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    Here's the place to talk about our departed loved ones -- friends, family members, tour buddies, and others we've lost along the way.


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  • cosmicbadger
    Hitchens quote
    one of his best (for me anyway) "The only position that leaves me with no cognitive dissonance is atheism. It is not a creed. Death is certain, replacing both the siren-song of Paradise and the dread of Hell. Life on this earth, with all its mystery and beauty and pain, is then to be lived far more intensely: we stumble and get up, we are sad, confident, insecure, feel loneliness and joy and love. There is nothing more; but I want nothing more."
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Christopher Hitchens
    yes, i was about to post Christopher's obituary when i suddenly saw your mention.the interview he did with Jeremy Paxman was very moving. this is his obituary in The Guardian by Peter Wilby - For most of his career, Christopher Hitchens, who has died of oesophageal cancer aged 62, was the left's biggest journalistic star, writing and broadcasting with wit, style and originality in a period when such qualities were in short supply among those of similar political persuasion. Nobody else spoke with such confidence and passion for what Americans called "liberalism" and Hitchens (regarding "liberal" as too "evasive") called "socialism". His targets were the abusers of power, particularly Henry Kissinger (whom he tried to bring to trial for his role in bombing Cambodia and overthrowing the Allende regime in Chile) and Bill Clinton. He was unrelenting in his support for the Palestinian cause and his excoriation of America's projections of power in Asia and Latin America. He was a polemicist rather than an analyst or political thinker – his headteacher at the Leys school in Cambridge presciently forecast a future as a pamphleteer – and, like all the best polemicists, brought to his work outstanding skills of reporting and observation. To these, he added wide reading, not always worn lightly, an extraordinary memory – he seemed, his friend Ian McEwan observed, to enjoy "instant neurological recall" of anything he had ever read or heard – and a vigorous, if sometimes pompous writing style, heavily laden with adjectives, elegantly looping sub-clauses and archaic phrases such as "allow me to inform you". His socialism was always essentially internationalist, particularly since the British working classes responded sluggishly to literature he handed out at factory gates for the International Socialists, a Trotskyist group of which he was a member from 1966 to 1976. He had little interest in social or economic policy and, in later life, seemed somewhat bemused at questions about his three children being educated privately. Hitchens travelled widely as a young man, often at his own expense, visiting, for example, Poland, Portugal, Czechoslovakia and Argentina at crucial moments in their anti-totalitarian struggles, offering fraternal solidarity and parcels of blue jeans. Later, he rarely wrote at length about any country without visiting it, sometimes at risk of arrest or physical attack. His loathing of tyranny was consistent: unlike many of the 1960s generation, he never harboured illusions about Mao or Castro. His concerns grew about the left's selective tolerance for totalitarian regimes – as early as 1983, he ruffled "comrades" by supporting Margaret Thatcher's war against General Leopoldo Galtieri's Argentina – but they did not initially threaten a rupture in his political loyalties. After the terrorist attacks on New York and Washington in 2001, however, Hitchens announced he was no longer on the left – while denying he had become any kind of conservative – and "swore a sort of oath to remain coldly furious" until "fascism with an Islamic face" was "brought to a most strict and merciless account". To the horror of former allies, he accepted invitations to the George W Bush White House; embraced the deputy defence secretary and Iraq war hawk Paul Wolfowitz as a friend ("they were finishing each other's sentences", was one account of an early meeting); and resigned from the Nation, America's foremost leftwing weekly. In 2007, after living in the US for more than 25 years, he took out American citizenship in a ceremony presided over by Bush's head of homeland security. Long friendships with the aristocracy of the Anglo-American left – Noam Chomsky, Tariq Ali, Alexander Cockburn, Edward Said – ended in harsh exchanges. Gore Vidal once named Hitchens as his inheritor or dauphin. The relevant quotation appeared on the dustjacket of Hitch-22, Hitchens's memoir published in 2010, but was overlain by a red cross with "no, CH" inscribed beside it. Hitchens was born in Portsmouth to parents of humble origins who progressed to the fringes of what George Orwell (a Hitchens role-model) would have termed the lower-upper-middle-classes. His father was a naval commander of "flinty and adamant" Tory views who became a school bursar. Father and son were never close; Christopher and his younger brother, Peter. The first love of Hitchens's life was his mother, "the cream in the coffee, the gin in the Campari". She insisted (at least according to Hitchens) he should go to boarding school because "if there is going to be an upper class in this country, then Christopher is going to be in it". He was already a Labour supporter at school, organising the party's "campaign" in a mock election, and joining a CND march from Aldermaston. At Balliol College, Oxford, where he read philosophy, politics, and economics, he "rehearsed", as he put it, for 1968. But he led a curiously dualistic life. By day, "Chris" addressed car workers through a bullhorn on an upturned milk crate while by night "Christopher" wore a dinner jacket to address the Oxford Union or dine with the warden of All Souls. (He did not, in fact, like being called "Chris" – his mother would not, he explained, wish her firstborn to be addressed "as if he were a taxi-driver or pothole-filler" – and found "Hitch", which most friends used, more acceptable.) While not exactly a social climber, Hitchens wished to be on intimate terms with important people. Equally dualistic was his sex life. He was almost expelled from school for homosexuality and later boasted that at Oxford he slept with two future (male) Tory cabinet ministers. But also at Oxford, he lost his virginity to a girl who had pictures of him plastered over her bedroom wall and he eventually became a dedicated heterosexual because, he said, his looks deteriorated to the point where no man would have him. The "double life", as he called it, continued after he left university with a third-class degree – he was too busy with politics to bother much with