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  • c_c
    The Wheel in Mecca!
    Titleالعنوان The Wheelالعجله The Wheelالعجله --------- The wheel is turning and you can't slow down,العجله تحول وأنت لا تستطيع ان تبطئ ، you can't let go and you can't hold on,لا يمكنك تركها وان لا يمكنك ان نتمسك ، you can't go back and you can't stand still,لا يمكنك العودة وانك لا تستطيع ان تقف دون حراك ، if the thunder don't get ya then the lightning will.اذا الرعد لا يحصل البالغ الصغير ثم سوف البرق. Won't you try just a little bit harder,انكم لن تحاول مجرد اصعب قليلا ، couldn't you try just a little bit more?لا يمكن لكم مجرد محاولة فيها اكثر قليلا؟ Won't you try just a little bit harder,انكم لن تحاول مجرد اصعب قليلا ، couldn't you try just a little bit more?لا يمكن لكم مجرد محاولة فيها اكثر قليلا؟ Round, round robin run round, gotta get back where you belong,جولة ، جولة جولة روبن البعيد ، يجب العودة المكان الذي تنتمون اليه ، little bit harder, just a little bit more,اصعب قليلا ، قليلا قليلا ، وأكثر a little bit harder than ya gone before.قليلا ذهبت البالغ الصغير اصعب من قبل. The wheel is turning and you can't slow down,العجله تحول وأنت لا تستطيع ان تبطئ ، you can't let go and you can't hold on,لا يمكنك تركها وان لا يمكنك ان نتمسك ، you can't go back and you can't stand still,لا يمكنك العودة وانك لا تستطيع ان تقف دون حراك ، if the thunder don't get ya then the lightning will.اذا الرعد لا يحصل البالغ الصغير ثم سوف البرق. Small wheel turnin' by the fire in the rod,عجلة صغيرة تورنين 'النار في القضيب ، big wheel turn by the grace of God,بدوره العجله الكبيرة بفضل الله ، every time that wheel turn round,ان العجله في كل مرة بدوره الجولة bound to cover just a little more ground.ملزمة لتغطية أكثر قليلا من الارض. The wheel is turning and you can't slow down,العجله تحول وأنت لا تستطيع ان تبطئ ، you can't let go and you can't hold on,لا يمكنك تركها وان لا يمكنك ان نتمسك ، you can't go back and you can't stand still,لا يمكنك العودة وانك لا تستطيع ان تقف دون حراك ، if the thunder don't get ya then the lightning will.اذا الرعد لا يحصل البالغ الصغير ثم سوف البرق. Won't you try just a little bit harder,انكم لن تحاول مجرد اصعب قليلا ، couldn't you try just a little bit more?لا يمكن لكم مجرد محاولة فيها اكثر قليلا؟ Won't you try just a little bit harder,انكم لن تحاول مجرد اصعب قليلا ، couldn't you try just a little bit more?لا يمكن لكم مجرد محاولة فيها اكثر قليلا؟ provided by e Lyrics.netه تقدمها ليريكس.نيت
  • c_c
    Sugar Magnolia in Madrid!!!!!!!!
    Magnolia del azúcar (Sugar Mag) just reading that title makes me chuckle... ( -: Magnolia del azúcar, floración de las flores, dirigió todo vacío y no cuido, Vio a mi bebé abajo al lado del río, sabía que ella tendría que subir pronto para el aire. La flor dulce viene en, debajo del sauce, podemos tener períodos culminantes si habitas Podemos descubrir las maravillas de la naturaleza, el rodar en las acometidas abajo por la orilla. Ella tiene todo encantador, ella tiene todo que necesito, Toma la rueda cuando estoy viendo el doble, paga mi boleto cuando apresuro Ella viene skimmin a través de rayos de la violeta, ella puede vadear en una gota del rocío, Ella no viene y no sigo, espera entre bastidores mientras que te canto. Bien, ella puede bailar un ritmo de Cajun, saltar como los willys en la impulsión de cuatro ruedas. Ella es un amor del verano para el resorte, la caída y el invierno. Ella puede hacer feliz a cualquier hombre vivo. Magnolia del azúcar, sonando ese bluebell, cogido para arriba en luz del sol, venir en hacia fuera cantar Caminaré tú en la sol, vengo en la miel, venido junto con mí. Ella tiene todo encantador, ella tiene todo que necesito, Una brisa en los pinos y el claro de luna del sol y brillante, el lazing en la sol sí de hecho. A veces cuando el griterío del cuco, cuando la luna es llanura intermedia, A veces cuando la noche está muriendo, Me tomo hacia fuera y vago alrededor, yo vago 'redondeo. La sol, soña despierto, caminando en los árboles altos, yendo a adonde va el viento Floreciendo como una rosa roja, respirando más libremente, Montar nuestro singin', que caminaré tú en la sol de la mañana La sol, soña despierto. La sol, soña despierto. El caminar en la sol.
  • c_c
    Casey Jones in Berlin!!
