• 269 replies

    As you may have noticed, we've just implemented a much-requested chatroom. It is quite simple and has few fancy features, but for the moment we just want it to work!

     Anyway, have at it, and post your thoughts, feature requests, effusive thanks to the tech team, etc., right here. Thanks!


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  • marye
    certainly seems not to be working now!
    I've reported it...
  • marye
    bummer, stuman...
    sorry for the aggravation. The thing is a work in progress, that's for sure.
  • stuman
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    chat room chalenge
    oh man oh man ,,... what on earth is going on here ???? this morning i got kicked to the kurb more times then i could count ,,...clik on chat rm, it opens then immediatly i get kicked out ,,. or some enters or leaves the chat and we all get the boot ,,.. very frustrating !! a true chalenge to chat with freinds ,,.. I start to wright a message and get the boot with out even finishing me comment ,...I guise we can only hope that it can be repaired ,,... or maybe we should just pm each other ,, and the slow post`s that makes it very dificult to... Lets all attemp to think happy thoughts !! the frustration is not doing us any good... "let their be songs to fill the air" peace .... Hope everyone has a Grate Day !!!
  • TigerLilly
    Badger has made some good wishes
    second them. Has been kinda frustrating-some of us spent parts of last weekend having a conversation after the other guys were already offline-as we kept missing each other, due to slow posts, or the "in the chatroom" list not showing accurately who had actually already exited the chat room, or other such wacky things.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • Sunshine-daydr…
    time lag
    i just had a 12 minute timelag it was intersting answering posts and then waitin 12 minutes for them to appear. it was fine one minute then someone logged on and bang time lag Bob - - - - - - - - - - - - - - http://spanishsunshinedaydream.blogspot.com/ http://www.facebook.com/photos.php?id=633338979 Spanish Jam
  • marye
    good points
    I have passed them on.
  • cosmicbadger
    the chatroom is becoming a bit of test of patience right now. Its just me and the dog for the next 3 weeks and its fun to keep an eye out for buddies in the chat room while working on reports and such. but You get kicked if you do not post every 2 minutes or so (but cheeky experiments today show that you can cuss as much as you like :-)...(you know who you are ;-)...) Also no one knows who is in the chatroom without going there so we all keep missing each other..but cannot stay in there without being booted. Any chance of a 'who's in the chat room' list in the sidebar or even better a pop up window so we can chat and do other stuff too? How that happens is way beyond my tech understanding so I have no idea if such things are feasible and practical. But if they are then it would be nice ...
  • stuman
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    ah what ?
    I know the chat room was it`s strange querks, but wow i`ve been kicked out 8 times in like 20 minutes. I guise misbehavin is also saying good morning to everyone ... very strange place ....i hope it can be repaired soon, it would be nice to chat without getting the boot .. every two minutes .. Peace everyone !!!!
  • TigerLilly
    Ah HA
    Just noticed that "misbehaving" also can mean being quiet for too long. Got kicked out twice when I went to the restroom-so must be some sort of timer thing.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
  • Mr. Pid
    Grey Type Syndrome
    I think that this happens when a certain amount of time has passed since anyone has posted anything new to the chat. It may also be a clue that there really isn't anyone else there, despite who's listed. Likewise, posts from other users appearing in black are probably relatively recent. Anything that you post should be able to be seen by anyone else who goes there. I believe that each user's posts appear in red only to them. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

As you may have noticed, we've just implemented a much-requested chatroom. It is quite simple and has few fancy features, but for the moment we just want it to work!

 Anyway, have at it, and post your thoughts, feature requests, effusive thanks to the tech team, etc., right here. Thanks!

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Member for

17 years 3 months

My wife knows some things abt. computers and I also Have SAID that there has got to be a WORM OR SOME KIND OF VIRUS IN THIIS SOFTWARE !! it can`t posibley be that hard to figure it out !! If the dead.net techs know what the hell they are doing .. Then they should do their damm job and FIX the damm thing !! I AM WITH FRANKLY ON THIS .. OH ,, I love the canibus , however sometimes you need to put down that pot and do your job ... Hav`nt us Dead heads bought and paid for enough stuff from GDM ? Or maybe the techs? need to go to Geek Squad. $39.00 diognostic, Inside allmost every Best Buy location...
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17 years 3 months

THE WRATH OF NELLY2SWEET , ? Or some DH pissed off with Rhino ? Or maybe someone who thought they where getting the Winterland shows when the handed over their credit card imfo ..not having to wait 2 months for it ..
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17 years 3 months

