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  • marye
    Totally agree re "reality" shows
    I mean, c'mon. And I don't know which is worse, the survivor-themed ones or the romance-themed ones, except the latter seem extra degrading to all concerned.
  • gypsy soul
    I am a HUGE family guy lover/watcher!!!. have all the seasons on dvd. really liked the star wars parody. man, i must have seen that in the theater about 8 times when i was a kid. tried telling my 14 year old that we used to do that back in the 70's prior to the advent of the videotape/dvd, etc. in mho, fam guy is the best comedy on tv these days nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
  • gypsy soul
    love the karma g-ed
    how about LIFE, did anyone check it out last week. i think it's on tonight(wednesday) on NBC. great way to live life-staying in the moment. it looks like t.v. is finally getting watchable again. i was soooo sick of "REALITY" shows that were in no way like any reality that i know of. let's learn from EARL and the dude on LIFE. karma and zen are the way to go brothers and sisters!!!! nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
  • grateful_ed
    My Name is....
    I am shocked I have not seen anyone mention My Name Is Earl (grant it I got tired and stopped so I apologize to anyone who mentioned it first, the bees will get me soon).... one of the funniest, cleverest, well written comedies I have seen in a long time! Life lessons simply put, "Do good things, good things happen. Do bad things, bad things happen." if u have not caught this i highly recommend it!!!
  • marye
    don't know Hugh Laurie
    so can't comment on that, but I sure do like LaPaglia. Just looked him up on IMDB (great resource!) and he sure is Australian. Also has some other interesting credits I should check out. Yes, I do love mysteries. Books too, but only certain authors, and then i get mad because I'm done with the new book and have to wait another year for the next one.
  • TigerLilly
    Without a trace
    I dig that one too marye. There are some really engrossing and more unusual stories in that one. Seems that we have that in common, eh? A liking for mysteries, based on the Lynley discussion from earlier, and now this. Didn't know that Anthony La Paglia is australian, but then I only know his German dubbed voice anyhow. Is he as good as Hugh Laurie losing his Brit. accent for Dr. House? ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • marye
    Ugly Betty! Grey's Anatomy! Without a Trace!
    (or, What I watched last night.) Loved 'em all. Unfortunately it is just about impossible to discuss Ugly Betty without a dozen spoilers (and, to a lesser extent, Grey's Anatomy as well, at least as regards Izzy's unexpected medical adventure). And I've gotta say, whoever's responsible (and I think Salma Hayek has a lot to do with it), Ugly Betty has me completely hooked, despite being, in essence, a parody of the soap opera genre for which I've never had the slightest use. I mean, lame as it is, I care a lot about Hilda and Santos. I root for Clare. I love Justin. Etc. And now that Without a Trace, which I've always loved, is back on Thursdays, it's a great TV night at my house. I do regularly marvel at how Anthony LaPaglia manages to lose his Australian accent without a trace...
    Family Wars
    I hope I'm not the only one here to have caught The Family Guy's season premier last night! Very funny parody of Star Wars, among other cultural tidbits, from mustard to Chevy Chase. OK, it's has been done before but I found it much funnier than expected. Peter as Han, Stuey as Darth Vader and Cleveland as R2D2 was a brilliant way to dumb down one of America's most loved sci-fi movies of all time. Bravo! I'm Uncle Sam; That's who I am...
  • marye
    In and Out...
    adding it to my Netflix queue...
  • TigerLilly
    then go to the movie thread, and I will tell you about "in and out". Talk about a hoot!
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17 years 1 month
...and there's nothing on? Say it ain't so!
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...does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop? The world may never know! Thanks for the laughs, CCJoe. I always enjoy your posts. "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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how long does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop? I will get my old lady on that one right away... the VDO will be for sale on e-bay quite soon. ( -:
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16 years 8 months