    Diesen Zug, stark auf Kokain fahren, Casey Jones ist, aufpassen deine Geschwindigkeit bereit. Mühe voran, Mühe nach, Und du weißt, daß Begriff gerade meinen Verstand kreuzte. Diese alte Maschine bildet ihn rechtzeitig, Zeitraum der Blatt-zentralen Station 'ein Viertel bis neun, Erfolge Fluss-Verzweigung bei siebzehn zu, An einem Viertel bis 10 weißt du, daß es travlin wieder ist. Diesen Zug, stark auf Kokain fahren, Casey Jones ist, aufpassen deine Geschwindigkeit bereit. Mühe voran, Mühe nach, Und du weißt, daß Begriff gerade meinen Verstand kreuzte. Mühe voran, Dame im Rot, Meinen Rat befolgen, den du weg von den Toten besser sein würdest. Des schlafenden Switchmans, bilden hundert aus und zwei ist Auf der falschen Schiene und vorangegangen für dich. Diesen Zug, stark auf Kokain fahren, Mühe voran, Mühe nach, Und du weißt, daß Begriff gerade meinen Verstand kreuzte. Mühe mit dir ist die Mühe mit mir, Zwei gute Augen aber dich erhalten noch nicht sehen. Ringsum die Schlaufe, dich kommen wissen, daß es das Ende ist, Der Feuerwehrmann schreit und die Maschine glaenzt gerade…
  • c_c
    St. Stephen in Paris
    Rue Stephen Saint Stephen avec une rose, dans et hors du jardin il va, Jardin de pays sous le vent et la pluie, Partout où il va le peuple tout se plaint. Stephen a prospéré dans son temps, puits qu'il peut et il peut refuser. A-t-il importé, le fait-il maintenant ? Stephen répondrait à s'il savait seulement. Souhaitant bien avec une cloche d'or, seau accrochant clairement à l'enfer, Maintenant et puis twixt à mi-chemin d'enfer, Suffisance de Stephen il vers le haut et s'abaissent vers le bas et s'abaissent vers le bas encore. Le doigt de Madame, plongé dedans cumulent deux emplois, écrivant pour « ce qui ? » à travers le ciel de matin. La lumière du soleil éclabousse, aube avec la réponse, l'obscurité gesticule et offre le jour au revoir. Flèche expédiante, dièse et étroit, Quel beaucoup de sujets passagers vous avez jeté. Plusieurs saisons avec leurs trahisons, Envelopper le bébé dans des couleurs d'écarlate, l'appeler vos propres. A-t-il douté ou a-t-il essayé ? Réponses abondamment dans le bye et le bye, Parler de votre abondance, parler de vos défectuosités, Un homme recueille ce qu'un autre homme se renverse. Saint Stephen restera, tous qu'il l'a perdu regagnera, Le bord de la mer a lavé par les lessives et la mousse, Été ici tellement longtemps, il doit l'appelant à la maison. La fortune vient une femme de calliope de crawlin', spinnin ce sens curieux de vos propres. Pouvez-vous répondre ? Oui je peux. Mais quelle serait la réponse à l'homme de réponse ?
  • c_c
    Mexicali in Mexico (Mehico Senor!!!)
    Azul de Mexicali Reclinado en un viejo salón, con un Peso en mi mano, Watchin vuela y los niños en la calle, Y cojo una ojeada de las muchachas negro-eyed que rieron nerviosamente cuando sonrío, Hay un pequeño muchacho que desea brillar mis pies. Y es tres días monta de Bakersfield y no sé porqué vine. Conjeturo que vine guardar de deudas del payin. Tan en lugar de otro tengo una botella y una muchacha que sea apenas catorce, Y una buena caja maldita de los azul de Mexicali. ¡Yeh! Hay cualquier cosa que un hombre no está parado para perder, ¿Cuándo el diablo desea tomarlo todo lejos? Acariciar bien tus pensamientos, y guardar un apretón apretado en tus licores, Causar el thinkin y el drinkin es todo lo que tengo hoy. Ella dijo que su nombre era Billy Jean y ella estaba fresca en ciudad. No sabía que una línea de la etapa funcionó de infierno. Ella tenía raven el pelo, un vestido rizado, un collar hecho del oro, Todo el perfume francés que cuidarías para oler. Ella me tomó para arriba en su sitio y susurró en mi oído, “Se enciende, mi amigo, hace cualquier cosa que eliges.” Ahora soy payin por esas horas felices que pasé allí en ella los brazos, Con el valor de un curso de la vida de los azul de Mexicali. Hay cualquier cosa que un hombre no está parado para perder, ¿Cuándo el diablo desea tomarlo todo lejos? Acariciar bien tus pensamientos, y guardar un apretón apretado en tus licores Causar el thinkin y el drinkin es todo lo que tengo hoy. Y entonces un hombre montó en la ciudad, algún pensamiento que él era la ley. El Billy Jean era waitin cuando él vino. Ella me dijo que él la tomara, si no utilicé mi arma, Tendría nadie pero mismo culpar. Fui abajo a esas calles polvorientas, sangre estaba en mi mente. Conjeturo que el extranjero no había oído las noticias Causarme tiró primero y te mató, señor, él incluso no dibujó Y él hizo que negocia la horca para los azul de Mexicali. Hay cualquier cosa que un hombre no está parado para perder ¿Cuándo él deja a mujer sostenerlo en ella las manos? Él apenas puede ser que se descubra allí a caballo en la obscuridad Ridin y runnin justos a través de esas arenas del desierto.
  • c_c
    One More Saturday night in Rome!!!!!!!!!!!
