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    Dead Admin
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    Anyone who has ever seen the Dead can testify that one of its shows will add quite a bit of color to the environment here at Stanford. Anyone who has not seen one of these spectacles should have the opportunity to do so. The Grateful Dead are an important part of the Bay Area's cultural history. Those of us who saw them last week can testify that the Dead are alive and well. The Concert Network would be hard-pressed to find an act which would bring Frost Amphitheatre to life as the Dead would. - The Stanford Daily

    As you know by now, we'd certainly have voted aye on this motion, so much so, that we've loaded up DAVE'S PICKS 49 with not one, but two complete Grateful Dead shows from the Frost Amphitheatre, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 4/27/85 and 4/28/85. The first shows from '85 in the series, these back-to-back hometown performances couldn't be more different while delivering the same level of passion and precision, five hours of it, in fact.

    In 1985, the band were celebrating "20 Years So Far," a feat that found them on these particular nights confident with invention in terms of both setlists and playing. There are old songs renewed, rare covers revived, undeniably nuanced Jerry moments, and a few surprises from Brent Mydland too. While it's impossible to select highlights, we can say with certainty that the overall clarity of these shows is unparalleled, courtesy of Dan Healy's recordings.

    Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 49: FROST AMPHITHEATRE, STANFORD U, PALO ALTO, CA 4/27/85 & 4/28/85 has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman at Mockingbird Mastering.


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  • Oroborous

    Seems there’s no accountability anymore, anywhere, but when you basically kill someone you should have to pay, HARD!
    This truly pisses me off, and I didn’t even know your Bro.
    What I don’t understand is how there’s not some safeguard or other opinion or some kind of advocate specifically for such situations?

  • Oroborous

    It would be one thing if they did the right thing and something went wrong etc, but to basically kill another human being because of what? Greed?
    I’m all about moving on and not getting hung up on past shit that you can’t change, but this motherf@##$& needs to feel real pain!

  • Oroborous

    My goodness, that’s a horrible story and can’t imagine what your going through!
    I’ll I can recommend is keep busy, long walks, and lots of Dead…if you get confused just listen to the music play.
    Eventually, time may not fully heal, but like all the heavy shit you’ve been through in life, this will pass.

  • Oroborous

    Tried to respond but this ridiculous nonsense won’t let me post!

  • Doingtheneedful
    Thank you!

    Thanks vguy and Dave! Your words mean a lot. Kevin was indeed special. Incredible social conscience and extremely intelligent. Never once raised his voice and was always measured and deliberate when he needed to be, and fun and surprising when he felt like it. The fact that we were solid and firm friends since the early 90’s speaks volumes. I tend to piss off most folk within weeks! lol. I’m not nasty at all, but I somehow seem to be a bit obvious when suffering fools… Precious little poppet that I am.

    My wife grew up with Kevin in Carshalton when they were kids. They even dated for a while a long time before I appeared on the scene. In one of life’s funny little co-inky dinks, we probably passed each other all the time when I was living in Putney as a young teen. Turns out we even used the same video store!

    It just destroys me that the coroner concluded he would almost certainly be with us today had he been admitted and given intravenous antibiotics. It’s one thing to be a hoity insecure pillock, but when a life is lost, and it’s not a “mistake”, then surely there’s something that needs to happen there. It won’t bring him back and I won’t claim sheer altruism in the “just so it doesn’t ever happen to anyone else” vein. No. I want the SOB to pay the price out of sheer anger and venom. I wish I could be a bigger person about it. I’m just not there yet. Nor do I expect to be any time soon. Sorry, but a line was crossed when it comes to my ability to forgive.

    For what it’s worth, I genuinely feel good about how my wife and I have picked up his widow and given her the safe space and sanctuary she needs. And she’ll have it forever. We’re even giving the spare bedroom in the place we’re moving to a name… “Julie’s Room”. She’s such a good and kind person. Just like Kevin. It makes us feel a little better that we can at the very least give her our unqualified support and affection and always have a place for her to feel safe in. And, she’s using it, so that in itself shows that it’s needed and that it’s a good thing for her.

