• 8,174 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • The Good Ole G…
    Make Believe Ballroom

    Good stuff!

    JIMINMD - Make Believe Ballroom pretty “famous” early bootleg record of 8/13/75 from the Amazing Kornyfone Record Label.

    I think they fetch a pretty penny from collectors these days.

    Cool info here - http://www.gratefulseconds.com/2018/02/?m=1

    Fun Discussions tonight all.

    Good info and Good tunes tomorrow.

    Until then be well

  • DeadVikes

    Yes, this is the ticket for tomorrow.

    Oroborous, appreciate the information.

    Sounds like I am not in the league of your customers, which is okay. I am more of the pub links player. Anyway, at a minimum it sounds like I should invest in a new router and modem with the extra Wifi connections around the house.

    Do you wonder why I like the old school wired system playing CDs.

    Do you know how much time I have spent on the phone with Sonos customer service??

  • JimInMD
    Ha.. Re: Net Wiring

    Aren't we all geeks in our own way? I couldn't help but read that whole post, much of it lost on me.

    But it lead me to a conclusion. Correct.. Oro, you are not an IT professional. ..but perhaps a bot. not a Russian Bot or a Facebook Bot.. our own SF peace bot.

    I mean that in the most respectful way, hope I did not offend. In a way, Oroborous.. you are all we have in our freak fight against the tyrannists and enemies. We need our own bot.

    Sorry for the diversion. Again, meant with the utmost respect and hopefully a perceived tread of good nature and humor.

    Cousins, thanks for that info.. So that's the source of that language on my tape. Does anyone know the source? The Great American Music Hall is not called the Make Believe Ballroom, right? Was this just a clever name for a bootleg LP to get it past the TM and Copyright folks? There must be another half of this story.

    I guess it doesn't matter if we don't solve this riddle, but how on earth did that LP get it's name?

    Nite all.

  • Oroborous
    Re: Deadvikes/net wiring

    To those not interested, please skip and except my apologies

    First, disclaimer: I am not a IT, computer, or network professional, in fact, when it comes to computers I’m way behind the curve. That being said, I am a custom AV professional which usually requires installing commercial grade networks in the home. I’ve done hundreds over the years. So I have a lot of experience using many AV products both wireless and hard wired. Why, because when you have home automation, Lighting, HVAC, Pool/spas, Security, AV, gaming, WiFi and more on one home network that’s a lot of bandwidth, no matter how many MBS/gigs your paying for. Your network is the foundation that all your net gear lives and depends on. You wouldn’t build your house on a cardboard foundation so you shouldn’t build your network on a insufficient one either!
    SONOS: you are correct that one of the main selling points for Sonos or any of the “wireless” audio products is reasonable stability over WiFi (of course always depending on service. Just like your water main the pipe is only so big)...the biggest of all reasons Sonos is ahead of the pack is their user interface. So with decent service you can certainly enjoy over WiFi, but like you mentioned if everyone is on line at the same time it’s like having every water facet and toilet going at once...,the pipe is only so big...streaming of course is the biggest drain of all.
    I won’t get all in on the phsycics, and I’d probably do a lousy job, but generally, a properly hardwired connection is going to be better: faster, less latency, more BW, and certainly more stable/reliable. I’ve seen situations where the IT guy had me disconnect a HW feed and use a meshed WAP, but that’s mostly because the WiFi gear was new, robust, and of course somewhat oversold lol. The wiring and switches were ancient crap....I may have been trying to use only four conductors which limits you to only 10/100. But that’s only happened a few times in 13 years!
    By comparison our nets are at least 1-5 gig capable, but our bigger new jobs have been 10 gig to try and future proof (as much as that’s possible anymore). Often these start getting into fiber, But I digress...
    Also, even if it’s not that time of day when the whole neighborhood is sucking on basically the same pipe, I’m sure you’ve still experienced huge speed drops, latency, and even severe buffering etc when the whole family is using all those wireless devices. So the more things you can take off WiFi and hardwire, the more those HW devices will benefit from the “bigger pipe” that the wire usually provides, but at the same time, the devices that are still over WiFi will also work better because removing streaming devices off essentially provides “more pipe” for the remaining WiFi devices.
    It’s all about the pipe baby: bigger, faster, stronger...
    The last job I was on before the VID was over 10K Square foot house. It has Comcast gig plus service, using an upgraded surfboard modem, 4 port commercial Router, 4- 48 port Poe switches, Ruckus Zone Director to air traffic control bandwidth where need via the 16 commercial grade Ruckus WAPs (all hardwired on cat five or better). All critical infrastructure gear is on Bluebolts for remote ip monitoring and rebooting.
    Besides the 16 Crestron hardwired touchscreens, there are probably a dozen iPads for control of all house subsystems. The 20+ cameras are now all nest over wifi which is a huge bandwidth drain, but that’s what the owner wanted. Throw in all the personal devices of the owners and up to 15 guests, and six in house servants and five large equipment racks of gear (even amplifiers now are ip controlled) and that’s a shit ton of bandwidth. A normal home network would not function!
    Obviously I assume most folks don’t have those needs, but the infrastructure methodology is the same.