studying – and found, partly through his Oxford friend James Fenton, a berth at the New Statesman. He supplemented his income by writing for several Fleet Street newspapers, but also contributed gratis to the Socialist Worker. It was while working for the Statesman that he experienced a "howling, lacerating moment in my life": the death of his adored mother in Athens, apparently in a suicide pact with her lover, a lapsed priest. Only years later did he learn what she never told him or perhaps anyone else: that she came from a family of east European Jews. Though his brother – who first discovered their mother's origins – said this made them only one-32nd Jewish, Hitchens declared himself a Jew according to the custom of matrilineal descent. Later in the 1970s, Hitchens became a familiar Fleet Street figure, disporting himself in bars and restaurants and settling into a literary set that included Fenton, Martin Amis, Julian Barnes, Clive James and others. It specialised in long lunches and what (to others) seemed puerile and frequently obscene word games. But he was hooked on America as a 21-year-old when he visited on a student visa and tried unsuccessfully to get a work permit. In October 1981, on a half-promise of work from the Nation, he left for the US. It was the making of his career: Americans have always had a weakness for plummy voiced, somewhat raffish Englishmen who pepper their writing and conversation with literary and historical allusions. He became the Nation's Washington correspondent, contributing editor of Vanity Fair from 1982, literary essayist for Atlantic Monthly, a frequent contributor to the New York Review of Books and a talking head on innumerable cable TV shows. He authored 11 books, co-authored six more, and had five collections of essays published. The targets included Kissinger, Clinton and Mother Teresa ("a thieving fanatical Albanian dwarf"); his books on Orwell, Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine were more positive, and less widely noticed. His most successful book, which brought him international fame beyond what Susan Sontag called "the small world of those who till the field of ideas", was God Is Not Great, a mocking indictment of religion which put him alongside Richard Dawkins as a leading enemy of the devout. Hitchens was also, to his great pleasure, a liberal studies professor at the New School in New York and, for a time, visiting professor at Berkeley in California, as well as a regular on the public lecture and debate circuit. Hitchens loved what he called "disputation" – there was little difference between his public and private speaking styles – and America, a more oral culture than Britain's, offered ample opportunity. When his final break with the left came, it seemed to some as though the pope had announced he was no longer a Catholic. His support for Bush's war in Iraq – which he never retracted – and his vote for the president in 2004, were even bigger shocks, and some suspected a psychological need, as the first male Hitchens never to wear uniform, to prove his manhood. But Hitchens, in many respects a traditionalist, was never a straightforward lefty. He abstained in the UK's 1979 election, admitting he secretly favoured Thatcher and hoped for an end to "mediocrity and torpor". The Ayatollah Khomeini's fatwa, issued in 1989 against his friend Salman Rushdie, was, in Hitchens's mind, as important in exposing the left's "bad faith" as 9/11. He supported, albeit belatedly, the first Gulf war, demanded Nato intervention in Bosnia, and refused to sign petitions against sanctions on Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Hitchens, though, did not deny he had changed. He became, if truth be told, a bit of a blimp and ruefully remarked – with the quiet self-irony that often underlay his bombastic style – that he sometimes felt he should carry "some sort of rectal thermometer, with which to test the rate at which I am becoming an old fart". But, he insisted, he wasn't making a complete about-turn. Though no longer a socialist, he was still a Marxist, and an admirer of Lenin, Trotsky and Che Guevera; capitalism, the transforming powers of which Marx recognised, had proved the more revolutionary economic system and, politically, the American revolution was the only one left in town. He remained committed to civil liberties. After voluntarily undergoing waterboarding, he denounced it as torture, and he was a plaintiff in a lawsuit against Bush's domestic spying programme. He never let up in his "cold, steady hatred … as sustaining to me as any love" of all religions. Other things were unchanging. Hitchens's life was full of feuds with old friends. He broke with the Clinton aide Sidney Blumenthal who, before a congressional committee, denied spreading calumnies about Monica Lewinsky. Hitchens, earning himself the sobriquet "Snitchens", signed affidavits testifying that Blumenthal had, in his hearing, indeed smeared the president's lover. His rightwing brother, Peter, also a journalist, was put on non-speakers for several years after revealing a pro-red joke that Christopher once made in private. But his friendship with Amis never wavered. "Martin … means everything to me," he once said, while "more or less" acquitting himself of carnal desire. Amis, in turn, spoke of "a love whose month is ever May" and described his friend as a rhetorician of such distinction that "in debate, no matter what the motion, I would back him against Cicero, against Demosthenes". Hitchens's love affairs with alcohol and tobacco were equally constant. He smoked heavily, even on public occasions and even on TV, long after the habit – for everyone else – became unacceptable. Despite reports in 2008 that he had given up, a reporter found him getting through two packets of cigarettes in a morning in May 2010. As for alcohol, he drank daily, on his own admission, enough "to kill or stun the average mule". Technically, he was probably an alcoholic but, he pointed out, he never missed deadlines or appointments. Regardless of condition, he wrote fast and fluently, if with erratic punctuation. Only rarely did alcohol make him a bore, blunt his wit or cloud his arguments. The journalist Lynn Barber rated him "one of the greatest conversationalists of our age". Inebriated or sober, he could charm almost anybody. He could also, with what the New Yorker's Ian Parker called "the sudden, cutthroat withdrawal of charm", wound deeply and unnecessarily. In the summer of 2010, during a promotional tour for Hitch-22, he was diagnosed with terminal oesophageal cancer, a disease that had killed his father at a much more advanced age. He inhabited "Tumourville", as he called it, with rueful wit and little self-pity. "In whatever kind of a 'race' life may be," he wrote, "I have abruptly become a finalist." In the