• 907 replies

    So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

    Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 


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  • marye
    looking for a few volunteers...
    okay, we need some folks to check out the new chat room, which is on a testing site. I'll take the first dozen volunteers who PM me. Thanks!
  • Hozomeen
    Nobody messes with the Jesus...
    Hey Ya'll...I've been reading through the forums lately probably like most everyone else and seeing all this JC activity and just pondering the bad vibes...I guess I've been torn like most with the same dilemma we all must face from time to time questioning my feelings toward someone else stirring up my shit when it is usually me doing the shit stirring... I'm right with you CCj, I was asking myself all the same questions about being miffed at this mystery guest using a name, a word, to drive a point home about something I can't even follow anymore, because as a card carrying rude crude shit stirrer in the flesh, I guess I should be open to any and all good healthy shit stirring... in recent years I have taken to questioning my own paradigm rather than that of the shit stirrer before going on the offensive about anything, and in recent years I have hardly ever gone on the offensive about anything...its great not being offensive...but the thing is that eventually you come across a situation that just doesn't seem to come full circle...I mean, even if I don't agree with the shit being stirred, eventually I agree with and respect the point of view of the people stirring the shit for whatever reason, and that helps me reach inner peace as well as outward tolerance...the thing I just can't seem to nail down about this JC is that he seems to be opposed to people chatting about good intentions toward a cause, recently he has taken issue with the bickering on the site as well...okay, all in the name of good ole healthy positive shit stirring I guess...but the thing that really gets me is this thing about posting these grand statements to all of us on each forum so that we don't miss it, who knows, but the thing is that posting those things all over other people's areas is just plain stepping out of bounds...I don't know if this JC is aware of the effect that kind of thing has as far as setting himself outside the realm and really just scattering us all around inside here....its just not funny, nor is it getting across the message it claims to be promoting... the real JC never wrote his own gospel.....and I'm not sure but the last time I channeled Pigpen and asked him about the website his response to me was, "what the fuck is the internet?" I agree with JC about the bickering being a bummer, but I agree with everyone else on that one too....anyway, thats just my two cents...I like reading and chatting and stuff, but the JC BS is a little much....time to put on some good music, fire one up, and maybe play a little solitaire instead...I've just gotta have a break from the same ole thing over and over and over.... P.S. Ami, I like the name the 12 disciples question, thats a good one. I hope you don't mind if I use that one next time I get a Jehovah's witness...
  • Ami
    CB, CCJ, et al...
    long ago when a jehovah's witness came to the door, I would ask if they could name the 12 disciples. Many came, none entered,,,maybe we put JC to the test. CB, the badger is the missing link- the show is a mere accessory. enjoy your day if twirling. Is that the show with a long and decent Loose Lucy in the first set? Ami
  • cosmicbadger
    I have just acquired the final missing link in my 1973 collection. If you thought that was a rather sad achievement you would be in full agreement with Mrs Badger. But hang on, what was that last, hard to find show The Month: October The Day: 25 The Venue: Dane County Coliseum The City: Madison, Wisconsin!
  • cosmicbadger
    thanks Ami for the special lyrics and the precis of recent events with all their twists and turns! and ups and downs! And thanks good wishes to everyone else who is part of this thing whatever it is and whoever we are :-)
  • Hal R
    good stuff here
    Ami,nice description of the last day or so here and the lyrics for cosmicbadger are right on.GRTUD have to agree with you about that guy calling himself JC. The guy is not in on the conversation. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • c_c
    Grate Ami!!
    Grate song Ami!!! love it!! Why don't we have a section for song parodies?? ******************* personally, I do not care if someone wishes to call themselves Jesus Christ as their board name, but I wonder if it is in good taste?? being a rude, crude guy myself, even this miffs me a bit; just knowing that some folks take their faith and religion seriously, and I would hope everyone would respect peoples space about serious stuff like that. the fact that it is ALL over is another bummer. I hope the mods would just clean it up so we do not have to waste time seeing it again and again. it did seriously bum me out to be accused of being that poster in a pm, but that is ok, I've been dissapointed and bummed out plenty of times by those I 'thought' I knew. it is either an internet troll or a total nut or someone just trying to stir the pot. I'll say it again, ignore it; which I was doing until I got accused in a pm, and somewhat less clearly accused on the forum itself. there is, of course, a simple way to know exactly who it is, if the site administrators or if the Mods access to the ISP numbers, (internet server provider) numbers, it is ever so easy to trace who it is. proxy servers do not hide that kind of thing, either, so a kind chide might be in order. just a thought there. I think it would be hard for anyone to be funny posting as 'Jesus Christ' though I am sure the real Jesus had a sense of humor. did I ever tell you the joke about the priest, the rabbi, the mullah and the drunk off duty cop?? peace
  • Ami
    loose ends & god I love youse guys....
    after looking back on a hectic day in this pseudo-chat room, I have to say I got a night time chuckle. CB is now either the well-endowed, tho modest Badger behind the hedge, unless it's a female badger which would mean she's a badger covering her beaver and with a nod to Hal, in Wisconsin yet! maybe the 'shroom is made of cheese. Gigi, if I had spewed Mescal, where on Earth would the worm end up? Speaking of on Earth, we have an appearance by JC himself and he's predeceasing others. reminds me of the great Monty Python- well, I just buried the cat! was it dead? No, but it didn't look so good, and I knew I'd be busy later in the week, so.... hey JC, tho I'm technically Jewish and we don't really believe in a heaven (or hell for that matter) say hi to my dad. I really miss him and he's a good 4th if you need a body for a pinnocle game. I agree with others, CCJ is too funny to be JC. And I don't know about you, but I don't sense any vibe of anyone really getting on anyone else- or am I just tripping? speaking of tripping, back to the dancing badger. I think CB should make mini-vids for all the various endangered species for heightened awareness. And how does this sound for Dancin' Badger music?: (sung to the tune of wave that Flag) here's the badge hard to image high on 'shrooms danced outta the room up and down all around near the bush what a cute tush danced outta bed whatta cheesehead world's spinnin round badger's searchin for the sound wave that badger wave him wide & high up and down boy in his hole my oh my oh my oh my..... Ami
  • GratefulGigi
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    How could I
    forget the sprinkles********* wink ;)
  • buddy plant
    and maybe even...
    ... a little of that special 'fairy dust' too... wink, wink...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 

