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  • cosmicbadger
    Basket ball Report
    Earlier I asked some advice about attending my first basket ball match: between Macedonia and Estonia. I had some nice responses so I owe you a report. That’s why it’s posted here. We arrived early to get good seats, and by the time the game started the 7000 seat arena was packed with fans, mostly young, decked out with the red and gold of the Macedonian flag. One corner was occupied by the so called ‘Committee’, hard core local fans who led the singing and chanting around the arena. In a new young country in the heart of the Balkans what can you expect but patriotic passion verging on the extreme (but never spilling over into ugliness). Still, the uppermost row all round the arena was occupied by riot police with shields in case things got out of hand! Huge cheers as the team came out to warm up and jeers at the poor Estonians. In all the riotous noise a touching scene as a young boy, clearly the son of one of the local players and afflicted by (what looked like) cerebral palsy, joined the players for the warm up, fetching balls and then awkwardly but accurately tossing a ball into the basket from outside the 3 point line The crowd went wild! In such an intimidating atmosphere Estonia never stood a chance. They were 25 points down half way through. In the third period the Macedonians started playing to the crowd and showing off. Estonia got back to within 9 with a succession of three point shots. People started looking nervous. But in the final period the locals upped their game and ran out winners 87-75. This means that Macedonia have qualified for the European finals and the crowd was vociferously pleased with that. Poor Estonians slunk of for the long flight home. Some impressions as a basket ball novice. I followed the action OK, except I could not work out the whole business with fouls. One minute they are playing the next they are all wandering up the other end while some one has 1 or 2 free throws for no apparent reason. Some moments of breathtaking skill and dexterity and interplay. Sometimes it seemed like there was a magnetic bond between ball and player. An amusing moment was when one giant Macedonia executed a spectacular slam dunk and succeeded in dislodging the whole basket-supporting rig and tearing out the electric supply that powered the clock over it. Rapid repairs required. Growing up with soccer and rugby, I am not at all used to the rhythm of this game. In those sports it is hard to score and there are long tactical battles in the middle of the pitch. Here everyone just runs from end to end and are expected to score every time. I could not figure out the tactical aspects of what was going on, so it was often exciting but rarely absorbing if that makes any sense. Still that’s probably because I did not know what I was seeing and it was quite a one-sided game One of the great joys of travelling is doing things like this. Getting to know people I work with outside the office, learning more about them, their culture and their country and doing things I would not consider doing when at home. Next time I am here it will be the European Women’s handball championship. Book me a ticket!
  • stuman
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    very interesting ...very cool ....
    Well this got interesting , I did`nt even think abt. Belafonte , .. Cool , Thank you for the history lesson Mark !! I`m kinda like oroboros , I love knowing the history behind the music... Harry`s first album was named "Midnight Speacial" that is also interesting , considering in the late 70`s early 80`s (I think) there was the television show that featured many diferent bands , hosted by "Wolf Man Jack" it was called "The Midnight special" ..From what I understand the "calypso" style music was used to try to keep people`s minds off the cold war and everything else that was depressing to people .. And it was introduced to the U.S. via "Disney" writers who travled the world to find new ideas for the "Disney" theme parks ... And also brought back from some of the soldiers from WW1, who where stationed in the Islands .. OH , and Bob Dylan ,, wow !! I never would have thought about him during that era .. Very cool !! Nice research Mark ... This kinda turned into an interesting topic ,, future forum maybe ? "History lessons".. Love food for thought !! I really enjoyed this .. Take care everyone ,, and thanks for playin' !! Hope everyone has a nice sunday !! Stu ...