    So for a “typical” house (there is no such thing but for simplicity)
    - Best pipe (service) you can get. Preferably on fiber or Coax if possible.
    - Buy your own upgraded modem. For a couple hundred bucks that you’ll make up by not renting one.
    - Research and get best Router you can
    - Use strategic placement of WAPs over full cat 5 or better. Six is the norm, but we sometimes pull cat 7, 8, and/or fiber.
    This depends on how many floors, walls, building materials etc, square footage. Like much of this too much is better than not enough. Think brick shithouse from BITD...
    Usually the cat for your phones all homerun back to your headend or main distribution point. Depending on where that is and if there’s adequate power nearby, you can place all your gear there, or if possible, place a robust net switch there. Obviously for switch size you’ll need to figure out how many devices you’ll want to H.W. depending on how May wires you have. It’s usualky much easier to have at least enough Poe ports to power WAPs (make sure you’ll have enough wattage). You can find all kinds of wall trim to terminate similar to how your phone or net are trimmed on your walls, or if long enough wire just terminate RJ 45 etc. You’ll need to terminate all the ends at the net switch. A decent cable tester is a real help to ensure proper terminations. Inevitably you’ll need to test from end to end using all wires and splices/connections.
    So you have your service feed to your modem, a net cabl from modem to router, router to your switch or switches, and your WAPs hardwired to your switch (s). If done properly using good gear (find gear with specks way above what you think you need, it can be money well spent, remember, your trying to build a brick shithouse, not a cheap tent! ), you can make your network more robust, stable and therefore enjoyable! It’s like buying a car with a big engine, you don’t akways need it but when you do and you put the hammer down, you’ll be glad you have that headroom.
    Obviously many folks dont need so much, but even a additional switch with hardwired devices out of your provider modem can help when supply is getting stretched thin.
    No matter how big or small or what your needs are, always hardwire when possible! That’s what I’ve found works best, cause it’s all about the pipe!
    Hope this is understandable and helps. Sorry if I didn’t explain well.

  • Cousins Of The…

    Jim, my first exposure to it was the Make Believe Ballroom LP on the TAKRL label

  • Gollum

    in the queue...

  • JimInMD
    Hampton 87 & 8/13/75

    Made that run too.. I think there are several of us here that must have shared a fatty or a bowl at some point over the last 35 years.

    So are we doing One From the Vault next? My first tape of this was labeled "Make Believe Ballroom." Not sure where that came from or how common it was.

    So I decided if we are doing 3/24/90 I would re-order it and do it right.. which is where I still am. I did roast a good amount of kind Ethiopian Coffee and unfortunately spent a ton of time on the phone with USPS. Back to finally getting my Knick exactly perfect. Whoever mentioned the Mind Left Body.. my two favorites are 10/18/73 and 3/24/90. On the latter, Jerry and Brent are in the middle of a serious mind meld. It's amazing and Brent really does fill in the gaps, almost exactly perfectly. Always one of my favorite late era shows. Amazing.

  • bolo24
    8/13/75. "Good evening, we welcome you...

    ...On behalf of the group"

    Pretty much have this whole show memorized, as it's always in heavy rotation. What the heck, in the interest of supporting my Deadhead brethren, of all genders, races, political leanings and creeds, I'll cue it up tomorrow and play it LOUD on the big boy system!!

    Unless my wife is home, then it's headphones.

  • DeadVikes

    Great choice, I was able to listen to I believe everything except Desolation Row. Still have my Dozin copy from 1996 and the first Spring 1990 opening tunes. Top shelf!

