• 1,335 replies
    Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.


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  • cosmicbadger
    no offence taken
    I agree Stuman. Vista sucks. Lets hope Windows 7 will be better now that we have all paid to debug Vista for them. It may be worth avoiding the built in burner and instead use a separate (and free) burning programme such as Burn4Free
  • stuman
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    vista and xp compatability
    First thing , no offence to vist users but umm vista sucks . thats just my opinion of course. From time to time discs burned with vista are not compatible with xp systmes . so here is what my wife has to do everytime she burns a disc for me . " First go to my computer - click on open it will say "burn a disc" disc title she has to leave blank - just leave the date there or it will not burn correctly - there is a "show formating options" with an arrow button , click on it then click -mastered- then drag and drop - then click burn to disc. " Now i dunno if all vista systmes are like this but thats how my wife has to do it . I hope this helps .. Take care and I hope everyone has a super nice day !! Stu ..
  • pomo1
    "Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."Albert Einstein
  • Exploratory Da…
    As of August 21, the viner known as Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) has changed his name officially to Exploratory Data Analysis Dead (EDAD). We are sorry for any incovenience this may cause.
  • Ursa Minor
    Ok, I'll ring in on the debate...
    Like many here I remember the days of analog and the introduction to digital. I will say after being immersed in digital since the mid 80's and up until about a year ago, I've made the swtich back to analog format. What I mean is I prefer analog for many reasons. Of course, I don't have all these shows on cassette , reels and LP anymore; I have my share of CD's, DATs, DVDs and HD's, but I now employ a complete analog system. I use a Dynaco ST-70 tube amp and a Dynaco PAS-2 tube preamp. I also use my Revox A-77 reel to reel, Thorens TD-125 mk II turntable with the Shure SME 3009 R2 tone arm, and I've got a Yamaha KX-630 tape deck. I've also got a Sony DAT ZA5ES. I'm using a assortment of speakers from Bose 301 series II mid 80's, Altec late 70's bookshelfs, and finally getting some Klipsch La Scalla's from mid 80's. I use a regular commericial Sony CD player but use a "cheap" but effective digital to analog converter that uses a Burr Brown PCM-1716 chip. I use the digital out from the CD player into the DA converter...so there is only one conversion to analog. What I'm saying is this: old debate of digital is compressed anyway in comparison to a nice master reel, well pressed LP. Of course, digital get's better when the sample rate is higher and the resolution increases. However, I still will contend after years of using digital professionally as a studio engineer and as a musician has it's advantages greatly, but I still rather fancy the sound of analog better. As for the archive , it's simply that a resource library of digital material. One thing for sure is that digital is THE way for mass producing and distributing music. However, just last year the greatest increase in sales was in vinyl records that are being pressed by re-issues of older recordings or new releases by artists who relish analog formats. by the way, you can still get the digital SBD stuff via stream if you really want to work at it you get a digital s/pdif output from your computer via the USB - take that feed and go digital into a either another HD or DAT - then you can input that into some editing software splice the gaps, it won't be bit for bit, but it will be marginal digital quality... Ursa Minor http://www.myspace.com/donnieloeffler "the warm wet world of analog audio"
  • cosmicbadger
    Lossless DL from Archive
    For GD shows you can only do this for Audience recordings. Soundboards may only be streamed. Go for example to http://www.archive.org/details/gd1975-06-17.aud.unknown.87560.flac16 Scroll down the page to the heading Individual Files. You will see a whole table of files and formats. The first column is headed FLAC. Click on each file to DL it. Tedious but it works. If you DL the Down'em all plug in for Firefox you can DL all the FLACs in one go and save a lot of bother. Other Artists let you DL FLACs of Soundboards, including David Gans http://www.archive.org/details/DG20030420.flac16
  • stuman
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    I agree with you
    Hey we have to have somthing to talk about , lol .. And I agree with the rest of what you said CB. You said we can download flac from the archives site ? that one is still a mystery to me . maybe I`m doing something wrong there . And yes we should purchase some offical releases when we can , and I do that when my credit card allows me to do so ..
