• 1,335 replies
    Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.


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  • JackstrawfromC…
    MP3 to WAV
    Any recommendations for MP3 to WAV conversion software?? "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • dstache
    oops on Northern New England Wish List
    Sorry about that, fluff. It was LoneStarDarkStar. Looks like he mailed them out sometime after 5/19, Tommo received them, and that Tommo mailed it out after I did my research. Just a little lack of communication there. It had been 3 weeks since there was any apparent movement on that vine so I noted it. But all is well and that vine is continuing to spread.
  • pomo1
    I have already re-seeded More May 77. I will also re-seed one of MitD's stalled vines, Maples Pavillion 2/9/73 (a great show IMHO) and also Lewiston, Maine, 9/6/80, to get things started. Give me a few days to figure out who is next and to PM for addresses. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • fluffhead042
    Default Avatar
    um....no i didn't....
    (I) Northern New England Wish List: on 5/19 fluffhead420 said he would PM Tommo for his address. Estim8ed was after Tommo. No word. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • pomo1
    Here is Derek's prior post.
    thanks again and congratulations on the proper use of the word "perusal." After an exhaustive, and exhausting, perusal of all the Grateful Dead and JGB (and LOM, and Recon, etc) vines, but NOT vines for other bands or even the current incarnation of the boys, here is what I have: (1) For all the trouble we seem to be having, this is an AWESOME place. The MAJORITY of vines are either still alive or have died a natural death, i.e., the last person on the list received it and no one signed up after. My collection has grown by leaps and bounds because of the vineyard. Let's be grateful for what we have. It reminds me of the saying that democracy is the worst form of government, except for every other kind. Sure, we have problems, but all in all this may be the best place for Heads on the internet. (2) Communication is the key. Going through the vines, I noticed the lack of communication. It is difficult to figure out on some of them where the vine died. Post often, post when you receive the vine, post when you mail it out and to whom mailed it. (3) Although I initially disagreed with the recommendation, I now agree that we should PM the person after us, both to confirm they are still active and their address. (4) Emergencies happen. We need to be patient with that. Just let us know and we will be. As we all know, Hal has a family illness. He has a few vines and I am sure we all want him to take whatever time he needs. (5) As I said, sometimes it isn't clear, but when your name appears numerous times it is tough to give you the benefit of the doubt. For example, if 3 different people say they mailed you 3 different vines, and none of the vines turn up again, it is difficult to blame the mail (it DOES happen, but NOT to the same person that many times). (6) The bad guys. No doubt about these characters. They are the Bermuda Triangle of viners. DO NOT SEND THEM ANY MORE VINES UNTIL THEY CLEAR THINGS UP WITH THE COMMUNITY. Do not just send them a PM and ask if they are active; they have caused too many vines to disappear for that. They are vine killers. They have killed before, and they will kill again. (a) Chinacat503 appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Nov 72, Eurovines # 4 & # 5). (b) Markinthedark, once a great viner, appears to have absconded with at least 6 vines (KPFA, Maples 2/9/73, Flac Me Flac You, 12/27/77, Early Stuff Vol 1, 3 and Augusta 10/12/84); (c) gratefulmikes appears to have killed at least 8 vines (funiculi funicula, 93 by request, Legion of Mary, Winterland June 77, NYE 83, Summer 82, Greek 84 and LOM Mystery). NOTE THAT he is signed up to soon receive Europe 74 so heads up birdsong1969nj and Jimbo (unclear who has it right now)!!!! He may also have killed Red Rocks 9/8/83 (or Deadhead Ben never sent it to him) (d) Day Glo Louisville appears to have killed at least 4 vines (Eurovine Acoustic, Garcia/Saunders 73, March 28,31/73, Jerry solo 4/10/82). He is also an interesting person in the Garcia Party disappearance; (e) j.straw (NOT to be confused with jackstrawfromcolorado) seems to have disappeared with at least 5vines (Lewiston 9/6/80, Beacon 6/14/76, Fox 85, 3 from 82 and Hampton 89 reseed) (f) canyon critter seems to have killed at least 4 vines (Acid Test, 1985 vine, History Buffs, and Fillmore East 9/20/70); (g) PAPPYPGH appears to have killed at least 3 vines (Hampton/Harrisburg...84, 2/17/82, JGB 1977 Part 2, Silver Stadium 6/30/88), not to mention the Fall 79 Part 1.5 Rhino fiasco (either Pappy or Solix killed this one, tough to tell who). Pappy also should have recently received the Spring 88 parts 1 and 2 vines (Stephen in PA sent them on 5/28). Finally, he is up soon on More May 77 and JGB Keystone 12/21/79 (DON'T SEND THEM TO HIM!!!!) (7) Guys who have a little explaining to do. I am not sure here whether they have commited multiple vine slayings, or were just irepeatedly n the wrong place at the wrong time. These guys should explain to the community what happened before being welcomed back, but any old explanation will do. (a) Sakparadise is a suspect in at least 2 vine kills (Glen Falls 82, Fall 79 Part 2) and there are some questions about 2 other vines. Sakparadise posted on 4/29 that he would mail out the March 90 vine to Row Timmy. The vine has not been seen since. On 5/20 jackstrawfromcolorado, the good jack straw, posted the he would mail the Pink Floyd vine to sakparadise. That vine hasn't been seen since. It hasn't been that long for Pink Floyd (it was my vine, that is why I looked it up) so it may be ok, and Row Timmy has his issues so it may have been him on March 90. (b) Row Timmy was apparently involved in a couple of mysterious vine disappearances. March 90 discussed above and 3 from 75, which PKpotter said he mailed to Row Timmy on 9/12/08. (c) Brother Tom is suspected in 2 vine slayings. Solix said he mailed Cream Filling 73 to our holy friend. Brother Tom was the last person to receive Matrix Volume 1, and it wasn't until 2months later that anyone else signed up, but he doesn't seem to have passed it on. (d) Deadheadben seems to have slayed the infant Cleveland Convention Center 12/06/73, before it had much of a chance to travel the country. Either he or grateful mikes killed Red Rocks 9/8/83. And either he or Hard To Handle killed Sante Fe 83. (8) Guys who had minor hiccups [hopefully) (a) my friend Dave C was the last to have Early 69 (shoot, don’t know what volume this was, sorry) (posted 5/13) and should have received Early Stuff Vol 2 (unclejon posted on 5/20 that he mailed it out). Dave C posted that he had computer problems. I am sure he either sent these vines on and didn’t post (here, another call for communicating, post often) or is resolving his computer problems and will soon send them on. Ejjd is next on Early 69 and Jake R on Early Stuff Vol 2. (b) Darkstar1971 (aka Estimatedprophet 1971) rides the rails quite often. I think he is an engineer, the kind you think of when you are kid (a train engineer) but never meet. Hal posted on 3/19 that he mailed DarkStar1971 Fall 77 Part 2. No word since. DarkStar1971 was the last to have Orpheum 7/12/76, pisting on 4/20. Pomo1 is next for Orpheum. (9) Specific vines not mentioned above, many probably involved miscommunications. If you are involved here and can help resolve, please do. You don’t even need an excuse here, just a “I never got it” or “I sent it out” or even a “sorry” will suffice. (a) 3/28/81: Benny Jakes stalled this one for 3 months but eventually passed it on to On The Road Again, who apparently killed it. (b) Felt Forum 1971: greatfullygrateful was the last to post having it, said he had a family emergency, never posted having sent it on to Arkdeadhead. © Repatriation 1971: Fluffhead420 posted on 4/8/09. He was last in line. 3 weeks later Jake R and dpwstldeadfan signed up. No word on where this vine is. (d) Eurovine # 1: Dead Man Telling Tales posted on 4/20. He was last in line. Jake R and others signed up later. Now word on where this vine is. (e) Keith’s First