• 296 replies
    Since things seem to have gone a bit haywire with the old New Vines topic, I'm starting a new one. Here's the basic info on what the deal is with vines, for those just joining us: With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! -- Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine". MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are in audio CD format, so the m


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  • JBH69Flyer
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    Improvements? Really?
    All these new improvements are slowly eroding my confidence in this system. Disappearing vines, lost messages, etc. Sorry but it has become almost impossible to work with this new, improved system. Best Wishes to All!! I'll be around alot less until the gurus actually accomplish something!! Jimmy
  • marye
    it's right
    here, isn't it?
  • DeadNoise
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    1978 patchwork quilt vine
    seems to be lost in a vineyard vortex....
  • friscokid77
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    GD Philly '93 Vine
    Well, Philadelphia is certainly getting representedin the Vineyard lately! (Thanks JakeR!) ;o) So ... here's some more from Philly! 9/13 was not only one of my favorite post-Brent shows, but also one of the first times I appreciated Vince. (check out his "Tubular Bells" jam during Space). Here are the 3 Fall shows from the Spectrum in excellent sound quality! (Viva La C.Miller SB's!) 1 DVD FLAC format + 1 Bonus surprise Jerry disc! gd93-09-12.dsbd.miller.28783.sbeok.flac16 gd93-09-13.dsbd.miller.34030.sbeok.flac16 gd93-09-14.sbd.miller.28786.sbeok.flac16 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9/12/93 - Grateful Dead The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA Recording Info: SBD -> Master Dat (48k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony 500) -> Behringer UltraMatch SRC2000 -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net 3/27/05 Notes: -- Seamless transition between discs 2 and 3. Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Touch Of Grey d1t03 - Walkin' Blues d1t04 - Loser d1t05 - Desolation Row d1t06 - Cumberland Blues d1t07 - Eternity d1t08 - Loose Lucy d1t09 - Picasso Moon set 2: d2t01 - Samson And Delilah d2t02 - Lazy River Road d2t03 - Truckin' -> d2t04 - He's Gone -> d2t05 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - The Other One -> d3t03 - Stella Blue -> d3t04 - Throwing Stones -> d3t05 - Turn On Your Lovelight Encore: d3t06 - Knockin' On Heaven's Door %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Grateful Dead - September 13, 1993 The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA Recording Info: SBD -> Master Dat (48k) Transfer Info: Master Dat (Sony R500) -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude Profesional v8.01 -> FLAC (3 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) All Transfers and Mastering By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net April 14, 2006 Notes: -- Seamless transition between Discs 2 and 3 Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Hell In A Bucket d1t03 - Jack-A-Roe d1t04 - The Same Thing d1t05 - Stagger Lee d1t06 - Black Throated Wind d1t07 - Dire Wolf d1t08 - Let It Grow Set 2: d2t01 - Tuning d2t02 - Scarlet Begonias -> d2t03 - Fire On The Mountain -> d2t04 - Playing In The Band -> d2t05 - Dark Star -> d2t06 - Terrapin Station -> d2t07 - Drums -> d3t01 - Space -> d3t02 - Easy Answers -> d3t03 - Days Between -> d3t04 - Good Lovin' Encore: d3t05 - Crowd/Tuning d3t06 - I Fought The Law %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 9/14/93 - Grateful Dead The Spectrum - Philadelphia, PA Recording Info: SBD -> Master Dat (48k) Transfer Info: Dat (Sony 500) -> Behringer UltraMatch SRC2000 -> SEK'D Prodif Plus -> Samplitude v7.02 Professional -> FLAC (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs FLAC) Transferred and Edited By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net 3/27/05 Notes: -- Seamless transition between discs. Set 1: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Help On The Way -> d1t03 - Slipknot! -> d1t04 - Franklin's Tower d1t05 - New Minglewood Blues d1t06 - Broken Arrow d1t07 - Brown Eyed Women -> d1t08 - When I Paint My Masterpiece d1t09 - Bird Song Set 2: d1t10 - Tuning d1t11 - Iko Iko d1t12 - Looks Like Rain d2t01 - Way To Go Home -> d2t02 - Crazy Fingers -> d2t03 - Corrina -> d2t04 - Drums -> d2t05 - Space -> d2t06 - The Last Time -> d2t07 - Wharf Rat -> d2t08 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d2t09 - Brokedown Palace %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
  • Jake R
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    Shoreline '88 Vine
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////gd88-09-30.nak700.sbd.reutelhuber.miller.21093.sbeok.shnf gd88-10-01.sbd.sacks.7728.sbeok.shnf gd88-10-02.sbd.tetzeli.34467.reflac.flac16 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// 9/30/88 - Grateful Dead Shoreline Amphitheater Mountain View, CA Set One Recording Info: (FOB/Section 102) Nakamichi CM700/CP701 -> dbx II -> Cassette Master (Sony TC-D5M) Set One Transfer Info: Cassette Master (Nakamichi Cassette Deck 1) -> dbx 224x -> Mytek 8X96ADC -> Nuendo (24bit) -> Samplitude v7.02 -> SHN (2 Discs Audio / 2 Discs SHN) Set Two Recording Info: SBD -> Cassette Master -> Dat -> CD -> EAC -> SHN Process Info: --slight eq with waves Q10 and slight dynamic expansion with waves C4 and rendered down to a 16 bit file with waves L2. Editing Info: --Tracked and Normalized with Samplitude v7.02 Professional. Recorded and Transfered BY Bill Reutelhuber Edited and SHN'd By Charlie Miller charliemiller87@earthlink.net 12/15/03 Set One: d1t01 - Tuning d1t02 - Iko Iko d1t03 - Walkin' Blues d1t04 - Stagger Lee d1t05 - Me And My Uncle -> d1t06 - Big River d1t07 - When Push Comes To Shove d1t08 - Let It Grow Set Two: d2t01 - Bertha d2t02 - Playin' In The Band -> d2t03 - Terrapin Station -> d2t04 - Drums -> d2t05 - Space -> d2t06 - The Wheel -> d2t07 - All Along The Watchtower -> d2t08 - Black Peter -> d2t09 - Sugar Magnolia Encore: d2t10 - U.S. Blues /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Grateful Dead -- Shoreline Amphitheatre -- Mountain View, CA October 1, 1988 Cassette Soundboard>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN(seekable) Disk 1: Set I: 1. Hell In A Bucket 2. Sugaree 3. Little Red Rooster 4. Friend Of The Devil 5. Queen Jane Approximately 6. Tennessee Jed 7. Cassidy 8. Don't Ease Me In Disk 2: Set II: 1. Victim Or The Crime-> 2. Scarlet Begonias-> 3. Fire On The Mountain-> 4. Drums-> 5. Space-> 6. The Other One-> 7. I Need A Miracle-> 8. Uncle John's Band-> 9. Morning Dew, 10. E: One More Saturday Night EAC/SHN by Darrin (dnsacks@usa.net) -- Seeded to