• 7,961 replies
    Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.


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  • PT Barnum

    sorry to hear about your gig being cancelled, it sucks. It's happening a lot now days, as soon as you get close to retirement age, they boot you and take it all away. This also happened to a friend, 19 years and 1 to go for retirement, terminated on a trumped up charge.

  • DeadVikes

    So sorry to hear that man. Very lame.
    Hope you can find a new gig with a better outfit.

  • marye
    That sucks in so many ways. So sorry to hear this.
  • 1stshow70878
    Oh Snap!

    That's a raw deal Oro. Everything is bottom line nowadays. I had that happen too near the end of my retail career where they made everyone a part-timer so they'd lose benefits even though we were still doing 36-40+ hours a week. Then the SOBs went bankrupt and kept the $1K I had in PDOs and vacation time. Our condolences and maybe someone will pick you up who knows how valuable their workforce is. Spread the word and like me you might just be working for their competitor trying to put them under, lol. "Don't let it bring you down. It's only castles burning.....". Neil Young
    Edit: Check PM (shortened by the HN police)

  • Oroborous
    Good Work fellers

    After moving along nicely, my 69 project, he’ll all dead, has been grounded.
    After 17 years got blindsided by my greedy employer.
    Long short pulled my benes so right before I need medical things done they pulled my insurance.
    But worst part is how bad its me depressed. Just when things were looking good. “When life looks like easy street…”
    So haven’t been able to listen to much and especially no Dead : (

  • DeadVikes

    Hit it over the weekend in the car 1st Show. The Scarlet was always a little funky when I first listened to it, but it has definitely grown on me over the years. I think the Half Steps in 77 and into spring 78 were fabulous. Just rocking versions that you didn't want to end.

    Would have been a fun show to be at. Love the banter.

  • 1stshow70878

    Going to start DaP 12 & 25 today, maybe a soundtrack for The Players golf tourny, lol.
    Never had any K2s but I loved my Dynastars, almost sister company to Rossi. Tried the 2004-07 K2s, loved the Recon, hated the Crossfire. Best ski in '04 was a Rossi Z-5 for me. Carved like a dream, all you had to do was think about turning and they did. I used to find, tune and try lots of vintage skis in the pre-parabolic era and those K2 fours from 1970-72 were awful. I don't know how we ever got better, lol.

  • bluecrow

    An iconic ski for sure. Some interesting photos of retro K2 assemblages/arrays to be seen with an easy search. Not that I skied all that much but I plunked down hard earned money for a pair of long/narrow/stiff Rossis - man, skis back in the day were such a different concept from nowadays and not in a good way for most of us. The Steamboat family history came up because another brother was going to join long time friends to ski there this weekend. That storm(s) put the kabosh on that - one guy arrived early but everybody else near and far got shut down.

    Got distracted from Baltimore '77 yesterday so finishing that up this morning.

  • 1stshow70878
    Billy (not the) Kidd

    Probably still on K2s, lol.
    Those red, white, and blue K2 Fours were the stuff BITD. An incredible racer who defined an era, and a great asset and ambassador for Steamboat.

  • bluecrow
    Yeah 1st Show

    music and clean sound - simple pleasures that bring a whole lot of happiness. and who can't use more of that these days? not an "audiophile" by any means but its increasingly important to honor those pleasures and make the occasional strategic purchase.

    Cristo Redentor was Mandel's first solo album. He had played on Charlie Musselwhite's first album and Musselwhite plays harp on one or two tunes. Only came across it a few years ago. CD I've got is a reissue by Raven that also includes a selection of bonus tracks from a large slice of his career. Title track is pure dreamy late night gorgeous summer of youth - hauntingly beautiful. What I didn't know until now is that Musselwhite covered the tune on his first album and it was signature song he played. just listening to it now, with Mandel playing the guitar line. And its gorgeous (of course).