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Member for

17 years 9 months

could you please explain what you're talking about? Thank you.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

ladymitch has gone the way of Nelly2Sweet. Stuman, the fact of the matter is that anyone in the whole world with an email address can sign up for an account here. That is the nature of the Internet. With sex-n-porn spammers like ladymitch, or other bad actors, all we can do is wait for them to speak up inappropriately and deal with it. Which I just did. As to your general insults and abuse to the people who make this system possible and on the whole keep it running pretty darn well, I'm not going there.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Deadbusters we need the Deadbusters to come in and get rid of all the ghots and gobblins that plauge the chatroom.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Let's all be nice, after all it is only a chat room. I don't think there is a need for the verbal or written attacks. Peace everyone and have some patience
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Member for

17 years 1 month

i completely understand stuman freaking out.first you get kicked,not 2 times like u once jokingly said,but 60 to a 100 times and even more if its bad.than the chat breaks down completely like yesterday(which f...d up some important downloads,because i had to shut down the comp.to get it working again!!!)and if you are lucky you get some sex-advertising on top.GOOD GRIEF,what that a tweak yesterday?or some hacker,or a frustrated DH who used his knowledge to kick ass electronically.for me the DN is a social window to people i can dig,because i live in a little ex-communist village where i am a stranger just because i travelled around so the chat is really my window to the world.just tell me one thing mary,please:why we as people of legal age need to be policed in such a humiliating manner?thanks,and have a nice weekend:-)(-: P.S.using the chat,i often see the words "google analytics"blinking on my screen.is this the same google analytics which polices the webpages so willingly for the chinese goverment??????
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Well at least the fact that people are getting frustrated shows that the chatroom is a popular innovation!! Everyone knows about the problem, I believe that people are trying to fix it. Its frustrating that it takes so long, but I imagine that resources are not unlimited for servicing this place (which is provided f.o.c., with no ads and such). We really should not take it personally or take it out personally on others; do you really think there was a conscious decision to mess us around on this? Most of us have at one time or another said we will stay away from the CR because of this problem, but most of keep going back there.....that's our choice and we should know what to expect by now! Folks I have had such fun chatting with you all lately and a lot of folks have also been helping eachother out during hard times.. lets try and keep that friendly, funny, caring vibe going however we can. and what have I been missing..no one's invited me for sex!!!
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17 years 1 month

i browsed the pages a little and i can only say that stuman is a very humble,polite and nice human being.getting him into cookin like that something must be real weird,if not to say completely wrong.and the CHAT IS NOT WORKING PROPERLY.you have your tech departement,these guys get paid so they should be able to handle such a thing.if not ,maybe another kind of job would be more appropriate.believe me mary that if this goes on like it does,there will be more people getting angry,and thats not good for all of us.once again i ask you please:why do we have to be policed?:-)(-:
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17 years 3 months

sometimes , yes my anger and frustration get the best of me , i take medication for that , just seeing people solicit for sex here , well as you can tell it threw ne over the edge ,so my apologies for that outburst. however my wife is a former AOL empoyee, we both know that it is not that dificult to take care of some issusses, maybe your software needs to have key words, like if someone types the word cum,sex, or any other sexually explicit words on their profile then the profile will be automaticlly deleted. thats how aol, yahoo , and sure many others operate. sorry for the outburst . the staff here is haveing a hard time , maybe they need some people with more comp. experience. there has got to be a better way, terms of service , has anyone read terms of service for other web sites. like craigslist.org ? they are based out of the bay area go read their terms of service, maybe someone from craigslist needs a job, and craigslist is also free so it can`t be that dificult to take care of such issusses.. well i`ll leave this brokendown palace for a wile , maybe i`ll go plant a weeping willow.. too all the kind people i have gotton to know , i will miss you all. for those who will like to keep in touch with me please pm me and i will gladly give you my regular e-mail address. i will stick around for the next day or so , after that i will no longer use this service. thank you everyone for the good times .. peace and my best wishes to all..
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Thank you for your many positive contributions to the site, not the least of which were the suggestion for the poetry thread and your postings there. It would be a shame to see a valuable and contributing member of the community drift away. I appreciate your presence here, and hope that you'll reconsider. Peace and my best wishes to you as well, from one stu to another. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