  • cosmicbadger
    Archive ramble
    Perhaps it is better not to think of The Archive as a trading site, but as a permanent online library. It is like a massive stored music collection that belongs to everyone. So downloading a file as an MP3 from the Archive is like making an MP3 from your own losslessly stored music collection. So long as the FLAC/SHN files remain permanently on the Archive in unaltered state, then anyone can always go back there and guarantee to get the best possible version. It is a matter of honesty and trust that people do not upload files to the Archive that have a misrepresented lineage. And there are people out there who will soon detect an MP3 generation in a file by looking at the frequency range. By withdrawing permission for making Soundboards downloadable from the Archive the Dead helped create all this muddle over formats etc. If we all knew that the best quality shows were permanently stored and available 24/7 on our behalf in the best available (ideally lossless) format, then many of these discussions would not be taking place and the trading and torrenting sites we use might not exist in their current forms. But what then would we all have to talk about? Of course the Dead had reasons for doing what they did. There is the issue of intellectual property of their works (important to any artist) and, naturally, money (Blair Jackson has reported here that the Archive virtually killed off sales of the later Dicks Picks releases). So now it is a bit harder and more confusing to get all the shows we want as easily as we want, but it is not really that much hassle. And we should not forget just what an act of tolerance and generosity it is that this site tolerates open trading of shows that are not officially released. One way of saying thanks is to try to buy at least some of the official releases. It would be interesting to know how the sales of the these are holding up, given that fact that, despite the Archive restrictions, most of the shows are still quite easy to obtain.
  • stuman
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    WAV has loss too
    I recentley been listening to a show in flac format via Foobar 2K. I then converted that show to WAV so i could burn it to disc , well it sounds way different to me ..the high`s and lows are cut down and it dos`nt have that punch you in the face feel to it anymore . I`m glad i save everything in flac mode .. Now I have been working in the mechanical services industry all my life ie, cars, trucks, small engines ,motor cycles, so I have a pretty good ear for sound . I can hear a bolt rattling loose on my Harley when i`m going down the road at 80 mph. plus I did own a small electronics repair shop for a little bit ( that was more just a hobby actually ) so I`m familliar with osciloscopes and how sound waves look and sound like .I built speach prossesors for cb radios that compressed the highs to make cb raidios sound like they had more power then they actually did , by increasing the sound modulation.. I`m suprised I can hear like that at my age , lol .. So with the help of CB and Rick I discovered the foobar programand nothing sounds as good as shn/flac , not wav not mp3 not any of the popular formats.. Now getting back to the LL web site , if it is not permited to seed from a mp3 converted to flac then why is there a link to the archives site for a some of those shows ? I mean anyone can create a flac file . I have a tape to pc converting program so i can archive my personal tapes to my pc then burn to disc. now with that progran and that tape deck I can record any streaming audio then send it back through my antique EQ then back into my pc make needed changes , create the text document , use traders little helper to create the md5 checksum and then create the flac files . And the end product is somthing that sounds better then the original audio .. I know there was somthing else i wanted to say but i can`t remember it now .. Anyway , I hope everyone has a most excelent day !!
  • Lopezz
    No, wav files are lossless
    But they are not compressed. And you can copy an mp3 from one folder to another and not lose any information, It's just in editing software. Of course when the mp3 was originaly made it lost the info on the high and low end of the song to make it smaller. But you can copy an mp3 to another computer or disc as an mp3 and it remains the same file. If you want to see some generation loss try this. Convert some mp3's to wav and burn cd with them. Then take that cd and convert the wav files back to mp3 and compare to the original mp3s.
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Member for