same Vanity Fair article, he observed that "I have been taunting the Reaper into taking a free scythe in my direction and have now succumbed to something so predictable and banal that it bores even me". But he never repented of his convivial lifestyle – on the contrary, he continued to take his beloved whisky, having received no medical instructions to the contrary – and nor did he turn his rhetorical skills to persuading others to eschew his example, confining himself, in a TV interview, to the observation that "if you can hold it down on the smokes and cocktails, you may be well advised to do so". He continued, as well as giving valedictory newspaper and magazine interviews, to write, broadcast and participate in public debates with no discernible diminution of vigour or passion. He confronted the Catholic convert Tony Blair before an audience of 2,700 in Toronto and, by general consent, won with ease. He gave early notice that there would be no deathbed conversion to religion. If we ever heard of such a thing, he advised, we should attribute it to sickness, dementia or drugs. When believers prayed for him, he politely declared himself touched, but resolute in his atheism. He was as severe with the conventional cliches of terminal illness as he was, throughout his life, with any other form of convention. "To the dumb question 'Why me?'," he wrote, "the cosmos barely bothers to return the reply, 'Why not?'" All the same, his many friends and admirers, who do not, as one of them put it, "relish a world without Hitchens", will be asking "why him?" today. Hitchens was married, first, to Eleni Meleagrou, a Greek Cypriot, and then, after they divorced, to Carol Blue, an American screenwriter. Both survive him, as do one son and two daughters. • Christopher Eric Hitchens, journalist, born 13 April 1949; died 15 December 2011
  • cosmicbadger
    Christopher Hitchens
    Writer, journalist, clever guy, trouble maker and author of the brilliantly argued and higly entertaining book 'God is not Great. How Religion Poisons Everything'.
  • JohnRParker5
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    Sumlin R.I.P.
    Passing of a great man. Can't listen to Jerry and Pig do Smokestack Lightning without thinking of this man. Just saw him last month at the Wellmont in NJ when he did a walk on during an Elvis Costello show. Might have been his last public performance for all I know. Some vids on You Tube if anyone is interested. Anyway, he is in a better place I am sure.
  • Gypsy Cowgirl
    Bummed Out....
  • marye
    so sorry, Tx
    many good thoughts to you and your sister. And thanks for the heads up re the Positive Vibes topic; the old one seems to still be there but the new one seems to have vanished, so hey, I just started a new one so we won't have that problem.
  • TxJed
    A Callout for a Little More Positive energy..
    ... for my dear sister.I attempted to post this in the Positive Vibes thread and saw that it was locked, redirecting to what appears to be a music vine, so, since I've shared my pain here thus far, I thought I would post this here. Marye, please feel free to move it to a more appropriate location; I just felt a bit disrespectful of my sis to post this in a music vine. I don't know if it is better for me for what is about to happen next to happen so soon or if I should heal a little more before it occurs, but my older sister, who has claim to be among those who made the California migration of the sixties, who found deep disappointment in the Haight (long spoiled by '68 when she made the journey) and went on to Carmel to join a commune (ultimately becoming a wharf rat herself, whose only addiction now happens to be what is killing her, tobacco), who is one of the largest influence on my own views of the universe as well as introducing me to the Dead, has recently been diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer. I will be making the trek to Orlando to be by her side at x-mas. While this is very poor timing for me, for me to even entertain that thought is only selfishness coming through. I am trying to approach it as a true test of how to define the remainder of my own time here, and will be reaching deeper than I have ever before to find the strength to accept what is happening, because there is nothing I can do to change it but plea my case to the universe. I am humbling asking for those reading this to send some positive thoughts and energy her way to ease her passage. Fortunately, her life experiences have given her a very positive attitude to her situation, but she is still suffering physical pain, as well as the understandable uncertainty of just what lies ahead for her. Thank you.
  • TxJed
    Thanks for all of the positive energy...
    ... it is very much felt and appreciated. One of the lessons that she left me with is that the universe is so full of magic, even amongst all of the pain and suffering... all we have to do is open ourselves to the possibilities, and she showed me how to achieve such acceptance. Such simple words, such profound meaning. While I had intellectually been aware, it is one thing to be aware and another totally to experience, like so many things in each of our own little realities.I had experienced a few hard times - divorce, bankruptcy, deaths of friends and parents; nothing could have prepared me for this. It feels like someone has reached into my chest and ripped half of my heart away, leaving a numb ball to heal itself with the salve of time, and acceptance that all is actually fine. Death, after all, is the price of life, and it is much worse to die without appreciating life, than it is to die knowing that you are only continuing your journey. Unfortunately, I have another major loss approaching, and I will be posting in the Positive Vibes thread to ask for energy to be sent to my sister to ease her journey. Thanks again so much for being such a wonderful, loving community, one which is a beacon of hope and promise, acceptance and experience; I feel honored to have been shown and to be accepted among you. Namaste.
  • Anonymous (not verified)
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    Hubert Sumlin
    Hubert Sumlin - November 16, 1931 – December 4, 2011. "wrenched, shattering bursts of notes, sudden cliff-hanger silences and daring rhythmic suspensions". will we see the like again?
  • TigerLilly
    Weather report was predicting rain and storms
    But instead the sun is beaming through the clouds. It may be a coincidence, but it feels better to imagine that my dad is shining on us today.
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Here's the place to talk about our departed loved ones -- friends, family members, tour buddies, and others we've lost along the way.
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17 years 4 months

Hey folks.It's about 5am and I can't sleep. Feeling a little sentimental. A weird thing happened the other night; I went to this loft / art space / gallery on the fifth floor of some old rundown building downtown Detroit, and the minute I walked in, I'm thinking, man, I've been here before. As I made my way in and looked around, I was sure of it. I had been there, about 15 years ago now, when my friend Jason and a bunch of other folks were living there just after high school. Anyone who went to shows from 92-95 might remember Jason - he stuck out in any crowd, even a lot full of freaks (and I use that term in the most endearing sense). Tall and skinny, always wearing big ol' clunky army boots as he swaggered around, gesturing wildly and talking loudly and enthusiastically to everyone about everything. He was constantly coming up with stupid sayings that would make the rest of us shrug and roll our eyes, though in retrospect I think it was certainly some form of wild-eyed Zen. And we'd always laugh. Some people didn't like Jason, not at first anyway; they'd get turned off by his loud and often obnoxious behavior and mannerisms. But anyone who took about 5 minutes to get to know him loved him. He really had a heart of gold. This was a guy who'd give anything he owned to anybody he thought needed it, or even just kind of liked it. He gave me my first instrument, back in high school, practically demanding I take his bass when I showed an interest in it. It lived with me for over a year while I got a handle on it. Jason's ten years gone now, though sometimes it feels like we were still palling around just yesterday. Other times it feels like several lifetimes ago. I guess the car he was in (as a passenger) slid off of a snowy Colorado mountain road and wrapped itself around a tree. Man, I sure do miss that guy.
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17 years 4 months

