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  • 1stshow70878

    I love the drama queens. Somebody barely touches them and they go down in a heap looking for the penalty. And when they don't get one the histrionics are laughable. True in other sports too but just more noticeable in soccer. But the US player did get the hardest knee to the crotch I've ever seen. Down for the count. I'm a Messi fan. Dude is unstoppable. Generally would rather watch hockey than futbol or football.
    By the way, where is the Jam of the Week?
    Today's music recommendation: The Golden Gate Quartet doing the spiritual Go Where I Send Thee. Great harmonies!

  • daverock
    Voodoo Soup

    It's not well regarded, but I played this posthumous Hendrix album earlier in the week, and it really hangs together well. Those instrumentals are out of this world. It does seem ridiculous, adding and subtracting instruments decades after the originals were cut - but the end result is pretty good.

    I'd buy a 66-70 box set in a heart beat. If I could work out how you do it - looks a bit trickier these days.

    With the World Cup, as with anything else, I always back the underdog. The more big teams get knocked out the better. As Chuck Berry said - "Such a sight to see/Somebody steal the show". I'm not too keen on the way some of them act after they score a goal, either. That bloke called Grealish qualifies as the most irritating so far.
    All best experienced with the commentary turned down and the music turned up.

  • Oroborous

    PF, I’m sorry at your misfortune, but that is too damn funny!
    Think I would have gone somewhere else to keep sleeping and just left it lol.
    Why is it women blame us for these unfortunate anomalies?

    68 Box: hey don’t get me wrong, I’m in anytime, I just wonder if outside of the freak zone bubble we live in, if your average casual fan would be? I agree about all that power etc, in fact, funny story: back when we were basically kids and we’d go to parties, we always got stuck outside by the keg with the heavy metalers. Generally they didn’t dig the dead, but we all knew each other and got along, and both factions appreciated some of the similarities in say culture, and both were proud of our outsider status, and hey, at least we weren’t preppy jocks lol.
    So if we put say, Blues for Allah on, they’d give us shit, BUT, if Anthem ( or they really liked first album!) or some primal Dead was snuck in, they’d often dig it. The first time we played Anthem they couldn’t believe it was the Dead!
    They were like “who’s this, it’s cool?” After we’d tell ‘em who it was, being proud metalers they’d have to feign righteous indignation lol.
    I just wonder out my ass if the repetition and less professional elements would resonate with yer weekend fringe fan?
    Guess part might depend on box size, and part on number of boxes?
    But from inside the freak bubble, I’m sure we’d all like to find out!
    I mean many of “us” would gobble that shit up faster than HST with a fresh tab of acid, but “them”, and you have to consider them, because I don’t think there’s that many of “us”, so that’s the only reason I pondered the idea…

    I still would prefer one big muscular Primal 66 through 70 beast! It would be a good way to put out some of the really early stuff that might be hard to market on its own? Tid bits etc, bits and pieces, short shows, big jams, partials. You could lump all kinds of cool shit together that on their own might not have the clout.
    But in a historical presentation, taking the best stuff from different years, and perhaps weighted more on the back end years, think about it? Say a disc or 2 of 66-67, you could use one disc shows from 68, say three or four shows, throw in a run of 69 from say the Ark, or Avalon, a couple late 69, possibly with some acoustic, and finish it off with similar from 1970!
    Sure it’d be big and expensive, but for the old tops here, besides a killer primal set, maybe they feel they have enough other stuff already and aren’t interested at all in later years? So well then think of it as one last blast of R &R, one final big score of scores! If it’s possibly your last one, why not go big!
    Just a thought…?

    PF, glad you found your way home, and glad your gonna stick around awhile!

    Oh yeah…and what ABOUT Gainesville, tap, tap, tap…

  • proudfoot
    F'd up bed frame blues

    I woke up dis mo'nin'...

    Got up to..."go down the hall" 530 am.

    Bronk! A corner of the bed frame pops loose.

    "No sleep for you!"