    I will throw out another 90s release for tomorrow, 8/13/75, One From the Vault.
    I have two copies of this, the original 1991 release and the remastered release from 2007. The upgrade is awesome.

  • Vguy72
    Did someone say hockey?....

    ....my radar pinged.

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Member for

17 years 9 months
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

8 years 10 months

In reply to by JimInMD


I have to concur, a all time favorite of mine! the Grateful Dead’s Art at its Peek! What a trip! Love it !
Have a grateful day everyone!
Ps I listened to Dicks Picks #19 yesterday during the early afternoon at I have to say Kieth is just fantastic! During the complete performance, from start to end he kept that vibe flowing thru his crazy Fingers and it just sounds beautiful absolute beautiful! I great mastering/mixing job and excellent recording. I can feel and hear the sound of air! Lol, always a grateful listen and reminder what Keith added to the dead’s sound at that time in musical history! Rock on my brothers and sisters, peace be with you All!

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Lovemygirl


Here’s that Dave’s Possible List that someone posted I think last winter? Sorry, can’t find the link to the original interview...
The gist was these were shows he was “thinking“ about back then (2012?, maybe earlier?)...
Since he’d been around for a while by then you’d assume he knew of sources? Maybe not?
Apologize for any mistakes...just find it interesting that he’s used 17 outta 45 of this list in what? 8 years or so...

-1/20/68 Eureka DS
-4/21/69 Ark DS
-4/23/69 Ark DS
-1/2/70 Fillmore DS - DaP 30 ✔️
-1/3/70 Fillmore p/o - Dap 30 ✔️
-9/19/70 Fillmore DS
-11/7/71 Harding DS
-1/2/72 Winterland
-8/24/72 Berkeley DS
-2/15/73 Dane DS
-5/26/73 Kezar (BB)
-6/10/73 RFK DS
-6/30/73 Universal Amp. DS
-9/11/73 W&M DS
-5/17/74 PNE - PNW Box ✔️
-5/19/74 Portland - PNW Box ✔️
-6/23/74 Miami DS - DaP 34 ✔️
-7/31/74 Dillon - DaP 2 ✔️
-9/28/75 Lindley - 30Trips ✔️
-6/14/76 Beacon (BB) - 76 Box ✔️
-6/15/76 Beacon (BB) - 76 Box ✔️
-10/3/76 Cobo - 30Trips ✔️
-5/18/77 Fox
-5/26/77 Baltimore
-11/4/77 Colgate - DaP 12 ✔️
-1/18/78 Stockton
-1/22/78 Eugene - DaP 23 ✔️
-1/15/79 Springfield
-8/30/80 Spectrum
-10/14/80 Warfield
-3/9/81 MSG
-5/16/81 Cornell - 30Trips ✔️
-8/30/83 Hult
-10/21/83 Worcester - 30Trips ✔️
-10/9/84 Worcester
-11/2/84 Berkeley
-9/18/87 MSG - 30Trips ✔️
-7/29/88 Laguna
-10/26/89 Miami DS - 30Trips ✔️
-12/27/89 Oakland
-10/27/90 Zenith- 30Trips ✔️
-6/22/91 Soldier Field DSJ
-9/26/91 Boston DS
-3/29/93 Albany HCSS
-9/13/93 Spectrum DS

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Member for

9 years 2 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Far Out!
Cool to see 9/19/70 on there. Hope that happens.

Curious about the list's origins, if you find out more deets about where the list came from, lmk.

Thanks for posting, seems like the Jones is on to know what's next.

Anybody got a Pick for the Day?
Or did I miss it.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Interesting list. There are some great possibilities there.

I went with 6/23/74 today, Dave's #34. Man, I can't get enough of this show.

Thanks a lot people.

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Member for

10 years 9 months

Looks like RockyMtnJed saved the list of show possibilities that came out with the original Dave's Picks announcement. Appears they grabbed it 4 years ago from comments here on dead,net. Whatever, their list (without the helpful annotations) 'echoes' Oroborous's list:

Tight! Thanks JEFFSMITH for the further information.

I think in honor of the list, I need to revisit 11/7/71

Love me some Comes A Time & Brokedown Palace from '71
And well, I know it's not often talked about but that Dark Star song... man that's really something.
Too Much!

