• 584 replies
    Looking for friends and family you've lost touch with? Post here!


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  • dylan from canada
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    old friends
    i was a part of the late eighties, early nineties tour scene spending most time off in the Haight, Santa Cruz and Humboldt areas. I'm just looking for some folk I used to hang and travel with. I've been living back in Canada for the past 10 yrs, so I've fallen out of touch with just about everyone. Drop me a line if you might remember me. thanx.
  • colorado dead
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    New Year's Eve 1978
    I'm writing a book and want to interview people who went to the 1978 New Year's Eve show at Winterland in San Francisco. Please e-mail me torrypal@yahoo.com.
  • Marshun
    Staffordshire Lane
    Was in a band way back there in1972. We were bored kids in the neighborhood...and we started a little garage band that grew out of some bongos a mic and a tape recorder...an old guitar and a basement piano. We got focused and scraped up some bucks with odd jobs, paper routes and allowances. Before long, we built us a little PA, upgraded to "big" amps and a few Shure mics. I added a 2nd hand pearl drum kit to my bongo jams and off we went. A strobe light and our own patch-it- together lights and we got us a few gigs at party's and the school dance. Never had so much fun in my life. We called ourselves Spectrum and or Freight Train...There was another local band that was called Earth Spirit...We made all of $75 for the dance but after the split it worked out to $11 and change and it was worth every penny to see those people dancin'. Jim Moore on keyboard, Andy Ferretti and Rick Blais on guitar. Mark Izard on Bass...Jeff Mantooth singin' his heart out and I rolled the sticks. Some of the set included; Revival, Down By The River, Walk Away, It Don't Come Easy, Are You Ready, Guitar Gently Weeps....the rest will come to me as I let the memory return through the years. If you guys are out there touch base please. It would be a trip. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "Walk into splintered sunlight Inch your way through dead dreams to another land" Robert Hunter ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • manakat@comcast.net
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    looking for headies in oakland county michigan
    im looking for friends in michigan, oakland county ...if your by there let me know, so we can hook up, to share gas, to shows that come near by us :).samwisegamgee12000@yahoo.com austin
  • darkstar1
    Hey Eugene, OR. Looking 4 lost family members...
    Hey Eugene! anyone know the whereabouts of Shannon Fillhart , Tevy , Matt , jeff , little jack K. please give them my E-mail and tell them Billy W. says Hi. Miss them much. Darkstar1@mchsi.com or call 661-808-4485
  • andreaamericangirl
    does anyone remember me?
    im looking for anyone who has over the years and years been looking for me. i miss every one from milwaukee and madison and chicago who took me on that first trip in '86 plus crew from pittsburgh and other various and kooky places. also does anyone read the rideshare board???!!! i posted a msg looking for riders from bob tour newark- boca and i will pick u up anywhere along the route and also collect u at the nyc phil-a-thon and i have not got a single msg back- what is going on out there- isnt anyone going on tour anymore except people who have a ride? i mean i got a really comfy mini van w/ a futon in back and lots of kind vibes, whats up witchall??? ok- poz vibes, call me anyone who wants to 201-406-0810 and above all, LOVE ONE ANOTHER !!! b good family
  • ceruzzi
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    Help me find my son, Jackie Elders
    I believe he is in trouble, I think he may be trying to commit suicide. Last I know he was in PA. Please if anyone has any info please email me at ceruzzi@sbcglobal.net.Thanks Theresa
  • kitbits
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    Help identify Jason Doe please!!!
    somebody out there MUST know who he was! ♥
  • bulletproof
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    how awesome would it be if a deadhead did this?!
    brand new, FUN weight loss show! DANCE YOUR ASS OFF! Are you overweight but light on your feet? Has every diet you've tried, failed? Is every weight-loss program just too boring for you to stick to? Drop the Ho-Ho's and do the hustle, it's time to DANCE YOUR ASS OFF! We are offering the chance of a lifetime to 10 men and women to waltz their way into a healthier lifestyle. With the help of our expert nutritionists and top-notch professional dance partners, you will become the ultimate dancing-machine! Break the routine and learn OURS! You too can dance like the stars, so put down that milkshake and shake what your momma gave you! The Oxygen Network is currently seeking men and women who are at least the age of 21 and appear younger than 40 who want to accept the challenge in this dance competition series where your loss is the biggest gain. Shake and rattle your rolls, it's time to boogie! Are you ready to Dance Your Ass Off? To apply, visit: www.DanceOffCasting.com
  • darkstargazer
    Oakland 93, I GAVE you a backstage pass during the show
    I'm looking for that guy I met at the Chinese New Year's shows in Oakland, '93. My first show, and this guy showed me the ropes, introduced me to the love of the scene and I was amazed, overwhelmed, lost, and tripping hard all at the same time. Can't remember his name, but I can quote him. It was set break. and I asked if that was it....did I miss a lot? He says "Is it over? You thought that was the end of the show? Hell no, it ain't over yet, that was just the first set! Stick around brother." I gave him a backstage pass I had acquired cuz I was so happy just to be where I was at. Skipped the chance to meet Jerry so an old fan that was just so kind to me could realize a dream. What a way to meet the Grateful Dead, huh!?!? I'm also looking for Almish Nelterson, or a copy of his book, "WOW". It should be bright orange, with big letters say WoW. This book was being distributed at the Shoreline shows in '94. I also want to say hi to Teach, Shaggy from Oklahoma, everyone in Vegas, Tulsa, Reno, Montreal, and Susanville that still search for the sound. @DarkStarGazer@ wishes all well and good.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Looking for friends and family you've lost touch with? Post here!
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17 years 2 months