    Anyway. Thanks again. Sincerely. It needs to be shared so I can lessen the empty anger that the finality of it all brings.

    I’ve been dwelling on the nature of “void” and the fact that I’m terrified of it - and no, the argument that I won’t be around to miss it just makes it worse. Even typing this is making my chest tighten, breathing laboured, and skin feel like it’s slow burning - anxiety to the max. How do you rationalise the unacceptable? All I can take from it is that if I feel this bad about losing life, I must really love it, and I’m trying oh so hard to use that as my “FU” to the reaper…

    Still. One of the terrible compromises that we’re all born with. “I’m going to give you something so magical, that when I take it away, and I WILL take it away, you’ll have never existe”. Jesus. Sorry, but now I’m having a full blown panic attack. Any ideas anyone? I don’t even drink anymore nearly two and half years sober, and thank god because if this wasn’t an excuse to bury myself in a bottle, then I don’t know what would be. So, if I qualify that question to “Any holistic ideas anyone?” Then maybe that’s better.

    One thing I can say with utmost confidence. The music of the good old Grateful Dead certainly helps. One thing I was really apprehensive about with sobriety and “being straight” was how it might alter my relationship with and enjoyment of the music. Turns out, not a jot! If anything it’s better than ever. My playing is improved and I can add thought to my guitar playing that allows for more “play” and less “see what sticks”. I guess the analogy would be the painter who knows how to use texture and layers as opposed to your Jackson Pollocks who luzz stuff everywhere and see what happens. They both produce interesting results and there is nothing to stop the chucking it about but, but having that extra layer in the arsenal gives you more toys to play with.

    How I got here from there I don’t know. But let’s end on a positive… Anyone considering changes around chemical self medication… I will assure you that YOU will still be YOU on the other side. You might do things a little differently, or require yourself to get “there” a different way, but don’t worry about losing yourself. I think it’s a bit of a common thing that folks can worry about when they’ve become dependant on certain addictive behaviours. That loss of one’s self. I’m here as living proof that you’ll still be there on the other side and what’s more, it’ll be earned and more valued, and dare I say, it’s not inappropriate to feel a little smug about it.

    Right. I’m much happier for having let all that out so thanks again all! It’s really, really appreciated.

    Now back to “how do I get my undelivered copy of DP48?” Again, any pointers would be brilliant. I’ve no doubt it was sent, but I’ve lost a few packages in the last six months or so… Never been a problem until recently, and ties up with when Evri started doing the “last to the door” legs. They recently (last week) put a watch in a “safe place”. Well. They threw it in the recycling wheelie bin actually. But hey, could have been a bush, right?


  • daverock

    Great to see you back on here - I wondered what had happened, and am sorry I didn't reach out earlier. You have absolutely no need to apologise at all - it sounds as though you have been to hell and back since we last communicated. Terrible what happened to your mate Kevin. He sounds as though he was a great person to have known and hung out with. What a tragic thing to happen to him. My heart felt condolences to you and his wife.

    Yup- I am still interested in the 1978 Daves Picks on vinyl - I'll send you my address by email - if not now - I am due out in a minute - but later today.
    As you guessed, I have got Dicks Picks 2 on vinyl - but thanks for thinking of me.
    My eyes lit up when I saw Ozric Tentacles in your post - but dimmed again when you talked of Phish. I have never heard them really - I'm not quite sure, but the very idea puts me off. Very unfair -I'm sure they'll survive ! Ozric Tentacles on the other hand - I've seen many great gigs by them over the years. Incidentally - they also sound great on vinyl.
    All the best - cheers - Dave

  • gratefulgerd
    #49 Scarlet...

    This Scarlet... is absolutely top tier. Jerry is taking off and gets 'lost in the ozone'. I think.

  • Vguy72
    Neil Young & Crazy Horse....

    ....announced their Spring Tour.
    Guess I need to gas up and set my sights for Phoenix.
    Edit. Khruangbin is playing here.

