• 405 replies
    Re-posted from New Vines 2009: With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! -- Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works (We're changing some things for 2009) BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine". MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are in audio CD format, so the minimum basic requirement is that you are knowledgeable and capable of copying audio CD's. Other vines are in D


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  • Long Dead
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    I'm going to have someone send this to ADAWGWYO on Monday because I will not be here. SORRY for the confusion! Just happy this one can get out. Thanks ADAWGWYO!
  • Long Dead
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    Sure thing! Would someone actually mind taking the GDH vine now and then sending it out when it's officially in the vineyard? I'm leaving for the Adirondacks tomorrow for the week (Great way to spend Jerry Week!) and if Marye puts this up in a few days I won't be here to send it out. Thanks, Nathan. *It probably would have been easier for me to have did this when I got back from the 'Decks, but I really wanted to get this one out!*
  • marye
    cool with David, cool with me
    but give me a couple days as I'm at a family hoopla and a little distracted.
  • Long Dead
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    Grateful Dead Hour: 366-383
    I'm offering up some Grateful Dead Hour programs in flac/shn format. This will be on 2 DVD's: Grateful Dead Hour, 366-367 Grateful Dead Hour, 368-369 Grateful Dead Hour, 370-371 Grateful Dead Hour, 372-373 Grateful Dead Hour, 374-375 Grateful Dead Hour, 376-377 Grateful Dead Hour, 378-379 Grateful Dead Hour, 380-381 Grateful Dead Hour, 382-383 Each program has tracks split up. Marye I did talk to David Gans via email and he said it was alright for me to post the programs. Thanks.
  • marye
    Dead Liberty Vine
    is here
    Dead Liberty Vine pt. 1
    I propose a two part vine to finish the year of 1976 here in the Vineyard. Two of these shows(6/14 and 6/15)have been vined before, but neither has seen the light of day since 1/7/2010. Let's get this one movin and then I'l put out Dead Liberty part 2. Let it Grow!!! 3 DVD's FLAC plus filler gd76-06-03.91912.mtx.seamons.sbeok.t-flac16 gd76-06-04.09797.sbd.cotsman.sbeok.flac16 gd76-06-09.95399.sbd.miller.sbeok.t-flac16(Excluding Spirit of 76 material) gd76-06-10.14264.sbd.miller.sbeok.t-flac16 gd76-06-10.23370.sbd.bertha-ashley.sbeok.t-flac16 gd76-06-12.aud.digitalrbb.miller.111783.flac16 gd76-06-14.82308.GEMS.BettyBoard.sbeok.t-flac16 gd76-06-15.96088.sbd.cantor-gmb.sbeok.t-flac16 gd76-06-15.sbd.miller.110148.flac16
  • cosmicbadger
    rambling on my mind
    I see the purpose of the vineyard as giving folks access to as many shows as possible that have not enjoyed official releases.It should not be a competition, but a cooperation. It makes sense to vine shows that are not already being circulated..And yes it can be frustrating to see your painstakingly prepared vine being overlapped by another within a short time.That is precisely why I started the vindex. The problem is tracking dead vines and refilling the gaps. Markinthedark made a huge effort on this and Jackstraw and Jake R have picked it up from him. It is a tedious task. The quickest way is the one used by friscokid is to check the most recent activity. It is not altogether accurate, and mistakes can be made. Anyway so long as everyone has good intentions and keeps communicating then all should be fine. it saddens me to read Jackstraw's words and hear his disillusion. I guess the vineyard baton will continue to be passed on and that is a good thing. but huge thanks should go to those who got it this far; let us just make sure they move on with good feelings not bad. Thanks Jackstraw too for reminding us of Markindark who disappeared so suddenly and without explanation. I do wish we could just hear that he is OK. I heard from Bob 'Sunshine Daydream' the other week after a long long silence. He kicked off many early vines and it was good to hear from him. keep smiling CB
  • Exploratory Da…
    sorry...thought this was the meta thread :-)
  • Exploratory Da…
    I am officially back
    not that I was officially gone...the break thing did not last long
  • JackstrawfromC…
    Please don't let me hold up anything in here
    I don't have any power to tell someone to not vine something. I have always followed 1 a) above so I was trying to figure out what was going on more than anything. We work around stuff like that but communication break downs cripple the vineyard faster than anything else. Sorry I was the vineyard scrooge. I won't be getting in the way any more. But like i said before, I still am trading and if you are interested look me up. Take care everyone. "It's got no signs or dividing line and very few rules to guide"
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17 years 9 months
Re-posted from New Vines 2009: With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! -- Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works (We're changing some things for 2009) BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine". MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are in audio CD format, so the minimum basic requirement is that you are knowledgeable and capable of copying audio CD's. Other vines are in D
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16 years 6 months

Thanks ADAWGWYO for this and many other "Grate" vines. Good luck with your new job! I hope you can continue to be active here in Ye Ol' Vineyard! Best Wishes-Jimmy
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13 years 9 months

I'm not going anywhere. =)
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16 years 4 months

I've decided to offer up this little 5 DVD vine. However, almost all of these are auds so listener beware. That being said, you will find some true gems in these shows.This was originally going to be a 2 DVD vine with one source/transfer of each show but I have decided to include all known sources/transfers of the auds so you, the listener, can pick which you like. *NOTE: Apparently 11/23 could be 11/16 gd70-11-05.aud.harlan.9356.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-05.aud.sirmick.30115.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-05.aud.warner.17182.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-06.aud.d3new.hanno.19922.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-06.aud.warner.17183.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-06.aud.evans.3338.sbefail.shnf gd70-11-07.aud.warner.10306.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-07.aud.toner.berger.100330.flac16 gd70-11-07.aud.weinberg.moore.berger.98264.flac16 gd70-11-07.aud.weinberg.moore.berger.98263.flac24 gd70-11-08.aud.lee.gd-nrps.26975.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.owens.23474.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.partial.unknown.94500.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-08.aud.warner.17184.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.weinberg.cousinit.18639.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.weiner.28609.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-09.aud.hanno.07591.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-10.aud.cotsman.17032.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-10.aud.hanno.8837.sbefail.shnf gd70-11-11.aud.cotsman.17081.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-11.aud.sirmick.31154.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-16.sbd.winters.17361.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-20.aud.cotsman.09001.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-21.sbd-fragment.hanno.14858.sbeok.lac16 gd70-11-23.sbd.lai.4734.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-29.aud.hanno.07592.sbeok.flac16 1. Long Dead
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13 years 9 months

Love those 11/6-8 auds aka the usher tapes. Anyone know why they're called the usher tapes? I know they were taped from the balcony and maybe the usher's helped get the gear in?!?
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17 years 3 months

I"m thinking David Bowie, it will be video, flac and wav for the flacless .. Look twice save a life, motorcycles are everywhere . Thank you !!