• 882 replies
    In one of the other topics, one of the folks seemed not to be so sure of the reception he'd get for saying he was a youth minister at his church. In my experience, Deadheads span the full spectrum from Agnostic to Zoroastrian. I've met atheist Deadheads, Muslim Deadheads, Buddhist Deadheads, Catholic Deadheads, Jewish Deadheads, and Wiccan Deadheads. My Deadhead friends are all over the map on this stuff, and as far as I'm concerned one of the real richnesses of the scene is the ability to see how things look to other folks and, sometimes, experience it from their world. Believe it if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on. But talk about it here, and please maintain a safe respectful place to do so.


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  • Brick in Oz
    Music and Ecstacy
    Thanks, tphokie1, for: "I also believe that whether or not we believe in God is not important to God. The important thing is that we are growing as human beings and being kind to each other along the way. I do know that I have experienced what I call God numerous times at Dead shows and while listening to their recorded music." As a life-long student of comparative religion (thank you, Joseph Campbell), I believe that all religions' source texts say the same thing if (and it's a big if) you read them metaphorically, rather than literally. I want to share a couple of quotes from Reynold Nicholson's book, The Mystics of Islam. "Pythagoras and Plato are responsible for another theory, to which the Sufi poets frequently allude, that music awakens in the soul a memory of celestial harmonies heard in a state of pre-existance, before the soul was separated from God. Thus Jalaluddin Rumi: The song of the spheres in their revolutions Is what men sing with lute and voice. As we are all members of Adam, We have heard these melodies in paradise. Though earth and water have cast their veil upon us, We retain faint reminiscences of these heavenly songs; But while we are thus shrouded by gross earthly veils, How can the tones of the dancing spheres reach us?" My answer? Listen to the Dead! They are, after all, Jehovah's Favorite Choir. From the same book, attributed to Dhu 'l-Nun the Egyptian, "Music is a divine influence which stirs the heart to seek God: those who listen to it spiritually attain unto God..." and "When the heart throbs and rapture grows intense, and the agitation of ecstacy is manifested and conventional forms are gone, this is not dancing nor bodily indulgence, but a dissolution of the soul."
    Yes the paragraph was from Carlin. I didn't use quotes because, as I stated, I was paraphrasing. If I had been quoting, I'd have used quotes. I put a very specific line before that paragraph that read (and this is now the 3rd time I'm putting this up here) : I will leave you with a bit of humor. George Carlin on religion (paraphrasing, as I don't remember word for word, but this is pretty close...and I do not say this to offend anyone - just for a touch of humor - if we cannot laugh at ourselves, what's the point?!) : SO, not to sound like a dick - but it basically says "here's a bunch of words from George Carlin. They're not meant to offend anyone. Hope you can laugh at it, as I have....because I laugh at jokes, even when aimed at me, because if you can't laugh at yourself, you have a problem. THEN the quote continues (and I won't re-post what apparently annoyed people) to say that the story religion asks you to believe is a tad far-fetched. Now, someone who is religious AND has a sense of humor would even find humor in that and may reply, "Yes it does sound like a crazy story, but I find the faith my personal test of strength." Someone who is not religious but not out to offend anyone might say, "Yeah! That's what I'm talkin' about! But I certainly respect others for believing what they will," as I said. Very plainly. I will try not to speak so lofty next time. Personally, I don't think I did - you all sound like really intelligent people here. I just think it's easy to skim and soak up only the juicy stuff, rather than take everything in context. I'll shut up now. I think I'm pissing people off. ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
  • c_c
