• 907 replies

    So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

    Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 


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  • marye
    looking for a few volunteers...
    okay, we need some folks to check out the new chat room, which is on a testing site. I'll take the first dozen volunteers who PM me. Thanks!
  • Hozomeen
    Nobody messes with the Jesus...
    Hey Ya'll...I've been reading through the forums lately probably like most everyone else and seeing all this JC activity and just pondering the bad vibes...I guess I've been torn like most with the same dilemma we all must face from time to time questioning my feelings toward someone else stirring up my shit when it is usually me doing the shit stirring... I'm right with you CCj, I was asking myself all the same questions about being miffed at this mystery guest using a name, a word, to drive a point home about something I can't even follow anymore, because as a card carrying rude crude shit stirrer in the flesh, I guess I should be open to any and all good healthy shit stirring... in recent years I have taken to questioning my own paradigm rather than that of the shit stirrer before going on the offensive about anything, and in recent years I have hardly ever gone on the offensive about anything...its great not being offensive...but the thing is that eventually you come across a situation that just doesn't seem to come full circle...I mean, even if I don't agree with the shit being stirred, eventually I agree with and respect the point of view of the people stirring the shit for whatever reason, and that helps me reach inner peace as well as outward tolerance...the thing I just can't seem to nail down about this JC is that he seems to be opposed to people chatting about good intentions toward a cause, recently he has taken issue with the bickering on the site as well...okay, all in the name of good ole healthy positive shit stirring I guess...but the thing that really gets me is this thing about posting these grand statements to all of us on each forum so that we don't miss it, who knows, but the thing is that posting those things all over other people's areas is just plain stepping out of bounds...I don't know if this JC is aware of the effect that kind of thing has as far as setting himself outside the realm and really just scattering us all around inside here....its just not funny, nor is it getting across the message it claims to be promoting... the real JC never wrote his own gospel.....and I'm not sure but the last time I channeled Pigpen and asked him about the website his response to me was, "what the fuck is the internet?" I agree with JC about the bickering being a bummer, but I agree with everyone else on that one too....anyway, thats just my two cents...I like reading and chatting and stuff, but the JC BS is a little much....time to put on some good music, fire one up, and maybe play a little solitaire instead...I've just gotta have a break from the same ole thing over and over and over.... P.S. Ami, I like the name the 12 disciples question, thats a good one. I hope you don't mind if I use that one next time I get a Jehovah's witness...
  • Ami
    CB, CCJ, et al...
    long ago when a jehovah's witness came to the door, I would ask if they could name the 12 disciples. Many came, none entered,,,maybe we put JC to the test. CB, the badger is the missing link- the show is a mere accessory. enjoy your day if twirling. Is that the show with a long and decent Loose Lucy in the first set? Ami
  • cosmicbadger
    I have just acquired the final missing link in my 1973 collection. If you thought that was a rather sad achievement you would be in full agreement with Mrs Badger. But hang on, what was that last, hard to find show The Month: October The Day: 25 The Venue: Dane County Coliseum The City: Madison, Wisconsin!
  • cosmicbadger
    thanks Ami for the special lyrics and the precis of recent events with all their twists and turns! and ups and downs! And thanks good wishes to everyone else who is part of this thing whatever it is and whoever we are :-)
  • Hal R
    good stuff here
    Ami,nice description of the last day or so here and the lyrics for cosmicbadger are right on.GRTUD have to agree with you about that guy calling himself JC. The guy is not in on the conversation. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
  • c_c
    Grate Ami!!
    Grate song Ami!!! love it!! Why don't we have a section for song parodies?? ******************* personally, I do not care if someone wishes to call themselves Jesus Christ as their board name, but I wonder if it is in good taste?? being a rude, crude guy myself, even this miffs me a bit; just knowing that some folks take their faith and religion seriously, and I would hope everyone would respect peoples space about serious stuff like that. the fact that it is ALL over is another bummer. I hope the mods would just clean it up so we do not have to waste time seeing it again and again. it did seriously bum me out to be accused of being that poster in a pm, but that is ok, I've been dissapointed and bummed out plenty of times by those I 'thought' I knew. it is either an internet troll or a total nut or someone just trying to stir the pot. I'll say it again, ignore it; which I was doing until I got accused in a pm, and somewhat less clearly accused on the forum itself. there is, of course, a simple way to know exactly who it is, if the site administrators or if the Mods access to the ISP numbers, (internet server provider) numbers, it is ever so easy to trace who it is. proxy servers do not hide that kind of thing, either, so a kind chide might be in order. just a thought there. I think it would be hard for anyone to be funny posting as 'Jesus Christ' though I am sure the real Jesus had a sense of humor. did I ever tell you the joke about the priest, the rabbi, the mullah and the drunk off duty cop?? peace
  • Ami
    loose ends & god I love youse guys....
    after looking back on a hectic day in this pseudo-chat room, I have to say I got a night time chuckle. CB is now either the well-endowed, tho modest Badger behind the hedge, unless it's a female badger which would mean she's a badger covering her beaver and with a nod to Hal, in Wisconsin yet! maybe the 'shroom is made of cheese. Gigi, if I had spewed Mescal, where on Earth would the worm end up? Speaking of on Earth, we have an appearance by JC himself and he's predeceasing others. reminds me of the great Monty Python- well, I just buried the cat! was it dead? No, but it didn't look so good, and I knew I'd be busy later in the week, so.... hey JC, tho I'm technically Jewish and we don't really believe in a heaven (or hell for that matter) say hi to my dad. I really miss him and he's a good 4th if you need a body for a pinnocle game. I agree with others, CCJ is too funny to be JC. And I don't know about you, but I don't sense any vibe of anyone really getting on anyone else- or am I just tripping? speaking of tripping, back to the dancing badger. I think CB should make mini-vids for all the various endangered species for heightened awareness. And how does this sound for Dancin' Badger music?: (sung to the tune of wave that Flag) here's the badge hard to image high on 'shrooms danced outta the room up and down all around near the bush what a cute tush danced outta bed whatta cheesehead world's spinnin round badger's searchin for the sound wave that badger wave him wide & high up and down boy in his hole my oh my oh my oh my..... Ami
  • GratefulGigi
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    How could I
    forget the sprinkles********* wink ;)
  • buddy plant
    and maybe even...
    ... a little of that special 'fairy dust' too... wink, wink...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

