of materialism; sneakers, pants and cosmetics don't mean jack. Pass it on like you would a joint to the kynd Head just because you can. Takes a lot of de-programming; it's an uphill struggle with at times, not a whole lot to show for it. But face it folks; government is looking after it's own. Sure, they'll blindside us a little; paper over the cracks and bring out the the ol' rose tint for our eager spectacles. But we know deep down which direction we should be heading. And it's going to involve sacrifices. If we choose to see it those terms of course. Dead weight is dead weight. You wouldn't carry excess baggage on a serious expedition; it would kill ya. Q: How do you know the CIA wasn't involved in the Kennedy assassination? A: Well, he's dead isn't he? Thanks Lemmy.
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16 years 9 months

or so it would appear. I think the only REAL difference between the "now", and the way the world appeared in the original "Rollerball" (starring James Caan) is that we haven't progressed (regressed?) to using sports teams to settle matters...or have we? I agree, Gonz...but as jonapi pointed out, Jolly Olde England did their share of subjugation, or maybe that's not ENTIRELY what he was sayin'....and look at what Spain did, all in the name of the Church (yet another example of twisting the teachings of Christ). But, as I said....I believe in the IDEALS, and what they are/were supposed to represent, I jus' dunno how we are 'sposed ta implement them wiffa buncha dang politicians and tycoons in the way. I didn't vote for our current administration, and I'm still willing to give the President the benefit of the doubt, but he DID let the Patriot Act stand, and I'm still worried that he will try to disarm the common folk.....the jury is still out, right?
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It's out alright!And he ain't showin' respect for the marijuana either, so that's another thumbs down from ol' jonapi. The right to bear arms or the right to arm bears?! i'd love to see some furry double barrel action! You keep leaving the trash out at night, why shouldn't they protect their dinner?!!! Yeah, Olde England are the KINGS! "I'll take that country, this one, another one from here, one from over there....". Prince Philip for Prime Minister. Best quote was during the recent Royal Wedding when the News interviewed a German woman who "wished we had a Royal Family like that". You do! The Windsors!!! And you can implement alright! Ya just keep ya head down and go about ya business. You recognise those ideals, then go for it; you do what ya can and that's all one can ask.
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Are the original bankers of the Pope. They settled in Switzerland but through forward intelligence through Nordic peoples mapped and laid claim to the "New" World. As it wasn't practical (in that time) to start their own country they chose to openly set up their brand through free masons, as America was settled. Has anyone else heard that 25% of the interest paid on the US National Debt goes to the Windsors and Swiss banks? I thought this was loopy at the time I heard it, but as debt piles up with obvious solutions it strikes me that the real winners are the ones collecting the interest on 14.1 trillion.
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17 years 2 months

I read how the Spanish Bankia group may put Christiano Ronaldo up for collateral , to guarantee their solvency to the European Central Bank. For those who do not know-Ronaldo is a Portugese soccer player for Real Madrid (dislike but another discussion altogether). Anyhow, I find this to be completely absurd! Here is the link: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/football-legend-cristiano-ronaldo-be-used… ********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Good old Ranaldo!One of the funniest things i saw was a member of the crowd shining a laser over his face and in his eyes before a free kick; he then proceeded to fluff the shot and damned near welled up with baby tears!!! Most amusing. Amazing talent though. Never a fan but ya just can't argue with his skill.
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17 years 2 months

:) he makes me wanna spit! But am very emotional in general about my soccer likes and dislikes. It's more fun that way!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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13 years 10 months

Petrol £6.02 per gallon (never mind the sodding litres) or $9.27 in colonial coinageGas increased by 21% (as in heating not petrol, never understood the colonials idea that petrol is gas , but I digress) Electricity increased by 16% Food prices rising more than 5% BP make $8 million dollars in a quarter Centrica make £1.53 BILLION (they sell us the gas, no not the stuff for cars!!) BSKYB profits £1 BILLION for making crap television!!! Interest on my hard earned cash 0.48%..............................and we're all in this together, yeah sure! The public are being screwed and not in a nice way, from every angle and the fat cats get fatter and fatter and no one seems to be able to do anything about it. Footballers getting £200,000 a week, shit it's supposed to be entertainment, I can't afford to renew my season ticket for the first time in many years and these guys wages are going up! Something wrong somewhere. But we're all in it together. Health Boards making waiting lists longer in the hoe that you will die or go private before you need your operation, when the only people who can afford to go private are the very ones running the health service. But we're all in this together. 50,000+ jobs lost in the Defence Department but we are still trying to police the whole world, "that's it lads save the Empire and give it large to the darkies!!" Police forces being cut, coastguard stations closing, RAF bases closing, shops closing by the hundreds. But we're all in this together. Well sod it I'm off to bed and I'm never getting up again.................................well not until next week when the new Road Trips arrives, then life will be back to normal.
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13 years 10 months

Wife just slapped me on the head and said I was a very naughty boy and don't annoy these people again