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    You can listen to Grateful Dead records over and over again and never understand the attraction they have for certain people until you attend one of their concerts. Sometime during the Dead's usual five-hour set, it will all click: Jerry Garcia's Indian bead string of notes on the guitar, the ozone ooze of the vocal harmonies, the shifting, shuffling rhythm of bassist Phil Lesh and drummer Bill Kreutzmann, and the distant echo of the oldest of American folk music. - Columbia Flier

    "Certain people" will know that we're coming in hot with one that's got all these things and more, DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 41: BALTIMORE CIVIC CENTER, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, 5/26/77. Yes, there's still plenty of spectacular May '77 to go around. Nearly chosen for Dave's Picks Vol. 1, 5/26/77 delivers three-fold. There's one count for the energy - all the precision of the Spring tour conjuring up the raw power of the Fall tour that was to come. There's another for the setlist which featured beloved songs from WORKINGMAN'S DEAD and soon-to-be favorites from the freshly recorded TERRAPIN STATION. And a third for its element of surprise (or shall we say surprises) from an astonishingly peak 15-minute "Sugaree" to new delights ("Sunrise," "Passenger," "Jack-A-Roe') to a rare first-set finale of "Bertha" to the second set's "Terrapin>Estimated>Eyes," traveling leaps and bounds towards the improvisational journey that is a nearly 17-minute "Not Fade Away." 

    Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 41: BALTIMORE CIVIC CENTER, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, 5/26/77 was recorded by Betty Cantor-Jackson and has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman at Mockingbird Mastering. Grab a copy while you can.


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  • hendrixfreak
    Just to clarify...

    Jim, you may not have heard the phrase "cosmic yawn" before because I made it up on the spot as I typed that comment. Good one, though, huh? Now that everyone is growing mushrooms in their closet, the supply is bounteous. Denver recently decriminalized them, a wholesome development. Though that won't help me in the rural counties, so I try to behave.....

    Daverock, a pronghorn is essentially an antelope, but not technically speaking, I believe. These freakin' things typically rove in bands on the Colorado Plateau and you have to watch out for them. They can run 60 miles per hour for fairly extended distances. In Wyoming, highway signs warn you -- a band could be streaking across the prairie and cross a paved highway at any angle at high speed.

    I once was returning from a sojourn and spotted a band off the road. I watched them for a half a minute, at 100 yards, wondering what they might look like close up. Oh boy. As I returned my gaze to the road ahead I saw to my momentary horror a pronghorn just clearing my bumper as it streaked right to left across the highway. I'm doing 75 probably. I probably missed it by two seconds. I got a real good, close-up look. And promised myself I'd never again take my eyes off the road for more than a milisecond.

    Yeah, sitting around, staring at a candle, listening to some self-appointed "guide" sounds like serious BS! I get the visceral attraction of tripping with the original Pranksters, but personally, I seek on my own.

    Now that #41 is tucked away on the '77 shelf, I've been looking at the shelf with the 1965-1975 shows and man oh man do I have some listening to do while it's still winter and I'm spending the evenings inside. If a big storm crops up, I'll microdose, take a long walk in the snow, come home, make a fire, and plug in a guitar. Last time I did that, I played for about five hours straight and my fingers hurt like hell. When that's over, I have a couple hundred GD shows and a stack of Miles and Coltrane for the stereo. Life can be good!

  • billy the kiddd

    What a show, especially that 1st set! I wish the Dead would have played China Cat Sunflower at these shows .

  • daverock
    micro dosing

    I have been interested in the recent scientific and public interest in psychedelics, and the increasing evidence of their positive effects. It certainly seems true to my experiences with mushrooms. I would never have said that I was depressed prior to my experiences, but looking back, my life changed in all sorts of positive and unexpected ways during and after my time of taking them. It seems a bit contradictory, but they seemed to straighten me out. I also wonder now if L.S.D use in the 60's and 70's may actually have set psychedelic culture back decades.

