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  • 3D
    M'kay, I went like I was
    M'kay, I went like I was going to upload something new from the start in a new tab and @ 200, just like the 1st @ 300, I did not see anything other than the scaled 150px × 88px above the browse field when I would click on preview. Then I tried 150, 100, 72 dpi and each time I did not see the image when I previewed. I left the first tab open after hitting submit just in case and used another tab to go to my account page and it still showed, "No photos uploaded yet for this member (yet)." So I went back to the tab I left open after submitting, clicked on edit, browsed to a 200 dpi version, same size of 600x350, uploaded, hit preview and I see it. I did not see it originally after hitting submit and thought that might be due due to waiting for it to be approved but apparently not. I tried to upload other versions and it kept reverting back to the 200 dpi each time I hit preview. I don't recall hitting submit again, a 2nd time (1st w/200 dpi) after the 300. Perhaps it took what it liked and for me to try and change it again I have to click on submit??? I tried to change it again and paying a little more attention I see it listing both files with delete checked next to the first one after clicking on preview. Unlike initially browsing for files once submit is hit the page has view and edit at the top and it appears it will not change the upload until submit it hit again. Maybe I did hit submit after initially hitting the upload button with the 200 dpi version. Doing too many thing can cause this confusion, lol. Well it is getting kinda late here and I'm not really where I should be at this time so I think I'll leave things where they're at for now as to not mess up the system too much, lol, and come back to this tomorrow. If I have to redo what I tried to upload today no biggie but I'm thinking where I left it is ok since resubmitting replaces the current image, we'll see tomorrow. I am game for trying it with a test file that can be nuked to determine what is the max dpi the system will accept as long as you are willing. Sometimes outside testing is better but I don't want to disturb or take up too much of your time Mary. I am guessing from your last comment you'd like to know too. It's got me a little curious at this point, a bit confused with trying too many things and it might be best to try from the start fresh(er) tomorrow.
  • 3D
    OK 300 dpi is no good and I
    OK 300 dpi is no good and I still am not remembering anything from that one info page, lol. It could have been something "hidden" and outdated I found. I'll try again at 200 since I am into figuring & testing these kinds of things then we'll know.
  • 3D
    When I clicked on upload for
    When I clicked on upload for the pic @ 683x400 300dpi I got a message at the top, "The image was resized to fit within the maximum allowed resolution of 600x400 pixels". So me being me I had to mess around a lil more, :) Now I know the max res for sure, most likely max file size (a 1.2 meg .jpg or .gif would be very high dpi but not so much for a .png file) and well dunno about max dpi as of yet. If the software does not choke then we know it will take 300 dpi. Perhaps that 1000(?) I saw on the elusive info page is for dpi not res???I finally hit submit a few minutes ago.
  • marye
    as I suspected, it didn't work
    it is listed in the moderation queue, but when I click it there is no image there, and also no file. This, shall we say, happens a lot, so if we can figure out what does and doesn't work that would be useful.
  • 3D
    Got delayed, ready to
    Got delayed, ready to attempt upload now @ 300 and we'll see if the software chokes. If so it was an unsuccessful test but at least then we will know.
  • marye
    and fwiw
    there are at present no files uploaded by you in the moderation queue.
  • marye
    well, like I say
    uploading 300 dpi is a waste because the Web can only display 72 dpi and the software is almost certain to choke on the hi-res, but whatever.
  • 3D
    RE: Submitting a Fan Photo
    Looking to upload via the Submit content under user name on the left, which I have not tried to do yet, not post in a message. Dunno if there is any difference but I could see allowing less in a regular forum post as opposed to a "gallery". On the first page of the Community link at the top left I found, "File size limit is 1.2m. (Photo may take between 1-12hrs to appear on the site.)" At the Submit Fan Photo page it shouts (LOL), "ALL PHOTOS ARE SUBJECT TO APPROVAL AND WILL NOT BE "LIVE" IMMEDIATELY. IT CAN TAKE BETWEEN 1-24 HOURS TO APPEAR." so I figured a human inspects each one for several reasons. Also on the Submit Fan Photo page it has, "Upload your JPG, GIF, or PNG file here!" underneath the field with the browse button. I could see not wanting any uncompressed .tif or .tga files. Yeah I agree jpegs are the best for all around usage. I did some image info viewing from the Community link>Fan Photos. I sampled from Tickets, Concert and Festivals. I tried some I thought might be older and recent uploads. One labeled Further Tour 2010 has to be pretty recent, right? :) All the ones I checked were 400 pixels high, varying widths (600, 533, 419, 181, ...) and 300 dpi when saved and opened in a simple photo program. I wonder if there is an automated process before or after approval to make them all 400 pixels high? There was some other location I found max file and pixel size along with lots of other kinds of info, hence why I thought I could find it fairly easily again, but it was after continuously surfing the site for an hour or 3 so info retention was certainly diminished. I don't recall anything about file part but I want to say I saw a little over 1000 pixels as the max for one of the dimensions. I scanned it in at 300 dpi, will leave it at that, resize it down to 400 pixels high from 586 and it is only 68 KB so that should not be a problem. I'll give it a go here shortly and we shall see what happens.
  • marye
    yes, for whatever reason
    the Fan Pix upload is quite temperamental and your problem may well have nothing to do with your image per se. That said, the Web can only display 72 dpi, so uploading hi-res is asking for trouble. I would recommend keeping the image no more than about 400 pixels wide at 72 dpi, just because bigger than that starts doing weird things to the page layouts. Jpg is the most reliable format to use, although in theory gif and bmp work also. Tif definitely does not. Also, all pix go into a moderation queue where I look at 'em and mostly turn 'em loose. About half the time the uploads contain no image so there's nothing for me to turn loose (see above). Still, this info should help you avoid some of the known trouble vectors. Thanks! (And yeah, one of the reasons the uploads go to moderation is that we occasionally get spammers or others uploading porn and the like and that is so not happening here.)
  • 3D
    Submitting a Fan Photo
    Last week I stumbled across technical info about uploading photos and now I can not find it. FAQ & HELP links at the bottom of the page are about the store. When I do a search I get many results but unfortunately clicking on a result that is in the forum goes to the first page of that topic instead of the post with the info returned in the search :( Since it seemed I came across the info fairly easy I thought I could find it again fairly easily so I did not note the info but no such luck. When one goes to submit content I would think info/restrictions would be listed there but I did not see anything. It could be somewhere obvious that I overlooked but right now I am out of time to search and this appears to be the place to ask. My questions are: 1. What is the max file size to upload a photo? 2. What is the max size in pixels? Thanks
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17 years 3 months
If you'd like to know where to find something, how to use a particular feature, or why something doesn't seem to make sense, ask here! We'll do our best to help.
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17 years 2 months