Swiss chemist without whom many of our lives would be quite different passed away in his home in Basel this week. Article here.
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17 years 3 months

A real example of history repeating itself? The four students gunned down during the Vietnam-Cambodia war protest held in Kent Ohio, on the campus of Kent State University. I remember it vividly, being a high school senior 30 miles away. I compare this memory frequently with the current administrations efforts in the Middle East. One interesting difference today is that there is little student protest. Toss on some Crosby, Stills, and Nash to honor those who have died, not just for all of our freedoms, but especially for the freedom to express ones views. He's gone.. ..and nothin's gonna bring him back...
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17 years 4 months

The memory of Kent State sends a chill up my spine. Peace Now. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

Tin soldiers and Nixon coming,We're finally on our own. This summer I hear the drumming, Four dead in Ohio. Gotta get down to it Soldiers are cutting us down Should have been done long ago. What if you knew her And found her dead on the ground How can you run when you know?
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17 years 4 months

The more time that passes, the harder it is for me to understand the events at Kent State. Senseless tragedy in the name of patriotism, it seemed then and now, to me. If there was a military draft these daze, I think we'd be seeing this same scenario being played out again, unfortunately. This incident also illustrates that the price a society pays for any freedom goes far beyond military actions, abroad.
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17 years 4 months

RIP Alton Kelly 6-17-1940>6-1-2008RIP Bo Diddly 12-30-1928>6-2-2008 Our love is real, not fade away, not fade away!
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17 years 4 months

He lived here in Spokane, WA for a period. Utah Phillips - singer, songwriter, activist, raconteur and unionist Aidin Vaziri, Chronicle Staff Writer Tuesday, May 27, 2008 Bruce "U. Utah" Phillips, the Grammy-nominated folk singer known for his bushy white beard, tireless tour schedule and equally tireless work for social justice, died of congestive heart failure Friday at his home in Nevada City. He was 73 and had been having health problems in recent years. San Francisco Chronicle article If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 4 months

Rest in peace John, and may the fore winds blow you safely home. Good friend passed away he was 46. He left behind a wife and 2 special kids.
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17 years 4 months

our beautiful girl- two weeks shy of her high school graduation- just barely 18- was killed by a drunk driver may 18, 2008. mimi was a wonderful girl- she had dreams and ideas and a wicked sense of humor. she was going places and becoming and evolving... now she's a box of ashes and a tombstone and a hole in our lives... here we are, 41 and our shining star gone... our child, our hope of grandchildren- our hope for her life will remain unresolved and unfulfilled... oh, the waste and the tragedy of it.... all because some kid was drunk... our lives are forever altered by the selfish behavior of one drunk kid and by the terrible decision-making of the adults who provided alcohol for their party. don't provide kids with alcohol. the law isn't there just to make teenage life miserable and to make some parents 'cooler' than others- the teenage brain (as plenty of brain research will demonstrate) is not capapble of handling alcohol! don't be your kid's friend- be his parent: don't give alcohol to kids! make it really hard for them to get their hands on alcohol! we tried to teach her, and we knew she'd try it out amd that her friends would too- of course we did- we were teenagers once too ( and a deadhead to boot!)-- we knew the danger still lurked. we knew... but oh, my dear God help us cope with this... i know by logic we did all we could, but logic isn't part of the calculation anymore... so, now we are statistics. and we are broken hearted. right now, i can't listen to 'birdsong' --that was her song-- but i hope someday i will again-- caroline
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17 years 4 months

there aren't any words for this. I am so, so sorry. No one should have to go through that.
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17 years 4 months

so sorry for the loss of your good friend.
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17 years 4 months