    On a snowy Colorado note a brother reminded me today of when us kids (4 of the 5), along with a couple of brothers from another family (that we've totally lost track of), got to meet Billy Kidd at Steamboat ca. 1972. Billy graciously met with us little squirts (plus the Dads) and signed some swag for us - all gone now - lol. Fortunately still have a handful of faded photographs that our Mom had in an album. A real blast from the past. Looking online - Kidd is still there at Steamboat over 50 years later - very cool to see.

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Member for

17 years 1 month
Bolo24 says: An Idea, Perhaps? Since we're all going to have a fair amount of spare time on our hands for the foreseeable future, what about starting another thread where we all listen to the same show/release on a given day and then share impressions afterward? Folks can submit suggestions and one person (not me) picks what we'll all listen to - call it Deadnet Picks or something. Anyway, if this idea is deemed to have merit, I'd suggest one of the loyal regular posters take the lead and do the picking - y'all can decide who. Might be fun. If it does go forward, I nominate Dick's Picks 18 for the first listen. Been talked about here lately, and, had it been a single show rather than a compilation, we'd probably be talking about it in the same conversation as Cornell, Veneta, etc. Or perhaps even Gainesville?? Stay safe and healthy, friends - this planet needs as many Deadheads as possible.
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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by wilfredtjones


76 is such an interesting year for the Dead. So many great shows and yet so many songs not played until 77 or 78.
This show is great and like Jim I like the Lazy Lighting Supplication. Was this the last Cosmic Charlie? Nice St. Stephen NFA.

What's next?

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


9/25/76✔️ Nice change up, really need to hit the 76 box more as I’ve barely touched it after the initial run through...
3/28/81✔️Watched this on YouTube last night. Not sure I’ve ever watched the whole thing strait through?
Awesome show, this spring 81 Europe tour has been great! This Shakedown is a top pick, but I still think I liked tge 24 better? Chever way, can’t go wrong! The second set is good, but the first set is a monster!
Second is pretty status quo and Pete is interesting, (I kept waiting for him to trip over JGs guitar wire lol). But he gets old about the time he gets bored...fun, but not ground breaking.
Not sure which show I liked best? Probably overall 3/24, but that first set of 3/28 is hot, and 3/23 is no slouch either...

Suggestions you say?
How bout something off of Dave’s initial wish list he put out:

Or randomly, or to fill in holes:
6/24, 25, 28/91
11/8, 23, 24, 25, 29/79
4/6, 7, 8, 12, 14, 19, 21, 78
Or, since 74 was mentioned:
6/9/76 etc.

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Member for

9 years 10 months

In reply to by Oroborous


I was actually at that one. I was perched up in the balcony, and kept drifting in and out of conciousness, truth be told. I do remember them opening the second set with Shakedown, and people moving out of their seats to dance. It felt things were loosening up a bit. Checking with Deadbase, I notice they followed this with Lost Sailor/Saint of Circumstance, which I didn't know at the time - I guess I drifted off again at this point for a bit !
I didn't dance myself, but I was able to walk out of the Rainbow unassisted at the end.

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by Oroborous


I just got a PM from Mr. DHBrewer. After reading Oro's post, DHB driffted off into a catatonic state.. in and out of some fourth dimension.

She asked if we could give him at least a few days to get through the list. I said yes. Hope I didn't overstep my boundries.. onward folks. It's fun here.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by daverock


That is a great list. 8/30/80 sounds good to me. The Spectrum.

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Member for

8 years 9 months

In reply to by JimInMD


yeah, Jim

I looked at that and thought "what kind of challenge is this? you think I can't listen to 3 shows a day, day after day after day?"

staying calm

on that list is 9/14/74 - Olympia Halle, Munich. I've mentioned this a couple of times in '21 though never flat out called for it as a potd. High rec to the Usbourne Matrix of this show - solid '74 show with some excellent glimpses of hall atmosphere from the audience component.

for now I'm going back to the '74 International Amphitheatre cause its been awhile.

however, my near future (this coming week, month, Sunday?) "for the faithful" pick for the POTD regulars here might well be the first east coast show after the '72 Europe tour.