etree 1/2002 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Grateful Dead 10/2/88 Shoreline Amphitheatre Mountain View, CA ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Fix of shnid 7637 The bass track at the end of CD 2 was a carbon copy of the first minute and a half of d3t01, except d3t01 had a < 1 second gap. I picked a splice point on both tracks, deleted the redundant material in between, and fused the two into one seamless track (new d3t01), then got rid of d2t08. The nonseekable shns were converted to FLAC and any resulting SBEs from the fix were corrected with shntool. Bill Tetzeli (btet@adelphia.net) 4/7/2006 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ When this source was first circulated, the flac files contained REPLAYGAIN tags. The wav files compressed inside the flac files are fine, but if you listen to the flac files themselves using a player like WinAMP, these tags cause all the tracks to be played at the same volume. That's not good for concerts where some tracks are supposed to be louder than others. There's a new version of this source available. It has exactly the same wav files; it's just the flac wrapper that's different, the wrapper doesn't have REPLAYGAIN set anymore. The new version has the same ffp file (since the wav's are the same), but a new md5 file (since the flac files are different). The md5 file for the old source is called "orig-flac-replaygain-md5"; the md5 file for the good new source is called "flac-md5". If you have a source for this that matches the ffp, you can create the new source by unflac'ing the old source and then recompressing at flac level 8 using the flac command line tool or the flac frontend. From now on, only the new version of the source should be circulated. SteveSw - Nov, 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cassette Soundboard>DAT>CDR>EAC>SHN(seekable)>WAV>FLAC Disk 1: Set I: 1. Cold Rain & Snow 2. Minglewood Blues 3. Peggy-O 4. Memphis Blues 5. To Lay Me Down 6. Box Of Rain 7. Deal Disk 2: Set II: 1. Spacey Tuning-> 2. Crazy Fingers-> 3. Samson & Delilah 4. Space-> 5. Estimated Prophet-> 6. Eyes Of The World-> 7. Drums-> Disk 3 Set II, cont.: 1. Phil Space->Space-> 2. Gimme Some Lovin'-> 3. Stella Blue-> 4. Throwing Stones-> 5. Not Fade Away, 6. E: Black Muddy River EAC/SHN by Darrin (dnsacks@usa.net) -- Seeded to etree 1/2002 ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  • Jake R
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    Spectrum '88 Vine
    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////gd88-09-08.sbd.donaldson-tetzeli.retrack.xxxxx.sbeok.flac16 gd88-09-09.sbd.unknown.14840.sbeok.shnf gd88-09-11.s1.sbd.tobin.81175.sbeok.flac16 gd88-09-11.s2.sbd.fishman.17408.sbefail.shnf gd88-09-12.sbd.nawrocki.11265.sbeok.shnf /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Grateful Dead 9/8/88 The Spectrum Philadelphia, Pa. Retracked version of shnid 1561 Audio data are 100% identical to original .shn source, as confirmed with included .cfp checksums Original source information as follows: SBD>Metal Cassette Master>DAT Tascam DA20>HHb850>CDR by tDonaldson & friends CDR>EAC>CDR by johncva@aol.com CDR>EAC>MKW Utility>.shn files by johncva@aol.com Further editing by Bill Tetzeli: - decoded Shn > WAV in Trader's Little Helper - merged .wavs into one track using WaveMerge - split into separate tracks using CDWave - Flaced level 6 with Flac Frontend - CFP of original .shns created with TLH. FLAC CFP created by replacing .shn references with references to FLAC files via text editing, to insure CFP checksum was identical. FLACs verify using CFP checksum, therefore total FLAC audio data confirmed identical to .shns. - all other checksums likewise created in TLH - FLAC metatags added in mp3tag Retracked and seeded to shnflac.net 4/1/2009 CD 1 (set 1): 1. Crowd/tuning 2. Let the Good Times Roll 3. Shakedown Street 4. Walking Blues 5. To Lay Me Down 6. It's All Over Now 7. Loser 8. Let it Grow CD 2 (set 2): 1. Crowd/tuning 2. Bertha > 3. Greatest Story Ever Told 4. Crazy Fingers > 5. Truckin’ > 6. Jam > 7. Drums > 8. Space > 9. The Wheel > 10. I Need a Miracle > 11. Dear Mr. Fantasy > 12. Hey Jude refrain > 13. Lovelight Encore: 14. Black Muddy River Known remaining flaws: - silence of a few seconds at beginning and end of set I, end of set II. Left intact so CFPs would verify. - cut in Wheel at 29 secs. /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Grateful Dead 09-09-88 (Fri) The Spectrum Philadelphia, PA Source: SBD > Cass Master > DAT > CDR > CDR > EAC > SHN Disc 1 - Set 1 01. Hell in a Bucket> 02. Sugaree 03. Minglewood Blues 04. Brown Eyed Women 05. Me & My Uncle> 06. Big River 07. Candyman 08. Queen Jane 09. Don't Ease Disc 2 - Set 2 (requires 80 minute CD) 01. Tuning 02. China Cat Sunflower > I Know You Rider 03. Playing in the Band> 04. Terrapin Station> 05. Drumz > Space 06. //I Will Take You Home> 07. All Along the Watchtower> 08. Believe It or Not> 09. Sugar Magnolia 10. Sunshine Daydream 11. E: Mighty Quinn The cut in "I Will Take you Home is on the master according to the document that came with the discs. There were a few Dropouts at the end of d1t09 Don't Ease Me In during the audience, I removed them with Cool Edit. EAC/SHN done by Darryl Hinko (flyerfanatic) Thanks to Joe Masino for the source discs. From The SHN Traders Enjoy! /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Grateful Dead 09/11/88 (Mickey Hart's Birthday) The Spectrum Philadelphia, PA 1st Set Only Source: (Healy Mix)SBD > MC > CD Set 1 1. Iko Iko 2. Feel Like A Stranger-> 3. Franklin's Tower, 4. Little Red Rooster, 5. Peggy-O, 6. Memphis Blues, 7. Tennessee Jed, 8. Promised Land CD received from Lisa Biasi to work on an audience video of this show using Lazy Cow assets. EAC extraction 100% for all files. Lisa's copy does not have the hiss that is present on other seeds of this set. A speed problem (approx 2.5 seconds fast per 1 minute) as compared to the video was corrected along with the following patches using the Lazy Cow video audio track (JVC Single Tube Camera, Nak 300 Shotguns). Performed the following patches: 1) Between Little Red Rooster and Peggy O - 47.007 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from the video's audio track. 