17 years 9 months
Got ideas for how things should be run differently in the Vineyard? Improvements? Suggestions? Brainstorms? Truckloads of fertilizer? Post here.,On the floor at MSG... one perfect song after another...and we were beyond elated with disbelief and gratitude. This was truely a fantasy set list and, in my opinion, the best of my 8 show run.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

thinking of you both.....please drop by to say hi when the time is right.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

I have been away for a while. I finally sent the 69 Vine on to Derek. So many issues with this site and also having personal issues makes it hard to maintain my enthusiasm. I also will not spend money on releases when I have no clue what shows will be included. Its insulting. However, I will be forever grateful to Mary and this site and all the viners. I now have tons of music that i will always cherish. Also, the site rejuvenated my interest in the Dead, as I got off the bus in 1985 and got back on 20 years later. Looking forward to seeing Furthur at MSG Thursday, and in Atlantic City Sat. night. Thanks again to all.
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16 years 4 months

It appears that Nathan (Long Dead) has taken a break from vining. I have been unsuccessful in any attempts to contact him. Not that there is anything wrong with taking a break since I myself will be on one. However, I did send him my Nov 1970 Vine which I will have to re-seed after only one person which sucks but it's life. If there are any vines anyone is on that are stuck with him, could we please make a list or post it in the proper thread? Also I request his name be placed at the bottom of any list he is on or removed entirely until we hear from him. The most important thing in the vineyard is to keep the music moving so I do not mean this as a personal attack. These are the vines I know of that are stuck with him: November 1970 Vine http://www.dead.net/forum/november-1970-vine December 1986 Vine http://www.dead.net/forum/december-1986-vine If I need to reseed the 1986 Vine, please pm me. Also, it appears Riley (sportzfreak260) is holding up some vines too (some from June it appears). Has anyone heard from him? Take care and happy vining to all -Jake
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I was wondering if any one else in the vineyard does geocaching? My wife and I have found a small "travel bug" in a local cache and would like to send it some where further than another local cache. PM me if you play and are interested. Robert
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16 years 2 months

Is on its way to John Parker. I couldn't find the thread anywhere...
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Glad to see Keith was able to post the reseeds for the vines I sent his way. With so much going on, I really wanted to get these out before the holidays so thank you Keith for helping me (and the vineyard). A lot of the long-term viners here have these but for the newer members in the vineyard community, jump on board. You will not be disappointed. Since I am taking time off from the vineyard, I'd like to wish everyone an early Happy Holidays and Happy New Year. Best wishes to all and your families, -Jake
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Happy Holidays Dead-Heads!I have a bunch of old seeds that I would like to try to get moving again, but when I do a search for the vine and then post a message, It dosen't appear under the stickies. I guess the message is there, but it remains burried on a high page number and no one sees it. I imagine this might be part of the reason for dead vines (no pun intended). Any recomendations? Peace, Chris
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Why is the Meta topic so hard to get to.I used to just go to the Vineyard, and the sticky was right there. Now, I either have to do a search for it, or go to tapers, etc. Is the site stilled having problems for anyone else? Peace, Chris
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Many problems :(
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Member for

17 years 1 month

I had another hard drive bite the dust while I was out on holiday. I have an old drive I can replace it with but I am missing a part. Does anyone out there have an old external drive that doesn't work any more they would be willing to part with? I don't need the hard drive itself just the chip that the usb and power plug into. Any brand will work too, in fact the only brand that won't work is a western digital my book essential. PM me if you might have one, thanks Robert
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13 years 5 months

I'm probably not posting this in the right place, but........having trouble converting shn files on my new macbook. Any suggestions??
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Member for

14 years 8 months

Hey gang,Does anyone know of an easy to use program that can tag cover art to MP3 files? (for ex: some nice artwork was created for the "30 Days of the Dead" MP3's. How do I tag the artwork to the files?) Thanks! Peace, Chris
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Member for