Dillon Stadium 7/16/72. I've "sat" on this for awhile. So there are some tape issues, e.g. the audience source at the beginning is skewed hard left channel and crazy raw. However, said audience source will fascinate some, though it may drive away others. I'm in the fascinated crowd. All instruments present in kick ass 11 volume. unlike anything I've heard from this era. a crazy window into the stadium sound. the Cold Rain and Snow for gods sake. The Playing in the Band is on another level (GOGD needs to hear this one.)

Eventually it settles into a SBD that's a couple generations removed from the master. And its an excellent show. Maybe not on the level of its bastard twin 7/18 Roosevelt Stadium. But did you know that the some of the Allman Bros showed up that night at Dillon? Cause I didn't! this was one of "those" shows - how did I not know this earlier? - given how much I am looking forward to the release of 6/10/73.

onward :)

edit - also yes to 8/30/80. and maybe a look and listen to 8/24/80 Grand Rapids, nice audience pull from a venue that definitely wasn't on the beaten path. 1st set is an excellent one from that era i think.

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by bluecrow


Apparently he is doing well.. the drooling and seizures have stopped for now. He enjoys looking out the window and smelling flowers. Next week they plan on starting with one song a day hoping if they ease him back in a little at a time, the PTSD side effects will be minimized.

We are hoping to build up some tolerance so he can begin doing one set shows by early next year.. but the doctors are warning us he may never be able to do three set shows in a single day ever again.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by JimInMD


Our best wishes for DHB of course, but folks should know, this ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no fooling around....proper safety equipment should be used at all times!
When the going gets weird, the weird turn pro!

LOL, actually, I was just trying to cast a wide net and provide some choices while we wait for the Fox in the Box...
The first list is one Dave put out early on with possible choices. Please see below. As you can see, he’s been chipping away at this list over the years, so I though it might be interesting to check some of this out.
The second bunch (previous post) are just holes I’m trying to fill from specific tours I’m systematically trying to tag.
The others are the 74s that I’ve never heard before...

I just went with 6/9/76 as no one had picked anything and there was work that needed to be done requiring fuel...unfortunately most of that is sanding with the best sander so haven’t been able to really hear lol.

Again, just some suggestions for others to pick from since I’ve been kinda hogging the mic lately lol.

AND, DISCLAIMER, Do Not Listen to more than two shows a day unless you’ve received permission from your medical staff! Failure to do so may cause permanent damage, state of dangerous levels of Euphoria, psychotic episodes, divorce, child services intervention and/or removal of children, loss of income, sanity, and societal connections, loss of hearing, fatigue, diarrhea, dizziness, nausea, headache, and projectile vomiting.

-1/20/68 Eureka DS
-4/21/69 Ark DS
-4/23/69 Ark DS
-1/2/70 Fillmore DS - DaP 30 ✔️
-1/3/70 Fillmore p/o - Dap 30 ✔️
-9/19/70 Fillmore DS
-11/7/71 Harding DS
-1/2/72 Winterland
-8/24/72 Berkeley DS
-2/15/73 Dane DS
-5/26/73 Kezar (BB)
-6/10/73 RFK DS
-6/30/73 Universal Amp. DS
-9/11/73 W&M DS
-5/17/74 PNE - PNW Box ✔️
-5/19/74 Portland - PNW Box ✔️
-6/23/74 Miami DS - DaP 34 ✔️
-7/31/74 Dillon - DaP 2 ✔️
-9/28/75 Lindley - 30Trips ✔️
-6/14/76 Beacon (BB) - 76 Box ✔️
-6/15/76 Beacon (BB) - 76 Box ✔️
-10/3/76 Cobo - 30Trips ✔️
-5/18/77 Fox
-5/26/77 Baltimore
-11/4/77 Colgate - DaP 12 ✔️
-1/18/78 Stockton
-1/22/78 Eugene - DaP 23 ✔️
-1/15/79 Springfield
-8/30/80 Spectrum
-10/14/80 Warfield
-3/9/81 MSG
-5/16/81 Cornell - 30Trips ✔️
-8/30/83 Hult
-10/21/83 Worcester - 30Trips ✔️
-10/9/84 Worcester
-11/2/84 Berkeley
-9/18/87 MSG - 30Trips ✔️
-7/29/88 Laguna
-10/26/89 Miami DS - 30Trips ✔️
-12/27/89 Oakland
-10/27/90 Zenith- 30Trips ✔️
-6/22/91 Soldier Field DSJ
-9/26/91 Boston DS
-3/29/93 Albany HCSS
-9/13/93 Spectrum DS