2) Between Memphis Blues and Tennessee Jed - 36.212 seconds were missing from sbd - patched and normalized from the video's audio track. - Mixed by kevtobin@yahoo.com - FLAC conversion 21-DEC-2006 Grateful Dead 09/11/88 (Mickey Hart's Birthday) Set 2 only The Spectrum Philadelphia, PA Source: Matrix DSBD>D>CD>EAC>WAV>Cool Edit Processing (drop out cross-fades)>SHN (seekable, via MKWACT) All EAC Extractions came up 100.00 in accuracy. I did not create a log file for disk 1, but you'll have to trust ... Disk 1 1. Foolish Heart -> 2. Victim Or The Crime, 3. Scarlet Begonias-> 4. Fire On The Mountain-> 5. Drums-> 6. Space-> Disk 2 1. The Wheel-> 2. Stella Blue-> 3. Throwing Stones-> 4. Not Fade Away 5. Crowd Noise and NFA Chants 6. NFA Chants and Band Joins In 7. It's All Over Now Baby Blue (Encore) Note: I believe this is a somewhat significant improvement on the existing seed of 9/11/88 that is out there. There was no hiss on my DAT, so I believe this is a Digital SBD or a very fine cassette master. NO NOISE-REDUCTION was performed on this seed Edits: 1. Drop outs removed using Cool Edit and Cross Fades at 3:15 of D1.T1 2. Drop outs removed using Cool Edit and Cross Fades at 1:50 and 2:11 at D1.T2 3. My original Disks had D1 ending at Wheel and D2 Starting at Stella Blue. Both were faded in. Used Cool Edit Pro 1.2 to reconstruct a contiguous (non fade between Wheel and Stella Blue) Created by JR Fishman NY, NY fishmanj_98@yahoo.com /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Grateful Dead The Spectrum Philadelphia, PA 9.12.88 Source: SBD/Matrix > MC > DAT > CDR > EAC > mkwACT Thanks to Dan Szymanski for the source discs EAC'd/Seeded by Doug Nawrocki *sub-second dropout at 5:27 in Dupree's fixed with Cool Edit Pro Set 1/CD 1: Jack Straw Althea Never Trust A Woman Dire Wolf Cassidy Dupree's Diamond Blues Masterpiece When Push Comes to Shove Music Never Stopped CD 2/Set 2: Box Of Rain Cold Rain And Snow Women Are Smarter Eyes Of The World Drumz CD 3: Space The Other One Wharf Rat Around And Around Good Lovin' Encore: Knockin" On Heaven's Door
  • Jake R
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    thanks ADAWGWYO for re-posting my Nov 70 vine. I hope to get some more stuff up here soon.
    Love Me Some 83 Vine
    So here is almost all of the Fall 1983 shows that are not already available for the pickens' here in the lush auditory fields of the Vineyard. I'm a big fan of 1983 and there are some real gems here. This is everything from 9/13 forward excluding 10/18. It's available, I just haven't grabbed it yet. I wanted to get some more music flowing now that the "Vineyard Wormholes" and gremlins have been put in check. A BIG thanks to Mary and all the Dead.net IT folks for all their hard work and Deadication. Thank you!! I think the Dead were on fire for all of this Fall 1983 tour, especially the Mountain shows(9/2-9/11) and the east coast stuff featured here. St Stephen makes it's last 3 appearances during this tour as I am sure most of you know. 10/17 and 10/21 are exceptional shows and the Matrices of these shows are AWESOME!! Enjoy, and remember to be kind to each other. 4 DVD's gd83-09-13.senn441.miller.fix.110772.flac16 gd83-09-18.sbd.dodd.17409.sbeok.shnf gd83-09-24.nak700.guch.poris.russjcan.98308.sbeok.flac16 gd83-09-24.sbd.set1.wiley.9201.sbeok.shnf gd83-10-08.senn441.silberman.miller.97883.sbeok.flac16 gd83-10-09.senn421.daweez.d5scott.111240.sbeok.flac16 gd83-10-11.sbd.bertha.ashley.26459.sbeok.flac16 gd83-10-12.mtx.groves.92461.sbeok.flac16 gd83-10-15.mtx.seamons.99326.sbeok.flac16 gd83-10-17.fob.senn441_u87.eaton.miller.91126.sbeok.flac16 gd83-10-17.mtx.seamons.ht03.92424.flac16 gd83-10-20.ficca.brennan.markezin.19515.sbeok.shnf gd83-10-21.dmtx.seamons.105419.flac16 gd83-10-21.sbd.bertha.ashley.24998.sbeok.shnf gd83-10-22.sbd.drgseeds.17274.sbeok.shnf gd83-10-30.sbd.miller.22800.sbeok.shnf gd83-10-31.sbd.tetzeli.34934.sbeok.shnf (1) JGB filler show taboot, taboot Let It Grow..........
    This is a vine by Jake R. I am copy/pasting it from the jettisoned "new decade, new vines" vine. Please give jake the credit for this vine. November 1970 Vine I've decided to offer up this little 5 DVD vine. However, almost all of these are auds so listener beware. That being said, you will find some true gems in these shows. This was originally going to be a 2 DVD vine with one source/transfer of each show but I have decided to include all known sources/transfers of the auds so you, the listener, can pick which you like. *NOTE: Apparently 11/23 could be 11/16 gd70-11-05.aud.harlan.9356.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-05.aud.sirmick.30115.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-05.aud.warner.17182.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-06.aud.d3new.hanno.19922.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-06.aud.warner.17183.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-06.aud.evans.3338.sbefail.shnf gd70-11-07.aud.warner.10306.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-07.aud.toner.berger.100330.flac16 gd70-11-07.aud.weinberg.moore.berger.98264.flac16 gd70-11-07.aud.weinberg.moore.berger.98263.flac24 gd70-11-08.aud.lee.gd-nrps.26975.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.owens.23474.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.partial.unknown.94500.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-08.aud.warner.17184.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.weinberg.cousinit.18639.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-08.aud.weiner.28609.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-09.aud.hanno.07591.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-10.aud.cotsman.17032.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-10.aud.hanno.8837.sbefail.shnf gd70-11-11.aud.cotsman.17081.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-11.aud.sirmick.31154.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-16.sbd.winters.17361.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-20.aud.cotsman.09001.sbeok.flac16 gd70-11-21.sbd-fragment.hanno.14858.sbeok.lac16 gd70-11-23.sbd.lai.4734.sbeok.shnf gd70-11-29.aud.hanno.07592.sbeok.flac16 1) Long Dead
  • marye
    1978 Patchwork Quilt Vine
    is here
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17 years 9 months
Since things seem to have gone a bit haywire with the old New Vines topic, I'm starting a new one. Here's the basic info on what the deal is with vines, for those just joining us: With collaboration from various kind folks in the Dead.net vining community, our own erickat prepared this handy guide explaining how vining works hereabouts. Many thanks to all involved, and vine on! -- Dead.Net Vines - What It Is & How It Works BACKGROUND: The concept of a "vine" is music sharing through conventional means (e.g. mailing cd's or dvd's) with the sign-up list being on-line. The basic idea is that someone starts (seeds) a vine, made up of one or multiple shows,and sends it via mail to the first person who signs up. That person makes a copy for themselves and sends the ORIGINAL media on to the next person on the list. As more people sign up, it continues to grow and grow - hence the name "vine". MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS: Make sure you can deal with the media format. Many vines are in audio CD format, so the m
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17 years 6 months

