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  • marye
    Great story, Mr. P...
    I congratulate myself on my fortunate escape from ever setting foot in the place!
    Block Heads
    I'm fairly certain that Pid was a BlocKhead (in one manner of speaking or other) at one time in his life, at least. Speaking of which, I saw John Turnbull play with World Party at Bonnaroo in 2006 which was awesome. He and Karl Wallinger were perfect together and I was told (and heard a few "tapes" proving the point) that some of the other shows they played together were hot as hell (I think they played together in San Fran). I wasn't into the Disco scene either, but I remember folks calling Terrapin Station "Disco Dead" when it was released (too funny). "Dancin', dancin', dancin' in the streets..."
  • Mr. Pid
    Okay, hit me with your rhythm stick
    Perhaps you do have a point, badger. To me, disco sound (i just can't refer to it with the M word) was just an incessant stream of indistinguishable throbbing. The most common complaint that I get from people who don't appreciate GD is that to them it "all sounds the same." So I guess art really is in the eye, or ear, of the beholder. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • cosmicbadger
    well well well
    we're smokin them all out now! Good story Mr P.. But hang on, aren''t be being a bit snobbish; Lots of people dressing up getting high and dancing to loud music and flashing lights? Sounds a bit familiar. What's wrong with that? Just a different generation. The whole acid house thing was the same in the 80s. I think the problem is the effect of the substance of choice for these movements and the culture it creates. What fuelled the psychedelic movement and the dance music of the last 20 years is very different from what fuelled the disco movement. As the wonderful and much missed Ian Dury once said: 'one snort and you're a fascist'
  • Hal R
    Thanks for the story Mr. Pid
    Very well written. I was drugged at times into going to discos, I must admit. Friends would say "There are women there". My reply was "But not our kind of women". My reaction when there was one of three 1. Run for the nearest exit 2.Shrivel up and become invisible 3. Get as messed up as possible, maybe I will just not notice or care I will be so numb. Or any combination of the 3. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • Mr. Pid
    My Studio 54 Story
    WARNING! No Dead angle here. I only post this because the subject came up, and there was an inquiry about what Studio 54 was all about. Those of you who were fortunate enough to have avoided direct exposure to Studio 54 can consider your perfect records intact. I was not so lucky, and so for the benefit of anyone interested I will relate my experience. Studio 54 was the "brain child" and first business enterprise of two guys named Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager. Steve Rubell is no longer visiting this planet, and these days Ian Schrager spends his time developing high end boutique hotels. Anyway, their nightclub idea was located in a former television studio located in New York on West 54th Street between Broadway and Eighth Avenue, so you can see how much thought went into the name of the place. They intentionally restricted admission to only fancy, upscale-looking people and it quickly became a celebrity hotspot. The bouncers at the door were the arbiters of who got in, and getting past their velvet ropes became sort of a status symbol. The only other way in was to be "on the list," which actually had a panache of its own. No waiting in the line, just walk right up, speak a few words and the velvet ropes part. The stage was used as the main dance floor, and disco was all that ever got played there. They charged ridiculous prices for drinks, and in reality the place ran on cocaine, which proved to be its eventual undoing. In 1980 I was in a band that had professional management. One of their other "artists" got booked into 54 to lip-synch two of her her so-called songs, and our manager asked us to please attend. After all, we would be "on the list!" I am absolutely certain that the only reason I was admitted was because I was on the list. I still periodically kick myself for having stooped so low as to have actually gone there. So in we go, me, my band, the manager, and this caterwauling ditz named Lenore O'Malley who was really just a white Gloria Gaynor clone. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. It was relentless, and getting louder as we went down the stairs. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. It was at this point that I coined the term Brain Slapping Disco. There was just no other way to describe it. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. The gain on the bass was jacked up so high it made your pant legs wave in the breeze. It was what an old sound engineer friend of mine used to describe as Too Loud For Humans. Manager and Ditz headed off to get ready for her act. I looked out at the writhing sea of what I could only assume was humanity on the dance floor. There was more polyester than a recycling plant, enough gold chains to rival Fort Knox, and the most ridiculously overproduced hair I had ever seen. None for me, thanks. Where's the bar? OK, there we go. EIGHT bucks for a beer? Twelve bucks for a well drink? Christ, it was 19 freaking 80. There are lots of places now that still don't have the cojones to charge that much! I didn't ask how much for the lines all those people were doing. And you certainly didn't need to bring your own weed. Oh well, it was far too hot and smoky in there to not have something to wet the whistle. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Doesn't it ever stop? How much longer am I going to have to put up with this insipid crap? Time to hit the john. Good lord, there's some freak in a tux in here with an array of bottles filled with various types of chemical stench, turning the faucets on and off, and handing out towels. He seems to think I somehow owe him money for the privilege of using the urinal. "It's okay, buddy, I don't need any help with this, I've had lots of practice already. Maybe I should charge YOU something for the show?" What sort of a weirdo would ever take a job like that? I thought about asking him how much to piss on him instead, but decided I really didn't want to know the answer, especially if it involved him paying me, which seemed like it could be a distinct possibility! Couldn't get out of there fast enough, and I really didn't want to know what was going on in that stall. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. My brain hurts! Please make it stop! Thud-thud-thud-thud. Thud-thud-thud-thud. Finally, it's the Ditz's numbers! They're only about three minutes each, the end is in sight! Manager reappears and says, "Hey, what do you think?" At least that's what I think he said, it was almost impossible to hear over the thud-thud-thud-thud. So I tried to scream back at him "Couldn't I just pound railroad spikes into my temples instead?" I'm not sure if he got it, though. He thought this stuff was cool! That night he was Somebody! Sap... Well, Ditz was done, we'd done our duty for the team, so the guitar player and I waved goodbye and got the hell out of there before we got infected. Apparently it was too late for the singer and the bass player who decided to hang around. They thought it was cool, too! More saps... Sometimes I kick myself for having had anything to do with that band. The material was all really just commercial pop crap that surprise, surprise, never went anywhere. So happy I never signed that record contract. Even happier that I never got dragged to 54 again. Okay, ccJoe, please enlighten us! Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
  • deadheadkid
    not here
    no shes not a member. The evil Devin is brooding in her cave, sucking the marrow from the bones of her latest victims. think of the mother of Grendel from the book Grendel. except with red hair.
  • Gr8fulTed
    Not so fast
    I've got a great video, on DVD, of the BeeGees. Makes me want to put on my white suit and do some grinding.
  • Golden Road
    Arch Nemesis?
    *looks Around and Around* (cue "Beat It", by Michael Jackson) Where? "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
  • deadheadkid
    Believe me, HalR, I know disco sucks. we have taken the liberty of purging most of it from our stations librarys, but the hunt goes on, for it seems our electronic DJ likes to taunt us and play it occasionally ;). good luck with the research. I am curious about this story also. But enlighten me on this Taj Mahal story. I need excitement in my life for all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy indeed. a little history that doent involve the depressing and sad conditions of the Industrial Revolution would be great. Also, anyhistory that does not involve having to deal with my arch nemesis here woulf be wicked awesome.
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17 years 9 months
an open space.
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17 years 9 months

