• 269 replies

    As you may have noticed, we've just implemented a much-requested chatroom. It is quite simple and has few fancy features, but for the moment we just want it to work!

     Anyway, have at it, and post your thoughts, feature requests, effusive thanks to the tech team, etc., right here. Thanks!


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  • marye
    you're right, this is really messed up
    I can't seem to fix it so I'm calling in the experts.
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    doesn't seem to be working......
  • Jake R
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    this is the url: http://dead.net/forum/autumn-72-vine-part-1-september if you dont use this you will never see this is the sept 72 vine
  • Jake R
    Default Avatar
    this one
    is completely fudged up. Any interest in sept 72? Lets start a new list unless whoever has it comes forward
  • mona
    How long has chat been down???
    Many moons. Was told long ago it was passed on the the Tech guys. They moving much too slowwwwwww.Some of us are using Savage chat now bless him http://www.savagetek.com/sc/ If some of you are getting the chat it is a surprise to a lot. Also is a ton of Face book GD groups :)
  • marye
    I've passed this to the tech guys
    in any case.
  • fluffanutter
    Interesting to note that it isn't just Mozilla people are having problems with. I'm hoping that the problem will clear up some time, regardless of who is responsible. It is possible that since this blogger posted the mentioned offenders have found a way to corrupt IE & Chrome. If you can see how your browser is redirecting you should be able to note if there are uninvited parties in the process.
  • marye
    As far as I know, though
    people are having a problem with the chat room regardless of what browser they're using, so this is not a Firefox problem specifically.
  • marye
    I will pass this on
    to the tech guys. Thanks.
  • Anna rRxia
    This could be the problem: YOURS not THEIRS
    When you go to Chat Room and click on chat room in the upper left and watch how your browser is directed to attempt to get there, you might, as I have, seen B.scorecardrearch.com before your atempt failed. When I Googled that it came up with the following comment from this blogger (If you don't feel like reading the summation is that you need to get all of the fleas and ticks out of your computer -- yeah, you got'em and it'll cost you to get rid of 'em.) ***** ****** ***** For many of you who use the Firefox browser to access my blog Right Wing Nuthouse, you may have found reading it an impossibility over the last 10 days or so. I ask your pardon. I was unaware of the problem until a reader emailed me and mentioned it. I was having problems accessing the site myself but I thought it was specific to my computer and not a general problem with viewing the website in Firefox (IE and Google Chrome were unaffected.). It seems that an insidious, unwelcome, unasked for, should-be-criminal script was surreptitiously installed in the sidebar of my blog and was wreaking havoc with visitor’s computers. When clicking on the web address to The House, the site would appear briefly and then be redirected to something called B.scorecardresearch.com – except the script caused the site to hang forever leaving a blank page to look at. I tried to scrub it using every anti-spyware, anti-malware, anti-virus program I had – and some like Spybot I downloaded. Since I was unaware that the problem was a rogue, 3rd party script, the small piece of code laughed at my efforts to eradicate it. It sneered as I flailed about aimlessly, nearly weeping with frustration and anger, and vowing to take my revenge – if I ever managed to see my website again in Firefox. A search revealed that b.scorecardresearch.com was a webtracking company, carefully monitoring my keystrokes and website visits. I discovered upon visiting its website that I might opt out of participating in this gangster company’s information gathering. After clicking the “opt out” link, I was told the cookie would be inoperative. In this, they were correct – except the problem wasn’t with a cookie. The problem was that a script had been placed inside the blog infrastructure itself without my knowledge or permission. When I discovered that there were still problems with the site after opting out, I went to the Mozilla support forum and screamed for help. The good geeks at Mozilla came through in spectacular fashion. First, Gerv identified the problem: The sites which are having the problem include code from Technorati, which itself includes code from extreme-dm.com, which includes a reference to a script on the site b.scorecardresearch.com. For some reason, that script is not loading correctly, and it is not marked as inessential to the page, and so the page load is blocked. This is an example of why including scripts from a 3rd party site in your website is a dangerous thing to do. Do you trust everyone that the owner of that script trusts? So this is (probably) not a problem with Firefox. Then a good bit of luck; an expert in WordPress who had dealt with a similar problem on another website: WP Specialist: Had the same problem earlier with a client’s site. Do you have technorati called anywhere within your theme? Removing that from our site fixed the issue. From some reading I did, it’s apparently the latest update of FireFox causing the issue. (Which explains why it’s okay in IE and Chrome) Some “tracking scripts” are running wrong and causing the redirect. So, if you don’t have technorati going, trying disabling any of your java (i.e. twitter follow widgets) Please let me know if this helped (because I’m curious). Good luck! Sure enough, I accessed the blog innards and there it was – a script with “technorati” in the middle of it (I wish I had copied the script but was so excited to get rid of it I wasn’t thinking), sitting all by itself in my right hand sidebar, minding my business, not serving any purpose for the blog whatsoever. I removed it and all is well in blogland again. I have no idea how that script got there. I certainly wasn’t asked to participate in any kind of program that would monitor my surfing habits. Did Technorati place it there? My meager knowledge of how such scripts are installed makes that an open question. I know that it wasn’t there previously since I had occasion to work on the sidebar code from time to time over the last 5 years. It could have been there for months or, given the recent problems with accessing the site, just a matter of days. In the future, I will take no chances. I will no longer visit Technorati. And let this be a warning to everyone; no 3rd party scripts for your blog or browser. Unless you are absolutely sure what you are getting, it is best to steer clear of scripts from unknown sources. I learned that lesson the hard way. I hope you don’t have to. ***** ***** ****** After the recent news of the super malware out there right now it is frightening to see what these state-sponsored programs can do. How much more so these companies like Technorati & B.scorecardresearch.com & whoever else is out there.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