Few Months: dpwstldeadfan posted on 5/6. Only Gr8tful Ted is signed up after. He may have received it and not posted. (f) Valentine’s Day: fluffhead420 posted on 3/9. He was last in line. Lord Monkey and Jake R signed up after. No word on where this vine is. (g) MSG 93 Part 2: Tommo posted on 3/24 that he sent it to Toddsnc. No word since. (h) Jai Alai 74: On 5/12 KingCargoJB posted that he mailed it to Emily J. Slimee is after her. No word since. (I) Northern New England Wish List: on 5/19 fluffhead420 said he would PM Tommo for his address. Estim8ed was after Tommo. No word. (j) 70 & 73: On ½ Estim8ed said he mailed it to Chasmo, who said he never received it. Probably lost in the mail. (k) BCT 86: on 4/13 ark deadhead posted that he would mail to Pkpotter. No word. (l) Little Bit of Jerry: on 4/14 Long Rifle posted that he had it. OneGratefulDad and Fleaflicker were next. No word. (m) 5 Garcia shows: on 5/21 cacthim hickory matt (or something like that) posted that he got them. Fleaflicker and Space Otter were next. No word. (n) Dead/NRPS 1970: on 5/5 birdsong1969nj said he would mail out to test4965. No word. (o) Pigpen Shotgun: on 5/8 Phat Moye said he would mail out to Jake R. Da roach was after that. No word. (p) Brent’s Last show video: lost in mail btwn gadeadhead and JimmyC (q) More May 77: on 5/28 Pomo1 posted he would reseed to Larry Here. PAPPY IS NEXT. LARRY HERE SKIP PAPPY!!!! ® More Mary: on 1/23, rambleinbearisgrateful posted that he mailed to Tommo. Stuman, then bearisgrateful were next. No word. Lost in mail? (s) Bill Graham Tribute: Playdead apparently killed. This vine was reseeded to the person after him. (t) Shoreline 91: on 12/24 Chasmo posted that he had it. ark deadhead was next. No word. Apparently Chasmo killed it. (u) merriweather 6/30/85: on 4/29 fluffhead420 posted that he PM’d OneGratefulDad for his address. No word. (v) Boston Tea Party 1969: on 5/11 Slimee posted having it. Dpwstldeadfan was next. No word. (10) I am too tired for final thoughts. All will be forgiven, except for that first group. I hope those that have disappeared with vines are ok, and are only AWOL here and not in reality. Others can figure out what to do next. I am not proofreading this so there are probably some spelling and grammatical mistakes. Vine on!!! "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • dstache
    vine stalls
    I think we should do all the vine stalling discussions here. Feel free to copy and paste my detective work here, Pomo. I agree re: the reseeding, especially for SHN/FLAC. With WAV though, it's one more generation away from the original so it isn't ideal.
  • pomo1
    I would like to Volunteer
    to re-seed some of the vines that have crashed. Should we re-post Dstache's list in this topic and people can try to solve the issues, whether by re-seeding or prompting people or however? In other words, do we need a separate "stalled vine" topic, or just do it here? I also believe that it would be appropriate for persons other than the original seeders to re-seed where feasible. The original seeders have already gone through the expense and time of planting, and others should help to get the vines re-growing. Just my opinion. Thanks again for everyone's input and effort. If anyone hears from MitD, please let us know. "One watch by night, one watch by day If you get confused, listen to the music play"
  • UncleJon
    Yep, I'm concerned too. I even went so far as to try and do some basic internet sleuthing to see if I could get any google/dogpile hits for Mark Stanfield in the Louisville, KY area. "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
  • JackstrawfromC…
    I know. All the things I can think of what possibly happened aren't real good. Im trying to think positive though. Maybe he just wanted to get away... "Escaping through the lily fields, I came across an empty space. It rainbow then exploded, left a bus stop in its place. The bus come by and I got on, thats when it all began. It was Cowboy Neal at the wheel of the bus to never ever land"
  • marye
    I admit it, I'm worried about MITD also.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