    With acid ,I never knew how strong the stuff was before taking it. The differences between the strengths of the few trips I had on it were massive. Like with most drugs, the biggest danger in it, to me, lay and still lie, in it's illegality. As far as I could make out, no-one - certainly as far down the chain as me - had the faintest idea what they were taking. I can remember when I was on the social work course in 1991, the police gave us a list of all the drugs they had picked up one recent weekend that had been sold in clubs as "ecstasy". Everything from caffeine to STP. I remember one guy who told me he sold dogs worming tablets as ecstasy.

    At the end of the day, I feel it is important to take care of ourselves, and of other people, in the best way that we individually can. I wouldn't want to be a part of any group that disregards the welfare and happiness of it's most vulnerable members.
    And driving - I am sorry PT, you are a prince among men - but I have known several people-I am sure we all have - who have killed themselves or others in motor accidents. Horrendous experiences all round - for the victim, the family and friends left behind, and the perpetrator. Any activity that increases the possibility of creating such a tragedy should surely be ruled out.

    Incidentally, what the heck's a pronghorn ? I think if I had seen one of them in Oldham in the 70's I would have thought it was the devil.

  • JimInMD
    Re: Cosmic Yawns

    I've never heard that term used before, but it happens to me every time.

    There was a period mid-career where I did not indulge, plus it seemed hard to get for a while. ..but I still seem to dip my big toe into the cosmos at least once a year.

    In terms of place and setting, early on I found myself either wanting to be in a small group and away from phones and random people or in such a large group as to be ambiguous. So it became nature, camping, backcountry or frankly dead shows. That seems to work.

    The last decade I find myself liking to be alone, mostly kayaking/hiking/biking where I won't run into some unexpected situation where somebody needs me. Concerts too when I don't have to drive or the show is long enough to fit it in. I want no responsibilities whatsoever. Oh, and headphones, music is good - almost a must. So I still explore when I can find the time and tranquility to pull it off. I can't speak for everyone, but I find it helpful for me. It gives me a chance to reformat my internal hard drive and reorganize thoughts, priorities and who I am.

    Those are my tricks.. but I have to admit the HF approach is quite appealing to me. If you notice some unexpected rando behind you on the trail, I'm the one with earphones and a tie dye (and the bad orange hair and pasty white complexion). :D

    Cosmic yawns.. so true. That cracks me up.

    There's a lot of great research on micro dosing that's come out lately. Encouraging to me.

    As to tripping with the pranksters or at an acid test, be it a good idea or not, I would do it in a heartbeat. But alas, I was born too late. That ship sailed while I was playing in the sand box out back. Babs.. I am here, once you come out of your heart injury, if you want to have one last foray into the unknown, give me a call. I'm all in.

  • PT Barnum
    driving with your eyes closed

    driving under the influence can be fun, and frightening. I knew a guy who wanted to drive, he said he could see so well that anything that could have collided with the vehicle he could see long before it would happen. He was a great driver and drove us all to and back many a show. We in the back seat could only jiggle as he navigated the roadways so gracefully, with a huge grin on his face (aka Neil like). The road always seemed to get away from me whenever I tried, like a ribbon that would unravel. On deserted roads, it was fun, on the freeway, not so much.
    Back in the day when I first started (69) it was the thing to try and freak each other out, aka pranksters, with double talk and echo talk and endlessly trying to get each other to lose it laughing, especially in a crowd of er...non dosed. After hearing about Leary and his way of spiritualizing psychedelics it just wasn't as much fun sitting around trying to concentrate on any one thing for very long. Pranking and laughing was way more fun.
    Not being a musician, never really wanted to hang out with bands, but I always wanted what they were smoking, drinking or taking in any other form. Would have loved to hang with Kesey and Babbs, what a trip that would have been.