  • Vguy72
    Rant away doingtheneedful....

    ....doesn't sound like a very good way to go imo. So sorry your friend went through that. Having a life saving surgery delayed twice in a year is unacceptable. Sigh.
    Just remember this. Surround yourselves with kind people.
    Turn away from the people that spew hate and vitriol.
    And drink plenty of water.
    Comicons are awesome. So many cool nerds. And I mean that as a compliment.
    Phish's Ocelot and Scents And Subtle Sounds are, imo, their most "Dead" like songs. I get the lyrical nonsense point though. Until Gamehendge comes around lol.
    I'm still on my Mavis Staples thang.

  • Doingtheneedful
    Daves 48 ALARM! Help from GD CS if possible please?

    Hi. If anyone on the CS side sees this (or if anyone else can point me in the right direction). With 49 arriving on Friday, I literally just realised that 48 hasn't ever turned up. I was looking at the library to double check my naming conventions etc. for ripping, and nada. No 48, no bear on a skateboard. I revisited my physical stash where everything goes immediately after digitising, again nothing. No JPG cover art in my cover art folder. I checked the tracklist again and I guarantee I haven't listened to this release. It occurred to me that I'd just let it be in the knowledge that sometimes they can take a little longer to get here, but I've obviously put it "out of sight, out of mind" too far! It will be the first actual non receipt I've ever had from dead.Net since I first used them in the beginning. I had one cross over where a package was shipped gain and arrived the same day as the very delayed original. Something always turns up in the end. Not this time though.

    I've had some pretty heavy stuff going on back in the real word. No sympathy required, but lost my best friend out of nowhere and way too early and suddenly. Sadly avoidable too if not for the ego and pride of a duty consultant at a south London A&E who failed to recognise sepsis in an otherwise very healthy man my age who was due Gall Bladder removal very soon and who had a recent history of Gallstones and Pancreatitis issues.

    He was being admitted for emergency surgery, but the surgical team were overridden literally on the way to prep by this fool consultant whilst my friend, Kevin, was in the lift being taken to a holding high dependency ward, and sent home with Morphine to wait for the surgery due date ten day later... After being delayed twice by almost a year.

    The Consultant got shirty after being challenged by Kevin's wife who is about 4 foot nothing and very unassuming and quiet, as to why he has overriding what everyone else was calling serious. His response was to say, and I quote "It's not that complicated. I'm in charge and the Surgical Team would admit everyone if they had the chance."

    Genius. Bloody fool. Kevin survived five or so more days in agony at home before suffering a fatal heart attack induced by critical sepsis and organ failure due to multiple internal abscesses and blockages caused by Gallstones.

    What hurt so badly was that at his funeral, there was a huge turnout, and in every other slide projected during the celebration part, my wife and I were with kevin and his wife, doing something stupid and fun. My favourite being myself carrying him across a flooded road in the New Forest like Friar Tuck. He and his wife carrying the hand carved and decorated hiking sticks I made for them back in 1995 or so.

    So, that happened... Sorry to unload, but I still find myself having anger splurges... That and other things like moving and job loss (mutual divorce), I can see why I was distracted on this one. So basically, DP 48 isn't here and I'd like to sort it out if possible please?

    One of the last conversations I had with Kevin, it came up that he'd picked up Terrapin Station. He knew I was a dead head and he had "dabbled"... He was massively into his music. That's why he stayed in Wimbledon when he could have moved out of the city. Right there next to the tube station with easy and ready access to gigs. He averaged at least a show of some type or other a week for the entire time I knew him, and it was pretty normal for him to do 10 on the trot, brief pause, Glastonbury, a few world cinema festivals, more gigs. And a happy marriage. A CD collection the size of small house and a Vinyl stash to rival. I remember myself and a few other fellas meeting up to see Phish at Shepherds Bush then crashing on his living room floor, utterly spent, stoned, drunk and happy. He was like that. Phish? never heard of them! Let's go check it out! I recall the main man of Ozric Tentacles being there and checking it out to his approval. I'm not sure he was into the music so much as appreciative of the musicianship.