  • MarkintheDark
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    Didn't know much about Harry...
    ...other than the Banana Boat Song. Then I read the Wikipedia article and find out critically important information like: *the "Calypso" album was the first million-selling album of all time (but it didn't make the Rolling Stone top 500 list) *his album "Midnight Special" has the first recording of a obscure harmonica player - Bob Dylan *The first TV show he sang "Day-O" on was the Muppet Show. Well, there ya go, mon.
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    Cool Idea-TL
    Cool Idea-TL-will have to find where Harry Belafonte is playing near my mom & take her-that'd be fun! xoxo Gypsy Cowgirl
  • MarkintheDark
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    Calypso Lucy, did she limbo?
    I'll have to look for that episode of "Lucy", that sounded hilarious when I read the article. It's kinda weird to think that as the war was going on in Korea, the Cold war was starting to heat up and the fight for civil rights was starting to get attention - the US had a "calypso craze"! I don't know if you guys listen to CDs put out by the Putumayo world music label, but they do ethnic/regional/genre albums, mostly local artists. They have a bunch of great ones from the Carribean, and the "Calypso" album is awesome. Got some good reggae albums too. Rough Guide also has a good series.
  • TigerLilly
    Like you, Gypsy Cowgirl
    Harry Belafonte brought a sexy twinkle to me old Mammy's eyes-so heard him alot as a kid. Mom always said "he is soo classy and sexy" and perhaps Mr. Belafonte is the only man on the planet where my mother and I would see eye to eye on that comment. Besides Paul Newman, of course.Took her to see him in concert for her 55th birthday, and he was just marvelous live. Charming, intelligent, classy, and very kindly there with his audience. Also probably the only concert that I ever saw AND enjoyed with my mother. AWESOME basketball story marye-and C.B. am looking forward to your report on the big game tonight. After the tips you got here, you should be able to deport yourself like an old pro of basketball viewing. Just remember "slam dunk" like we were discussing last night, and you will be FINE :-) ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • stuman
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    I love Lucy !!
    Hey everyone gets it !! The I love Lucy show 1957 .. I just seen the show on tvland at like 4:00 am , and though wow well thats interesting .. wonder how many people Knew this .. Thank you !! And thanks for the history lesson ,, very cool .. Hope everyone has a beutiful weekend !! stu ... Peace...
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    Fond memories of Harry Belafonte
    Mom played Harry Belafonte all the time in the '50's -I was under 10......."Day-o, day-o Daylight come and me wan' go home Day, me say day, me say day, me say day Me say day, me say day-o Daylight come and me wan' go home".......there's more of course........Gypsy Cowgirl xoxo
  • Oroboros
    Love it, MitD
    Nice history lesson, thanks, much appreciated. Hearing the story behind the songs is a favorite of mine. Good stuff, King Radio, grate name!!
  • MarkintheDark
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    Hey Mr. Tallyman, tally me calypsoes...
    King Radio wrote and recorded it on a trip to NYC in '36. Belafonte had the hit single in '52, and included it on his "Calypso" album in '56. Couldn't find a specific citation that Belafonte sang it on TV but I'm guessing he did; I'm not too savvy on your '50s variety shows. Belafonte appeared on TV several times in '55 and '56 (Colgate Comedy Hour, Nat King Cole Show, 28th Academy Awards) and I'm betting he sang this song on one of them. My official guess will be Harry sang it on the Colgate Comedy Hour in '55. I did find out this: "The song became so popular during the 1956-57 American calypso craze that Lucy, Desi, Fred and Ethel even sang it during an episode of the I Love Lucy television show."
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17 years 9 months

