• 3,439 replies
    New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!


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  • JimInMD
    Noise Reduction and...

    I used Dolby for a brief blink of an eye when I first started copying tapes. Being young and naive, I thought who wants tape noise to come through on the recording, duh.. no brainer, I flipped the Dolby switch on my Nak and hit record. I just want to hear the music, no hiss.

    Very quickly reality set in. Was it Dolby A or Dolby B? Was the source tape recording using Dolby, if so, if you hit Dolby wouldn't it further compress the recording and further alter the sound, you can't play back using Dolby Squared, right? And what do you do in the car, in the boom box (yes.. we were just a few years out of 8 tracks when I started getting tapes). And who really flips or unflips the Dolby switch anyway based on how you think the recording was made. After all, were all these tapes properly notated every step of the way.

    So I quickly gave up on noise reduction, I had a good enough tape deck that I shouldn't be so worried about tape noise. I quit Dolby and never looked back (and never worried about pressing the Dolby button again).

    Just spit balling here, but my prejudices sometimes come to the surface when I hear a Dicks or Daves or Road Trips that sounds a bit muffled and I wonder if the particular Reel or Cassette or Betamax or whatever might have had a Dolby snafu baked in. To be clear, I have no proof this has ever occurred, I just wonder sometimes.

    I should emphasize Jeffrey Norman / David Glasser, etc. have gotten better at their jobs. So if there is any compression or noise reduction used anywhere along the way, they better at making this music sound as good as it possibly can, regardless of the sordid history of the source tapes. Thank you GD, Mockingbird Studios, the good folks and Plangent Processing and all the others that get this music to my front porch. Oh, and thank you tapers too!

  • Oroborous
    Ooops, forgot

    I can’t say for sure off hand about everyone who recorded Dead and NR, but Betty was known for not using it, and if things are done right, no need.
    Nothing comes for free, so every time you do something, it will effect other things, sometimes negatively…a cost benefit trade off…perhaps just like BITD with high gen cassettes? To Dolby or not to Dolby, that is the question lol
    I always have tried not to do any permanent adjustments/fixes, preferring to try and fix some other way, eq etc, but nothing permanent that you can’t fix yer fix!

    Imho NR etc becomes more of a band aid for when things weren’t able to be right, or to help mask issues beyond repair, i.e., the ravages of time.
    Don’t think I’ve ever used any on a master recording?

    Onto rest of GDM soundtrack this afternoon…

  • 1stshow70878
    Thx Oro

    So 15 ips or 30 ips would have been impractical for shows I imagine. Expense, changing reels too often, and as these were for listening by the band not studio use, etc. But what about them using noise reduction? I'm guessing no Dolby.
    As an aside, I seldom have my Dolby on when listening to cassettes even though most were recorded with it. Even factory tapes with Dolby seem less muffled without it and I'm not listening at thunderous levels (most of the time) where hiss is an issue.
    Skylabs, a top notch mid-western audio repairer, no longer works on certain categories of equipment: Consoles, quad receivers, linear tracking turntables, automatic turntables, and reel to reels. Just not worth it from a cost perspective for what those machines sell for vs. repair costs. There are still plenty of specialists who will and R-to-Rs are available restored at very reasonable prices but good luck finding pre-recorded tapes (old or new). Nobody makes them anymore. I was never tempted but my cassette guy sells tons of R-to-Rs for like $200-$300 fully restored, but they are more run of the mill Sony and not high end. And they sell fast!
    Thanks again and cheers bro

  • Oroborous
    First half of GDM soundtrack

    Ist show. The more surface area (wider the tape), and/or the faster the recording speed, the higher the resolution. And yes R2R can most certainly sound best. (Like anything though, if done well)
    The problem is a good one is very expensive, they’re as hard to keep maintained etc as a TT, and good linage quality tapes are rare and expensive, oh, and more a pain to “flip” than even a record…but they can sound amazing!