    I'm a bit like that with Phish. I can dig the sounds and the cleverness and craft, but lyrically they're a mess in my limited opinion. Billy Breathes is pretty spot on, but outside of that album, there' a lot of nonsense waltzing as wit. Guilty of playing "clever" because they can, not because it sounds great, sometimes.

    Anyway, Terrapin. It was coming back from ComiCon London and he mentioned that he liked the idea of a whole album side being one long suite, and really enjoyed it. I of course immediately jumped in and tried to sell him on "Everything Dead Ever" realised that was a disservice (baby steps) and steered him towards the Terrapin suite on the many disc'ed "tribute" from a few years ago that The National were heavily involved with. It's a great recording. played as live in studio I think (certainly the side of that session seems to point that way), the entire suite with percussion as originally intended (I imagine, based on the whole production overdub that Olsen (it was Olsen wasn't it? laid down causing Mickey to go mental...).

    It's a very airy performance. Open space, cavernous, but warm and familial. One of the better and more realised Grateful Dead covers, made great by the "as live" recording and mic placing. I really do need to get that set. It's readily available streaming and it's a bit of a monster. Not everything hits, but there's enough good grist to warrant hard copy in the collection in my opinion.

    Let's face it. if "Ready or Not" can get a place in your home, then this certainly can. Sorry, but firmly in the camp of "Ready or Not" is "Not". In fact I can't listen to it, and when I try, I just can't fathom how the Samba in the Rain on it wasn't thrown in a river in a burlap sack full of rocks.

    I went to an Aston Martin owners' club meet when I was a kid, and we parked up next to a DB6 which looked like an unloved overworked tractor. My dad said it was a joke by a cheeky someone who wanted to demonstrate everything NOT to do with a classic car. That's how I feel about that Samba'. It's almost like it's on the record as a cautionary tale. "Are you sure you want this foks? Cos' this is what you've got coming if you start playing in those particular weeds!" "Grateful Dead. The Poison Ivy Years" or perhaps more obscure a reference, "The grateful Dead. Warts...."

    Be good y'all. Thanks for giving me the space to stream my addled thoughts.

    And oh yeah. DP 48... Can you help me out here please? Thank you in advance!

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Member for

3 years 10 months

Anyone who has ever seen the Dead can testify that one of its shows will add quite a bit of color to the environment here at Stanford. Anyone who has not seen one of these spectacles should have the opportunity to do so. The Grateful Dead are an important part of the Bay Area's cultural history. Those of us who saw them last week can testify that the Dead are alive and well. The Concert Network would be hard-pressed to find an act which would bring Frost Amphitheatre to life as the Dead would. - The Stanford Daily

As you know by now, we'd certainly have voted aye on this motion, so much so, that we've loaded up DAVE'S PICKS 49 with not one, but two complete Grateful Dead shows from the Frost Amphitheatre, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 4/27/85 and 4/28/85. The first shows from '85 in the series, these back-to-back hometown performances couldn't be more different while delivering the same level of passion and precision, five hours of it, in fact.

In 1985, the band were celebrating "20 Years So Far," a feat that found them on these particular nights confident with invention in terms of both setlists and playing. There are old songs renewed, rare covers revived, undeniably nuanced Jerry moments, and a few surprises from Brent Mydland too. While it's impossible to select highlights, we can say with certainty that the overall clarity of these shows is unparalleled, courtesy of Dan Healy's recordings.

Limited to 25,000 numbered copies, DAVE'S PICKS VOLUME 49: FROST AMPHITHEATRE, STANFORD U, PALO ALTO, CA 4/27/85 & 4/28/85 has been mastered to HDCD specs by Jeffrey Norman at Mockingbird Mastering.

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Member for

12 years 5 months

In reply to by Vguy72


The sound quality and playing are Fkin fantastic. That’s all I am allowed to post.