we should all live our lives like. that-do it like you don't care-no matter what IT is. nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 9 months

the last line that Garcia says is also just exactly perfect. asked: 'is there anything else you'd like to say?' do you think Bon Jovi would have come up with anything nearly as humane?!! (humble apologies to Bon Jovi fans) but shit, Jovi, 'you give love a bad name' ( -;
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17 years 9 months

what the fuck is this shit???!!! I spotted this pencil box while on recent travel through Kinki, Japan... who the fuck are the LA Bears? does anyone else sense a gross copywrite infringement?
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17 years 5 months

beware of the lead bears never heard of it.what is it?dancing bears in space....huh???
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17 years 8 months

So wasn't it in 1966 that Owsley and the Dead lived in L.A. and the boys fine crafted their art and Owsley did the same with his and about all they ate was meat? I think those little LA Bears must be flashbacks of that time transported to Kinki Japan. I mean exactly what does go on in a city named Kinki? And where will the L.A. Bears end up next? Norway, Tibet, Egypt? Them sure are some Prankster bears. Looks like the sky on the pencil box has a Dark Star theme. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 9 months

Hal, are you sure you want an answer to what goes on in kinki Japan??!! image hosted by well, Kinki is actually a region of Japan, more commonly known as Kansai. but given the choice of saying I was in Kinki Japan vs. saying I was in Kansai; which do you think I have to choose. That, and ever penchant toward accuracy, I can not remember the name of the city in Kinki that I spotted the pencil box-- hence the general referance to Kinki... though not actually in Kinki, some of the unusual events in Japan include these:… pretty soft to some of the Japanese anime in popular culture.... but pretty 'kinki' nevertheless. ( -;
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17 years 8 months

I did know about Kinki at one time. I forgot about Kinki. Happens with age. Kinki is the region of Kyoto, Osaka, Kobe and Nara. I took a Japanese History course years ago. And back in the 80's saw an exhibit at the Art Institute in Chicago of many objects from the big wooden temple with the huge Buddha from Nara. Still have the catalog from the exhibit.
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17 years 9 months

I would expect to find something like that in china. They seem to make everything. I would think those would sell like hotcakes. Heck I'd buy some!!
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17 years 8 months

in my gaming industry at the moment. Alot of the fans of role-playing games are also into anime, which CAN indeed be pretty hefty, but are some interesting stories out there. My new company actuallyl produces an rpg based on anime called Anima, complete with books, anime style illustrations, and miniature figurines for playing. At any gaming convention these days, you see Gothic Lolitas galore (YIKES) and all sorts of western fans of Japanese modern culture. ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 9 months

who knows if the pencil box was made in China or where?? there were no markings on it, no GD trademark or such, no made in Taiwan on the back... sure, there are plenty of Chinese fake product exports all over the world. the GD t-shirts my old lady picked up in Japan were all (well mostly) official, they have both the GD trademarks on the shirt and on the labels, and tags. Those too, (the labels and such) are also easily faked; so one never knows. sell like hotcakes?? perhaps. one must first have pencils to put in the box, but I could think up other things to 'stash' in such a box. ( -; peace.
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17 years 9 months

isn't japan the king of knock-offs??? they take a popular cultural icon and tweak it just a bit, then put it on everything. you have to look real close for the differences. saw it on globe trekker once. with doc martin's or something. peace nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 9 months

don't know if Japan currently is the knockoff Asian capital, but it was in China that they made a fake Disneyland as well as the usual technology piracy etc etc. I think Japan is more about taking a good idea and making it better; like that whole mass production automobile thang that Ford started but Honda and Toyota perfected... oh, and I checked a label on one of my old lady's 'official GD product' t shirt. It was made in China -- so go figure??!!
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17 years 5 months

theifs.they really are about mass,production.but the usa,starts that good idea.they are pretty clever,how ever their are copy cat artist.ive gotten stuff w/officail logo,then like you said made in daughter for the last several years reads labels if its from china she will not purchase it.i asked her on day why?she replied;cause they steal from us,they dont have any of their own ideas,and i dont trust them,they can screw our country over if they really wanted too'watch the ihummmports..humm..
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17 years 9 months

Suggest you give concerned daughter a big hug and send her to: Many of them seem do to be to do with blowing stuff up but all the same where we be without having stolen/borrowed all that stuff!! What goes round comes around! Also the 'made in China' label may be official stuff; it may just be shorthand for 'Designed in USA/Europe, outsourced to China for their cheap labour so that we can make more money from you suckers' Poor heathaafeathaa so complicated!
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17 years 8 months

Don't forget some of the greatest poetry of all time especially from the T'ang and Sung Dynasties, scroll paintings, calligraphy, the birthplace of Taoism and its subsequent meeting with Buddhism to become Zen, Tai Chi, martial arts, a type of medicine that is not as invasive as that of the western model, amazing architecture, fireworks, good food and beautiful women. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 8 months

Just I sent the one above off the dishes in the drain shifted and a china bowl made in China with hand painted pictures of dragons broke. Coincidence or ? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 9 months

Those Chinese mass producers are not so smart as it would seem now, would it? Couldn't perfect the "unbreakable" bowl, could they? Wait just a minute.... (GRTUD shakes fist in air while screaming amidst mounds of shattered "china", while simultaneously, in his "thought cloud", yellow skinned, black haired humans with narrow eye openings and wooden sandals chuckle, while looking down on the scene from the "thought cloud"), "The bowls are NOT unbreakable.... (sobs) another marketing scheme! How could I fall for such gimmicks? DOH!" The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

I certainly didn't mean any offense against China or Chinese culture etc. etc. just pointing out a fairly well known fact these days that there are plenty of fake goods out there and so on and so forth. I will try to take a snap of the label from the t-shirt and you can judge if it looks official or not. It seems real, and it is also marked with the import / export comany's name... (this is a t-shirt, well, one of several, my old lady found in Japan) so the label is actually in Japanese. but hey!! isn't Japanese language really based on CHINESE characters??!! giving credit where credit is due. What was it Tony Soprano said about spaghetti?: 'why would a people invent a food you need a fork to eat?' something like that anyways... ( -;
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17 years 8 months

Yes, the Japanese written language is based on the Chinese characters. You knew that. They got art styles, poetry styles, Buddhism and much more from China and incorporated it into their own The brilliance of the Japanese is their ability to adopt elements from other cultures and perfect them. Take a look at the late 19th century - Meiji Restoration how quick they westernized. Then after WW 2 how quickly they recovered (with McArthur plan of course) and became leaders in technology. I thank the Japanese for most of the great stereo components I've had over the years. So the Japanese are big Elvis fans, and there are Japanese Elvis impersonators. Wonder if they get the Dead thing at all. A Japanese Grateful Dead tribute band. Interesting concept. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 9 months

not my picture, but very cool: yeah, of course I knew that, mochiron, sore ga, yoku wakarimashita yo. yoku shitte irunda. (ok, I am showing off) but I am illiterate, sad to say. ) -; anyways, even if you can't read Japanese or understand Chinese characters, you can kind of wade through this, and it is pretty cool. I've only ever run into one Thai deadhead kid, living on the beach on the Island of Koh Lanta. He was playing an accoustic guitar, and as we were passing by, he noticed my old lady's trademark EXTREMELY large Steal your face t; and he broke into Ripple. cool dude, I didn't speak much Thai in those daze, and he didn't speak much English, but it was a "mak mak sanuk" time! he knew about 30 or 40 dead songs by heart. but his pronunciation of the words was a bit "tonal" and then there was the story of getting 'accosted' by a middle aged Indian gent at the Taj Mahal gardens early on Christmas morning last year... well, that was also an experience to say the least. we are everywhere! peace.
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17 years 9 months

Hey Joe please educate us stone age folk how to insert pix and utubes and links and other cool stuff..or at least tell us where to find out!
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work, andyou only end up with this: [URL=…] try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace.
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work, andyou only end up with this: [URL=…] try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace.
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work, andyou only end up with this: [URL=…] try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace.
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17 years 9 months

sometimes after you post something with too many links, it vanishes into cyber space for a while or the CIA and INTERPOL intercept it-- finally a mod may free it and let eveyone see it. like just now. where did my last post telling you how to do this go??
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work, andyou only end up with this: [URL=…] try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace.
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work. try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace. I have no patience when the board eats my posts, however temporarily...
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work. try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace. I have no patience when the board eats my posts, however temporarily...
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: (I took the pic out) anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work. try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace. I have no patience when the board eats my posts, however temporarily...
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: (I took the pic out) anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work. try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace. I have no patience when the board eats my posts, however temporarily...
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17 years 9 months

the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: (I took the pic out) anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work. try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace. I have no patience when the board eats my posts, however temporarily...
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17 years 9 months