Where did the Dead play in Pa. so often? I know Phily was big, but where else?
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17 years 7 months

Thanks to the folks who found the number of shows played in PA. I am familiar with Deadbase, but had no idea you could find a tally there. Anywho, happy Labor Day - that means don't labor too hard.Peace All, Zachary
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17 years 9 months

Mother inlaw needs firewood for the upcomming winter, brother inlaw and I spent many hours yesterday and today getting wood, cutting and stacking. Days off are the only days one can set aside for such chores. Still need that # of Pa. shows, as far as where in Pa. Thanks and happy labor day.
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17 years 9 months

Pa.-67 times. The breakdown is; The Spectrum...53, Civic Convention Hall Aud...5, Electric Factory...5, JFK Stadium...2, Temple U...1, U of Penn. Irvine Stadium....1. Then Pitt's count was 17. The breakdown is; Civic Arena...1, Pittsburgh Civic Arena....8, THE Stanley Theatre..6, Three Rivers Stadium..2. And the the music played the band once in Scranton at the Catholic Youth Center, twice at the State College/Penn State U Recreation Hall , and 4 times in Upper Darby at the Tower Theatre. That is the count thanks to Deadbase XI.
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17 years 9 months

I don't want to argue the facts, but JFK is not in Pa. Civic Arena and Pittsburgh civic arena are the same place and I'm not sure they played there 9 times. I can believe the 53 at the spectrum, the Dead seemed to love playing there. But facts are facts!! Thanks for the Input.
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17 years 9 months

Actually I wondered about that JFK listing (on 7-10-87 and 7-7-89). But never having ventured east, I just quoted from the Base. I did screw up the count however. It was 67 shows in Phillidelphia and the total count from PENNSYLVANIA was 101 shows (again Deadbase XI) . The other shows were in; Bethlehem 1 Burgettstown 2 Easton 1 Harrisburg 2 Lancaster 1 Hershey 1 Lewisburg 1 Meadville 1 Sorry on that prior count, and I'll leave it to you to figure out that JFK venue (?). AND listening to DP # 36, with the Dead's sonic rumble and stratospheric soaring, I must say that they certainly loved playing the Spectrum and the Spectrum crowd loved 'em right back. Tremendous show!!
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17 years 9 months

And then you have to add those Pitt shows to the grand total for Pa. And on that (Pitt) note; The Civic Arena show is listed on 4-21-71 and it is listed separately from the Pittsburgh Civic Arena (9-24-73, 4-18-78, 11-29-81, 7-2-85, 7-6-87, 6-26-88, 4-2-89, and 4-3-89). Seemed like those might be the same place. But who knows?
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17 years 9 months

Pardon my latent dyxlexia, it was 4-12-71 (not 4-21-71) for that Pitt. Civic arena show. The older I get the more I get things reversed/backwards. And I searched further (no pun intended) and in the Venue Capacities section (in Odds & Ends in Deadbase XI ) and it lists the John F Kennedy Stadium (capacity 90,400) in Philadelphia Pa. Dylan and the Dead are listed as the 7-10-87 show, and then the Grateful Dead played there on 7-7-89 (with B. Hornsby and the Range opening). It also states that was the final concert held at J.F.K. stadium.
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17 years 9 months

This old (and now ghost) stadium is frequently confused with RFK which is in Washington, D.C. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

I'm guilty of mistaking the 2 stadiums. Hey, thanks for all the input on this subject, MUCH APPRECIATED!!!!. I was wondering where the name oroboros comes from. There is a band out of ohio called the JMilller band used to be named oroboros years ago, any connection there?
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17 years 9 months

Steve-O, I Don't know the band that you are referring to, but we both were probably familar with the ancient concept of "the end or the beginning?" or the Oroboros. In Steven Peters book, 'The Stories Behind Every Grateful Dead Song', he wrote "Hunter would evoke yet another classic image in this vein, when he compared the unending spin of the Grateful Dead's career path to the Oroboros, a mythical dragon or serpent which was depicted as biting its own tail and which symbolized infinity or eternal recurrence." On the old website, BlueJayWay posted a wonderful renaissance woodcut of an oroboros/serpent eating it's tail and in the center of that 'circle' was a baby with a skull or skeleton. Those images juxtipositioned to display the life-death-rebirth-mystery. I view it as an organic representaion of the wheel, which for many symbolizes the unending cycles of renewal and eternity. Anyway to make a long story short (which I am constitutionally incaplable of doing), it is a fantastic creature and archetypal concept and I have always connected it to my experiences the Dead. The Oroboros figured prominently into one of my favorite Grateful Dead shows in 1977 on New Year's Eve at Winterland and once again at a subsequent 1978 Madison show. (See my post under Encounters for that whole story). Also thank you "tour historian" for clearing that up about the JFK Stadium. I was wondering about that as well. A 'ghost' stadium. Perfect, great image! And we love to be haunted by those stories that those 'ghost' stadiums whisper and sing to us.
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17 years 8 months