you guys are killing me..i saw the post w/her from taxie,i just couldnt remember her a women and i could remember the shape. it was her and dolly parton that had shapes like that."dolly alays had the "bleached blonde hair.charo.she was wacky thats why she usedto crack me up.and on the boob thing ya i could be wrong but i dont think they did inlargments back then.but im from the east coast origanoaily so maybe theCAthing was prvlant than too?clueless.....heres on for ya are her lipsnot those,are they real?im glad she didnt have to exploite herself sexually through hef penthouse or such. she was a kick!!!thanks for sharring these storys guys..
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"We're natural-born Carnies, dad. If we only weren't tied down with a family." The Dude Abides!
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fuck, I forgot this question was in the TV thread, and I was racking my brain trying to think of the movie which I think was called Carney... I forgot the character's name, but someone in Natural Born Killers? nope, on a Simpsons episode for sure... a play with the Stone movie line in Natural Born Killers; which was probably the best film he directed... I forgot who said it though on the Simpsons. one of my old high school buds ended up being a staff writer on the Simpsons for a while, but he was not a deadhead; so no cool 'hidden' references in any of the stuff he wrote. ) -;
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When Law and Order SVU or Criminal Intent or The Dallas Cowboys are not on the tube I'll break out the DVD's. Unless the Steelhead are runnin, that case I be fishin.
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17 years

this is so frigging true, it is sad. I got DVDs for Hawaii 5 -0, Kojack, Columbo, The Jeffersons, Sanford and Son, Good Times, and so on... etc etc etc Barney Miller, too; just to get me by... what is being produced in La La land these days is a fucking travesty.
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OK, CCJoe, I'll give you credit for a win on my trivia. The character in question was Bart and I thought the line to be of some irony for our lives. As for TV, it is pretty sad, for sure. Thank God for the Simpsons, Family Guy, South Park and Charlie Brown. Wait a minute, I think I see a connection here, hummmm... Also, don't forget to watch The Daily Show and Colbert Report (although they're all repeats this week). Jon Stewart has had several world leaders (both current and past) on the show recently, not the least of which was the President of Bolivia, a former tenant farmer that reformed several major elements of government in six months, including forcing the major natural gas company to re-negotiate a contract that was very unfair to the people of Bolivia while giving what amounted to bribes to top government officials. Not included in that interview (unfortunately) was the fact that The Bush administration tried to paint the newly elected leader (at the time) as a terrorist sponsor. Perhaps reform should travel north? Both are great shows, not to be missed. The Dude Abides!
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Which TV cop of the 70's said: "You can't corrupt it. And you know why? Because to corrupt it, you've got to show how corrupt you really are." a) Baretta b) Columbo c) Kojak d) Steve McGarret e) Barney Miller f) Hutch g) Starsky
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Who was the toughest TV cop of the 70s?? and why?? a) Baretta b) Columbo c) Kojak d) Steve McGarret e) Barney Miller f) Hutch g) Starsky h) __________________________
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Baretta - 'cause thirty years later he "offs" his "wife" and uses the alibi, "I couldn't have killed the woman, I was looking for the gun I left at the restaurant!" Now that statement took balls and a total lack of intelligence which could only result in the toughest 70's TV cop. The Dude Abides!
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17 years

So I'm looking through the latest Guitar Player and they have a list of the top 40 underrated guitarists and among them is David Lindley, Kim Simmons from Savoy Brown, Rick Derringer, Robie Krieger from the Doors, Rory Gallagher, Andy Powell and Ted Turner from Wishbone Ash and Charo! No kidding. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. Wiliam Blake
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16 years 8 months

