- Post reply Log in to post comments971 repliesmaryeJoined:Shut out of the show you just have to see? This is the place to see if anyone's got extras.
- windysuisunJoined:Any luck so far?
July 16 seems to be the one show for sure I can go to. And like my recent post says I'm going down on special Larkspur ferry to Oracle- already invested in 2 round trip boat tix and searching for actual entry tickets without dealing with dreaded ticket master.. wanted to know if any kind souls have contacted you? Thx for reply. Windysuisun
- CoryDannerJoined:Looking for two to Riverbend and Deer Creek
Long time fan wanting to see the shows, but can't afford the crazy prices. If anyone out there could be a savior to me and my buddy, it would be amazing. Willing to pay some, but don't have a ton. Any help is appreciated!
Thanks! Cory
iusoc4@yahoo.com - dyedstokedJoined:Looking For a Miracle for 3 nights at Boulder, CO
Looking for a miracle! i'm searching for 1-2 tickets for the three shows at Folsom Field. I'm visiting a friend who goes to CU Boulder who has never seen the dead live and was hoping that anyone has any tickets that they're willing to part ways for face value. I'm looking for two tickets for one of the shows that weekend and one ticket for the other two. Please let me know if you have any to spare.
Thank you!