  • hendrixfreak
    My own approach these days...

    may be (probably is) just one man's approach, possibly idiosyncratic. First off, know your materials well (potency) and decide if you want a micro-dose, a medium but significant journey or a little over the top approach. Because I'm in the backcountry alone, I need to be confident that I can get somewhere and back in a day, handle the terrain, maintain my orienteering skills, and calmly apply my behavioral knowledge if I run into a bear or cougar. (Don't surprise 'em, talk, wave arms, don't look 'em in the eye, give 'em room to avoid you, take the guard off the pepper spray, be sure you're upwind, etc.) I get moving early in the day and have an objective before dropping so as the agent (psilycibin for me) comes on, I'm in my element in terms of orienteering, body and mind synch and thus avoiding the initial, potentially debilitating awkwardness of the limbs and thoughts that comes with the cosmic yawns at "onset." And make sure I'm actively striding and finding my way as the peak comes and goes. I usually don't stop for any length of time. Occasionally I miscalculate the powder at the bottom of the bag and get a little walloped. But an 8-hour hike through spectacular terrain where I won't see humans -- this is trackless country, no trails -- typically does the trick. And there's nothing like a shot and a beer and a toke back at camp or, if camp is the truck, then a chair and guitar. Last fall I did just that across a wild plateau called East Cactus Flats, returning to my truck in a forsaken place called Disappointment Draw. I cracked a beer and started fingerpicking when I heard a strange noise. A good-sized pronghorn, traveling alone, approached to within maybe 50 feet and kept querying me -- no mistaking that querying sound. Essentially, who or what are you? What the hell is that sound you're making? And, have you seen my peeps? I've noticed that wild animals, as well as domesticated dogs, totally key in to a person who is psychedelic. The other major part of this approach is what I'd call "digestion." Take the time to fully absorb the lessons of the day and seek ways to incorporate those insights into your ordinary reality and dealings with others. Be patient and kind. (I do not always succeed; this is a work in progress after 50 years.) Too much repetition of the experience without "digestion" and, to me, it's just repeating the high without drawing the lessons. Note that I did none of this the first ten years. We'd find out the LSD's potency the hard way. Lessons might be impressed upon us without our consent(!) The chaos and human interactions could be frightening -- usually to others, but sometimes to me. (Don't try driving!!) But over the decades I kinda honed an approach that essentially comprises medicine for the soul, for me. I think the currrent surge in interest by scientists and the general public is good up to a point, as psychedelics, used constructively, can help bolster our humanity and -- perhaps -- ease difficulties. But I could not recommend them. Either they work for you or they don't. And finding out can be tricky. Sure makes me a better-adjusted person -- and now I'm echoing Paul McCartney, I believe!

    That's all the blathering for today. As you were........

  • daverock
    Leary or Pranksters?

    If I had to choose.... I would choose neither of them. While the pranksters now seem a bit ghastly, Leary seemed a bit over ambitious. I still have some of his books -that one which is a psychedelic version of The Tibetan Book of The Dead comes to mind. I think the idea was that you read it to someone who was tripping, as a means of helping them locate the light. I wonder if anyone ever did that. That idea of set and setting does ring true though - and I would say that advice has stayed appropriate down through the years

    Mr Ones - I still haven't got round to listening to Planet Waves. I always assumed it was a weaker one, but I read recently that it was very much a part of a trilogy, with "Blood on the Tracks" and "Desire", so I am hoping to check it out soon.

  • Crow Told Me
    The Very First Word is How Do Ya Do?

    My sister lives in Mill Valley, and she used to see Weir around town all the time. (Not so much lately.) She’s not a fan, so it’s no biggie for her, but I’ve sometimes thought about what I would do if I saw Bob getting coffee or something while I was visiting her. I wouldn’t want to bother him, but I think I’d have to at least say hello, right? Say ‘thanks for the music’ at least? My other sister lives in Kauai, where Kreutzman lives now, and I’m going to be visiting her in a couple weeks. Wonder what I should say if I see BK grabbing a shave ice?

    I can definitely relate to what hendrixfreak sed: shows just got too big for my liking in the ‘80s. As a rule, I’d usually much rather see a decent band in a small club than go see some superstars in a sports arena: better sound, fewer assholes, fewer cops, room to breath. Throw psychedelics into the mix and the gap gets even wider. It’s one thing to be shrooming at the Warfield with 2,000 of deadicated Heads, quite another to try to deal with 50,000 people who seem like they just got bussed in from MTV’s spring break special. Not to mention all the security.