i say 1st:columbo;thats the kind a stuff he would say.2barreta,cause he was pretty slick.and now moing along to Hal,thats pretty cool,you mentioned savoy brown i found a old cassette that my late ol'man had of savoy no tape in it ive looked for a long time in variouse stores for it havent found it yet.charo pretty cool.thanks for sharing that. peace
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did you know that "Baretta" in Swahili means 'stupid dumb ass motherfucker' ?? well, in ONE of the dialects it does! the question was who was the TOUGHEST cop not who was the dumbest!! Who was the toughest? Who was the toughest TV cop of the 70s?? and why?? a) Baretta b) Columbo c) Kojak d) Steve McGarret e) Barney Miller f) Hutch g) Starsky h) __________________________ in my book, Baretta was too short to be really tough. Columbo, while intelligent and pretty much of a hard ass when it came to law breakers, never bitch slapped any perps. McGarret was a bit too 'official' and by the book, though he did threaten and knock around a few suspects in season one. Barney Miller -- no elaboration necessary. How did this guy make Captain anyways? Oh, I know, the only one else up for the job was Fish. (a GREAT comedy TV show, though) Starsky and Hutch were both borderline fags (not that there is anything wrong with that) how many shows did a bomb go off and they were thrown into each other's arms?? sheesh. so, that leaves Kojak -- the toughest bad ass cop of the 70's in a VERY tough neighborhood. The 9th Precint on the lower east side of MaDhattan. He either threatened, violated someone's civil rights,or bitch slapped a perp in almost every episode. Further, he wore a cool hat and his suits were top notch. especially the linings. PLUS he got laid more than all of those other cops combined. Who love's you baby?
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Which 70s cop show had the best theme song?? a) Baretta b) Columbo c) Kojak d) Hawaii 5-0 e) Barney Miller f) Husky and Starch g) ___________________ who even remembers Husky and Starch's theme song? fuckin Zebra - 3. those guys were wankers. Columbo, ok... but certainly not that memorable, any more than Kojak's theme was memorable... a tough choice between Baretta and Hawaii 5-0... but for a cop show, I gotta go with Baretta's theme. sung here by Mr. Entertainment!
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damn developers sure fucked up Waikiki... how things have changed! well, they fucked it up more, and they are still fucking it up even as we speak. my buddy actually lived IN the Ilikai for a year or 2, the building McGarret is on top of... well, anyway, this is a pretty cool song, too!
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and the Barney Miller theme was ALSO pretty cool!
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I have to go with Barney Miller, It has a Jam kinda of feel to it.
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I always liked the Hawaii 5-0 theme song and opening scenes. Made me want to jump up, grab the board, and head for the beach (or at least fire a fatty and imagine the beach). Too bad Telly is still not around. He, of all people, could probably answer how many licks it takes to get to the center of a tootsie pop. Who loves you, baby!
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16 years 8 months

i like that theme more barneys them was cool too.70s grovin feel to it.yes and i bet telly probly could answer that question."he is oraly fixated".
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16 years 9 months

Why is the best 70's detective show, The Rockford Files, not being included? Ok, so Jim Rockford was a PI and not a cop, still pretty much a cop show. Great theme song, love the guitar riff. And he could take a punch, too!
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Ralph Kramden voice... hammuna hammuna hammuna... yeah, I should have included Jim Rockford... ) -; sorry Jimbo! but Kojak would still kick his ass; but Rockford certainly ranks above Steve McGarrett! his name is a tough guy name, after all. I am unable to post the beggining song directly, but you can cut and paste this link. peace
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hands down the best line of a cop show theme ever. i almost remember all of it- keep your eye on the sparrow, when the going gets narrow. i used to love both starsky and hutch and baretta when i was a kid. most of the chicks dug david soul-not me-no, no, no, i was a paul michael glaser kinda gal!!! huggy bear (lol) peace all nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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OK, who else is watching this show?? i LOVE it. charlie crews kicks major ass. anyone else????? nothing left to do but smile, smile, smile
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16 years 8 months

i almost forgot about grandfather use to watch that show so when i was ther visiting which was alot i used to watch it with him.pi's kinda like cops "they have to build a case was a cool show..peace
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Huggy Bear was THE man! "Hey Hutch, we have no leads in this case, we have no idea what to do, we don't have any clues at all... hey, let's go ask that pimp who did it"
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16 years 8 months

i was flippin through channels last night and long and be hold i come across this was intressting. i still say he ate to much dose.after all this time it still baffels me."im still that way with clockwork orange".strange .makes me feel like i ate some bad shit!!la la land.however very talented and intresting in a obscuer way.
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16 years 8 months