    Wife flips out (and a lovely morning to you too, my beloved), I half-awake analyze the situation, spend next 45 minutes fixing things. Soundtrack: Megadeth Rust in Peace.

    Life is strange, gentlemen. Very, very strange.

  • PT Barnum
    hey now

    after a trip lost in space I have stumbled my way back to this site. It was a weird trip that would not allow communications with fellow intrepid travelers or home base. Upon my arrival I learn of Christine's untimely death. She had been part of Fleetwood Mac since 1970, was there when Danny Kerwain was in the band, after Peter Green left she was there, she was there when the great guitarist Bob Welch was in the band and she was there when Lindsey and Stevie joined the group. Never a scene stealer, she allowed Lindsey and Stevie to thrive and grow with the band. Always humble her writings were just "little ditties" that she penned that almost always became hits. Never outspoken but always humble she was the epitome of classic rock female musicians. I miss her already.
    I was lucky enough to witness the Mac a couple of times, once in 71 and once again in 74 and then the last time when they all got back together after that long hiatus in 97? She had an awesome stage presence and held her own alongside these great musicians mentioned above. I was never much of a fan of Stevie Nicks, fun to look at back in the day but their music became homogenized in my opinion when they joined. Although I did enjoy the Buckingham/Nicks lp when it came out.
    Daverock, not being a fan of the Mac try the lp Mystery to Me or Bare Trees or Future Games or Heroes or hard to Find. All pre-Lindsey and Stevie. Also, their lps with Peter Green would be right up your alley. Bob Welch passed away a while back, I always thought it was a mistake to fire Bob from the Mac, but I was wrong, they made it big time after he left.
    Jimi turns 80, wow, where has the time gone? I have always wondered what he would be playing and producing now, if he had hung around. Electric Ladyland is still played here, also Cry of Love, an underrated lp, and of course the psychedelic Axis-Bold as Love is a Masterpiece. As later posthumously released music was available, I think he would have gone to experimental blues or jazz aka Miles with a guitar.
    A great anniversary came and went without much mention here, 11-29-80, the Grateful Dead live at Alligator Alley Gym in Gainesville, Fl. The first Shakedown>Franklins tower. A great show that hopefully the soundboard will be found one day.
    Will a box of grate 68 Dead sell? I say yes and put me on the "Buy" side of that vote. Perhaps a poll to see if there is interest?
    Glad you are on the mend HF, sucks not to be well. I mentioned the Petty box a while back, looks great and I will try to pick it up, cost may be prohibitive. Speaking of Petty, Stevie was indoctrinated into the Heartbreakers and played with them a couple of times, she seem a good fit for that band, she can rock, just not my cup of tea.
    Vascular doctor says no operation needed at this time, but we will be watching and waiting as aneurysms don't heal themselves. Dr said that some people have them all their lives and don't even know they have one, found mine when they were doing an ultrasound of my liver.
    Looks like I'll be around for a few more _________(fill in the blank) we never know so live baby, live.

  • Mr. Ones

    Good band, but not my topic.
    These last few days of posts are my favorite type. Friendly, encouraging, supportive and like……family!!
    I had a cd of the Betty Nelson Raspberry Farm show 20 years ago. Went to play it 2 weeks ago and-disc rot. Arrggghhhh! Would LOVE to see it released.
    My feeling, we have folks who prefer early, primal Dead. We have folks who prefer post ‘77 Dead, and most are probably up for anything. I would be shocked if a ‘68 box didn’t sell out super fast. And if it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, well, not much is loved by all (see past discussions). Should not be a big deal.
    I DO agree that the older lot of us (yes, that’s me too) would like to see more early, primal Dead before we leave this beautiful planet.

    Regarding World Cup-there’s only 3 countries that I’ve ever rooted for: US, England, Holland.

    Today, obviously pulling hard for US. If our side loses today, I’ll be for England, then the Dutch.
    After that, I really don’t have a rooting interest, although Japan look disciplined, and fun.