    In principle, I always thought it was cool that the Pranksters had such a wide open, “let’s get high and freak freely” approach to tripping, as opposed to the Millbrook thing of sitting silently in a room with a candle and saying Om or whatever. That said, I’m not sure I could’ve passed the Acid Test. My best experiences, aside from Dead shows, were always out in nature: a deserted stretch of shoreline on the Lost Coast, backpacking the Sierras, etc. I think if I would've had to try to simultaneously process Babbs' babbling, Cassidy's hammer juggling, the Dead, and 500 mics worth of Koolaid my brains probably woulda dribbled out my ears.

    Last thought: how lucky are we? The StL box continues to delight. Seven shows from three different tours, all in good-to-great sound. And the last two DaPs have also been great. I mean, millions of people love Zeppelin, the Stones, the Eagles, and other bands from back in the day, but nobody (well, except the ABB I guess) has anything like the Dead's archival release thing. Blessed be us.

  • Mr. Ones
    Last 5

    Comus-First Utterance-Tip ‘o the hat to DAVEROCK!!
    Beatles-Get Back Rooftop Performance
    Elvis Costello-The Boy Named If
    Shuggie Otis-Inspiration Information
    Bob Dylan-Planet Waves

    It’s a crazy, mixed-up world, but Music is a consistent balm(for me at least!!).

    Dave’s 42 anyone?? It’s only about 62 days away!!

  • daverock
    Phil Zone

    Billy - thanks for jogging my memory - Viola Lee Blues from 4/26/69 is included on The Phil Zone too . I didn't know they interpreted What's Become of the Baby at this show either. Bit of a missed opportunity there - if that had been included, then this show, as released, would have been unique. In a way then, Dicks Picks 26 short changes 4/26/69 a bit.

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3 years 9 months

You can listen to Grateful Dead records over and over again and never understand the attraction they have for certain people until you attend one of their concerts. Sometime during the Dead's usual five-hour set, it will all click: Jerry Garcia's Indian bead string of notes on the guitar, the ozone ooze of the vocal harmonies, the shifting, shuffling rhythm of bassist Phil Lesh and drummer Bill Kreutzmann, and the distant echo of the oldest of American folk music. - Columbia Flier

"Certain people" will know that we're coming in hot with one that's got all these things and more, DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 41: BALTIMORE CIVIC CENTER, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, 5/26/77. Yes, there's still plenty of spectacular May '77 to go around. Nearly chosen for Dave's Picks Vol. 1, 5/26/77 delivers three-fold. There's one count for the energy - all the precision of the Spring tour conjuring up the raw power of the Fall tour that was to come. There's another for the setlist which featured beloved songs from WORKINGMAN'S DEAD and soon-to-be favorites from the freshly recorded TERRAPIN STATION. And a third for its element of surprise (or shall we say surprises) from an astonishingly peak 15-minute "Sugaree" to new delights ("Sunrise," "Passenger," "Jack-A-Roe') to a rare first-set finale of "Bertha" to the second set's "Terrapin>Estimated>Eyes," traveling leaps and bounds towards the improvisational journey that is a nearly 17-minute "Not Fade Away." 

Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, DAVE’S PICKS VOLUME 41: BALTIMORE CIVIC CENTER, BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, 5/26/77 was recorded by Betty Cantor-Jackson and has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman at Mockingbird Mastering. Grab a copy while you can.

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3 years 3 months

This would make a great release, it needs to be cleaned up a bit. My brother was at this show.

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Member for

12 years 3 months

I'm sure most read the newspaper article that was in the middle of the "booklet".

It compared the recent "dead" show with a recent "zep" show.

I know there are people here who were seeing zep in 77, what was your opinion about the comparison?

An early tape of mine, and an early favorite. This one will get released one day. It's one of those shows with so many firsts. Some of the embryonic jams and solos are unusual and catchy. It really highlights the birth of some of the great songs in their cannon. So yea.. it's not if, but when this will get released.