As you may have noticed, we've just implemented a much-requested chatroom. It is quite simple and has few fancy features, but for the moment we just want it to work!

 Anyway, have at it, and post your thoughts, feature requests, effusive thanks to the tech team, etc., right here. Thanks!

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Member for

17 years 7 months

It good to chat, then wait for pm's!! :)
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17 years 1 month

What should we chat about?Good to see the pictures are back!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I just asked Mr Pid the following question 'You at work?' instantly the chatroom window went blank and I got this message 'You have been kicked out. Further abuse will result in permanent banning.' had to log back into the chatroom. Promise not to mention work again!
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I hope Badger's experience wasn't because of anything I said. I did respond to the question, even though it was just to say I had to go, because of that dreaded four letter word... Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

that's very strange, and not the first report I've seen of strange deployment of kicked-out tools. I'm gonna report this. Thanks.
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17 years 9 months

I have no idea, but Inquiries Are Being Made. Perhaps the poor thing has collapsed from the strain of the marathon...
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17 years 9 months

It's been taken offline for the moment to see if it's related to some technical problems elsewhere on the site, it being one of relatively few new things that may have been a factor. More as I know it...
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I dig the chat room but every time I go there I'm lost in space, not a single soul to be found. Frown.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

the chat room's down, so let me use this forum. first off, I am new at this on-line stuff and since my work just gave me a lovely Macbook, I feel the need to sit in bed and use it. I am searching for some specific older shows from my way back machine days. My tapes are shot and I have no where else to turn (heavy sigh). Anyone have a decent copy of Penn State 1980? It's my favorite China-Rider. My tape wasn't great and had my friend constantly looking for a lighter or bumping into the mike stand.... Anybody have a copy?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Bring it back soon, please and thank you. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Try the looking for stuff forum, or keep searching all the forums and posting on them, someone is bound to help you out!! PS Welcome!!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Check out Internet Archive.... Grateful Dead Live at Rec Hall, Penn State U on 1980-05-06 you can download the show from there!! Not sure if its the right show or not but check it out!! It's a smokin Chinacat! *Peace, Gigi*
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Member for

