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  • c_c
    how's tricks?
    how's tricks?! peace.
  • iknowurider
    Thanks for the link TL
    UFOINK! Cheezy I know, but I had to say it. PEACE
  • TigerLilly
    how sad!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • GrayFolded
    Albert Hofmann, father of drug LSD, dies in Switzerland By FRANK JORDANS – 14 hours ago GENEVA (AP) — Albert Hofmann, the father of the mind-altering drug LSD whose medical discovery inspired — and arguably corrupted — millions in the 1960s hippie generation, has died. He was 102. Hofmann died Tuesday at his home in Burg im Leimental, said Doris Stuker, a municipal clerk in the village near Basel where Hofmann moved following his retirement in 1971. For decades after LSD was banned in the late 1960s, Hofmann defended his invention. "I produced the substance as a medicine. ... It's not my fault if people abused it," he once said. The Swiss chemist discovered lysergic acid diethylamide-25 in 1938 while studying the medicinal uses of a fungus found on wheat and other grains at the Sandoz pharmaceuticals firm in Basel. He became the first human guinea pig of the drug when a tiny amount of the substance seeped onto his finger during a laboratory experiment on April 16, 1943. "I had to leave work for home because I was suddenly hit by a sudden feeling of unease and mild dizziness," he subsequently wrote in a memo to company bosses. He said his initial experience resulted in "wonderful visions." "What I was thinking appeared in colors and in pictures," he told a Swiss television network for a program marking his 100th birthday two years ago. "It lasted for a couple of hours and then it disappeared." Three days later, Hofmann experimented with a larger dose. The result was a horror trip. "Everything I saw was distorted as in a warped mirror," he said, describing his bicycle ride home. "I had the impression I was rooted to the spot. But my assistant told me we were actually going very fast." "The substance which I wanted to experiment with took over me. I was filled with an overwhelming fear that I would go crazy. I was transported to a different world, a different time," Hofmann wrote. Hofmann and his scientific colleagues hoped that LSD would make an important contribution to psychiatric research. The drug exaggerated inner problems and conflicts and thus it was hoped that it might be used to recognize and treat mental illnesses like schizophrenia. For a time, Sandoz sold LSD 25 under the name Delysid, encouraging doctors to try it themselves. It was one of the strongest drugs in medicine — with just one gram enough to drug an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 people for 12 hours. LSD was elevated to international fame in the late 1950s and 1960s thanks to Harvard professor Timothy Leary who embraced the drug under the slogan "turn on, tune in, drop out." But away from the psychedelic trips, horror stories emerged about people going on murder sprees or jumping out of windows while hallucinating. Heavy users suffered permanent psychological damage. The U.S. government banned LSD in 1966 and other countries followed suit. Hofmann maintained this was unfair, arguing that the drug was not addictive. He repeatedly argued for the ban to be lifted to allow LSD to be used in medical research. Peter Oehen, a psychiatrist in the Swiss town of Biberist, says substances such as LSD and MDMA — also known as ecstasy — can produce results where conventional psychotherapies fail. "They help overcome the wall of denial that some patients build up," said Oehen, who met Hofmann and has studied his work. Hofmann welcomed a decision by Swiss authorities last December to allow LSD to be used in a psychotherapy research project. "For me, this is a very big wish come true. I always wanted to see LSD get its proper place in medicine," he told Swiss TV at the time. Hofmann took the drug — purportedly on an occasional basis and out of scientific interest — for several decades. "LSD can help open your eyes," he once said. "But there are other ways — meditation, dance, music, fasting." Even so, the self described "father" of LSD readily agreed that the drug was dangerous if in the wrong hands. This was reflected by the title of his 1979 book: "LSD - my problem child." In it he wrote that, "The history of LSD to date amply demonstrates the catastrophic consequences that can ensue when its profound effect is misjudged and the substance is mistaken for a pleasure drug." Hofmann retired from Sandoz in 1971 and devoted his time to travel, writing and lectures. "This is really a high point in my advanced age," Hofmann said at a ceremony in Basel honoring him on his 100th birthday. "You could say it is a consciousness-raising experience without LSD." Funeral arrangements were not immediately available. Dead to the Core
  • grdaed73
    faint memory
    this has bothered me for years now, i need substantiation please. does anyone ELSE remember the boys being on "hootn'anny" or similar tv show, around workingman dead release playing "uncle johns band"? or how about some weird movie about a party, i think peter sellers and pia zoa(sp) were the stars, as the camera pans thru the door on thru the main room passing the live band playing, it pans the band members briefly and i swear my minds eye sees all the boys in late 60's glory and thats it, they're gone,pan to beach, no memory of the tune, pretty acidity stobes light show oil globs on walls. could of been around time they where living in lalaland, tring to pay the rent? validate me or flat out no way!
  • Phatty1976
    I just want to say hey. Been listening to the Dead since the very late 80's. Never seen a show, although I have seen JGB and Ratdog and The Dead without Jerry. Been to many shows while they played the Knickerbocker but just never made it inside. The music has meant so much to me throughout the years that it is hard to comprehend sometimes. That is all for now. "Nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile"
  • Ami
    CCj's uTube vid on p. 65
    too funny. I was there and they had a big screen, Franken & Davis were bizarro. That was a great run of shows. we were all jerry's kids that night. Ami
  • GratefulGigi
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    Went to a benefit ...Bike run
    Saturday for a 3 year old little boy with leukemia.....Wow they raised over $10,000 for the little guy....Bikers are so giving!!!! It was fun with a band and all..and lots of beer!!I never saw so many bikes in one cool!!
  • deadheadkid
    feel better man. have fun in siberia. wheres deadheadland? can i catch a ticket at an airport, or in my mind? or perhaps a music store. g2g history class just started.Peace The Kid
  • TigerLilly
    Glad you told
    You´ve been down, Badger. Had been wondering whether your mood was not so good.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 9 months
an open space.
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17 years 9 months