Hey this is patriot.gyrl....just sent you an email, hope you got it.
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Member for

16 years 10 months

I ran around with a bunch of folks from Charlottesville, VA ....lots of shows in the late eighties till the end I live in nw Iowa now......are there any heads in this area?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

We flew from LA to SF, as I was arriving to visit my cousin, Frank Cervarich, in Sausalito, having just turned 33 on Sept. 11...just as we arrived, you phoned with the kindest gift I've ever received, which I could not accept: a Backstage Pass to the Show...only one, so I just couldn't leave nanoseconds after arriving. But, I have never, never, never forgotten the thrill of that phone call and your kindness. Please email me, as I remember your company being so much fun on the flight. I've always wondered how my Life might have changed, had I just said, bubbye to my cousin, but I just couldn't do it to such a gracious host. Would love to return the favor as I can get you a Backstage Pass for Keller...do hope our paths cross sometime, as I still love seeing Ratdog and Phil and Mickey when I can and follow Jambands such a Keller, SCI and Leftover and Umphreys, Tealeaf Green and others. Hugs to you, Kind Jill, wherever you are...hope Life has been Good to you. I'm still in Dallas, if you are ever this way., or maybe at one of the many Festivals I love attending. Peace & Love, 99
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Member for

17 years 7 months

would love to talk to a few folks again: "Sunshine" Jennifer Asbury Kim Gibson (Toni) Kristen, her big brother Chris, & Shel (South GA peeps with a green VW van) Michelle from New Jersey
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Has anyone seen Les? Fairbanks, Alaska born, lived in Joshua Tree, Ca. and made it to Massachussetts in the 80s. Sorry we lost touch, hope you're still out there enjoying shows and being a "colorful local character"! If this finds you, PM me to let me know you're alive and well. ~Honest to the point of recklessness~ ~~~ Andie is Althea~~~
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Member for

16 years 9 months

Looking for any heads I used to know from those years. Hung in Venice Beach, Santa Cruz and the City. This is Bill I used to date Suvi, If anyone remembers me from the old days, drop me a line. You know who you are.....Drop me a line bill4patsox@yahoo.com
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Member for

17 years 8 months

It's been a long strange trip Peggy-O since 1988, would like to say hello. Spencer SGP
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Member for

17 years 2 months

I am looking for friends of Rebecca who passed away in December 2005 to share stories .Her spirit lives inside me forever. Pablo
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Member for