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by Oroborous


This recaptcha shit has gotten ridiculous!
Had to totally delete my post after a half hour of wasting my precious time

Now tge next post will be a bot!

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by Oroborous


Rolling...don’t dare say more...

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by Oroborous


1/18/78 might get the DHB in today!

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Loving this show so far. Just got into the second set. Recording is good. Would love to hear a polished up version at some point.

We get an Althea, Peggy O, FOTD, nice minglewood, Easy to Love You, not a dud in the bunch.

Love this era.

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Delivers the goods. Love Fall 1980. Circling back to a few shows I missed lately.

I have had crapatcha nuke a few long posts too. Nothing more frustrating..

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Member for

11 years 8 months

Just a thought,,, when i do long comment things I type them into a word file. Copy and paste the text from the file into the comment box. If rat-captcha fucks ya, you don't have to re-type.

Just a thought.

a side - maybe if your post got fucked it's the universe saying it wasn't worth saying! :-)

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by Dennis


Dennis.. that's exactly what I thought. I didn't bother to retype mine the last time this happened and the universe might just be better off.. or not..... I guess it doesn't matter anway.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by JimInMD


the post wasn’t long, or important, just the “discussion” part of POTDWD lol.
It’s the older I get, the more it frosts my ass when stupid shit wastes my precious time...something were running outta.

Going 4/1/91...

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by Oroborous


is that we go through all this nonsense and bots get through anyway. I mean who is this Dennis character?
He looks kinda Russian to me?

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Finished the second set and it delivers a great Scarlett Fire, Estimated Eyes, never hear a Black Peter I didn't like.
How about releasing some 1980 shows?
Maybe the next Dave's Picks?
I know we have the Download Series #7 from 9/3/80, another stellar show and part of 9/4/80.

It doesn't look like we will be seeing the box this weekend either 😩

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


DV fo sho!
I’m not familiar enough with 1980 to compare, but i thoroughly enjoyed it!
Really need more 79-81 etc..
11/8/79 I didn’t get full immersion, but it seemed fall 79 status quo...
1/18/78 I was really distracted, so DHB hat trick with caveat.

Wow thanks Conekid for recommending 4/1/91. Old school DS, Kicking Jack, Sweet Candyman, Bird Song, AND, it’s gotta Peggy O! Only thing missing was some April Fools shenanigans.

Going 4/21/84 to fill the dead air since no one picked anything.
The day after DaP 35, apologize if we did this back then. Hey, I blame it on GOGD for not being here to keep us senile fucks in line!

EDIT: shipping notice received. ETA Friday night...won’t hold my breath, but at least it’s shipped!

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Member for

17 years

Check out the mid-first set China>Rider, just part of an EPIC show. From the same time frame as 8/30/80 and the Download Series shows. Too bad more of this is not in the GD Vault. My understanding is all that's available has already been released (as part of DP 21?)

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Member for

11 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


I'm not in a hurry!

No, I'm a red blooded Merican. I drink coffee, lots, followed by copious amounts of smoke.

And I don't drink no stinkin' vodka like them there commie bastards do.

I drink good English dry gin (Boodles!!)

Accuse me of being a dirty red,,,, the nerve!