Wasn't it also the test of a brand-new sound system? I seem to recall someone saying they blew out all the tweeters or blew out the tweeters on one side of the stage or something along those lines.. One of those shows that has some warts but shows so much promise.

On Maples your Brother wasn't the only one there...Listening to an ESPN broadcast of a USC - Stanford game recently, Bill Walton talked about it...made me laff as he stopped talking about the game and talked about the show, all the new tunes and how the newish WOS sound system kept breaking down...his broadcast partner made a comment about how "After all these years of working with you I still don't get it..." And Dennis as far as '77 Zep goes no comparison...Page was out in La La Land behind his smack addiction, boring crowds endlessly as he nodded and bowed his guitar...Bonham wasn't much better with his plodding drum solos, his well documented addiction to alcohol did not make for being a great timekeeper...the last good Zep shows I saw were in '73...by '75 it was on it's way downhill...

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3 years 3 months

My friend was a big fan of Led Zepplin; he saw them play at Kezar Stadium in S.F. in 1973 ( a week after the Dead played there) and he was real disappointed in the show. He was used to the songs on their records and he didn't think they sounded as good live.

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10 years 3 months

Whenever this date pops up in real life, anytime I go to write it or type it, I ALWAYS instantly write-in '1973' because 2/9/1973 is so embedded into my psyche on this date for all of the reasons noted here.

Perhaps the best Eyes of the World ever played; ever so skillfully, subtle, improvy, and delightful at almost 20 minutes for a 'first timer out of the gate'. A definite highlight that gave and gave and gave until the very last days of this band. One highlight among so many from this monumental show.
It will see the light of day.
One Day.


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3 years 3 months

Nappy, is that a picture of you with Muddy Waters? If it is , let's hear the story. It looks like Muddy from the late 1970s. If it's you, it doesn't get any cooler then that.

My friend Dan was at that show. He said the floor was rumbling. I would have for sure been there, but I was out of the country most of '73.

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14 years 3 months

On recommendation from Liner Notes, I spun Dick's 13- Nassau Coliseum 5/6/81 several times. Very enjoyable high energy show, with lots of jamming in the second set.

My original cassette transfer project had me listen to:
Greek Theater 5/21-22/82
Red Rocks 7/27/82
Fine, fine shows indeed.

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13 years 7 months

In reply to by nitecat


..but so many people beat me to it. Still, I cannot remain silent.

Dennis.. hats off for being both such a stand-up guy and the finest dressed short haired hippie I have ever seen.

A class act.

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11 years

what if Dave's comment on "variety" means NOT a box of '80s DATs and cassettes BUT a box of
68? I listened to So Many Roads and they've got a key segment from 3-18-68 (Dark Star>China Cat>The Eleven...

For me to formulate this notion is evidence that hope springs eternal in my GOGD heart.

I have really enjoyed DP 41 and have no issue with letter-perfect GD. Perhaps over time this release will be recognized as one of the high water marks for Betty's recording work.

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Member for

10 years 3 months

Have thoroughly enjoyed Dave's 41. You can't argue that the "just exactly perfect' period was one of the highlights of the of the whole trip. But I am with all of you who are ready for some not exactly perfect 67 to 69 era GOGD. On that note, I'm not sure if its been talked about on here before and I missed it or it got lost in the space called my mind, but the one the stand outs on the 30 Trips box (IMHO) was the 67 show. I loved all of the shows in the box, some more than others, but the 67 show is the one that always catches my attention when it shows up on my playlist. Am I right that this is the only official 67 release so far? Surely it can't be the only one in the vault for the whole year.

Pester, pester, pester!!!

