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  • 1stshow70878

    I love the drama queens. Somebody barely touches them and they go down in a heap looking for the penalty. And when they don't get one the histrionics are laughable. True in other sports too but just more noticeable in soccer. But the US player did get the hardest knee to the crotch I've ever seen. Down for the count. I'm a Messi fan. Dude is unstoppable. Generally would rather watch hockey than futbol or football.
    By the way, where is the Jam of the Week?
    Today's music recommendation: The Golden Gate Quartet doing the spiritual Go Where I Send Thee. Great harmonies!

  • daverock
    Voodoo Soup

    It's not well regarded, but I played this posthumous Hendrix album earlier in the week, and it really hangs together well. Those instrumentals are out of this world. It does seem ridiculous, adding and subtracting instruments decades after the originals were cut - but the end result is pretty good.

    I'd buy a 66-70 box set in a heart beat. If I could work out how you do it - looks a bit trickier these days.

    With the World Cup, as with anything else, I always back the underdog. The more big teams get knocked out the better. As Chuck Berry said - "Such a sight to see/Somebody steal the show". I'm not too keen on the way some of them act after they score a goal, either. That bloke called Grealish qualifies as the most irritating so far.
    All best experienced with the commentary turned down and the music turned up.

  • Oroborous

    PF, I’m sorry at your misfortune, but that is too damn funny!
    Think I would have gone somewhere else to keep sleeping and just left it lol.
    Why is it women blame us for these unfortunate anomalies?

    68 Box: hey don’t get me wrong, I’m in anytime, I just wonder if outside of the freak zone bubble we live in, if your average casual fan would be? I agree about all that power etc, in fact, funny story: back when we were basically kids and we’d go to parties, we always got stuck outside by the keg with the heavy metalers. Generally they didn’t dig the dead, but we all knew each other and got along, and both factions appreciated some of the similarities in say culture, and both were proud of our outsider status, and hey, at least we weren’t preppy jocks lol.
    So if we put say, Blues for Allah on, they’d give us shit, BUT, if Anthem ( or they really liked first album!) or some primal Dead was snuck in, they’d often dig it. The first time we played Anthem they couldn’t believe it was the Dead!
    They were like “who’s this, it’s cool?” After we’d tell ‘em who it was, being proud metalers they’d have to feign righteous indignation lol.
    I just wonder out my ass if the repetition and less professional elements would resonate with yer weekend fringe fan?
    Guess part might depend on box size, and part on number of boxes?
    But from inside the freak bubble, I’m sure we’d all like to find out!
    I mean many of “us” would gobble that shit up faster than HST with a fresh tab of acid, but “them”, and you have to consider them, because I don’t think there’s that many of “us”, so that’s the only reason I pondered the idea…

    I still would prefer one big muscular Primal 66 through 70 beast! It would be a good way to put out some of the really early stuff that might be hard to market on its own? Tid bits etc, bits and pieces, short shows, big jams, partials. You could lump all kinds of cool shit together that on their own might not have the clout.
    But in a historical presentation, taking the best stuff from different years, and perhaps weighted more on the back end years, think about it? Say a disc or 2 of 66-67, you could use one disc shows from 68, say three or four shows, throw in a run of 69 from say the Ark, or Avalon, a couple late 69, possibly with some acoustic, and finish it off with similar from 1970!
    Sure it’d be big and expensive, but for the old tops here, besides a killer primal set, maybe they feel they have enough other stuff already and aren’t interested at all in later years? So well then think of it as one last blast of R &R, one final big score of scores! If it’s possibly your last one, why not go big!
    Just a thought…?

    PF, glad you found your way home, and glad your gonna stick around awhile!

    Oh yeah…and what ABOUT Gainesville, tap, tap, tap…

  • proudfoot
    F'd up bed frame blues

    I woke up dis mo'nin'...

    Got up to..."go down the hall" 530 am.

    Bronk! A corner of the bed frame pops loose.

    "No sleep for you!"

    Wife flips out (and a lovely morning to you too, my beloved), I half-awake analyze the situation, spend next 45 minutes fixing things. Soundtrack: Megadeth Rust in Peace.