17 years 1 month

Try itunes. At the top of itunes click "File" then "Add file to library..." or "Add folder to library..." if you want to add them all at once. After the song has imported to itunes, find it , left click on it to highlight it click "File" at the top again then click "Get info". Here you can put all the tags in including artwork. After you are done if you want to give the Mp3 to someone else right click on it hit "copy" then hit "paste" on your desktop and your new Mp3 will appear with tags and artwork embedded.
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Member for

13 years 2 months

Thanks for welcoming me aboard the vine. Im misplaced in Costa Rica andneed the fellowship here.
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Member for

17 years 7 months

...i am moving in a couple of weeks so please pm me for my new address before sending me any vines.
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Member for

17 years 1 month

to these shows a lot lately. I doubt there is enough intrest in a vine, but if anyone wants copies PM me. Adele Live In Session On MBE - KCRW FM 2011 Live IN WXPN World Cafe 2011-02-04 8 april 2011 paradiso amsterdam. Regina Spektor Live In Session On MBE - KCRW FM 2009 2010-07-03 Heineken Open'er Festival 2010 Corona Capital Festival 2010-10-16 Live at Sydney Opera House, Sydney 2010-04-27 29 June 2006 BBC Broadcasting House, London. Bonnaroo Music Festival June 13, 2010 She & Him Bimbo's 365 Club November 3, 2008 Santa Cruz, CA May 28, 2010 2010.07.06 Terminal 5 New York, NY Lykke Li - Live In Session On MBE - KCRW FM 2011
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17 years 1 month

Some friends of mine are making a documentary of the Ozark Music Festival . It was a three day festival in my home town (Sedalia, MO) that took place July 19-21 1974. If you can find any recordings from these artists from this time time let me know. Bachman–Turner Overdrive Blue Öyster Cult The Eagles America Marshall Tucker Band The Nitty Gritty Dirt Band Boz Scaggs Ted Nugent David Bromberg Leo Kottke Cactus The Earl Scruggs Revue Lynyrd Skynyrd Electric Flag Bob Seger & the Silver Bullet Band Joe Walsh and Barnstorm The Souther Hillman Furay Band The Ozark Mountain Daredevils Charlie Daniels Band Triphammer Bill Quateman Fresh Start Babe Ruth Locomotiv GT Aerosmith Shawn Phillips REO Speedwagon Spirit You can PM me here or email me at: Higher-Than-The-Sun@hotmail.com
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Member for

16 years 4 months

Just saw this posted on deadlists (From July 10, 2012): Back in 2009, Charlie Miller circulated a lone Midnight Hour "from an unknown show": He wrote: "This Midnight Hour was on the end of Rob Eaton's 2/14/70 Dat, which he got from Dick Latvala. It was labeled as the encore. Obviously, it's not from 2/14/70. You can tell by the mix that it is from 1968." Actually, this Midnight Hour is the encore from the Family Dog, 9/6/69. David Lemieux has included this a couple times on the dead.net Taper's Section. Only the first 45 minutes of the show have circulated. The Vault just has the last two songs, Casey Jones & Midnight Hour. Jefferson Airplane played after the Dead - in fact, on the Taper's Section clip you can hear Garcia saying after MH, "Jefferson Airplane, coming up next."
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16 years 4 months

Just saw this posted on deadlists (From July 10, 2012): Back in 2009, Charlie Miller circulated a lone Midnight Hour "from an unknown show": http://archive.org/details/gd1968-00-00.sbd.miller.97671.flac16 He wrote: "This Midnight Hour was on the end of Rob Eaton's 2/14/70 Dat, which he got from Dick Latvala. It was labeled as the encore. Obviously, it's not from 2/14/70. You can tell by the mix that it is from 1968." Actually, this Midnight Hour is the encore from the Family Dog, 9/6/69. David Lemieux has included this a couple times on the dead.net Taper's Section. http://www.dead.net/features/tapers-section/august-29-september-4-2011 Only the first 45 minutes of the show have circulated. The Vault just has the last two songs, Casey Jones & Midnight Hour. Jefferson Airplane played after the Dead - in fact, on the Taper's Section clip you can hear Garcia saying after MH, "Jefferson Airplane, coming up next."
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Member for