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12 years 1 month

In reply to by billy the kiddd


Yes it's me and THE Man...done in the lobby of The Ash Grove, Spring '72...I had come back to LA from a San Luis Osbispo Forestry Camp where I was living and working after breaking my arm, hence the short hair....My Bud and I went to see Johnny Shines play and Muddy was in the lobby...My bro' Dogweed Al always carried a camera with him and told me to go up to Muddy to ask for a picture...I was like, no, don't want to bother him and Dg Al kept insisting and finally he walked over to Muddy to ask if it was ok to take his picture with me...He beamed and said sure thing and threw his arm around me for the shutter snaps...I was blown away....fast forward a few years...Muddy was set to headline a few nights at the Roxy behind the "Hard Again" LP release...my buddy went one night and took a 5 x 7 print of the picture and was able to get Muddy's autograph on it for me...he mounted that along with the promo placard that was on each table for the LP release party and framed it and gave it to me...sadly that one has disappeared through the years...

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3 years 3 months

That's as cool as it gets Nappy, thanks for the story.

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10 years 5 months

In reply to by Tramjams


That's the show I have played most from the big bad box. Some more of that would go down a treat.

Nappy-great photo.

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14 years

In reply to by nappyrags


How I wish I could time travel to catch a Muddy Waters show(s) from the tour to promote Hard Again. I discovered that cd long afterwards but loved it. That voice! Wow!

That's one cool story and photo.

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Member for

4 years 11 months

nitecat ... I was at all those shows ... I second your emotion .. fine, fine shows indeed! All three red rocks shows were in sometimes gushing "cool Colorado rain" .... and I can specifically recall being at the Greek and hearing Let It Grow and thinking ... how can they continue to build it up and up and up ..... and the crowd is going nuts because they are absolutely KILLING IT !!! Good times had by all, unquestionably

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12 years 3 months

I've looked like this my whole life, ok, thinner and color in my hair. The best thing about this look,,,, I've never been asked to get out of the car!!! Tripping balls with a bong between the seats and bags of product, gotten plenty of tickets, but really who asks Mister Rogers to get out of the car :-)

Nappy, wow, Muddy, wow! I've never met anyone famous! Seems most have met someone, but me, no one!

Sixtus,,, indeed nice Eyes from 2/9/73. But like Jim and Cumberland,,, never met an Eyes I didn't like. But aren't most of their songs like that, they were all done GREAT at some point. Maybe you just haven't heard that "blew me away" one yet. I sure there has to be at least one GREAT touch of grey!

Sometimes I wonder if Jerry didn't think Eyes was his greatest tune, that the lyrics affected him as much as most of us.

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12 years 3 months

I sat down for a minute, just now, to pick the junk up in the living room before the cleaning people come. Turned on the TV and the Andy Griffith show was on. A bunch of hillbillies are in Andy office and their doing "Shady Grove". I laughed. Apparently they were there to get Andy hitched to their daughter. But the guy who really loved her, gets her in the end. The guy was Gilligan (bob denver).

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4 years 6 months

In reply to by Dennis


he gave me a grape

no kidding

word salad time: bosses are like diapers: full of $#!+ and all over your @$$

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


with: the Zep/Dead comparison contained in the old newspaper article in the DaP 41 booklet. That dude totally got it, unusual for the press; 82 Greeks; Tramjams; Conekid.

Not sure I agree about 2/9/73? Always felt that one is way overrated? Guess I’ll have to listen again but would ya really want that instead of say, the next show as just one example? No offense ment, just riffing. Yes it’s historic, but imho there’s better 73s left to mine. Or fall 72s!

Perhaps Dave should start a side trip series called Daverock, Hendrixfreak & Company that only picks shows you want lol (I’m teasing of course ; )

DENNIS: Smart AND hansom! And apparently quite the badass!

NAPPY: how’s the knee? Great story, thanks for sharing. It’s fun to meet cool peeps!
Alas, I only saw Muddy once. He opened up for Clapton, and blew him away!

Digging this 41. Not a huge 77 guy, but the sound is awesome, and not too much bloomy bass/drums that sometimes hampers shows during this era.The crew seems to keep getting better at fixing these ancient treasures! Dig the set list for the most part. My only complaint, not that I’d call it that is just echoing what others have said about too much 77 COMPARATIVELY , like where’s the PRIMAL dead Dave??
Think we need a 67-early 69 box, AND a fall 89 or 91 box.