    So, WC starts in less than an hour. After that, it’s music, music, music. Because…

  • daverock
    1968 etc

    Dennis - thanks for the heads up about that Hawkwind album. A recent live recording featuring a selection of new tracks peppered with tracks from the 70's. Looks good. Not sure about the idea of covering Tom Jones "It's Not Unusual", but I guess if you have been touring for over 50 years and are over 80, you can sing what you damn well like.

    Oro - I seemed to miss out on Peter Green era Fleetwood Mac, too. I did get an album by John Mayall, called "Hard Road" that featured him, which was pretty good. I saw him live once, too, about 23 years ago at a blues festival. It felt a bit sad, though.

    I'm a bit surprised people here think 1968 would be hard sell. Maybe it's just a case of - because I like it every once else should too. But of all the various eras and styles of playing - the shows from this year really blow out the fuses like never again. You don't need to know a thing about them to recognise the power. Maybe shows from this year would appeal more to non Deadheads than Deadheads. I think yer average Hawkwind fan, should there be such a beast, would prefer "Anthem" to anything else in the Dead's back catalogue.
    1966 to the first half of 1967 - now that I can imagine being less popular. Interesting, for sure, and historically important..but still formative to my ears.

  • JimInMD

    I get the feeling not all the shows that circulate are in the vault. Just a feeling.. but I think we would have seen at least another release or two from this year. The last 68 release was 2015, and before that 2009, before that 2001.

    That's Bananas.

  • proudfoot
    Billy the Kidd strikes again

    If Dave ever retires...BTK needs to be his successor.

  • Oroborous
    Miscellaneous ramblings

    MR PC, glad you didn’t go quitting on us, we need the entertainment (and twisted wisdom ; )
    Glad to see your mind is still moving fast even if your heart needed to slow down lol. JK of course…rest up and be well soon amigo!
    Yassss, puzzling the apparent resistance to 68?
    I agree that an all 68 might not sell so well overall, but I think a primal box of 67-70 would!
    There’d be enough variety in there to attract fence sitters, and it would be a great historical showcase of the rapid transition that took place over those years.

    SMALL BOXES: their ok, I’m just worried if Dave is on the 20 year plan he alludes too, that we need more shows while we can get em, not less! So if small boxes, then perhaps do 2 a year, or 1 big, 1 small…just my two centavos…

    Four Winds blow CM…
    Saw the Mac in 78 when they still sorta ruled the world. Bob Welch, Pablo Cruise, Foreigner and F.M. as the headliner.
    Only went just to go, wasn’t really a fan, but the Mac ended up really surprising my 15 year old melon!
    Will always have a sharp memory of SN and LB playing You Can Go Your Own Way like they ment it more than anything in the world, very intense! Just glaring at each other the whole song! LB, with no pick, was playing his White Les Paul so hard he broke multiple strings!
    By then you could just tell something was up between them even back then as a clueless kid with no internet.
    One of my top R&R moments from my personal history. Think I liked Christine better than Stevie though?

    FUTBALL: I tightened up the homeboys on the job site with a tv the other day so they could watch Mexico during their lunch break. Now I don’t speak espanol, but man those boys were getting into it like any NFL fans I’ve ever seen. Good game from the bit I watched. Don’t get how they won the game but still were out though?

    DAVEROCK: that was too funny about the English team lol.
    I’m surprised you never got into early Mac with Peter Green et el as they were English, late sixties/early seventies and more blues oriented, or right up your alley?

    KUVO, good news there 1st show, only wish they still broadcast up here on FM…used to be my default in the car.

    Howdy DMCVT, yeah dug that Raspberry farm show at POTD via Docs recommendation! Good sheet Mon, more, more, more por favor!
    Happy Friday ladies and germs, hope the white ribbon of death doesn’t shut down before I get home tonight.
    Now that there’s so many people here and many not experienced in mountain winter driving, it seems like the highway shuts down every time it snows, ugghhhh.