I think you may have inadvertently skipped over LZ: More Than Enough Part 3. It's ready to go. Thanks!
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17 years 1 month

Pink Robert was one of the first to archive bootlegs and put them on line. These are some of my favorites. Three of these have been beautifully remastered by Jesse Miller(soniclovenoize) from The Curiously Strong Peppermints. Bob Dylan - Big Pink (Soniclovenoize Basement Tapes) The original Basement Tapes album that do not have the extra overdubs and remixed into true stereo. These are some fun songs to listen to. You can tell Bob was having a good time, he breaks out laughing in a few of the songs. Bob Dylan - Guitar Kissing and the Contemporary Fix Pink Robert describes this: To some the best CD ever! It is one of my favorites. Manchester Free Trade Hall May 17, 1966 Jimi Hendrix - First Rays of the New Rising Sun (Soniclovenoize reconstruction) This is an attempt to recreate what would be Jimi Hendrix’s final album, First Rays of The New Rising Sun. The track sequencing and song selection follows closer to what is believed Hendrix intended, and attempts to be true to his artistic vision in 1970 based on recording histories, interviews and handwritten tracklists. Also, all tracks are taken from alternate sources. The Beatles - Get Back (Soniclovenoize reconstruction) The purpose of this reconstruction of the Get Back album is to attempt to successfully create the album that The Beatles set out to make in 1969, as all four versions of the Get Back / Let It Be albums were flawed in some way. Beach Boys 10-22-66 Early Show from "Sea of Tunes" George Harrison Demos I have collected these from a lot of different sources. I had the same idea as the reconstuctions above: Georges original demos sound better and are more passionate than the final releases. Most of these are from his first album "All Things Must Pass". Most of the acoustic recordings you can hear Phil Spector say "Take one". This will have 7 cdr's for the flacless and one dvd with the flac files for those who would like them. Enjoy!
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17 years 9 months