I see how to do it now by hitting the FORUMS link on the top left. I guess I like the older sorting method better.
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16 years

VLC player.com will play flac files check it out and its all free.Greg
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Member for

14 years 8 months

I noticed that the threads are not corresponding to the topic. For example: When you respond to the "1984 SBD's vol.2" topic, it shows up on the "Go Ahead" vine thread. Another example: When You click on the "1977 Lossless vine pt.2" vine and start reading through a few pages, it turnes out it is the signup list for one of the 1973 vines. Thoughts? Peace, Chris
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I'll mention this to the tech wizards.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I've tried to post in the New Vines topic and it brings up a 1990's vine.
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Member for

13 years 9 months

I was trying to update the ABB 86-96 vine and miraculously my post showed up in a jazz vine I was unfamiliar with. I've been calling these "Vineyard Wormhole's." ;)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

perhaps let's hold off on exciting vineyard adventures for a bit.
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14 years 8 months

Excellent term Andy! You just summed up mywhole post in two words! :o)
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Besides those already noted, please add (1) that once we are in a vineyard thread, we can no longer just click on the vineyard link at the top of the screen (note that on this topic that link is no longer here) to get back to the vineyard, but instead have to backclick or go back to forums and start over; and (2) in the "shows & lyrics" section on the left hand of the screen, if you search by date, which used to display links with each year, now just goes straight to the first shows ('65) and you have to somehow go from there. All in all, I think the changes have made the site much less user-friendly and much less sophisticated. I assume this is just temporary and things will get better. Anyone else agree?
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Besides those already noted, please add (1) that once we are in a vineyard thread, we can no longer just click on the vineyard link at the top of the screen (note that on this topic that link is no longer here) to get back to the vineyard, but instead have to backclick or go back to forums and start over; and (2) in the "shows & lyrics" section on the left hand of the screen, if you search by date, which used to display links with each year, now just goes straight to the first shows ('65) and you have to somehow go from there. All in all, I think the changes have made the site much less user-friendly and much less sophisticated. I assume this is just temporary and things will get better. Anyone else agree?
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Member for

14 years 4 months

I miss that vineyard link too. My muscle memory keeps taking my cursor to where that used to be. I hadn't looked at the Shows by Year in a while, but man that's completely whack! Has the font changed on the posts and topic headings, too? Lettering seems thin, and the topic headings seem too close to each other - kinda eye-straining. Hate to turn this into a b*tch fest, but it just seems like needless tweaking to a site that was just fine before. Kinda like a "downgrade" to a more primitive and, as you say, less user-friendly version of the site.
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Member for

14 years 4 months

I miss that vineyard link too. My muscle memory keeps taking my cursor to where that used to be. I hadn't looked at the Shows by Year in a while, but man that's completely whack! Has the font changed on the posts and topic headings, too? Lettering seems thin, and the topic headings seem too close to each other - kinda eye-straining. Hate to turn this into a b*tch fest, but it just seems like needless tweaking to a site that was just fine before. Kinda like a "downgrade" to a more primitive and, as you say, less user-friendly version of the site.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Yeah, I'm not complaining too loud, just pointing out a few problems that hopefully get corrected. I agree, Nuthatch, re: the font, not too crazy about that. On the plus side, pictures look a lot better (take a look at MaryE up above!!!). :)
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14 years 8 months

I kinda like the big picture of Marye. ;o) Not to bitch, but ... another thing I noticed was you used to be able to have the web site notify you via Email when you have new private messages (which I think is a GREAT feature for active vinyard folks), but I can't seem to find how to set that up now. This is a great feature for all Viners to set this up. It's a good way to keep communication open with seed-holders who have gone astray. JMHO, Chris
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Yeah, I like the pic too, I hope that was clear!!!
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Have the technical problems chased everyone away?Seems like no one is on much anymore, and the mailbox has been very lonely. :o( I have a very cool new vine I want to start, but I'm not even sure where to where to post it? ... or if it would even make the rounds (my bi-centennial vine kinda fizzled out) :o( Peace, Chris
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Member for

13 years 9 months

I'm here. Ripping a little slower than norml due to the new job, but I'm around. I have an 83 vine ready to start too. Just waiting for things to get rollin again. I see Deadnoise is busy. Awesome!! Welcome brother. Also, i have the 1995 vine and June 74 still and will go out Monday. Got confirmation from both ecb and ripple74 they are still down for the cause. Dropped the ball on the june 74 vine but it'll go out Monday. Working 12 hour days right now. Sleepy when I get home. Hope everyone is doing good. jSFC- how were the Red Rocks shows? Peace, Andy
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Member for

13 years 9 months

Poncho just sent me Frisco's 1976 Bicentennial Vine and I can't locate it to update. Am I stupid? Likely. Anyways looked real quick but gotta go. Could someone bump it to the top so I can update? Thanks a lot.... and thanks Chris and Poncho
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Member for

14 years 4 months

with the link it is crossed up with a Tapers section from May
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Member for

17 years 9 months

things are a little weird still. I've notified the tech wizard... There were some serious technical issues yesterday. There is, however, a New, New New Vines topic, which was working the last I looked.
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Member for