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My eldest’s plane arrived at midnight a day late last night, as few flights could leave Vancouver due to snow, but due to high winds and crazy cold here, he sat taxiing until 2:30am, while my youngest waited to pick him up. I remember sitting on a plane for hours in Detroit for no good reason, and not much to do but smile smile smile.
Anyway, that’s all small potatoes to losing a family member, so condolences Nappy, and to all that lost a furry family member this year.
This month alone, we have lost a close family member (my bro-in-law/friend), one of my kids got laid off just before Christmas (working for Scrooge & Sons was likely a tip off), and a beauty fender bender in my SUV by my wife (no one hurt, thankfully, but the body shop is booked until APRIL!), so a fitting end to a really shite year (annus horribilis). However, we are alive, and blessed for home, family, friends, community, and music. Music is the salve for the wounds, and can bring joy from the first notes.

I wish my friends here a Merry Christmas, and a really amazing 2023.

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It's been a harrowing year for many, with intervals of incredible awesomeness, so here's to us all, to happy gatherings, and to a better year ahead.
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15 years 3 months

Merry Christmas to all. Condolences to Nappy, losing a life partner pet is very difficult, especially this time of year. Love the one you have left and keep on keeping on. It will get better.
Good bye to a shitty year, hospital, car wreck, hospital again, but this next year will be a good one.

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Nappy, Im sorry for the loss of your pet.

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Ovenchkin overtakes Gordy Howe and is in the 800 goals club with him and The Great Gretsky.
Viks last second win with a 61 yd. FG. This is starting to get real.
Condolences Nappy. That's how ours went too this year.

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12 years 5 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Sorry for your loss. It’s been a brutal year all around.

5° outside. 20 mile an hour winds. And our furnace goes out. Those greedy bastards tripled the service call rates all the way through until Tuesday. Worst of all, the technicians actually going out on the service calls don’t see a nickel of it.

So what do I do? Anonymously pay for breakfast for a table police officers.

Congratulations to Ovy. Unfortunately I get the sense he’s sticking around just to break the all-time goal record. Which is too bad. He’s a tremendous player and I really like him, but he’s not in the same league as Gretzky. He’s got his Cup and should move on.

Favorite Christmas songs. . . Silent Night. Not even close. Way, way back in second place would be little drummer boy.

Merry Christmas to all you good folks.

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11 years 11 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


Happy Happy Holidays to all, these forums are most often a most wonderful gathering of kindred spirits with great sharing and love of music, my thanks goes out for many kindnesses, good stories, real life adventures. Briefly postponed travel to see family and friends in the mid Atlantic area due to this crazy weather, yesterday was bizarre for Vermont, flood watch, near hurricane strength gusts, very thankful the power stayed on through it all. Nappy, condolences for your loss. This year has been a tough one, yet the light and warmth of friendship has carried me and I hope all of us further. My pick for single most meaningful would be Carol of the Bells, because of its Ukrainian origin. Not to be political, just thinking of them. Strangers stopping strangers, just to shake their hand, everybody's playing in the heart of gold band.

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The Grateful Dead only played twice on Christmas Eve, 12/24/66 Avalon Ballroom & 12/24/67 The Palm Gardens, Ny. They played a 3 show run at the Palm Gardens in 1967.

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In reply to by Angry Jack Straw


"Santa Claus Is Coming To Town" by Joseph Spence is my favourite, hands down. Another good record is "Christmas Eve Blues" by Blind Lemon Jefferson.

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7 years 7 months

My 3 favorite Christmas songs (hymns actually)
are:O Come, All Ye Faithful, Away In A Manger and Hark The Herald Angels Sing. I bet you can’t tell I grew up in a Baptist Church, going 4 times a week until I was old enough to decide not to go. I’m not anti-religion at all, just anti-dogma.
To Nappy Rags and everyone who lost beloved quadrupeds this year, you have my true sympathy, empathy and compassion. Pet ‘children’ have been a part of my life for over 55 years. And even though if I think too hard about the obvious outcome, I always choose joyously, to form that next magical bond, after mourning the loss of the previous one. I’ve heard it said that death is a part of life. And so it may be, but it’s certainly not the highlight.