    Life is strange, gentlemen. Very, very strange.

  • PT Barnum
    hey now

    after a trip lost in space I have stumbled my way back to this site. It was a weird trip that would not allow communications with fellow intrepid travelers or home base. Upon my arrival I learn of Christine's untimely death. She had been part of Fleetwood Mac since 1970, was there when Danny Kerwain was in the band, after Peter Green left she was there, she was there when the great guitarist Bob Welch was in the band and she was there when Lindsey and Stevie joined the group. Never a scene stealer, she allowed Lindsey and Stevie to thrive and grow with the band. Always humble her writings were just "little ditties" that she penned that almost always became hits. Never outspoken but always humble she was the epitome of classic rock female musicians. I miss her already.
    I was lucky enough to witness the Mac a couple of times, once in 71 and once again in 74 and then the last time when they all got back together after that long hiatus in 97? She had an awesome stage presence and held her own alongside these great musicians mentioned above. I was never much of a fan of Stevie Nicks, fun to look at back in the day but their music became homogenized in my opinion when they joined. Although I did enjoy the Buckingham/Nicks lp when it came out.
    Daverock, not being a fan of the Mac try the lp Mystery to Me or Bare Trees or Future Games or Heroes or hard to Find. All pre-Lindsey and Stevie. Also, their lps with Peter Green would be right up your alley. Bob Welch passed away a while back, I always thought it was a mistake to fire Bob from the Mac, but I was wrong, they made it big time after he left.
    Jimi turns 80, wow, where has the time gone? I have always wondered what he would be playing and producing now, if he had hung around. Electric Ladyland is still played here, also Cry of Love, an underrated lp, and of course the psychedelic Axis-Bold as Love is a Masterpiece. As later posthumously released music was available, I think he would have gone to experimental blues or jazz aka Miles with a guitar.
    A great anniversary came and went without much mention here, 11-29-80, the Grateful Dead live at Alligator Alley Gym in Gainesville, Fl. The first Shakedown>Franklins tower. A great show that hopefully the soundboard will be found one day.
    Will a box of grate 68 Dead sell? I say yes and put me on the "Buy" side of that vote. Perhaps a poll to see if there is interest?
    Glad you are on the mend HF, sucks not to be well. I mentioned the Petty box a while back, looks great and I will try to pick it up, cost may be prohibitive. Speaking of Petty, Stevie was indoctrinated into the Heartbreakers and played with them a couple of times, she seem a good fit for that band, she can rock, just not my cup of tea.
    Vascular doctor says no operation needed at this time, but we will be watching and waiting as aneurysms don't heal themselves. Dr said that some people have them all their lives and don't even know they have one, found mine when they were doing an ultrasound of my liver.
    Looks like I'll be around for a few more _________(fill in the blank) we never know so live baby, live.

  • Mr. Ones

    Good band, but not my topic.
    These last few days of posts are my favorite type. Friendly, encouraging, supportive and like……family!!
    I had a cd of the Betty Nelson Raspberry Farm show 20 years ago. Went to play it 2 weeks ago and-disc rot. Arrggghhhh! Would LOVE to see it released.
    My feeling, we have folks who prefer early, primal Dead. We have folks who prefer post ‘77 Dead, and most are probably up for anything. I would be shocked if a ‘68 box didn’t sell out super fast. And if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, well, not much is loved by all (see past discussions). Should not be a big deal.
    I DO agree that the older lot of us (yes, that’s me too) would like to see more early, primal Dead before we leave this beautiful planet.

    Regarding World Cup-there’s only 3 countries that I’ve ever rooted for: US, England, Holland.

    Today, obviously pulling hard for US. If our side loses today, I’ll be for England, then the Dutch.
    After that, I really don’t have a rooting interest, although Japan look disciplined, and fun.

    So, WC starts in less than an hour. After that, it’s music, music, music. Because…

  • daverock
    1968 etc

    Dennis - thanks for the heads up about that Hawkwind album. A recent live recording featuring a selection of new tracks peppered with tracks from the 70's. Looks good. Not sure about the idea of covering Tom Jones "It's Not Unusual", but I guess if you have been touring for over 50 years and are over 80, you can sing what you damn well like.

