- Post reply Log in to post comments772 repliesmaryeJoined:Also DVDs, CDs, MP3s... Post requests and offers here. Please note that while trading, vining, etc. are welcome here, trading, vining, and other unauthorized copying and distribution of commercial releases, including those of the Grateful Dead, is not. Thank you.
- terrapin_wolf950Joined:I'm also trying to get some…
I'm also trying to get some tapes. I know that every show ever is on archive online and on the app, but I love tapes.
I have an old truck with a tape deck, and recently acquired a decent tape deck and receiver to enjoy the tapes to the fullest.These tapes will be enjoyed by a total of 11 deadheads ranging in age from 19-27.
Please help out a generation of young heads stuck in west Texas. Very little dead love in these parts.
If you want to work something out for the tapes please email me.
gulatherogress@gmail.com - terrapin_wolf950Joined:A collection for future generations
Hello, do you still have your tapes available? I would love to take them off your hands. If so we can talk about more details if you email at gulatherogress@gmail.com
I have gathered some tapes, and I would love the chance to expand my collection. I'm only 25 and I hope to one day pass on whatever tape collection I mange to gather to the next generation of heads who haven't been born yet.
My collection is around 600 tapes at this point, and I want it to keep growing. My girlfriend and I are slowly organizing and cataloging the tapes we have. I have many head friends in the area that I share with as well.
If anyone still has their collection of dead tapes that they would like to add to this collection, which I hope will continue to be passed from older heads to younger, please hit me up.The aesthetic of the tapes and the connection to the band and older generations of heads is very special. I would really love to preserve this feeling and connection for myself, my family, my friends, and for all the many heads who have yet to be born or converted yet.
I will cover the shipping cost. Just email and I will get back to you as soon as I can.