Steve-O, sorry for your loss. Thoughts and prayers for John's family and friends.Caroline, no words can describe what I felt while reading your post. I can only hope you can hear Birdsong again someday. So sorry.
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17 years 3 months

Steve-O so sorry for the loss of your friend. May the four winds blow him safely home. Caroline, Reading your post broke my heart. May you someday be able to listen to Birdsong and have only sweet memories of your daughter Mimi. Fare you well, fare you well, I love you more than words can tell, Listen to the river sing sweet songs, to rock my soul. May they rest in peace, Gigi
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17 years 4 months

Caroline, my heart goes out to you and all those who love Mimi. Thanks for writing so we can all know her a little.
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17 years 4 months

I am so sorry for your loss. I echo what badger just wrote. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 3 months

Caroline. Is hard to know what to say about your tragic story, other than am sending you the strongest support beams that I can manage. ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 4 months

I'm sorry. "Where does the time go?"
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16 years 11 months

am so sorry for your loss ,, i can`t even think of the words to say right now ... may peace be with all who has lost loved ones ,,, am sending out beams of strength to help you through .... the sun will shine again for you someday ,, it always does ... try to stay strong ,, we are all here for you ....
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16 years 7 months

I'm sorry for your loss. Peace to you.
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16 years 11 months

Hugs to you both. Makes me think of RosaLee McFall Healing Beams... PEACE
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16 years 5 months

though i have lost a dear friend in my brother to a drunk driver. i cant even to begine to kinow what ur pain is for no parent should have to bury a child.i can only say that we as a ppl n a family can stop these sensless tradgeties by not letting the ones we love n even the ones we dont from gettin b hind the wheel after a few drinks.cause only heart ach can come of it . so the strongest of well beams n vibes n many many many prayres to u n your family. bear
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17 years 4 months

sorry to read of the loss of your friend, john.. and loss of a father and companion to his family, so very sad...Fare you well, fare you well you mean more than words can tell Listen to the river sing sweet songs To rest your soul.. peace
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17 years 4 months

as a parent i can not think of the amout of loss you are feeling, i'm very sorry for you and your other...Such a long, long time to be gone and a short time to be there peace
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17 years 4 months

Your condolences mean alot, and I'll surely pass them on to John's family. The funeral was very sad, but the wake was awesome and I'm sure he was there for it!! Peace brother!!! Caroline, Words can't describe the sadness and emptyness you must be feeling. Well beams and healing vibes to you and your family. Peace
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16 years 4 months

My Grand Daddy he was beutiful and Jerry I never knew him i wish i did but his sprit was ment to fly on to the terripan station May there be love in your hearts and dead in your heads!
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17 years 4 months

thank you all- some days we feel very alone, and then mornings like this when it is just me in the house and i am drinking coffee and wandering from room to room- and i remember i can check in on the forums and find someone has been sending us vibes for our girl. it feels so much better to not feel so empty if even for a quarter of an hour... thank you- caroline
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17 years 3 months

You are not alone!!! We are all here with you. If gets real bad, and you want to-send a pm-I will answer. My sister had the same dramatic misfortune as you, last march (well was no drunken driver, but her 18 year old daughter died in a car crash) and have some vague idea how she suffered(s) from the novels of mails she wrote, while trying to process and keep sane. HUG! ********************************** Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone, you will still exist, but you have ceased to live. Samuel Clemens
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17 years 4 months

TL's right, we're here for you. Peace and healing to you.
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17 years 4 months

Much peace and healing to you and John's family too. Losing a friend is really hard.
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17 years 4 months

Condolences to John's family, and Steve-O, may you remember your good times together. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 4 months

Condolences to you for the loss of your friend man.....I hope for peace and healing for his wife and 2 children.....
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17 years 4 months

I'm touched by your story, and I promise to keep it with me, and take something from it as a parent myself.....I'm truly sorry and my heart goes out to you and your family....please please please feel the peace and warmth and healing wishes being sent your way, I cannot imagine what it must be like. I'm incredibly sorry for your loss.
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17 years 4 months

shit, I just heard from a friend, George Carlin passed away in Santa Monica... one of the funniest of the great funnymen. a real original. RIP, George. may the four winds blow you safely home. peace.
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17 years 4 months