    Oro - I seemed to miss out on Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac, too. I did get an album by John Mayall, called "Hard Road" that featured him, which was pretty good. I saw him live once, too, about 23 years ago at a blues festival. It felt a bit sad, though.

    I'm a bit surprised people here think 1968 would be hard sell. Maybe it's just a case of - because I like it every once else should too. But of all the various eras and styles of playing - the shows from this year really blow out the fuses like never again. You don't need to know a thing about them to recognise the power. Maybe shows from this year would appeal more to non Deadheads than Deadheads. I think yer average Hawkwind fan, should there be such a beast, would prefer "Anthem" to anything else in the Dead's back catalogue.
    1966 to the first half of 1967 - now that I can imagine being less popular. Interesting, for sure, and historically important..but still formative to my ears.

  • JimInMD

    I get the feeling not all the shows that circulate are in the vault. Just a feeling.. but I think we would have seen at least another release or two from this year. The last 68 release was 2015, and before that 2009, before that 2001.

    That's Bananas.

  • proudfoot
    Billy the Kidd strikes again

    If Dave ever retires...BTK needs to be his successor.

  • Oroborous
    Miscellaneous ramblings

    MR PC, glad you didn’t go quitting on us, we need the entertainment (and twisted wisdom ; )
    Glad to see your mind is still moving fast even if your heart needed to slow down lol. JK of course…rest up and be well soon amigo!
    Yassss, puzzling the apparent resistance to 68?
    I agree that an all 68 might not sell so well overall, but I think a primal box of 67-70 would!
    There’d be enough variety in there to attract fence sitters, and it would be a great historical showcase of the rapid transition that took place over those years.

    SMALL BOXES: their ok, I’m just worried if Dave is on the 20 year plan he alludes too, that we need more shows while we can get em, not less! So if small boxes, then perhaps do 2 a year, or 1 big, 1 small…just my two centavos…

    Four Winds blow CM…
    Saw the Mac in 78 when they still sorta ruled the world. Bob Welch, Pablo Cruise, Foreigner and F.M. as the headliner.
    Only went just to go, wasn’t really a fan, but the Mac ended up really surprising my 15 year old melon!
    Will always have a sharp memory of SN and LB playing You Can Go Your Own Way like they ment it more than anything in the world, very intense! Just glaring at each other the whole song! LB, with no pick, was playing his White Les Paul so hard he broke multiple strings!
    By then you could just tell something was up between them even back then as a clueless kid with no internet.
    One of my top R&R moments from my personal history. Think I liked Christine better than Stevie though?

    FUTBALL: I tightened up the homeboys on the job site with a tv the other day so they could watch Mexico during their lunch break. Now I don’t speak espanol, but man those boys were getting into it like any NFL fans I’ve ever seen. Good game from the bit I watched. Don’t get how they won the game but still were out though?

    DAVEROCK: that was too funny about the English team lol.
    I’m surprised you never got into early Mac with Peter Green et el as they were English, late sixties/early seventies and more blues oriented, or right up your alley?

    KUVO, good news there 1st show, only wish they still broadcast up here on FM…used to be my default in the car.

    Howdy DMCVT, yeah dug that Raspberry farm show at POTD via Docs recommendation! Good sheet Mon, more, more, more por favor!
    Happy Friday ladies and germs, hope the white ribbon of death doesn’t shut down before I get home tonight.
    Now that there’s so many people here and many not experienced in mountain winter driving, it seems like the highway shuts down every time it snows, ugghhhh.

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I think I went "Woo-hoo" when they announced the July '78 box.
I had some good quality tapes but to have my first show on CD was like manna from heaven to get me through the 40 years in the desert. An anniversary gift to honor when I got on the bus.

the one missing is THE ONE that you want, that you really really want.

C'est la vie

Like losing one's virginity? very much alike, yet completely different.

One was unexpected and in a big crowd of strangers.

One was planned out.

Which was which? That is your question of the day.