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Member for

17 years 8 months

Hear Here, or Weir here there and everywhere. My third outdoor Dead show. First two 7/31/71 Yale Bowl; 8/27/72 Veneta
How about 9/3/72 Folsom Field for Thursday pick. I know it’s only a partial official release . Looks like complete concert on Archive.org
Feels like September, longer nights, cooler mornings. Enjoy the full moon🌕⚡️

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by Strider 808808


9/3 sounds good to me.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


I knew some intrepid traveler would know!

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Two items for your consideration por favor:

A little ditty from '68:


A show I have been meaning to get to for some time. I think it has one of Dick's favorite Scarlet Fires and I have yet to give it a spin. This show is complete with a one fisted Bill the Drummer, the other being in a cast because of a broken wrist.


Betty Nelson's Organic Raspberry Farm - Sultan, WA
Set 1:
Dark Star
St. Stephen
Cryptical Envelopment
The Other One
Cryptical Envelopment
Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks)

Giants Stadium - East Rutherford, NJ
Set 1:
Jack Straw
Friend Of The Devil
New Minglewood Blues
Dire Wolf
Looks Like Rain
Stagger Lee
I Need A Miracle
Lazy Lightnin'
Set 2:
Good Lovin'
Scarlet Begonias
Fire On The Mountain
Estimated Prophet
Eyes Of The World
Sugar Magnolia
One More Saturday Night

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Member for

5 years 3 months

Cool show, I wish I would have been there. I was just starting 6th grade, although I was listening to the Dead at the time, my brother had their records, I don't think my parents would have been to receptive about me hitchhiking up to Washington to hear them. Hopefully, we get some more 1968 Dead released, they were really firing on all cylinders. The only people who truly know what is in the vault,are Dave & co. , so hopefully more 1968 Dead has been found or returned and will be released one day.

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Member for

14 years 3 months

Say, this looks like a keen pick Jim! I've never heard of it before. I just did a quick comparison, but my ears liked the Rolfe audience. The archive also has some entertaining comments.

And 9/3/72 also looks good for Thursday. I've never heard the full show. Thanks guys!

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by Gollum


Checking this out too.. I noticed a Bob Wagner also. I pulled down the Miller.

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Member for

9 years 2 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


A plethora of picks!

Betty Nelson's Organic Raspberry Farm in '68, wonder what the story is behind this show.
There's some epic pictures and I dig this tape.
1968 What's in the Vault curiosity lives on..

9/2/78 - One armed Billy you say?!?!

Dave's List still roiling in my head, or maybe it was the epic Full Moon.
5/26/73 - Monster 3 Set rocker... I'm feeling the pull.

And 9/3/72 sounds fun!

Good Stuff you all, happy listening, report back about what you hear out there, we gotta keep our heads together ;)

PS - Dave's right, 11/7/71 would be a great pick and a welcome upgrade to the Pre-FM in circulation now.
Highlights = Comes A Time, Dark Star > TOO > MAMU > TOO, Deal, Brokedown Palace, UJB and Early PITB which is starting to Jam out, it's like a baby bird getting ready to flap it's wings. Kinda like '68 Dark Stars. Dug this!

PPS - 1977-09-03 Englishtown I know at least one person mentioned looking forward to a re-listen as a September ritual. Just so it's not overlooked in the Plethora of Picks Vol9 N2.

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Member for

17 years 9 months

Sounds great, though the recording is a bit muddy. Fall '72 was so good.

Made it through the first set.. yes, the soundboard is a little muddy and has some interference as if a tape somewhere along the line was re-used and there's a trace left of whatever used to be on the tape.

I bet the master reel sounds much better.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


of my first G.A. show and first in the front row (between Phil and Brent so JG was looking right at us) and first:
- Dew
- Terrapin
- China/Rider
- Sailor/Saint
- Playin
- Ship of Fools
- Iko
- CC Rider and
- Don’t Ease
So quite a night!
Love the picks, will definitely sneak in the 68, but need to do this 9/2/80 anniversary...always wondered about the 78 show? Like was it a blow off before the big excursion or were they stoked? Thought I heard it was a dud? Guess I’ll have to find some time ASAP for this one too. Of course tomorrow is 2 beasts: 72 and 77, and maybe I’ll get try to the 80 stuff ya all did recently....

Did a bunch of “other” stuff recently, mainly, shows I was at but never heard from the late years:
- 6/13/93
- 7/13/94
- 7/31/94
- 8/1/94
Haven’t made it to 95 yet...
All were actually enjoyable (sans a couple of Vinny tunes, ahem) I used to think 6/13/93 and 7/13/94 were perhaps the worst shows I saw, and maybe they were, but that’s good because they were actually decent shows and were totally listenable! So pleasant surprise there. Still don’t like the things I didn’t like then etc, but from years afar and a hopefully more open minded and enlightened perspective (thanks to all y’all) these idiosyncrasies don’t ruin the whole show for me like back then. Plus the whole experiential factor has faded which totally helps with perspective,i.e., Vermont 94 was super hot so after long fast drive my little Accord was overheating stuck in traffic trying to get through town, didn’t dig the scene, didn’t dig the sound, oh, and did I mention it was really muggy/hot?
It’s been really entertaining to finally listen to many shows at but never heard. So far all the ones I didn’t recall fondly have been decent to really good (3/13/81 comes to mind first). Some of the ones I used to consider “bests” on the other hand now just feel like average/good, which is fine cause I ain’t complaining, always felt very fortunate and lucky!
Still have a few years to catch up on, but I don’t recall much of those which leads me to assume their average/good?
It’s been fun to finally hear many of these...some times you get shown the light indeed!
Well, I better get busy, got a lot of shows to cover!

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Great little show, some of it filler for Dicks Picks 21. Jealous.. If I finish the other two shows I have slated for today.. I will hit this up late night. Three shows in a day and you've pulled off the elusive and difficult "Deadhead Brewer hat trick" Listening to three complete shows in a day.

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Member for

14 years 3 months

This has been a nice discovery. I went with the Rolfe because I was in the mood for an audience tape but maybe the Miller is a better source. Count me in the camp of thinking this is a top tier 1978 show. Maybe the sound quality issues have held it back. One person on the archive claimed Jerry was hassled by a cop for smoking a joint backstage, so he was pissed off(!) How do those things get started? I dunno, the whole show sounds good to me.

Audience banter: B+ .
*excellent audience banter in the first half of set 1. Banter is clear and well-articulated.
*A girl with a Jersey or NewYork accent talks about how they jumped the fence to get in and are hoping to hear "Werewolves of London". My kind of gal!
*Joint being rolled after FOTD.
* Banter settles down after the first few songs. Maybe the heat and/or consumables began to take their toll.

Music: A/A+
*Brilliant Garcia solo in Friend of the Devil. great Peggy-O. Rest of 1st set high energy.
*The second set jam tunes Scarlet-Fire, Est.-Eyes are top shelf for 1978.

-Just my thoughts on a first listen......(am I too easy a grader?)

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Member for

14 years 3 months

The archive has a lot of colorful and funny reminiscences of this show. This one, from Sedula, cracked me up:

"Bobby had some short, shorts on and knee high argle socks with wallabees. He looked like an idiot!"

Bobby's shorts were problematic for Deadheads even back in 1978.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by Gollum


You got me to read the comments.. much more colorful than normal and cracked me up.

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Member for

9 years 2 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Haha that's rich!

Ironically, the shorts aren't as short as they would get.

Bunch of pictures from that show, it was massive.

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


Compared to what they would become in '84.. these shorts were more like highwaters or capri pants. Too funny... The socks weren't all that weird either compared to what would become. Bob Weir, fashion icon. Ha.

I have to admit.. I got a little carried away with edibles and home improvements yesterday.. I didn't get nearly as much done as I would have liked and to be honest.. I got a little lost in the cobwebs of the second set, but in a good way.. a feeling that carried right into the Berry farm 68 show. So to hell with productivity in favor of scary fun.. and hopefully a good time was had by all.

I dunno, I’m thinking the 89 or 90 vids where as a viewer your worried that somethin’s gonna pop out......ewww

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Member for

9 years 2 months

In reply to by JimInMD


I feel ya Jim.

I'm just listening to 9/2/78 now.. got a stack of more to come.
I wonder if Dick changed his thoughts on best ever Scarlet > Fire seems like his review was 6/16/83.. before he had keys to the Vault I believe.

While off the beaten path and in the weeds I stumbled on a New Audience source of Alpine '87 night two, I thought it was killer diller! Has that Alpine feel, and man that '87 Crowd Roar (peaking during Terrapin) was giving me the chills.
Dug it, here it is if anybody else wants to dig it -

Set 2 Rocks!

Also stumbled on a SBD of Dylan & Tom Petty set from 6/26/86 and really dug it, IMO they smoked the Dead that night, Dead opened with 1 long set, so not their typical scene, but Dylan was annunciating and seemed really into it and Tom Petty and the HBs are Hot along with Dylan's back up singers.

I saw them at the next show on 7/2 and Dylan was slurring / mumbling and not as on.

Fun Trip... but now I'm playing catch up.

How was 9/2/80 OB?

Enjoying the comments all, keep em coming!

I'm in the weeds for sure, might have to stay here and get deeper ala Jim style :)

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


I might have to check out the Dick's Picks 18 version to compare this with from Cedar Falls in February.

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Member for

9 years 2 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Thinkin' Dick might've been High (Both times).

It's good and all, but Best Ever?
I'm not seeing it.

But then again, I'm not high.
Maybe I oughta get High..

For now 9/3/72 is kickin' in.
Gonna see where this takes me.

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Member for

14 years 3 months

2/5/78 has that weird beautiful passage in Fire (~9:56...). That's hard to top. I'll need to listen carefully to 9/2/78 a few more times. Even if Latvala thought 9/2/78 was among the best, that means a lot.

EDIT: Legend has it that Latvala was known to enjoy a puff occasionally, GOGD, so you might be on to something

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Member for

13 years 8 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


...and the recordings all seem to be subpar. I didn't realize his review predates his keeper of the vault keys period.

I think 2/5/78 might be a stronger and more cohesive effort, the recording is certainly better. That being said, the jam in Scarlet is hot, the transition smooth, they sound rehearsed on this one. Plus it marks the first version with the added verse in FOTM. For these reasons it's noteworthy. Not shabby, best? Well.. until five minutes ago it was the last one I listened to.. but not anymore.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


9/2/68; AWESOME! Had to check and make sure it wasn’t 69? Great Lil show! Yeah, wish they’d come up with some way to release more of these. Perhaps a “60s” box; maybe a few sets from the early years; say 3 or 4 short 68s; and a bad ass 69 or 2...? That would be a way to get the short stuff out and feed our primal Jones!
9/2/78; really enjoyed the first set, and yes the chatter was fun and brought back memories, especially jumping the wall to get down on the floor! The second set, not as much. Good S/F but best? sorry MR L RIP, not with ya there, and the Estimated was a bit of a train wreck...after that started losing interest a bit and/or was preoccupied, but still an enjoyable show. Glad I finally got to it, good call!
9/2/80; didn’t get to this one until today so didn’t get the natural DHbrewer Hat Trick, but really enjoyed it!
Now I’m pretty biased, but still, I think it’s an all around great show with a neat set list. Awesome Dew! Wish there were slightly better recordings, but I like Aud tapes. Tried the matrix but that wasn’t working for me.
Funny, I was so green back then, I know I loved it, but not having many reference points yet, many of my early shows really surprise me now how good they were! And I don’t think it’s nostalgia so much since I can’t remember much, lol.
Rock on Mi Amigos, maybe I’ll circle back to those 9/3&4 shows since I’m in a 80 mood?

STRIDER; been doing some 8/27/72 detective work...I remember you said third set you got to trade with your brother “back stage” on a platform, next to a particular cameraman. So I assumed you were on that platform right in front of JG basically leaning on the stage monitors, and there’s a camera guy there, or was it the platform just left of the stage about ten rows back, up about 15’ in the air? Either way must of been so amazing!
The best shot I could find was just after the weird animated stuff in DS, the camera on the back higher platform does a sweep pan from back into towards the stage above the crowd, where you can pause and see that cameraman (with Grateful Dead on back of white tee shirt) and there’s folks on both sides of him. The cameraman on the back/higher platform has white pants but no shirt. So curious which “platform” you were on? What were ya wearing?
As I say, either way, must of been mind blowing, especially if electric! ⚡️And what, think you said you were just outta high school, can’t even imagine! I’ve always felt pretty lucky/fortunate with the shows I saw for my time, but man, you really seemed to be at many top historic shows! Totally giving me show envy LOL...
So thanks for the stories and please keep em coming!

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Way to exercise some restraint, Oro. I, too, stopped before the third show as a sign of respect for Brewer. We need to talk him off that ledge... you don't HAVE to listen to three shows a day to hang and toss a few back with us.


Edit: But the term, Brewer Hat Trick stays.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Reverend Jim...(and yaassssss, it just now did make me think of ole Jim ignatowski...) Well Said Sir! Here, here!
BREWER, git yo hands otta yo pocket, git off dat ledge, and go down and see the Gypsy woman. For God sake man, get a grip!

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9 years 5 months


thanks for posting this GOGD! saw this with 2 brothers. '87 was a sweet year. Crowd - WE WANT PHIL!! WE WANT PHIL!! Phil - Okay just this once. and we got a Tom Thumbs! listening to the ripping Let It Grow right now. this tape totally takes me back. like a dream we dreamed.....

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9 years 2 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Bluecrow Stoked you're taking the ride.

I've been waiting for some better sources of these shows for 33 years now... so I was pumped when it popped up yesterday in the latest batch of Miller's.

Fingers x'd same taper got the 1st night too.

Get ready my friend, Set 2 knocked my socks off yesterday.
Took me back there to that dream we dreamed.
Wait till you hear the crowd roaring along.

Good stuff.
BTW - Thanks for the Forum Oldest / Recent refresh tip, that's been doing the trick and has kept me up to speed lately.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by The Good Ole G…


I made this run as well and don't think I have listened since that night. I plan on getting to this tomorrow.. thanks GOGD.

GDTS delivered me and my gf at the time tickets within the first four rows for all three nights, one night (forget which one) we were second row center. What fun and my first trip to Alpine Valley.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Maybe I’ll give those a listen as our “pick”...since I was at but have only heard a set or two from this run.
I’m intrigued because I don’t recall thinking these were all that, but in light of my recent comments about perspective and now versus then etc, most definitely need to check out.
Part of the problem is this run will always be overshadowed by events involving, getting lost, following locals going the wrong way, high rates of speed, open container, car trunk full of all sorts of “things”, minors sitting in back seat next to stacks of beer, close encounters with the law, the ole Cassidy rap, and tragedy narrowly averted at Alpine, again...
Oh, and it was Stench & Knuckles first road trip (the minors). All I can say is thank God I had my golf clubs or I might still be i prison....
So yeah, that trip is quite a blur....

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9 years 2 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Really glad I got around to 9/2/68 again. I think I say that every time I put that one on.
Great show, upbeat & sparkling Dark Star, Great Early St. Stephen (love the crowd response), Fantastic Eleven, and rough reel flip after 36 wonderful seconds of Death Don't. TIFTOO, Alligator > Caution > Feedback, it's all packed into this great Set at a Hippie Festival. Killer! I love this show, and need to try and remember that.

9/3/72 - Over 4 hour monster of a show following the GRATEFULest Dead show ever at Veneta. Wow! There's a lot here, wish the tapes all sounded as good as the DiP bonus material, containing the big Jam sequence of Set 2, but wait there's a Set 3! Really dig this PITB, China > Rider and the Jam sequence is a spaceship to destinations unknown. Rough reel flips in Bird Song & Truckin'. A lot of flashes of Veneta in the playing on this one, Transition to Rider is sweet.
Hear, Hear!!

1987 Alpine, glad you guys are digging in, really liking this new source recording. It's got the feels.
Give it a spin OB, sounds like you woulda been in Jail if it wouldn't of been the '80s, but all that's behind you now ;)
Send out those hopeful vibes for a new Night 1 to join it in our universe!

Well I wasn't able to do 9/3/77, wanted to take that '68 ride instead.

Maybe try and do that today.

Not quite the same without a Shakedown Stream, but Happy Friday You All!

....i don't think I've heard this show. That changes today. First set looks awesome on paper.
How about those Vegas Golden Knights!! (edit sarcasm).

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9 years 5 months

In reply to by Vguy72


ha Jim - great seats. mine for the first two shows were terrible, way hard right, poor sound and sight lines and i just went to the lawn both nights. that second show was a rocker! been a long time since I listened. it was in the afternoon, sorta wished it was a night show at time probably cause not fully recovered from night 1. Mickey and Billy were in what I called the pots and pans drumz that day - really really loud and cacophonous even on the lawn. great crowd noise on this tape - yes you can them roar on the Terrapin. Trucking > Other One out of Space!! and man, hard to believe only 2 circulating sources for that first night which was a monster show. I mean how is that possible only 2 after all these years? Set II day 3 was sorta phoned in I thought, but take a listen to the Jack Straw that closes Set I - it kicks it! not sure if that set placement was unique but I think about the highest energy version I know of. Vguy - nice game 7. jealous (Hawks fan here.)

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9 years 2 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Nice Memory BlueCrow & All!

I remember where I was at for Night 1, just turned 17 out on the lawn trying to keep it together and take it all in.
First time at Alpine and it was a heavy night.

But for Night 2, my mind seems to blesh my memory with '88.
I think we went in early and got seats (snuck down possibly), day time show, I'm pretty sure this is the day we screamed at Bob when he came on stage to check out his gear and he looked at us kinda like "take it easy there fellas". It was sunny whatever show we did that at.

Wish I woulda been disciplined and kept journals or something, but we were the other side of that coin and were getting as high as we could and were trying to keep our brains from spilling out. Fun to think about.

I listened to it again yesterday since I knew you all were checking it out and it's a fun show.
If I hadn't seen it, would I go back to this "tape" again and again?
Don't know, but since I did see it, I'm digging it.

What You All Hearing today?

Anybody know if there’s audio of Jerry introducing Jefferson Airplane at Monterey Pop?
It doesn’t seem to circulate on Video, but curious about audio.

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14 years 3 months

I'm playing catch-up today and will try to do this whole show. Reading the Archive comments makes the mouth water. Another beautiful outdoor concert in Boulder just a week after Veneta. Just imagine how much fun the Dead and their entourage were having back then! I really wanted to do the audience tape of this show but I don't think I can make it - the sound quality is brutal. Guess I'll go with the messy patched sbd/aud.

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9 years 2 months

In reply to by Gollum


Gollum: OMSN encore from the Audience tape is enough to give you an idea of how that sounds.
Stick with the SBD, it's rough enough ;)

Have fun!

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14 years 3 months

Yikes! thanks for the tip. queuing up the SBD-

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Member for

17 years 8 months

So far 26&27...wonder if I like the first night better?
Think I blew through these back last winter on the never ending job from hell?
Unfortunately both then and now they were more background listens, but I’ve totally enjoyed them. I still don’t like some of the same things, but as I commented on after running through my 93&94 shows, these things don’t interfere anymore, and the experiential variables for good or for ill are mostly forgotten, let alone influential...
Yes in the hermetic bubble provided by time, I can start to appreciate all these shows for each individually, or as a part of some temporal measure i.e., (tour, weekend etc) stripped of the dogma of my twenty something know it all self getting in the way!
As for tapes, I’ve been digging a lot of Audi’s lately. SBs just don’t natural too me, but a bad aud is usually worse than a bad board, if that makes sense?
Ok, on to the last night, hopefully just the endings dialed in?
Later perhaps, in honor of BobT and WTJones, been meaning to give the mighty 9/3/77 a spin, so perhaps we’ll get to that, though the misses wants somethin funky first to work by....she’s not really into the Soul Jazz which would be my pick, and alas we have no P-funk etc, or gulp, I’m not even sure we have any James Brown for Fugs sake! Slackers!
Perhaps a little Herbie Hancock Head Hunters, PROPER!

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9 years 2 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Night 1 seems to be the hottest show of the run, too many mushrooms for this kid that night.

It's been awhile since I've listened to Night 3, but recall it being the weakest of the bunch.
My interest in the Jack Straw has been raised recently;)

But I think I'm gonna hold out on Night 1 & 3 for now with fingers x'd for a Mr. Miller Miracle this week, maybe tomorrow.
Gotta keep those dreams alive.

Checked out 9/3/77 yesterday, was kinda distracted, return of Truckin' is pretty special.

OB: What about some Curtis Mayfield?

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by billy the kid


Good call! Have Super Fly so we’ll have to slip that into the mix. Currently clutching my seatbelt during 9/3/77..

EDIT: damn Strider saw everyone AND all the best Dead shows!
And yes, I am jealous! LOL 😉

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17 years 8 months

Celebrity Theater, April 73. Freddie King opened. After a full day of hiking in the vast South Mountain Park south of Phoenix with a friend. Our minds tuned up. Very powerful double bill concert indeed.
Phoenix was way smaller back then. Just watched that Curtis vid kid. Gave me goosebumps.

“Saw a bird with a tear in his eye, Walkin to New Orleans my oh my”

Did someone mention the Fugs? Ed Sanders, et all.

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13 years 8 months

In reply to by Strider 808808


What's it gonna be..

Edit: I am going with the a ditty of a show from 68 to get started..
Digital Download #6 - Carousel Ballroom 03-17-1968

It's got a New Potato