last try: the youtube thing is really easy; if you watch any vid, there will be a thang under the vid screen that says "embed" highlight that, and copy it, then simply paste it into any post. to post any pic, is also pretty easy. first go to: imagevenue. com you do not even have to register, you can upload the pic for free. then simply floow their instructions, and be sure o click on safe for work or not safe for work as the case may be. I reckon not safe for work means PORN, not even something like this: (I took the pic out) anyway, after the pic uploads into their data base, they give you a few options; for this board, copy the link at the bottom that says : Hotlink a clickable thumbnail on any Website or Auction for some reason the others do not work. try it, you'll like it. and it is pretty easy once you get the hang of it. something tells me you are a youngin' rather than really being in the stone age... but that is neither here nor there. where? other questions, please do not hesitate to ask, we aim to please. peace. I have no patience when the board eats my posts, however temporarily...
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17 years 9 months

don't be like me and freak out or claim gov. conspiracies when you put links into posts andthey do not show up right away, it is in a queue that a moderator has to allow in. even knowing that, I can not help keeping on keeping on and trying and trying again. the result being numerous similar or the same posts. since this is the 'open space' mary or izzie, please leave all of the extra posts I made in frustration here for emphasis. thanx. peace.
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17 years 9 months

OK thanks to CC Joe lets try this photo thing! Who can spot what is wrong with this cover of a bogus DVD of 'About Schmidt' observed in Phnom Penh Cambodia a couple of years ago?
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17 years 9 months

the possibilities are now endless!
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17 years 9 months

I remember the character Schmidt was a bit deranged but I don't remember him loading any guns, during that movie. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

Well spotted Mr Devotion some crafty counterfeiter has photoshopped in the gun in the foreground in order to make this downbeat movie more attractive to an audience addicted to violence. See, they've even learned fraudulent marketing from us dammit. I lived in Cambodia for 2 years and since it was not possible to buy or rent the real thing there and there are no cinemas showing international films the only choice for movie addicts was this! I even saw a counterfeit copy of the Grateful Dawg film there!!
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17 years 9 months

I hate to say this, but a gun may have brightened that "Schmidt" movie up a notch. In fact, I feel a spoof coming on! You've got to hand it those counterfeit guys, at least they have a sense of humor. The Dude Abides!
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17 years 9 months

...that's Dr. Devotion, please. I didn't spend 7 years in Devotion school to be called, "Mr." Don't make me summon Golden Road, please. I hate to disturb him from running my legitimate corporations. They seem to be making more money than my "evil" enterprises. Gone are the Days, indeed. The Dude Abides!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

is on the case.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

marye, I'm telling you, that guy is one of the "Way Outs", if you catch my drift. I have nothing to do with him other than trying to talk some sense into him, whenever it's convenient to me and my experiments. He's also been a guest at our "facility", which is registered at all the various state agencies and EPA. I don't have any direct business dealings with him. In fact, he doesn't even act like a scientist. He's more like a game show host. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

way out way out... like from the FlintSTONES! I know it was my fault, and the multiple posts reflect that, evenknowing the system has the spam filter, can not stop me from trying to get what I want on the board right away... actually, I still blame pyramid power! anyway, back on real or counterfit goods: these are the labels from some t-shirts my old lady bought in Japan... SHE is literate; so the top line in the size section says BUST the second line says HEIGHT COTTON 100% and in the bottom right corner it says Made in China. by the way, it says all of this in Japanese, though again, the Japanese are using Chinese pictographs with the exception of the word bust, which is written in Katakana. Is it irony that I can only read the word bust on this label?? why ain't my old lady laughing about that one??!! another t shirt or 2 that she got in KINKI Japan did not have any labels, those were probably fake... but you never know. a lot of the seemingly fake goods that are sold on the streets in Bangkok are in fact real-- they are just stolen or they simply 'fell off the truck' so to speak. disclaimer: cc joe and his old lady abhor fake goods and refuse to purchase them, unless, they are really cool and at a very good price. ( -;
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Indeed lots of this stuff is smuggled out of the sweatshops where it is legally made and sold in markets. Those T-Shirts look like a very professional job. Who knows? Nicholson is spelt correctly. Now for something really weird How is this for a double bill, twofer? image hosted by What mad genius put these together? Are they perhaps suggesting a similarity between Michael Moore and Mr Creosote? I never buy these things by the way, I just ask to look at them, take photos of the covers and then run away....