I'll get this posted as soon as I can; there's a slight software issue at the moment but this too will pass.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

There is a discussion in the Taper's Section from the week of 9/17 re: fall '72 and it got me thinking about Oct/Nov and the less than stellar sound quality of much of what circulates from the period. I found that there are some upgrades to a few of the shows. If anyone has them or can download them and vine 'em, that would be great. Sorry if one or more have already been vined and I overlooked it. And if you know of more upgrades that just aren't on Archive yet, even better. Thanks! 1972-11-13.aud.owsley.gems.105812 1972-11-15.sbd.miller.110631 1972-11-22.sbd.fixed.miller.115765
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15 years 1 month

Apologies if this is the wrong section, but I've noticed a dearth of material from ''92 round here. Would some kind soul like to fill us in??
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16 years 4 months

Yes I have those sources. I have been working on reseeding the Fall/Winter 1972 Vines and noticed some other sources have come up since these were originally vined. Let me get myself together here and figure out what all I still need to send out then I will work on these
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16 years 4 months

I also read somewhere that miller had an upgrade of 11/19. It was posted by him so it must have been on one of the torrent sites but that was a couple years ago (if memory serves right) and there is no upgrade yet (to my knowledge). I have posted my reseed of autumn 72 (Sept) and there are some alternate sources on that and there will be alternate sources for all of the 1972 Vines I reseed. I will post them accordingly. Thanks everyone for your patience and if there is anything anyone is lookinf for please PM me
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16 years 4 months

Blair's recent blog about the Godchauxs final tour got me to relisten to it. There are some duds and some shows only have one source in circulation as of now. But there are a few upgraded sources from the vines that some of these were on and have since long been perished and some decent shows here. Again, offering up some sbd's, aud's and mtx's for those who are interested. gd79-01-05.naks.wiley.17342.sbeok.shnf (Only Source) gd79-01-07.aud.nak300.miller.87739.sbeok.flac16 gd79-01-08.nak300.miller.87657.sbeok.flac16 gd79-01-10.sony-senn.wagner.miller.113114.flac16 gd79-01-11.sbd-fixed.miller.102446.flac1644 gd79-01-11.gatto.kempka.308.sbeok.shnf gd79-01-12.claridge.kempka.309.sbeok.shnf (Only Source) gd79-01-14.nak300.wiley-miller.18460.sbeok.shnf (Only Source) gd79-01-15.sbd.miller.102389.flac16 gd79-01-15.fob-nak300.rolfe-miller.90095.sbeok.flac16 gd79-01-15.111592.mtx.chappell.sb32.flac16 gd79-01-17.sbd.miller.102443.flac16 gd79-01-17.nak301.rolfe.miller.99009.sbeok.flac16 gd79-01-17.mtx.mccabe.91783.sbeok.flac16 gd79-01-18.sbd.miller.Patched.103186.flac16 gd79-01-18.nak300.rolfe.miller.100209.sbeok.flac16 gd79-01-20.nak700.moore.bertha.100025.flac16 gd79-01-21.aud.cole.19083.sbeok.shnf (Only Source) gd79-02-03.s1.sbd.fixed.miller.102876.flac16 gd79-02-03.aud.set1.warner.19414.sbeok.shnf gd79-02-03.set2-nak.clugston.7116.sbeok.shnf gd79-02-04.set1-fob-nak700.miller.32016.sbeok.flacf gd79-02-04.nak700.glyde.18888.sbeok.shnf gd79-02-07.sbd.cotsman.13879.sbeok.shnf (Valium Show) gd79-02-09.aud-nak.glyde.13848.sbeok.shnf (Only Source) gd79-02-10.set2.sbd.miller.97352.sbeok.flac16 gd79-02-10.sonyecm250.walker-scotton.miller.fix.97354.sbeok.flac16 gd79-02-11.naks.vernon.16468.sbeok.shnf (Very Distant; Only Source) gd79-02-17.ptch-sbd.tobin.105606.flac16 gd79-02-17.fob.menke.motb-0110.105240.flac16 gd79-02-17.mtx.tobin.105619.flac16 1. dstache
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17 years 6 months

Here is the final part to my Led Zeppelin series. It contains: 4/27/77 SBD A 5/21/77 SBD A 5/26/77 SBD A 7/17/77 SBD A 7/23/79 AUD A 7/24/79 AUD A 8/4/79 SBD A 8/11/79 SBD A 6/17/80 SBD A 6/18/80 MTX A 6/20/80 SBD A 6/21/80 SBD A 6/23/80 SBD A 6/24/80 SBD A 6/29/80 SBD A 6/30/80 SBD A 7/2/80 SBD A-/A 7/3/80 SBD A- 7/7/80 SBD A Enjoy!
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17 years 6 months