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12 years 1 month

In reply to by Dennis


The Hillbilly gang in Sheriff taylor's office were the Darling clan....they figured in quite a few episodes...Head of the family was Briscoe Darling (played by Denver Pyle)...the three brothers were actually members of The Dillards, a well known newer bluegrass group...My favorite quote is when Briscoe asks Andy if he wants to play something with the boys...Andy asks "do we have time for that?"...Briscoe answers "You Got Time To Breathe, You Got Time For Music..."

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17 years 8 months

I met Sinbad at a bar in E. Lansing circa 2000.

Tuesday afternoon about 3:00. Dollar burgers. He must have had a show that night. He was the only guy in the bar besides us. I was joking with my friends "Hey look guys, it's Sinbad. Turns around at it was! I bought him a $2.00 beer. Cool dude.

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10 years 5 months

In reply to by Oroborous


I was thinking more in terms of a complete takeover.

I met John Lydon - Rotten as he then was -in 1976. He said "uh" and I said "uh". A normal conversation between 19 year olds at that time. I think we were on the same page. And I smoked a joint with Phil Lynott and Scott Gorham ( Thin Lizzy) once, round about the same time.

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10 years 3 months

Dennis thank you for your post. I laughed out loud at 'who would ask Mr Rogers to get out of the car?' and especially 'Tripping Balls.' That's a term I haven't heard used in a sentence in many years!!

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11 years 10 months

In reply to by Slow Dog Noodle


What a great photo, Nappy. Muddy Water's arm around you! The Stones put me onto Muddy Waters in the mid 60s, my first lp of his was Electric Mud which was a bit weird with psychedelic effects. Lucky to see him three times, best was the first, exactly fifty years ago, February 1972 at The Cellar Door, a 160 seat club in Georgetown, D.C. This celebrity thing, happening to be in the right place, right time. Early career as a chef had me cooking for lots of names, best was the night Cab Calloway came, he signed that evening's menu for me. Embarrass myself to start listing names. There's a local celeb in these parts, has a hill farm up on Star Mountain. Jim Rooney, 83 now, still does a show on a tiny independent local radio station WFVR, plays at a local venue that limits to 40 seats. Jim came out with a book maybe 40 years ago, Bossmen, wherein he wrote dual biography about Muddy and Bill Monroe. In various capacities of American Music, Bearsville, Newport Folk, some of the Nashville DNA. A few years ago when Lyle Lovett was touring with John Hiatt, they played locally, invited Jim up to play with them. Looping back, Rooney does a sweet bluegrass version of the Stones "No Expectations".

started on a piano mando thing
Chris Thile & Brad Meldhau
David Grisman Denny Zeitlin New River
Charlie Haden The Montreal Tapes w/Paul Bley, Paul Motian
Keb' Mo'
Frank in Paris: Any Way the Wind Blows

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12 years 3 months

In reply to by nappyrags


I figured that they had to be "somebody". I never watched Andy enough to know "occasional" characters. Of course everyone knows Otis!

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by Dennis


LOL, of course little known fact, the real mister Rodgers was a stone cold freak!
Heard he had a real fetish for shrooms!


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3 years 3 months

Bossmen, great book, pick, it up if you don't have it. I was fortunate enough to see both Muddy and Bill Monroe play.

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10 years 3 months

Forgot to bring this up earlier. Did anyone catch the George Kittle interview before the pro bowl? Swear he was wearing a pair of yellow GD Nikes.

A known shroom hound while Mr. Magoo liked his acid strong. H.R. Puffinstuff, well.. too much of everything was just enough.

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Member for

17 years 7 months

In reply to by JimInMD


....of Fred Roger's flipping off the camera.
King Friday was not pleased.
Give me a minute to change my avatar for a day lol.
That's not kind at all Fred!!
Grew up watching that great man. Good to see he was human.

that thinks this must be photoshopped. It cannot be true. Or more likely someone slipped some brown acid into his mushroom tea. Either way I forgive him.