    pappy, if i mis-understood something, I will apologize. did Carlin say 'religion is a bullshit story' or words to that effect? was that last paragraph Carlin's words, not yours?? I thought the Carlin line ended with 'if we can not laugh at ourselves, what's the point' maybe I got confused, if it is YOU who is the car salesman manager, and not Carlin. then I made a mistake, and sorry about that. please use "quotes" in the future so we might know who is talking. if the religion is bullshit comment was yours, and if that was a joke, I don't get the joke. it was that comment alone that I took issue with, like I said in my previous post. anyways, and not to beat a dead horse, when you have a few hours to kill, go back to read through this whole thread, then you will understand better the context that I'm coming from. naturally, many folks who read and post in THIS area, are sensitive to religion bashing (not saying that is what you did if that was what Carlin said) hence, I chided you a bit. no feelings hurt on my side, and if I fucked up, sorry about that. peace. and, lilly, I am patiently waiting for the next 7,999,997 questions, and no it ain't a boat load. it is a shit load. to avoid further mis-understanding, I ain't saying your question is a load of shit, but just that it is a shit load of questions. yuk yuk yuk ( -;
  • smitty1111
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  • TigerLilly
    Alright c.c.
    but don't you think that 7,999,998 is a boatload of questions? Even for me to come up with? (7,999,997) ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
    Gypsy & CC - I guess you 2 didn't really read my post. 'Cause right before I quoted George Carlin (who said "religion is the greatest bs story of all-time") I specifically said THESE words: I will leave you with a bit of humor. George Carlin on religion (paraphrasing, as I don't remember word for word, but this is pretty close...and I do not say this to offend anyone - just for a touch of humor - if we cannot laugh at ourselves, what's the point?!) : So PLEASE don't think I'm putting ANYONE down for beliving what they believe. I do not. I'm quite fine with anyone's beliefs, so long as they are not hurting anyone. I'm not asking for an apology, but you both completely misunderstood what I was saying. Have a nice day! :) ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.coom "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    CC's Back-Che Wiz/Pappy
    "would you agree that saying "religion is the greatest bullshit story" is a force of negative energy?" Except it's positive energy for some, I would hope. Only because there's a whole lots of people who do believe in their religion. & it should be everyone's right to believe in whatever they want to. I just didn' t like the "forced" on you situations. I have relatives that are Catholics, Jewish, Protestants & Atheists-the whole "mishbuka" (meaning in Yiddish-mixed batch or mixed family, if I've got that one right) & to think, today on walking Charlie, the dog, a guy in the park asked me if I had religious beliefs....didn't have time to get into it.... So, what am I, I have often asked myself? Just plain ole American Gypsy Cowgirl.......xoxox Peace & Love-NOW there's a religion I believe in! ( & praying naked)
  • c_c
    pappy oh pappy
    pappy, would you agree that saying "religion is the greatest bullshit story" is a force of negative energy? keep in mind, some folks here take great comfort in their religoius beliefs, (organized or dis-organized) and using such harsh language about it is kind of a bummer to read. up until you said that, I wasn't bummed out by what you said, but that bit is a tad too harsh and hurtful, and certainly negative, in my humble opinion. believe it if you need it, and why knock it, even if you've tried it? if you like, please go back and read through this entire thread, we have had some "issues" with folks who kind of go over the top in general terms of acceptable civility in expressing what they believe or not believe. marye, in her mod mode, tought me a new vocabulary word a while back, it was 'polemic' share and care. sharing and caring. caring and sharing. care and share. keeping this scene "safe and warm" for everyone is a goal in my book, and a source of positive energy if you will. love and peace.
  • herbaMac
    Celtic Christian Hippy who has rediscovered the Music
    Just read Blair Jackson's biography of JG and it rekindled my fire for the music and lyrics of the group. I enjoyed their music 30 years ago, went to only one concert(12/31/79), due to my sweet girlfriend's LOVE of the Dead (SF born and raised) and have been re-enjoying their music with my 17 y.o. son. I enjoyed finding streams of old Celtic thought in the lyrics of Hunter and Garcia. I don't know if it was intended or just sprang from pool of consciousness that is still with us. As the son of a minister, I learned that many songs sung in church came from folk music of the time, often 200 years ago, and thus intend to bring their music to a new audience. Walk your path, enjoy your relations, share love with others.