I see we furriners have a choice of either UPS or USPS. Any suggestions as to which is the most reliable?
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17 years 3 months

if we can get a bit of enlightenment on the subject.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Am having all sorts of weird problems and strange things. Log in errors, pages not loading, only text loading-very odd. Is that just me, and a technical update of what's going on would be cool!********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Member for

17 years 2 months

but for example the current events thread always loads really odd-AND suddenly I am getting e mail notices from that thread (never asked for them) but cannot see the new posts in the thread itself.********************************** I am not young enough to know everything. Oscar Wilde
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I've been seeing it for some days also. I just sent in a report on the subject; I suspect it's a side effect of some ongoing work and likely to sort itself out when said work is done, but I agree it gets unnerving.
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Plus everyone's pictures are missing; my face is beautiful and it needs flaunting! Because i'm worth it.
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Member for

16 years 8 months

I'm out cookies......oh, wait....I can go to the store...heehee! I should get beer, too, while I am there
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Member for

16 years 8 months

I'm out of cookies......oh, wait....I can go to the store...heehee! I should get beer, too, while I am there. (there....there....there......)
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Member for

13 years

I just started reading "Deadhead Social Science" and in the beginning of the book it is mentioned that you guys give out a free GD Almanac to everyone who joins the mailing list but this book was published around 2000 so i was wondering if that deal is still in play? Also when i try to join the mailing list it says that the page is not found. Thanks and Jerry Lives.
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Chen posted the first five pages this morning. Over the top dude, though I do admire his tenacity.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

is there an email list to get early notification regarding shows, and/or pre sales tickets?
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Member for