16 years 9 months

Jennifer I am here looking for fellow hippies to talk to. Anyone around my age would be great, but being a hippie I am open to talk with anyone. I am 28 and live in a small town called Marble Falls, Texas. I am originally from california and consider that my home. I would love to go to a hippy festival but I don't know how to find one, and here in texas exspecially. Peace to everyone out there. I welcome anyone to chat with me.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I have had some friends tell me that Austin is the place for all kinds of music....including some cool jam bands. Just a thought.Peace "Emancipate yourself from mental slavery...none but ourselves can free our minds"
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Member for

17 years 6 months

I am looking for a guy named Jay who was at the Seattle Dead Shows with Zelda in 1995. Blond Hair, Blue eyes, comes from a Morman family in Utah but dad lived in California in Palo Alto. Has a tattoo on his ankle, referring to his lact of love for the morman faith. Missin him every day!!!!! dionemg@yahoo.com Zelda
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17 years 8 months

for various reasons, we were west texas bound every year, butwe ain't been down that way for about 10 years or so, but yeah. they got both kinds of music, country and western. ( -; seriously folks, they do have a very active scene. take a look here: http://www.austinlinks.com/Music/ one particullaryly cool band that I remember were the Flounders Without (or was it with?) Eyes. don't know if they still exist, but they were cool. also got this site from a quickie google search: http://www.austintexas.org/musicians/ anyways, a mellow, kind town, plenty of good food and good people, lots of good tunes, too.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Where has all the time gone, and I have missed you through the years. PM me if you connect here. Joe from Michigan
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Member for

17 years 6 months

I am looking for the person selling mosaic tile of the dead at the Ratdog show in Bushkill Pa.last summer. Please help . these tiles were really great.Anyone who can point me in the right direction would be of great help thanks schutzy
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Member for

16 years 9 months

the only good thing about texas is austin the only bad thing about austin is texas.great
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Member for

17 years 8 months

never been. Always been a fan of Austin City Limits. Anybody ever been to South by Southwest?
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Member for

16 years 9 months

lookin 4 family troy n tyra the last i heard they got set up in colombus,hope ur all right bro n sis,p.a pat (the ragin caginchicken),teddy the greek, bj,russo,pluto,peram nthe restof my fam im missin evrey one its been awhile( to f'n long) i love u guys hope to c you this summerpeace bear n lindsay
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Member for

17 years 8 months

he was in colo spgs and later in ft collins like forever. i think he is 46, name: christopher secrist. he worked at the ft collins health food store, do not know which one. any info, write me a private note. peace, shack deer creek - indpls.
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Hey is anybody going to make it up to Rothbury to see Phil and Friends? I just signed up to do work exchange and I think I'm gonna use the cash I saved on the ticket price to head down to see Dark Star at All Good the next weekend. I did worked at Langerado and had a blast, if anybody else is interested, here's the link I used. http://www.shimonpresents.com/rothburyapp/
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Member for

16 years 8 months

I am trying to find Scotty Dank. He sold the Dank and Schwag T-Shirts on tour. Everyone knew him and we traveled together but now I can not find him. I need to talk to him. Please help me fellow Dead Heads. I know one of you knows where he can be found.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Newport Brandy and anyone from the Blue Bus. Staying in Boulder after Chicago at the entrance to ElDorado Cyn.. Hey Jeff Bra Have you seen Herkimer 1/8 timber wolf 7/8 tundra wolf Black as night . Tribal Electric opens at capt. Eds. Bottle rocket fights in Wyoming Rest stops. If any of this jolts a braincell Drop a line.Aloha
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Member for

17 years 8 months

help me find chris secrist from fort collins, colorado. he is 46, used to work in the health food store(s) there. i am pretty much lost in tryin' to locate seek! write me a note anybody. peace, shack deer creek - indpls.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

If anybody out there happens to know a guy named Marc Bose please forward my request to him to write me. He lived in Frankfurt, Germany back in the mid/late 90s. We shared many a good tape and beer together. Thanks! Chris Perry Columbus, OH perrycj@hotmail.com
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Member for