I don't watch too much TV, but last Friday I happend to catch Jimi at Woodstock on GPTV! My two cents on theme songs (ha ha) is about the one from MASH. Great show and some haunting music.
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Do not attempt to adjust your monitor, we are in control. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
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16 years 8 months

when i got home last night flippin though the flippin channeles and vh-1 was playing the wall.still way cool even while not under the influence of ilicite stuff.the grapics and animation still blow me away.heavy story too...
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I agree, heatha! Those guys could see into the future, if you ask me. I saw the film at the theater when it was released and was blown away yet couldn't possibly understand all the significance. I was a bit overwhelmed and freaked out in fact when I first experienced the movie and it took years of life to understand why. Thank God I had The Grateful Dead and Hunter to balance the "heavy" implications of psychedelics and their ultimate meaning in my life. Well I must get back to my preoccupation with global domination. Ciao! Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to my underground lair.
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17 years

there is a great TV show in England called 'The Real Hustle' if you go on and search for 'The Real Hustle' you will get plenty of hits, lots of confidence games, grifts, scams, and other interesting shit. one example, but there are PLENTY of them. watch and learn. peace.
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while this is one of the best shows of all time, it is almost too trippy to see that dude running for president. anyway, I would rather see Lenny Briscoe get to be President. peace.
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17 years 1 month

especially since Lenny Briscoe is, like, dead. I like Fred Thompson a lot, but let's just say we don't agree on the issues and I wish him a speedy return to Law & Order.
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yeah, that was sad when he passed. I met him once after I saw him appear in 'Chicago' the Broadway musical. Really nice guy, very down to earth and totally unpretentious. still, a dead Jerry Orbach WOULD still make a better Prez than the load of turd politicos out there these daze. peace.
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I liked Jon Stewart's interview with Philip Zimbardo better but Stephen's was funnier. I love that his name has "Bardo" in it. Too funny and ironic! "All energy flows according to the whims of the Great Magnet. What a fool I was to defy him."
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Did anyone catch The Roots last night on Colbert? Pretty darn good, imo. I love me some Roots, though. Obama's wife also appeared and was very funny. "Since you've all been such good boys and girls, I would like to take everybody in this entire audience out for milk and cookies. There are buses outside. Everybody follow me."
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This week's "King of the Hill" featured a portable version of Studio 54. Couldn't help but think of Mr. Pid's story, when I heard this line.Peggy Hill - "Hank, take comfort in knowing that every thread of your leisure suit was made by DuPont." (paraphrased)
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One of my co-workers was ranting about this show-so watched it once, and now am quite into it. Think the guy playing Dexter is just a marvelous actor-his sociopath is really good-BUT the sister drives me nuts! A friend also gave me a series on dvd called Wonderfalls-where inanimate objects tell this young woman to do things. Is kinda goofy and cute.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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16 years 8 months

I LOVE house. one of the greatest shows of all time without question. love it. hugh laurie is one of the best actors of all time.Peace, The Kid
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17 years 1 month

I just sorta stumbled on House lately and I really like it.
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16 years 8 months

Kutner is a great actor too. his comedic roots add a bit of humor, but he doesnt over do other fav show is law and order svu Peace, The Kid
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... and miami ink also.Peace, The Kid
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Like it too! Is cool how they use those complex medical terms as if we all know what they mean. Agree w/Kid that Hugh Laurie is a good actor-one of the best??? well the jury is still out :-) Have you ever seen him in Jeeves and Wooster? THAT just cracks me up!********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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a big favourite in Badgerland, except if we watch too many episodes in a short period the hypochondria can set in. Oh no, I've got an must be grandfunkrailroadosis! You are right Deadheadkid and TL, Hugh Laurie is brilliant, ever since his early work with Stephen Fry in their comedy show and in Jeeves and Wooster. His presence on the screen does however generate a worrying twinkle in the eye of Mrs Badger.