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by proudfoot


on my way to work today
I put in a CD marked "'66 #2"
Viola Lee Blues with daylight slowly creeping in
Cascade Mountains and some cloudscapes being illuminated by the rising sun to the east
yes. yes. YES.

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In reply to by KeithFan2112


Keithfan, the version I have of this show - supposedly from the master reel - has multiple cuts, including one in the back half of the Dark Star. That could be the reason for selecting the night before.

I'd love to see a box set of "fragments", with multiple versions of songs, half acoustic/half electric, with perhaps even a few identical "setlists". I imagine a guitar themed box case. Simply named, Acoustic-Electric (or some nifty guitar term) And all those random bits could find a home. And I concur with the others about those choice nuggets in the So Many Roads Box Set. (ahem, Whiskey in the Jar!)

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11 years

I lost my virginity unexpectedly in a large crowd of people?

What then??!!

And hey, I don't want the missing reel -- I want the five freakin' reels they have!

Aren't we a tad, just a wee bit smug, now that YOU have your first show released?


If that’s all that exists and it is of good sound quality, then those fragments should be released.

But cutting up a complete show just to save some disc space should not happen.
In fact, I’m proposing a new series of releases, to run in parallel with existing release models, called the D&DMC Series (Dick and Dave’s Mea Culpa Series).

Previous chop jobs will be Plangentized and Normanized, then released in their entirety (or as much as exists).
Starting with 12-19-73, and pairing it with 12-18-73 in a 2-show Box, or larger.
Followed by 10-31-71, then 6-16,18,26,28-74 (wouldn’t that make a fine Box).
Then all DP and RT chop jobs.
5-19,21-77 can be skipped, there are only a few songs missing that can be included as filler with 5-18-77.

Edit: maybe I’m thinking of 5-22-77. So add those missing songs to 5-18-77.

I’m not opposed to moving a song or two to the next DaP as a way to get a complete show released, especially when it is because we already got 2 shows on 4 CD’s.

If HF’s first show was a good show and the 5 reels sound good, then release it once you are confident that you will never find the other reel. If someone is holding that missing reel ransom, then call in the lawyers (ABCD).

Listened to 9-3-72% (DP36 filler) last night. It will be nice to add more songs to that playlist (to listen to while we wait for the entire show to come out in the D&DMC Series).

....but I have to reevaluate my spending habits on box sets and subscriptions and things in general. You see, trump had a Big Announcement today. He is selling NTF based virtual trading cards today for $99 a pop. I can't resist. They are virtual trading cards of his life and accomplishments. There's one of him as a superhero, one as a cowboy, one as an astronaut and so many more! I need to collect them all guys! And if I buy 45 or more of them, I get to have dinner with him! Probably at McDonald's! Yay!
(I am not making this up btw. Google it)
The grift of all grifts from a so-called billionaire and none of the money goes to his reelection campaign. It goes right in his pockets. There have already been over 27k sold as I type this.
How embarrassing.
Ok. Back to fragments. If the partial shows sound good, yet is incomplete, I say do it.

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36 years ago tonight I was up in Oakland to see Garcia make his return with the Dead. He kicks off the show with Touch of Grey ( I will survive) and the crowd just explodes, Garcia looks so happy to be back playing again. When Garcia sings "Hand me my old guitar" in Candyman the crowd just roars, two of the coolest moments in all my years of seeing the Dead. They need to release a video of this show, truly historic, and a great birthday present.

Sparkling show from 30 Trips. It always intrigues me when there is an announcement from the stage that "there is a chick over there having a baby." It seemed to happen fairly regularly at outdoor shows in the US during the hippy era. It was something I never saw at any of the gigs I attended. I would have been well out of my comfort zone if I'd been asked to perform a vital role in an operation like that when I'd gone out to see a band .

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11 years

A woman gave birth at Englishtown 9-3-77 AND she was up front, as far as I could tell. I was not, but back a ways audience right. And I thought I was a fan.... I mean, how does that "happen"? Honey, let's catch the Dead. But you're nine months pregnant! Oh, c'mon, what are the odds that I'll give birth during the show..................