And lest I get too morose, for those celebrating a rather Historical Birth tomorrow, Merry Christmas!!
And to all faiths, may this season of contemplation and devotion bring joy to all, regardless of which Holiday you celebrate, or even if you choose not to celebrate anything, we can all celebrate our beloved critters.
I don’t think Santa Claus is bringing me any gifts this year. Perhaps I was more naughty than nice.
Peace and Love to everyone out here in Deadland.

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Saw Garcia and Grisman play this at the Warfield Theatre , they really sounded great!

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I remember seeing John Fahey do an incredible version of Silent Night at the Freight & Salvage in Berkeley. You could hear a pin drop in the room,it was amazing. Merry Christmas to everybody, I hope everybody has a fantastic day!

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15 years 6 months

Nappy , so sorry to hear about your loss!
Billy, 12/24/1966 was released under the wrong date of 9/16, as the Vintage Dead LP. 12/24/67 is mia though.

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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to ALL

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Band of Gypsys style. My favorite Christmas song. (It's a cautionary tale via sound collage.) Although there IS a recording of Jimi doing Little Drummer Boy...

I'm a pagan, so the holidaze mean Winter Solstice for me. A little of this (whiskey) and a little of that (Indica), an electric guitar and a couple of friends with which to make some noise to celebrate the Solstice. The good news: days are getting longer. Not-so-great-news: only by a minute and a half each day. Gotta focus on the trend! January and February can be a tough slog before March-April's wet snows and spring fights its way out of winter until the contest comes to a head in May around here; in the past, spring has prevailed each time, but the climate's getting weird, so ya never know.

Nappy, sorry for your loss. Truly. I put down my 20-year-old, Zoe, in May. Last night I dreamed she showed up as a kitten -- I recognized her instantly -- and I told my father (in the dream) that she was still alive. He looked me kind of oddly, but said nothing. (He passed away in June.) I woke up crying. I expect to hear from her again in the long goodbye. Life is a bittersweet place. Ya gotta love, and the price of love is loss and grief. Two sides of a coin. (Although my divorce was all upside... rimshot!)

Best wishes to all! 2022 was kinda rough. Here's to better times, as always.

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In reply to by hendrixfreak


Back to Seattle tonight

Anza Borrego state park
Joshua Tree NP
Indian Canyon

My own Christmas miracle: my daughter was able to get out of Seattle Wednesday and join us here even though many flights were cancelled. She's been going through her first big breakup and HAD to get away from her day to day. (We had left a few days earlier). I mean, she was in need of getting away.

A Christmas/Festivus/ Solstice / call it what you will miracle.


P.S. saw a hippie chick at ABSP with a really cool Jerry shirt.

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In reply to by hendrixfreak


God Rest ye Merry Gentlemen (Dawg/Garcia)
Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer
Shake Your Christmas Butt (PussNBoots)
Piece of You (Big People)
Fairytale of NY (Pogues)
Run Rudolph Run (Pig Pen)
Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by Cousins Of The…


I never knew that was 12/24/66. Makes me wonder what date Historic Dead was recorded. Both those albums are well worth getting.
A few more blues approved Christmas songs are "Merry Christmas Baby" by Robert Nighthawk and "Christmas Time Blues" by Black Ace. Elvis made some good ones too, of course. "Blue Christmas" is a beaut. Brian Setzer also has some cool Christmas cds and dvds out there. The dvds may be best, so you can gaze at his Gretsch's.

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11 years 11 months

In reply to by daverock


Released nearly forty years ago, Christmas music done Dawg style, fun listen. Mike Marshall, Bela Fleck, Darol Anger, Rob Wasserman, even Donald Duck shows up for one number. Darol's recent projects with Mr. Sun band well worth checking out. Greensleeves tune was hijacked for Christmas music, started as a ballad almost 450 years ago, noted by Shakespeare. Interesting piece today in Politico about the weed glut in Michigan, elsewhere.