16 years 8 months

I am trying to find Scotty Dank. He sold the Dank and Schwag T-Shirts on tour. Everyone knew him and we traveled together but now I can not find him. I need to talk to him. Please help me fellow Dead Heads. I know one of you knows where he can be found.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Hoping Heathaafethaa is well. Also, Kim(?) Did you ever make it to RatDog down Jacksonville way?
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I wish to Inform the Deadhead community that my Best Friend in the entire world as passed and any fellow heads that would know him (and there were many, many heads)should know that this happened, particularily Tony in Portland that i do not know how to contact but I saw at the 2004 show there with the Dead. Andy was a model deadhead in his belief system or principals. Jerry would of have been proud to call him friend , he never wanted to be a typical fan or hassle anyone at anytime. He was my music partner we went to so many shows together , the ones on my profile is a small sampling. His knowledge of the music and the Dead plus numerous other band community was like a library of knowledge , The vault people could of used Andy. The following is his Obit and the DEADHEADS worldwide weather you knew him or not, should heed to his passing. His story is 30 years plus and amazing. It would take more space than I'm provided to tell the story from beginning to end. I have been given his music collection , which is quite extensive in tapes as well as CD's , Probably more than 3000 pieces or more. I will be cataloging this collection of live shows and all. The following is the OBIT , My Tears have flown for three days now since I found out. Yesterday was the big day for the furneral and being with his family. I have known Andy since we were 15 years old. John Andrew "Andy" Vojtko John Andrew "Andy" Vojtko of Libertyville Visitation for John Andrew "Andy" Vojtko, 45, will be from 1 p.m. until the time of the services at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 28, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 29700 N. St. Mary's Road, Libertyville, with Pastor Robert Davis officiating. Born Aug. 18, 1962, in Libertyville, he passed away Wednesday, June 25, 2008. Andy had lived in the Libertyville-Mundelein area all his life. He was a 1980 graduate of Libertyville High School, received an associates degree from the College of Lake County and attended Illinois State University. He was a charter member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Libertyville and was employed as a cook at Winchester House for many years. Andy enjoyed music, model trains, the outdoors, various pets and cooking. Surviving are his parents, Gerald and Delores Vojtko of Libertyville; two sisters, Jane (Charles) Binning of Cornville, Ariz. and Lynne (Darren) Rogers of Wauconda; and his favorite nephew and niece, Ethan and Brianna Rogers. Memorial contributions can be made to your favorite charity. Arrangements were made by Burnett-Dane Funeral Home, Libertyville, 847-362-3009. Published in the Chicago Suburban Daily Herald on 6/27/2008.
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Member for

16 years 7 months

I am looking for like minded (see profile) Dead Heads to communicate with and possible build friendships. I am married with a kid and one on the way. I own a home in Westfield, NJ and work in NYC. Hope to hear from you.

Member for

17 years 8 months

I am looking for 2 old tour buddies...Bill Todd, lived in Cockeysville MD in early 90's....Mike Harris lived in Pensacola FL and Bay St Louis in the late 90's...always looking for any DHs on the North Shore...I was on tour from 91-94, love to find folks who were around then
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Member for

16 years 7 months

Just wondering if anyone knew where I might find Brian Ahier McCabe. We were Brian and Karen from the Haight from 1990 to 1999. Last saw him on 16th and Mission early 1999. Just wondering if we are still legally married and how he is doing. Also Don Todd, Texas Dave etc. etc.... you know who you are... I would love to hear from you
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Member for

16 years 6 months

Hey guys, just moved to Salem, OR and looking to meet some fellow deadheads... drop me a line if you're even close to me (Portland - Eugene) or really anywhere - the more the marrier! peace and music, Matt
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Member for

17 years 1 month

If anyone knows Anthony Polio, would you please pass on to him some old friends(and I do mean old!) from Hampton Roads Va beach area early 80's would love to reconnect! Evie and Rick(Milton) Muller, we are back in Jersey.email us at evascencio2000@yahoo.comseriously, just old friends
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16 years 6 months