During the show, Tommy, the guy who drove us, was standing about ten feet from me, separated by a few people. Yes, we were quite lysergic. We didn't think anything of it. Next time I looked, he was twenty feet away, still no problem. Next time: no Tommy! I spent the night sleeping in the bushes and got a ride to my door from some good GD fans who slept in their car.

Proudfoot -- sorry I thought you were saying that the '78 box had your first show. My bad.

Vguy -- you've got the formula: point and laugh. I do it all the time here, where I live alone! (A mirror is useful.)

Sounds like we're all into fragments. So... I say, group 'em (obviously). Let's have the '66-68 fragments first. Call it the Proto-Beast Box.

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10 years 6 months

Sorry HF, that was a bit smug.
Like Nelson on the Simpsons who always goes, "Haw, haw".
We're more fond of nyah, nyah here in CO.
Cheers anywho!

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


that is one of 5 days of my life I would like to relive.

the day I met my wife
birth of my twin boys
birth of my daughter

several days of mostly Megadeth followed by several ABBA tracks

love it.

ABBA...they made some freakin' great music. IMNSHO.

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15 years 3 months

Via Con Dios Mr. Simmons, a very underrated guitarist. Savoy Brown was a favorite before I became a Deadhead and still is, just fired these up
Looking In
Hellbound Train
Raw Sienna
Jack the Toad

what a band.

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17 years 9 months

Hendrixfreak......I too was at Englishtown in 77 and remember the Birth. we were back about 150 feet and the news spread all over. I remember a birth at Watkins Glen in 73 also, and a death at Watkins Glen and a Sky diver coming down into the crowd These shows were such large crowds and to be in the middle Dosed!! Great Memories

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11 years

Here's a confession: I can't keep this forum straight! I've got 1st show and proudfoot mixed up and, hey, where did I put that pipe?

Kim Simmonds, yeah! Flying V, A Hard Way to Go, A Step Further -- man, got into Savoy Brown in about 1970 and a couple years ago I bought a couple of their early albums on 2 LPs on one CD production. Good to have just plain hard rockin'!

Hey Chuck, didn't Weir announce from the stage that they needed to get her out of the crowd and "is there a doctor in the house?" At the Glen I didn't hear anything about babies appearing, but I do recall the sky diver, who made a long descent, then I believe triggered a flare that burned him to death as he descended just outside the bounds of the crowd. Horrible! But 50 years on, is there a joke in there somewhere? I guess he was burning to see the Dead... I mean, that guy was smokin'....(sorry!!)

Well, April 2023 should be pretty tasty: spring (of sorts here) and 4-5 hrs of fall '72 GD and the upside is, some tracks from my first show. Make that glass half-full, now that I'm done with the one-man pity party!

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by Chuck


You would have thought there would have been, in a crowd that size in 1973.

Chalk me up for fragments too. You only have to look at the ones that have already come out - especially the incomplete shows in Dicks Picks and Road Trips - to see how well they can work.

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17 years 9 months

Hendrixfreak yes you are right about Bobby saying is there a doctor in the house at Englishtown. At Watkins Glen there was a young girl to our left about 25 feet and was ready to pop. It was raining and we saw her friends helping her to get up and leave...later we heard she gave birth. not sure if it was on the ground or in an Ambulance. and Savoy Brown I remember seeing them at the Filmore East right before Christmas with I think Poco, If I rememer Paul Cotton just replaced Jim Messina in Poco. At Penn State Poco was a big hit in all the Dorms with their music blasting out the windows. All these memories are making me feel old but Happy

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7 years 7 months

Does your wife know she's 3rd on the list??
I just had to chuckle, and yes, my wife knows she barely even MAKES the list!! Merry Christmas to All, and a Happy Hanukkah as well.

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10 years 6 months

A term for babies, 1940s military slang term.
From obsolete mediaeval or pre-mediaeval English word "sprag",
for a "lively young man". I like to keep up with Daverock and also with the continentals. Makes me feel smarter to speak the King's english.