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15 years 6 months

Don't have the exact date for this one, but it's earlier than Vintage Dead.

Christmas records today:

Leon Redbone: Christmas Island
Merry Christmas From Motown (Various artists - 1969)
Spinal Tap: Christmas With The Devil
Joey Ramone: Christmas
Elvis: Christmas Album
Wizzard: I Wish It Could Be Christmas Everyday

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10 years 9 months

Merry Christmas (and all similar return-to-the-light festivities) to everybody. . . And Nappy, so sorry to hear that Violet had to leave. Sounds like she had a great run in the Rags household. There's something special about those bittersweet smiles and remembrances of our furry companions that's uniquely special. Onward. . .

Hey Cousins, That's interesting about Vintage Dead actually being from 12/24/66. There seems to have always been some confusion, and 9/16 had sounded plausible from what little documentation I was ever able to run down. Where can I find Vintage Dead (and possibly Historic Dead) attributed to 12/24/66? THANKS!

[EDIT: Oops! I was pecking out this post after your last post had already popped up. Still, any further info from that mysterious and misty state of mind called 1966 will be appreciated.]

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If you listen closely to Bob's second line in Dancing in the Streets, you'll notice he says "it's the winter of the year"; back then he often adjusted that line to match the season. Jerry's guitar sound and the band's overall sound is much closer to mid-december/early '67, thank summer 66.
Also, Mike Dolgushkin(if you heard of him - he's on facebook) will confirm the Vintage Dead date; he's a reliable source.

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The Dead signed an agreement that this music was to be released along with the other S.F. Bands that played at the Avalon Ballroom and released as a compilation of S.F. Bands. The Deads music was the only music that came out, it came out to cash in on the success of Working man's Dead. Garcia said it was cool if you were there that night, but it aint what's happining now, he said that in 1971.

And a good time to go look for Vintage and Historic Dead, which I don't believe have ever come out on cd. I'd just check out Discogs and see if there are any reasonably good condition copies for sale that won't break the bank.

Jerry's comment about how the music on these albums sounded cool if you were there on the night, but ain't what's happening now, as quoted by Billy, is an observation that could have been applied to any live Dead album released during their life time. "Cool if you were there on the night" being an understatement in some cases.

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3 years 4 months

Daverock, you make a great point, that you could say that about any of the Deads live recordings. Garcia said that in that Rolling Stone Book about him. But he also said several years down the line, when somebody asked him about what he thought about that book, he said he wish he could just burn the thing , thats not a direct quote but basically what he said. So take it for what it is.

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3 years 4 months

A great show to kick off a great run of shows. This whole run of shows would have made a great boxset.

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11 years

Things do change, don't they? Coulda used a "weed glut" -- an inelegant but compelling phrase -- back in the day.

These days, seems like certain Michiganders could use gummies the size of a golf ball. Bon apetite!

Oro: how could I have forgotten Pig's 'Run Rudolph Run'? I'm slipping.......

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by billy the kiddd


Billy - I think that's the name of the book. I thought it was alright, myself - certainly nothing to be embarrassed about. I can understand why he would be though - just having a stoned rap with someone one afternoon, then what you say gets printed and it's there for eternity. The price of fame, I guess-people think you know what you are talking about. And worse...remember what you say!
I've just watched the first hour of the newish David Bowie blu ray "Moonage Daydream" - now that is embarrassing. Loads of out of context quotes on God, philosophy - you name it - overlaid on clips of him performing live. It takes the word pretentious to a whole n'other level. The only saving grace in the first hour is Jeff Beck playing "Jean Genie" onstage at that last Spiders gig in 1973.

Best film I've seen recently is "Last Night In Soho" - brilliant. Incredible cover of the old Petula Clark hit "Downtown" sung by Anya Taylor-Joy. You can see the down tempo version online - truly spine tingling.

