• 1,335 replies
    Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.


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  • dstache
    Man, I sure hope that I haven't inadvertently vined anything that was once MP3. Most of the lossless I have vined I received from another source, and I don't think it was ever MP3, and I KNOW I didn't convert it to MP3. That would really suck. I wish someone else would post on the WAV v lossless topic, especially regarding my statement that a WAV copy of a copy of a copy of a copy etc of a WAV copy converted from lossless has more loss than the original WAV copy. I might be wrong there. But, I will admit, I was a little irritated by the WAY I was told I was wrong. That may be oversensitivity on my part, or even the fact that posts, like emails, can be easily misinterpreted. I have been busy with other stuff and haven't posted some things I wanted to post. The 68 vine will be posted soon. All I have to do is copy and burn CB's disc. Oh Yeah has not gotten back to me about the burning speed or whatever the problem he and other MAC users are having with how my PC/Vista burns DVDs, so this will go out as my past vines have gone out. I will finish up the 77 after that and then take a little break from posting vines. So, although I said I would reseed the Nov 72 vine, I am going to bow out on that and hope someone else fills that hole. I have some other stuff to vine (I just got ALL of 1979), but am going to hold off for a while, though I will eventually vine it.
  • UncleJon
    ya da ya da ya da...'74 JG Project Vine
    let's get back to the nuts and bolts of why we're here...the music...if you want to confirm that a vine has been converted from MP3 to lossless there are several ways to do that. I am guessing 95% of us take on faith that the vines circulated as lossless are lossless - and the rest have the means to check that they are the real deal. On that note...how about a vine a la the '77 lossless project? I propose the Garcia '74 shows all lossless and on DVD only. This would be in 5 installments. Many of them will be audience shows recorded by one of our great preservationist brothers (along with others), the recently deceased Jerry Moore, along with a large number of SBD recordings. Much of this material are the shows recorded with the late Merl Saunders. In my humble opinion, '74 was one of Jerry's best years, if not his best year for solo non-GD work. Below I list the 5 installments of this collection, if any one has any improved/additional shows to add let my know via PM and I will add them. As far as I know, these represent the best of what is out there, but again, what the hell do I know? Installment One (of Five) '74 Garcia Project: jg74-01-17.jgms.aud.tobin.76471.sbeok.flac16 jg74-01-17.jgms.dts-corrected.tobin.90398.flac jg74-01-17.jgms.mtx.tobin.90365.sbeok.flac16 jg74-01-17.jgms.sbd.kaplan.20678.sbeok.shnf jg74-01-17.jgms.sbd.tobin.76474.sbeok.flac16 jg74-01-18.jgms.aud-falanga.jupille.8873.sbeok.shnf jg74-01-19.jgms.sbd.jjoops.8064.sbeok.shnf jg74-02-05.jgms.sbd.jjoops.11254.sbeok.shnf jg74-02-05.jgms.sbd.ladner.32088.sbeok.flac16 jg74-02-09.jgms.partial.sbd.seff.6381.sbeok.shnf jg74-02-09.jgms.sbd.jjoops.17787.sbeok.shnf jg74-02-09.jgms.sbd.kung.30597.sbeok.flac16 jg74-02-16.jgms.aud.falanga.jupille.8063.sbeok.shnf jg74-02-16.jgms.sbd.gems.91471.sbeok.flac16 jg74-02-xx.jgms.aud.falanga.warner.8654.sbeok.shnf jg74-03-08.partial.kpfa-gans.32377.sbeok.flac16 jg74-03-09.jgms.sbd.unknown.33750.sbeok.flac16 Installment Two: jg74-04-20.gamb.sbd.smith.93823.sbeok.flac16 jg74-04-20.gasb.sbd.tamarkin.20699.sbeok.shnf jg74-04-27.oaitw.aud.unknown.21525.sbeok.shnf jg74-06-04.jgms.sbd.gmb.90003.sbeok.flac16 jg74-06-04.jgms.sbd.unknown.6379.sbeok.shnf jg74-06-05.jgms.s2.sbd.jjoops.8062.sbeok.shnf jg74-06-06.jgms.aud.falanga.jjoops.6375.sbeok.shnf jg74-06-12.gasb.aud.falanga.moore.berger.83232.sbeok.flac16 jg74-06-12.gasb.sbd.jupille.83290.sbeok.shnf jg74-06-12.gasb.sbd.shriver-jjoops.7331.sbeok.shnf jg74-06-13.gasb.sbd.jjoops.13768.sbeok.shnf jg74-07-02.jgms.aud.moore.minches.jjoops.14984.sbeok.shnf jg74-07-03.jgms.aud.jazzy.6611.sbeok.shnf jg74-07-03.jgms.aud.moore.minches.jjoops.14985.sbeok.shnf jg74-07-12.jgms.aud.falanga.jupille.8072.sbeok.shnf jg74-07-13.jgms.sbd.misshn.25623.sbeok.shnf jg74-07-22.jgms.sbd.gmb.86198.sbeok.flac16 jg74-07-22.jgms.sbd.sacks.10127.sbeok.shnf jg74-07-22.jgms.sbd.unknown.4488.sbeok.shnf Installment Three: jg74-08-09.jgms.aud.falanga.jjoops.8073.sbeok.shnf jg74-08-11.jgms.aud.falanga.warner.jjoops.6382.sbeok.shnf jg74-08-15.jgms.aud.falanga.8650.sbeok.shnf jg74-08-23.jgms.aud.unknown.9416.sbeok.shnf jg74-08-24.jgms.sbd.jjoops.10612.sbeok.shnf jg74-08-30.jgms.sbd.sacks.6380.sbeok.shnf jg74-08-31.jgms.aud.falanga.8078.sbeok.shnf jg74-09-02.jgms.sbd.gkelley.8652.sbefail.shnf jg74-09-02.jgms.sbd.sterchele.76174.sbeok.shnf jg74-09-02.jgms.sbd.unknown.31903.sbeok.flac16 jg74-10-04.jgms.aud.falanga.jjoops.8649.sbeok.shnf jg74-10-05.jgms.aud.falanga.warner.8665.sbeok.shnf jg74-10-06.jgms.partial.sbd.unknown.9026.sbeok.shnf jg74-10-27.jgms.late.aud.powell.ladner.23676.sbeok.shnf jg74-10-31.jgms.sbd.cousinit.19436.sbeok.shnf Installment Four: jg74-11-05.jgms.early.aud.moore.minches.jjoops.16806.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-05.jgms.early.aud.moore.minches.jjoops.16806.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-05.jgms.early.aud.moore.minches.jjoops.16806.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-07.jgms.early.aud.moore.weiner.jjoops.14306.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-08.jgms.aud.moore.9711.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-08.jgms.aud.moore.jjoops.16839.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-08.jgms.sonyecm.moskal.94547.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-09.jgms.late.slabicky.jjoops.8661.