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17 years 9 months

I'm definitely a complete show kind of head like many of you. And I think there are staples we could all agree upon that should be released in their entirety: Fillmore East February 1970, Fillmore East April 1971, and Winterland October 1974 are easy examples to come up with. Now with the Dicks Picks series, Mr. Latvala from what I have read was a little particular about shows. It's somewhat not surprising but reading through the often shared “Grateful Dead Miscellany” , Dick goes into his thoughts on many shows. This includes what he thinks may be released in the future. Some of his commentary does talk about shows that won't be necessarily released in their entirety based upon what he felt was the quality of the music (mostly) and available rels at that time. Here is a quote from him from that site about the 11/30/73, 12/1/73, 12/2/73 shows:

“As for the run at Boston at the end of the month and the beginning of December, well I would have to say that it is just that, "a run of shows". What I mean here is that I see using these 3 nights as a 3-4 cd release of the "best of a run" kind of deal. Not one of the 3 stands out on it's own, but in combo, they will deliver some of the absolutely finest playing of the year!!!”

That gives a little insight into maybe why some shows, at least when Dick was in charge, only got released in part or in fragments. I do think it is important to note that Dave L still puts out shows that Dick L held in high regard too.

For the current times, I think we have a much fuller vault to work with the returned Betty Reels. We have definitely seen the fruits of that return in the form of many shows being released in their entirety. However, I guess there are still some shows that are incomplete or, as the old Dick’s Picks caveat used to read, where the sound was affected by “the ravages of time”. For the 2023 DaP bonus disc, the situation is as per the email:

“There are two shows in September 1972 for which there are not complete recordings, either because of missing reels, or because of technical issues. The 2023 subscribers' Bonus Disc features the best material that sounded great from these two shows”

It is hard to know exactly what is and is not affected by technical issues. Then of course what material was not affected but left off the bonus disc. Knowing how great Dave L has treated us , he often finds a way to get this missing material out if he can. Maybe it will be filler on another release or it will come out in a future 30 Days of Dead (if it hasn't already).

With all of that, I often wonder if we would ever get complete releases of those shows that were chopped-up from many years ago. That is assuming that everything is contained in the vault and of releasable sound quality. I would certainly welcome it but at the same time if we're just stuck with chopped-up shows or fragments I think I can be OK with that. For me, I know looking towards the future, I'm really hoping that the vault gets mined for the other high profile shows that haven't been given the official release. I'm not knowledgeable enough to speak on the time it takes to put all these together other than I know we get quarterly releases of the DaP series, often an anniversary edition re-release, an LP for record store day, and one big box set per year. So, I guess the question begs, is there enough time and resources for Dave L and the crew to return to some of these old shows and put them out in their entirety without sacrificing the regular schedule of releases?

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by Mr. Ones


7/18/82 happened before we met
7/13/84 is in keeping with the GD theme

Meeting her and then the birthing as a bundle of family related stuff

I mean...7/18/82 and 7/13/84 were MINDBLOWING and LIFE CHANGING.

I figured I would meet the right young maiden at some point.

I'll be quiet now.

LLLLLYYYYY HATE reCAPTCHA. There IS time to hate on that phenomenon.

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3 years 4 months

Crazy Fingers returns. Ventura, fun times!

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4 years 11 months

In reply to by billy the kiddd


I managed to get to all the Ventura shows, being only a couple hours north of LA .... always a fun time on the beach ... great setting, good music... even managed a couple of decent photos of Uncle Jerry & the Boys and Bill Graham (backstage). But by far and away, the 7/13/84 (Dark Star returns!) show is one of the stand out moments of all the 50+ shows I saw in the early/mid 80's. When Phil comes out to the mic after the show and says ".... something special, one time only" (not an exact quote), the place went ape-shot! AND it was a tight, at pace, driving 15 minutes or so that no one wanted to end. Friday 13th at the Greek... how could there ever be a better Dead experience!!!

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3 years 4 months

It was a cool show even without the Dark Star encore. When you have Dire Wolf, Duprees, Bertha, Greatest Story, Scarlett Begonias-Touch of Grey, The Wheel, Stella Blue and then you play a 20 minute Dark Star for an encore and a shooting star blazes across the sky during Dark Star, it becomes legendary. Oh, I forgot, you also stop at Everette & Jones BBQ down on San Pablo Ave after the show and the whole night rises to a mythological level!. No doubt about it big fun!