Hey brothers and sisters! I'm looking for family in the North Georgia area! drop me a line and and say hello! much love and peace to all you good people! Peace, Love, Panic Flower :o)
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16 years 6 months

Hey now, Looking to reach all heads from Longmeadow Mass. This is Dancin Dave The beer dude! Otherwise known as Dialysis Dave I've seen "em Melt!
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16 years 6 months

lookin for a couple kids this is pebbles i just had a baby about four months ago and Im about to hit some shows with him and i lost my phone with all my numbers if any one knows maby could relay a message Im lookin for J bird sketch ryan millie ragel dtrain and rob if you know them have them send me their number thanks my email is buttercats4u@yahoo.com can also check me on myspase to talk
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17 years 6 months

Erika where are you? I have gone to smather woods looking for you! How is Delila? Anyway I have always missed you, and I thought I had tracked you down on My Space but I guess you never got the messages I sent you. I would just love to hear your voice,. I will always have love in my heart for you! Erika Lorna Kraft just send me an email to tell me your alive, Kevin
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16 years 6 months

I am looking for my lost nephew and fellow Deadhead in the Chicago area. When I last heard from him he was in the Oak Park or Cicero area. I have moved several times since and all my numbers have changed. His name is Jim Robbins and is a fanatic Cub fan. I have many of his early Dead albums and some Cub collectables. EMail me at robbinsdaniel@msn.com
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Looking for my guys from the Imperial Beach days, 85-88.What's going on, anyone still alive? Zabadoo
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Member for

16 years 8 months

Gord we went to SPAC in Saratoga Springs July 27,85 the twenty years so far tour. In 86 we saw June 27 and 28 in Cumberland County NY with Sue (R.I.P.) Kim an another guy how drove. Dave Smith
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Member for

16 years 6 months

Hey Scott! where are you? It's me~ Debbie with the 2 b's! I hope you're okay! It's been almost twenty years! Can you believe it?! I still have the t-shirt you made me! I miss you! I also want to thank the people who helped me out when my car broke down back in Columbus, I think you were all OSU students, living in a frat house (back in 1990, I think). We listened to Dead music all night until the tow truck guy came at eight in the morning! I never got a chance to thank you and I didn't get any of your names! I don't remember much except for someone eating a burrito at six in the morning and something about a dog and one of you was taking a class in photography! You were the one who waited up with me :) Thanks again!
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Member for

17 years 7 months

that my little bro Dan calls home....dude its been almost 2 years...I missy you lots... call me PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

The Wheel in south Florida looking for a female singer,all experienced players, have gigs, must know Dead/Dylan extensively as well as learn our originals www.myspace.com/spasejam some links to are music http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=g4Cc4Haevi4 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6IK6wZFPRg http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-K5v-YeaDcY and then if your still interested we will send you directions to rehearsal/audition e-mail us spasejam@aol.com
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Member for

17 years 8 months

I am looking for a brother by the name of Chris Jones from Pennsylvania. He went to Edinboro in 91-92ish and left for Montana(?) shortly thereafter. He is a kindred spirit and dear friend who I have been unsuccessfuly able to locate for all these years...
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Member for

16 years 5 months

I was on tour from summer 1986 until fall 1989. I lived in Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Providence, Boston and Cape Cod during those years. I was probably best known by my miniature German Shepard "Sammy". People I hung with were Johnny and Phil, Amiee and DeeDee Grimes, Jeffrey, BJ, Markie from Providence, John Sage and Phil Kantz(RIP) John's Brother Danny, Kat, Jeri Greer, Laura and Linda from Richmond, Swedish Rob, Andrea Adams, John Geoghan, Charlie, Digger, Fast Eddie and Rack and so many more great kids around tour at that time.
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Member for

17 years 8 months

As a lot of us have, when the scene disappeared, so did a lot of our friends. I am looking for Gary Bennett, last known to be in Howell NJ. It's been a long time and I miss my old tour partner, roommate, friend and brother. If you know him, please tell him or me. -j (sheepdog) Inspiration...Move me brightly....Light the song with sense and color, Hold away despair...
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16 years 5 months