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-10.jgms.sbd.lemarre.18202.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-10.jgms.sbd.unknown.95767.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-13.jgms.early.aud.uher.siniawski.merin.10128.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-14.jgms.early.aud.warburton.weiner.jjoops.16461.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-14.jgms.late.aud.uher.siniawski.merin.6383.sbeok.shnf Installment Five: jg74-11-15.jgms.late.sbd.lai.4487.sbefail.shnf jg74-11-15.jgms.sbd.late.misshn.8071.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-16.jgms.aud.early.moore.minches.jjoops.16808.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-16.jgms.aud.late.moore.minches.jjoops.16809.sbeok.shnf jg74-11-27.jgms.sbd.gems.91343.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-27.jgms.sbd.partial.gems.89216.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-28.jgms.sbd.gmb.85987.sbeok.flac16 jg74-11-28.jgms.sbd.lai.4486.sbefail.shnf jg74-12-15.jgms.sbd.jjoops.8177.sbeok.shnf jg74-12-28.jgms.aud.misshn.24317.sbeok.shnf jg74-12-29.jgms.early.aud.disalvo.taperpat.93978.sbeok.flac16 jg74-12-29.jgms.late.shure.disalvo.jjoops.8643.sbeok.shnf jg74-12-29.jgms.shure.cbass.17019.sbeok.shnf May the music live on...Peace UJ. "when life looks like easy street, there is danger at your door"
  • Lopezz
    Are there really vines that have been downloaded as mp3 and encoded it flac? I use Cool Edit Pro to find this out when I download. If a file has already been changed to mp3 it doesn't improve when its coverted back. If people do not check for this, music can really get polluted! If its in mp3 format so be it, everyone will know what they are getting. Please do not them back to flac.
  • fluffhead042
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    and bloom brightly...
    sorry for the negativity...I've said my peace and will now get out. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • fluffhead042
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    and that's great of him, Brother...I'm not at all saying his contributions aren't appreciated...quite to the contrary....it's his critical actions are what I take issue with....perhaps I'm just interpreting his post(s) wrong....his posts, in conjunction with his past comments towards me, have certainly shaped my opinion of him....perhaps I'm being too harsh but even after re-reading his post I still get the same vibes...I do *hope* I'm wrong. "In a bed, in a bed, by the waterside I will lay my head. Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul."
  • marye
    um, hello...
    enough with the posturing and name-calling. Let a thousand flowers bloom. Thank you.
  • johnman
    i musta missed sumpin....dont remember anybody insulting any body...i do know erickat has sent me copies of shows as i am too dense to figure out how to copy this stuff. thanx man!
  • fluffhead042
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    Raise your hand if you truly *missed* Erickat while he was "gone"? Perhaps he rubbed me the wrong way from the beginning with his unjust and prejudice actions towards me (with no apology).... but I just get blow-hard vibes from virtually *all* of his comments... (i.e. "I've been here, and have been listening, and responding and will continue, dispite the lack of "superstar" status that has been conferred upon some who have arrived after me & sought the limelight to their own supplication - e.g. putting their name into each vine they seed, even if it's a group effort.") Nobody's trying to steal your "limelight" Bro...and you are/were hardly a "superstar"....Dstache takes that cake...he has streamlined the vining process and at the same time he's caught it up with the times (someone had to do it)...you're vining, and probably living, in the past, Man. Times have changed since that picture was taken... ;) Don't be mistaken though my fellow music lover...your logic is valid....but only in the days of Great Wizards and Masters, neither of which apply to this century or to reality in general. Sorry if you do not feel as important or relevent as you have in the past but that is something only you have control of...it's *your* legacy, and yours alone...live and let live...If you don't want to sign up for specific vines, don't. But insulting and demeaning comments towards individuals who have done absolutely nothing to you to warrant such actions is immature and honestly makes me wanna vomit. I have contributed my 2 cents and hope they are well spent. ...I would like to give a special thank you to Dstache for all he has done for my, and many's, collection of Good Ol' Grateful Dead!!!! I (we) now have a collection that will last the test of time without having to spend hours of our time trying to obtain it....now we can use that time to ENJOY it!!!! And for that, "Great Wizard"...your "apprentices" are....eternally grateful. anywho...back to LIFE. :) and try to smile a lil bit...it feels MUCH better :)
  • stuman
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    there are lot`s of lossless downloads
    On shn/flac.net that have been downloaded from archives.org as mp3 , then converted to lossless re-uploaded to shn/flac as lossless .. That one kinda gets me wondering uumm whats the point in downloading mp3 converting to LL then spend twice the time or more to download it from shn/flac as shn/flac. I can just download the mp3 then convert it to shn/flac myself ,.? thats a whole lot of time converting downloading/uploading , so how much if any data is lost doing things this way ?
  • Gr8fulTed
    So how many vines have existed in an mp3 sequence?
    Raise your hand if you've circulated a Vine with an mp3 suffix converted to a wav, shn or flac?
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