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7 years 7 months

Proudfoot, I did not intend to make you have to defend your list, I was more relating as to how Heads (both Dead & Music variety) can prioritize music ahead of anything else. Sort of like the animated video Jim shared once, I call it the “I need more Dead shows” video. I am certainly guilty of it, and my wife knows that every once in a while, the show comes first!!
I apologize if you felt I was being pejorative in nature, I assure you I was not!!

Regarding incomplete shows, I may be on an island here, and trust me I LOVE complete shows, but sometimes, when there is a song ( or a few in songs a row) that are poorly played or just songs I am not so fond of, I kind of enjoy skipping those tunes, and enjoying the ‘meaty’ portion of a show. I welcome these ‘not quite complete shows’, especially when some of the detritus is eliminated.

Just one idiots opinion, similar to:
Music is the Best!!

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4 years 7 months

In reply to by Mr. Ones


Here's to the next GD box being a 10 disc set of 1969 fragments.

Herr Eins = Mr. Ones auf Deutsch.

Happy Holidays to all y'all Deadheads!!!

With apologies to Marye...if you are so inclined, look up ABBA live tv 1975 Waterloo.

Some very pleasant visuals for a cold December morning.

I am 15 again.

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11 years

I had to look up your key shows and I see that Berkeley encore of Dark Star. Just a wee bit jealous. But it sparked a memory that I wasn't sure was a real memory: of hearing them play a tumultuous Dark Star, then dropping into Me and My Uncle... cosmic space and in a heartbeat, a regular, even pedestrian song (sorry, I heard it alot)... but I could never place it. So I go to 'setlist program' and punch in my early shows. Sure enough, the fried brain weekend of July 31 and Aug 1, 1973. We're 48 hrs out of Watkins Glen (two big daze of serious perceiving) and tackling another two nighter with The Band. The second night is when they played Dark Star and segued neatly into Uncle. I now clearly recall looking at my buddy and essentially doing a WTF??? Actually it was What the F Just Happened? So WTFJH, which could be minted as a concert experience acronym, at least for the GD.

Thanks for solving a real memory that I had no clue on how to determine whether I only heard about such a segue or whether 'I was there.' Turns out I was THERE alright!

In fact, those two shows smoked and, um ... deserve release... can't stop now.

P.S. I'm onboard with Mr. Ones: complete shows when merited, drop a song or two if they're subpar and interrupt the greatness or complete, tasty fragments that don't need to mimic a show flow. I don't know how I'll feel in a few years, but I'm in the grips of this Vault program in a big way.

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11 years

I had no idea. And yesterday we were singing his praises. Gone at 75, after 55 years leading Savoy Brown.

Dang. Sad news.

... and I'd forgotten about the Scarlet-Touch-Fire.... felt "special" because I'd seen them do it in KC on 7/3, where I literally had the best seat in the outdoor theater ... for sure was groovin to the Scarlet, but was thoroughly confused with the Touch (I think maybe the transition was slightly awkward?) ... and THEN to Fire... what the hell?!?? (in a really good way). So when it came up at the Greek 10 days later, I had some serious bragging rights! Not sure how many Scarlet-Touch-Fires they did, but I suspect under a dozen ....

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16 years 4 months

I happened to notice a post a little while ago from Pancho Pantera asking about a spreadsheet of Dead shows. Years ago (back when I was an active viner here) I received something as an extra that I have since revised and added to. It is in Excel. If anyone would be interested in this send me a PM.

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11 years

Formaldehyde, proudfoot, formaldehyde....

Imagine the scene, a few billions years on, when the Earth plunges into the Sun, and KR is the last man standing, waving his hat like Slim Pickens in Dr. Strangelove as he rides an H bomb to its target....

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8 years

I believe Keith Richards is still with us for a number of reasons, one, good genetics.

Also, by his own admission he had the cleanest of drugs, the finest Merck pharmaceutical cocaine and ultra pure, clean heroin. Not sure about all the dirty Jack Daniel's and Marlboros though.