    While I have an hour or so to kill...
    I may as well tell y'all about my beliefs... Soooo....I am an atheist. In that regard, I do not believe in god, per se. I don't believe in a one, supreme being that looks over us, etc...I believe religion is man-made and was absolutely necessary in the times in which it was created, in order to avoid mass hysteria (which probably went on long before there was ever recorded religion). I won't get into the "why"s as to why I don't believe...it's just the conclusion I've come to after many years. Read "The God Delusion" if you want to understand my point of view on that any further. What I DO believe in is ENERGY. I believe we are all made up of energy that is kinetic. Once in motion, it never ceases. SO, once we pass, our energy (call it a soul or spirit, if you want to) is still moving about the earth. I believe that every, single person we each come in contact with (no matter how small or large the amount of contact - from 'just passing by' to serious relationships), we pass along that respective amount of energy to that person. They carry it with them forever and pass it on to others, and so on, and so on. SO, by my belief, the more positive energy one puts out to the world, the more positive things will happen in the world. By contrast, the same would apply with negative energy. When positive or negative energy is placed in front of you, whether in the form of a TV broadcast, email, postcard, rainbow, etc...(you can apply to ANYTHING - it's all in how it's perceived), that positive or negative energy is absorbed by each of us and we all carry it around wherever we go - and pass it along, and so on, and so on.... Thus, I do not believe in a heaven or hell, but I believe that once we pass, our energy - both positive and negative - stays out there for everyone we've been in contact with. This energy is carried on in the memories of others, as well as anything we've ever influenced in our lives (hence the little to a lot of contact with others). I was raised Jewish. The Old Testament really never did it for me and the New Testament took it to a whole different level of bs for me (no offense to others, I say "for me" on purpose there). I believe many of the 'main characters' in the bible truly existed and some were truly wonderful people. But there are just waaaaay too many juxtapositions in there that make it all nonsensical in the end (for me). By the way, I'm also a STUDENT of the Bible. I had to study it in my formative years (grades 6, 7 & 8) and have read it in its entirety. I've also read most of it in my early 20s. Anyway, that's it - in a nutshell. I certainly don't begrudge ANYONE of their beliefs. To me, it's all about the positive energy!!! If you have any questions, feel free to drop me a PM. I will leave you with a bit of humor. George Carlin on religion (paraphrasing, as I don't remember word for word, but this is pretty close...and I do not say this to offend anyone - just for a touch of humor - if we cannot laugh at ourselves, what's the point?!) : There's a lot of bullshit in this world. Car Salesmen (I'm actually a car sales manager, hehe!), Lawyers...they're all full of bullshit. Wantin' to sell you bullshit. But the greatest bullshit story of all time has to be religion. Here's what they want you to believe: There's this invisible man who lives in the sky and watches everything you do. If you do not obey his laws which he has set forth, you will spend eternity in fire, brimstone, pain & anguish. But he loves you. And he needs your money. Apparently the omnipotent one...not so good with cash. Peace, ~ Pappy www.theCAUSEjams.com "Once in a while you can get shown the light in the strangest of places, if you look at it right." - Robert Hunter
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17 years 4 months
In one of the other topics, one of the folks seemed not to be so sure of the reception he'd get for saying he was a youth minister at his church. In my experience, Deadheads span the full spectrum from Agnostic to Zoroastrian. I've met atheist Deadheads, Muslim Deadheads, Buddhist Deadheads, Catholic Deadheads, Jewish Deadheads, and Wiccan Deadheads. My Deadhead friends are all over the map on this stuff, and as far as I'm concerned one of the real richnesses of the scene is the ability to see how things look to other folks and, sometimes, experience it from their world. Believe it if you need it, if you don't, just pass it on. But talk about it here, and please maintain a safe respectful place to do so.
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17 years 3 months