I have been wanting to see that, but Daverock has tempered my enthusiasm a bit

Maybe I'll stick with the albums I am familiar with

A week in Palm Springs
We return last night
This morming at 645 a windstorm blows through and sends a lighting frame from the rooftop deck to the street below. I go out and get it off the sidewalk in high winds and rain
Welcome back to Washington, bitch!

Luckily no people or cars were hit
Lights are salvagable
Frame is not
I just got done ripping it apart and putting it in trash

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15 years 3 months

gr8 flick, check it out when you can, takes you right back to the sixties and Anya Taylor-Joy is a delight to watch and the ending is awesome.
Christmas music
Kinks Father Christmas
Greg Lake I believe in Father Christmas
Eartha Kit Santa Baby
Elvis Blue Christmas
Robin Williams impersonating Elmer Fudd singing Blue Christmas
Sting Gabriel's Message
Bing Crosby and David Bowie Little Drummer Boy/Peace on Earth
don't forget Chuck Berry's version of Run Rudolph Run
Living up here in these mountains is beautiful except when it gets this cold, 2 degrees on Xmas eve, main lines here in the city froze and burst, nothing but a brown trickle coming out of these pipes here for 3 days now, still have power but no water pressure, so toilets don't work, have to be hand filled to flush, big fun.
I will be very happy when this year is over.

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7 years 7 months

For the record, an Italian ‘collector’s’ label called Oil Well put both of these early live dead albums on 1 cd. Just under 69 minutes of music. Catalog # is RSC CD 088. I’m sure it’s not easy to track down but there have to be a couple of copies floating around. As far as Jerry’s quote (and someone already alluded to this), I’m sure it was great if you were there, but if you weren’t or couldn’t be there, than listening to the recording is DEFINITELY the second best thing to being there. Otherwise, Dick’s & Dave’s , Road Trips & subscriptions wouldn’t exist as a business, just a place for Heads to reminisce.
I don’t know about y’all, but I gave up going out on New Year’s Eve many years ago. Why even risk getting hurt or killed by a drunken butthole trying to drive while oiled to the gills.
Perhaps a good movie instead. Thanks for the tip DAVEROCK!!
Be safe everyone, because very soon we can start talking about #45!!

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I received a full collection of Monty Python's flying circus episodes for x-mas. The post office dented the box a little. Stupid git.

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by carlo13


.... playing my "old" metal/rock albums on my turntable.
BOC - Extraterrestrial Live is up.
My last five will include random metal bands from the '80's. Give me a minute.

I'm with Mr Ones on that one - the last time I went out on New Years Eve was 1999 I think. Maybe an odd one since , but left to my own devices I'd rather stay in. Incidentally, I think you ( Mr Ones), in particular, would like "Last Night In Soho" being into mid 60's music.
Proudfoot - sorry If I put you off "Moonage Daydream". A lot of people rate it very highly. It does have great sound and picture quality. There are lots of great clips of him playing live with The Spiders, too - but they are all cut. One minute you are watching the band, the next he is being interviewed - then back to the live clip, but with Bowie talking over the top of it. What he says and asks seems irrelevant now as well. He didn't get on with his mum. He doesn't believe in God, but he does believe there is something out there. As Eddie Cochran sang.. "Who cares...C'mon Everybody".

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the Grateful Dead, but I did see and snatch up one Dick's Picks reissue -- #34, 11-5-77 -- and that thing smokes! Just about every song on the first two discs is top shelf, even ones I'm not crazy about (er, Samson & Delilah). I was never taken with the revival of St. Stephen, it always seemed awkward, but this one works.

Classic case of "too much '77, but this particular show is killer!" Which can be applied to most of '77, the year that keeps on giving. I have a good feeling that 1-2 Oct '77 from Portland will catch fire as well.

Have a very Nappy New Year all!

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3 years 4 months

43 years ago, I was at the Oakland Auditorium for a great night with the Good Old Grateful Dead. This whole run could have been released as a box set. Big Fun!

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17 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


....just listened to it today at work. Good stuff. Onto the 28th!