17 years 3 months

so, for example, for Furthur, you should go to Furthur.net. For 7 Walkers, go to their site, etc. Now that all the bandmembers have projects of their own, life gets complicated!
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17 years 3 months

The Taper's Section archive http://www.dead.net/features/tapers-section is missing a bunch of weeks (August 22-28 2011, all of April & May 2011, all of 2009, ...). What happened? Will they be back? Unfortunately, I've fallen way behind in my listening (I was on April 4-10, 2011) and I'd be very disappointed if these are gone for good. Thanks for your help.
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13 years 7 months

Was trying to purchase the latest Road Trips issue. Locks up when I click on "add to cart". Will try again tomorrow
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Comes out irregularly, some times twice a year. They do mail all their store address list as well, so you tend to get multiple copies. If you just have to have a Grateful Dead Talisman at 2am in the morning you can probably call an 800# and have it in your hands in 24 hours. Of course, this applies to music, too,
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13 years 7 months

Was looking for the problems reporting page. Settled for this. Sent a pm to TheNuthatch yesterday and this morning found no record of it. Resent and no record of it happening again. Que pasa?
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Just tried sending to marye. Noticed I didn't get a "succesful" message.Is there supposed to be a CAPTCHA thing at the bottom of the pm page?
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Member for

13 years 7 months

I'm going to try pm-ing you again right now. I'll let you know if it looks successful from this end. When you have a moment would you be so good as to send me a test so I can see if anything is coming thru this way? Thank you, step
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Member for

13 years 7 months

Marye I just tried sending you a message, even previewed it. Hit send, message disappears, didn't get a "successful" message. I'm on a MacBook Pro if it matters.
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if you're on this site early on the East Coast it's just awash with spam. I know dead.net has been trying different things to stop it, all to no avail. Is there anything between the absolute freedom of being on here and getting people NOT to do just one simple thing? One suggestion: Higher a shift of 5 people to work from 1-6am wiping out spam. Clearly MaryE is overwhelmed, even wit Blair's help.
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Member for

14 years 3 months

I have a suggestion for a future Dave's Pick,please don't laugh. Boise,Idaho-9/2/83.OK in the annuls of great GD shows it is not even ever considered.But it was a really good show.1st of all it was the ONLY TIME they played in Idaho.Most heads skipped this show to attend the Park West,Utah one a couple of days later so you might say it was an intimate setting by number of people that attended.And even though the Pavillion is not a very good place accoustically(finding a decent bootleg has been all but impossible)for a concert the Band responded and played a killer show for the few who attended.The 1st set was a pretty typicle "83" set - Wang Dang Doodle> Jack Straw, TLEO, Mama Tried> Big River, B. E. Women, Minglewood, Big RxR Blues, L. L. Rain> Deal.The Deal was exceptionally good,one of the ones where Jerry just does not want to end and keeps jamming,stretching it out.Overall a pretty good 1st set. But the 2nd set was the one of those killer 2nd sets that would make it a worthwhile Daves Pick - Help> Slipknot> Franklin's, Estimated> Eyes> Drumz> Throwing Stones> GDTRFB> Black Peter> Sugar Magnolia E: Baby Blue. It was the 1st Help>Slip>Franklins in 10 shows and 1 of only 16 played for that year out of 66 shows!As a matter of fact Estimated(16),Eyes(13),GDTRFB(10) and Black Peter(14) were all played sparingly that year. I suppose I may be biased about this show and would love to see it released for sentimental reasons(it was one of if not the best show I ever saw out of about 60) but I believe it is worthy of consideration. I know as I said before out of the thousands of shows the Dead played it probably would never be considered as one of their greatest shows but it's these types of shows that NEED to be considered for such a series of releases. Please check it out.I would be very interested in your opinion of the show and it's chances of consideration. Bill the Deadhead
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Member for