    Remember, many CDs AND most vinyl are sourced from (hopefully) master R2R tapes! A purist with the gear and ears might argue that direct to (vinyl) disc recording is the ultimate…but good luck lol
    One of the main reasons digital still gets such a bad rap is twofold
    1- the conversion used originally, and lack of attention to disparity’s between different DACs in the chain. Conversion has come a loonnggg way baby! AND…
    2- a significant number of the CDs first produced to meet the huge demand were not sourced from the master tapes, and lineage and source quality were often a joke! Caveat emptor: not all CDs are created alike!…or Blu-ray’s, or DVDs, or Vinyl etc Like drugs boys and girls, know your sources!

  • 1stshow70878

    5th show in the box.
    OK, now were getting there.
    Great 1st set.
    2nd set list looks good too.
    Moving right along...

    Random ?s for the tapers and the knowledgeable. Were these original tapes running at 7.5 ips on reel to reels and were they done with any Dolby or whatever? And do you audience tapers use any noise reduction? Been talking to an analog guy who says with reel to reel running fast you get superior saturation and the best analog sound of all, which to his ear beats CDs and even vinyl, and Dolby is unnecessary for good reel to reel recordings.

  • uncle_tripel

    climb on the fence, you idiot"

    august 6th 1974

    now that's much better, the sound is less polished or over-dubbed...or whatever...

    support your local library,
    my better half's employer also

    Peace for All!

    PS - Hey Bobby, party like it's 1984, Happy B-day!

  • Colin Gould
    Right now

    This is a little niche for this forum since I’m streaming it on BBC iplayer so it’s probably only accessible in the UK,
    John Martyn - Live at Reading University 1978
    This is an episode of ‘Rock Goes to College’. We saw him several times 78 -79 and his solo concerts were always excellent. It’s available for the next 27 days and is highly recommended. For those who can’t access it I recommend his album ‘One World’ which was his current album when this concert was recorded.
    Edit: To be honest I’d recommend any of his albums really

  • Oroborous
    Slumming it ; )

    With Dave’s 17, since the rude abrupt halt to my research via the archive being down : (
    Ah well, I’ll just have to suffer lol

    Hope their highly trained crack equipment crew gets it just exactly perfect sooner than later 🤞Was gonna do the big five O anniversary treatment of Rocktober 74, complete in order as I don’t think I’ve done so? Sigh…bastards!

    Kudos to Uncle T supporting the local Library! (TOO is a librarian ; )
    If you don’t use em, ya lose em!
    And remember, they killed Marion ; )

  • uncle_tripel
    yeah, so ...

    ...this weekend I visited our local library, been awhile...
    took home the 5 CD GOGD Movie Soundtrack box...
    today's listening party:

    oct 20 1974 set 2

    maybe, I'll need to listen to this box abit more, or maybe not...?
    finding the mix is almost like, well, you know, too studioish...

    ... DL announcement later this week, hey now, how about it?

    make LOVE, not WAR!!!


  • proudfoot

    10 9 89

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17 years 9 months
New year, new update. Tell us of your musical adventures in real time!
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1 year 5 months

...ARE ON...nassau 1990-03-28 set 2 FEEL GOOD music in your SOUL!

peace all!

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Member for

1 year 5 months

...today in uniondale @ nassau coliseum 1990-03-30 set 2 afterwards will be easin' my way southbound to HOTlanta; y'all enjoy the weekend...
and play dead...


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9 years 5 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


War Memorial, Buffalo

51 years tomorrow

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9 years 4 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Vinyl version.

Drinking a cup of dark black Colombian Supremo, roasted the beans myself.
With warmer weather around the corner it’s time for outdoor coffee bean roasting season.
Recently got a 25 lb bag of green unroasted Columbian Supremo to keep me busy this year.

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1 year 5 months

...and pranksters!

1980-12-08 Mill Valley Rec Center; yup, can use an acoustic birdsong & ripple TODAY; and now back to our regularly scheduled program lol!

peace all!

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1 year 5 months

...FOOL'S landing in HOTlanta 1990-04-01 keep's the GOLD happening for the duration of today

peace all!

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9 years 5 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


Baltimore - sweet Set II

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1 year 5 months

...WRAP, spring '90 listen ends today with 1990-04-03 in atlanta. it was enjoyable, sometimes well...be kind, let's continue to keep the music alive; KEEP on ROCKIN'

peace all!