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3 years 4 months

12/27 was a busy night for Grateful Dead Shows. I'm sure alot of the people who post here were also at these shows. Fun times!

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17 years 9 months

My first show, and look what happened. I don't think it's regarded as one of the all time greats, but it did the job... Acoustic set too. I still like listening to it and going oh yeah, that happened.

Happy New Year and Holidays to all.

Thanks Dave - 2022 has been a great year indeed. The MSG box incredibly good as are the Dave's Picks this year.

Ran through DiP5 last night. Man, still a great show.

Want to congratulate Warner/Rhino on the Little Feat Waiting on Columbus box. What a great box. Feats put on a hell of a show a few weeks back. Although, I think Ticketmaster stole ticket sales from them in this scheme that have, which is now under investigation.

Govt Mule had a great show here, but their sound guy is horrible. Funny to see several 20 y/o's bitching about crowd noise as they tape. When the sound is that bad, maybe try a sound board patch. Still probably wouldnt be a very good tape. Maybe have to see if I can find a copy of that show to see if maybe I am wrong. Sound guy at the console playing around with his phone.

Joe Satriani put on an incredible show also and had some of the most advance line arrays I have seen in a long time. Made me realize the change in how bands are sold and marketed. The way our new Music Hall is designed backwords from traditional venues. That is, the expensive seats are up top with private bar (VIP type access) and then the line arrays put those seats with the best sound. Funny to see things flip.

2022 was the greatest one year of shows in my life, just a lot of great music around here.

Been 35 years since December 27, 1987 Oakland Coliseum. What an incredible show. The whole run was excellent and fun, well, except the weather. Lots of cold rain and (no snow) but wind. I have been listening to a good soundboard of it today.

Time keeps on ticking...into the future. Hope to write more about 1987 New Years run...

Again, hope all the regulars are well and ready for a great new year!


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7 years 1 month

And belated Merry Christmas.

PT Barnum, I also like Greg Lake's I Believe in Father Christmas (single version, because the one on Works Volume 2 is mixed differently and not as good).

2000 Miles by the Pretenders is great. Very sad to hear the true meaning behind it which I just found out last week. Chrissie Hynde wrote it about her buddy guitarist in the band James Honeyman-Scott who also cowrote a few of their songs with Hynde, and provided that cool guitar sound from Brass in Pocket. They had just had an emergency band meeting after their 2nd album. From what I gather it was pretty much Chrissie's band and she fired their bass player Pete Farndon for getting too heavily into drugs and negatively affecting the band. Two days later James Honeyman-Scott died of a cocaine overdose. Ironic since he wasn't the one who got fired. Then a year later Farnon died of a heroin overdose. Beautiful song that I enjoy every year at Christmas time, but will never hear it the same way again.

Now that I bummed everyone out Vguy has to tell one of his jokes.

I found a great newer copy of 2/15/73 at the Dane on the archive site. Look for the version that was added in 2020. It's one of the finest sound boards I've ever heard from the 70s before hiatus.

....The Jewish guy turns to the Chinese guy and says, "Fu*k you and your people, for bombing Pearl Harbor!"

The Chinese guy is like, "WTF?! That wasn't us. That was the Japanese!"

The Jewish guy: "Chinese, Japanese, Vietnamese... you're all the same."

After a few minutes and another beer, the Chinese guy turns to the Jewish guy and says, "Fu*k you and your people for sinking the Titanic!"

The Jewish guy: "Huh? They ran into an iceberg..."

Chinese guy: "Iceberg, Goldberg, Steinburg, you're all the same."
I would love to see Joe Satriani live. Incredible guitar player.
I only made it to one New Years run. 1991. Only saw the first two shows though. Couldn't find tickets for the 30th and the 31st. One one the very few times I went to shows without tickets in hand.

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Megadeth - Rust in Peace
Slayer - reign in blood
Judas priest - rocka rolla
Metallica - ride the lightning
AC/DC - let there be rock

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