The 4-part Led Zeppelin vine was so well-received that I had to do it for another of our favorite classic rock bands. So here it is, the long-awaited, much-hyped first part of a Pink Floyd vine. This part contains 4 FLAC discs and covers 1969-1972, from the Man of the Journey in '69, through the great Fat Old Suns, Atom Heart Mothers and Echoes of '70 and '71, to the pre-album-release versions of Dark Side of the Moon. The '70 and '71 shows are my favorites (along with '77, which will come later), but let me note how interesting these early versions of DSOTM are. Some songs are played too slow, see Time especially, and were much-improved by the time of the album's release. Others, like On the Run, I think lost something when technology and tape loops replaced musicianship. Come to your own decisions, my friends, and enjoy everything under the sun... Part 1 includes: 5/9/69 AUD A- 8/9/69 SBD A 9/17/69 SBD A 2/28/70 AUD A- 3/20/70 AUD A-/A 4/29/70 (no grade, if I recall this is probably a SBD A) 5/1/70 AUD A- 7/16/70 SBD A+ 9/26/70 AUD A 10/17/70 AUD A- 11/12/70 AUD A 11/21/70 AUD A/A- 2/25/71 AUD A/A- 6/5/71 AUD A- 6/26/71 AUD A- 9/18/71 SBD A- 9/23/71 AUD A-/A 9/30/71 (no grade, probably SBD or AUD A) 10/10/71 AUD A- 10/17/71 AUD A 11/6/71 AUD A 11/20/71 AUD A/A- 2/17/72 AUD B+/A- 2/18/72 AUD B+ 2/19/72 AUD B+/A 2/20/72 AUD A/A- 3/7/72 AUD A/A- 3/13/72 AUD A/A-
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16 years 2 months

Hope everyone is well. Merry Christmas!
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17 years 9 months

great to see you, however briefly!
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16 years 2 months

Jake, Interested in all these. Do I send you my address here or is there some other vine area to sign up?
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17 years 9 months

in the thread for that vine. You sign up after the last person on the list, and they send you a PM to get your address when they're ready to send the vine out. Or you can send them a PM also.
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16 years 4 months

there was confusion over this vine since there are two. A revised vine and the original. The original is locked since the official releases so I added Rich to the revised list
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17 years 9 months

mystery solved. Thanks Jake!!
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16 years 4 months

Since there hasn't been any new Dead vines here as of late, I've decided to offer up some Summer 1984. I have enjoyed listening to these shows and I can hear why some are among the best of 1984. I've also included some bonus discs of various years. Long live the vineyard in the New Year! gd84-06-09.sbd.walker.scotton.miller.106006.flac16 gd84-06-10.sbd.walker.scotton.miller.105976.flac16 gd84-06-12.nakcm304-mikeg-suraci.suraci.78162.flac16 gd84-06-13.sbd.ladner.11263.sbeok.shnf gd84-06-14.sbd.hinko.18804.sbeok.shnf gd84-06-21.nak300.ackerman.andrewf.32640.sbeok.flac16 (I prefer this source) gd84-06-21.sbe.tbrame.15405.sbeok.shnf (FM source; contains DJ banter and sound does fluctuate occasionally) gd84-06-23.senn.miller.14951.sbeok.shnf gd84-06-24.sbd.miller.27449.flac16 gd84-06-26.sbd.fix.miller.87625.sbeok.flac16 gd84-06-27.sbd.pitch-corrected.miller.87658.sbeok.flac16 gd84-06-29.senn.willy.14682.sbeok.shnf gd84-06-29.set2.sbd.miller.32781.sbeok.flac16 gd84-06-30.sbd.miller.120740.flac16 gd84-06-30.senn421.unknown.31225.sbeok.flac16 gd84-07-01.nak100.reutelhuber.25810.sbefail.shnf gd84-07-03.aud.willy.14909.sbeok.shnf gd84-07-04.sbd.miller.93858.sbeok.flac16 gd84-07-06.nak300.carpenter.andrewf.86943.sbeok.flac16 gd84-07-07.sbd.miller.94379.sbeok.flac16 gd84-07-13.sbd.walker.scotton.miller.96153.sbeok.flac16 gd84-07-13.mtx.seamons.105570.flac16 gd84-07-14.sbd.walker.scotton.miller.96120.sbeok.flac16 gd84-07-15.sbd.walker.scotton.miller.96152.sbeok.flac16 gd84-07-21.sbd.walker.scotton.miller.96394.flac16 gd84-07-22.pcm.sbd.miller.30650.sbeok.flac16 1. zepthompson
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16 years 4 months

hope everyone had a safe holiday and looking forward to trading with all of you in the New Year.
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14 years 4 months

and to all the othersthat make this a special place HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!
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17 years 9 months