17 years 9 months

is trying to figure out what's causing assorted technological misbehavior, which may or may not ultimately have anything to do with the chat room but experiments are in progress. Your distress is duly noted!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Internet.archive is an awesome site, see I knew someone would help you out!! You'll be able to download almost any show you want. Give it a try.
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17 years 8 months

When is going to be up and running?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Is kind of losing energy, it has been a grate place. And I guess things will ebb and flow and come and go. I miss What Happened on This Day In Deadhead History? and the chatroom.Hope everyone is having a fine weekend. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 8 months

well in a way I feel the same, but then there do seem to be a whole lot of new folks appearing here too which is great to see...we used to be a little gang and now we are a big community here which must be good...but I think that is showing up some weaknesses in the site design..it is getting harder and harder to keep up and still very slow to explore a forum....maybe a shake up would shake us up too. The chat room was a really welcome addition.though may it come back soon!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I think it's safe to say that a lot of technical issues are being scrutinized, especially as things like listening parties and chat rooms get added to the mix. I share your pain about the system performance issues; I trust that they are temporary, but I understand the aggravation. It's always something! Thank you for your patience...
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17 years 9 months

and the tape trading topics aren't doing it for you?
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Member for

17 years 6 months

I am looking forward to re-introduction of the Chat Room. Think of it like this, there were many songs that the band stopped playing, but they came back. Dark Star (7/13/84 to 10/8/89), Black Throated Wind ('74 to '90), Casey Jones (84 to 92), Loose Lucy (74 to 90), etc. Just like the songs continue playing ... Ok lost my train of thought on this ... All good things, in all good time.
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17 years 1 month

sorry, posted to soon. I enjoy getting in touch with heads all around. Immediate satisfaction is something that chatrooms give. A good conversation was also one of the reasons I loved the shows. The chat, kind of resembles the lots...etc.
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17 years 9 months

I would expect that everyone's spread a little thin, but I'll see if I can get a status update.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

thanx to all those involved technically and otherwise keeping this forum and entire website up and operational....ur efforts are appreciated very much! as for the chat room...it was/is a GRATE idea and hope it's back online soon. stay safe and feel good! >><<<< :>
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Member for

17 years 7 months

I liked the chat room, hope it's up and running soon!Peace
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Like, for good? Or is it just a test? Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

it's back! Though no one seemed to be at home when I looked in a minute ago.
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17 years

I am having trouble finding a link to subscribe to the almanac. Any help is much appreciated.Nothing left to do but Smile, Smile, Smile.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

when I enter chatroom...The page you requested does not exist. For your convenience, a search was performed using the query chatrooms chat 9.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I liked it too even though everytime I went there It was an empty house! Keep it going!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

does anyone know danita murray? she was looking for me but didn't leave a number!
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Member for

17 years 3 months

nice to see the chat room is back up running ..hope it lasts ,, I enjoy talking to other folks while listening to what i can ,,...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Is it OK to allow anonymous guests in the Chat Room? Not sure.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I share cosmicbadger's concern for potential problems here, but have somewhat mixed emotions. We were always free to attempt to strike up random conversations in the lot or the show without identifying ourselves, and while the chatroom context is similar (to me,) it does lack the physical proximity/available security dimension of an in person encounter. Perhaps a solution might be to require that a virtual token be delivered via email and re-presented to the site for anyone desiring to post in the chatroom anonymously. That would create some semblance of accountability at least. It's hard to imagine any possible problem caused by someone who merely wanted to eavesdrop, but not actively participate. It's not like there can be any assumption of privacy in what is effectively a public space. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I have a feeling this is a leftover fro the KPFA chat, but also I think it's worth letting it run a bit and see what happens. We can always turn it off later, I would guess.
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Member for

17 years 3 months

until recentley i though you had to at least be a registerd member to have access to most of this site,, so ,,.i guise not,,... be careful what you say and who you speek to ,,,