I just think that everyone should respect and accept everyone else's opinion and just be kind and gentle with eachother and listen to the Grateful Dead.
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17 years 4 months

lemme know if you want the new topic started and what you want it called if so...
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could my suggestions be appropriate?....just a little joshing, that's all!!!
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17 years 4 months

yer scarin' me...
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17 years 3 months

I'll second Mr. Pid's proposal: "General philosophy...for those who have no use for Religion and don't mind saying so...all points of view are fair game, discussion encouraged, but flaming, hate speech and ad hominem attacks, no." My suggestion for a name is Imagine There's No Heaven.
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17 years 2 months

means that we accept the concept that there IS one, thus STILL based in Christianity, so personally I vote no to that one for a non-religious philosophy thread. How about: Deep Philosophical Thoughts
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17 years 3 months

'Life, the Universe and Everything'
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15 years 4 months

Mark 7:15 "There is nothing that enters a man from outside that can defile him, but the things that come out of him, those are the things that defile him" For example if a guy drinks whiskey and gets sleepy, and another drinks milk and gets mean, which one is sinning?
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17 years 2 months

for Badger's title! Works for me!
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yeah, i'll go with that too. first post should be why he feels the need to upset people so.........ha ha ha ha!!!!!!!!!!
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17 years 3 months

I agree because everybody has the right to have any opinion about anything so long as it is kynde and nice.
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17 years 3 months

badger's gonna go all honeybadger on you one day! :D
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ha ha!!does that mean he "just doesn't give a shit...Cosmic Badger's crazy...he's a bad ass...he just doesn't give a shit"!!!!!!! or does it mean he's going to smother me in sticky nectar and use that long moist tongue of his......
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17 years 3 months

I think we should be kind and thoughtful and not smother the space set aside for our believing brethren and sistren.
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bland or sulking?!!!!
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17 years 3 months

Is fine by me. Though we could then just cut to the chase and post "42" and end the discussion right there. I have been staying away from commenting on this thread, as I'm concerned about hijacking it away from its "mission statement" and its intended audience...though it seems the topic seems a bit underutilized lately. I had started working on what was intended as a letter to the editor of my local paper on the subject of government-sponsored prayer, a very hot hot-button issue on the local level these days in my neck of the Bible belt. But the letter turned into a much-too-long essay that I'm guessing wouldn't be accepted as a "guest column." Nearly posted on Facebook, and like the jonaPancake guy here, had second thoughts after I read it over. Still pondering it... Regardless, thanks for all the fish!
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don't you mean ONE fish, singular, gratefaldean? there's enough for 5000 there, surely?........!!!get a loaf of bread off a boy while you're at it! by the way, a spanking new series on the BBC of Douglas Adams' Dirk Gently detective is starting soon. Stephen Mangan is a great actor (all too sadly under-written for since the glorious and must-see Green Wing). and by the way, here would be the perfect place for that letter!! come come deano old bean, reveal all! sounds mighty intriguing to these ears. the words "government sponsored prayer" should NEVER be used in that formation and order, and, if they ever are, a shudder should rattle the spine like an ill-advised stage dive at Black Flag concert. or a Suicidal Tendencies soirée. you're quite right that this topic is "underutilized"; no other fucker seems to post much here, so hijack like a Somali pirate, i say.
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17 years 3 months

Further thread hijacking-but that TOTALLY excites me! Loved Dirk Gently Holistic Detective sooooooooo much! Thanks for that important info, and will be watching for it
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16 years 9 months

But then again, maybe we did. Guilty as charged. As for a title, I actually liked "A closer look reveals the human race" because it keeps the Dead lyric topic naming thing going, but it is a bit homo sapiens-centric so I'm good with Brother Badger's suggestion as well. A safe place for us to discuss perspectives on life that aren't deity dependent. Thanks for the props to Mike Edwards as well. At first blush, I liked your title suggestion as well, but there can be no denying that TigerLilly's observation and concerns have merit. As for apologies for past acts of bad faith jonapi, I'm not quite sure I see what the point is. No matter what Mr. Orwell might have suspected, you can't change the past, you can only change the future. I would only hope that those guilty would henceforth moderate their behavior and public posture to at least acknowledge that they and their adherents represent merely one of myriad possible perspectives and proceed accordingly. How is it that they put that thought? Oh yeah. Go, and sin no more.
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17 years 3 months