A package with a wide variety of artists/sounds: First offering from back in 1979, when I taped Roxy Music & Leo Kottke with the NAK 550. Then adding in a couple of soundboards; a Dave Mason show from 1999 and David Bromberg at Merlfest in 2006 to this vine. And finally 3 2012 shows taped by a friend including my new fav band Wilco (Can anyone help me find Wilco in KC on 12/3/11, or the Wilco Red Rocks 2012 shows? My wife might be impressed with me if you can!) and add a Mickey Hart Band show, as well as an Allman Brothers Band show (with Warren & Derek!!) to round this vine out. As always, these bands are trade friendly, so please patronize their shows and buy their stuff. Crazy Quilt # 2 contains10 CDs & inserts. ROXY MUSIC 4/15/79 Music Box, Omaha, NE. 1. Manifesto 2. Trash 3. Angel Eyes 4. Out of the Blue 5. Song For Europe 6. Still Falls the Rain 7. Mother of Pearl 8. Ain’t that So 9. Stronger through the years 10. LadyTron 11. In Every Dream home is a Heartache 12. Love is a Drug 13. Editions of You 14. Do the Strand 15. Remake/Remodel Source: AUDMasterCassette (Nak 550) > CD LEO KOTTKE 11/4/79 O’Donnell Auditorium Lincoln, NE 1.Tuning > America the beautiful (plugging in mics & setting up) 2. -Instrumental (tape glitch) 3. Stealing 4. Louise 5. Standing on the Outside Loving You 6. -Instrumental 7. Petite Mal 8. Pamela Brown 9. -Instrumental 10. -Instrumental 11. * Change from the overhead monitors to stage monitors. 12. -Instrumental 13. -Instrumental 14. -Instrumental 15. -Instrumental 16. Tiny Island 17. -Instrumental > Eight Miles High 18. -Instrumental 19. Encore: Jesu Joy of Man’s Desiring (J. Bach) Source: AUDMasterCassette (Nak 550) > CD (3rd row-handheld mic’s) Dave Mason 8/8/99 Montomery’s, Roslyn NY 1. World in Changes 2. Every Woman 3. 40,00 Headman 4. Losing Game 5. Sad & Deep as You 6. All You Need is Love 7. Only You Know & I know 8. Can’t Stop Lovin’ 9. Shouldn’t have took more than You gave > Dear Prudence > Shouldn’t have took more than You gave 10. Dear Mr. Fantasy 11. Let it Flow 12. All along the Watchtower 13. Feelin’ Alright 14. We Just Disagree // Source: SBD:MCASS>CASS>DAT>CDR David Bromberg Quartet 4/29/06 MerleFest Wilkesboro, NC (Guest incl. Tony Rice, Gillian Welch, etc) 1. Don’t Let Your Deal Go Down 2. I’ll Take You Back 3. Tongue (shuffle in A) 4. Last Song for Shelby Jean 5. Dark Hollow 6.Last Date 7. Drown in My Own Tears 8. Testify 9. New Lee Highway Blues Source: SBD > ? > CD WILCO Saturday in the Park 7/7/12 Grandview Park, Sioux City, IA DISC 1 1. Dawned On Me Me 2. War on War 3. I Am Trying to Break Your Heart 4. I Might 5. Side with the Seeds 6. Box Full of Letters 7. Handshake Drugs 8. Impossible Germany 9. Born Alone 10. Laminated Cat (aka Not For the Season) 11. Airline to Heaven 12. Candyfloss 13. Jesus, Etc DISC 2 1. Hate it Here 2. Whole Love 3. I’m Always in Love 4. Heavy Metal Drummer 5. I'm the Man Who Loves You E: 6. Art of Almost 7. Standing O 8. California Stars 9. The Late Greats 10. Walken 11. Casino Queen>Outtasite (Outta Mind) Source: Church Audio CA-11 DFC/FOB @ SBD 8' >>Naiant Littlebox>> Sony PCM-M10 @ 48/24 >CD MICKEY HART BAND 8-27-12 The Waiting Room, Omaha, Nebraska Disc I Set 1: 1. Jungle > 2. Let There Be Light 3. Bertha 4. This One Hour 5. West L.A. Fadeaway 6. Starlight 7. China Cat Sunflower > 8. I Know You Rider DISC II Set 2: 1. Introduction 2. Not Fade Away 3. Time Never Ends 4. Heartbeat > Marching To Mars (Wonderous Chord) 5. Rainforest > 6. Super Sonic > 7. Rainforest 8. Train > 9. Fire On The Mountain Band Introductions 10. Papa Was A Rolling Stone Source: Church Audio CA-11 DFC/FOB @ SBD 8' >>Naiant Littlebox>> Sony PCM-M10 @ 48/24>CD ALLMAN BROTHERS BAND 8-31-2012, Haymarket Park, Lincoln, NE. DISC I 1. Statesboro Blues 2. Don't Keep Me Wonderin' 3. Midnight Rider 4. Worried Down With The Blues 5. No One To Run With 6. Soulshine 7. In Memory of Elizabeth Reed DISC II 1. Blue Sky 2. One Way Out Encore : 3. Whipping Post * *with a Beatles’ Norwegian Wood ‘tease’ Source: Church Audio CA-11 Right of SBD 8' >>Naiant Littlebox>> Sony PCM-M10 @ 48/24
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Member for

17 years 6 months

Can anyone share the following? 1973-10-23.sbd.miller.92792 1973-11.23.sbd.miller.112801 1973-12.04.sbd.miller.86845 1973-12-06.sbd.miller.105560 1973-12-08.sbd.miller.105607 1973-12-12.sbd.miller.105561 1973-12-18.sbd.miller.113498 Outtakes from 11/30 and 12/2 (the Dick's Pick contains 2 partial shows) would be much appreciated too, though I don't know if they are in circulation. Thanks so much!! UPDATE: Jake has them and is sending them to me. I'd love to pass them on to someone else. Contact me if you are interested.
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17 years 6 months

