- Post reply Log in to post comments734 repliesmaryeJoined:Gather here and tell us your stories! And thanks to TigerLilly for the suggestion!
- kayareJoined:a deadhead in belgium
Bluesun, i've send you a private message about being a deadhead loving person in Belgium and all. But i havent even seen your first post when writing that message, about missing a deadhead scene here.. i cannot agree more! Hope to hear more from you and maybe even other Deadheads in Belgium?
- bluesunJoined:Belgian deadheads
Hi guys
I'm a belgian deadhead born after jerry died. Me and my girlfriend went to the states for half a year in search of the scene, and in search of the music. We were so surprised to see and feel how alive it was, one of the most beautiful moments of our lives! Saw a lot of shows that took me to that place, met the loveliest people and i'm so grateful to have experienced it. Now we're back in belgium for a while and i have literally never found one single other deadhead in belgium than the 2 of us. It's so weird not being able to talk or dance to, some grateful dead and jerry tunes.. so this way i'm trying to connect with people from belgium or even europe who are deadheads, i never met one in europe anyway, and i wanna play their music, the scene has to come to europe, europe needs it, and i just really miss it :)much love to all of you beautiful souls