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9 years 5 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


Seattle Memorial Coliseum

Final Wheel -

Drums > Space > Wheel was very wild, a blessing to be there

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1 year 5 months

...this A.M. about sunshine and SUN TANS; 1973-06-09 @ RFK stadium in DC and some laid back tunes


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1 year 5 months

...mORe...mORE...MORE! yes more '73, like 09-08 @ nassau
y'all have a GRATE Day

peace all!

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1 year 5 months

...with the THEME, 1973-11-09, and those NEW microphones are up on stage, SURE gonna be some TRIAL & ERROR...
everyone, collective thoughts please, SUN SHINY WEEK END!

peace all!

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


I finished listening to Daves 32 earlier on - 3/24/73. And that 3rd cd - featuring "He's Gone - Truckin'-Jam-Dark Star - Sing Me Back Home" is transcendent!

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10 years 6 months

Alone Together -
All star players:
Leon Russell
Jim Capaldi
Jim Keltner
Jim Gordon
Carl Radle
Johnny Barbata
Delaney & Bonnie
Rita Coolidge
And many more
One of my oldest albums

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1 year 5 months

...GO! new tour begins TODAY...1992! motivation provided by Dave and the past couple weeks TAPERS SECTION... begins with a split show:
shoreline 5/24/set 1 SHAKEDOWN and
cal expo 5/19 set 2 THE ENCORES remember "we have some new TOYS ( in-ear monitors) up here and we're learning how to play with them"...
choices, choices, and more choices BUT this tour has to go THRU, at a minimum, Vegas, Oakland, Deer Creek, and Chicago...

don't tell me this town ain't got no heart, when I can hear it beat out loud!


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1 year 5 months

...my ear to hear the TUNE,

1992-05-31 Sam Boyd Silver Bowl, U.N.L.V. ( 9 shows into experimenting with the NEW in-ear monitors) and my, oh my, how the harmonizing has jumped to a NEW LEVEL...such an enjoyable "ATTICS". have a great day EVERYONE!

And closed my EYES to see...

PEACE for all!

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1 year 5 months

...DANG, continuing on with the1992 listening PARTY @ 06-28 Noblesville [aka deer creek] and a SUMMER TIME of FUN

...DOODLE...but the joke was on me, ... I do believe I've NOT heard ENUFF!

peace all!

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1 year 5 months

...you're saying something...because you're making a SOUND...
as you know the lyrics are by mr. hunter;
today w/ SPECIAL guests sitting in, IT'S 1992-06-25 @ SOLDIER FIELD

...did YOU run away from the scene of your CRIME...

everyone have a great weekend!

...I'd TELL you all about it but that's another TALE


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9 years 5 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


3rd or 4th time through last 10 days or so. OMG - the Weather Report Prelude !!! > Eyes > China Doll

edit - not right now, but I'll spin 4/14/71 in a little bit - as always, thanks Doc for your passionate recs.

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Member for

10 years 6 months

Wait, what?
A separate Prelude?
Very cool. Good call.
Now that's a jam of the week.

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11 years 7 months

In reply to by 1stshow70878


DaP 12 - Disc 2
One of the greatest examples of what a great rhythm player Bobby became.
Since Doc went all over the net today salivating over the '71 Bucknell show, I have it on deck for tomorrow.
Thanks for the tip!

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1 year 5 months

...get on with the show, let's go! oakland 1992-12-16 diP #27 a very nice solid show to wrap-up a quick mini tour of 1992.

gonna have some time to listen to davis gym @ bucknell this week [saturday's visit to lewisburg cancelled cause long distance son came up w/ respiratory ailment; no sense travelling if you are not running in your event], and had originally planned on streamin' during the drive to campus.

after bucknell......well, I'll be on a GOGD siesta until #50 arrives in the mail...
everyone have a FUN DAY!


edit: looking at the Archive right now,
it appears identifier #132733 is the SDBD from Latvala which has had
some static reduced and speed corrected +limited EQ
will LISTEN to it

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1 year 5 months

...pennsylvania performance" for spring tour '71; with that intro it surely sounds like Sam has already seen
enough of the pennsylvania landscape [traveling 800 miles in 5 days to venues on back roads before many interstates were completed]

...all that shines is not gold...