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Member for

3 years 7 months

Magnifico!! Only thing I would love to know why can they not provide a High resolution Photo of the cover art? Someone at Rhino please.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

That's one speedy GDTRFB. Jerry rocked that one.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

Only listened to the first show tonight. Love that Brown-Eyed/Esau/Ramble trio! Always great to get The Wheel as well.
2nd show tomorrow.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

Did Jerry ever have or play a 12 String guitar? I never thought of this before, since I don't have any musical talent.

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Member for

7 years 10 months

I wonder if Phil could do COC like Cliff.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by carlo13


....that the '83 Santa Fe shows could be released officially.
Because they are grate shows and I will overdose on green chilis in its honor.
I mean, hey. They released the Boise show from that year.
ETA tomorrow.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Oroborous


....cool IG reel out there of it being lit up with tie-dye and a HUGE SYF last night. But will Bill be there? Asking the important questions. He said he doesn't want to tour anymore. I'm hoping that shacking up in a nice Vegas suite for three weeks will sway his decision.
May is my birth month. If they play the 21st, you'll know where to find me.
No offense to Adele, but this is residency I can get behind.
Edit. Scouts honor. Current listening is GarciaLive 15. Never realized that show is from a May 21st. I was 3.
Edit. Keystone Korner Jam also gets wieeeerd.
Time for a toke or 3.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

In reply to by carlo13


Jerry apparently played a 12 string 1967 Guild Starfire on "Duprees Diamond Blues" on stage during 1969. There is also a photo of him with a regular 12 string acoustic on stage playing with the Garcia Band that looks as though it was taken in the 1990's.

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Member for

5 years 11 months

DL "we're so jazzed to release more of this great year"

2025 Box Set, maybe???

rock on, gang!

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Member for

15 years 3 months

nope, really? how much money do these guys need? there is no way unless they up the tempo, which is rumored that that is why Billy left, so, 300 bucks for "slow bobby"? lol

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Member for

1 year 5 months

final tour, thinkin' out loud: maybe 1 tix adds up to 2 or more daP subs; everyone enjoy in your own best way

peace all!

EDIT: so you know after 59 years of coming out on the road to see y'all, now it's not a tour, and y'all come see us; keep on smilin'

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Member for

1 year 5 months

jerry talks about his acoustic playing in the jan. 12 1985 live FRETS interview on you tube, don't be put off with the timing of this interview and his overall condition, he is on and humorous, so dive into it

peace all!

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Member for

3 years 4 months

I saw Garcia play a 12 string when he played with Grisman at the Warfield . I don't remember how many songs he played on it , might have just been one. Those shows need to be released.

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Member for

10 years 4 months

In reply to by marye


Marye for your feedback around the Hey Now'n tech issues;
I hadn't seen that disclaimer yet so its helpful to know that someone somewhere knows something about it who might be able to help, keeping us glued together.

That being said it is also understood how much of that glue you are for all of us, and for that we thank you.

Eagerly awaiting #49, and it sounds like its receipt is highly applauded and I'm not one bit surprised.

Thanks again and Be Well, All

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by Vguy72


Bastardos know what a bunch of whores we are!
Cool for Vguy!

After a minor scare, 49 iz in da hiz house! Proper!
Time to get busy!

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Member for

17 years 9 months

1st set 4/27/85. Lovin' it.

Would be fun to go to Vegas. Priced out of my range though.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by SPACEBROTHER


Third Tom Thumb Blues and definitely slower than the versions in 89-91.

Give me more Frost!

I am with you Spacebrother. The costs for these shows are a bummer.

The Dead always kept their prices very affordable. Not the case now. But everything is up.
Bob will go till he drops.

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Member for

11 years

If this post appears, then y'all are back in the Danger Zone and HF will be baaaack!

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Member for

11 years

Well, honestly, I can explain. Whether I can explain honestly remains to be seen.

This is just a test. We will return to my previously scheduled obnoxious remarks if this works.