thinking of you both.....please drop by to say hi when the time is right.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I have been away for a while. I finally sent the 69 Vine on to Derek. So many issues with this site and also having personal issues makes it hard to maintain my enthusiasm. I also will not spend money on releases when I have no clue what shows will be included. Its insulting. However, I will be forever grateful to Mary and this site and all the viners. I now have tons of music that i will always cherish. Also, the site rejuvenated my interest in the Dead, as I got off the bus in 1985 and got back on 20 years later. Looking forward to seeing Furthur at MSG Thursday, and in Atlantic City Sat. night. Thanks again to all.
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Member for

16 years 4 months

It appears that Nathan (Long Dead) has taken a break from vining. I have been unsuccessful in any attempts to contact him. Not that there is anything wrong with taking a break since I myself will be on one. However, I did send him my Nov 1970 Vine which I will have to re-seed after only one person which sucks but it's life. If there are any vines anyone is on that are stuck with him, could we please make a list or post it in the proper thread? Also I request his name be placed at the bottom of any list he is on or removed entirely until we hear from him. The most important thing in the vineyard is to keep the music moving so I do not mean this as a personal attack. These are the vines I know of that are stuck with him: November 1970 Vine http://www.dead.net/forum/november-1970-vine December 1986 Vine http://www.dead.net/forum/december-1986-vine If I need to reseed the 1986 Vine, please pm me. Also, it appears Riley (sportzfreak260) is holding up some vines too (some from June it appears). Has anyone heard from him? Take care and happy vining to all -Jake
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I was wondering if any one else in the vineyard does geocaching? My wife and I have found a small "travel bug" in a local cache and would like to send it some where further than another local cache. PM me if you play and are interested. Robert
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16 years 2 months