1971-04-14 @ bucknell; will finish-off this show today; (maybe EQ abit heavy on bertha, china>rider) but
this is THE GOGD that got so many freaks UNITED

...and you got to reap just what you sow

what do you think...Second that Emotion...Garcia sounding like a precursor to TLEO

...well you lied, you cheated, oh-oh for so long...well you lied, you cheated, oh-oh for so long...


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1 year 5 months

...resist after Bucknell, starting the LISTEN to meadville [#11652] allegheny college 1971-04-15; and of course, now Doc has mentioned Pig night in Dillon Gym...

...Give it to me, I GOT to have it...
it's all I NEED, early in the morning, late in the evening...

peace all!

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11 years 7 months

In reply to by uncle_tripel


It sucks when life experiences cause you to get behind.
I am currently immersed in the greatness of this box.
1st Boston show last night.
2nd Boston show is rolling tonight.
Packaging is awesome [#04229], and the sound is amazing!
I must acquire more '76 Dead in the near future.

Is also a great album, although the hey now thing is trying to stop me saying so. The 4cd set, featuring the outtakes and a show from 9/26/73 is really good.

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Member for

10 months 3 weeks

Dick’s v 3–Pembroke Pines 5.22.77

Specifically: Help > Slip > Franklin

The first 2 are just chromatic heaven. Pleasure to meet everyone.


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Member for

10 years 6 months

Jump right in, the water's fine.
Except for the apparently A.I. powered censorship which appeared a few months ago and is very random and hard to figure what they think is not OK. Just keep trying and eliminating words until it will post.
Latest release (DaP 50) is usually where daily discussions happen and check the recent posts tab (upper right in drop down) to see what else is shakin'.

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16 years 11 months

Mel Brown
Chicken Fat L.P.
Oh my Goodness! Some great Soul Jazz RandB guitar music.
This is a Impulse records vinyl reissue rediscovery from 1967.
Expect to pay North of 30 bucks for a new copy.
Highly recommended.
Yours in Vinyl…records that is,

Shwack in NH

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by TN John


Speaking of mid 70's white Southern rock bands - the first American band I ever saw was Black Oak, supporting Black Sabbath circa 1974. You don't hear much about them now. Maybe their albums weren't top draw, but they were a hoot live.

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10 months 3 weeks

In reply to by 1stshow70878


A few people welcomed me which is amazing! I guess 'Reply' is not to an individual? I do not internet much. I will get there.

This morning: new Guided By Voices single off the forthcoming record, and then a few times to "Sugaree" 5.22.77. That first solo. Jerry and Keith are just magical in that performance.

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10 months 3 weeks

In reply to by daverock



I think David Lee Roth might've copped a few moves off ol' Jim Dandy, to put it mildly!

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10 years 6 months

In reply to by hand etiquette


Hand - I'd never made that connection - but yes, I would say you are right there.

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Member for

1 year 5 months

...Friends are {Molo, Sless, Barraco, Scofield, Robinson}
SHEA's BUFFALO 2005-12-03 SET 2...well, yes, you're right, I did say I was on SIESTA from GOGD
until #50 arrives in my mailbox,
but a day without some kinda JAMS is like a day without WATER!

ROCK ON...space>shakedown>jam>althea>new speedway>fire>cowboy movie>jam>O1>lovelight>franklin's; E: bertha


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9 years 5 months

In reply to by bluecrow


Live at the Ludlow Garage - 4/11/70, Cincinnati, Ohio

Original Polydor release, which is missing In Memory of Elizabeth Reed. Later remastered and released (including Elizabeth Reed) as bonus material with Idlewood South.

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1 year 5 months

Friends are {Molo, Greene, Campbell, Molitz} in CAMDEN nj 2007-10-12;
ACOUSTIC Set:) ... Lost Highway, Tell Me Mama, Deep Elem, Friend Of The Devil, Big Mon

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9 years 5 months

In reply to by icecrmcnkd


new to me - send the master reels to Norman posthaste!