12 years 10 months

Is there a official release for this show? (Winterland Feb.24th 1974) And if not when!!!!! And if so... where! Thanks, looking forward! Mike Raf
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Member for

12 years 10 months

There was this version of The Other One I heard on the grateful Dead Hour A long time ago, and I'm pretty sure it was from a 90's show, where the vocals sounded like donald/daffy duck... Does anyone know this show? Where I can find it again? I taped it on cassette and don't have it anymore, I think I also got a really good Standing On The Moon from the same Grateful Dead Hour... Other One with Donald duck vocals?? I really loved it.
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17 years 1 month

I uploaded some photos of the May 11, 1979 show at the Billerica Forum (MA) a couple of years ago, but now I don't see them. Has something changed (a setting perhaps) or were they taken down?Thanks, Ken
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16 years 10 months

I went to a Dead show in Atlanta, Ga sometime between 1969 & 1970 at a venue called The Sports Arena. There was a problem with the Dead's equipment & the Allman Bothers drove up from Macon & let them use theirs. Most of the show was Them with various members of the Allmans. Killer show as I remember & would love to find a tape of the show. I have lots to trade with anyone. George
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Member for

12 years 8 months

Hi , Can you please provide me either Robert Hunter's email id or phone number or home address . I would be highly obliged to you if if you can help me locate him . My email id is yesbhatia@gmail.com ( I reside in India ) Regards, Yash
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Member for

12 years 8 months

Hi Marye , I have dropped in a mail to iceninepublishing . Lets see whether they can help Regards, Yash
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Member for

14 years 4 months

Copied the below text from "Couple observations from last night" cause I would like to see the scene clean-up a bit. I sure do miss seeing the old guard around at shows. Hey I miss Jerry bout as much as anyone, but if you're alive check Furthur because they are bringing the real deal around and around, for only so long, this time. What do other Deadheads think about helping the scene be better. Are Bobby/ Phil helping the Shakedown scene happen well? Perhaps I should ask an insider, I think there's one here . . . Happy New Year! 2012. What a ripping show last night. Only Jerry's live presence could have made it better. Not to say JK isn't tearing it up, cause he is bringing the heat. The whole band is tight, in a good way. Wifey and I wondering why there aren't more pictures of Russo? I, like many Deadheads (only title I've excepted, post Garcia's passing) wonder at Mickey and Bills absence. If it's a financial decision, I am appalled. That said, Russo is excellent. I can not say one is better than another. Even JK and Jerry, sure do miss Jerry's voice and playing; if I could never hear him again and he was sitting next to me listening to Furthur that would be better than how it is. However, w/ JK all I can hope is that he plays as much, or more , than Jerry, Loves life, a bit cleaner, and rocks on and on; love that his own sound and arrangements are coming through and hoping Bobby/ Phil can support him in leading the band. Certainly Bobby/ Phil will always garnish due respect; but come-on, lead guitar drives the bus; even though everyone, even me, lead the band sometimes. It is how it is and I am loving it. Listened to a Phish show from a good friend who's never taken them in, then a week ago they came home for him. http://operationwasabi.com/nospoilers/ph2011-12-28-set1-ns.mp3 Just heard the Decemberists' version of Row Jimmy, excellent. The miracles and life lessons I've received from my years touring, taping, cooking, selling trinkets, and cleaning up, just awesome. Love, Truth, abundant. Last people in CalExpo lot, cops driving by w/ lights flashing, no sirens, me ripping djembe, girl listening, it was an excellent night, Gloria not the highlight but best version I'd heard. Lone dude crosses the lot to only other car. Shortly there-after my elbow was dripping, it's confirmed, I am home. A few days later at Laguna Seca there's Pepper fixing some dude's car, dash torn apart shoulder deep in helping another go on down the road, couple hours before LSD start time (that's Laguna Seca Days) That's what's missing from the Furthur scene: family. We've received criticism from folks for having our children at the shows . . . I am seriously sorry folks missed the scene "back in the day," but it's simple, LOVE/ TRUTH. So what's with the hating? Phish rips, you don't like em don't listen, maybe one day you'll like them, maybe not. If I know one thing in this life: keep an open mind, make no decision before it's time. No Time to Hate. Be Here Now. At the Merch. table inside they hand out little advertisement/ setlist stiffys. It's not my gig, mostly cause if the music is on I'm gigging. I've loved tracking the setlists and often have notes of jams not caught in other lists, but, while I'm writing I'm missing something, sometimes that's OK. Kind of like a camera, a little separated from the experience while I'm trying to frame and capture it, best done for me in moving meditation. Last night ripped! So looking forward to re-cast in an hour. I love that people are willing to put opinions out, hash it out a bit, contemplate. Nice to have a forum, other than AA/ NA where folks communicate without interruption. Although the Dead shows of yore there were multiplicities of verbal and non that were w/o interruption. I could walk through entire shows, and I'm saying all over, w/o bumping another but lightly, respectfully and with notice, care, and communication. Bringing the vibe to Furthur: remove the Crack, H, Nitrous, X; propensities. Bring back the LOVE/ TRUTH. Quick shout out to John Dwork and hARRY hAHN. LOVE YOU GUYS! Time Is A Stripper Doing It Just For You. Don't miss it Hating.
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17 years 3 months