So, we've all had some great conversations interrupted by that misbehaving chatroom lately. Mr. Pid wrote a great song on the subject...

Feel free to pick them up again here. Or report your more surreal episodes of being booted for misbehaving. 

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17 years 9 months

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17 years 9 months

that sure was nice of you to share:) was watching it and saw myself change, which really blew my mind..
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17 years 9 months

you mean you was in the take a step back, Box video? cool beans!!! OR!! did you see yourself as one dude who 'dudes' others, and yet takes no shame in duding a dude? are you a shameless 'duder' dude?? ( -: Some people consider me to be a feckless 'duder' but I, for one, would like to point out that I am full of 'feck' DUDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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17 years 8 months

Mr. Sunshine Daydream and I don't even know how to perform a virtual Heimlich manuever If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 8 months

Having a little repetition problem this morning? Your bug come back:-) Was at Feria-got home at about 7 this morning. Was a great experience, though a pain in the butt to get home. Were in 3 casetas-one quite traditional, one just plain boring, and one where we spent many hours, an "open" one belonging to a group for open-mindedness and toleration, where the music was not Sevillianas, but a mix of ancient Spanish pop classics, and a whole bunch of more alternative Sevillians. Learned the basics of dancing Sevillianas, and after enough manzanilla-could even imitate the more talented halfway decently. Was a great night, but think was enough Sevillian Feria for me. Will go to one in Asuna in May with a co-worker, which is supposed to be smaller. Is supposed to be alot more intimate-so will see. ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 7 months

for the dude update...I just duded you...hehe
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17 years 8 months

Sounds like fun. When I looked at the videos on you tube I was surprised by all the variety.in dance styles and clothing. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

no problemo, dude we aim to please. ********************** "too bad it is ONLY aiming since there aren't too many bullets left in your old gun" mutters ccjoe's old lady. (ouch! that one hurt)
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16 years 11 months

The wife and I just finished watching Kingpin. I'd fortgotten how funny it is. Anyway, in the course of the film, there comes a point where one of the characters has to roll a third time in the tenth frame. I explained to my wife under what circumstance the phenomenon of the Third Roll In The Tenth Frame occurs and its many and varied possibilitlies (alright, there aren't THAT many). When I finished my discourse she said to me "Wow, I'm glad I don't know that much about bowling." Think it's time to watch The Big Lebowski again ;-).
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17 years 9 months

"fuck it dude, let's go bowling."
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17 years 8 months

Don't get him started. Too late. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 7 months

I'll have that finger that was in that box...hehe
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17 years 9 months

perhaps I should refrain from making a tasteless joke about a lady with a cut of finger in her box... yuk yuk yuk. move over Buddy Hacket! ( -:
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17 years 7 months