Who is Queen Jane? Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 9 months

She was the finest female minds of her time (century) according to Alison Weir (I suppose Bob thought highly of her as well). AKA Jane of England 1537 -1554. There is a marvelous article on Wikipedia that is a must read. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

Leave it to GRTUD to see "marvelous" from that story of tragedy, ha-ha;-) In another light, I wonder how Jane would react to the lack of downloads on this web site. These type of facts have been categorically dismissed or avoided by our current generation of cry babies. "Oh where are my precious downloads???" "Off with your fucking head, mate!!! You'll have them in Hell" "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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17 years 8 months

GRTUD, Golden Road,Thank you gentemen. That is a fascinating story in Wilkipedia on Lady Jane Gray. Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.) Walt Whitman-Song of Myself
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17 years 9 months

i was at the last show that tore that ole building down!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 9 months

Furthermore, how can she make money as a writer? This past Friday (Oct. 26, 2007) she wrote a callous "book review" of the book "Gonzo - The Life of Hunter S. Thompson - An Oral Biography", by Jann S. Wenner and Corey Seymour (Little Brown). While attempting to seem "cutting edge" she frames her review of the book around the fact that HST committed suicide inside his house, an act she referred to as "selfish". Knowing how shallow her sentiments would be found by rational readers, regardless their opinion of HST (or the book in question, for that matter), she attempted to validate her sterile and merit less opinion with a dubious personal qualification involving a relative, which she categorized in the same vile manner. Her pandering to the modern establishment's right wing agenda is sickening, imo. I thought book reviews involved reading and assessing the authors success or failure of communicating or invoking facts or ideas but it appears those in the self absorbed news media "elite" have decided the subject is all that's worthy of comment, at least with the Washington Post and it's (lack of) editors, in this instance. What angers me most is the fact that she called ANYONE selfish. I suppose Carolyn See would know selfish, that much is certain. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 8 months

Why bother? A bit meteor is gonna come and hit the earth some day, wipe everything out anyway, even if you die in the meantime. (just look at the craters from meteors on the moon, Earth has been hit just as much, its just that weather has eroded it, Siberea was hit in 1908 (just a small one). Look what happened to Jupiter a few years ago, meteors wiped out any civilized life (if there was some form of life on Jupiter). And even if it didn't happen in your lifetime, the worlds so messed up, try and find a good glass of water, or some health food, or someone who is sane. But, in the mean time, may as well have a fun time, so you have something to remember in case a meteor strikes and civilization goes kipoot. Lets have a party, lets have a rock concert. Take some B Vitamins to cheer ourselves up. especially B6, makes you Happy, B12 too, and B2 restores brain cells, how about that, you thought you were doomed? You can regenerate, with B2, but the other B Vitamins too, they keep you Happy. Music for the New Millennium by ARCHURE reg tmrk www.archure.net
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17 years 9 months

did that slip out?? image hosted by ImageVenue.com to the real Oroboros: did the sculpture you gave jerry have his tail in his mouth?
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17 years 9 months

image hosted by ImageVenue.com peace.
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17 years 9 months

Yes, it did. The dragon I gave Jerry did have the tail in it's mouth, much like your second pictured Oroboros, as opposed to the first. The one I made was a wingless dragon (but a quadroped as opposed to biped). However, it did find a way to fly that New Year's evening of '77 in Winterland. Or was that me?
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17 years 9 months

I don't know nuthing about those dragons, but when I looked them up on the internet they all seemed to have their tail in their mouth, so I was wondering about the piece you gave jerry. I dig that "is it the end or beginning" refernece, apt, certainly apt. this (the posting of oroboroses? oroboroi?) got started when I felt a certain deja vu kick ifrom some scenes from the wild wild west of the old daze. well, who knows? is it the end or the beginning? ( -; is it silence on the edge of music? I would not want anyone to think I am feckless in this ever brief moment of clarity, for I am one who is most certainly full of "feck" peace.
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17 years 9 months

Actually I wondered about that JFK listing (on 7-10-87 and 7-7-89). But never having ventured east, I just quoted from the Base.I did screw up the count however. It was 67 shows in Phillidelphia and the total count from PENNSYLVANIA was 101 shows (again Deadbase XI) . The other shows were in; Bethlehem 1 Burgettstown 2 Easton 1 Harrisburg 2 Lancaster 1 Hershey 1 Lewisburg 1 Meadville 1 there was also a show in good old SCRANTON back in the 70's at the CYC. i think it was 71, but not sure it's in the archives though. nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 9 months

I think these are all of the shows played in good old Pennsylvania: 102 shows, if my source is correct: 04/26/68- Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA 04/27/68- Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA 04/28/68- Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA 12/06/68- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 02/07/69- Stanley Theater - Pittsburgh, PA 02/07/69- Stanley Theater - Pittsburgh, PA 02/14/69- Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA 02/15/69- Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA 05/16/70- Temple University - Philadelphia, PA 10/16/70- Irvine Auditorium - Philadelphia, PA 04/10/71- East Hall Franklin And Marshall Col. - Lancaster, PA 04/12/71- Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 04/13/71- Catholic Youth Center - Scranton, PA 04/14/71- Bucknell University - Lewisburg, PA 04/15/71- Allegheny State College - Meadvllle, PA 09/21/72- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/24/73- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/20/73- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/21/73- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/24/73- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 08/04/74- Philadelphia Civic Center - Philadelphia, PA 08/05/74- Philadelphia Civic Center - Philadelphia, PA 06/21/76- Tower Theater - Upper Darby, PA 06/22/76- Tower Theater - Upper Darby, PA 06/23/76- Tower Theater - Upper Darby, PA 06/24/76- Tower Theater - Upper Darby, PA 04/22/77- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 04/18/78- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 05/13/78- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 01/05/79- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 01/12/79- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 05/07/79- Allan Kirby Field House (Lafayette College) - Easton, PA 05/08/79- Rec Hall (Penn State University) - State College, PA 11/05/79- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 11/06/79- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 11/30/79- Stanley Theater - Pittsburgh, PA 12/01/79- Stanley Theater - Pittsburgh, PA 05/06/80- Rec Hall (Penn State University) - State College, PA 08/29/80- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 08/30/80- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/05/81- Stanley Theater - Pittsburgh, PA 03/06/81- Stanley Theater - Pittsburgh, PA 05/02/81- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 05/04/81- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/25/81- Stabler Arena (Lehigh University) - Bethlehem, PA 10/19/81- Sports Palace - Barcelona, XSpain 11/29/81- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 04/05/82- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 04/06/82- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 04/25/83- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 04/26/83- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 06/22/83- City Island - Harrisburg, PA 04/19/84- Philadelphia Civic Center - Philadelphia, PA 04/20/84- Philadelphia Civic Center - Philadelphia, PA 04/21/84- Philadelphia Civic Center - Philadelphia, PA 06/23/84- City Island - Harrisburg, PA 04/06/85- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 04/07/85- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 04/08/85- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 06/28/85- Hershey Park Stadium - Hershey, PA 07/02/85- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 03/23/86- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/24/86- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/25/86- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/29/87- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/30/87- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/31/87- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 07/06/87- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 07/10/87- John F. Kennedy Stadium - Philadelphia, PA 09/22/87- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/23/87- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/24/87- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 06/26/88- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 09/08/88- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/09/88- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/11/88- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/12/88- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 04/02/89- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 04/03/89- Pittsburgh Civic Arena - Pittsburgh, PA 07/07/89- John F. Kennedy Stadium - Philadelphia, PA 10/18/89- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 10/19/89- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 10/20/89- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 07/08/90- Three Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh, PA 09/10/90- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/11/90- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/12/90- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/16/92- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/17/92- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/18/92- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 06/22/92- Star Lake Amphitheater - Burgettstown, PA 06/23/92- Star Lake Amphitheater - Burgettstown, PA 09/12/93- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/13/93- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 09/14/93- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 10/05/94- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 10/06/94- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 10/07/94- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/17/95- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/18/95- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 03/19/95- The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA 06/30/95- Three Rivers Stadium - Pittsburgh, PA it WAS the 7/7/89 show that was the ery last show EVER at JFK, before the condemened the building, those walls sure came tumbling down that night... well, well, well, good ole' Pa. always a favorite place to tour, lots of rolling hills and beaUtiful coutry side. We especially loved visiting Amish country, hanging with the folks, talking about life and philosophy. Remarkably nice people, who certainly embraced a the golden rule. Those Quakers were certainly interesting folks, too-- but for some reason they always looked at us funny when we mentioned "oatmeal" We learned alot about non-violent civil disobedience in those daze, and added to our general well being by being around folks who weren't trying to "preach" us into their church, but kind people who were happy to share a meal and a chat about life and love of life. Once outside of the "tourist" spots, just meeting real regular folks was always a joy. Hershey Chocolatte never tasted so good as it did on that tour back in 85, I remember taking the factory tour with a bus load of freaks and there were plenty of "special" Hershey kisses that night. ( -; well, it tasted good until, SOMEONE, not mentioning any names (ACE McDANGER!) had the bright idea of blowing all of the gas money by buying a whole case or two of fucking chocolatte bars and we had to siphon off from another tribe of friends to get back on the road... I remember we got just barely enough fumes to make it down to Merryland south for the next couple of shows, but we had to forgo the journey out to STEELERS country in "it's the Pitts" Burg because of his antics and his whim to buy fucking chocolatte... fucking Ace McDanger, he was always a 'card' so to speak. He nearly cried when he learned that there were no M&Ms in Hershey, Pa! peace. ( -;
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17 years 9 months

In addition to a great album by MMJ, it is a versatile and spicy letter of the alphabet. Why then, are the folks across the pond so afraid to employ it's amaZing attributes? Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
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17 years 9 months

never realiSed that! getting some zzzz... ( -;
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17 years 9 months

Large quantities of the troublesome and non conformist letter z were loaded in sealed crates aboard the ‘Mayflower’ along with a hundred or so similarly inclined people in an early and misguided attempt at nation building. They lay hidden for centuries slowly and dangerously mutating from zeds to zees until discovered by Mr Webster and let lose on the world without consideration of the damage they would do. Now they and their like (Starbucks, Microsoft, MacDonalds, Rhino Records) are everywhere and no amount of embittered sarcasm from the old country can stamp them out.
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17 years 9 months

I love you guys! Don't tell me this town ain't got no heart... Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
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17 years 9 months

touched by your words (of course), but a little suspicious too. Is the heart of Dr Evil really melting? Is it a trap? Am I being groomed?
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17 years 5 months

friggin amazes me star bucks on evry corner and they suck!!!just like mcdonalds.and its helping the nations medical hikes,cause they put all this shit in this stuff and people become lazy and addicted to the additives.their friggin 'killin us from within..humm...think about it,back in 'THE OLD DAYS'FAMILYS USED TO COOK AND EAT DINNER TOGETHER,and now with the increasing rise of broken family unity no one pays too much attention to how eating habites are changed,and diabites,kids for crap sake have this and ...i will not go on ...this is evil!!!!!
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17 years 9 months