Plus, he has lived like royalty for the past 50 years. He's Keith f-ing Richards! He calls the shots. Other than that Toronto bust, I doubt he stresses very much. Always seems like the genuine real rock n' roll article to me.

God Bless Keith Richards, Jack Nicholson, and Hunter S. Thompson. They just don't make 'em like that anymore.


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Member for

16 years 6 months

Any recommendations for American poets from the last 50 years? I love American fiction but I'm not too familiar with much relatively recent poetry.

Acoustic guitar, piano, bass, drums, a nice flowing, picky electric guitar style, Jerry McGee or David Lindley say, and a vocalist that can actually sing. Any suggestions?

DaveRock, I shop at Tesco's, is there something I should know, does that mean I haven't got long left? I do like a decent Shepherd's Pie though, but having a vegan wife it's a rare treat.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

In reply to by Nick1234


Nick1234 - your'e lucky you've still got one - that is one of the shops that has closed round here over the last year or so. Come to Lowestoft - an emptying town center full of boarded up shops. Book early.
I think the risks associated with eating Shepherds Pie are a bit exaggerated. Unless of course you happen to be a lamb. In which case you're screwed.

Thinking of American poets over the last 50 years makes me realise how old fashioned I have become. Both Raymond Carver and Denis Johnson have written poetry, but it tends to be their short stories or novels that I have enjoyed more.

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11 years

It's the early 90s (I think) at Denver's old Stapleton Airport. I'm in line to lovely Newark, NJ, where my parents lived. (They were died-in-the-wool New Yorkers, RIP. I was born in Manhattan.) The guy in front of me is bald(ing) and his head has a slightly familiar shape. Discreetly, I glance at the tag on the attache case in his hand: "Hunter S. Thompson, Doctor of Divinity."

A couple nights prior, HST had been on David Letterman (whose assinine schtick I never liked, but HST is on, you know?) and HST talked about covering the Pulitzer divorce trial in Miami, where high caliber fireworks apparently are readily available.

HST comes out, unsteadily, with his lit cigarette in its holder and a small colorful box in his hand. He settles in, Letterman asks something stupid and HST manages a mumbled grunt, then something akin to "I've been up for days, not entirely here, not well..." Letterman leans in theatrically, as HST's mumble is not made-for-prime-time. And HST places the maybe four-inch to a side box on Letterman's desk, within HST's reach. That's when I notice the fuse. While HST mumbles under his breath, Letterman is hamming it up for the camera, like "Can you believe this wack-o?" Meanwhile, HST slowly, casually, extends his left hand, with the cigarette, to the fuse. The distance between the lit cig and the fuse is closing. Letterman looks over just in time and uses his Johnny Carson eraser-at-both-ends pencil to scoot the box just out of HST's reach. Maybe, at this late date, I'm only imagining a subtle smile creeping over HST's face. Maybe, more likely, he's completely deadpan.

Fast forward a few days and HST must have flown from NY to his home in Aspen, Colorado, then appears in front of me in line to go to Newark. I say, "Pardon me, Mr. Thompson, I'd just like to say that your appearance on Letterman was pure genius. You were so close to lighting that fuse. And Letterman is such a phony schmuck." HST turns, again that almost undetectable smile plays over his mouth. "Yeah, Letterman's a dick," he mumbles. Or something like that. So I said, "Whatcha doin' now?" "Pulitzer divorce trial for Rolling Stone in Miami," he says under his breath. "That's cool," I say. "Why are you flying to Newark?" "NEWARK!?" he says, "GODAMMIT! I'm going to Miami." I said, "Oh, over there, that's the line for Miami."

HST mutters "Thanks" and shuffles off to another line as we began boarding for lovely Newark, NJ. And I'm left to wonder what it would've been like to be seat mates with HST for a several hour flight. (I was holding materials for use in the airplane bathroom.) May lightning lay me low if I lie. Best I can do ~30 years later.

Ah, the beauty of random encounters!

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10 years 6 months

Uncle Duke with little bubbles coming out of his brain.
One of the most clear-headed writers of his time.
You can bet there were explosives in that little box.
And possibly a sizeable one!
Aspen's favorite lunatic and mine too.
Both Fear and Loathings are on my bookshelf.

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