> Imagining there's no heaven means that we accept the concept that there IS one Not necessarily, it's easy to imagine a scenario in which heaven was imagined in the first place, but I can see how some people might read the line that way, TigerLilly. I'm not hung up on the name though; I'm a writer, which means I usually get things wrong before I get them right. Plus, it's hard not to like a Douglas Adams line, and especially an inclusive one like Life, the Universe and Everything.
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i'm beginning to doubt my own british humour now! (or else i'm tired, having just learnt of a sad death in the extended family, and have become a victim of my own dry approach to comedy!).i'm not sure what you meant by "past acts of bad faith..." etc., Mr. Pid; were you talking about my comments to CB about "upsetting people"? if so, i was pulling his english leg a little and joking with him!! or am i missing something else? that 5000 thing was because gratefaldean signed off with "thanks for all the fish" so i took a cheap shot and made fun of the feeding of the masses with one fish and a loaf of bread. all of my recent posts have been tongue in cheek and an excuse to be a tad cheeky; a pesky little scamp, nothing more. please don't take anything i say too seriously. i'm usually guilty of being too obtuse; i'm just being a wee prick that's all!! and definitely (or he better be!!), the badger is reveling in maintaining a "bland" stance as a facetious nod to my poor grammar (or grandad!!) in a post i made to his earlier reply!! i got confused and made some schoolboy punctuation-al errors that he's intent on highlighting in a most uncharitable fashion ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!! good on 'im!!! that's what i'd do too ha ha!!!
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16 years 9 months

where the huskies go and don't you eat that yellowcake. The apology reference was (surprisingly on topic!) regarding your apparent and Mr. Hitchen's clear request that the Roman Catholic Church should set about apologizing everywhere to everyone about everything that they'd gotten wrong all these centuries. Really, what exactly is the point of that? Sorry, but that's baggage that they can't have some airline conveniently lose in transit in some far-flung corner of the world. It seems to me that it would be in their best interests to just stop collecting more items from that particular line of cheap Vuitton luggage. Perhaps I'm also guilty of being somewhat obtuse in my references as well, so continuing with that notion, since you raised the spectre of self-flagellation, I like the approach taken by the monks in The Grail. "Blow to the head or boot in the groin? I'll take the blow to the head, please."
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17 years 3 months

Is about 1100 words at this point. And most of it is just a schoolboy memory of mine. It may see the light of day, but I need to let it ferment a bit, I think, let it stew while I forget about it and then come back to it with fresh eyes. And read what says -- right now I'm reading what I THINK that I wrote, which I often find is not always the same as what I really did write. And the fish line cracked me up...I was still hanging in Douglas Adams-land, and you, Nakanopi, were actually on-topic.
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17 years 3 months

I was going to make a suggestion that everyone should have a big group hug and a nice cup of tea, but then I decided not to as it might be taken wrongly as a case of the bland leading the partially slighted. By the way, both Douglas Adams and Christopher Hitchens have published instructions for making a perfect cup of tea.
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you really are sulking aren't you, CB?!!!!! Lama-badgo?...... and love the fact that Mary started a new topic and no one has posted there yet for 2 days!! good work everyone!!
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yes, it was a beautiful blue sky day; the hint of hay in the air across the fields, sweet in the nose. spring entering the soul and radiating warmth. basking more appropriate than questioning, no? we must all think alike after all.....
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investigation into the human condition.connection to suffering. introspection and inward peace. science may learn, interact, join and explore.
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moving, thought provoking film featuring the fantastic Anthony Scher, Eddie Marsan and others. in Auschitz, jewish prisoners put God on trial in absentia for abandoning the Jewish people. the question is if God has broken his covenant with the Jeweish people by allowing the Nazis to commit genocide.
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14 years 11 months