Member for

17 years 8 months

I'm going to say something most substantive. Give me a moment please.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

What this approach lacks in spontaneity it sure makes up for in persistence. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Getting kicked out of the chatroom is awesome. It's the thrill of being on the edge that gets me off. It's like my son sneaking out of bed and trying not to get busted. Sometimes he gets away with it but he usually gets snagged! Makes me feel like Indiana Jones man. I suggest you don't change a thing.

Member for

17 years 8 months

Thank you Mary, for creating this topic. It may just placate the angry hordes for now. I will notify some folks, perhaps they will take advantage of this brilliant idea
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Member for

17 years 7 months

It's nice to say hi without getting kicked out!! Have a grate day!! :) Peace, Gigi Thanks Marye and Mr.Pid
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Just had to put the boot in, eh? Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.

Member for

17 years 8 months

The chat room was booting every 20 to 30 seconds. Then it would take maybe 10 to 20 tries to get back in after the boot. And you want to go back to this situation? What a kidder you are, otherwise I'd have to strongly question your judgment. Also I think perhaps you were possibly schooled in the same location as our friend Jesuschrist. You two seem to make the same spelling errors. Probably just one of those coincidence things, huh?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

This could do it for now. A group of folks could have a chat here, not as quick as a chatroom, but at least the posts do work and we haven't been kicked out of here for misbehaving...yet. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake

Member for

17 years 8 months

Now I'm a kidder, ain't it crazy? Remember the old saying Never Trust A Prankster, do ya? Whatever became of rec.music.gdead anyway? ROTFLMAO
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Member for

17 years 2 months

out of the kingdom of fairy tales has appeared.Baron von munchausen....wonder what storys will come from there:-)(-:because it looks like JC ended up in hell........
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17 years 2 months

us to describe surreal situations with the bootin chat..well i can serve her.in fact i had the feeling(before i understood that nothing matters anyway)that the more i have tried to be polite the more kickings i got.maybe the computer didnt understand the word misbehavin:-)(-:
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17 years 7 months

I had just got my friend from Fl. to join and we say hi and she was kicked out.LOL!! I hope it gets fixed soon...with Marye on the job we know it will and soon...THANKS Marye :) anyway my friend is from my high school daze in NJ and her name is Alene aka Skinnyblondededhedbitch lol she is not a bitch,we just used to call each other that! LOL!! cause we were both skinny and blonde. So say high to Alene!! Welcome Alene!!!! Peace, Gigi Have a grate evening family :)
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Member for

17 years 1 month

how damn addictive the chat room has been. I feel like I'm missing something if I don't check in. I start missing people! I thought it was just me getting kicked out so much....guess it was all around. I was starting to take it personally. As for the thrill of not getting kicked out, Chris is kinda right, i would start in a chat w/ someone and then it's like pushing the limit...waiting to get flagged, but there's no siren or lights flashing so you keep going....then wham! booted again. I guess we must live for some cheap thrills. Still worried about my chat room addiction. Ami ps Chris- you'd appreciate my soon to be 6 yr. old daughter who stacked chairs and such to reach the stash of cookies atop the refrigerator cabinet. I snag her and she says, "I got this for you!". Lil bugger

Member for

17 years 8 months

It was the computer doing the 'misbehaving', not the people innocently using the chat room!!! Turns out that most were behaving as a righteous DeadHead should, laughing, joking, goofing, and having fun. Sure we talk about our bad habits, but it's all in good sport. Heck, we know all the rules by now, AND the fire from the ice!!
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Member for

17 years 9 months

Anyone else having problems with the store..............I ordered the winterland set and got a confirmation email with no ups tracking info....I went in and sent customer service a message and they sent me back the WRONG tracking number. 411 shows and counting. One day I'll actually get around to listing them all.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

It had just become so ill-behaved. People couldn't stay on for more than 30 seconds at a time. It started to become more of a graffiti room than a chat room, so if we have to live with that, then this is a much more stable way of doing so. Thanks, marye for coming up with a creative solution to the problem. Guess we'll just have to yak in slow motion until they get it sorted out. Looking forward to news of same. Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.