So funny!!!!!
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All Recent posts Chat Room Members Who's online There are currently 2 users and 89 guests online. Online users gratefulmom gdclay We should be sleeping!
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Your comment has been queued for moderation by site administrators and will be published after approval.I'll post in the morning!! Good night! :)
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17 years 2 months

good morning.nice weather in bella espana.here too,in fact it starts getting so warm that i would not wonder if we had palm-trees here within 5 yrs.:-)(-:
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17 years 9 months

Lady with a fan??? Lady with a finger in her box??! into S&M?? Box of Pain? love that snapping gyro. ohhh, never mind. I'm babbling. ( -;
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17 years 9 months

This thing got so long in just a few days, can't sit still long enough to read it all right now. I'll hafta start here. HI guys, miss talkin to you all. What's new? PEACE
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17 years 7 months

that Chianti & shots of Tequila don't mix well.....just ask me...they don't....don't even try it...or you will feel like shit the morning after! Just thought I'd pass that along!
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17 years 2 months

as an adult person you should know,that NOTHING mixes good with tequila.as long as you do it you will allways feel like shit the day afterLOL!but hav a nice day anyway!:-)(-:

Member for

17 years 8 months

I happened to look at the page that shows the topics all listed. Would you believe that this topic was created 4 days and 20 hours ago??? It's, it's, it's a miracle I tell ya!!! No, wait, it's Kismet. Well I must take advantage of this fortuitous moment in time. Please excuse me for a bit...

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17 years 8 months

I had the sirius channel on in the background this afternoon. The topic was something like: 'Your memories of Winterland'. Towards the end of the show they interview a guy from the Bay Area named "Buddy". It's going to be rebroadcast on Tuesday at 5PM ET... Could it be? LOL
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17 years 6 months

Back many, MANY moons ago when I worked the offshore oil rigs, I met an ancient gentleman who made no bones about his fondness for all things alcoholic (think he used the 7 days offshore to clean up). He told me the only thing he would never drink again was tequila. When I asked why he just smiled and said, "Tequila will make you take back shit you never stole!". . . Words of wisdom.
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17 years 2 months

Instead, mix it with Nellie and Joe's key lime juice and lime infused simple syrup in equal parts. Also add 1/3 part Cointreau (or triple sec if you must) and shake with ice. Salt to taste if desired. Yummy! I once whipped up a couple of gallons of this for a party of about 40. It actually lasted almost an hour... Conversation is always more interesting than recitation, so speak your mind and not someone else's.
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17 years 8 months

so this is the new slo-mo chatroom eh? Well at least you have time to think. Got back from Transylvania Sat nite. Hoping all are well and happy here
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17 years 9 months

Tequila was awesome, (when I used to drink alcohol). I never had any problems while consuming that stuff but unfortunately, other folks I was around, while under it's influence, seemed to think differently. I came to the conclusion (once I came "to") that this drug shuts off one's brain but isn't nearly as effective doing the same on that person's mouth and feet. Apparently many different law enforcement agencies have confirmed this effect on myself and dispite my better judgement, I stopped (if I make it that long, it will be 19 yrs. on Aug. 13th, not that that really matters to me anymore - I do love that the day was the 13th). I still do milk and cookies, though. "Since you've all been such good boys and girls, I would like to take everybody in this entire audience out for milk and cookies. There are buses outside. Everybody follow me."
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17 years 9 months

just gotta mix the tequilla with Mezcal and grain alcohol...
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17 years 8 months

Ok I can't believe that you guys are here and haven't said a thing in 23 minutes. You know who I am talking to. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 9 months

Ya well said, the only thing worse than drinking Ta-Kill-ya is throwing it up!!! Used to drink at a Kiwi Bar here in Shanghai and the Tequila shots were free!! Man i have woken up on buses, parks (with Chinese doing Tai-Chi around me), massage parlers, you name it. So with that being said, i do not drink Tequila anymore. This was a while back!! The comment above: “Tequila will make you take back shit you never stole!” Aint that right!! Good one.
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17 years 7 months

I didn't throw up,but I should of the night before, so I wouldn't of felt so bad the next day...anyway I'm cool now, and probalby won't drink tequilia for a while...hehe To Frankly...hey man I do know better, I was in the moment and everyone was doing shots , so I said what the hell, my own stupid mistake :/ , but I was smart and didn't drive!!
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17 years 4 months

Glad your feeling better! Been there before, the worst are the spins. Can't go wrong with a Tastey Margarita, until your on #5 or so. He he Have you ever seen the Cheezy commercial for hangover pills, you take before you go to sleep? CCJ ~ Have you looked in the eyes of the Worm?
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17 years 7 months

No I never heard of them...I use advil and water...lots of it too!!
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17 years 8 months

Adore tequila! Is a fun drunk, and for some strange reason does not kill me the day afterwards like most other alcohols tend to.********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens