• 275 replies
    started by Ltapilot Can you pass the acid test? Presented for historical purposes only, 42 years after the fist acid test. A word of warning these shows are a little weird and some sound quality is a little raw, but fun to listen to. Presented on both DVD in shn format and on CD in wav format Grateful Dead & Merry Pranksters The Acid Test Reels 1965-1967 A chronological compilation of the Acid Test recordings listed in The Grateful Dead Tapers Compendium Volume One. DISC ONE: Fillmore Acid Test/Sound City Acid Test The Fillmore Acid Test Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA January 8, 1966 1. Stage Chaos/More Power Rap 2. King Bee 3. I'm A Hog For You Baby 4. Caution: Do Not Step On Tracks > 5. Death Don't Have No Mercy 6. Star Spangled Banner / closing remarks The Sound City Acid Test 363 6th Street, San Francisco, CA January 29, 1966 7. Ken Kesey interviewed by Frank Fey 8. Ken Babbs and harmonica 9. Take Two: Ken Kesey 10. Bull 11. Peggy The Pistol 12. One-way Ti


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  • Warlocks
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    Recently, a whole collection of previous unseen and extremely rare Acid Test posters and handbills has been discovered, including a couple pieces of original artwork by Jerry Garcia. Included in this collection was an original hand-colored handbill for the Palo Alto Big Beat Acid Test, as well as a Poster for Mother McCree's at the Tangent in 1964, a Poster for the Warlocks first paid gig at Magoo's on May 5, 1965, a poster for the Warlocks fourth performance at Frenchy's on June 18, 1965, Phil Lesh's first gig. A set of tickets for the In Room in Belmont on Sept. 1, 1965 and a poster for the first Acid Test at the Spread in Santa Cruz on Nov. 27, 1965 as well as a Fillmore Acid Test handbill and a handbill for Carthay studios in Los Angeles on March 19, 1966. It also appears that Jerry Garcia designed several of these items himself.The site that features all of this and more is here: http://www.postertrip.com/public/department37.cfm There are 33 pages altogether, which can be accessed from the main page. The whole collection can be viewed here : http://www.postertrip.com/public/5591.cfm Further details like the Jerry Garcia original artwork can be viewed here: http://www.postertrip.com/5584.cfm
  • beatle_head42
    Address....and apologies.
    Hey all, sorry I've been gone so long. College started up, and I was overwhelmed. I don't seem to have Flying_Monkey's address in my inbox. But as soon as that's remedied, it'll be out and circulating once more! You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
  • Flying_Monkey
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    46. Jess8747. ohyeah
    46. Jess87 47. ohyeah 48. Longrifle 49. beatle_head42 50. Flying_Monkey I can't wait ...
  • Longrifle
    Got it
    Very interesting but take in small doses, as the author says. It also takes a little concentration to figure out whats going on. Cool, thou. thx, peace, out tomorrow 08/25 to bealte_head42. I'm smiling from his happiness and yes, as ohyeah said, it'll take approx 10 days to get there, so hang in there, man. party on, Longrifle 46. Jess87 47. ohyeah 48. Longrifle 49. beatle_head42
  • ohyeah
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    just fyi . . .
    Not trying to dampen your enthusiasm beatle_head42, but I'm in Middle America and Longrifle is in Western Canada, so this leg of the journey might be a little longer than others. It takes 5-7 days for vines to get from here to the East Coast of the U.S., so I bet it's more like 7-10 days to get to Western Canada. Longrifle may have not even received it yet. Hang in there . . . ~~~~~~~ "They say Cain caught Abel rolling loaded dice"
  • beatle_head42
    You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
  • beatle_head42
    It's almost me! The excitement is unbearable... You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
  • ohyeah
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    it's out . . .
    . . . to Longrifle. ~~~~~~~ "They say Cain caught Abel rolling loaded dice"
  • ohyeah
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    got it - thanks Jess87!
    ~~~~~~~"They say Cain caught Abel rolling loaded dice"
  • beatle_head42
    46. Jess8747. ohyeah 48. Longrifle 49. beatle_head42 tried to find this online, in CD cellars all over the state, and everything else. Thanks to everyone all the way up!!! You can get anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
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17 years 9 months
started by Ltapilot Can you pass the acid test? Presented for historical purposes only, 42 years after the fist acid test. A word of warning these shows are a little weird and some sound quality is a little raw, but fun to listen to. Presented on both DVD in shn format and on CD in wav format Grateful Dead & Merry Pranksters The Acid Test Reels 1965-1967 A chronological compilation of the Acid Test recordings listed in The Grateful Dead Tapers Compendium Volume One. DISC ONE: Fillmore Acid Test/Sound City Acid Test The Fillmore Acid Test Fillmore Auditorium, San Francisco, CA January 8, 1966 1. Stage Chaos/More Power Rap 2. King Bee 3. I'm A Hog For You Baby 4. Caution: Do Not Step On Tracks > 5. Death Don't Have No Mercy 6. Star Spangled Banner / closing remarks The Sound City Acid Test 363 6th Street, San Francisco, CA January 29, 1966 7. Ken Kesey interviewed by Frank Fey 8. Ken Babbs and harmonica 9. Take Two: Ken Kesey 10. Bull 11. Peggy The Pistol 12. One-way Ti
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17 years 7 months

Just got back from vacation to find these tapes, and boy are they incredible. In the process of copying now and should have them send out after the weekend. Sorry for the delay.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

just curious...it was the 1st one i eversigned up for back in mid Feb. hope everyone is doing ok. i figure i will get it when i'm meant to get it. some great grilling music for the summer. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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16 years 11 months

1. iknowurider2. Hal R. 3. Ltapilot 4. brewster boy 5. Richard 6. andré 7. jeremy@bukowski.com 8. chichi1514 9. darkstar23 10. Socrateazer 11. reedchris 13. Grateful Gooner 14. zbinks 15.toddsnc 16.wobbs7 17. rfk4 18. 143or245 19. CalebIsHungry 20. Melinda
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17 years 9 months

What's goin' on over there Chichi? Over there across the water?
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Member for

17 years 7 months

Hey everyone, sorry I forgot to update. But the vine was sent out last week or the week before... It's somewhere and on it's way to the rest of you guys.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Anyone have a clue where this vine is at all??? Someone must have it. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Most vines seem to take at least one week per person sometimes much longer.Some times they go through a person or two before we get an update. Let's wait for a while and darkstar23 and / or Socrateazer will show up for a status check. If not I will burn a new set, roll them up tight and drop them... in the mail. Peace Rick
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Member for

17 years 4 months

for your reassurances.It's funny, this was 1 of THE first vines i ever saw and signed up for on this site, lol. In the meantime i have had tons of vines come my way and me pass them along. i pray this is worth the wait. I am sooo curious as the quality and what symphonic dreams will fill my mind and spirit while i disappear into the music. patrick ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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17 years 9 months

Hey now...-since I believe this vine will again be active, soon, I wish to add my name; 21. Tony
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17 years 3 months

I've sent it out to Socrateazer and he should have got it by now. I confirm some people's assumptions here that this is truly worth listening to. Just the amount of weirdness you might want on an already weird day.
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17 years 6 months

Just checking in to see if anyone's heard from Socrateazer or received this set after him.
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16 years 10 months

1. iknowurider2. Hal R. 3. Ltapilot 4. brewster boy 5. Richard 6. andré 7. jeremy@bukowski.com 8. chichi1514 9. darkstar23 10. Socrateazer 11. reedchris 13. Grateful Gooner 14. zbinks 15.toddsnc 16.wobbs7 17. rfk4 18. 143or245 19. CalebIsHungry 20. Melinda 21. joneb
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17 years 9 months

...just noticed a clerical error....20 Melinda .21 tony .22 joneb .23 muffin peace
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Member for

16 years 9 months

This is so cool I cannot wait to hear this stuff. I have heard some of the 1966-67 stuff and just love it. I need more wierd in my life
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Our brother Socrateazer wrote - "Acid Test Vine On February 7th, 2008 Socrateazer said: I know it will be a while, and I have the time to wait, but I am getting laid off from my job for medical reasons and I do not know if I will be able to handle being responsible for the vine, so I need to bow out of this one. I will sign-up again if I am able to pass it along. Thanks!" We can only send him good and strong positive vibes, in what ever format your feel is right for you, (Prayers, chants, strong thoughts, incantations, or happy faces). I remember some one once telling me that we are all bozos on this bus and we gotta look out for each other. So lets all look out for Bruce. Good vibes you way. Now since it has been nearly a month and no movement. I will burn a new set shn/flac and wav. Package then and send them off to the person who thinks they are next in line. So whom ever you are, PM me with your address please. Peace every one and share the love. Rick Reach out your hand if your cup be empty If your cup is full may it be again
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17 years 6 months

Rick, I forgot that Socrateazer was going to be out of action for awhile. My prayers go out to him. Assuming the last set stopped at his door, the remaining order should go as follows. 11. reedchris 12. Grateful Gooner 13. zbinks 14.toddsnc 15.wobbs7 16. rfk4 17. 143or245 18. CalebIsHungry 19. Melinda 20. Tony 21. muffin 22. joneb 23. Schnebs There was no number 12 previously, so I bumped everyone everyone from 13 through 21 up by one. Also, it looks like the order from 20-22 got screwed up screwed up a bit after joneb joined the vine. I have corrected this order as Tony joined before muffin and muffin joined before joneb.
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16 years 10 months

Well wishes go out to Socrateazer and sorry for confusion on the vine...
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Member for

17 years 8 months

It is the Acid Test Vine...Did anyone expect it to go like clockwork? Burning as I type but it has been a beautiful Colorado spring weekend, running behind on a few tasks. So if I miss my Monday goal please forgive me, these will be in the mail by Tuesday. Remember to love each other and the love you give will be returned ten fold. Peace, Rick Reach out your hand if your cup be empty If your cup is full may it be again
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17 years 8 months

This vine is now re-seeded and en-route to the tar heel state. Peace Rick
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Member for

17 years 9 months

it is very nice you have taken "time" for us... Thank you, ...peace...
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Member for

17 years 9 months

What a good heart, many thanks from my heart, you are a good person Ltapilot. Thank You very much! Can't wait to hear this.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Thanks so much for your time, money, and effort!I know we all truly grateful. peace. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I'll sign up too ! 11. reedchris 12. Grateful Gooner 13. zbinks 14.toddsnc 15.wobbs7 16. rfk4 17. 143or245 18. CalebIsHungry 19. Melinda 20. Tony 21. muffin 22. joneb 23. Schnebs 24. Tommo ( tompen@earthlink.net ) thanks ! -Tommo
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Member for

16 years 11 months

I'll sign up too ! 11. reedchris 12. Grateful Gooner 13. zbinks 14.toddsnc 15.wobbs7 16. rfk4 17. 143or245 18. CalebIsHungry 19. Melinda 20. Tony 21. muffin 22. joneb 23. Schnebs 24. Tommo ( tompen@earthlink.net ) thanks ! -Tommo
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16 years 11 months

When I made the above post I was reading a few posts back where the order had been screwed up and was now staightened out. That's what I meant when I wrote the header bout "that" being "straightened out". Also, it seems like a bunch of posts are going up two or three times. I swear I only sent it once... -Tommo
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Member for

17 years 9 months

we're having a real epidemic of the multiple post thing. Duly reported to Jonathan. Vine on!
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Member for

17 years 8 months

Any update on this vine?You should have received it by now. Peace Rick
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17 years 4 months

just curious...~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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17 years

I believe Chris was moving this last weekend. So he may be buried in boxes and off internet for a little while. just my guess though.
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17 years 3 months

count me in please .. 11. reedchris 12. Grateful Gooner 13. zbinks 14.toddsnc 15.wobbs7 16. rfk4 17. 143or245 18. CalebIsHungry 19. Melinda 20. Tony 21. muffin 22. joneb 23. Schnebs 24. Tommo ( tompen@earthlink.net ) 25. stuman peace ....
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17 years 8 months

That is good to know.I had sent it to the new address he supplied. Hopefully it was waiting to welcome him home. Peace Rick
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17 years 1 month

I havn't been able to post in a while but now that I'm moved into the new house and have the internet hooked up I am able to finally deliver the following news... ...the vine is in the mail! Heads up Gooner, it's on the way. Thanks for waiting folks and I'm sorry for the hold up. I mailed a stack of vines today and when I got home there was a new stack in my mailbox! Does that happen to anyone else?
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Member for

17 years 4 months

I will look for them...mail hasn't come yet today.Can't wait to blow my ears away... Will let you know when I receive them. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Just got The Acid Test in the mail (Friday, June 13)hoping to get it out Monday, Tuesday the latest. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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Member for

17 years 8 months

11. reedchris12. Grateful Gooner 13. zbinks 14.toddsnc 15.wobbs7 16. rfk4 17. 143or245 18. CalebIsHungry 19. Melinda 20. Tony 21. muffin 22. joneb 23. Schnebs 24. Tommo ( tompen@earthlink.net ) 25. stuman 26. Unclejon
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Sorry, but with zbinks being in the Chicago areawith me, this vine should be moving fast. later. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "And if you go no one may follow, That path is for your steps alone..."
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17 years 8 months

11. reedchris12. Grateful Gooner 13. zbinks 14.toddsnc 15.wobbs7 16. rfk4 17. 143or245 18. CalebIsHungry 19. Melinda 20. Tony 21. muffin 22. joneb 23. Schnebs 24. Tommo ( tompen@earthlink.net ) 25. stuman 26. Unclejon 27. That Nice Hippy Guy Thanks everyone, Trevor "You know the one thing we need is a left handed monkey wrench....."
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17 years 6 months

I will tryo to get it out no later than Monday.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Vine's is going out a little later than expected. Should be en route to North Carolina this afternoon or sometime tomorrow.
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17 years

this will be headed your way on 7 July.
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Member for

16 years 9 months

What a blast it is watching this vine grow. the anticipation, the Mistery, the excitement. I can't wait for the invention of the time machine. "The faster we go, the rounder we get"
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17 years 8 months

13. zbinks14.toddsnc 15.wobbs7 16. rfk4 17. 143or245 18. CalebIsHungry 19. Melinda 20. Tony 21. muffin 22. joneb 23. Schnebs 24. Tommo ( tompen@earthlink.net ) 25. stuman 26. Unclejon 27. That Nice Hippy Guy 28 Paps Alright, this is my first time at this! Melissa
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17 years 9 months

Thanks Todd, will record and get off after the holiday. Now I must shower and get off to the Phil & Friends show tonight! WHOOPPEE!
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Member for

16 years 9 months

That must have been one hell of a Phil show. :) I just didn't want the vine to die and when it hit page three I got worried. ---------------------------------------------------------- "The faster we go, the rounder we get"