Is on its way to John Parker. I couldn't find the thread anywhere...
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Glad to see Keith was able to post the reseeds for the vines I sent his way. With so much going on, I really wanted to get these out before the holidays so thank you Keith for helping me (and the vineyard). A lot of the long-term viners here have these but for the newer members in the vineyard community, jump on board. You will not be disappointed. Since I am taking time off from the vineyard, I'd like to wish everyone an early Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Best wishes to all and your families, -Jake
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Happy Holidays Dead-Heads!I have a bunch of old seeds that I would like to try to get moving again, but when I do a search for the vine and then post a message, It dosen't appear under the stickies. I guess the message is there, but it remains burried on a high page number and no one sees it. I imagine this might be part of the reason for dead vines (no pun intended). Any recomendations? Peace, Chris
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Why is the Meta topic so hard to get to.I used to just go to the Vineyard, and the sticky was right there. Now, I either have to do a search for it, or go to tapers, etc. Is the site stilled having problems for anyone else? Peace, Chris
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Many problems :(
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I had another hard drive bite the dust while I was out on holiday. I have an old drive I can replace it with but I am missing a part. Does anyone out there have an old external drive that doesn't work any more they would be willing to part with? I don't need the hard drive itself just the chip that the usb and power plug into. Any brand will work too, in fact the only brand that won't work is a western digital my book essential. PM me if you might have one, thanks Robert
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Member for

13 years 5 months

I'm probably not posting this in the right place, but........having trouble converting shn files on my new macbook. Any suggestions??
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Hey gang,Does anyone know of an easy to use program that can tag cover art to MP3 files? (for ex: some nice artwork was created for the "30 Days of the Dead" MP3's. How do I tag the artwork to the files?) Thanks! Peace, Chris
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Try itunes. At the top of itunes click "File" then "Add file to library..." or "Add folder to library..." if you want to add them all at once. After the song has imported to itunes, find it , left click on it to highlight it click "File" at the top again then click "Get info". Here you can put all the tags in including artwork. After you are done if you want to give the Mp3 to someone else right click on it hit "copy" then hit "paste" on your desktop and your new Mp3 will appear with tags and artwork embedded.
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Member for

13 years 2 months

Thanks for welcoming me aboard the vine. Im misplaced in Costa Rica andneed the fellowship here.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

...i am moving in a couple of weeks so please pm me for my new address before sending me any vines.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

to these shows a lot lately. I doubt there is enough intrest in a vine, but if anyone wants copies PM me. Adele Live In Session On MBE - KCRW FM 2011 Live IN WXPN World Cafe 2011-02-04 8 april 2011 paradiso amsterdam. Regina Spektor Live In Session On MBE - KCRW FM 2009 2010-07-03 Heineken Open'er Festival 2010 Corona Capital Festival 2010-10-16 Live at Sydney Opera House, Sydney 2010-04-27 29 June 2006 BBC Broadcasting House, London. Bonnaroo Music Festival June 13, 2010 She & Him Bimbo's 365 Club November 3, 2008 Santa Cruz, CA May 28, 2010 2010.07.06 Terminal 5 New York, NY Lykke Li - Live In Session On MBE - KCRW FM 2011
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17 years 1 month

Some friends of mine are making a documentary of the Ozark Music Festival . It was a three day festival in my home town (Sedalia, MO) that took place July 19-21 1974. If you can find any recordings from these artists from this time time let me know. Bachman–Turner Overdrive Blue Öyster Cult The Eagles America Marshall Tucker Band The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Boz Scaggs Ted Nugent David Bromberg Leo Kottke Cactus The Earl Scruggs Revue Lynyrd Skynyrd Electric Flag Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band Joe Walsh and Barnstorm The Souther Hillman Furay Band The Ozark Mountain Daredevils Charlie Daniels Band Triphammer Bill Quateman Fresh Start Babe Ruth Locomotiv GT Aerosmith Shawn Phillips REO Speedwagon Spirit You can PM me here or email me at: Higher-Than-The-Sun@hotmail.com
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Just saw this posted on deadlists (From July 10, 2012): Back in 2009, Charlie Miller circulated a lone Midnight Hour "from an unknown show": He wrote: "This Midnight Hour was on the end of Rob Eaton's 2/14/70 Dat, which he got from Dick Latvala. It was labeled as the encore. Obviously, it's not from 2/14/70. You can tell by the mix that it is from 1968." Actually, this Midnight Hour is the encore from the Family Dog, 9/6/69. David Lemieux has included this a couple times on the dead.net Taper's Section. Only the first 45 minutes of the show have circulated. The Vault just has the last two songs, Casey Jones & Midnight Hour. Jefferson Airplane played after the Dead - in fact, on the Taper's Section clip you can hear Garcia saying after MH, "Jefferson Airplane, coming up next."
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Just saw this posted on deadlists (From July 10, 2012): Back in 2009, Charlie Miller circulated a lone Midnight Hour "from an unknown show": http://archive.org/details/gd1968-00-00.sbd.miller.97671.flac16 He wrote: "This Midnight Hour was on the end of Rob Eaton's 2/14/70 Dat, which he got from Dick Latvala. It was labeled as the encore. Obviously, it's not from 2/14/70. You can tell by the mix that it is from 1968." Actually, this Midnight Hour is the encore from the Family Dog, 9/6/69. David Lemieux has included this a couple times on the dead.net Taper's Section. http://www.dead.net/features/tapers-section/august-29-september-4-2011 Only the first 45 minutes of the show have circulated. The Vault just has the last two songs, Casey Jones & Midnight Hour. Jefferson Airplane played after the Dead - in fact, on the Taper's Section clip you can hear Garcia saying after MH, "Jefferson Airplane, coming up next."
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Member for