the stuff that you got so incensed about was happening more often on the 'old site' which is why I believe the DN tried (and maybe overboard) to rein in questionable (and on the oldsite often abusive, sexually offensive, and downright wrong) posting. One individual created significant chaos on the 'old site' and we were pretty ineffective at managing him and they way he treated others (with the possible exception of a sheriff "Jack Black's A_ _ Crack"). Anyway, I say several posters at that time go away for sometime due to such out-of-bounds behavior. It you need to go away, so be it. If this is a good place for us to talk and share (albeit with that annoying 'shove out' "when push comes to shove"), then let yourself cool and recognize that this place isn't perfect, but it is a better spot that you had before. If you gotta go, more power to you. Think about comming back and we will be as happy to see you as we were 'back in the day" and reunited with familar & friendly faces at the shows. I just want to reach out and tell you that, man, we can't always control others but we can hope that the vibe is more powerful than those that are chipping away at it. And "the wheel is turning and you can't slow it down, can't go back and you can't stand still, ...everytime that wheel turn round, bound to cover just a little more ground. BOUND TO COVER JUST A LITTLE MORE GROUND!" and then Jerry would soar..... no one can take that away.... Take care, tim
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Member for

17 years 1 month

if i understand your message right than the old DEAD_NET was a pool of maniacs,sexual weirdos and other perverts.you are so objective that you can say that some of the stuff on the old net was"downright wrong"hmmm..and than one single person succeded to be that horrible,that the good DHs quit the site and you stayed with the trash.please what shows are you talking about.there are no more GD shows since 12 years and well,yes this site is the only place we have to meet.how easy to say to somebody,"if you go so be it".but if i understood you right you had to put in a guard,because on the old net some posters where leaving..so back then it was not" go if you want to policy"i am just completly confused,because at the end you are saying that youre not able to controll your comps.???and than you start receiting theWheel. well,that song is about live,not comp.programing...and i dont even want to believe the sentence with Jerry.oroboros this is manipulation,and not a nice one..take care and sleep well:-)(-:
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Regarding the TOS, we very deliberately wrote them not to resemble the aggressive legalese of AOL et al., and I say this as a co-founder of the AOL forum who, back in the day, got Steve Case himself to let us not be bound by the aspect of their TOS that, say, prohibited the use of four-letter words. Since quoting the lyrics of "Wharf Rat" would get you bounced off any such system, I believed at the time, and believe to this day, that such rules are a bad fit for Deadheads.

Quoting the lyrics of Wharf Rat is, of course, not quite the same thing as hooking online. And I note that she who engaged in the online hooking was blocked from the site within two hours of posting her little come-on in the chat room, and without damage to the myriad Heads who use four-letter words in their posts.

In short, bleep happens and we try to deal with it, depending on the merits or lack thereof of the individual situation.

I mean, it certainly didn't enhance my Grateful Dead experience to have those gyrating screaming chicks flinging their hair and sweat about and committin lewd acts with assorted objects in the guise of "dancing" throughout the show, but you know, I've read quite a few posts over the years from guys who seemed to like the show. Not everything that crosses your path here is going to be something you're going to like, but when it goes over the edge like spam scams and sex peddling and personal attacks, it gets dealt with.

Frankly, in this particular case, the "policing" to which you object is being done by mindless and broken software as a mechanical function. And, as has been reported at great length, it is not triggered by any actual behavior. As the person with "policing" abilities who's likeliest to actually look at the chat room from time to time, I can report with some assurance that the only line-crossing behavior I can recall seeing was from the ex-user to whom Stuman took such exception. I am not especially worried about people's use of swear words, and if they want to talk about illegal activities in a forum that's as accessible to law enforcement as it is to everyone else, that's their business and on their own heads, as far as I'm concerned. See the relevant line in TOS about the New York Times.

Right now the main misbehavior I'm worried about is the software's, but I believe my compatriots who say they are working on it. Thank you.

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17 years 9 months

and regarding what I saw as his struggle with the current 'system' and I was attempting to present a historical perspective on what I watched transpire with this. Perhaps a pm was more in order to acheive that. My attempt was to assist and not to manipulate, but if that is your read so be it. As for quoting the Wheel, things do progress and go forth with or without your (or my) consent and It helps me to remember that. As far as Jerry, I was talking about his ethereal solos following that lyric, in reference to the angst that Stu had previously referred to about missing Jerry. My communication may have not been the best yet, I am not being malicious with my message. "A pool of maniacs, weirdos, and other perverts" is not the description of the old site that I intended. The old site was the like the wild west, or even much like the old acid tests where 'anything goes', and often anything was said. It (the site and the scene) has evolved to what it is now. Hey, I have been in left field so long that I have a tent pitched out there. And I like it. I don't have any problem with others complaining about the current restrictions and I am hopeful that they will be resolved. There are many times I long for the 'old daze' for a variety of reasons. But we have what we have. And I am confused by your take on me saying I can't control my comps (what is that?). What I was saying was that we can't control others, we do have control over ourselves. And yes, when (on the old site) I read posts of threats to others, overt attempts at charactor assasination due to varying opinions, material posted that could cause problems for the persons or the site and/or other such behaviors, I wasn't terribly surprised when I got to this new site and found the restrictions. Like the restricions? Not really, but I didn't like some of the prior stuff either. But we can see it differently, there can be more than one truth. We may agree on more than we disagree. Mark Twain said "it ain't what I don't know that gets me into trouble, its what I know for sure that ain't so". Take care, tim