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by wilfredtjones


Know it well. My third show and first GA on the rail, first Dew too, and what a beauty eh!
Yass I’ve lamented the fact that we’ll never get this show...

So is a pick, is this what yer spinning?

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by Oroborous


I love that accusing you of being Rooshski bothers you more than being a bot! ; )

Oh, and I never brought up yer personally hygiene!

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Shipping notice received. You lucky bastard. Are you sure it is for the box and not a mug? Ha!

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


The white fan is within eyesight of the Oroborous front porch.

Two days and 11 pots of coffee from now the Fox Box will be mine.. all mine.. (fade in sinister, evil laugh)

Edit: And I would have gotten away with it too.. if not for those meddling kids....

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by JimInMD


You know where I live! Lol

DV, thought maybe it was tge apron, but nope, Fox in the box. Now that doesn’t mean that it will get here ; )

Ok, now rolling 12/6/81 hoping for another DHB HT!

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by Oroborous


HF dragged me down the 8/12/79 Red Rocks show on the DaP's thread and I just cannot turn it off. They had me a Pretty Peggy-O. Nice recording of a decent early Brent show.

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Member for

9 years 9 months

If you liked 8-12-79 check out the next night. 8-13-79 has a killer set list and the second set is to tie-dye for. They seemed to drop a Nobody's jam on us quite a bit in Denver. Brent added so much to the band back then.
As for the Devil comments on the STL thread:
You can borrow from the Devil
You can borrow from a friend
The Devil will give you twenty
While your friend's got only ten
Cheers all!

Edit: My first time the system wouldn't let me post. Tried three times over on DaP39 to no avail. Even re-signed in on that thread but no go. No imbeds but maybe some dates or punctuation? The gist of it was the same as this post and a plug for 8-30,31-78. Worlds apart. Different era, different band.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


Okay, 8/12/79 sounds good to me, Red Rocks. Will be hitting it up after I finish up 4/29/72

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Niceeeee, we have a pick, and more suggestions for the “list” sweeettt!

Don’t think we’ll hit the HT today. But I’ve scored 2 DHBs in the last 2 days so who knows...

AND, on to 3/9/81 off of Dave’s list: wow, strong show! Think some folks did this one back always, but I missed it, until now, proper!

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


Must have been a great show to be at. Was there a bad show to be at Red Rocks? Recording left me wanting more. 2 dancing bears.
Yes, we did hit up 3/9/81 this year, but as always, repeats are welcomed and encouraged. Love Madison Square Garden.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


Speaking of Red Rocks. How does 7/8/78 grab you all?

I haven't listened to this show in a long time

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Oky dokey Smokey!
Don’t listen to that much, definitely due for a spin.

I’ll hit that as soon as I’m finished with 12/7/81 that I already started...

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Member for

9 years 9 months

Said Bob at the start of the 7-8-78 second set (actually right before Estimated). God that girl was hot! Big girl wearing a virtually see-through loose fitting tank top with Australia on it. She never wore that when we were in line to get food at our dorm at Colo. State! Practically walked right into her on the way into the show. Hope my jaw didn't drop when I looked up at her from a couple rows below. Never forget that smile!

Edit: Turn it up a bit before the second set and you can here the amps buzzing. At least I can on my first tape of this. It was incredibly loud and at times Jerry's guitar was definitely clipping. Must have had it on 11 out of 10. Sampson rocked! I think they were trying to recreate the walls of Jerico thing.
Edit 2: Not audible on my CD. But you can sure here Jerry's volume and emotion on Ship Of Fools! The band was high and ON, as stated in DeadbaseX.

I bet you were glad you made it to this show. And if we can't get you to listen to this one, well, we have problems.

Nice first set, always love a Dire Wolf. The second set is well, you know, legendary. How about the Franklins? Werewolves of London for the encore! What did you think of that ISTShow?