please blame a time delay, but you were not online when I posted that. peace
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17 years 9 months

George Bush has a heart attack and dies. He goes to hell where the Devil is waiting for him. 'I don't know what to do here,' says the Devil. 'You're on my list but I have no room for you, but you definitely have to stay here, so I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I've got 3 people here who weren't quite as bad as you. I'll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I'll even let YOU decide who leaves. ' George thought that sounded pretty good, so he agreed. The devil opened the first room. In it was Ted Kennedy and a large pool of water. He kept resurfacing over and over and over, gasping for air. Such was his fate in hell. 'No!' George said. 'I don't think so. I'm not a good swimmer and don't think I could do that all day long for eternity.' The devil led him to the next room. In it was Tony Blair with a sledgehammer and a room full of rocks. All he did was swing that hammer, time after time after time, and more rocks appeared. 'No! I've got this problem with my shoulder. I would be in constant agony if all I could do was break rocks all day!' thought George. The devil opened a third door. In it, George saw Bill Clinton lying on the floor with his arms staked over his head and his legs staked in spread eagle pose. Bent over him was Monica Lewinsky, doing what she does best. George Bush looked at this in disbelief for a while and finally said, 'Yeah, I can handle this.' 'The devil smiled and said.... 'Monica, you're free to go!' yuk yuk yuk... ( -: peace.
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17 years 5 months

okay seems like your words are typing funny in some of your post .but whats up w/cceoj?the things i miss when im not around."badger hasent been keepingyou on your toes huh? peace
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17 years 9 months

just not myself these days is all. peace.
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17 years 5 months

sorry to hear that.hope things start lookin' up for you.sounds like you need some well beams to be sent your way!!may your heart stay at peace through whatever it is going on with you.take care oh humble brother/'host'...hee. peace to you
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17 years 9 months

my heart is fine, it is my body that is betraying me. age is starting to take it's toll, I reckon, as well as some old conditions/injuries that are acting up more frquently than ever before. thanks for the well beams, I do appreciate it. love and peace.
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17 years 7 months

eojCC you may feel alittle backwards, but it's ok we still love you :)
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17 years 9 months

thanks Mom. I'm still walking so I'm sure that I can dance... but damn it because both hurt and even sitting hurts, I think one hip is shot to hell, and that happens to be on the same side that one of my ankles is fucked up, as well as my shoulder. I am not getting older gracefully, and it really sucks. but I love you, too; all of you. love and peace.
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17 years 5 months

well glade to hear your heart is okay.yup i too relate to the broken body. i got injured 2 years ago at work.ive done nursing for 16 years ,so my body has takin its toll.and ive been in alot of pain thats why im not really on line as much.its my low back and rt hip.however this week it is going into my well and the meds and ice only go so far.and i absolutly cant even do my exercisses.including walking.i guess we all need some good healing energy sent our way!!!peace to you as always!!!!take care my achy brother[;
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17 years 9 months

thanks again heathaa and I certainly hope you feel better, too. I generally shy away from meds, but what do you take? I will probably go get an MRI of my hip this week, the x-rays didn't show enough.
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Members Who's online There are currently 3 users and 44 guests online. Online users Oroboros eojCC cosmicbadger All online users
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17 years 7 months

Going to Penn's Peak Jim Thrope,PA tonight to see them jam!! I wait It's gonna rock :)
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17 years 9 months

still have not seen them yet. maybe next time. nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 9 months

And have a grateful time at DSO, Mom! "Ultimately a hero is a man who would argue with the gods, and so awakens devils to contest his vision." - Norman Mailer
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17 years 9 months

Happy GRATEFUL Thanksgiving!!! love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

Happy thanksgiving one and all This came up on Utube recently. Anyone recognise themselves??
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Member for

17 years 8 months

times they area changin but im still Les Gibson n would love to hear from some brothers and sisters that i got to know on tour from 89 to 95 and any shows since then love love love it works if you work it...
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17 years 9 months

Thanks Badger! very cool vid! that IS me, dancing stage right with Madona!
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17 years 7 months

Dark Star Orchestra was smokin the mountain last night at Penn's Peak!! some show from 1974 Montana hot set started with Bertha ending with Waiting for a miracle!!
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17 years 9 months

loosely based on my biography, how I met my old lady and life way back when... (note the appearances of Spiker Jones and Ace McDanger) love and peace.
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17 years 9 months

They're AWESOME! I wish I were there with you, Mom. Glad we were represented. I'd love to see Phil jam with these folks (Hey, I can dream, can't I?) John is an excellent guitar player as are Rob Eaton and Kevin. Lisa, Dino and The Other One (Rob Koritz) are also excellent. In addition to these folks is Barraco on keys! Great band, I've seen them about a dozen times and can't wait to see them again. I need to hit the lotto or something. Work is really interfering with my job! "Ultimately a hero is a man who would argue with the gods, and so awakens devils to contest his vision." - Norman Mailer
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17 years 9 months

greetings dear friends from the Black Sea Coast of Romania! Last time i was here it was hard to get a phone connection: now there is wireless in every cowshed. That's progress, but I bet some eurohacker is downloading all my passwords right now!
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17 years 9 months

healthy travels, mate! hope you have a real good time!!! stay safe, and enjoy!!!
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17 years 5 months

great to hear from you!!have a good time keep us posted on your travels..stay safe,peace
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17 years 9 months

Be sure to stop by my cousin's place at Bran Castle. He's very hospitable! Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket "Ultimately a hero is a man who would argue with the gods, and so awakens devils to contest his vision." - Norman Mailer
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17 years 9 months

loved the joe namath vid. but part two is no longer viewable. i used to have such a crush on him as a litle kid. also loved the 85 video w/the deadheads. keep diggin up this stuff guys. can't get enuf. peace to y'all nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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17 years 9 months

his mc club name was CC, the name of the mc club was 'The Heads' though I never had a 'zebra' hog. Broadway Joe, just like me... good looking guy, Namath, just like me yuk yuk yuk peace.
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17 years 9 months

Greetings again from somewhere in Romania its pouring with rain outside, the hotel bar is full of pushy hookers so I've retreated to my hotel room...Reckoning on the Ipod and a quick bulletin I've been trekking in Romania's most ancient mountains for the last 2 days, misty autumnal forests of beech, oak, hornbeam and lime on rolling hills (a little like the Adirondacks maybe). We flushed a huge black wild boar from the acorn harvest and watched a vast eagle soaring over the crags. Lungbusting scrambles up leafy slopes to rocky peaks high in the cold wind, with views over the bare forests as the last leaves fall and winter beckons. Heavenly! As for Bran castle, GRTUD, I went there several years ago, as the two fading marks on my neck will testify!
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17 years 9 months

hey! some of my best friends are pushy hookers. enjoy your travels and stay safe. peace.
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17 years 9 months

sorry if my previous remark caused offence to CCJoes friends its just that when one of them said her name was Buffy I panicked and ran!
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17 years 9 months

no worries, mate. no apology needed, though gracefully accepted. my pushy hooker friends are neither named Buffy nor dead heads. ( -; peace.
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17 years 9 months

Sounds like a mysterious and beautiful place to visit, badger! Very good description of your adventure, thanks. How are the "political" climates there compared to the UK? US? "Ultimately a hero is a man who would argue with the gods, and so awakens devils to contest his vision." - Norman Mailer
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17 years 9 months

I mentioned how my old bones have been hurting, and my joints, especially one hip is hurting. well, no news is good news, or is it? I had 2 MRIs last week, lumbar and pelvic, and aside from one degenerative disc, they could not find anything. I have been trying to rest more, and sit less, which is when it hurts the most - sitting time. the fucked up thing is that tight jeans and so on seem to exasberate the condition, so I traded in some of my tight leathers for loose black sweat pants. this seems to help a bit, but damn if I don't look like a schmuck on a hog in sweatpants. ( -;
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17 years 8 months

Does this mean you will return to being CCjoe? This inverted thing is making me dizzy man.Or are you going be one of these split type personalities as we observe in GRTUD and his other voice or perhaps it is his higher power. I swear sometime his wife is going to have to glue or sew the two parts together. It must be really strange when she walks into the room and they (GRTUD and Golden Road) are having a discussion. It boggles the mind. Are you at that point eojCC or are you beyond it? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 9 months

Hi Hal, My inversion-conversion is a result of physical factors, I'm afraid. All I can say, is I hope your dizzy feeling is a 'good buzz' or you can get into it. I suggest listening to The Other One when you feel dizzy. when unable to do all of the things I want to do, for physical reasons, I feel inverted. this bums me out mentally, but no split personalities or MPD or discussing things with myself and my alter ego (singing in the shower does not count as talking to myself-- even if I sing all of the parts in Jack Straw, I reckon) ( -: unable to sit for long periods of time, unable to stand for long periods of time, it really sucks. walking hurts, going up and down stairs hurts... Luckily laying down has stopped hurting. so I do that pretty well. ( -; my right shoulder is still not 'just exactly perfect' which has fucked up my break in playing pool; putting me behind in the rent money, and, if you notice, the avatar is of my old lady dragging me out of the pool hall rather than shooting with the boys. so when you see my old avatar return, you will probably see my old self get back. I am doing some physical therapy, and with no identifiable cause seen in either x-rays or the MRIs I have to get more checks/tests, the dreaded "You using the whole fist, doc?" I am counting the days until I get into a warm, tropical climate again, and that will happen in a month and a half. the old lady is pushing for a permanent move, and I am getting into the swing of that idea. It is the plane rides I fear; having to sit. I got my whoopee cusion, but after 2 or 3 blasts, people cant take a joke any longer. sheesh. I don't know what it is, but sweat pants seem to help. This is far from a long term solution-- there is only so long I can go on looking like a mook. peace.
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17 years 8 months

eojCC - Take care man. Peace to you too. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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17 years 8 months

Be well!!! Get better!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Hey Joe no harm in a bit of air circulation from time to time! How about some of those psychedelic Thai style beach bum pantaloons? Loose, cool and cool (maybe a bit drafty on the hog) hope things carry on improving
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17 years 9 months

Hey Joe nothing wrong with a bit of air circulation from time to time ;-) Why not try some of those Thai style psychedelic beach pantaloons? Loose, cool and cool! Maybe a bit draughty on the hog though! Anyone else have any fashion tips for poor suffering Joe? Anyway, I'm glad things are a little better and hope improvements continue.
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17 years 9 months

my first posting of the previous innocent note attracted a message that it was queued for moderator approval. Wonder what triggered that off? Then when I tried to repost I got this chilling and novel message YOU ARE NOT AUTHORIZED TO POST COMMENTS I had to use the special method to get the post accepted, but it seems that commenting on CCJoes fashion choices may be a no no round here...or am I being punished for previous tasteless (but entirely true) comments about excessively entrepreneurial guest relations officers.......or is it the hand of Dr Evil at work??
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17 years 7 months

Jerry wore them too eojCC, I'm sure you wear them well :)Feel better!
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17 years 9 months

I'll have to get a new license plate jerryworem2