...the so-called "Deadheads for Obama" have zero criticism of their hero for sending drones to Pakistan to kill "brown skin people" when they were so anxious to attack W, and me for supporting him on the old DNC MB, for his war against Islamofascists... J/K, we all know the answer to that question now don't we?
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let's not bother then, eh?!!!!
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17 years 3 months

see what I said to Pid in the "what would be the answer" thread. :)
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17 years 4 months

Please confine your trolling to the relevant topics. This is not one of them. Current events might be. Any further such posts here will be deleted.
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12 years 6 months

Testing, testing, this is just a test. The last post made on this forum on July 4, 2007?Or, am I being foolish on April Fool's? Post #1 on April 1st...Hmm.
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Member for

13 years 8 months

Just wanted to say thank you. I grew a lot from being here. I'm truly sorry for the bad things I've said in the past, but I hope I made people smle too. You sure made me laugh, thank you. So may God bless Bobby, Phil, Mickey, and Bill and all of you with love and peace. - trailbird brian
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13 years 8 months

I believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. I try very hard not to judge others and respect all persons beliefs. That's all, thank you very much Marye and deadnet for the opportunity to express that belief. ...when we make it to the Promised Laaanddd...
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14 years 9 months

Although Buddhist cultures all over the world celebrate the historical Buddha's milestones in different ways, it is the Tibetans who roll his birth, death and enlightenment into four weeks of celebration in a multifaceted event. On this day the merit from particularly moral acts supposedly increases by a factor of ten million. If you are a believer, as I am, then just tossing a beggar sitting on a city street corner a dollar bill could result in your future rebirth into a particularly wealthy family who would endow you with wealth worth more than $10 million dollars. But, of course, as with most religions, getting rich is not the point. Rather, remembering the historical figure who created massive amounts of good will and good, charitable acts is the real point. As is often said, accomplishing the good of others is providing provision for one's own future life. Shakyamuni Buddha was born over 2500 years ago in Lumbini, Nepal. He grew up a prince in a royal family who married and had a family. Becoming dissatisfied with every material thing and seeing sickness,old age and death convinced him to embark on a spiritual journey that eventually brought him to sit under the Bodhi Tree, unmoving, for seven years by the river Narayan in Bodh Gaya, India until he saw the morning star and became enlightened. He died not far away (relatively) in Kushinigar, India at the age of 82. His last words were: "All component things in the world are changeable. They are not lasting. Work hard to gain your own salvation." Unlike many other religious figures who proclaimed themselves Gods or Sons of God, Shakamuni Buddha simply said for those who were curious it would be best to test his theories and if they worked perhaps they could be put into practice.
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13 years 6 months

I'm just starting to poke around this forum, not sure how active anyone still is
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13 years 6 months

Through an unlikely series of events, my sister had a handful of Sunday night tickets to distribute on very short notice. She was pleased to discover that Deadheads really are everywhere. Not knowing how people would respond, she began asking various contacts about their possible interest in tickets, and was surprised at those who immediately replied, "Yes, I will meet you any place at any hour to receive tickets". No one here would be surprised that she would find this response, but she did not who in her range of acquaintances would be those folks. Only on a hunch did she contact her former downstairs neighbor, a person she thought she knew well after many years sharing a building. Or the fellow doing work on her house. Or the friend of our brother, who only found out that our brother was going to the show when did not show up to play guitar with him at church on Sunday morning. Some inquiries and quick calls by the guitar player, just hours before the show, ended up with him learning that, miracle of miracles, Yes, there was one more ticket available. This gets me to thinking that every town in America ought to have an event when Deadheads can come out and get acquainted. I expect that there will be many more Dead nights at pubs and such, but we surely need a way to find each other.
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Member for

9 years 2 months

I love the steal your face with the cross! I am a Catholic deadhead, which seems to stump everyone i know... everyone who isn't a deadhead, that is... i think most people who listen to the music realize that the notes played, pointed onward and outward... towards a bit of the transcendent. Anyways... it's good to see evidence that i'm not alone in loving God and loving the music of the dead:) Seeing the last show in Chicago a few weeks ago brought be back home. Peace and love to you all.