14 years 1 month

To Jake for reseeding all the missing '67, '68 and '69 vines.You be the MAN Jake! Yeah,just like a kid turned loose in a freakin' candy store I am. Thanks again.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

you guys I know I don't come around here much anymore but the vineyard will always be a place I will cherish, for the music and the people who formed this community. I am probably coming across like a big ol jerk here but I don't care because this guy here .. carolina boy ... single handily took the vineyard down. a bunch of us went to a lot of work to reseed all the vines he STOLE from here. I'm getting emotional right now because I must sound like an asshole but I don't care ... i just hope someone from the old days who remembers backs me up... please do not trade with him ... I mean actually do whatever you want but I know what he did to the vineyard and I am letting you all know
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16 years 4 months

Mark, I completely agree with u. Idk if he thinks enough time has passed and we forgot but I certainly have not. I wholeheartedly encourage a banishment of him from any vines he is on. I too do not speak ill of anyone; this has always been a great community. But if any vines he is on gets sent to him and not passed along I too will be done with this place.
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Member for

17 years 9 months

'back in the day' I can agree that I have watched while several individuals took and took and ended up being 'vine killers'. They showed up, got on the list to receive the vine and then never sent them onto those next on the list. While I have not been as active, of late I will agree with my brothers comments that it is difficult to keep the vineyard producing when some just take and take. I wish I had an answer. For a while we were attentive and kept track and then ericat and then Markinthedark helped us attend to keeping the vineyard going. But if we don't identify those that are toxic to the cause don't be surprised when so many vines die. I don't think that Jake R and JackstrawfromCo would be expressing these concerns if carolina boy didn't have a history. Has he reseeded the vines that disappeared when sent to him ? A show of good faith? I can't be the 'vine cop' and I have watched as that role has unfortunately burnt out several of my brothers in the Vineyard. And they are gone. FYI- I have reseeded many CDs to get vines back on track here, both with the vines I started and ones that were seeded by others. Saying that isn't to expect praise but to offer that I have invested in the Vineyard, and have been given back far more than I have put into this wonderful space. The Wheel does go round.. I will say to those on the vineyard that our history is right here to view. Fool me once shame on you fool me twice shame on me. Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.
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16 years 4 months

I just bumped all of Fall 72 and the entire 73 vines. Lot of stuff is lost over the pond unfortnately and lost in the server change-over.
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Member for

16 years 2 months

Thanks for backing me up and thank you too Jake. People are funneling vines to carolina boy I see and all I can say is "whatever". I tried being the vine cop but it was a grueling, thankless job and I spent way too much time and resources re-seeding vines and doing the follow ups with folks. No one could do what markinthedark did, and I suspect much like me he got way too burned out. I love a lot of you out there but the people with total disregard I cannot deal with anymore. I am signed up for the two 83 vines and I hope someone who has my email address could email me when they are coming my way I would be very grateful. Then I am officially out of here. The 72 europe bullshit and now the new site are making me crazy too so again, take care everyone I love you I loved trading with y'all but it is really time for me to say fare thee well. If you have my email drop me a letter and I'd love to trade that way with you but I am done here. Mark
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Member for

14 years 4 months

I think I have your email pretty sure you have mine next time you are up this way..... take care amigo!
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Member for

15 years 11 months

Haven't been around here for a while... but things are different huh?? JackstrawfromColorado.... let me know what shows you need.... I have them all pretty much covered. Sorry to see there has been some toxins in the Vineyard.... doesn't take much to kill 'em off.... Hope everyone is otherwise well. -Raymond.
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Member for

9 years 6 months

You all have my word that the vines I am sent will be carefully tended until they are ready to be passed along. Love and Gratitude to those who invest in endlessly seeding. The Music Never Stops!