Member for

17 years 7 months

Everybody should just chill a bit... PLEASE! They're gonna fix it, I know they will. Blowing up and arguing won't acomplish anything. Take a chill whatever, and enjoy it while it works. Or if you prefer to not use the chat room until it's "just exactly perfect", then just PM me and I will be happy to PM you when it's all totally groovy there. I hope this helps... Plant, Bud
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17 years 1 month

a comp.(sorry that i did not explain it) is a computer,and believe i dont care,if your opinion is that your computers are working well..so be it.i love the GD,i love the music,i love the people who share my feelings towards this band,and i am sitting in front of my computer tears running down my face,because something is wrong and you know that it is..right on so be it:-)(-:i stayed in every bluelight star hotel..peace,if we cant have that,who can..so be it!!!!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

For some of us in far away lands the internet is the only way we can keep in contact with the Deadhead community. We all need the love! Some speak other languages. Even when we speak the same language we don't always understand each other the right way. But we're all trying, that's why we're here. Things always go wrong in life, patience is not always easy to have but we need to not assume things that we don't know. This place as a bonus in life, we have no right to have this place, we are lucky to have it. We don't know if anyone gets paid to run or fix this place. Maybe they do it as an act of free love? I didn't see the sex spam. I do like sex though and have no problem with it. Spam is not something that should be here as this place was not made for that. I'm totally against banning for using certain words. We are adults here. We don't need to be wrapped in cotton wool, the world is a hard place and it doesn't get easier by hiding from it or hiding others from the truth, quite the opposite actually. I've never seen anyone being TOO offensive here. Much nicer than other GD sites guys, give yourselves a pat on the back! The GD symbolize freedom whether some would like to deny that or not, that's is accepted by most folks. Banning should only be done in cases where there is spamming, threats of violence, or repeated derogatory defamation after warnings have been tried. Swearing, sex talk, and the like are part of life. Rudeness is also but better to try to police it ourselves and report it to our hard working mods when being reasonable fails. That's my two cents. Group hug... Are you kind?
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Feel free to sing along. I'm sure y'all know the tune Logged in today, clicked on the chat room link the text was all red from my friends at play then they were gone, booted again for misbehavin' and they might not be there when it's back again but it's all right, we still try it even if it seems deranged kick us out, make us type stuff again and again but still we keep returning 'cause we're undaunted by the constant pain and need our place to have our little bouts with the insane were you ever in the middle of a conversation with your friends only to see your browser page go blank Well you know, we're only trying to have fun and it's a real bummer when the chat goes in the tank [insert soaring Jer here...] we only wnat to babble, we don't want to bring you down or consume all the resources of your server rack It's just that My, we've gotten used to having it around and when it went away we asked to have it back but it's all right, we still try it even if it seems deranged kick us out, make us type stuff again and again but still we keep returning 'cause we're undaunted by the constant pain and need our place to have our little bouts with the insane Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 1 month

of marteen playin sax,i listen to jerry "what kind of love would we have,just in case we both were wrong..."and i suddenly understand my error .its not ive been in every bluelight star hotel,its"ive been in every bluelight cheap hotel.."and so is the service...so be it:-)(-:
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Brilliant, Mr. P... Stuman, if you're still reading this, I echo what others have said, that you've added a lot here and it would be a drag to lose you. So if you must go away, I hope it's only for a short time. As a grizzled veteran of online conferencing, I know darn well that when you hit the wall you hit the wall, and I've bailed on more than one place over the years because I Could Not Take One More Minute Of This. So do what you gotta do, but come back to us when you can. Back in the distant past, we noted that there are now zillions of Dead-related online spots, such that no single human can possibly keep up with them all. I don't even have time to keep up with the ones I WANT to keep up with. They have a lot of different cultures and a lot of different styles to suit the different people who gravitate there, and that's good. People from a lot of those different worlds converge here, which is also good, and yeah, there are going to be different expectations of the way things should work, and it's never going to be just exactly perfect from anyone's standpoint. So, we're feeling our way and trying to be as hospitable as possible to Heads of various ages, locations, and points of view, rather than start with a big fat book of rules up front. And yeah, sometimes the software's buggy, and we're sorry about that, and it IS getting worked on.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I've been using the chat room for a bit over three weeks now. I don't mean to sound impatient, but the way the room boots people out regularly seems to be getting even worse. I realize people are working to try to fix the problem, but whatever's being done just isn't cutting the mustard. I also know there are people in this community who would be willing to help, but from what I understand their offers and/or advice have gone unheeded. Please get someone involved who knows what they're doing. This is very discouraging.