That’s 2.6 mph.
That’s how long it took UPS to get my DaP49 from one of their hubs to the local USPS. Then took another day for delivery to me.
But now I have it and it arrived undamaged.
Disc 1 spinning now, sounds better than the 85’s I have.

HF is back.

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Member for

10 years 5 months

Everyone's ears has their own preference for what makes quintessential Grateful Dead. And this would be *it* for me. Absolutely perfect. Those grooves!

Only down side of the release? We have to wait that much longer for another '85 release.

....also a hub transfer issue. First world problems.
Huge John Mayer fan I work with is in for one Dead & Co show.
Avatar updated accordingly.
That has to be some sort of record for largest Steal Your Face.
The drone show during the last tour may beat it, but not by much.

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Member for

16 years 4 months

Hey ICECRMCNKD and VGUY72, thanks for the notes about getting stuck at a hub. Mine’s an hour and 38 minutes away, and it’s been there since Tuesday morning. Although, it says “Departure Scan,” so I thought it got stuck at the USPS.
Looks like I have another 12? hours for an update.
Threw my hat in the ring for 6/20 and 6/21. We’ll see…

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Member for

10 years 5 months

Anyone else catch Phil belt that out during Music? Right in the middle of Jerry's run after 'were they ever here at all....'

Goes to show just how well this recording captures the nuances.

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Member for

11 years

Hey, off topic -- but then, you know it's really me, not an imposter -- but I was just listening to the Wake of the Flood outtakes and, frankly, I had a thought. (First one of the new year, hopefully not the last...)

Because these outtakes were never "produced" for release the sound seems really sharp and clear. I noticed this first on Jer's vocals, then on drums and guitars. So, I'm thinking maybe the relatively low impact of this killer (to me) album may be due to over compression in post-production for the actual release. Cuz listening to the outtakes is way clear and fun. Secondly, perhaps that's why TPTB didn't pair it with the re-released album last year. Granted, there's two discs of outtakes versus one bonus live disc in the 50th. Just a theory, of which I have many, all waiting to be proven, perhaps in another life.

In any case, I really am enjoying the outtakes. Surprising to me (I was actually going to skip over 'em) was the extended jam on Sing My Blues Away is actually a revelation. You can hear all the parts -- great guitar weaving -- and Martin Fierro kills it. They go on for like 10 minutes without vocals.

Good to be back. All praise due to the patience and kindness of marye. We do not take you for granted, hon. Cheers all!

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Member for

17 years 9 months

Hi All! I haven't been in here too much lately. Life has been doing its thing so I have been wrestling with that. However my copy of DaP 49 arrived today. All I have to say is that I am only two songs in and I am smiling from ear to ear. The sound quality is great, but even better the band is on fire. Such great playing and high energy. I loved all of the 85 shows I listened too before so I had been eagerly awaiting this release. So far, it has not disappointed. I really hope we get more from this year, please Dave?

I hope all is well with everyone.

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Member for

11 years 7 months

Listening to the second show tonight. This release sounds awesome. Love it!

That fourth disc is fully loaded! Just like my bowl.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by proudfoot


....that ticket prices for bands and/or acts that play The Sphere would be inflated. Capitalism and eye/ear candy at work. Especially for a state of the art venue with perks that no one has experienced before.
Shit. The movie there starts at fifty bucks and up.

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Member for

8 years 1 month

I've been avidly listening to Volume 49... just getting to drums on 4/27. This is one FINE release, I'm just so happy to have some '85 at last. Thank you Dave <3

And on that note, anyone checked out his new poster in the store? I really like the colors... fun art...

Maybe I should give them a listen - which I haven't done yet. The idea of studio outtakes doesn't really float my boat to be honest - so cheers HF for highlighting them. That's where this board clicks into place - music recommended that you would otherwise pass by.

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Member for

8 years 4 months

In reply to by daverock


Welcome back Hendrixfreak. Where have you been?

Ready to jump on board with this release Daverock?