    Una nuova notte di sabato (One More Saturday Night!) Sono andato giù alla montagna, io stavo bevendo un certo vino, Osservato in su nel signore I di cielo ha visto un segno mighty, Fuoco attraverso il cielo, pianura di Writt'n come in bianco e nero; Ottenere preparato, là sta andando essere un partito stasera. Uhuh, Hey! Notte di sabato! Yeh, uhuh una nuova notte di sabato, Hey notte di sabato! Ognuno dancin si scola l'arsenale locale Con uno scantinato pieno di dinamite e di artiglieria in tensione. La temperatura mantiene risin', ognuno gittin alto; Viene il colpo di midnite, il posto intero del rockin che va volare. Uhuh, Hey! Notte di sabato! Yeh, uhuh una nuova notte di sabato, Hey notte di sabato! Accendere la scanalatura sei, il presidente viene sulle notizie, Dice, “non ottengo soddisfazione, ecco perché io canto gli azzurri.„ La sua moglie dice che “non ottenere pazzesco, il signore, voi conoscono appena che cosa fare, A gomito su quel vecchio Victrola, metterli sopra pattini del rockin. “ Uhuh, Hey! Notte di sabato! Yeh, uhuh una nuova notte di sabato, Hey notte di sabato! Allora senso del dio in su nel cielo, dato che qualunque ha valso, Pensato avrebbe un vecchio partito grande, pensiero che lo denominerebbe terra del pianeta. Non preoccupar circa domani, signore, voi la conoscerà quando viene, Quando la musica del rullo e della roccia viene a contatto del sole del risin.
  • c_c
    Truckin' in Japan
    Truckinはdah人を配置しなさいように私の破片によって現金に換えられたin.のたくわえtruckin',を得た 一緒に、ライン、公正なたくわえのtruckinの多かれ少なかれ。 メイン・ストリートのネオンおよび点滅の玄関ひさしの矢。 シカゴ、ニューヨーク、デトロイトおよびそれは同じ通りのすべてある。 典型的のにかかわるあなたの典型的な都市は空想にふける それを切り、明日持って来るものが見なさい。 ソフトマシンを得られるダラス; ニユー・オーリンズに近いヒューストン、余りに; 方法を得られるニューヨーク; しかしどうしてもオハイオ州のNOあることを許可してはいけない。 あなたが通りで会う鋳造物のほとんどは本当愛の話す、 ほとんどの場合それらはsittinおよび家庭でcryinである。 そのうちに彼らは知っているよりよくgoinを得ることを のドアからそしてすべてに単独で通り。 のようなTruckin',はdah人を配置する。 私に「言われるあなたの手」をするなれば あなたのカードはダイムのそれらを置かなければ、時々価値がない、 私の時々ライトのすべてのshinin; 他の時間私はやっと見ることができる。 最近それは私へのoccurres何長く、奇妙な旅行それあった。 どう甘いジェーンはなったか。 彼女は彼女が同じでないことを彼女の輝き、知っている失った 赤、ビタミンCおよびコカインのLivin、 すべて友人は言うことができるある「でないそれ恥か」。 バッファローまでのTruckin',。 あってthinkin',が遅い円熟させることを得た 取得は時間を計る、および公正なたくわえのtruckinを続くために場所選ぶ。 ホテルの窓からのSittinそしてstarin。 それらが再度ドアを蹴ろうとしている先端を得た 私は私が旅する前に睡眠を得ることを望む、 しかし令状を得たら、私はin.来ることを予定していることを推測する。 、bowlinピンのような組み立てを、ブルボン通りで破裂させる。 たたかれて、それは薄いwearinに得た。 それらはどうしてもオハイオ州のNOあることを可能にしない。 hanginの病人であり、旅することを望む; travelinに疲れれば落ち着きたいと思う。 私はそれらがtryin',のためのあなたの精神を取り消すことができないことを推測する ドアから出、つけ、そしてすべてに見なさい。 私の時々ライトのすべてのshinin; 他の時間私はやっと見ることができる。 最近それは私へのoccurres何長く、奇妙な旅行それあった。 Truckin',私は家goinである。 私が属するところWhoaのwhoaの赤ん坊、背部、 背部家によっては、座り、私の骨が修繕し、そしてtruckinを取り戻す。 ちょっと今truckinを家に取り戻しなさい。
  • c_c
    Azul grandes del ferrocarril
    Azul grandes del ferrocarrilBien, mi momma me dijo que, mi poppa me dijera también Ahora, mi momma me dijo que, el pGXpa me dijera también Bien, no debo estar aquí tryin para cantar estos azul del ferrocarril. El deseo I tenía a'listened a lo que dijo mi momma. El deseo I tenía a'listened a lo que dijo mi momma. Bien, no estaría aquí tryin a dormir en esta cama fría del hierro. Bien, fui al depósito, yo nunca conseguí allí el tiempo Fue abajo al depósito, nunca conseguido el tiempo. Bien, mi tren hecho a la izquierda, ella es a'rollin traga la línea. El jailer del señor ahora va 'manera, no me dice ninguna mentira. El jailer del señor va 'manera, no me dice ninguna mentira. Cuando viene mi tren abajo, ella puede rodar arriba y abajo de la línea. Bien, mi momma me dijo que, mi poppa me dijera también Ahora, mi momma me dijo que, el poppa me dijera también Bien, no debo estar aquí tryin para cantar estos azul del ferrocarril. El deseo I tenía a'listened a lo que dijo mi momma. El deseo I tenía a'listened a lo que dijo mi momma. Bien, no estaría aquí tryin a dormir en esta cama fría del hierro.
  • c_c
    April 17, 1972
    according to this, it is April 17, 1972. which is kind of interesting since RR blues comes in the middle of the second set... 04/17/72 Tivolis Koncertsal - Copenhagen, XDenmark Set 1: Cold Rain And Snow Me And Bobby McGee Chinatown Shuffle Sugaree Black-Throated Wind Mr. Charlie China Cat Sunflower I Know You Rider Jack Straw He's Gone Next Time You See Me Playin' In The Band Casey Jones Set 2: One More Saturday Night It Hurts Me Too Ramble On Rose El Paso Big Railroad Blues Truckin' Dark Star Sugar Magnolia Caution (Do Not Stop On Tracks) Johnny B. Goode Encore: One More Saturday Night
  • c_c
    fuck, we can't edit these things no more??
    uhhh, CoLumbia University -- where I, obviously, failed typing. peace.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
an open space.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