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Member for

9 years 9 months

Bob wore a werewolf mask for the encore. Am I tripping? My friend Dan who has his own Dead cover band (he even has an Alembic guitar now to replicate the Jerry sound) was travelling many years ago with some very high passengers and put on the second set for them as they were not familiar with it (pre legendary, taper era). When they got to the peak of The Other One one of them couldn't handle it. "Turn it off! It's freaking me out man!" It is THAT deliciously wicked. And these were Deadheads. Brief version but so powerful. Like the whole set I guess. Played the first set a couple days ago. I'm in for the second set for Friday Afternoon Club. FAC! Latvala! And cheers all.

Edit: Could have started near the end of Estimated as that is freaking me out right now! Great fake out from Estimated going into Other One. I was sure they were going into Eyes but no, it's after TOO.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by 1stshow70878


7/8/78 sorta...had it on but didn’t get good listen. Never got tight with this one...from what I heard, that seems like a tactical error? But now that my box is here...

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


That is classic! Yes, we have all had those make it stop moments. I would love to see a picture of Bob in that mask.

Oroborous, you have your box, that is fantastic. I am sure you will be busy with it for a while.

Mine of course hasn't even shipped out yet. Same old boring story. Not sure why my orders continue to be at the back of line, must have been something I said at some point. Anyway, enjoy it.

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Member for

9 years 9 months

But I can't figure out how to access it (I'm tech challenged). It was under James R. Anderson photography 5-11-78 Springfield when I googled photo of Bob Weir in wolf mask. It seems the photos credits are blocking the exact spot. Bob is to the left of Donna and Jerry and struggling to look down at his hands. Good luck and cheers!

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Member for

17 years

I think it might be in the Compendium or DeadBase. Not sure which edition or volume but I'll come back and update once I have the chance to look and verify. Gotta get that baby off the shelf anyway to bone up on my research in anticipation for 30 DOD 2021! :-)

-edit- It's in the Deadhead's Taping Compendium Volume 2. The photo taken is from the show, Springfield 5-11-78 and no specific photo credit is given, only the photo 'contributer'.

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


Been here in Co all week waiting for the big box, but all I got was poison ivy and this thing from Colorado's finest called a Peace Order. Sounds groovy at first, but let me tell you there is nothing peaceful or hippie about it.

I would have gotten away with it too.. if it weren't for you meddling kids, I mean cops. Oh, well, back to MD. How does that song go, don't go back to rockville? Nevermind.. not a big REM fan.

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by JimInMD


One of my top 3 favorite ‘76 shows.


Has a lot to do with the fact that I had them on pretty good sounding cassette in the 90’s and was able to burn them into my synapses.
Still waiting for 6/29 to get Normanized…..

So, think I’ll do Day On The Green this weekend while I wait for my STL Box, which is now in possession of USPS.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Check out 10-15 Shrine if you are not aware of that show yet. If that final reel ever were to show up magically, it would open up lots of Eyes!

-edit- 6-29-76 encore, one of those versions with the Jerry-ism: 'Red and White, U.S. Blues!', sung with gusto... :-)

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by wilfredtjones


I have it Wilfred, but haven’t heard it enough, or lately, to remember it at this point.
I’ll put it on the to do list.

With winter approaching I’ll be spending more time indoors and I plan to put a dent into the TB’s of torrents I have but haven’t listened to yet. Should be some gems in there, including some Fall 76’s I haven’t heard before.

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Member for

8 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


It’s more than a sandwich

It’s a Help>Slip>Franklin’s Dagwood Sandwich.

It’s worthy of a Plangent upgrade.

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Member for

7 years 8 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


Both of these shows are in normal rotation at my house. I think the sound quality on both of these shows is pretty damn good. Just my opinion.

Still no box at my house. Hope you all are enjoying it.
Do you have your box yet Jim?

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Member for

13 years

In reply to by DeadVikes


No box for me.. hopefully this week.

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Member for

17 years

In reply to by JimInMD


...currently near Bong.