Member for

17 years 8 months

... Dick's Picks 5 from the Oakland Aud, (which became the Henry J. Kaiser Convention Center). What a 'cozy' venue, newer and cleaner than Winterland, right near BART, and that great park right next door too. Believe me, most of us never hung out around Winterland after the shows... Anyway the encore of this one is a real nice Shakedown St. into Uncle John's band!!! May I suggest you pick this one up, and enjoy the ride?
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Member for

17 years 2 months

well,that sues my soul,because i had exactly the same problem.i really believed it was something personal.that paranoia developed until a point where i started bombarding mary and jonathan (ask them) with PMs that were not so polite,like i tried to be in the chat.but as the revolution arouse i began to understand that i would have to buy a wooden finger,like anybody else:-)(-:
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I figured it was a techno issue, because I was a bit crude at times and wasn't booted for misbehavin', as for paranoia, that's just a carry over from my way back daze. Mary & Jonathan deserve the special super dooper award for patience for dealing with us patients. Take care, Ami
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Me and Jesus are one of the same. My spelling is horrible sometimes! Give me a break will ya?!

Member for

17 years 8 months

Hmmm, actually more than once... anyway as Bobby sang:"And at last it's the real thing Or close enough to pretend" So we can pretend to chat, which we are doing, it's just not in "real time". I am still and yet grateful to the site for taking care of us 'patients' as Ami called us. Are we running the asylum now?

Member for

17 years 8 months

... you know I was just goofin', don't cha??? I would never think you were that self-righteous to come on here and spew that line of malarkey! What the heck was he on anyway??? LOLOL
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Anyone home? 9:07 PST If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake

Member for

17 years 8 months

As of 9:20 PM PDT (daylight) i'm getting this:The Chat Room is down for temporary maintenance and will be back soon. Is it fixed yet??????? LOLOLOL
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Member for

17 years 8 months

how goes it ? If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake

Member for

17 years 8 months

it's goin' grate thx... is this now a bionic $6,000,000 chat room?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I don't want to think about how the chatroom doesn't work anymore but want to make do with what is until what isn't is fixed! I think I am going to go on a Europe 72 revisted trip for the next month or more. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake

Member for

17 years 8 months

at least we can communicate w/o the constant dis-connect. that was grating on my nerves.i hope you enjoy your european vacation, say high to bob, cb, and tl when you see them ;^) ;^) nudge nudge
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Member for

17 years 2 months

i took your advice to my heart and put on a concert from holland in 72.great way to start the day,hal,and buddy as this is a very booty bootleg i have to say with my warmest feelings.Cant see where those Band needs to be remastered hahaha(what a word!!):-)(-:

Member for

17 years 8 months

Mighty swell, mighty swell..... over 142 minutes of the goodness i call the GOGD ah to sleep, perchance to trip? sorry will
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Member for

17 years 7 months

How is everyone today!! Grate I hope!! Have a grateful Day!!!!!!!!! Peace,Gigi Here comes sunshine****Here comes sunshine*****
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Member for

17 years 9 months

in to see what condition the condition was in! a grateful good day to all:) i see we are now sending cyberpostcards, turn me over, heres the visual, orangered glow breaking over purpleishgray mountain peaks feathering out into turquois blue sky chasing away early morning blackness(and somewhere in the distance a coyote howls) they make cards with sounds too!). so thats my morning so far, could never have said all that in the chat, would of taken at least 3 boots and a pair of flipflops, next thing ya know your in margraritaville surrounded by dorsil fins(ahhh! blink eyes). i jest:) n' injest;))) anyway,i hope that all is well in your day, me, i actually have some pixels that need some manipulation,( in best nickelson voice) "they need to be corrected". (kinda like the fruitcake in spinning free)ttfn tc
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Member for

17 years 2 months

Let me see if I've got this right. The rain in Spain is falling mainly on your Jefferson Airplane? Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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Member for

17 years 2 months

out there,hope you had a grateful night/day or anything which goes between,and youre feelin fine:-)(-:Like to communicate?????
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Member for

17 years 1 month

too funny. I can see Audrey Hepburn and Bob dancing away in Spain. As for old JC in Spinnin Free, he's really getting a lot people on their last nerve, I guess it's good to be Jewish- I'm not offended, highly amused by it, and now know why he got kicked out of the Local 5BC Carpenter's Union. You gotta laugh, it's just too damn humorous! Ami
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Member for

17 years 2 months

that our concentrated GD-vibes have sent ole JC where he belongs.To Hell:-)(-:
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Member for

17 years 2 months

the topics side,when you posted a message and it says O sec. ago.if you dont turn the page you might think time stood still because of the profound meaning of your comment:-)(-:
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17 years 2 months

the weather is sweet..in the tcheque rep.whats going on bob?