RIP george carllin, 5-12-1937>6-22-2008 go tell jerry and pig a joke, and use all seven words peace out
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17 years 3 months

OMG I had to look it up... he had a heart attack ,How F@#$king sad, he was so funny I just saw him in Pitman alittle while ago, he was grate and dirty!!! Always made me laugh...how sad! RIP George
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17 years 4 months

Home to many a great booksigning, including Dead-related, and a Berkeley institution for decades. This is truly a serious bummer.
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17 years 4 months

Just before i reached his cellLet my leash carrying friend sing my request bad day :( my dog archer passed over run free and watch out for the hot-air ballons
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17 years 4 months

Yes, marye. The loss of this and other small independent book stores is a very sad monment indeed. My local one struggles as do most. These stores are very important for intellectual freedom and growth and the exchange of ideas. And for me as book nut they hold a special place of mystery and excitement, you never know what book or journal you may stumble upon or who you will meet or what conversation will ensue. Many also support readings by very independent authors. Folks please support your local independent bookstore. If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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17 years 4 months

Sorry about the loss of your dog Archer. Take care. Peace to you and his spirit, If the doors of perception were cleansed, everything would appear to man as it is, infinite. William Blake
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Member for

17 years 4 months

there's nothing good about losing your dog. I've lost a few, and my present two are getting up there in years, so it's on my mind a lot too. Take care, and safe travel beams to Archer.

Member for

17 years 3 months

... to hear of the loss of your friend Archer. May your broken heart heal fast...
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Member for

17 years 3 months

So sorry to hear that your doggie archer passed so sad....
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Member for

17 years 4 months

heavan is the place where all of the dogs (and other pets and people and plants) you have ever loved are.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

4 all your kind words, showed my daughter, she appreciated them alot (who r these people, do u know them?she asked). happy trails tc
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Member for

17 years 4 months

I wish to Inform the Deadhead community that my Best Friend in the entire world as passed and any fellow heads that would know him (and there were many, many heads)should know that this happened, particularily Tony in Portland that i do not know how to contact but I saw at the 2004 show there with the Dead. Andy was a model deadhead in his belief system or principals. Jerry would of have been proud to call him friend , he never wanted to be a typical fan or hassle anyone at anytime. He was my music partner we went to so many shows together , the ones on my profile is a small sampling. His knowledge of the music and the Dead plus numerous other band community was like a library of knowledge , The vault people could of used Andy. The following is his Obit and the DEADHEADS worldwide weather you knew him or not, should heed to his passing. His story is 30 years plus and amazing. It would take more space than I'm provided to tell the story from beginning to end. I have been given his music collection , which is quite extensive in tapes as well as CD's , Probably more than 3000 pieces or more. I will be cataloging this collection of live shows and all. The following is the OBIT , My Tears have flown for three days now since I found out. Yesterday was the big day for the furneral and being with his family. I have known Andy since we were 15 years old. John Andrew "Andy" Vojtko John Andrew "Andy" Vojtko of Libertyville Visitation for John Andrew "Andy" Vojtko, 45, will be from 1 p.m. until the time of the services at 2 p.m. Saturday, June 28, at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 29700 N. St. Mary's Road, Libertyville, with Pastor Robert Davis officiating. Born Aug. 18, 1962, in Libertyville, he passed away Wednesday, June 25, 2008. Andy had lived in the Libertyville-Mundelein area all his life. He was a 1980 graduate of Libertyville High School, received an associates degree from the College of Lake County and attended Illinois State University. He was a charter member of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Libertyville and was employed as a cook at Winchester House for many years. Andy enjoyed music, model trains, the outdoors, various pets and cooking. Surviving are his parents, Gerald and Delores Vojtko of Libertyville; two sisters, Jane (Charles) Binning of Cornville, Ariz. and Lynne (Darren) Rogers of Wauconda; and his favorite nephew and niece, Ethan and Brianna Rogers. Memorial contributions can be made to your favorite charity. Arrangements were made by Burnett-Dane Funeral Home, Libertyville, 847-362-3009. Published in the Chicago Suburban Daily Herald on 6/27/2008.
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Member for

17 years 4 months

Very sorry to hear of this. Did not know him but he sounds like a wonderful man. Will be thinking of him and his family. Fare thee well fellow deadhead,we will miss you. peace,pk
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Member for

16 years 11 months

Healing Beams Heading to Andy's friends & family, 'May the four winds blow you safely home.." PEACE