yeah, this will be cool. thankx. but now I got nothing to say... ) - ; "a first in the history of the world!" comments CC Joe's old lady... peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Well put or not put. I, however, suffer from verbal incontinence and will gladly have something to say. Here are random and semi-on-topic tidbits. After Jerry ditched the Wah-Wah pedal in favor of the Envelope Filter, Playin' in the Band was never the same. The first kind veggie burrito I ever had transformed my tastebuds. Quixote's True Blue is a cool Dead Head bar in Denver, CO. When I bailed out on the scene in 1993 I was kinda bummed. Getting together like this with all of you sure is cool and makes me feel goofy like a kid again. I'm just a, well...porpoise.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

This will be fun.Thanks to are Mods for this free-zone......Im off to see Terrapin Flyer w/ Tom Constanten tonight at the Kinetic Playground in Chicago......IF YOUR IN CHI-TOWN YOU NEED TO GO AND SEE THESE GUYS!!!!!!!!! Dead to the Core
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Greetings and accolades to izzie and Marye for listening and assisting. I'm sure it (open thread) wouldn't have happened without you. What to say, what to say, shit, given this opportunity and passing up an audience. Is this stage fright? Cat got yer tongue? Nope, I'm just smiling wide on this Friday night and jazzed at the recent turn of events to connect with old and new friends in our new 'station.' Author Steven Peter's book titled 'The Stories Behind Every Grateful Dead Song 1965-1995 -What a Long Strange Trip' he chronicled an explanation around one of my favorite tunes, The Wheel and he wrote "Hunter compared the unending spin of the Grateful Dead's career path to the oroboros, a mythical dragon or serpent which is depicted as biting it's tail and symbolized infinity or eternal recurrence. It was a pattern the Dead could relate to on a different level as their own "snake" continued to grow bigger and bigger with every turn." This site is an extension of that concept, to be part of continuing to nourish and expand with the help of each other "one man gather's what another man spills". And even the story behind the Grateful Dead's name (I will leave that for another to share and elaborate on) is evidence of the evolving and helping nature of the Dead, this site, and the relationships that we foster with one another. Again Peter's book relates how world renowned scholar (on Myth and Religion et al) Joseph Campbell attended a Grateful Dead show and then stated "It turns on something in here", he later said enthused, pointing to his heart, "what it turns on is the life energy. This is Dionysus talking though these kids. Now I have seen similar manifestations, but nothing as innocent as what I saw with this bunch...this is a wonderful fervent loss of self in the larger self of a homogenous community. That is what it's all about." Shit, I guess I went overboard and got all high fallootin' and philosophical, er, heynow, crank it up. We have arrived. Let's dance.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Hey, sken's verbal incontinence was contagious.But point taken, I must go and mental floss. Control is within my grasp.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