Member for

17 years 7 months

That was very polite and eloquent, my man. You must have at some point had assertiveness training. I thank you for what you said, and the way you said it. I too wish for the chat feature to be fixed. I wonder if they have given any thought to bringing in an outside consultant?
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Member for

17 years 9 months

since it is clearly causing more trouble to leave it up in its buggy state than to take it down, we have taken the chatroom down until we can figure out what's up and fix it. Thank you.
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Member for

16 years 11 months

TY Buddy...I just wish that "assertiveness training" worked with my wife. Probably better it doesn't, she's a lot smarter than me. Your idea of an outside consultant sounds good if the budget permits, but maybe it doesn't. Or maybe the person in charge has an "I KNOW I can figure this out if only..." mindset. I can't can't count the number of lawnmowers, toasters, etc. that have fallen by the wayside when I get in that frame of mind. Just guessing...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I just fixed my own kitchen sink, so I'm very proud, but chatrooms are beyond me. I don't know what all the relevant constraints are, but when the software, as contrasted to the people, is misbehaving to this extent it needs a timeout.
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Member for

14 years 6 months

When I try to go into the chatrooma message come up saying, no connection, you might want to check your firewall settings. Well I did but I don't fully understand what to do. Does anyone know what program I should open up on my firewall to let me into the chatroom. I kind of new on the computer and don't have a full uderstanding of it. Any help would be appreciated.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

may be considered subversive, but for some of us who pop on the chat at work, having the little icon at the bottom on our taskbar that says "Chat Room | ..." is a big give away! Ever give any thought to a different title for the page so it might be a bit more boss friendly? :-) -Dave
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Member for

14 years 5 months

I hope someone can help. I am a big fan of the song "Rain" by Donna on Cats under the stars.Is there anybody out there that knows the meaning or the inspiration. to this song. would love to find out. Thanks Chris NYC
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the chatroom seems to be having issues right now, it's not you. If I learn anything useful I'll post it.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Hope everyone is well!!Have a Grateful day!! Peace, Gigi
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Member for

17 years 8 months

hey cool Gigi! Miss you too!********************************** By trying we can easily learn to endure adversity -- another man's I mean. Mark Twain
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Member for

17 years 9 months

the site hosting the chat vanished. We're working on a fix, but it's taking longer than we'd hoped for various reasons. We are aware of the issue.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

we can have a chatroom again someday?...mebbe?...pretty please??
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Member for

16 years 9 months

I love this site .... However .... I agree with Ye ole Matee' .... It would be nice to ... ah.. uh .... Now what was it I was agreeing with Johnman about ....? .. uh ... ah .. duh ... En art comme en amour, Ii'nstinct suffit.
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Member for

14 years 11 months

And if that jubilee dont come.?.............my god, the chatroom exploded and left a bus stop in its place......is it still a free world?.....
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Member for

17 years 8 months

the chatroom exploded and left a bus stop in its place......is it still a free world?.....cheered me up allmost as much as the chat room wouldve, thx!
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Member for

14 years 4 months

Should we deadheads and Rolling Stones fans seek some common ground over Keith's new book? Likewise re: Bob Dylan's latest? Carlos? For example, who is trying to nominate five (5) Afghan Generals to leave with US in July, along with 400 of their men and go to Sudan, or East Peru, or Mexico to work to establish indigenous property rights and food chains - then return to Afghanistan (briefly) as welcome heros instead of dreaded invaders to pick up volunteers for the next humanitarian mission. What about the way who all have collaborated over the years would point to such a strategy as being viable? When the Dead lent equipment to the Stones for the Altemont show was it? xref: whose lateness may finally be approaching the finish line, in sha la, 'the great spirit' willing, who hopes. "Repent, pent (up), unpent, forgive, accept forgiveness, and seek "for where the rivers start - or where the rivers end. Do every thing within you, you feel to be your part, but..."
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Member for

17 years 6 months

I've been gone awhile-it's still down? Oh, well, 'they'll get over it" .....as my uncle used to say.....have fun in the meantime
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Open only if people act nice. Imho Do For Other's you Will Feel Better!!! Guaranteed