Pussy and Paulie are in a coffee shop franchise Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Fuckin' Italian people. How did we miss out on this? Salvatore 'Big Pussy' Bonpensiero: What? Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: Fuckin' expresso, cappuccino. We invented this shit and all these other cocksuckers are gettin' rich off it. Salvatore 'Big Pussy' Bonpensiero: Yeah, isn't it amazing? Paulie 'Walnuts' Gualtieri: And it's not just the money. It's a pride thing. All our food: pizza, calzone, buffalo moozarell', olive oil. These fucks had nothin'. They ate pootsie before we gave them the gift of our cuisine. But this, this is the worst. This expresso shit. then they go to order... Big Pussy orders: I think I'll have an espresso. Paulie asks: Do you have any coffee that's just coffee?
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17 years 9 months

I remember years ago when I had to go to the East Coast on biz how I nearly burst into tears of joy when I saw a Peet's. There's another local vendor I prefer, but I don't think they sell online except to the restaurant trade.
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17 years 9 months

it seems the GOGD played in many field houses but we don't have them in Yurp! Could someone explain..they sound rather quaint!! thank you
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17 years 9 months

is a glorified way of saying gymnasium. Field houses were on college campuses mostly - now they're ginormous state-of-the-art, multi-purpose, multi-million $ buildings. Stuffed with people, those old buildings would rock - very live acoustics with beautiful wood floors,cinderblock walls and asbetos ceilings. I saw Mountain (Leslie West, Felix Papalardi, & Corky Lang) in a field house in '72 or '73 and said "what did ya say?" 'til the following Wednesday! Quaint indeed! "Where does the time go?"
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17 years 9 months

thanks Dedicated!
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17 years 9 months

when one of us commented that the band was "outstanding in their field". Common sense would demand Field Houses, from that perspective, henseforth. "If the forms of this world die, which is more real, the me that dies or the me that's infinite? Can I trust my habitual mind, or do I need to learn to look beneath those things?"
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17 years 9 months

and there was I imagining the GD playing in the barn of Little House on the Prairie!
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17 years 7 months

What size does a photo have to be , I downloaded some fan photos and when I submiited them, they resized them, so when they showed up they were super small, so I deleted them, so I could resize them myself. So what size should a photo be??????
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17 years 6 months

"Saint stephen with a rose, in and out of the garden he goes,Country garden in the wind and the rain, Wherever he goes the people all complain. Stephen prospered in his time, well he may and he may decline. Did it matter, does it now? stephen would answer if he only knew how. Wishing well with a golden bell, bucket hanging clear to hell, Hell halfway twixt now and then, Stephen fill it up and lower down and lower down again. Lady finger, dipped in moonlight, writing what for? across the morning sky. Sunlight splatters, dawn with answer, darkness shrugs and bids the day good-bye. Speeding arrow, sharp and narrow, What a lot of fleeting matters you have spurned. Several seasons with their treasons, Wrap the babe in scarlet colors, call it your own. Did he doubt or did he try? answers aplenty in the bye and bye, Talk about your plenty, talk about your ills, One man gathers what another man spills. Saint stephen will remain, all hes lost he shall regain, Seashore washed by the suds and foam, Been here so long, hes got to calling it home. Fortune comes a crawlin, calliope woman, spinnin that curious sense of your own. Can you answer? yes I can. but what would be the answer to the answer man?"
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Money...Greed...We live in an information society, not a wisdom society, and the information that is being pumped out of the combine is meant to keep you dazed and confused and scared. There is no path to peace and love. Love is the path. Turn on...not about dope, but turning on to our place in the universal scheme of things. Tune in...to the etheric energy of the cosmos, which is all around you all the time. Inexhaustabe and intelligent. Teach youself and everyone you meet to be kind. Counteract negativity whenever you can and feed your indomitable spirit.
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Member for

17 years

If the Republicans new motto is "country first". What place does God come in?
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Member for

17 years 2 months

religious beliefs are supposed to be matters of personal preference, not public policy. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.