Here's a nice mix of shows from '72 - '77. Early Dark Sides, mature Dark Sides, early WYWH/Animals, and mature WYWH/Animals. Enjoy! 4/28/72 AUD A- 5/18/72 AUD A- 6/28/72 AUD A- 9/22/72 AUD A 12/5/72 AUD A 3/10/73 AUD A- 3/11/73 AUD A/A- 3/14/73 AUD A/A- 3/17/73 AUD A- 5/18/73 AUD A- 5/19/73 AUD A- 6/28/73 AUD A- 10/12/73 AUD A- 11/15/74 AUD A-/A 11/17/74 AUD A- 4/13/75 AUD A- 4/26/75 AUD A 6/16/75 AUD A/A- 6/17/75 AUD A 6/18/75 AUD A+ 6/28/75 AUD A+ 2/25/77 AUD A 2/27/77 AUD A
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16 years 2 months

Does anyone out there have any interest in re-seeding these two vines? They both have been out there for a while and I know a few Parts of the 1973 vine went missing. I would enjoy these vines immensly. My collection of '73, '74 and '77 are minimal and I love me some mid-70's Dead. Thanks in advance for any advice. Cheers, Rich
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Member for

16 years 10 months

Is the led zep '77 vine still in the works? I have some Yes "topographic oceans" live stuff somewhere from '74 I can try to vine.
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Member for

17 years 6 months

If you are talking about vining those 2 recently surfaced SBDs, yes, I am going to do that, but probably not for a little while. I want to complete the PF vines first. Definitely by later this year, if you can hold off that long. I probably already have the Yes Tales stuff, but if they are recent upgrades or something I would definitely sign up for it. I have about 40 Yes shows so if you need something let me know
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16 years 10 months

Yep. That's what I was talking about. I'll wait for the '77 shows but I am not sure my zeppelin attention span will last more than another month :-)
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16 years 10 months

If I re-seeded some of GD '77 stuff , would you send me those two new LZ '77 soundboards on the side?
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16 years 10 months

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14 years 8 months

Greetings Gang!It's been a while since I checked in. I have a vine that I've been meaning start for about a year now. With a lot of cool bonus stuff I've been wanting to share. It's finally ready to move: %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% GD Fall '94 Vine, Pt.1 4 DVD's - Flac/Shn disc 01: gd94-09-29.sbd.larson.12100.sbeok.shnf gd94-10-01.dsbd.miller.31992.sbeok.shnf gd94-10-01.sbd.ashley-bertha.14869.sbeok.shnf gd94-10-02.pmb.pujol.15111.sbeok.shnf disc 02: gd94-10-03.pmb.pujol.15112.sbeok.shnf gd94-10-05.sbd.unknown.8030.sbeok.shnf gd94-10-06.akg.mcminn.95371.flac16 gd94-10-07.79019.aud.bleich.sirmick.flac16 disc 03: gd94-10-09.sbd.miller.34562.sbeok.flac16 gd94-10-10.sbd.miller.34563.sbeok.flac16 gd94-10-14.mtx.seamons.119611.flac16 gd94-10-14.sbd.miller.79167.flac16 disc 04: gd94-10-15.sbd.hinko.76894.sbeok.shnf gd94-10-17.sbd.carr.14615.sbeok.shnf gd94-10-18.sbd.miller.119523.flac16 gd94-10-19.akg460.flaschner.sobel.85410.flac16 +5 Bonus DVD's - Flac/Shn - Cool Stuff! Something for Everyone! %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Four of these shows were included on the Northern New England Wish Vine started by erickat. The vine has long since been dead. I contacted Eric and asked him if he would mind if I included these shows on the Fall '94 Vine, and he said he didn't mind. Thanks to Jake for his contributions to this vine! I'm sending the seeds to John Parker tomorrow, and I've requested that he sends them to JakeR when he's finished. The vine sign-up will pick up from there. Thanks all ENKOY! 01. JohnRParker5 02. JakeR
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17 years 9 months

is Dropbox, but I'm not sure what their current file limit is for free accounts. I wound up upgrading recently so I had a place to send my phone photos, as the phone doesn't have much storage. I'll probably wind up putting my itunes library there so I can access it from wherever as well, but I'm not what you'd call an early adopter of this stuff so I'm pretty behind the curve of all the possibilities.
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17 years 8 months

Hi--wondering if anyone can help me out ; looking for a miller sbd of either or both 1972.11.13 and 14. Thanks in advance!
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17 years 9 months

At last, here is the new Vindex..after an 18 month gap. Sorry it took so long, you know how it is. Once you get so far behind it gets harder and harder to catch up. But after a friendly enquiry from Jake R a while back, I finally got round to it. The link below leads to a Google Document, that you can download in Excel or other formats Have fun CB https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgVkK7JqDAwUdExjSEtVTWNyRU…
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17 years 6 months

Here is the final part to my Pink Floyd series. 4 discs of shows from 77, 80 and 81. I had some problems with my discs containing 4 more shows that I wanted to add, so maybe Stuman, who is thinking of doing an additional PF vine, may be able to help us out. This vine contains: 1/23/77 1/27/77 1/29/77 2/1/77 2/4/77 2/22/77 3/18/77 5/6/77 5/9/77 6/25/77 6/27/77 7/2/77 7/6/77 2/13/80 2/28/80 8/6/80 2/18/81 2/19/81 2/20/81 6/16/81 6/17/81 All of these shows are A- or better AUDs. 6/16/81 is missing 3 tracks, all officially released on the live Wall album. If you have that album, just substitute those tracks for the missing tracks (they fit perfectly as I recall). Everyone might know this already, but Roger Waters usually yelled out a number during Pigs (3 Different Ones). The generally accepted opinion was that the number indicated the number of the show (the 1st show of the tour would get a "1", the second show of the tour a "2", etc). Enjoy!