hey, Sken, as I do not play the guitar, could you please list 2 primo shows (from actually, could you pretty please with sugar on top, put up the links for 2 shows one with the wah wah pedal and one without and one with the envelope whatever the fuck that is filter. I'll give a listen and comment. (maybe, if I remember to do that) ( -: my hearing is pretty lousy, so if there are SBD shows, those would be best. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

by the way, to everyone here, if we use the subject box as a kind of topic starter, (or topic continuer) it will kind of, 'kind' of (note the kind!!) it will kind of be like starting our own topics... on the other hand, if someone does not use the subject box, it automatically takes the first few words from your post... which may or may not indicate what you want to talk about. looking for and finding that silver lining. ( -: peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the much awaited NEW gameshow is here! The producers finally got the Call the Tune game show up and limping... OK, there are still a few problems, (don't blame your humble host, please) but click on the link or simply press play on the VDO screen and turn up the volume!! your humble host here, CC Joe... don't blame me for the crappy audience tape with very poor quality sound, this IS a reality gameshow. This is what it would have sounded like back on that day... at that time, in that place... especially if you were standing next to Ace McDanger and Spiker Jones... listening to the first few tune - up sounds, can you?? will you dare to try to Call THE Tune!!!???? pece. ( -;
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Member for

17 years 9 months

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Member for

17 years 9 months

nice try, but......... nope, not Sugaree. please try again. by the way, who digs my cool antique Japanese boxes and our ultra cool clock which is set to 5:15 permanently??
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Member for

17 years 9 months

My ears are toast. I pulled out the headphones and gave it my best try. If I don't get it then I might just have to let the youngsters with their fresh ears do the heavy lifting. note: The guy next to the mike had a nice machine-gun laugh, but I call Bertha as the tune.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

not Bertha! "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the box on the right is a sewing box, probably about 70-80 years old-- the little box connected to it on the rod, is the old pin-cusion...the box on the top left is a 'hako kaidan' staircase box... back to the show: there is ONE or two very distinctive notes at the very end of the clip, barely able to make it out... I chose the tape 'blind' just popping one in without looking at the set list, and I could call it, so I thought it was 'fair' oops, did I just give away the fact that it is the first song from some set?? perhaps a first set or perhaps a second set?? I'll never tell. it took about 10 minutes to find a suitable tape, then another 5 or so to get the vid just exactly perfect, then another 10 minutes to go through the upload to youtube... it was actually pretty easy to do, I've never uploaded any vdo before. HINT HINT HINT, anyone can do it... then I can be a contestant, too. ( -; if I don't get some sponsors in a hurry, this may only be a weekly feature. it is pissing down raining sideways here, so at home with nothing to do... ( -: "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Stupid computers.... How do we delete a posted comment?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I can't get youtube here at work (picture a kind of NORAD scenario) so I'll just blurt out song names so ya'll don't forget about me. "Brown Eyed Women!!!" "This aggression will not stand, man....."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

you win!!! Wow!! what insight!! no, just kidding, it ain't Brown Eyed Woman. you can not delete posts, I learned that the hard way more than once... are you THE GRTUD, dude, as in the nug that tied the room together?? will you abide me, dude?? what's up with changing the name? you trying to add extra confusion and dissaray into my frazzled brain? ( -: peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

OK, IS you. I just read your intro. cool, glad to see you here. thanks for adding confusion to my feeble, moldy memory. you see, the fucked up thing about screen names, and avatars, is I will never be able to ever call any of you by your 'given' names. just your chosen names, and I will always associate you by your original avatar pics... as I am rather dissassociated from myself enough already, I continued with the CC Joe thang, as well as the same Bulldog. ain't that 'just exactly perfect'? now I will always know who I am. but I still wonder... "I know who I am. Do you know who YOU are?" - Sid in Seinfeld peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

"From day to day, just lettin' it ride,You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

nice try, but nope. please try again! ( -: "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

An attempt at Get Smart humour. I determined the key it's in - A - it sounds as if it's going to be rock 'n rollish - so, before I run, I'm going to say Albama Getaway? "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

you guys want a separate space for your game? and don't throw nuthin' at me - I'm just tryin' to be helpful!
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17 years 9 months

the only thing I might EVER toss you, would be a cold beer, and that would be underhand... (ooohh, underhanded - love those double entendres) ( -; and don't think you can get me to toss you any clues, either... ( -: sure, why not set up a space called Cheesy Game Shows or if you think of a better title?? 'There ain't a winner in the game' 'The wolf came in, we sat down for a game' 'If the game is lost, then we're all the same' anyone else have a beter title. Shake down Street was 'just exactly perfect' for the hawkers!! damn, did I get a chuckle out of that... yeah, another link in this area would be very cool, then ANYONE who wants to post up trivia questions, or the name THAT show, or any of the other little mind games we could come up with could fit there... sure, please set it up and if possible, please move the related posts over there? or just re-name this one, and the other new 'free' space can continue as this one was intended to do... COOL! "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

and, deadicated, it ain't Alabama. ( -; "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Sken: Just picking up on your Quixote's nod. I've spent a lot of time in there (all three incarnations) since the inception in '95, as well as his other three joints. Great place for great tunes in Denver
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Member for

17 years 9 months

nope, nice try, but not Prminsed land. please try again! "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I don't know why/how the other post got 'out of order' And Justice for All AL!!!! Judge Rayford: Mr. Kirkland you are out of order! Arthur Kirkland: You're out of order! You're out of order! The whole trial is out of order! They're out of order! That man, that sick, crazy, depraved man, raped and beat that woman there, and he'd like to do it again! It's just a show! It's a show! It's "Let's Make A Deal"! "Let's Make A Deal"! Hey Frank, you wanna "Make A Deal"? I got an insane judge who likes to beat the shit out of women! Whaddya wanna gimme Frank, 3 weeks probation?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the link from CCJoe due to I'm using Firefox, but aw what the hell, I'll guess "All Over Now."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

not all over now... babyblue... please try again. my current signature is NOT a hint. no hints on this show! peace! "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I can understand why GRTUD's work 'puter would block out youtube, but I don't get why a program would not let you play the youtube vid?? did you try to click on the link that takes you to their site rather than hit play on the screen thang? peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I've noticed this with Firefox. It just doesn't take me where I like to ride sometimes... And Explorer (which graciously allows me to view youtube whatnot) is not cooperating.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

oooh, good tune, ooops. my conclusions were jumping. ( -; but no, it ain't 'I used to lover her and it's all over now' either... peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

why the fuck is this thing posting posts out of order?? "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

keep trying to confuse the humble host more than he is already confused will get you disqualified... ( -: peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

why it posts out of order but it's nice that I can live in the past for a spell.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

wtf? everything is out of order... and I am a pretty well organized guy. ummm, not really. ( -; peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I spend my life in the past.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

has passed. Passenger era early Brent (fall '79) is my favorite Passenger zone.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Stab #IV - Johnny B. Goode "From day to day, just lettin' it ride, You get so far away from how it feels inside, You can't let go, 'cause you're afraid to fall, But the day may come when you can't feel at all."
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Member for

17 years 9 months

No! no es Johnny B. Bueno. buennnyo (long n with the ~ on top! pero bueno guess con mucho gusto, Senor Deadicatado. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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17 years 9 months

Deal (??)
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Member for

17 years 9 months

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Member for

17 years 9 months

this is getting pretty heated! not deal and not loser. nice try, but nope. please try again. ( -: peace. "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Just for kicks, I call: Race is On I'm gonna get to work on the Playin' controversy to give y'all an idea of what I'm talkin' bout. Bozo Bus: I played at Quixote's once. Probably the best gig of my life, until the next one, of course! I'm just a, well...porpoise.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

OK, for starters, Jerry seemed to use the Wah-Wah pedal almost exclusively for "jams" and never really incorporated it into songs like he did with the Envelope Filter. The Envelope Filter brought you such tunes as: Shakedown Street and Estimated Prophet. Anyway, it doesn't seem fair to compare this Berkeley Community Theater 8-21-1972 Gem to anything, but check out the Playin' at this show: So, since I didn't want to compare it to a version that couldn't measure up, I chose one of the "Warlocks" shows from Hampton, VA. Check out the jam during Playin' here: Thats the Envelope Filter of which I speak that Jerry is using during the jam (as well as other midi). While it is trippy and fantastic, it feels to me like that old Wah-Wah captured the raw energy of the song better than the Envelope Filter and midi effects. I really liked Jerry's use of effects throughout his time on earth, but his Wah-Wah expeditions during Playin' back before I was born just floor me. Uh-oh, maybe I blew it when I was born. I disrupted his cosmic chi! Yikes! I now have a complex!! <>
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Member for

17 years 9 months

What form did you play in at Quixote's?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

it ain't race is on, but nice try. and thanks for the other details about the wah wah pedal etc. ahhh, Shakedown, one of my all time favorites, I might have thought that was a wah wah, since I don't know anthing about guitars, and effects... I'll give your links a listen later. I appreciate the links. I listened.... the songs were so hot, I forgot why I was listening to them! hmmm better or worse? no better no worse, same same but different. different. keep in mind, though I had great aspirations to become a rock and roll star, (who didn't) I am essentially tone deaf and lack any musical talent whatsoever... (though my harmonica skills aint too bad) so this is like asking a layman. because at the same time, you got different keyboards, Brent's playing the Hammond, B3 right?? so that adds some of the old trippy-ness... but, yeah, I see what you mean about the guitar not being QUITE as trippy... "never the same since Jerry ditched the wah wah" as you said before, hits the nail on the head... but I dig both sounds. by 1989 Jerry was using the Tiger and not the same Strat or whatever it was in 1972... that is another reason for the difference... no? wat the fuck do I know? the thing about the 89 version, v. the 72 version; during Jerry's leads in the jam... to my ears, the notes sound 'cleaner' that is, until the 'pitch' is it the pitch? what the fuck do you call it? the scale? no, the OCTIVE until the octive gets deeper, then I think the wah wah sounded better... that is about as much musical anlysis I can handle for one day... peace. thanks again for the links. love both shows. ( -: "The highway is for gamblers, you'd better use your sense. Take what you have gathered from coincidence"