quite a few Furthur discussions going on here, so jump right in...
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Member for

12 years 7 months

When posting to the forum I kept getting a gateway error message and I assumed my post never got submitted. I was wrong and now there are 6 or 7 posts for everytime I resubmitted. Since I really don't want to look like a spam bot and would like to share the links with this community is it possible to delete all but one of the posts? It's the one's with Into The Blue in the subject line. I'm assuming this has to be done on your end. Thanks so much.
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Member for

14 years 3 months

I once found a picture of the piece I'm referring to on this website. Tonight I'm unable to find it. I'm trying to set the record straight about this piece. The paragraph that was under the photo describing it was a cute story but completely false. So please if anyone (you guys) cares or at least is curious I would love to talk to someone.I can be contacted @ Iwantalan@hotmail.com or @ 781-733-4361 Peacefully, Alan Walker 1130 Tetherow rd. Williams, Oregon 97544
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Member for

12 years 7 months

Anyone going to Furthur's NY Beacon Run? Just wanted to know who was going and what to expect financially. I will be taking a bus from Bethlehem,PA to a NY,NY station. Any advice/help/guide? I'm 18 and will be doing this solo for the 1st time. I have been to other stores but only with friends. I love The deads music and will be seeing Bob' Acoustic show in Wilkes=Barre, PA. Thanks alot anything, help would be useful
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Member for

17 years 3 months

I can't find any evidence of such an image, so it could be that whoever posted it thought better of it somewhere along the line. If you get a specific link, I'll follow up. shrams, thanks, dealt with it, I THINK... you were one of many that got caught up in that little issue...
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Member for

15 years 7 months

Hi all... A friend and I are thinking about doing Shake down at a show or 2 this year... We have questions of how to go about it. I have heard if u don't follow proper channels the powers that be can just take your wares and kick you out....We will be truly grateful for any info on this. (~):}
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17 years 3 months

I'd say it would depend wildly on the promoter and the venue involved, seriously. Others with recent experience are invited to weigh in, but there are some shows where vending is actively encouraged and there's a clear path on how to do it, and other shows where you'll get mercilessly harassed and busted if you try. Often on the same tour. Or such has been my observation over the years. So I'd say before you invest heavily in this plan, do a little research, because it is big fun and many miraculous, enlightening rewards can come along the way and some real bummers as well. Watch each card, etc.
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17 years 3 months

for starters, are there any shows you have tickets for already? What tours are you planning to hit from an audience standpoint? This would help focus our thinking a bit.
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Member for

15 years 7 months

We have tix for 1 show for the Beacon at the moment.. I would not mind vending at a show I don't have tix for,, plenty of fun in the lot. I enjoy Mann at Phillie,,, Would like to do that.
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17 years 3 months

folks familiar with these venues, speak up! I'm on the West Coast and don't have a clue!
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17 years 3 months

you might head over to the Your Own Storefront topic, which normally wouldn't be the place I'd suggest for this but in this case might have a high concentration of vendors.