13 years 9 months

.... and thanks Mary!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I am not sure why we are getting big pics. Also that pic is very old. But hey...it's nice to see my dear Rex again.
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Sorry for my tardiness. A lot has been going on lately and I keep saying I will get vines I am holding on the move. By this Fri EVERYTHING I have is goin in the mail: http://www.dead.net/forum/lopezzs-little-bit-everything-vine http://www.dead.net/forum/live-nirvana-vine http://www.dead.net/forum/cap-center-88-vine Nov 70 Vine (not yet posted) and if I get anythin new in I will update and send those out too. Again I sincerely apologize for those of you who have been waiting for these. -Jake
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16 years 4 months

My 1969 Lossless Part 5 Vine is still unable to be found. If we need to make a new thread I believe pomo1 had it last and was supposed to send it to dstache.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I am still around...but I am on another "project" and pre-occupied with that...but I'll be checking in once a day
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Member for

17 years 9 months

that things are a bit haywire in the Vineyard right now, with posts not going where they oughta, and such, the techs are aware of the problem and it's all, as it were, connected and being addressed. So for the moment I am sitting tight rather than messing with anything, but please be aware that yes, we do know about it and are dealing with it. Thanks!
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17 years 9 months

To make a long story short: A good deal of restoration work has gone on behind the scenes, with the result that a lot of vanished vines seem to have un-vanished and, for instance, Blair's Nicky Hopkins blog post is now about Nicky Hopkins again instead of a vine. This is all good. However, since we're dealing with hundreds of vines and the main people who know what's up with them at this point is the viners themselves: IF, AT THIS POINT, YOU ARE TRYING TO POST TO A VINE AND GET MISDIRECTED, OR TRYING TO FIND A VINE AND FIND THAT IT HAS VANISHED, **POST HERE**. DO NOT SEND ME A PM BECAUSE IT WILL GET LOST IN THE CHAOS. IF YOU POST IT HERE WE'LL HAVE A MUCH BETTER CHANCE OF TRACKING IT DOWN AND RESTORING ORDER. THANK YOU.
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16 years 4 months

mary,my 1969 Lossless Part 5 Vine is still missing Thanks, Jake
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17 years 9 months

do you have the original link for it? (If not, no worries, because we may wind up starting it from scratch anyway, but we hope to avoid this...)
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17 years 9 months

anybody else got any MIAs, please report them!
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Member for

15 years

I was looking for a 'Jazz & Blues for Allah' vine that I posted an update to recently but can't find it. I did take a look at an Allman Brothers vine that was I interested in and noticed that the postings it has are mostly for the 'Jazz & Blues for Allah' vine.... including my update.Here is the link for the ABB vine, http://dead.net/forum/allman-bros-band-1986-1996-1dvd-flac-vine I also sent a few PMs out but got no response. I don't know if anyone got them or just haven't had a chance to respond.
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Member for

14 years 4 months

t140v77 the PMs are not working... and the two vines he mentioned are crossed up 'Jazz & Blues for Allah vine' posts are under the allman-bros-band-1986-1996-1dvd-flac-vine thread as well as this topic does not show up in the vineyard link there are two others (from 2009 mistakenly) pinned there instead
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Member for

13 years 9 months

Holding up a few vines right now. Should have em out this week. Just a heads up I'm still alive and rippin'. :) Hope everyone is good and having a Grate October. Someone tell me who's up on the Bicentennial vine. I'z got it. Peace
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Member for