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Delayed five times since Monday's original due date. No Mail Innovations tracking, still says UPS. Foiled by Mr. Dejoy again. Curses! Good to hear all the positive comments though. Got me psyched.

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Member for

17 years 9 months

This Sphere business is, I feel just that- business. The Dead & Co tickets start $195 and go up. This is not resale either which as soon as those prices hit, they will be nuts. I guess the draw of that venue with the combo of Dead & Co was too good for them to pass up, especially because it is a residency. Of course it will be highly in demand and thus a profitable gig. In the end I can't blame the band for going for it because people will pay.

Personally, I thought that final tour that Dead & Co did was pretty good and was a fine send off. I know they never said it was then end of them playing together, and for me, I am not interested in seeing them again (in attendance at a show) . Now I wouldn't mind seeing Phish at the Sphere but along with needing to avoid indoor venues due to hearing loss, I am not paying high ticket prices for them either. Thankfully there are the webcasts option which I will likely get for the Phish run and even maybe one of the Dead & Co shows, purely out of curiosity.

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Member for

7 years 3 months

For all the people that bought "Last D & C concert Forever" t-shirts.......what do they do with them now? Let me load a bowl and think about it......maybe "There goes my investments"????.......haven't seen D & C for 5 years. Loving my '85 Frost.

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Member for

17 years 9 months

Welcome back. Yeah, life does its thing sometimes.
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Member for

10 years 6 months

In reply to by DeadVikes


I'm tempted, I must confess. It looks really good going off all the comments. Total change of energy for me - 1974 has been my go to for shows this year so far.

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Member for

12 years 4 months

just in,,,, 3,834 of 5,000

I only noticed because Daverock mentioned about a bonus track, Seastones (whole side of lp)

As always,,, I LOVE the full size art of an LP.

Final unused side of last LP etched with a picture of the Crow

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Member for

14 years 4 months

#9217 has arrived on time, as promised. Unable to comment about sin city, but I'm going.

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Member for

17 years 8 months

In reply to by bigbrownie


RJ fo sho!
Haven’t been this affected by a pick since…37?
Well, that and oh, 43, hell yeah!
Hopefully we’ll get more regular dispatches from “the party” …and not in twenty years!

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Member for

4 years 4 months

On the etching side? Now I'm even gladder that I shelled out for this 'un.

Got my shipping notice yesterday, even. Although usually that just means somebody created the shipping label and it's still going a be some days before it leaves the warehouse. Whatever. It'll get here when it gets here, and judging by the listening part excertps, it'll be a killer.

Man, I am so glad to see HF's back. Made my day.

And btw I am STILL not a robot.

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Member for

11 years 1 month

In reply to by Vguy72


I'm sure ol' St Peter was shocked at the sudden increase in the Heavenly volume level. And Carl Weathers, too! Getting old ain't for sissies or for dudes who appeared to be chiseled out of marble like Mr Weathers. Glad he had a surprising comedic turn in life with Happy Gilmore and Arrested Development.

Dave's 49th Pick was thrown upon my porch late this evening, and ripping is nearly done. DaP 2 vinyl says Monday delivery. Still up to my ears in ABB, so probably in a couple days will get to 49.

On that ABB front 7-9-70 was a fairly new tape to circulation, is from SUNY Stonybrook, a warm up for the next night, and recorded by Seth Dworken, whom the legendarium of the show mentioned he won a Grammy as sound engineer working with the Dead? It is almost pristine, and a unique setlist with fiery playing, especially Liz Reed and Mountain Jam. The next night used to circulate (and prob still does) as 7-26-70 or 10-26-70, but this is a much cleaned up copy, that may also be Dworken's work. ABB archivist Kirk West is supposed to have said the newly unearthed tape was the best sounding FOH tape of the Duane era he ever heard. I dug it. Also, finally got to relisten my first ABB show with Jimmy Herring from 2000, only one I never got. Jimmy and Derek is also good stuff. As is this killer ending to Mountain Jam with a slow Will the Circle Be Unbroken before a ripping take on it. Music is the best, and great music is even better!

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