This is cracking me up nonetheless.

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Member for

3 years 3 months

2/11/70 could be used as filler on a. rerelease of 2/13 & 14/70. They are such great shows, that I would love to see them remastered and put out in complete form in the order that the songs were actually played by the Dead.

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Member for

16 years 1 month

I am too young to have caught Muddy Waters, but he is absolutely my favorite bluesman. I have a tangential story re: Muddy Waters though. My now wife rented an apartment in suburban Chicagoland from blues pianist Barrelhouse Chuck and his wife in the early 2000s. Chuck had cut his chops going to Chicago blues clubs in the late 1960s and 1970s and knew all the players, including Muddy Waters and his band. Once he found out my love of blues, he showed me his collection and told me stories, including his favorite, which goes like this:

Muddy is opening for Clapton on the 1979 tour and Chuck has a backstage pass at the Chicago Stadium show. He goes to Muddy's room and Muddy and the band (plus Muddy's bluesman friends) all greet Chuck warmly-- hugs all around, chatting him up, beers offered. Rolling out the carpet for Chuck. The way Chuck told it, he breaks away for a minute and up walks a baffled Clapton, who asks him, "Who are you? These guys are treating you like their long lost brother." Chuck just shrugged and introduced himself, then a still baffled Clapton walked away.

Chuck was a great guy. We took a chance and asked him to play our wedding in 2006 and he agreed for a ridiculously low payment for a player of his stature. He was a national touring act and played the European blues festivals, was cutting records with Kim Wilson of the Fabulous T-birds-- definitely not playing weddings anymore. But he put a killer blues band together for our wedding and even got Muddy Waters' son, Mud Morganfield, to sing for it! Family and friends still talk about that wedding.

By the way, still loving Disc 3 of this release.

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Member for

16 years 8 months

It would be nice if they would put out the early shows from 2/13 and 2/14 1970. They're out there and they're pretty good.

Because of all the "guest artists", getting 2/11/70 out might be difficult, legally speaking. But that would be nice also......

Back to whatever it was that I was doing. Oh yeah, 2/27/69.............

We are the product of quantum fluctuations in the very early universe.......

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Member for

15 years 5 months

‘In the court of the crimson king’ King Crimson
RIP Ian McDonald
‘Black ships ate the sky’ Current 93
‘Strange adventures on planet earth’ Commander Cody
The inner photo of them in front of the Wall of Sound is good.
‘Live a Longlaville 27/10/1974’ Gong
I like the liner notes ‘when it came to squirrelling away recordings for future enjoyment, enlightenment or even possible enrichment, Gong were not the Grateful Dead’.
‘Further adventures Live 2016’ The Orb.

One day I’m sure I’ll be able to comment on DaP #41 but not yet. The last update from UPS from 7th Feb has it still in the US. It’s only two weeks after the official release date so it isn’t overdue yet.

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Member for

10 years 5 months

In reply to by Colin Gould


Colin - that's sad news about Ian McDonald. In The Court of the Crimson King still sounds astonishing - my favourite King Crimson album. This was the band that Jimi Hendrix declared to be the best band in the world, I think.

In fact, the multifarious versions of King Crimson are the bands I listen to most outside The Dead. I only really got into them about 3 years ago, when I was lucky enough to see the three drummer line up in London.

Only this week, I got the Larks Tongues in Aspic Box. I had been put off by reports of the live concerts having a poor sound - but they are nowhere near as bad as I was expecting - and the improvisations are incredible. I just listened to the first part of Hull 11/10/72 before logging on here, as it goes.

That Gong cd, "Live at Longlaville 10/27/74" is a great one, too.

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Member for

4 years 6 months

In reply to by daverock


McDonald and Giles album

lame cover art, but a good listen

RIP indeed, Mr McDonald

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Member for

12 years 3 months

got my email from third man records saying the Bob Weir tie-dyed vinyl is on the way! Also the cd version and a 45 from Pokey LaFarge,,,, Central Time. (if you haven't heard it check out the live boob tube cut), great lyrics and great sound)

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