17 years 6 months

This thread doesn't show up in the vineyard, but it does show up as the "next topic" if you go to the reseed thread. Very weird. Plus, many threads have the wrong main post. It seems like things have been messed up here for what, a couple of months at least? I'm pretty patient but it is getting to be a little too much. Maybe it is time for me to move on, I don't know. It needs to be said that it seems that the powers-that-be are quietly shutting this section of the site down, slowly but surely, not coming out and saying they are doing it, but making it so annoying and difficult to navigage and use that people will just decide to leave on their own. Maybe I am burned out a bit too. I'm a little over halfway through the Europe 72 and, while all but a couple of shows so far are Very Good (and more than a couple are Great), the rah-rah every show is at least excellent stuff (doesn't Blair write that somewhere?) just irks me. Listen to the Sugarees from the tour. They are boring as heck without any Jerry solos. The notes to 5/11 say that Dick, whose opinion I usually agree with, said that it was his favorite Europe 72 show. About halfway through the 1st set I was wondering if I was insane as the band was very flat. Yeah, it picks up for the second set, but even the Dark Star wasn't as good as it should have been. There was one really nice jam that went on for a bit, but I could just feel that JErry wasn't throwing himself 100% into it, but instead wanted to go back to space/noodling. I know, it's the whole journey/destination argument, but I feel so much more satisfied when a great jam results. Anyways, the point of the above was that I spent $450 on a box set and there is this real attitude here that that was not enough. If I am a real deadhead, I need to spend another $100 on a subscription for limited issue shows, only one of which they are willing to tell me. And then all the heads clamoring for 80's and 90's shows, Christ! Not to mention '76! The last Road Trips, which I am not purchasing, is a middling show in a middling year. 5 officially released 76 shows was more than enough, now we get another, and people are clamoring for more. I certainly don't want to pay $25 for a show I won't listen to more than 2x. Damn, I'm just rambling but I am fed up with it. I know you can't please everyone all the time. Heck, half the people want compilations and half of us don't. Half of us want only classic shows or at least shows from classic periods (hidden gems, shows where the circulated version has less than stellar sound) while the other half wants every period equally represented or at least well-represented. And the powers-that-be try their best, and we have to show our loyalty for the band we love by buying everything that comes out, no matter whether we like it or not, and no matter whether they tell us what it is or not. Ugh! On the other hand, Mary hooked me up with tix to the Taxi Tour shows and that was so kind. And there are a lot of great people here. And I really think the powers-that-be are trying hard. I just don't like this limited issue, subscription only, early bird gets the worm thing. And $450 is definitely not going to be a yearly thing for me. It is pretty ridiculous that I paid that for recorded music for one band for one year.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Good to hear your point of view. Now I don't feel like such an outlier to the "norm". Europe72 single-handly destroyed this place whether you had problems with your order or not.
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16 years 2 months

I am excited about the GD Movie coming out on Blue-Ray. It's on its way from Amazon as we speak.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

this is cool. There's an upside to the impending demise of my 20-year-old TV.:-)
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17 years 9 months

this will be worked on in the next few days, as the techs have been busy on things like 30 Days of Dead.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

The China > Rider from 5/13/72 reminded me why I love the Dead so much :) I just need to remember that if they want to release shows or, God forbid (hehe), compilations, I get to save a few bucks and not buy them. And if I can ever gather the willpower to refrain from reading the comments re: the releases and on other threads here, I will really be doing ok. Maybe these realizations are the result of a couple of bits of bad news I received today: (1) one of my cats, Gretta, 13 yrs of age, is apparently blind. How the heck did that happen and how am I just finding out about it now?!?!? She lost some weight and we took her in today and that's the diagnosis from the vet. She seems normal other than the weightloss. Her routine hasn't changed. She's very active and gets around fine. It's crazy! (2) More importantly, my Dad, who has suffered from MS most of his adult life, and almost all of mine, is in serious trouble again. He has been in and out of the hospital with various infections and complications for the past 9 months now. As some of you may recall, I received a call from my grandmother last winter that things were looking bleak so I went back to Michigan and visited with him. Things turned out not to be as bleak as she said, but they certainly haven't gotten too good either. My uncle called today and said that the doctor told him that my father was dying a slow death, from the infections and the progressiveness of MS. My Dad's 62, which is pretty old for someone who has MS since their mid-to-late-20's. I'm flying out to see him tomorrow. It feels good to write this. I know I carry the best wishes from everyone here and I appreciate it.
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16 years 4 months

I have said on this site before a couple of times that I will be taking time off from here and this time I'm sticking to it. A big thanks goes out to Trevor, Derek, Mark, Rick, Bob, RMB, CB, and all of the viners that were on here when I started that aren't with us now. Sorry if I forgot any names. Without these guys this place wouldn't be the same. I hope you all enjoy this very free trading community and most importantly, keep the music moving. Derek, sorry to hear about your dad. Hope all goes well. Best wishes to you and your entire family. Take care fellow heads and my friends, Jake
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16 years 2 months

We are thinking about you Derek! Stay strong
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17 years 9 months

take care, and all good to your loved ones. Jake R, have a good and restorative break!