14 years 1 month

To Jake for reseeding all the missing '67, '68 and '69 vines.You be the MAN Jake! Yeah,just like a kid turned loose in a freakin' candy store I am. Thanks again.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

you guys I know I don't come around here much anymore but the vineyard will always be a place I will cherish, for the music and the people who formed this community. I am probably coming across like a big ol jerk here but I don't care because this guy here .. carolina boy ... single handily took the vineyard down. a bunch of us went to a lot of work to reseed all the vines he STOLE from here. I'm getting emotional right now because I must sound like an asshole but I don't care ... i just hope someone from the old days who remembers backs me up... please do not trade with him ... I mean actually do whatever you want but I know what he did to the vineyard and I am letting you all know
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16 years 4 months

Mark, I completely agree with u. Idk if he thinks enough time has passed and we forgot but I certainly have not. I wholeheartedly encourage a banishment of him from any vines he is on. I too do not speak ill of anyone; this has always been a great community. But if any vines he is on gets sent to him and not passed along I too will be done with this place.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

'back in the day' I can agree that I have watched while several individuals took and took and ended up being 'vine killers'. They showed up, got on the list to receive the vine and then never sent them onto those next on the list. While I have not been as active, of late I will agree with my brothers comments that it is difficult to keep the vineyard producing when some just take and take. I wish I had an answer. For a while we were attentive and kept track and then ericat and then Markinthedark helped us attend to keeping the vineyard going. But if we don't identify those that are toxic to the cause don't be surprised when so many vines die. I don't think that Jake R and JackstrawfromCo would be expressing these concerns if carolina boy didn't have a history. Has he reseeded the vines that disappeared when sent to him ? A show of good faith? I can't be the 'vine cop' and I have watched as that role has unfortunately burnt out several of my brothers in the Vineyard. And they are gone. FYI- I have reseeded many CDs to get vines back on track here, both with the vines I started and ones that were seeded by others. Saying that isn't to expect praise but to offer that I have invested in the Vineyard, and have been given back far more than I have put into this wonderful space. The Wheel does go round.. I will say to those on the vineyard that our history is right here to view. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
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Member for

16 years 4 months

I just bumped all of Fall 72 and the entire 73 vines. Lot of stuff is lost over the pond unfortnately and lost in the server change-over.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Thanks for backing me up and thank you too Jake. People are funneling vines to carolina boy I see and all I can say is "whatever". I tried being the vine cop but it was a grueling, thankless job and I spent way too much time and resources re-seeding vines and doing the follow ups with folks. No one could do what markinthedark did, and I suspect much like me he got way too burned out. I love a lot of you out there but the people with total disregard I cannot deal with anymore. I am signed up for the two 83 vines and I hope someone who has my email address could email me when they are coming my way I would be very grateful. Then I am officially out of here. The 72 europe bullshit and now the new site are making me crazy too so again, take care everyone I love you I loved trading with y'all but it is really time for me to say fare thee well. If you have my email drop me a letter and I'd love to trade that way with you but I am done here. Mark
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Member for

14 years 4 months

I think I have your email pretty sure you have mine next time you are up this way..... take care amigo!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Haven't been around here for a while... but things are different huh?? JackstrawfromColorado.... let me know what shows you need.... I have them all pretty much covered. Sorry to see there has been some toxins in the Vineyard.... doesn't take much to kill 'em off.... Hope everyone is otherwise well. -Raymond.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

You all have my word that the vines I am sent will be carefully tended until they are ready to be passed along. Love and Gratitude to those who invest in endlessly seeding. The Music Never Stops!